OPEN MEETING NOTICE Mobility Advisory Committee AGENDA
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OPEN MEETING NOTICE Mobility Advisory Committee Sara Davis, Co‐chair and Jake Jacobs, Co‐chair There will be a meeting of the Mobility Advisory Committee, Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 9:30AM via Zoom (a virtual meeting platform). See meeting invite for login info. AGENDA (Total Time: 120 minutes) Procedural Business 1. Welcome and Sign‐in (5 minutes) 2. Approval of December 9, 2020 Meeting Minutes (2 minutes)* Main Business 3. MAC membership vote (15 minutes) (Laura Machala, MARC) See attached table showing those who have expressed interest in continuing to serve or serving as new MAC members. 4. Coordinated Plan Data Update Completed (15 minutes) (Laura Machala, MARC) 5. CRRISAA 5310 funds information item (2 minutes) (Lisa Womack, KCATA) 6. Microtransit Update (20 minutes) (Justus Welker, Unified Government Transit and Josh Powers, Johnson County) 7. 2021 Workplan discussion (20 minutes) (Jake Jacobs, EITAS) Additional Business 8. Member round‐robin (15 minutes) 2021 Meeting Dates (all from 9:30‐11) (virtual until further notice): June 9 September 8 December 8 Special Accommodations: Please notify the Mid‐America Regional Council at (816) 474‐4240 at least 48 hours in advance if you require special accommodations to attend this meeting (i.e., qualified interpreter, large print, reader, hearing assistance). We will make every effort to meet reasonable requests. MEETING SUMMARY Mobility Advisory Committee Sara Davis, co‐chair Jake Jacobs, co‐chair December 9, 2020 Meeting Summary Procedural Business 1. Welcome and Sign‐in (5 minutes) Meeting attendees signed in by typing their names and organizations into the chat box. 2. Approval of October 14, 2020 Meeting Minutes (2 minutes)* Meeting minutes were approved. Main Business Updated MAC bylaws (Laura Machala, MARC) Ms. Machala provided an overview of the existing bylaws including the purpose of the committee and prioritizing 5310 funds. She then went over the changes to the bylaws that members would be voting on (which were discussed at the October meeting). These changes included amending: Meeting frequency from bi‐monthly to quarterly From missing three meetings/year to more than one /year triggers not being allowed to vote Membership make‐up from representing “at least four counties” to “multiple” counties From a specific breakdown amoung the disciplines to no specific breakdown From rotating meeting location between MARC and KCATA to “MARC and/or virtual” Lisa Womack asked that the KCATA be left in as a meeting location possibility. The group agreed. Lisa moved to accept bylaw changes with her edit, and Stephen Powell seconded. The motion passed. 3. Refreshing MAC membership (Jake Jacobs, EITAS) Mr. Jacobs described how MAC, per the bylaws, is made up of between 11‐20 member organizations with a variety of organizations represented. He described that Ms. Machala surveyed existing members after the last meeting and asked that people notify her if they wished to continue serving or serve as new members on the committee. Ms. Machala showed a table of 14 organizations that responded that they wanted to serve. She asked the committee if there was anyone else who might want to be a member. Farmer’s House, Johnson County Mental Health, and Truman Medical Center spoke up and asked to be included. Ms. Machala said she would follow‐up with these three and make sure she had members, alternates, and contact information for all. She also said that the new membership roster would be voted on at the first meeting of the new year in March—current members and those seeking to be new members are eligible for that vote. Jen Jordan‐Spence asked if non‐members could still attend, and Ms. Machala responded that yes, MAC is open to the public. Ms. Womack asked if KCATA staff should remain a member or if someone else should have their membership spot. Ms. Machala responded that KCATA has traditionally had a spot and there is nothing in bylaws saying they cannot have a membership spot. Mr. Jacobs mentioned that while EITAS is listed as a funder, they are also a provider. Platte County BOS, though listed as a funder, is also a transportation provider and serves underserved populations. Ms. Machala explained that it is good when a member organization is cross‐listed as such. 4. 5310 Update (Margaret Brown, KCATA) Ms. Brown reported that the KCATA Board approved the 5310 Program of Projects (POP) at their November Board meeting. There were 14 recipients, acquiring up to 33 vehicles, and two that requested funding for contracts. KCATA anticipates official submission of the POP by the end of December. FTA generally takes 15‐20 days to review and then KCATA can officially submit. KCATA anticipates approval by late January or early February. Agreements will be sent to sub‐awardees within 30 days after that (April/May 2021). 