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University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan 67-12,290 LIE, Kai Olaf, 1934- AN ANALYSIS OF THE CHANGING ROLE OF NORWAY IN THE STRUGGLE FOR POWER AND PEACE IN THE NORTH SINCE THE SECOND WORLD WAR. The American University, Ph.D., 1967 Political Science, international law anti relations University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan Copyright hy Kai Olaf Lie 1967 AN ANALYSIS OF THE CHANGING ROLE OF NORWAY IN THE STRUGGLE FOR POWER AND PEACE IN THE NORTH SINCE THE SECOND WORLD WAR by Kai Olaf Lie Submitted to the Faculty of the School of International Service of The American University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Signatures ofCommLttoe: Chairman: D ate: Dqfin of the School >ate: 'I; June, 1967 AMERICAN Ui'xi'/Erdrjp The American U n iv ersity Washington, D. C* 1 ? 196? PREFACE This dissertation was written in the United States and Norway during the period 1962-1966 and is based mainly on Norwegian source material. I should like to record my indebtedness and grati­ tude to Dean Charles 0. Lerche, who inspired, guided, and encouraged me in my endeavor u n til h is sudden death in 1966. Professor Abdul A. Said deserves not only my grati­ tude because he inspired me to enroll at The American University, in the first^place, but because it was upon him that the burden fell of talcing over the chairmanship of the dissertation committee. I am most grateful for the aid and advice extended from the other members of the committee; Professor Nary E. Bradshaw, P ro fe sso r Oliver Peterson, and P ro fessor Lawrence W. Wadsworth. The expert advice of Mr. Ketil B6rde of the Norwegian Embassy in g o in g through the fin a l d r a ft o f the d issertation has been most valuable. Mrs. Virginia E. MacHale has been of great help in editing, typing, and proofreading the dissertation. Miss Inger Anchersen, Miss Olaug Bjerland, Miss Karin Johnsen, and Miss Trine Walther also deserve my thanks for the typing of the draft. r I 4 i l l Lastly, but not the least, I would like to express my appreciation to my wife, Suzanne Lie, whose interest, patience and, perhaps above all, impatience made the comple­ tion of the dissertation possible. table of contents CHAPTER PAGE I. INTRODUCTION ..... ......................................................... 1 The Major Problems Defined . .............................. 1 Major Assumptions of the S tu d y ................... 5 Limitations of the Study ......................................... 6 Importance and Value o f the Study ...... 8 Methods ....... ........................................... ... 8 Primary Sources ............................................... 9 Organization of the Study.................................... 11 I I . THE BACKGROUND TO THE REORIENTATION OF NORWAY’S ROLE IN THE POSTWAR WORLD................................... 16 Introduction ................................................................... 16 Towards Independence ......................................................... 19 The Problem of N e u t r a l i t y ............................... 20 The Formulation of a New Foreign Policy . 24 The Period of "Bridgebuilding" .............................. 32 Conclusion ..... ....... 41 I I I . THE SCANDINAVIAN DEFENSE NEGOTIATIONS .................... 55 Introduction .......................... 55 The Departure from the Bridgebuilding Role , 58 The Swedish I n i t i a t i v e ........... 61 The Scandinavian Defense Committee .................... 64 The Scandinavian Meetings at Karlstad, Copenhagen and Oslo in January 1949 .... 71 V CHAPTER PAGE C o n c l u s i o n .................................................................................... 80 IV. NORWAY'S ADHERENCE TO THE NORTH ATLANTIC PACT . 93 Introduction ............................................* ............................. 93 The Approach to Washington and London February 5-14, 1949 .......................................................... 97 The Question o f Timing .................................... 101 The Role of the N ational Labor Party Congress February 17-20, 1949 ................................ 104 Norway Joins NATO..........................................................................114 Conclusion ..........................................................................117 V. A CRITICAL REVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF THE REASONS FOR THE FAILURE OF CLOSER SCANDINAVIAN INTEGRATION IN 1949 ............................................................... 126 Introduction ............................................................................... 126 Soviet Reactions to the Idea of a Scandina­ vian Defense P act .....................................................................130 American Policy toward the Scandinavian Defense Pact E ffo rts ...........................................................140 The Nori^egian Reaction to the I n i t i a l _ Proposals for Closer Cooperation in the W e s t ............................... 148 The Impression of Imminent Danger to Norway ...... .......................................................... 151 v i CHAPTER PAGE The Norwegian Rejection of the Swedish O f f e r .....................................................................................................158 A Question of American Military Supplies or of Norwegian Policy .......................................................... 163 Conclusion .................................... 171 VI. AFTER NATO; NORWEGIAN BASE AND ATOMIC POLICY .....................................................................................................169 Introduction ................................................................... 189 Norwegian Base Policy ......................... 190 The Bulganin-Gerhardsen Exchange of Letters in 1957 ......................................................... 199 S oviet Air Space and Norwegian T erritory . 207 The Rejection in 1961 of Atomic Weapons on Norwegian Territory .......................................................... 214 The Norwegian R eaction to the Kekkonen Plan . 219 The Special Problem of Spitsbergen ....................... 222 C o n c l u s i o n ...........................................................................................236 VII. NORDIC BALANCE.....................................................................................255 Introduction ............................................................................... 255 The Paasilcivi Line of Finnish Foreign I P o l i c y ................................................................................................256 The Fenno-Soviet Friendship Pact o f1948 . 259 Soviet-Finnish Relations After the 1948 P a c t .....................................................................................................261 vii CHAPTER PAGE Kekkonen's Foreign Policy .......... 264 The 1961 C r i s i s ............................................................................266 The Kekkonen P l a n ......................................................................271 The Baltic: Mare Clausum or Mare Liberum? . 2 79 C o n c l u s i o n ...............................................................................................286 V III. CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................... 306 BIBLIOGRAPHY - . , . 316 APPENDIXES..............................................................................................................361 I. Declaration by the Soviet Embassy, Oslo, of January 29, 1949 ....................................................................... 362 II. The Norwegian Reply of February 1, 1949, to the Soviet Declaration of January 29 .... 364 III. Note to the Norwegian Government from the Soviet Ambassador of February 5, 1949, Con­ stituting the Soviet Answer to the Norwegian N ote of February 1, 1949 ........................................................ 366 IV. The Norwegian Government's Reply of March 5, 1949, to the Soviet Note of February 5, 1949 . 368 V. The Svalbard Treaty Signed February 9, 1920 . 371 VI. Agreement of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Republic of Finland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Signed on April 6, 1948 ........................................................ 380 v i i i APPENDIXES PAGE VII. Statement by the President of the Republic of Finland Urho Kekkonen at the Meeting of the P a a sik iv i S o c iety on May 28, 1963 384 " CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION I . THE MAJOR PROBLEMS DEFINED The decisive battles in the struggle for mastery in Europe in the last centuries have usually taken place in C en tral and Eastern Europe. With the growth o f the United States as a world power and the development of technology, especially air and submarine warfare, new strategic factors have been brought to bear upon the fate of Europe. The supply lines across the Atlantic and the control of them have made previously outlying regions of Europe important strategically. This has been especially true of the Nor­ wegian coast and adjoining regions. Thus, after the Second World War, it was clear that fundamental changes had taken place in the strategic impor­ tance o f Norway and of Northwestern Europe gen erally. A r e l a t i v e l y o u tly in g corner of Europe before th e turn of the century, Norway became, especially since 1940, a region that attracted great attention in the political and mili­ tary planning of the powers. The development of transpolar flights and missiles after the war added to the strategic importance of the
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