Shanxi Tour Brochure

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Shanxi Tour Brochure ORGANIZED BY 舉辦單位: Organized by: Chinese Cultural Studies Center Cut off by mountains, rivers and deserts, the province of Shanxi has served as a time capsule, containing around 70 percent of China’s structures older than the 14th century. The traditional examples of architecture offered by the province are varied: temples and mon- asteries ranging from the Tang to the Qing dynasty in the sacred Buddhist site of Wutai Shan, and the preserved Ming and Qing style residences of Pingyao, just to name some of the architectural gems of the province. Going to Shanxi is an absolutely integral part in any serious study of Chinese architecture, and for anyone who is inter- ested in exploring the unparalleled marvels of aesthetics and engi- neering of traditional Chinese architecture. This special tour orga- nized by Chinese Cultural Studies Center will be a walk back into the past, a glimpse of what once made China such an enchanting bastion of culture and art, and still a place of rich historical offer- ings. 俗言有云「五千年中國看山西」,被山、河和沙漠分隔的山西 省尤如一個時間錦囊,境內擁有百分之七十中國十四世紀之前 的古建築。無論是由唐至清朝的佛教名山 – 五台山或是保存完 整的明清古代縣城 – 平遙古城,對有志研究任何中國古建築, 或有意探索和欣賞的人來說,山西絕對是必到之處。由承真樓 主辦的山西之旅將會帶你回到過去,細味建築背後巧奪天工的 手藝,漫遊這個擁有「中國古代文化博物館」美稱的歷史文化 名城。 Datong 大同 Wutaishan Beijing 五台山 北京 Inner Mongolia 內蒙 Shanxi Taiyuan 山西 太原 Shaanxi Henan 河南 陝西 Shanghai 上海 Pingyao 平遥 Hong Kong 香港 As we want to provide more learning opportunities and ancient Chinese architectural knowledge for our participant, we offer two workshops leading up to the tour. 為了提供更多學習機會和中國古建築知識 予參加者,承真樓會於旅程前為大家舉辦 兩個工作坊。 WOrkshop 1: overview of ancient chinese architecture 2 hrs ( 20/4/2018CCSC ( ) @ 1: 19:00 工作坊 中國古建築通論 (兩小時) • The structure of ancient Chinese architecture • The relationship between rites and ancient architecture • 古建築結構 • 中國古建築與禮制的關係 CCSC WOrkshop 2: introduction to shanxi ancient architecture (2 hrs) 27/4/2018@ 19:00 工作坊 2: 山西古建築簡介 (兩小時) • The structure of ancient Chinese architecture • The relationship between rites and ancient architecture • 古建築結構 • 中國古建築與禮制的關係 Time duration indicated between two marks “> >” refer to travel time between destinations. 在 “> >” 符號間的時間是代表來 往景點間的所需時間。 Construction of the Qiao Family Compound began in 1756. The estate covers more than 9000 square meters, and has 313 rooms. It is considered one of the finest remaining examples of a wealthy private residence in northern China. 喬家大院建於清朝1756年,院內佔地超過9000平方米,內 Fly from Shenzhen to Taiyuan 有313間房屋,是清代中國北方富賈民宅的建築經典。 DAY 1 由深圳 飛往太原 第一日 ZH 9193 15:20 - 18:15 Approximate flight time: 3 hrs SHENZHEN > TAIYUAN 預計飛行時間: 三小時 深圳 > 太原 DAY 2 Taiyuan > 1 hr > QIAO FAMILY COMPOUND > 1 hr > Pingyao > Zhenguo Temple’s Wanfo Hall was built in 963, and is the ZHENGUO TEMPLE > only surviving bulding that dates from the short-lived 第二日 SHUANGLIN TEMPLE Northern Han dynasty. The hall is small in size, but its roof brackets are one of the most complex and large types according to the standards of ancient architecture. TAIYUAN > PINGYAO 太原>1小時>喬家大院>1小 鎮國寺始建於五代北漢時期,原名京城寺,明朝嘉靖年間 > 時>平遙>鎮國寺>雙林寺 改名為鎮國寺。鎮國寺的建築,以萬佛殿為最早,雖經曆 太原 平遙 代多次重修,但仍保持了五代時的風貌,是我國佛教寺院 中現存的三處五代建築之一,其中的彩塑,更是全國寺廟 殿宇中保存至今的唯一五代作品。 