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Vol. 124 No. 34 September 27, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief

Oil & Gas accepts refugees The Norwegian coal mining company Store Norske reports Norway will that it has found shale gas on the take in 1,000 Arctic island Svalbard. It is now considering whether or not to Syrian refugees start developing the find. The find was made on Store Norske’s own as immigration property, the newspaper Nordlys reports. “Our exploration drilling debates continue was not for shale gas, but now that the find has been made, it Staff Compilation should be determined whether Norwegian American Weekly or not it is a possible new source for energy,” said Ragnhild Rønneberg, manager of UNIS CO2 lab A/S. “The Government decided (Norway Post) today to accept 1,000 Syrian refu- gees for resettlement to Norway. Economy The war in Syria has led to an acute The import to Norway of refugee situation. Syria’s neighbor- agricultural products in the first ing countries have taken in close to half of this year, increased by six two million refugees. The capac- per cent compared to the same ity of these countries is at break- period last year, and reached ing point and the UNHCR has ap- a value of NOK 21.8 billion, pealed to other countries to help,” Nationen reports. Basic food said Minister of Foreign Affairs products like fruit and vegetables, Photos: Wikimedia Commons dairy products and meat made See > refugees, page 6 Left: speaks at a campaign event in 2009. Right: A Syrian family arrives at the Lebanon-Syria border as they flee the war. up more than 69 percent of the value of all agricultural imports in the period. The import of meat increased the most, with 9 Høstfest is here! U.S. debut for Patina percent. Most of the import of agricultural products com from On Oct. 1, the world’s largest celebration of Patina Dance Troupe EU-nations Sweden, , and the Netherlands. Norwegian-American culture will begin! of , Norway The export of agricultural visits U.S. produce from Norway in the period increased by 11 percent. Special Release (NRK) Leiv Eriksson International Festival

In the antique trade, patina re- What’s inside? fers to the extraordinary glow that News 2 – 3 only comes with age, a trait Patina mothers, grandmothers and great- Business 4 Research & Education 5 See > debut, page 12 Photo courtesy of NRK Trondelag Opinion 6 – 7 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Team Sky places 3rd Roots and Connections 10 Obituaries & Religion 11 Norwegian biker Arts & Style 12 Hagen helps lead In Your Neighborhood 13 team to success Norwegian Heritage 14 Graphic: Norsk Høstfest Sports 15 Special Release Norway Post Norsk Høstfest $1 = NOK 5.9065 Norwegian biker Edvald updated 9/23/2013 Norsk Høstfest is a nonprofit ing its 36th year, the festival has Boasson Hagen was part of UCI In comparison Scandinavian festival held annu- become North America’s largest ProTour team Team Sky, which ally in the fall in the All Seasons Scandinavian festival with tens placed third in the team time trials 8/23/2013 6.0220 Arena on the North Dakota State of thousands of people attending on the first day of the Road World 3/23/2013 5.8021 Fairgrounds in Minot, N.D. Enter- 9/23/2012 5.7429 See > Høstfest, page 13 See > sky, page 15 Photo: Team Sky / Facebook 2 • september 27, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Storbrann i 35 evakuert etter brann i kjeller i barne- – Jeg mistenkte ham Det var full overtenning i et hage Under to døgn etter bilopphuggeri på Brobekk i Ingen barn eller voksne ble skadet da det Oslo 23. september brøt ut brann i kjelleren i en barnehage at Sigrid Giskegjerde i Oslo. – Brannen er slukket, det har vært røykspredning selve bygget. Det har vært et Schjetne (16) forsvant, VG branntilfelle i en kjeller, sier Erik Grydeland, reiste 65-åringen opp til vakthavende ved Oslo Brannvesen til VG. Brann- og redningsetaten i Oslo rykket Barnehagen det dreier seg om er Schafteløk- Romsås for å fotografere ut etter flere meldinger om brann i et indus- ken barnehage på Oslos vestkant. Grydeland skadene på bilen til tribygg i Knud Bryns vei på Brobekk klok- forteller at barnehagepersonalet evakuerte ken halv elleve mandag kveld. alle barna. Brannvesenet lufter nå og bed- mekkekameraten – den Da de kom frem til stedet, fant de bi- river etterkontroll på stedet. Politiet rykket drapstiltalte 38-åringen lopphuggerfirmaet Brødrene London i full ut til stedet, sier Ola Krokan ved Oslo poli- brann. tikammer. – Brannen er nå slukket, vi har VG – Det er total overtenning i bygget. Nå evakuert 35 personer, inkludert syv voksne, Foto: Helge Mikalsen er vi på stedet med ressurser fra tre forskjel- sier Krokan til VG. – Det blir ikke noe mer 65-åringen var tidligere siktet i draps- Her sitter Sigrids foreldre, Ingrid Ruth Giskeg- lige brannstasjoner i området, sier vakthav- barnehage der i dag, sier Krokan med refer- saken, men siktelsen mot ham ble henlagt jerde og Tom Schjetne, for første gang ansikt til ende brannsjef Kjell Kjensli til Aftenposten. anse til etterarbeidet Brannvesenet holder på på bevisets stilling i sommer. Mandag møtte ansikt med den drapstiltalte 38-åringen. Brannvesenet i Asker og Bærum har med. han som vitne i Oslo tingrett. også sendt en av sine biler for å bistå sine (VG) 65-åringen forteller at han mistenkte talte at det bare hadde vært en kidnapping. kolleger med slukningsarbeidet. 38-åringen kort tid etter at Sigrid forsvant fra Jeg tenkte at det kunne han ha noe med det å Totalt 14 brannbiler har rykket ut til Starter 34 nye veiprosjekter og ruster opp Østensjø natt til 5. august. 200 tunneler gjøre, sier 65-åringen. brannen. 35 brannmenn jobber nå på stedet Selv var han på jobb og kjørte aviser den 65-åringen forteller videre at mistanken for å slukke brannen. De neste fire årene skal Statens vegvesen natten. Ved 12-tiden dagen etter, hentet han hans mot 38-åringen ble styrket da han leste Innsatsleder Torgeir Brenden sier til Af- bruke rundt 100 milliarder kroner på 33 nye 38-åringen ved Pallesentralen på Bryn. Da så om gjenstandene til Sigrid som var blitt fun- tenposten ved midnatt at det fortsatt brenner prosjekter, og rundt 200 tunneler skal rustes han skadene på den grønne Citroën-en. net ved Østensjø Kanvas barnehage. Han kraftig. Både bygninger, bildeler og drivst- opp. Det kommer frem i Statens vegvesens – Hva er det som har skjedd her, spurte off skal stå i brann. handlingsprogram, som presenteres i dag. sier han ringte flere bekjente og fortalte om jeg. Han fortalte noe om at det var en nar- mistanken mot mekkekameraten. – Gassene som brenner avgir en særdeles Programmet gjelder for de neste fire årene, koman som hadde hoppet fra andre etasje i altså perioden 2014-2017, og speiler hvor- – Da jeg leste om skoene og mobilen giftig røyk. Det har ikke vært nødvendig å Pallesentralen og ned på biltaket, forteller dan Vegvesenet akter å oppfylle målene i (til Sigrid) tenkte jeg at jeg måtte ta bilde av evakuere området på grunn av gunstig vin- 65-åringen i retten. Nasjonal transportplan, som ble vedtatt før bilen. Jeg reiste opp på Romsås. Han hadde dretning. Vi må eventuelt ta en ny vurdering 65-åringen sier at han ikke trodde på sommeren. Rundt 80 milliarder av totalpot- fortalt at han ville parkere den der. Den sto dersom vinden snur, sier innsatslederen. ten på 100 milliarder skal gå til store veipros- historien han fikk presentert. langs gaten med venstresiden inn, slik at det Politiet antar at smellene som høres jekter, og det fordeler seg over 31 igangsatte – Jeg synes det så ut som om han hadde var vanskelig å se skadene, sier 65-åringen. kommer fra bildekk som eksploderer. – Det prosjekter som åpner i løpet av perioden, og kjørt på noen, sier 65-åringen. skal gå greit å få slukket brannen, men det 33 prosjekter som har anleggsstart. – Vi skal Resten av dagen bruker de to til å mekke English Synopsis: In this trial of murdered teen Sig- kommer til å ta lang tid. biler på verkstedet på Kolbotn. rid Giskegjerde Schjetne, one of the accused 38-year- starte og avslutte rundt 60 veiprosjekter de English Synopsis: A dangerous fire in the industrial old’s friends admits to having suspected him right neste fire årene, sier veidirektør Terje Moe – Men jeg ringte en annen en for å sjekke center of Oslo was giving off poisonous smoke on away. Gustavsen til NRK. De øvrige milliardene om det hadde vært noen påkjørsel. Han for- Monday, Sept. 23. som går til investering skal brukes på vei- planlegging, bymiljøavtaler, sykkel- og gangvei-tiltak og trafikksikkerhet. 200 tun- neller vil ifølge Vegvesenets planer få seg en Farlig sopp Venstre advarer mot Frp overhaling de neste fire årene, og prislappen er åtte milliarder. Vegdirektøren sier at den Den supergiftige De to tidligere partilederne dramatiske brannen i Gudvangatunnelen i giftslørsoppen snek sommer har vært en skremmende påmin- i Venstre, Odd Einar Dørum ner om hvor viktig det er å sikre tunnelene seg i fjor opp i minst 11 og er i et land hvor veinett som i stor grad bindes soppkurver, men ble sterkt imot at Venstre går i sammen av nettopp slike. – Vi prioriterer spesielt å oppgradere tunneler nå med tanke heldigvis oppdaget i tide regjering med Frp på å bedre sikkerheten, sier Gustavsen. (NRK) NRK VG Høyre vurderer å bruke pensjonerte lærere Det har de gitt klart ut trykk for til par- Nesten halvparten av barneskolelærerne – I verste fall oppdages forgiftningen tileder , skriver Aften- sier i ny undersøkelse det bare av og til eller først etter en uke eller to. Da kan det være posten. vanskelig å finne forbindelsen tilbake til hva Foto: Venstre / Flickr sjeldnere blir satt inn vikar når de er borte. Både Sponheim og Dørum er ekspar- Venstre parileder Trine Skei Grande. Regjeringen sier at det er skoleeiers eget an- man har spist, og pasienten må til øyeblik- tiledere som, i motsetning til enkelte andre svar å sørge for at det finnes nok kompetente kelig behandling, sier Lise G. Ringstad. eksledere, blir lyttet til i eget parti, ifølge vikarer, men Høyres utdanningspolitiske Hun er seniorrådgiver på Giftinformas- Aftenposten. prosent vil ha en blåblå regjering. talsperson mener det må jonen i Oslo. Hvert år får Giftinformasjonen – Det jeg sier til Trine, forblir mellom Det viser e-post-rundspørring Dag- jobbes mer systematisk med å skaffe vik- (tidligere Giftinformasjonssentralen) rundt meg og Trine. Hun har min fulle tillit til det bladet har gjort blant Høyres medlemmer og arer. – Det er ikke betryggende at det ikke 40 000 henvendelser. Noen hundre gjelder hun nå skal gjøre, sier Dørum. tillitsvalgte. 53,8 prosent av de rundt 1.100 settes inn vikarer. Det må jobbes langt mer sopp og mulig soppforgiftning. i Venstres sentralstyre, sier som har svart foretrekker en firepartiregjer- systematisk enn i dag. Én ting er når det En tørr sommer betyr som regel få hen- at kommentatorer som antar at Venstre glatt ing. Bare 9,4 prosent vil ha en blåblå regjer- bare er snakk om enkelttimer, men jeg hører vendelser, men når fuktigheten og varmen går inn i en firepartiregjering, tar feil. ing med Høyre og Frp. også historier om at lærere som er borte over kommer, merker de økt pågang. Pågangen – Dørum og Sponheim representerer et langt tid, og det tar lang tid før klassen får en En regjering bestående av Høyre, Ven- varer ofte ut september, eller til frosten kom- syn på dette som deles av mange i Venstre, erstatter. Hun foreslår at pensjonerte lærere stre og KrF foretrekkes av nesten dobbelt så mer og setter en stopper for sopphøsten. selv om partiet har endret seg en del siden kan påta seg vikartimer. – I Høyre har vi mange, 17,9 prosent. En regjering med bare Hittil i år har de fått 459 telefoner om sagt at vi trenger en bedre seniorpolitikk i de var i ledelsen, sier Melby, og peker på Høyre foretrekkes av 6,2 prosent. skolen. Kanskje vi kan gjøre bruk av kom- mulige soppforgiftninger. I august fikk mange nye medlemmer og nye tillitsvalgte Valgforsker og professor i sammen- petansen til lærere som går av når de er 62 giftekspertene 121 henvendelser. Hittil i de siste årene, særlig fra storbyene. lignende politikk ved Universitetet i , år. Det ligger jo en reserve her. De er ofte september har ekspertene fått 208 spørsmål – Det er stor usikkerhet, ikke bare i Frank Aarebrot, er ikke overrasket over sva- svært kompetente lærere, vi kan bruke deler om giftig sopp. Det er både vanlige folk og Kristelig Folkeparti, men også i Venstre om rene i rundspørringen. av deres arbeidskraft i en slik dugnad inntil helsepersonell som ringer. hva partiet bør gjøre. Jeg føler selv på den – Jeg tror fortsatt mest på en firepar- det er utdannet nok lærere. Aspaker ser for I år har det bare vært to tilfeller med usikkerheten, sier Melby. tiregjering. Men de siste dagene har jeg beg- seg ta pensjonerte lærere som ønsker det går alvorlig soppforgiftning i Norge. Den ene Hun mener den store usikkerheten som ynt å tro litt mer på en ren Høyre-regjering, inn i et slags vikarkorps. Utdanningsforbun- hadde spist hvit fluesopp, og begge endte også finnes i Venstre er underkommunisert i sier Aarebrot. det tror det kan være en god ide. med sykehusinnleggelse. offentligheten. (Aftenposten) Samtidig viser et klart flertall at Høyres English Synopsis: Mushroom picking is popular in tillitsvalgte ønsker en regjering med alle English Synopsis: Veteran leaders of the Liberal Norway in the fall, but each year hundreds of people (Venstre) party warn current leaders against going eat poisonous mushrooms. de fire borgerlige partiene. Færre enn 10 into government with the Progress Party. Norwegian american weekly september 27, 2013 • 3 News This week in brief New park Costly plan dropped Norway condemns terrorist attack in Kenya “Norway condemns the brutal terrorist New national park opens Carbon capture plan attack in a shopping center in Kenya’s on west coast of Oslofjord proves too expensive, says capital, Nairobi, on 21 September. This attack must be investigated and those outgoing government responsible held accountable,” said Norway Post Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide. At least 39 people are reported Special Release Færder national park opens in august, Ministry of Oil and Energy to have been killed and more than 150 and will be the first and only national park on injured in an attack by gunmen on the the west coast of the outer Oslofjord. Part of Westgate shopping center in Nairobi on Vestfold county’s archipelago will in a few Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is Saturday 21 September. The shopping weeks become Norway’s next national park, a crucial part of the Government’s combat center is very popular with both Kenyans after the government made its final decision against climate change. In order to strengthen and visitors to the capital, and many on Thursday, confirms Minister of the Envi- the effort, the Government points out a people go there to shop on Saturdays. ronment, Bård Vegar Solhjell. new direction for CCS. The development The terrorists did not distinguish between “This is a very important area along the of full-scale CO2-capture at Mongstad is children and adults, and both Kenyans and Norwegian coast line,” says Solhjell. There discontinued, and will be replaced by a CCS foreigners have been shot. “Our thoughts Photo: TCM is a diverse selection of rare species both un- program. are with the victims, their loved ones At the opening of the Technology Center Mongs- and the Kenyan people,” said Mr. Eide. der and above water in this area. Therefore I The Technology Center Mongstad, tad in 2012. think it is the right decision for the govern- which is one of the world’s largest and The attack on Westgate shopping center is the worst terrorist attack in Nairobi ment to give this area status as one of our most advanced, will be continued and Government will ensure the financial and national parks, the minister explains. strengthened. since the attack on the U.S. Embassy in other conditions necessary to result in at 1998. The Somali terrorist organisation The only detail that remains before the The Government’s revised CCS strategy least one such project. To achieve this, will include a program for realization of al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility. full-scale CCS projects in Norway. The “This terrible attack in Nairobi highlights See > park, page 15 See > dropped, page 7 how important it is for the international community to stand together in the fight against international terrorism,” said Mr. Fate questioned Eide. Hollywood in Norway (Press Release) What will happen to the old Hollywood movie crew government headquarters? New land area named after King Harald filmed “Ex Machina” in “King Harald V Land” is the new name of an area on the eastern part of the Arctic The Foreigner Sunnmøre, west Norway archipelago of Svalbard. That makes King Harald the third Norwegian king to have In June this year, officials working on an area on Svalbard named after him. On Norway Post new government quarters alternatives rec- September 15th the naming committee ommended the “H-block” structure and three of the Norwegian Polar Institute decided others be torn down following Anders Beh- A crew of approximately 100 people that the Eastern part of Svalbard would be ring Breivik’s July 22, 2011 bombing. were in Sunnmøre on the west coast of Nor- named Harald V Land. Harald V Land is a The cost of preserving this building way at the end of the summer, filming the large area of approximately 6,500 square is estimated to be NOK 400 million (USD Hollywood thriller “Ex Machina.” km. The majority is covered by a large 67.99 million). In beautiful Norwegian nature, for close sheet of ice, which makes up most of the Y-Block’s preservation sum is about to two weeks, Universal Studios worked in largest glacier on Svalbard. King Harald NOK 250 million (roughly USD 42.5 mil- what they considered to be the perfect setting took his first private trip to Svalbard in lion). for the new horror movie. August. He had no official program, but “We looked all over the world and it In a statement, the Directorate for Cul- wanted to get to know the nature and was very difficult to find the place where we tural Heritage’s Jørn Holme wrote, “The Photo: Bernt Baltzersen / NRK environment. “The engagement that the wanted to shoot. When we came here to Vall- Production designer Mark Digby was excited to government headquarters tell the story of the King and the royals have for climate, the dal we were no longer in doubt,” says Mark be filming on location in Norway. Norwegian State’s evolution from its humble environment and the Polar Regions is very Digby. beginnings in pre-industrial Norway up to The movie makers explain that the stun- strong, and we really appreciate that,” we needed to find a spot that combined both today, one of the world’s richest countries. ning nature and experimental architecture in says Jan-Gunnar Winther, director of the the incredible nature and a certain modernis- Should H-Block and Y-Block disappear, so the area, such as Juvet landscape hotel, were Norwegian Polar Institute. tic expression.” will the main traces of the postwar welfare what made area suitable for filming. (Norway Post) Although the setting is actually sup- state.” “We needed both. This is supposed to be the secret hiding place for a billionaire, and See > hollywood, page 15 See > fate, page 15 Enjoy Norway all year long.

