j '* Published ^kfce All Home t s / \ Bach Week. Latest Styles / Established 1 8 6 6 . '{■ Job F’'IeMmoJo \ VOLUME XXXIX. BUCHANAN, BERRIEN CO., MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH Hi, 1905. N M B E R 1 9 .

ill Extraordinary Attraction - at The Ben Shetterly. BUSINESS CARDS Grand Opera House, Chicago Mrs. Frank Shaw and children ^R . L. E. P eck, Homeopathic Physicianan. “San Toy,” full of tuneful gayety, expect to go to Lapeer Saturday, J Surgeon, Office and Residence onMalnSfc hu mor of a kind that is entitled to where Mr. Shaw is employed as but-' uehanan, Mich. classed, as genuine comedy, with a termaker in the creamery. rvileee Curtis, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over R o e’s ardw are. Telephone 32 pffer Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums at special prices The Amendment to be Voted on production representing the invest­ Mrs, Austin Adams spent Tuesday^^fiananifich. ment of a fortune and a company in St. Joseph, during March. This will he your opportunity for spring. | Next Monday that is without a peer, is the attrac­ Mrs. Florence Kempton and Mrs. CARPETS HOSIERY tive announcement which is made for the Grand Opera House, Chicago, for Martha . Shaw attended the L. O, T. J.W. We offer: We offer ladies’, men’s and children’s M. M. initiatory work in Galien last Yard wide' Sultana' Cottage carpets 25c stockings at 10c a pair, the best we ever SHOULD BE CARRIED two weeks commencing Monday, PHYSICIAN AND S O f f f l l yard. had at the price® April 3rd. Wednesday night. Diseases of Women a Specialty^ Yaid wide Granites, extra heavy 25c We offer new lines of men’s soft bosom Every Citizen Should do His Duty and Mrs. Lou Smith will entertain the yard. shirts, full size and good materials 50c. The claims.which have been made Office over express office. Office hours Vote for This Amendment for “San Toy” may sound a bit over L. O. T. M. M. aid society this week 10 a. m. until 4 p. m.; in at all other times Yard wide Extra Unions, 35c yard. Usual half dollar work shirts for 39c. except when out in actual practice. Yard wide all wool Ingrains extia super. wrought, but the play and company Thursday p. m. Residence corner Lake and Front streets, 50«aurl60e. DRESS GOODS, SILKS This is the good roads proposition have met with such an outburst of News from Mrs, Joe Smith at the formerly the Hubbell residence. Calls Lowell Ingrains, extra super, all wool, promptly attended to day or night. J yard wide, 65c. We offer new lines of Silks. Plain’Fou- that will be submitted'to the electors approval on the present tour it is hospital in South Bend; report her as Phone. Residence and Office 112.' Plain Tokio Terry, yard wide 25c. Plain. lards, 24 in. 75c and$l yard. 27 in. black next Monday, the legislature having quite evident that nothing better-is Kobe Terry, yard wide 35c for filling Taffeta 69c. White wash silks 25c yard adopted the following; recovering nicely with prospects of around rugs. and up. 27 in. fancy Taffeta $1. 19 in. being offered in the musical comedy returning soon. We offer Ten Wire Tapestry Brussels black Taffeta 35c and 50c. 20 inch Peau “Resolved by the senate and house line. Mr. John C. Fisher, who owns JDR. JESSE FILM A^ 85c. A large line of Velvet Carpets at Cygene 75c yd. 27 in. colored China Silk, of the state o% Michigan, that the Jay Pyle and Susie Kemp were §1.00 per yard. - Extra Axminister Sl.00. 75c quality -35c. ‘Florodora,” “The Silver Slipper” Wilton Velvet Carpets, $1.25. Middlesex Short lengths of silk and wool crepes, following amendment to .the consti­ and other big musical attractions, is quietly married last week in St. Joe, D M /m ST Axmmister $1.25. colors, dollar quality 50c yard. tution of the state of Michigan be, the proprietor of the melodious and During the temporary absence of OFFICEPOST-OFFICE^BLOCR. Plain Velvet Carpets $1 25. Plain Wil­ Printed Silk Muslin 25c yard, and the same is hereby, proposed and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Adams last Nitrous Oxide Gas Given in Extracting Test ton, % wide $1.50. 6-4 Wiltons $3.00 yd. White Goods 4, 7X, 10c way under price. picturesque “San Toy” and will offer t submitted to the people of the state, it in this city with the same cast and Wednesday, some one entered their jSPB e l l P h o n e 95-2 rings. MATTINGS RUGS that is to say, that section nine of equipment which in a few weeks goes house and relieved them of six dol­ 9x10 ft. 6 incites Tabriz. Tapestry rugs We- offer China Mattings at 10 yd. up. article fourteen of said constitution into Boston, New York, Philadelphia lars. The matter is being investi­ Dr . J ohn 0. B utler, $10, 9x12 ft. Taslmtoo Tapestry rugs Japanese Mattings, cotton warp, 18c up. be amended so as to read as follows: $12.50. 9x12 ft. Afghanistan Tapestry and the othei principal cities. There gated. “Section 9. The state shall not be DENTIST. rugs $15 00. 8 ft. 3 in.xlO tt. 6 in. Beau­ SHADES is but one oiganization presenting the The children of Mrs, Maria Hagley REDDEN BLOCK vais Axminister rugs $20. 9x12 ft. $22. a party to, or engaged in, any work play and this is headed by the inim­ Phone 22. 4 ft. 6 in.x6 It. 6 in. $10. 