Pingyao > 1 hr > WANG FAMILY DAY 3 COMPOUND > 1 hr > PINGYAO ANCIENT CITY (self-tour time) > PINGYAO 第三日 ANCIENT CITY WALL PINGYAO 平遙 >1小時 > 王家大院 > 1小時 > 平遙古城(自由活動) > 平遙古城牆 平遙 Wang Family Compound is one of the largest luxurious residential complexes in the architectural style of the Qing A UNESCO World Heritage site, dynasty. The colossal compound is known as the Forbidden Pingyao Ancient City is known for City of Shanxi, with more than 1,118 rooms. its beautiful traditional architec- 王家大院是中國最大的清代民居建築之一,而擁有超過 ture. It was the financial center of 1118間房屋的建築規模亦讓其素有山西的紫禁城之稱。 China in the 19th and 20th centuries, and is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city in the Ming and Qing dynasties. 平遙古城是聯合國教科文組織評 定的世界遺產。平遙曾是清代晚 期的中國金融中心,亦是中國漢 民族城市在明清時期的傑出範例 。 Pingyao > 3 hrs > NANCHAN DAY 4 TEMPLE > 1 hr > FOGUANG Foguang Temple is one of the earliest preserved timber TEMPLE > 1 hr > Wutaishan 第四日 structures in China. The Great East Hall was built during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Foguang temple is one of the 平遙>3小時>南禪寺>1小時> finest examples of the sophisticated architectural wood- work of the Tang dynasty. PINGYAO > WUTAISHAN 佛光寺>1小時>五台山 佛光寺是中國最早期的木結構建築之一,其中正殿東大殿 平遙 > 五台山 建於唐朝(618至907年)。佛光寺充份體現了保存完好和精 湛工藝的唐代木結構建築。 PUSA DING> TAYUAN TEMPLE> DAY 5 XiANTONG TEMPLE > NANSHAN TEMPLE> WANFO TEMPLE > JINGE 第五日 TEMPLE > LONGQUAN TEMPLE WUTAISHAN 五台山 菩薩頂 > 塔院寺 > 顯通寺 > 南山 寺 > 萬佛閣 > 金閣寺 > 龍泉寺 The Hanging Temple is known for its location on a sheer precipice, built into a cliff 75 m above ground. According to Wutaishan is a Buddhist tradition, the construction started in the Northern Wei sacred site, and one of the dynasty, with repairs and extensions over the next 1400 Four Sacred Mountains in years. It is also notable for combining the three Chinese Chinese Buddhism. A traditional religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. UNESCO World Heritage Site, 懸空寺建於半山腰的內凹處,離地約75米。有傳該寺建於 it is home to more than 53 北魏年間,隨後1400年間不繼復修與擴建。另外懸空寺更 monasteries. 是儒釋道三教合一的寺廟。 五台山是中國四大佛教名山 之一,亦是聯合國教科文組 織評定的世界遺產。五台山 寺院林立,超過53名僧侶居 住在內。 DAY 6 Wutaishan > 2.5 hrs > HANGING TEMPLE > 1 hr > YINGXIAN PAGODA 第六日 > 1.5 hr > Datong 五台山 >2.5小時>懸空寺>1小 WUTAISHAN > YINGXIAN 時>應縣木塔 >1.5小時>大同 The majestic Yingxian Pagoda, also known as the Sakyamuni > DATONG Pagoda of Fogong Temple, was built in 1056 in the Liao dynasty. It is the oldest existent wooden pagoda still 五台山 > 應縣 > 大同 standing in China. 應縣木塔,又稱佛宮寺釋迦塔建於遼代清寧二年(1056年) ,被認定為中國現存最古老、最高的木塔。 YUNGANG GROTTOES > 2 hrs > DAY 7 SANSHI’ER GREAT WALL > 2 hrs > Datong 第七日 雲岡石窟 > 2 小時 >三十二 YUNGANG GROTTOES > 長城 > 2 小時 >大同 YouYU COUNTy > 雲岡石窟 > 右玉縣 One of the three most famous ancient Buddhist sculptural sites of China, the Yungang Grottoes are excellent exam- ples of rock-cut architecture. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Grottoes were created beginning in the Northern NINE-DRAGON SCREEN > HUAYAN Wei dynasty. DAY 8 TEMPLE > SHANHUA TEMPLE > 始建於北魏的雲岡石窟以精湛的開鑿藝術被譽為中國三大 4 hrs > Taiyuan 石窟之一,亦被聯合國教科文組織評為世界文化遺產。 第八日 九龍壁> 華嚴寺 > 善化寺 > 4 小 DATONG > TAIYUAN 時 >太原 大同 > 太原 Fly from Taiyuan to Shenzhen DAY 9 由太原飛往深圳 ZH 9132 12: 45 - 15: 35 第九日 Sanshi’er is a lesser known but scenic part of the Great Wall. Built in the Ming dynasty, it is part of the “Outer Great Approximate flight time: 3 hours Wall,” which extends along the Inner Mongolia border with TAIYUAN > SHENZHEN 預計飛行時間: 三小時 Shanxi into Hebei province. > 三十二長城位於山西右玉縣楊千河鄉。 