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • september 27, 2013 norwegian american weekly special Business Stronger U.S. connection Norwegian Air launches exciting new routes between Spotlight on Scandinavia and Los Angeles, San Francisco and Orlando Business

In profile: Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA Photo: Norwegian Air Norwegian’s 787 Dreamliner.

Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA, com- mercially branded “Norwegian,” is a Special Release public low-cost airline noted on the Oslo Norwegian Air Stock Exchange. The company is the sec- ond largest airline in Scandinavia, and has a route portfolio that stretches across Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA is continu- On Sept. 3, the official announcement Europe into North and the Middle ing to strengthen their U.S. ties, to the great was made that Norwegian is expanding their East. In May 2013, it commenced long- benefit of anyone who wants to travel be- intercontinental routes. haul flights from Scandinavia to the U.S. tween the U.S. and Scandinavia at an afford- Norwegian launches new routes be- and Asia. With competitive prices and able rate. tween Scandinavia and Los Angeles (LAX), customer friendly solutions and service, This year, Norwegian’s first long-haul Oakland-San Francisco (OAK) and Orlando the company has experienced significant flight took off from Oslo Airport -Garder (MCO) in spring 2014. Norwegian will oper- growth over the previous years. moen on May 30, bound for New York’s JKF ate the 787 Dreamliner on the routes. At the airport. “The launch of our intercontinental same time Norwegian launches a new route routes is an important milestone in Norwe- between New York (JFK) and . Passengers: 17.7 million gian’s history. Our goal is that even more Norwegian continues to launch new in- passengers should af- tercontinental routes Aircraft: 73 ford to fly – also to “This summer most of our as it takes delivery of other continents,” said flights were completely full, more 787 Dreamliners. Routes: 330 CEO Bjørn Kjos. Los Angeles, Oakland- Norwegian’s first which proves that there has San Francisco and Or- Destinations: 120 intercontinental flight been a void in the market for lando are the newest was celebrated with quality flights at a low fare be- additions to the air- Employees: 3,000 American food, cabin line’s intercontinental crew dressed in new tween the U.S. and Scandina- route map. Average age of fleet: 4.6 Moods of Norway via.” “I’m very happy uniforms and contests – Lasse Sandaker-Nielsen to announce the launch Aircraft on order: 280 for New York passen- of three new inter- gers at Oslo Airport on Communications Manager continental destina- Thursday afternoon. tions. The major traf- Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance Norwegian’s CEO fic streams currently (Sept. 23, 2013) Bjorn Kjos marked the historic event with a go between the U.S. and Europe and there’s Winners Losers ribbon cutting ceremony: great demand for high quality flights at a low Norsk Kr. 5.9065 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change “We are very happy for the great recep- fare between the two continents,” said Nor- Blom 0.60 -31.8% EOC 5.54 22.03% tion of our long-haul routes and that we fi- wegian’s CEO Bjørn Kjos. Dansk Kr. 5.5233 Norwegian Car Carriers 2.10 20.00% Nio 1.32 -19.0% nally – after years of planning – are able to No other airlines offer non-stop flights Svensk Kr. 6.3793 Birdstep Technology 1.69 14.97% Avocet Mining 1.46 -8.18% Eitzen Chemical 10.5 7.14% Bergen Group 4.20 -7.89% welcome our first New York passengers on from Oslo to Los Angeles, San Francisco Canadian $ 1.0278 Archer 6.60 4.76% Petrolia 6.20 -4.62% board. The market for intercontinental flights and Orlando; from Stockholm to Los Ange- Euro 0.7406 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. has long been characterized by artificially les and San Francisco or from Copenhagen high fares and limited flexibility. The recep- to Los Angeles. tion of our new long-haul routes shows that Norwegian currently operates six week- many want to fly inexpensively and comfort- ly flights between Scandinavia and New LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. ably to New York, Bangkok and Fort Lau- York as well as five weekly flights between Sales and Service derdale,” said CEO Bjørn Kjos. Scandinavia and Bangkok. In November, Throughout the summer, the new routes the airline will commence flights from Oslo, proved to be popular. Stockholm and Copenhagen to Fort Lauder- “We’re very satisfied with the response dale, Fla. on our routes between New York and Oslo Norwegian’s first long-haul flights took and New York and Stockholm. This sum- place in May this year. mer most of our flights were completely full, “So far the response to our New York, Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK which proves that there has been a void in Bangkok and Fort Lauderdale routes has phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 the market for quality flights at a low fare been tremendous. Most of our flights have fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 between the U.S. and Scandinavia. We’re been fully booked over the summer. Our of- looking very much forward to eventually en- fer has not only been well received by Scan- tering our two 787 Dreamliners into service dinavian passengers travelling to the U.S. or on our intercontinental routes come Septem- Asia, but also Asians and Americans going [email protected] 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 ber,” said communications manager Lasse Sandaker-Nielsen. See > connection page 12 norwegian american weekly september 27, 2013 • 5 Special Business Innovation in Oslo Stories from the Oslo Innovation Week, beginning in October, Heart of America is Europe’s biggest innovation convention Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway

