Request for Quotations RFQ # 16-7026-25 RideKC Fare Payment & Customer Information Mobile Application Pilot Project Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) requests quotes from qualified vendors to provide a fare payment mobile application as a pilot project as specified in Attachment A. Release of this RFQ solicitation does not compel the KCATA to purchase. Submittal of Quotations: Your written quotation must be received no later than Wednesday, October 19, 2016 prior to 2:00 p.m. central time, via fax or email to
[email protected] or fax to 816-346-0336. Questions should be directed, in written format, to this email address. Type of Contract: KCATA contemplates award of a firm fixed price contract with regard to price. Period of Performance: The pilot project shall be for a period of date of contract award through one year. Basis for Award: Contract award, if any, will be made on the basis of the lowest responsive bidder complying with all the conditions of the RFQ, scope of work, and instruction. Pricing shall remain valid for 90 days. a. If awarded at all, the bid may be awarded to the bidder whose total price is lowest, whose bid is responsive to the invitation thereof, and who is determined to be technically and financially responsible to perform as required. Conditional bids and any bid taking exception to these instructions or conditions, to the contract conditions or specifications, or to other contract requirements may be considered non- responsive and may be rejected. Minimum Acceptance Period: Ninety (90) Calendar Days Reservations: KCATA reserves the right to waive informalities or irregularities in quotes, to reject any or all quotes; to cancel this RFQ in part or in its entirety.