University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan
67-12,290 LIE, Kai Olaf, 1934- AN ANALYSIS OF THE CHANGING ROLE OF NORWAY IN THE STRUGGLE FOR POWER AND PEACE IN THE NORTH SINCE THE SECOND WORLD WAR. The American University, Ph.D., 1967 Political Science, international law anti relations University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan Copyright hy Kai Olaf Lie 1967 AN ANALYSIS OF THE CHANGING ROLE OF NORWAY IN THE STRUGGLE FOR POWER AND PEACE IN THE NORTH SINCE THE SECOND WORLD WAR by Kai Olaf Lie Submitted to the Faculty of the School of International Service of The American University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Signatures ofCommLttoe: Chairman: D ate: Dqfin of the School >ate: 'I; June, 1967 AMERICAN Ui'xi'/Erdrjp The American U n iv ersity Washington, D. C* 1 ? 196? PREFACE This dissertation was written in the United States and Norway during the period 1962-1966 and is based mainly on Norwegian source material. I should like to record my indebtedness and grati tude to Dean Charles 0. Lerche, who inspired, guided, and encouraged me in my endeavor u n til h is sudden death in 1966. Professor Abdul A. Said deserves not only my grati tude because he inspired me to enroll at The American University, in the first^place, but because it was upon him that the burden fell of talcing over the chairmanship of the dissertation committee. I am most grateful for the aid and advice extended from the other members of the committee; Professor Nary E. Bradshaw, P ro fe sso r Oliver Peterson, and P ro fessor Lawrence W.
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