5. Coordinated Plan Data Update (Laura Machala, MARC) Ms. Machala provided some background on the purpose of the Coordinated Public Transit‐Human Services Transportation Plan. She reported that it was last updated in 2018 and since then in June 2020, MARC adopted the long‐range transportation plan—Connected KC 2050. In consultation with FTA, MARC will synch data sources used in the Coordinated Plan with those in CKC2050. Then, going forward, both plans will be updated on the same schedule. She reported that an intern is helping to update the data and also she will need to hear back from the largest service providers (through a survey) on their service boundaries. At the March meeting, the completed update will be presented. 6. RideKC Service Change Update (Lisa Womack, KCATA) Ms. Womack reported that on November 23rd, KCATA discontinued some routes and did some service reductions in KCMO due mostly to staffing challenges due to COVID. There are some other cuts that will occur on December 14th—four more routes that will be temporarily discontinued. No routes in Wyandotte, JOCO, or Independence will be affected. For paratransit, no changes will occur, but they are struggling with trip volumes increasing along with the need to still social distance and also impacts to drivers who need to quarantine. KCATA is asking paratransit riders (like fixed route) to reduce trips if non‐essential and masks are required. Vehicles are still being deep cleaned and drivers will offer masks if riders do not have them. Microtransit fares were restored in November. Additional Business 7. Member round‐robin (10 minutes) (Jake Jacobs, EITAS Mr. Jacobs kicked off the round‐robin. He talked about how EITAS was shut down from March until June. They are now transporting 280 people per day (normal was 600). Buses are fogged every night and cleaned in‐between routes. No drivers have tested positive, although some riders have. Reduced service has cost about $1 million to the organization. Ms. Davis mentioned that all OATS passengers are required to wear a mask and that they are cleaning in‐between all passengers. Masks are provided if riders do not have one. One driver has tested positive. Corey Stoltz (Johnson County Mental Health) reported that masks are passed out to all riders, they are sanitizing, and they have installed sneeze guards. They are doing about 105 rides/day currently. Stephen Powell in Shawnee reported that while service took a hit because of COVID, they recently renewed their contract with WHC. They will be working with their Citywide Taskforce and staff at RideKC and Johnson County to look at restructuring their program to eliminate duplicative service. Anne Miller from Don Bosco reported that she works with a senior center that is struggling to remain open (at 59th and Euclid—contact is Sharon Sanders). This center lost its transportation provider and so are looking for a new provider—she is asking if anyone can help. Mr. Jacobs asked that Anne have Sharon give him a call. Anne provided her email address: [email protected] Alex Rotenberry with MARC—Complete and Green Streets Planner, mentioned some projects that he has been working on that might be of interest to the committee. Recently, MARC completed the “Pathways to Vision Zero Summit” that focused on roadway safety for all users. Also, MARC is encouraging local governments to adopt complete streets policies. Margaret Brown (KCATA) informed the group that KCATA, being the designated recipient for 5310 funds, has developed a monthly bulletin called “Regs Up” that addresses program requirements. This bulletin goes out to recipients every month. Ms. Brown and Ms. Machala will make sure the bulletin also goes out to all MAC members. Rachel Ohlhausen announced that the state of Kansas has a Go Get Tested website, where you can fill out a survey to get COVID tested (and there are multiple locations). Website is Results are available within 48 hours. Ms. Machala discussed how the first meeting of next year will be on March 10th with other meetings on June 9th, September 8, and December 8th. She brought up the 2021 workplan for the committee. She discussed how the years when the committee is not programming 5310 there is the opportunity for educational topics or other items that could be on the workplan. Ms. Ohlhausen mentioned collaborating with the committee on shared intake and referral. Ms. Machala said she would send out a survey to ask about topics that might be of interest to work on in 2021. Ms. Davis adjourned the meeting and mentioned that the next meeting will be on March 10th. ATTENDANCE December 9, 2020 Chairs: Sara Davis, OATS Jake Jacobs, EITAS Other Attendees: Alex Rotenberry MARC