Marinella Lizza with Dante Alighieri and his Divine Comedy
[email protected] Meet Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri (Florence, 1265 – Ravenna, 1321), was an Italian poet, writer and politician. His Divine Comedy is considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. The Divine Comedy In 100 cantos, Dante describes his journey through Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise. It ends with the vision of God. Dante also describes many places in Florence. Dante and his poem, fresco by Domenico di Michelino, s. Maria del Fiore Cathedral, Florence (1465) How was Florence? In 1250, before Dante's birth, Florence was divided into six areas called sestieri. Every area got its “Capitano del Popolo” (People's Captain). 1 - S. Piero a Scheraggio 2 - Borgo 3 - S. Brancazio 4 - Duomo 5 - S. Piero 6 - Oltrarno Florence before Dante Paradiso, XVI, 46-48 “Tutti color ch'a quel tempo eran ivi [...] erano il quinto di quei ch'or son vivi” “All those who at that time were there between [...] Were a fifth part of those who now are living” In the central cantos of his Paradise, Dante meets one of his ancestors, Cacciaguida (1091-1148). Cacciaguida describes Florence's population as it was at his times; the inhabitants were a fifth part of those who were living in Florence in Dante's time. Florins and lily Inferno, XXX, 89 “m'indussero a batter li fiorini” “They did induce me into coining florins” Florin was the official coin of Florence. It was created in 1252. Its name derives from the latin “flos,” “lily” (the lily is Florence's symbol).