Name: Date: Topic: ’s Heian Period Period: Main Ideas/ Questions Notes Row Leaders get Textbooks + Setup Cornell Notes + Put graded work away A New Capital

• In 794, the Emperor Kammu built a new capital city for Japan, called Heian-Kyo. • Today, it is called . • The Heian Period is called Japan’s “Golden Age” Essential Question: What does “Golden Age” mean? Inside the city • Wealthy families lived in mansions surrounded by gardens. A Powerful Family

• The Fujiwara family controlled Japan for over 300 years. • They had more power than the emperor and made important decisions for Japan. Beauty and Fashion

• Beauty was important in Heian society. • Men and women blackened their teeth. • Women plucked their eyebrows and painted them higher on their foreheads. Beauty and Fashion

• Heian women wore as many as 12 silk robes at a time. • Long hair was also considered beautiful. Entertainment

• The aristocracy had time for diversions such as go (a board game), kemari (keep the ball in play) and bugaku theater. Art

• Yamato-e was a style of that reflected nature from the Japanese religion of . Writing and Literature • The Tale of was written by , a woman, and is considered the world’s first . Japanese Origami Book Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah.

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