Tales from the Oil Patch by Larrie Wanberg Oslo Innovation Week is the biggest innovation conven- tion in Europe, making the Nor- wegian capital a central meet- ing place to discuss opportu- nities and practices for growth and innovation every year in October. This year about 40 different events will take place. The week is a project organi- zation that welcomes all event organizers who can contribute to creating meeting places and profiling Oslo’s innovative ca- pabilities. By combining forc- es, all events are strengthened through common marketing, and by the presentation of the organizers as part of a dynamic innovation community. This year there will be a new event; Innovative Ur- ban Transformation. The High Photo: Larrie Wanberg Line, ’s public park Two Statoil VPs in North American Development, Ola Morten Aanestad (left) Comminications and atop an elevated freight struc- William Maloney, Executive VP (center) from Houston give tips to N.D. Ryan Taylor, a recipient of a ture is among the most inno- Bush Fellowship to study oil development in Norway. vative urban reclamation proj- ects in memory. Peter Mullan, For those behind a steering wheel in His personalized stories about team- Friends of the High Line’s Vice traffic, driving across the landscape of the work from the “game field” energized the President for Planing and De- Bakken Oil Field in North Dakota (N.D.), audience with standing ovation. One of his sign and a longtime advocate the growth seems chaotic. capsules of wisdom stated that “you become for the project from its begin- For those steering the development of what you practice”; another ”Do not live ning, will share the story about oil and gas behind the scenes, growth is sys- your life as a spectator.” the High Line’s preservation Photo: Oslo Innovation Week / Facebook Excitement is building for Oslo Innovation, held in mid-October tematic, strategic and promising. Two large viewing screens at each side and transformation at a time and bringing major players in business from all across Europe to when the historic structure was Eight hundred such developers attended of the speaker’s stage showed videos and Oslo, Norway. the 32nd Annual Meeting of the N.D. Pe- images that augmented the narration of a under the threat of demoli- troleum Council in Grand Forks last week, speaker at center stage. Detailed graphics il- tion. The Friends collaborated where leaders in the oil industry from across lustrated the technologies to explain how oil with their neighbors, elected neurs will present their business plan before the state, across the country and across con- is extracted using advanced technologies. officials, artists, local business owners, and an audience and a jury. Investment Forum tinents gathered. Common concerns about fracturing that leaders in horticulture and landscape archi- will take place. Oslo International Club is Attendees shared information and told are often heard in public were quelled by tecture to create a park now widely celebrat- hosting the concept Café Scientifique bring- their stories – about the impact of technolo- visual understanding the process and safe- ed as a model for innovative and creatively ing hot science and new ideas over in a pub gies, N.D.’s staggering growth economi- guards used in today’s drilling. designed socially vibrant public space. after work. There will be a Start Up week- cally, and informing the public to gain an Bill Mahoney, President of Statoil U.S., The organizers are The Foundation for end focusing on learning by doing. understanding of its great potential to over- outlined Norway’s oil development and its Design and Architecture in Norway. They How can Norway rise to the occasion? come the Nation’s dependency on oil. Cur- contribution through advanced technolo- want to initiate a local debate about Søren- We are booming with the richest from the rent challenges of the impact of rapid growth gies in a talk “Leading the Way for Statoil’s ga Bridge, the elevated “half High Way” in North Sea but seem’s to be missing out on were addressed with strategic solutions. Growth.” He emphasized how partnering is Bjørvika in Oslo. Several enthusiasts, locals, the tech starts. We know we have great tech- What was most impressive from the creating value through knowledge, resources politicians, architects and designers want nology talent, we know we can compete on three-day conference was the “well-oiled” and innovation. this structure to be transformed to a public technology and cost, but to lift the compa- organization of N.D. Petroleum Council He said that the importance qualities of park and reviewing platform, with access to nies from great technology to a great busi- since 1952 as a voice in the industry. After leading are “learning the business from the a public park and viewing platform, with ac- ness is not really happening, why? Hopefully 60 years of geology research at the Univer- ground up, partnering with ‘good neighbors’ cess to Middelalderparken and Fjordbyen. many representatives from the new govern- sity of N.D., combined with a close link to and collectively building an industry at high- Examples of other events is the Social ment will take part in this special event! Norway’s North Sea Oil development over er levels of performance.” Statoil is number Business Lab for business. Young Entrepre- 40 of those years, collective knowledge three in U.S. oil investments and develop- gained from science plays a prominent role ment, after Shell and British Petroleum. on a global scene in sustainable fossil fuel N.D. Governor Jack Dalrymple encour- MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE development. aged citizens to participate in N.D.’s growth The “spirit” of the conference was cast with ideas, with participation in community by Lou Holtz, famous winning coach of the development and with engagement in the en- attorneys and counselors at law Notre Dame football team. With a micro- ergy industries through supportive resources phone in hand, he “walked his talk” to en- available from State agencies. He empha- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, tertain the audience with humor and a simple sized how N.D.’s national leadership in agri- philosophy for excellence – a passion to culture is providing a foundation for manag- commercial transactions and estate planning. win with a willingness to sacrifice, a right ing the exportation of oil to distant ports, by attitude even when people say you can’t a combination of pipelines and rail transpor- make winning happen, do what’s right and tation from the State at the geographic center 2401 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 profitable for others and maybe even earn a Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 “buck” yourself. See > oil, page 15 6 • september 27, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion < refugees From page 1 An opinion column about current issues in Norway

