ERASMUS+ KA1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals VET learner and staff mobility PROGRAMME (2014-2020) Zespół Szkół w Sokołowie Młp., ul. Lubelska 37, PL-36050 Sokołów Młp., Polen

„Internships abroad as an opportunity to gain professional experience” Project No.POWERVET-2018-1-PL01-KA102-048783 The project ,,Internships abroad as an opportunity to gain professional experience” contact number POWERVET-2018-1-PL01-KA102-048783 is aimed at 15 students from Secondary School in Sokołów Młp. learning to become nutrition and catering technicians, IT technicians. The project participants will do a one-month internship in catering and IT companies in in April and May from 01.10.2018 till 30.09.2019. The aims of the project are: Developing and adjusting students’ professional skills to the job market from 01.10.2018 till 30.09.2019. The project, as part of the Erasmus plus programme, concerns both the institutions and the participants themselves. Its aims are as follows: 1. Supporting the development of language and professional skills of the students learning to become chefs, IT or economic specialists by enabling them to do an internship abroad in companies which will help them gain suitable skills and get a better job in the future. 2. Supporting creative thinking as well as a positive attitude towards systematic professional and personal development. 3. Helping the students to understand the sense of change, creativity and innovation. 4. Developing professional skills and personal competences with the help of the Erasmus plus programme. Thanks to this mobility at an international level is possible. 5. The students will improve their language skills, the knowledge of the culture of Europe as well as international relations. This is to make them understand the meaning of multiculturalism. 6. Encouraging cooperation between our school and the companies in order to improve the process of education and skills connected with starting a job in a particular company. The project will have an impact on the institutions and is going to contribute to: - The internationalisation of institutions thanks to international mobility and a strong intercultural dimension of the Erasmus plus programme. - Acquiring key skills such as speaking a foreign language - the German, English, Spanish and Portuguese language. - Making contact with people and adapting to new conditions creating an opportunity for the students to learn to work with and live among people of different nationalities. - Improving the learning methods in the students which will create new educational paths. - Interpersonal development of the teachers, employees and students. - Increasing awareness of different audiences. Through the implementation of our project we intend to reach as many people as possible who would like to participate in similar projects within the Erasmus plus programme. Thanks to the project our school will support the students in the process of acquiring useful knowledge, skills and professional qualifications. The teenagers will have a chance to communicate in German, Spanish, English and Portuguese and learn about a foreign culture and work management. These skills can be used by them in Poland after the project. Participating in the project the students will enable students to improve their career prospects and find an attractive job.

Das Hotel. Das Restaurant. SÜDRAST – DREILÄNDERECKE Autobahn A2, 9601 Arnoldstein, Österreich

Gipfelhaus Magdalensberg Familie Skorianz

Magdalensberg 16, 9064 Magdalensberg Region Mittelkärnten

Gasthaus Pension Rabl Mittertrixen 3, 9102 Völkermarkt

Biolandhaus Arche Vollwertweg 1a, A-9372 Eberstein

Otti Albin Umberger Str. 24, 9241

Familien Sporthotel Brennseehof**** Seestraße 19, 9544 k%C3%A4rnten/1-0.html

Koglers Pfeffermühle ***s-

Hotel & Restaurant Steinweg 6, 9554 St. Urban am Urbansee- Simonhöhe

Gasthof zur Post*** Ossiach 18, 9570 Ossiach

Seehotel Hoffmann****s Bundesstraße Ost 7, 9552

Promenaden-Strandhotel Marolt**** am See V 2, 9122 Klopein

Palzerhof/ Pension Rasch Innerteuchen 13, 9543

Mr. Johann Krassnig Edling 4, 9344 Weitensfeld im Gurktal