Board Meeting 5815 Marlatt Avenue Manhattan, KS Wednesday, March 3Rd, 2021 4:00 Pm
Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency 5815 Marlatt Avenue • Manhattan, KS | 66503 Phone: 785.537.6345 1.877.551.6345 Board Meeting 5815 Marlatt Avenue Manhattan, KS Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 4:00 pm This will be a Zoom meeting. 1. Welcome & Introductions 2. Public Comment Opportunity 3. Action Item: Approval of February Minutes 4. Update Executive Director’s Report-Anne Smith 5. Update: Mobility Management-Mike Wilson 6. Update: Director of Finance-Melanie Tuttle 7. Discussion Item: Discussion item- FHATA Parking Lot 8. Discussion item- Token Transit 9. Discussion item- FY20 Audit 10. Action Item: 11. Adjournment by Chairperson Next meeting April 7th, 2021 Special Accommodations: Please notify aTa Bus at (785) 537-6345 or 1-877-551-6345 at least 72 hours in advance if you require special accommodations to attend this meeting. We will make every effort to meet reasonable requests. aTa Bus does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, or national origin, according to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. For more information or to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, visit the aTa Bus office 5815 Marlatt Avenue or This Project Funded in Part by the KDOT Public Transit Program This Project Funded in Part by the City of Manhattan FLINT HILLS AREA TRANSPORTATION AGENCY BOARD MEETING February 3, 2021 | 4:00 pm Remote meeting via Zoom VOTING MEMBERS Present Aaron Estabrook – Manhattan City Commission – Chair Person Present Jeff Underhill – Junction City Commission – Vice
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