Espen Barth Eide on Sept. 19. Join the conversation! The announcement comes very soon On the EDGE after Norway’s parliamentary elections on Sept. 9, during which immigration was one Understanding the election: Breivik’s Party of the most debated topics. The Progress The international media focus on The Progress Party and “anti-immigration” is simplistic and out of proportion Party (FrP), led by Siv Jensen, has famously heavy-handed views on immigration, and By Daniel Walø when the new coalition is announced it is possible that the party will have quite a bit of sway in Norway’s new government. “The most natural solution is that refu- gees are given refuge in their vicinities. Nor- way should limit their intake of refugees and immigrants from areas outside our culture, and should preferably receive quota refugees from the U.N.,” writes FrP of their position on refugees. In recent weeks, Jensen has taken some renewed heat for her past provocative state- ments about immigrants, specifically a Feb- ruary 2009 quote in which she said: “The truth is that we are beginning to allow a form of sneak-Islamization to take place in this country.” Now, the 1,000 Syrian refugees will come to Norway in addition to Norway’s Graphic courtesy of Daniel Walø annual UNHRC resettlement quota of ap- News sources from around the world used the misleading Breivik / Progress Party connection as they covered the Norwegian elec- proximately 1,200 refugees. About 60% of tions, even in their headlines. Syrians practice Sunni Islam. However, as the government press re- lease announced: “There is no immediate On the day following Norway’s elec- image of the people living here. marriage visas, and excluding asylum solution to the conflict in Syria in sight. So tion, a British newspaper made people’s In Norway, tempers have been run- seekers from the welfare system for up to far the conflict has led to massive flows of heads turn with a startling headline. On ning high because of the lopsided cover- 10 years. refugees to Syria’s neighboring countries. In the front page of its website, The Inde- age. When the Minister for International But while this issue may make for mid-September some 730,000 Syrian refu- pendent reported that an “anti-immigrant Development Heikki Holmås said on great headlines abroad, it cannot by itself gees were registered in Lebanon, 520,000 party with links to mass murderer Anders Twitter that it was “natural” for world explain the far more important question: were registered in Jordan, 464,000 in Tur- Behring Breivik” was about to enter the media to call Progress a populist party, Why did fire their govern- key, 117,000 in Iraq and 117,000 in Egypt. Norwegian government. A prominent he met with strong and sudden reactions ment this year? That question should have The UN High Commissioner for Refugees graphic showed Breivik’s face right next at home. Incoming Prime Minister Erna commanded the undivided attention of ev- (UNHCR) and Syria’s neighboring countries to that of Siv Jensen, leader of The Prog- Solberg told news cameras that Holmås ery reporter on the Norway election beat. have appealed to countries outside the region ress Party. “doesn’t always watch his mouth,” and The answer is quite simple: We have to resettle some of the refugees currently Later that afternoon, another article that he should apologize for his comment. no idea. living in Syria’s neighboring countries as a emerged from Italian newspaper Corriere Analysts and politicians filed in on both Some believe that an oil-rich nation matter of urgency.” della Sera, stating that “Breivik’s party” is sides, and argued for a whole week about simply got bored with seeing the same “Syria’s neighboring countries have dis- on its way into government. A picture of where Progress belongs on the political faces on TV every day, and that they want- played an enormous sense of responsibility Breivik with his fist in the air accompa- spectrum. ed a change. Others believe that people for the refugees from Syria. One in every nied this story also. Finally, on Sept. 17, Progress seemed want more privatization of the healthcare four people in Lebanon is now a Syrian refu- These two headlines would prove to have had enough. Deputy leader Ketil system, and that they voted accordingly. gee. Syria’s neighboring countries, in par- to be only the tip of the iceberg. Across Solvik-Olsen called the world press back Another reason might be the highly divi- ticular Lebanon and Jordan, are reaching the the world, news organizations have over- to Norway for a press conference, in sive proposal to drill for oil off the coast of limit of what they can cope with. If nothing whelmingly focused their election cover- which he tried for an hour to distance his Nordland County, an issue which has the is done, they may choose to close their bor- age on Progress, its immigration policy party from far-right views, xenophobia population split down the middle. ders. It is therefore crucial that Norway and and its brief history with Breivik. By fail- and Breivik. And yes, immigration was probably other like-minded countries show solidarity ing to include other parties and policy ar- The attention given to Progress and also on people’s minds as they stepped and take in Syrian refugees,” Mr. Eide said. eas, they have eliminated their own ability its immigration policy is by no means a into the voting booth on Sept. 9. Following calls from UNHCR, Norway to explain the election’s significance to surprise. Some of the party’s most colorful What no one should believe is that has provided substantial aid to help Syrian the public. They have also created a PR- quotations are about reining in immigra- immigration alone has set Norway’s polit- refugees in Syria’s neighboring countries. nightmare for Norway. tion. ical agenda for the next four years, as one Since the start of the conflict in Syria in Not all news outlets were as blunt as In 2009, Siv Jensen said Norway is might assume given the news coverage. 2011, Norway has provided a total of NOK the aforementioned newspapers, but many about to allow “sneak-Islamization,” an Progress, which lost 12 parlimentary seats 850 million in humanitarian aid. follow the same trend. Germany’s two often-quoted phrase which Solvik-Olsen this year, is a junior partner to the Conser- “Norway has a tradition of doing what largest newspapers both mention Breivik’s said has been taken out of context. vatives in the new coalition. Negotiations it can in response to major international history with Progress. ’s Le Monde In 2012, when asked what to do with are still underway to see if still more par- refugee crises and of providing a safe haven describes Progress as a “populist, anti- undocumented immigrant beggars in Nor- ties will join them, and we have yet to find for refugees. This time is no exception. We immigration” party and finds it “paradoxi- way, Jensen said: “Enough is enough. Put out who will hold the all-important execu- know that Norwegian municipalities will cal” that the party enters government two them on a bus. Send them out.” tive offices in Solberg’s new cabinet. make every effort to take in and integrate these refugees. As a country we can be proud years after Breivik’s massacre. That same year, immigration policy At time of writing, negotiations are of this and we will do everything we can to The New York Times says the pros- spokesman Morten Ørsal Johansen pro- still underway to see if still more parties support the municipalities in this process,” pect of an “anti-immigrant” party in pow- posed stricter rules for asylum seekers. will join them; this democratic process is said Minister of Children, Equality and So- er “has caused unease in Norway because For example, a woman who refuses to the real expression of Norway’s political cial Inclusion . Anders Behring Breivik...was once among take a job where she can’t wear a burqa will, and it merits the world’s attention. The additional resettlement quota that the party’s members. “’s El Pais de- should be denied permanent residence. the Government has decided to establish is votes nearly its entire election article to “Those who don’t want to be part of reserved for refugees from Syria who are Progress’ history with immigration. Norwegian society should face the conse- recognized by UNHCR, preferably those liv- The list goes on. According to a me- quences,” Johansen said. ing in Lebanon and Jordan. The total cost of dia analysis done by the Ministry of For- A party committee also suggested the quota is estimated to be approximately eign Affairs, 12 of 19 “focus countries” several drastic immigration reforms this Daniel Walø is a Journalism graduate NOK 770 million. made a connection between Breivik and year. They include setting up remote asy- of Pacific Lutheran University in Park- At time of press a new government co- The Progress Party during its election lum centers in Africa and Asia, revoking land, Wash. He currently lives in Norway alition has not been announced; new infor- coverage. Not also is this bad news for residence permits to those who visit their and freelances as a web developer for mation is expected soon. As the war in Syria Norway’s reputation, it gives a distorted home country on vacation, eliminating small businesses. rages on, it will be interesting to see how the new government will respond to the question T he opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is of accepting more refugees from the region. not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. norwegian american weekly september 27, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] W rite to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue Publisher NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity or length. Managing Editor Kelsey Larson [email protected] Assistant Layout Editor Dear Editor: Norsk. He dislikes coffee, hates fish and beer Harry Svenkerud [email protected] I’m as American as apple pie (Native disgusts him (he also has black hair – aren’t Advertising American / British & German descent) mar- most Norsks blond?) Dear Editor, John Erik Stacy [email protected] ried for 30 years to someone who is half- Some people dream of going to heaven I am replying to the letter in the Letters Subscriptions Norsk (yet thinks he’s full-blooded). He is a after they die. My husband just plans to go to the Editor section in your Sept. 13th paper. Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] Norsk-phile. We subscribe to your newspa- to Norway. To Aasa Mariann Strandbakk, Sortland Contributing Editors per which he thoroughly enjoys. My husband Norway: Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. has the Norske flag as cover for his i-phone, Sincerely, I would be interested in getting more in- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. owns Norske tee-shirts, Norske books, Nor- Joyce Anthony Huff formation to your request: Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. ske drinking glasses, Norske Christmas or- Basking Ridge, N.J. Who emigrated? Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. naments and surfs the web daily looking His daughter Doris Swanson: Was that Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway at Norsk scenery and homes. He calls his a married name? Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Norsk third cousins on the phone twice a Dear Editor, What years were these people (Doris Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. year, waxes eloquent about Norway with his As there are so many related to Norwe- and father) born? Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Norsk-American aunt, and feels that heaven gians in the U.S., we thought this might be of Where did they live in Minnesota? Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway will probably look a lot like Norway. We also interest. We are Norwegian app developers. Who was the wife of the emigrant man Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. attend any New Jersey Scandinavian “fest” We have created Norwegian education- and the mother of Doris? Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. that they offer. He spent a couple summers al app that introduces a playful method of If a person is not of this family, we need Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. in Norway as a child and in 1999, took our learning the abc and also to type and spell more information. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. then 11-year-old son to Norway on a three Norwegian words. It is ideal for kindergar- Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. week vacation. We have Norsk cheese ev- den and preschool learning. Hilsen fra Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. ery Christmas along with Norsk chocolate. https://itunes.apple.com/no/app/skriv- Margaret Miller Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. I’ve been so inundated with Norsk-ery that og-l-r-hd/id650542138?mt=8 Apple Valley, Minn. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Sun City, Calif. one year I dressed as a Viking to my office Now also available in the U.S.! Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Halloween party (and won first prize by the Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. way). Best regards John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. There are three things he doesn’t like, Håkon Wold Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway however, which makes me doubt he is a true http://www.jetmobile.no Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash.

CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and

Do you have a lutefisk dinner coming up this fall? Contact us with the event information for our event calendar! Email [email protected] or call (800) 305-0217.

Daughters of Norway Embla Lodge No. 2 presents

NordicA celebration of our cultural Festival heritage in Edgewood, WA Saturday, October 12, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Edgemont Junior High School Photo: Omega3 Innovations 2300 110th Ave E, Edgewood, WA The Classical Mozart Truffles, by Odense Marcipan, is one of the recipes Charlotte Wetche will share at Høstfest this year. Enjoy music, arts & crafts, prize drawings and refreshments! Special Release AdmiSSiOn: $2 per perSOn Norsk Høstfest Contact Mardy at (253) 677-7700 or [email protected] Nordic Kitchen sponsored by Dacotah will be marzipan expert, Charlotte Wetche, Bank – new to this year’s Høstfest will fea- president of Odense Marcipan US (www. To all who lent their support to our Rock-N-Rollin’ for the Ages FUNdraiser... ture some of Scandinavia’s finest chefs and odense-marcipan.us). Marzipan, a confec- Thank you for your generous support! food artists. The Nordic Kitchen will be lo- tion consisting of almonds and sugar (also cated in Helsinki Hall at Høstfest. known as almond paste), is used in pastry Dacotah Bank is delighted to announce delights in Europe and has a strong associa- food art sensation Ida Skivenes to the Nordic tion with holidays and family tradition. Kitchen. Skivenes, known by her online tag For two days, the Danish-born Wetche name IdaFrosk, is a statistician turned food and great-granddaughter of Odense Marci- artist from Oslo, Norway. What began as pan’s founder, will be demonstrating to the daily photographs on her Instagram account Nordic Kitchen’s audience how to use their in 2007 has grown to a following of more products in everyday pastry making. DENTON RESTORATION Collision Repair Specialists than 300,000 food and art enthusiasts alike. The Nordic Kitchen will also host other Skivenes will be creating art in the kitchen demonstrating guests during Norsk Høstfest. for Høstfest onlooker that will also be avail- able for purchase. For more information, please visit host- Also presenting in the Nordic Kitchen fest.com.

5311 Phinney Avenue North • Seattle, WA 98103 The following recipe is courtesy of Odense Marcipan, and is one of the recipes that will be demonstrated at Høstfest. These delicious truffles are “something that will compliment (206) 781-7400 • www.norsehome.org Norse Home any coffee table,” according to Charlotte Wetche. To find these ingrediants, visit http://www. odense-marcipan.us and click “shop.” Enjoy! 26th annual Leiv Eriksson Classical Mozart Truffles International Festival By Odense Marcipan Sept. 29 – Oct. 13 • Minneapolis, Minn. 200 g (7 oz) Original ODENSE Marci- 100 g (3.5 oz) ODENSE Dark Choco- pan late Coating or ODENSE Dark Chocolate 50 g (1.75 oz) ODENSE Soft Nougat Building a cultural bridge between the modern and the u.S. since 1987 Cut the marzipan into slices and place small pieces of nougat on each disc before rolling into balls. Coat/dip twice in melted dark chocolate coating or tempered chocolate. H I g HLIg H ts I ncLudE Uranienborg Uppstad & Waade, Nordic-inspired worship, Vokalensemble, an comedic duo from music and food a capella ensemble Rogaland What is marzipan? from Oslo Marzipan is a delicious almond-flavored confection made primarily from almonds and and the united States debut of Patina, a very special dance troupe from rural honey or sugar that is very common in European trondelag, offering a very special tribute to women bakeries. It is a bit less abundant in the U.S., though it can still be found! In Norway, marizpan For details, contact Mindekirken, the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church is a traditional treat during the Christmas and Phone: (612) 874-0716 Email: [email protected] Easter holidays, sometimes served with cakes for dessert or eaten between meals. In a bit of On the web: www.mindekirken.org/LEIF/LEIF.htm an unusual tradition, marzipan sculpted into the and www.leifmn.org shape of a pig is a common Christmastime treat. norwegian american weekly september 27, 2013 • 9 Travel 2013 Summer Memories Contest It was tough, but we’ve chosen the first, second and third place winners for our 2013 Photo Contest

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our Sum- mer Memories 2013 Photo Contest! We had some amazing entries and we appreciated every single one. It was great to see what our readers were up to this summer! We judged our contest based on 1st place two criteria: quality of the image and, of course, a good Norwegian- American story to go along with it. We wish we could print all of the “Hafrsfjord entries, but here are some of our favorites! The rest can be seen by Sunset” visiting our website at www.NorwegianAmericanWeekly.com.

Photo: Elsie Skaar Bendiksen Cousins from across the U.S. become fast friends in Norway! Leif Bendiksen Photo: Dianne Snell (from Mass.) and Jakob Davidson (from Photo: Helene Sobol Marisa Kirst, age 10, of Auburn, Wash. Wash.) both great-grandchildren of In- During my visit to my family in Stavanger, I caught the sun setting on Hafrsfjord, the fjord where Harald Hårfagre (Harold says goodbye to language coach Solveig grid and Jakob Medhaug of Aakre, Nor- Heggvoll from Trondheim, Norway after Fairhair) won a battle and united Norway at the end of the 10th century. It was a magical evening which brought back memories way, explore the Viking Village on Buk- of the long and wonderful summer days of my youth swimming and boating on this beautiful fjord. two weeks at Sons of Norway District 2 køy. St. Olav’s church at Avaldsnes in the Camp Nidaros, Seaside, Ore. background.