右玉長城為明外 太原 深圳 長城,全長168里。 三十二是指明長城進入右玉後的第三 十二峰台,這段長城因在雄騰山嶺之上,故山路崎嶇。 ACCOMMODATIONS 住宿 4-5 star hotel accommodations will be 旅程中會安排參加者入住四至五星級酒 carefully selected at each location where 店,以確保參加者能有一個舒適的空間 possible, to ensure that participants will be 休息作每天的總結。 able to unwind and rest comfortably at the end of each day. 膳食 是次山西之旅會讓參加者能夠有機會品 FOOD 嚐到豐富且具特色的晉菜,即山西菜系 This tour will provide ample opportunities 。晉菜以面食、大餅和深受北方少數民 for participants to experience native Shanxi 族和西北遊牧民族烹飪影響為特色。菜 cuisine. Shanxi cuisine, or Jin cuisine, is 點分為北、南、中三派,北路以大同、 known for its noodles and fried flatbread, 五台山為代表;南路以臨汾和運城為主 and the culinary influences of Northwest ,而中路菜以太原為首。 Asian nomadic nations and minorities. Shanxi cuisine comprises of three styles: Northern Shanxi style (represented by Datong and Mount Wutai), Southern Shanxi style (represented by Linfen and Grand Canal regions), and Central Shanxi style (represented by Taiyuan). HKD $28,000 per person /每人 The tour fee covers the following: 旅費已包括以下項目: • Return flight tickets (economy class) • 來回深圳 – 太原機票 (經濟客位) from Shenzhen to Taiyuan • 八晚的酒店住宿 • Hotel accommodations for 8 nights • 所有膳食 • All meals • 所有山西當地交通費用 • All local transportation • 專業導遊服務 • Professional tour guide services Payment 付款 • Bookings are not confirmed until payment is received. • 參加者需要在成功付款後才能確認報名成功 • A deposit of $5000 is requested to hold a booking. • 參加者需要另外繳付$5000作訂金之用 • If confirmed bookings are cancelled the following fees apply: • 報名成功後,參加者若要取消訂位,承真樓則按下列情況收費 • More than 14-days in advance: 10% of original payment • 15天以上通知 : 收取團費的百分之十 • 7-14 days in advance: 20% of original payment • 7至14天內通知: 收取團費的百分之二十 • 3-7 days in advance: 50% of original payment • 3至7日內通知: 收取團費的百分之五十 • Within 72 hours of commencement: Refunds will not be • 72小時內通知: 不接受退款。 (時間計算方式以出發當天早上八時 available. The hour of commencement will be considered 正為准) 8am the day of departure. • 如旅行團被逼取消,承真樓會把全數團費退回給參加者 • If the tour should be forced to be cancelled, CCSC tour payments will be fully refunded To make a booking, please fill out the Tour Booking Form. 請填寫以下旅遊團報名表格. Tour Booking Form 旅遊團報名表格 Name (Last, First) 姓名: ____________________________________ Date of Birth 出生日期 (D/M/Y): ___________________ (as shown on traveling document 須與旅遊證件相同) Gender 性別:: _____________ Traveling document number 旅遊證件號碼: _________________________________________ (passport or Hong Kong-Mainland Entry Card 護照 或 回鄉證) Other people under booking 其他旅客資料: Additional person 1 成員1 Additional person 2 成員2 1. Name 姓名 2. Date of Birth 出生日期 3. Gender 性別 4. Traveling document no. 旅遊證件號碼 5. Email 電郵地址 Room arrangements (if traveling with other people under same booking) 房間安排 (如有其他同行旅客): ロ we want to share the same room (twin beds) 安排在同一間房 (雙床雙人房) ロ we want to share the same room (king bed) 安排在同一間房 (豪華雙人床房) ロ we want separate rooms 安排在不同房間 Tour Booking Form (continued) 旅遊團報名表格(續) Contact information 聯絡資料: Email address 電郵地址:________________________________________________________________________________ Phone number (inc. area code) 手提電話號碼 (包括國際電話區碼): ________________________________ Address
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