Yz 1 a 1 S 1118- 461 Ad
[mJD MILITARY MEN-AT-ARMS SERIES 287 YZ 1 A 1 S 1118- 461 AD IAN I-IEATH ANGUS l\lcBRIDE 1,,,-, I'uhh,h,'tl on t;'~~l IJnwn III 1'1';15 In I)ublisher's IIUle O'q"~I, In "''lmn, ur 11....:,1 ( .."."",,,,r ll/l..h 1.111 Readers m:l~ \\ ish tustud~ this tille in cunjunctioll II ilh l'"lh~", \I"hdon 1lou'-l:,111 1I. ..... d. the fol1011 ing Ospre} publil..";llion,,: lJ>ntl\lll:'l\\ ;1>11.11 ~"d \ucll..lnd. 'ldh"... r,,~. Smr;JIItIf~ J",I'I vrUllru 1\ lAA 89 IJ)'=(IIIIIII<' .lm"t'S 886 IllS .\lJ\f\ I~O Irllllrso/lltrOIlIIIllIHl Tllrb I.WI) 171-1 .\lJ\A 195 1IIIIIxurj'ulldlltr fulllifEustrrn Ellrllpt lOOO I3b8 'II n[l.hb ~HoJ \/,,,,,,lrun'Jn, I... Jl'Jlong for ,he ru'l'U'o" (lj prn Jle "Utll. "....:-JI(·h. (T" ,~"n' or ""It"" J~ I"<'mlUl'oJ und~r Ih., c.'ln",hl,I>'·"ltn. Jnd I'Jr'·RI., -\n. 1<;1)1I..... r.n "llh" p... bl,u,...... m~\ h.. Artisl's nOll' rrp..Jd~n1. ,rornl on J rel",·,.l "'*cm. or r...n>llmrt<! Readers ma~ care 10 note Ihal Ihe original paimings In .nl form or h, .n' nK.n,. d ..... lron......l.... trocal. from II hieh Ihe colour platCS in Ihis boo~ \\ere prc .-hmlk~. mnlun....I, "1"....1, ph/l'OCtIfl, IIlJ, r«....tlmJ par("t! arc a\ailablc for pri\ale ..ale. \11 reproduction or uoC"",,,L'-l:. ,,"ho." l!w;- rnor pern,,_ of l!w; oop~righl \\hat~\er b~ OlfI,,,,hl " ......r '-""'\lInt> oJIt.oulJ he .ok!......"..,.
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