2nd place 3rd place “Bruk stemmen “Zen” din!”

Photo: Mark Treleaven-Jones Photo: Katherine “Ingeborg” Spencer My son, Sean, sat on the quay at Lysebotn contemplating the meaning of life, the universe and every- Submitted by Ross “Odin” Dybvig. This photo was taken at Skogfjorden, Concordia’s Norwegian Lan- thing! We had spent the previous days kayaking here from Stavanger. Picture taken on 29th June 2013. guage Village. Every year hundreds of villagers, ages 6-18, travel to this magical place in the north woods of Minnesota and experience a summer of all things norsk! This year’s theme at Skogfjorden was Kvinnestemmerett (women’s vote), honoring the 100 year anniversary of Norway recognizing wo- mens’ right to vote. The picture features our international day T-shirt, “Skal du stemme med stemmen din for å skape stemning” (Will you decide with your vote to create the atmosphere) and our celebra- tion of Edvard Munch and “The Scream.”

Photo: Karen Qualseth Schulte Photo: Valerie Borey “Bryggia Restaurant” near Blakset, Norway: Having Summer participants in Concordia Language Villages’ coffee with my cousin, Randi, after a delicious dinner of Norwegian Day Camp. Our theme for the week was Photo: Dorothy Norland fish and red wine. Proudly wearing my new sweater that Russefeiring – we wore russeluer, drove a russebil made Maihaugen’s Summer Solstice Celebration. We have been at this celebration numerous times, but this year was I purchased in Skjåk, Norway, near my great-grandfa- out of cardboard and made our own russedrakter. And the best! Before the bonfire we celebrated with a traditional Sankthans meal with family in Lillehammer, Norway. ther’s farm. of course we spoke Norwegian all week long! 10 • september 27, 2013 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections

A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch

Learn to Draw with Øistein Kristiansen “I want the whole world to Hot off the presses! draw!”

That’s what Øistein Kristiansen is all about. On Monday September So get out your colored pencils and paper, and look 9th the Aftenposten newspaper for his program (and his red T-shirt) on NRK TV (www.aftenposten.no) reported (Norwegian National Television) at: tv.nrk.no/serie/ that Øistein has sold 94 episodes oeisteins-blyant. of his program Øisteins bly- Øistein drew on the streets in Norway before ant (Øistein’s pencil) to Nickel- he moved to Singapore and started creating illustra- odeon. They will air an English tions for magazines. In 1993 he started his own me- version to over 60 million homes dia company called Earthtree and in 2000 had his in Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, first TV program for kids. His TV-shows Learn to , the Phiippines, Indonesia and New Zealand. draw and Right On Top have been seen by over 400 He won’t be on any American TV’s however. ”Maybe million people around the world. He compares his programs for kids aren’t as important as programs for adults shows to Disney’s art program Art Attack. “My pro- in the US” he says. In his opinion, Øistein’s Pencil will give gram is different,” he says, “but it is has the same Art Attack a run for its money, so your fingers and may- idea, to get kids to draw and paint.” be you can tune in soon...

Books, DVDs, computer games and interactive media for web and mobile phones are also available, so you can draw with What Øistein even when not on-line. “Each one of us can trigger our own creativity through drawing,” he says, and now it is your turn, no matter how old you are… do you b Oistein Kristiansen think?

Bernice Barron Lake Fst Park WA Kyle Gehsmann Morristown NJ How important are children’s tv shows 1. oktober Marie (Hoines) Simonseth Snohomish WA John Simonseth Snohomish WA compared to shows for grown-ups? David R. Somdalen Vancouver WA Ena Klæboe Seattle WA Tone Olsen McLean VA Draw a picture of your favorite TV show! Kathleen Egidi Deer Park NY 27. september Bodie Lunn Bellingham WA 2. oktober Ingeborg (Rye) Paulson Harrisburg SD Ingrid D. Nass Portland OR John Olson Bellingham WA Inger Strand Belmont CA Mrs Don Bradley Helena MT Reidar Hammer Marysville WA Karen Olaussen Mound MN Susan Gaw Scottsdale AZ Claire Olsen Palm Coast FL Elizabeth Tharaldsen Samuelsen Ft Detrick MD Yvonne Natvig Pennock MN Joan Rodican Reno NV Doris Sandaas Rockaway Park NY Heidi Dragston Barcia Reno, NV 3. oktober 28. september Wilhelmine Schytte Vardø Norway Gerhard A. Bekkevold Scarborough Ont Can Carl H. Christensen Santa Monica CA Helge L. Nelson Torrance CA Clifford Røsby Wautoma WI Trygve Lund Oakland CA Alf G. Nelson Redlands CA Sig Gjelten Everett WA Margit Erlenmeyer Thief River Falls MN Olav S. Stenberg McLeod MT Anne Petersen Bugge Staten Island NY Carol Belland Atwell Lakeland, FL Syvert (Sig) Delane Suffox NJ Lillian R. Scott Sun City CA Ralph Norland Duluth MN Anna Bugge Staten Island NY 29. september Magnus Sunde Missoula MT Want to see your birthday in the Kenneth L. Johnson Sun City AZ Norwegian American Weekly? Hans M. Bugge Staten Island NY Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. 30. september com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Sverre C. Strøm San Jose CA Sam Herheim Long Beach CA month in advance. Hedvig Troseth Sacramento CA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! Look for Oistein’s videos on YouTube or check out his English website page: www.oistein.com/en norwegian american weekly september 27, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Geraldine Joyce (Gerry) Bethke February 20, 1931 – September 6, 2013 Spiritual batteries

Resident of Los vived some of their experiences. On a recent visit, our nine year old always available and ready to help us? Angeles & Santa Cruz Gerry met her husband (Dean Bethke) grandson came to me and asked, “Grand- Like regular batteries, our spiritual batter- Geraldine (Gerry) at a dance in Pocatello, Idaho and soon had pa, where do you keep your batteries?” He ies come in several different forms. A list Joyce Bethke passed four beautiful children – Michael Bethke of had run out of power for one of his favor- of these resources might include the Bible, away unexpectedly but Santa Cruz, Patrick Bethke of Idaho, Wendy ite toys and needed some fresh batteries. I prayer, worship, devotions and Christian peacefully on Septem- Valencia of Diamond Bar (deceased) and had trouble explaining to him that I didn’t fellowship. All of these things can help re- ber 6th, 2013. She had Mark Bethke of Los Angeles (deceased). keep a fresh supply of batteries around. I new our spirits and recharge our faith and just recently moved Gerry’s husband Dean was a decorated Navy told him that when I needed batteries for devotion. from Los Angeles to Veteran, and passed away from cancer in something I went to the store and pur- Like my grandson’s electronic toys Santa Cruz and was getting settled in at her 1979. chased only what I needed. He said, “We and gadgets, we can run low on spiritual new home at La Posada, an independent se- Gerry’s children and grandchildren were always keep a supply of fresh batteries power. At times like this we can return to a nior living facility where she was making the love of her life. Nothing in the world was around at our house. It saves a lot of trips regular Bible reading schedule or become many new friends. more important to her, and nothing gave her to the store.” To keep from disappointing more regular in our attendance at wor- Gerry was born on February 20th, 1931 more satisfaction than to talk about the ac- him in the future, I went out and stocked ship. In addition, congregations can pro- in Havre, Montana. Her mother Elvina Er- complishments of all her “kids.” She me- up on several different sizes of batteries. vide monthly devotional booklets, Bible ickson was from Chicago, and came from a ticulously kept every letter and card, school This experience made me think about study classes and other opportunities for proud immigrant family from Norway, and report cards, craft projects and numerous all the different power sources we rely on spiritual growth. It may seem like a small her father Andrew Bliss was a horseman pictures testifying to her love of her family. in this life. I particularly thought about matter, but making use of these spiritual and farmer whose family came from Eng- Gerry worked as an escrow officer in our spiritual power sources. What are our batteries that are so easily available to us land. Due to a severe hip injury her father downtown Los Angeles for 25 years and sources of power for living close to God can re-energize our spirits and re-connect incurred while breaking a wild bronco, the worked nights while raising her family. She and how can we make sure that they are us to God in powerful ways. family moved to Lava Hot Springs, Idaho to was fortunate to purchase a condo near Pasa- be closer to the therapeutic hot springs that dena where she became good friends with helped relieve his chronic pain. They lived her neighbors Rose, Sam, and Pat. frugally running a boarding house and can- Gerry’s hobbies included quilting, nee- ning vegetables from their own garden. Al- dle point, researching her family’s Norwe- The Scandinavian Hour though Gerry talked about how difficult her gian heritage, and constantly updating her Celebrating over 50 years on the air! early family life had been, she relished the Facebook page and corresponding with her simple life and the incredible love that her Facebook “friends.” Gerry was especially KKNW – 1150 AM family shared. proud of her adventurous trip to Norway Gerry had two brothers (Howard and years ago with her sisters Gene and Ruby, Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Stan) – who are predeceased – and three and was fascinated to learn more about their sisters (Mildred and Gene) – who are pre- family roots (they discovered they were di- Streaming live on the internet at: deceased – (and Ruby) – who lives half the rect descendants of the famed Norse Viking www.1150kknw.com year in Idaho and the other half in Texas. “Eric the Red” and his son Leif Erickson – Gerry was very close with her siblings and the true discoverer of America in the year loved to cook and travel with her sisters. She 1000 A.D.). was especially close to Gene who lived in In lieu of flowers or donations, and in California and would often “get into trouble” remembrance of Gerry, the Bethke family Join our community! with her during their travels. They swapped would only ask that you set aside some time stories with the family about their travels that each day and love a family member or friend left her children and grandchildren laughing as if it were your last day together on earth. each time, and wondering how they had sur- Remember... Jane Erickson April 15, 1923 – September 12, 2013 A subscription Jane Erickson, 90, a former resident of homemaker. Among her special interests, the Forest Grove community, late of West Jane enjoyed singing, sewing, playing pi- Linn, died Thursday evening, Sept. 12, 2013, nochle and having coffee with friends. She to the Weekly at Rose Linn Care Center in West Linn. was also a noted pie baker. Graveside services have been held. Survivors include her daughters, Iva Jane was born on April 15, 1923, in Jane Osman of Beaverton and Sandra Lee makes a great Rainier, the daughter of the late John O. Fish of Corvallis, formerly of Portland; only and Olga (Swenson) Albertson. She was the surviving sibling, Johanna Schmidlen of Ro- gift, too! daughter of a commercial fisherman from swell, N.M.; grandchildren, Bob Boespflug, Norway. She was raised in the Astoria com- Steve Boespflug, Tracey O’Brien, Shellie munity and received her education at Astoria Sheehan and Stephanie Fowler; 11 great- High School, Class of 1941. grandchildren; and numerous nieces and Be our friend on Facebook! She was united in marriage to Ivar nephews. “Eric” Waldemar Erickson on Oct. 21, 1941, Her brothers and sister who preceded Our Facebook page has in Warrenton. Following their marriage, they her in death are Victor Albertson of Astoria, made their home in Coquille until 1972, Palmer Albertsen of Orange County, Calif., over 1700 likes! Are you one when they moved to the Cornelius commu- Oscar Albertsen of Gresham and Opal Man- ****** of them? nity to be closer to family Jane was preceded nila of Seaside. in death, after celebrating over 52 years of Contributions may be made to the Al- Just $59 for 47 issues marriage together, by her husband, Eric, on zheimer’s Association of Oregon, 1650 facebook.com/naweekly May 24, 1994. N.W. Naito Parkway, Suite 190, Portland, Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] for details Following Eric’s passing, Jane moved OR 97209. to the Forest Grove community. She was a 12 • september 27, 2013 norwegian american weekly Arts & Style

< debut us!” The performance reaffirms the radiance From page 1 of life at all ages. grandmothers of rural Orkdal, Norway ex- The dance troupe’s choreographer, Arne Calendar of Events hibit in abundance. As part of the 2013 Leiv Fagerholt, also from Orkdal, is well-known Eriksson International Festival (LEIF) and throughout Europe and studied at the Oslo performed at the Pantages Theatre, 710 Hen- National Academy of the Arts from 1980 to What’s going on in your neighborhood? nepin Ave., Minneapolis, Sunday, Oct. 13, 1983. He has been a member of the National 2013 at 6:30 p.m., women of the Norwegian Ballet as well as one of its soloists and cho- Calira fo ni Mis nne ota countryside share their lives in dance and re- reographers, an actor in Norway’s National Nordic Cup Charity Golf Tournament Leiv Eriksson International Festival veal to the audience that life after 70 or 80 Theatre, and the director of Norway’s na- Oct. 7 Sept. 29 – Oct. 13 can be exciting and carries with it a wisdom tional contemporary dance company, Carte Downey, Calif. Minneapolis, Minn. and beauty of its own. Blanche. He recently was appointed to the The 20th Annual Nordic Cup Charity The Leiv Eriksson International Festival The 27 women of Patina, ages 70 to 88, Norwegian Cultural Council by His Majesty Golf Tournament will be held on Octo- was formed in 1987 under the leadership redefine our concept of beauty and show how King Harald V. ber 7, 2013 at the Rio Hondo Golf Club of Pastor John Mauritzen, Mindekirken wrinkles, saggy bottoms, droopy breasts and For tickets, contact the State Theatre in Downey, Calif. All proceeds from (The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial bingo wings are badges of honor that tell Box Office, 805 Hennepin Ave., Minneapo- the tournament benefit two local ven- Church in Minneapolis) and members of beautiful stories and distinguish who we are. lis, 10:00 a.m. Mon. – Fri. or noon to 3:00 ues, Nansen Field on the Palos Verdes the Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwe- Beauty in today’s world is associated p.m. Saturdays. For more ticket informa- Peninsula and the Norwegian Seamen’s gian and Swedish communities to estab- with the perfect, retouched and unattainable tion, call 612.339.7007. Tickets may also Church in San Pedro. For more informa- lish an annual festival to celebrate Nor- images of youth. Young is beautiful! is the be purchased through Ticketmaster online tion please visit www.NordicCup.org. dic cultural roots in the United States. adage, so we tend to loathe and conceal signs at www.Ticketmaster.com or by phone at Over the years, the events have brought of aging. It’s as if the inevitable fact of our 1.800.982.2787; handling fees applied. Tick- CESMI Conference top-ranked Nordic talent to the Festival. own mortality is a threat to life’s self-esteem ets will be available beginning Sept. 1. Oct. 16 – 18 This helps us all explore the values and and success. It can be quite the opposite. Los Angeles, Calif. goals of today’s Nordic countries and Written and choreographed by Nor- Patina has two other performances: NACC SoCal CESMI Organizing Com- share them with other Nordic Americans. wegian ballet star Arne Fagerholt, Patina mittee will on October 16, 17 and 18, It also gives the Nordic community an celebrates the beauty, strength, wisdom, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 6:30 p.m., Fargo 2013 be holding the inaugural confer- opportunity to share its heritage with all and experience of the daughters and grand- Theatre, 314 Broadway North, Fargo, N.D. ence at the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel in citizens. For more information contact daughters of the women who fought for and 58102; tickets may be purchased at www. San Pedro at the Port of Los Angeles. For Mindekirken – The Norwegian Lutheran won the right to vote in Norway exactly 100 tickets300.com or by calling (866) 300-8300. more information and registration please Memorial Church – 924 East 21st Street, years ago. These women from rural Norway visit http://www.cesmi2013.com. Minneapolis, MN 55404 – Block of E. redefine our notions of beauty through a Thursday, Oct, 17, 7:00 p.m., Fine Franklin Ave. at 10th Ave. So. – (handi- show that, in Fagerholt’s words, “is finally Arts Center, 939 Ohio Ave SW, Huron, S.D. Vikingfest accessible) phone – (612) 874-0716 their turn to be noticed, to be the center of 57350; tickets will be sold at the door or call Oct. 19 – www.mindekirken.org. our attention, and to share their stories with (605) 353-8518. Santa Rosa, Calif. Vikingfest is Freya Lodge’s annual cel- Luncheon ebration of Norwegian heritage and all Oct. 13 things Norwegian: from Viking era re- St. Paul, Minn. < connection flights increases to three with departures on enactments to modern art and pottery, The St. Paul chapter of Nordmanns- From page 4 Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. The Nordic arts and crafts, traditional foods, Forbundet/Norwegians Worldwide will introductory fare is $236 one way. heritage keepsakes, cultural displays and be having a luncheon and program on to Scandinavia and beyond,” Kjos added. demonstrations, and remembrance of Sunday, October 13 at 1:00 p.m. at Olson Tickets to the new destinations and next Copenhagen – New York twice a week Leif Erikson. Come be a Viking for the Center at Luther Seminary in St. Paul. year’s spring and summer flights to New from February 28, 2014 day! Admission is free. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The program is “What Is The Norwegian York, Bangkok and Fort Lauderdale will be Norwegian will operate two weekly at Norway Hall, 617 West Ninth Street. Honorary Consulate?” The Vice Consul available for sale starting September 3 at flights between Copenhagen (CPH) and More information: (707) 778-8120 or will provide information about Norway www.norwegian.com. New York (JFK) – on Mondays and Fridays. www.freyalodge.org. and the relationship between America From April 30, the number of weekly flights and Norway. Consular services in the Flight Schedule increases to four – departing on Mondays, Nakebr s a Upper Midwest include Norwegian cul- Stockholm – Los Angeles twice a week Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. The in- 25th Annual Torsk and meatball dinner ture, business, politics and economic af- from March 2, 2014 troductory fare is $185 one way. Oct. 20 fairs. $21.00 (students $15.00). Guests Norwegian will operate two weekly Omaha, Nebraska welcome. RSVP required to Marie at flights between Stockholm (ARN) and Los Oslo – Los Angeles once a week from You are invited to join us for our Sons 651-644-8132 by October 5. Angeles (LAX) – on Wednesdays and Sun- of Norway annual Torsk and Meatball days. On April 30, the number of weekly June 1, 2014 dinner. The menu: Torsk and Meatballs Virgi nia / D.c. Metro area flights increases to three – with departures Norwegian will operate one weekly flight every Sunday between Los Angeles (you get both), Boiled Potatoes, Lefse, Book Signing, Program on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The (LAX) and Oslo (OSL). The introductory Sliced Cucumbers, Pickled Herring, Oct. 18 introductory fare is $236 one way. fare is $236 one way. Beet pickles, Rolls, Cranberrys and fab- Fairfax, Va. Oslo – San Francisco three times a week ulous Norwegian or Danish or Swedish Please join us at 7 pm, following refresh- Stockholm – San Francisco twice a from May 28, 2014 desserts, cakes and beverages. Serving ments, for a free event to meet and hear week from May 3, 2014 Norwegian will operate three weekly times 4:00 & 5:00 & 6:00, we usually Olav Richard Crone-Aamot recount his Norwegian will operate two weekly flights between Oslo (OSL) and Oakland- serve 250 plus people. (handicap acc- youthful efforts to subvert the German flights between Stockholm (ARN) and Oak- San Francisco (OAK) – on Mondays, cessible). It will be held at Augustana occupation in Norway as well as his land-San Francisco (OAK) – on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Fridays. The introductory Lutheran Church, 3647 Lafayette Ave. post-World War II career with the U.S. and Saturdays. The introductory fare is $236 fare is $236 one way. which is about a mile off I 80 and I 480 Army as a Military Intelligence Special- one way. near the Quest center. If you heading ist. Richard’s book, “The Norwegian Pa- Oslo – Orlando twice a week from May north towards Eppley Air Port, take the perclip,” recounts the humor and horror Copenhagen – Los Angeles twice a 29, 2014 Cumings exit, Augustana is about eight of his many close encounters and eva- week from March 1, 2014 Norwegian will operate two weekly blocks west on Cumings and 2 blocks sions of capture during the war, and will Norwegian will operate two weekly flights between Oslo (OSL) and Orlando north of Cuming on 38th St. Tickets for be available for sale and book signing flights between Copenhagen (CPH) and Los (MCO) – on Thursdays and Saturdays. The adults (over 12) are $15.00, children 6 – after his presentation. Held at Norway Angeles (LAX) – on Tuesdays and Satur- introductory fare is $236 one way. 11 are $ 5.00. Children, 4 & 5: $ 2.00 House, 3846 Meredith Dr., Fairfax, VA. days. From May 1, the number of weekly and Age 3 and under free. Reservations Free. Call (703) 573-5943 for informa- must be made 1 week prior or Oct 13 by tion, or www.norwaydc.org. calling Carole Davick 402-292-5759 or Connect with Norway and the by email [email protected]. Norwegian-American community every Friday by subscribing to the Weekly

Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly september 27, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood

< Høstfest persons of Scandinavian descent in North From page 1 America who have achieved greatness in New at Norway House their fields of endeavor and/or whose efforts from all over the world. The festival fea- have contributed significantly to the better- Bestefars hjørne Cultural organization moves into building that will be tures world-class entertainment, Scandina- ment of mankind. It was established in 1984 new home for Norwegian-American organizations vian culture on display, handcrafted Norsk as a permanent component of Norsk Høst- merchandise, authentic Scandinavian cui- fest. sine plus a fine dining establishment lead by The 2013 banquet will take place on Special Release guest chefs. Norsk Høstfest celebrates Scan- Wednesday, October 2, at the Grand Hotel in Norway House dinavian culture from Denmark, Finland, Minot, beginning with a reception at 6 p.m. Iceland, Norway and Sweden. and dinner at 7 p.m. Rolf Kristian Stang will serve as Master of Ceremonies. Tickets for Høstfest announces 2013 Scandinavian- Norway House today announced that sq. ft. Wings Financial Building is the first the banquet are $46 and can be obtained by American Hall of Fame Inductees Concordia Language Villages, the premier phase of the campaign and has been funded calling the Høstfest office at (701) 852-2368 Norsk Høstfest will honor a business language and cultural immersion program through donations made to date. Other land or by visiting hostfest.com. mogul, a legendary sitcom television couple in the United States, is the first tenant of and building purchases on the block bound- and their multi-talented family, and a star of the organization’s recently acquired facility ed by E. Franklin Ave., Elliot Ave. S., E. 21st The VIKINGS are invading Norsk Høst- music and film as the 2013 class of the Scan- in south Minneapolis. Concordia Language St. and 10th Ave. S., as well as new construc- fest! dinavian-American Hall of Fame. Villages moved in Aug. 28. tion of the Conference and Event Center and Metro-Goldyn-Mayer Studios Inc. Keith Johanneson, President & CEO of Norway House serves as the cultural other administrative and operating costs (MGM) and Fox Home Entertainment is Johanneson’s Inc., oversees the successful home for Norwegian-American business, comprise the balance of funds being sought bringing HISTORY’s highest-rated fresh- retail grocery store management business educational, social and cultural organiza- from individual donors, foundations and cor- man drama series, “VIKINGS,” to Norsk founded by his parents, Thelma and John tions. In May the organization established porations. Høstfest. Johanneson, 73 years ago. Headquartered in its home by purchasing the Wings Financial A variety of Norwegian-American or- At Norsk Høstfest, festival goers will Bemidji, MN, Johanneson’s Inc. today oper- Building at 913 E. Franklin Ave. in Minne- ganizations are partners with Norway House be able to pre-purchase ”VIKINGS” Season ates more than 25 busi- apolis. The purchase of the building adjacent and have indicated their intent to make use of 1 Blu-ray and DVD in nesses including Mi- to Mindekirken – The Norwegian Lutheran the facilities. In addition to Concordia Lan- advance of the Oct. 15 not’s five Marketplace Memorial Church, guage Villages, Mind- release date for an in- Foods supermarkets, marked the first step ekirken and the Royal home delivery. With liquor stores, conve- in a multi-phase Norwegian Honor- purchase of the “VI- nience stores and sev- program to estab- ary Consulate Gen- KINGS” Season 1 Blu- eral regional real estate lish Norway House eral, the organizations ray and DVD, custom- entities. Johanneson is as the premier con- include Augsburg ers will receive (while of Icelandic heritage, vener of Midwest College, Augustana supplies last) limited- and will receive his Norwegian-Amer- College, Concordia edition collectible len- award from Christine ican organizations. College (Moorhead), ticular cards that are Schulze, Vice President “We are de- Humphrey School of exclusive to Norsk of Concordia Language lighted that Con- Public Affairs, Lakse- Høstfest and San Diego Villages at Concordia cordia Language laget, Luther College, Comic-con. College, the premier Villages is our first Minnesota Interna- The series, created language and cultural tenant of Norway tional Center, Norwe- and written by Michael immersion program in House,” said Karen gian American Cham- Hirst (“The Tudors,” the United States. Tuzcu, Norway ber of Commerce, “Elizabeth”), is the sto- The Nelson Fam- House President Nordmans-Forbundet, ry about history’s brav- ily has earned a spot in and CEO. “They Norwegian Emigrant est and most brutally entertainment history are the first of many of our not-for-profit and Museum, Oslo Center for Peace and Human Photo courtesy of Norsk Høstfest fearsome warriors – the with three generations Kris Kristofferson will be honored as an in- Nordic partners that will call Norway House Rights – US Foundation, St. Olaf College, Vikings. Starring Tra- finding success in the ductee into the Scandinavian-American Hall ‘home.’ We anticipate a new level of syner- Sons of Norway and Vesterheim Norwegian- vis Fimmel (The Beast, business. Baby boom- of Fame. gy and collaboration now that we have one American Museum. The Experiment), ers and their elders will place where these organizations can share Golden Globe winner remember Ozzie and Harriet Nelson whose space and host events and meetings that fur- About Norway House Gabriel Byrne (The Usual Suspects, Miller’s popular television sitcom, The Adventures of ther the mission of connecting Minnesota Norway House is a Minnesota-based Crossing) and Katheryn Winnick (Love and Ozzie and Harriet, aired from 1952 to 1966, with contemporary Norway.” nonprofit organization dedicated to provid- Other Drugs, Bones), “VIKINGS” chronicles making it the longest running live-action Founded in 1960 at the suggestion of ing a link for present and future generations the epic adventures of notorious Norse hero American family sitcom in television his- Concordia College faculty member Gerhard of the Norwegian-American community in Ragnar Lothbrok (Fimmel), a Viking warrior tory. The show starred the real-life Nelson Haukebo, Concordia Language Villages was the Upper Midwest to the heritage and cul- who yearns to explore – and raid – the distant family, which included sons David and Eric envisioned as a way to teach language and ture of Norway. Norway House partners with shores of the ocean. “VIKINGS” also stars “Ricky” Nelson. Rick Nelson went on to culture to young people. Today the organi- individuals, organizations and businesses in George Blagden (Wrath of the Titans), Jes- become the first “teen idol,” but his career zation provides cultural immersion program- the Norwegian-American community to pro- salyn Gilsig (Glee), Gustaf Skarsgard (The was cut short when he was killed in a plane ming in 15 languages for more than 10,000 mote an appreciation for and understanding Way Back), and Clive Standen (Camelot). crash. His twin sons, Matthew and Gunnar, language learners of all ages each year. of the American Norwegian experience and MGM and Fox Home Entertainment will are singer/songwriters in their own right, “We are excited to be a part of the grow- its relationship to modern Norway and the also bring VIKINGS ambassadors to the fes- and along with presenting and accepting the ing Norway House community and the first world. Programs Norway House oversees tival who will be in full VIKINGS costume SAHF honor on the family’s behalf, will be tenant of the Norway House Education Cen- include The Edvard Grieg Society, the Nor- and roaming the halls of Norsk Høstfest. performing a tribute show, “Ricky Nelson ter,” said Martin Graefe, Senior Director of way House Peace Initiative and the “Going “We are pleased to bring VIKINGS to Remembered” daily at Norsk Høstfest. The Concordia Language Villages. “We are look- Viking” award which recognizes the accom- the 2013 Norsk Høstfest,” said Pam Davy, Nelsons are of Norwegian descent. ing forwarding to collaborating with Norway plishments of notable Norwegian-American Norsk Høstfest Executive Director. “This is Kris Kristofferson has earned three House and the other cultural organizations leaders. For more information, please visit a great opportunity to have such a new, suc- Grammys, a Golden Globe, and induction that will soon share our home on this cul- www.norwayhouse.org. cessful television series that focuses on the into the Country Music Hall of Fame. Krist- tural campus.” heart of the Viking culture at the festival.” offerson got his start in Nashville, where A new 15,000 sq. ft. Conference and About Concordia Language Villages MGM and Fox Home Entertainment he collaborated with Willie Nelson, Johnny Event Center will be built on the same block Concordia Language Villages, a pro- will be offering a grand prize of a round trip Cash and Waylon Jennings to record several and adjacent to Mindekirken and the Educa- gram of Concordia College, Moorhead, flight for two to return to Norsk Høstfest albums as part of The Highwaymen in addi- tion Center to serve permanent tenants and Minn., is a recognized leader in global edu- 2014 to the best dressed Viking at the festi- tion to a successful solo career. Kristofferson be used for special events, weddings, and cation offering 15 world language programs. val with accommodations provided by Norsk has found success in Hollywood, too; to date, corporate and private events. It will include Concordia Language Villages attracts more Høstfest. To enter the contest, festival goers he has appeared in more than 70 films. Of a banquet hall, catering kitchen, café, gift than 10,000 youth, educators and adults an- need to come to Norsk Høstfest in their best Swedish descent, Kristofferson will also per- shop, meeting rooms, classrooms, exhibit nually from all 50 states and more than 20 Viking gear or stop by the VIKINGS booth form on Høstfest’s main stage Wednesday, and performing space. Award-winning archi- countries. Youth and adults of all language and Sons of Norway will help participants Oct. 2. He will receive his award from iconic tect Dewey Thorbeck is designing the new experience levels can take advantage of on- dress up. Once in Vikings attire, they must supermodel Stephanie Seymour, whose high building that will integrate the other build- site learning options ranging from a week- upload photos of themselves at the event to fashion photographs have graced the covers ings on the campus. end to four weeks. For more information, Tumblr.com and/or Høstfest social media of magazines like Vogue, Elle, Vanity Fair, Norway House is currently engaged in a visit http://skogfjorden.villagepages.org or sites using #VikingsHostfest. Winners of the and W. $10 million capital campaign to raise funds https://www.facebook.com/Skogfjorden. On contest will be announced Oct. 5 at the fes- The Scandinavian-American Hall of for the entire project. Purchase of the 12,000 Twitter @Skogfjordenvenn. tival and via Norsk Høstfest Facebook page. Fame is an enduring means of honoring 14 • september 27, 2013 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Norwegians in NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Texas With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, Brought to you by the Daughters of Norway “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Sally Ride: First American Woman in Space

Melody Stepp Daughters of Norway

In 1894, Andrew “Andy” Anderson was born in Minnesota to Norwegian immigrant farmers. He was to play important part in the history of America’s space exploration. On May 26, 1951, Andy Anderson’s daughter, Carol Joyce, gave birth to Sally Kristen Ride. Her father was Dale Burdell Ride. Carol and Dale later had a second Dei tre kongsdøtrene i The three princesses in the daughter, Karen. Sally couldn’t pronounce berget det blå mountain so blue Karen and called her sister “Bear,” a nick- Til sist sa vaktmannen at når dei en- name which stayed with her. Finally the guard said that since they Sally Ride was an active little girl. She deleg ville og måtte ut, så fekk dei vel gå. absolutely had to, and wanted to go outside, loved the outdoors and playing sports, but Men det skulle berre vera ei ørlita stund, then they might as well do so. But it had to she also liked to read – mysteries and sci- og han ville sjølv vera med og sjå etter be for only a wee short time, and he would ence fiction were favorites. Fortunately, dei. Då dei kom ned i hagen, sprang dei himself be there to watch over them. When Ride’s parents encouraged her desire to learn både høgt og lågt og plukka fanget fullt av they came into the garden, they ran both to and explore. blomar. and fro, filling their aprons with flowers. When she was very young, her family Men då dei skulle til å gå inn att, fekk But when they were about to go back spent a year traveling around Europe. While dei sjå ei stor rose som stod borte i enden inside again, they saw a large rose at the end in Spain, Ride played tennis for the first time Photo: NASA Sally Ride was the first American woman in på hagen. Ho var venare enn alle andre of the garden. It was more beautiful than any and loved it. Wimbledon star and former world No. 1 player Alice Marble was Ride’s space. She also had Norwegian heritage. blomar, så den måtte dei endeleg ha. Men of the other flowers, so this one they just had tennis instructor. Ride was nationally ranked med det same dei bøygde seg og skulle to have. But then as they bent down to pluck 18th in the girls’ 18 & under division, and taka rosa, kom det ein tett snøfloke, og of Science degree in Physics. Ride stayed on the rose, a large snowstorm came, and they she was good enough to play professionally. borte var dei. at Stanford and later earned her Master’s and were gone. Ride loved sports but she also loved science. Det vart stor sorg over heile landet, og Doctorate degrees in Physics. There was great sorrow throughout the She was given a partial scholarship to attend Ride’s background in physics was per- kongen let lysa ut på alle kyrkjebakkar at land, and the king put a notice on all the the prestigious Westlake School for Girls fect for the new brand of astronauts the Na- den som kunne frelsa kongsdøtrene, skulle church gates that whomsoever rescues his near Los Angeles, Calif. tional Aeronautics and Space Administration få halve riket og gullkrona hans og kven daughters, would receive half his kingdom, After high school Ride attended Swarth- (NASA) in Houston, Texas was looking for. av dei tre prinsessene han ville, til kone. more College, near Philadelphia, where she as well as his gold , and whichever of In 1977, NASA recruited scientists, and for Mange drog av stad, men ingen kunne studied physics. While there she won the the three princesses he wanted as a wife as the first time women were allowed to apply. finna kongsdøtrene. Eastern Intercollegiate Women’s Tennis well. Many went off, but no one could find Until now, NASA had hired mostly fighter Championships. However, after three se- Då no alle dei store og høgaste i landet the princesses. pilots from the Navy and Air Force for their mesters and before the end of her sophomore hadde vori ute, var det ein kaptein og ein Now that all the mightiest and haughti- astronaut program, but with the beginning of year, she was homesick for California and løytnant som ville i vegen og prøva seg. est in the land had been out and tried, there the shuttle program, NASA broadened the returned there. In her junior year she entered Å ja, kongen reidde dei ut både med sylv field of applicants. was a captain and a lieutenant who wanted to Stanford University and continued to study og gull og alt det dei ville ha med seg, og Ride was one of more than 8,300 people go and try. Aye, the king equipped them with physics. By her senior year, Ride started tak- ynskte dei lukke på ferda attpå. to answer an advertisement seeking appli- both silver and gold and everything they ing English classes as a break from the rigors cants for the space program. In 1978 she and Så var det ein soldat som budde sa- wanted to take with them, and even wished of her math and science courses. When she five other women beat out more than 1,000 man med mor si i ei lita stove bortanfor them good luck on the journey as well. graduated in 1973, she had earned a Bache- kongsgarden. Han drøymde ei natt at han Then there was a soldier who lived with lor of Arts degree in English, and a Bachelor See > ride, page 15 skulle ut og leita etter kongsdøtrene. — his mother in a small cabin beyond the king’s Det er berre noko fanteskap som har komi palace. One night he dreamed that he was for deg, sa mor hans. Men han vaska seg going to go and search for the princesses. og drog på seg munderinga si. “This is only some foolishness that you have Så gjekk han opp i kjøkenet på kongs- imagined,” said his mother. But he washed garden. — Gå du heim att, sa kongen, — himself and put on his uniform. prinsessene heng vel høgt for deg, og ik- And then he went into the kitchen at kje har eg att ferdapengar heller. — Får eg the palace. “Just you go home again,” said drykk på flaska og mat i taska, er eg nøgd, the king, “the princesses will be too difficult sa soldaten. Ja, han fekk ein matsekk med for you to find. Nor do I have any traveling både kjøt og flesk. money left.” “If I have drink in my bottle and food in my knapsack, I am content, said the soldier. Aye, this he could have and he was given a bag with both pork and other meats.

Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com norwegian american weekly september 27, 2013 • 15 Sports < ride From page 14 Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League Sally Ride EarthKAM. Students can attend Sally Ride Science Camps, and day-long results Standings other female applicants and joined NASA’s Sally Ride Science festivals which are held 09/20 Rosenborg 1 – 1 Haugesund Tippeligaen PLD PTS astronaut program in Houston, Texas. She throughout the U.S.; the next one will be 1. Rosenborg BK 24 49 became a mission specialist, a type of astro- October 12 at Rice University in Houston. 09/21 Lillestrøm 1 – 2 Hønefoss naut who performs experiments and deploys Ride also wrote or co-wrote seven children’s 2. Strømgodset IF 24 47 satellites on the shuttle. During the second books on exploring our solar system includ- 09/21 Brann 1 – 1 Strømsgodset 3. Viking FK 24 41 and third flights of the space shuttle, Sally ing planet Earth, hoping to encourage girls’ 09/22 Sarpsborg 3 – 0 Tromsø 4. Ålesund FK 24 38 served as CapCom (Capsule Communica- and boys’ interests in science. 5. FK Haugesund 24 38 09/22 Odd Grenland 5 – 1 Ålesund tor). She also helped develop and test the Dr. Ride’s honors include: 6. Molde FK 24 34 shuttle’s robotic arm. • National Space Society’s Von 09/22 Molde 4 – 1 Sandnes Ulf 7. SK Brann 24 34 On June 18, 1983, Norwegian-Ameri- Braun Award can Sally Ride soared into history aboard the • The Lindbergh Eagle 09/22 Start 2 – 0 Sogndal 8. Lillestrøm SK 24 31 space shuttle Challenger on its 7th mission. • The Theodore Roosevelt Award, the 9. Vålerenga Fotball 24 30 09/22 She was not only the first American woman highest honor the National Colle- Viking 1 – 0 Vålerenga 10. Odd Grenland 24 29 in space, but at age 32, also the youngest giate Athletic Association (NCAA) 11. Sogndal IL Fotball 24 29 Next matches Sept. 29. American in space. may confer on an individual 12. IK Start 24 28 With six days in space under her belt, • The Library of Congress, Living 13. Sandnes Ulf 24 28 her second mission, also on the Challenger, Legends Award 14. Tromsø IL 24 25 came in 1984. She had a total of 343 hours • She was inducted into the Norwe- T o read more about football in in space and eight more months of training gian-American Hall of Fame, the 15. Hønefoss BK 24 24 23 in preparation for her scheduled third trip, National Women’s Hall of Fame, Norway, visit www.uefa.com 16. Sarpsborg 08 FF 24 23 when the Challenger disaster occurred on the California Hall of Fame, and the January 28, 1986. U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame Ride was named to the presidential • Two elementary schools have been commission investigating the accident, and named after her (in Woodlands, after the investigation, she was assigned to Texas, and Germantown, Md.). < park NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C. In Sally passed away from pancreatic can- From page 3 that took place on August 23. 1987 she left NASA and joined the Center cer on July 23, 2012. President Obama will Færder national park will be situated in for International Security and Arms Con- honor her posthumously with the Presiden- area is granted its new status is for King the area south and east of Tjøme and Nøt- trol at Stanford. Ride became a professor of tial Medal of Freedom on November 20, Harald to formalize the decision, an event terøy, south of Oslo. physics at the University of California, and 2013. the director of the California Space Institute Sally Kristen Ride is survived by her in 1989. partner of 27 years, Tam O’Shaughnessy, In 2001, America’s first woman in space who is currently the Chair, Board of Direc- founded Sally Ride Science™ to pursue her tors of Sally Ride Science. She is also sur- < fate ren). long-time passion of motivating girls and vived by her sister Karen “Bear” Ride and From page 3 Jørn Holme from the directorate has young women to study science, technology, her mother Joyce. Sally fought pancreatic said that the investigation will take this fac- engineering, and math (STEM) and consider cancer for a year and a half and died at the “H-Block was revolutionary, architec- tor into account when concluding on the careers in these fields. According to the com- young age of 61. turally and artistically-speaking, and in many government building. pany website, Ride founded the company “to Sally’s sister noted that, “Sally was a ways represents modernism’s arrival in Nor- The cost to preserve both the high rise educate, engage, and inspire all students… profoundly private person. It was just part way. [Norwegian architect Erling] Viksjø’s segment of the building and the Y block is to bring science to life through pioneering of who she was. We chalk that up to being construction techniques were influential.” estimated at around 650 million kroner. professional development, instructional so- Norwegian.” “The natural concrete with river gravel “This was the first monumental edifice lutions, and real-science investigations for on the surface was used by others to such Pablo Picasso contributed to creating,” Min- students in 4th-8th grades.” Melody Stepp, member of Embla Lodge an extent that it is difficult to imagine how ister Solhjell told Dagsavisen. Ride has brought the excitement of #2, is also a member of the Organizational epochal this was in the 1950s today,” he con- “The high-rise’s conservation and sym- space exploration to thousands of middle Committee of the Grand Lodge, Daughters tinued. bolic value is no less today than it was be- school students through her NASA program of Norway. Five Picasso murals in H-Block, fore 22 July 2011. Technical investigations painted in the late ‘50s and ‘60s also sur- following the terrorist attacks show that the vived Breivik’s attack – “The Beach,” “The building construction is not critically-dam- Seagull,” “Satyr and Faun” and two versions aged, and the integrated art is still intact,” of “The Fishermen.” < oil Mr Holme’s statement reads. Socialist Left Environment Minister From page 5 the identity of Norwegian farm names dating “H-Block and Y-Block are in every Bård Vegar Solhjell, who called the 17-sto- back generations to a patch of land in Nor- sense of the word monumental architecture rey H-Block “an international treasure,” has way from immigrated ancestors. Perhaps in a quarter that has housed government ac- of North America. now ordered a new assessment from the Di- three-out-of-five N.D. families have one or tivities since before 1814.” The luncheon speaker, Matt Rose, CEO, rectorate for Cultural Heritage (Riksantikva- Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, gave more genes from a Norwegian ancestor in an illustrated presentation on the “Role of their family tree. Rail in the Growth of Domestic Crude.” Today in the oil patch, these families, Complimenting developing pipelines, whose name-identity relates to a farm name which are currently flowing full to specific from Norway, fall into three categories: < hollywood Digby from Universal Studios agrees. destinations, he explained that rail transport those who’s unfathomed dreams for new From page 3 “I think the nature and scenery here is so of crude is built on a foundation of N.D.’s wealth come true; those who are invested in maintaining the land but mineral rights are unique that everybody who sees the movie grain exports. Trains with a 110 oil cars go posed to portray Alaska, Mayor Bjørn Inge held elsewhere; those families who are so- will ask where it was filmed. They will find non-stop every day to a destination port in Ruset in Norddal County still thinks that it cially “fractured” as they stand on the side- out that it was Norway.” East or West coasts, Gulf of Mexico or Great will be a good way to showcase the area. Lakes, gauged by wherever the optimum lines – seeing others surrounded by rewards time is for turn-around, where the best de- of being in the right place, yet experiencing mand is for export on a given day, or where the downside of rapid growth that degrades their daily wellbeing, especially the elderly. the market price per barrel is the highest. < sky While the partnering of private and pub- One speaker at the conference said From page 1 Boassen-Hagen has had a good year in lic corporate players in the Bakken Field is that there are 12 dimensions of complex- the 2013 season, placing first in the National reassuring, based on generations and decades ity requiring solutions in the Bakken Field Championships in Florence on Sunday, Sept. Time Trial Championships and 1st overall of cooperative guidance in development, the development. Primary social, civic and en- 22. in the Glava Tour of Norway, as well as a impact of growth in families and neighbors vironmental issues – both upside and down- Team Sky ended 22.62 seconds be- first place stage win in the Critérium du Dau- with Norwegian-American lineages is caus- side – are progressively being addressed and hind the winners, Omega Pharma. Orica- phiné and 5th place in the Cancer Council ing “fracturing” of a different kind. these topics will be explored in this column GreenEdge placed second. Helpline Classic. About one-third of N.D. families’ carry in future editions. Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! FootHuggers Happy Høstfest! Comfort Socks The Weekly is at Høstfest this year!

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