6x9 seamless $18. We make shades to order, Royal hand, or internal improvement, nor engaged reminded her last Sunday that she Body Brussels rugs, 8 it, 3 in.xlO ft. 6 in. made Opaque, also King’s Scotch Holland, itable comedian, James T. Powers, was 62 years old. They all spent the $20 and §22.50. 9x12 ft. $22 and $25. Opaque shades, ready made, mounted on in carrying on any such work except and includes seventy-nine others, the nk A. Stryker, 06. Drain Commi" Wilton rugs 4 It. 6 in.x7 ft. 6 in. $14. spring rollers, complete, 3 ft.x6 ft. 20c. day with her. sioner, office comer Front and Main [in the improvement of or aiding in names of whom bear eloquent testi­ 6x9 ft. $20. 8 ft. 8 in.xlO ft. 6 in. $25 and 3 ft.x7 ft. 25c. * The Democratic caucus held Sat­ R Sts., Buchanan. Mich. Belle phone 29. $30. 9x12 ft. $30 and §35. the improvement of the public wagon mony to the merit of their several Extra quality Wellington Wilton rugs, We make all carpets in March free of roads] and _ in the expenditure of urday have placed the following tic­ 9x12 ft. $45. charge. abilities. grants to the state of land or other It has been a number of years since ket into the field. Supervisor, John Perrott $ Son property. * * - I f a majority of the Mr. Powers was seen in this section. Penwoll; Clerk, Henry Morley, Treas­ voters vote yes on the following,'the GE0. W YM M & 60. His last visits here were as leading urer, James Paul; Highway Com., Funeral Directors amendment will be adopted; if a comedian with the Hoyt farces and Chas, Norris. 108-110 Oak Street, South Bend, - - Indiana. majority vote no, it will be defeated after a good schooling in that line of The Rep caucus selected the fol­ Phone 118. BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN “Amendment to the constitution I work he entered comic opera and lowing: Supervisor, A. W. Pierce; relative to the state aiding in the im­ musical comedy, meeting with such 80 Club provement of the public wagon Clerk, Wm. Kimbell ; Treasurer,-Wil­ b r b arq uette success be has not found it necessary P M The l'adies of the 80 Club, being roads. (YES) . [X]. bur Smith. to ledve New York City and London RICHARDS « EMERSOl TIME TABLE—Dec. 4, 1904. j members of the State Federation of “Amendment to the constitution Mrs. Carrie Smith spent Wednes­ in order to fill season engagements. U/iDE^J^KE^Sp j Women’s clubs, were fortunate in relative to the state aiding in the im­ day in St. Joseph. „ Trains leave „ Buchanan ,, . as follows: , ; securing the loan of the valuable col- It was Powers who originated at For Hartford, Holland, Muskegon, I , , provement of the public wagon Daly’s Theatre’; New York, the part FRONT S T .. BUCHANAN, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Bay City, |lectlon ol P^tures, reproductions of roads, (NO) [ j ” he will play in “San Toy” in this city. WEST BERTRAND.’ and the north;, also New Buffalo, the great master pieces of the woild, In all probability the United States The role is that of “Li,” a Chinaman Michigan City. Porter, Chicago, and and the services of Mrs Marguerite will shortly grant national aid to Henrietta Phillippi took her pupils m. Sacrament of the Lord's supper the south and west, at S:35 A. JVL and Phillips, who accompanied the pic­ with a quick wit and nimble fingers, 5:00 P. M. ward the expense of building good to her father’s sugar camp Tuesday at the Sunday services at Berrien and tures, to give an art talk, last Tues­ and it has ’ proved the greatest sue- i Close connections at Benton Har­ roads. Michigan’s constitution ab­ afternoon and treated them to warm Grange Hall. day afternoon. The ladies of 4he, cess of his- career. . solutely p r ^ maple w ax. J. 0. Beaqb and yfife., attended the bor with Main Line trains north and Monday Literay Club were invited to When Mr. Fisher , decided to put ■south.. ing anything to do with such a move. “San Toy” on the road this season Frank McDonald of Daydon, moved annual Thanks-offering services of the share the benefit of the afternoon,and Michigan’s share of the appropriation C. V. l o v e s . H. F. M o e l l e r . his first move was to secure the ser­ into John 's house Tuesday and Woman’s Foreign Missionary society it was held in the Pears-East dance that is planned by the Biownlow- Agent. Gen’l'Pasa. Agen4 vices of Powers and he then surround­ expects to work for J. Sebasty this at Berrien Sunday evening. hall. Latimer bill is $702,000; then if we The meeting was opened by the ed him with a company of the best summer. Pearl Schriver made a good begin­ do not change our constitution this talent he could find. The principals The Indiana, Illinois & Iowa Railroad president Mrs. Daisy Rough, at the Wm. Moyer has hired to C. B. ning t>n bis spring plowing Monday. money will goto states that do. not include Geo. K. Fortescue, Margaret 'North Pound. South Bound usual hour and Miss Hubbell played Rozell for the summer Mrs. M. Fuller is about to move to have &uch a prohibitive clause in McKinney, John Peachey, Florence STATIONS an instrumental solo which was parti­ their constitution. Daisy Redden is on the sick list, Benton Harbor and will live with her cularly fine. Mrs. Rough then intro­ F. Smith, Nagle Barry, Josephine No. 9 No. 7 No. 6 No. t Then a YES vote means in all pro­ pneumonia the trouble. son. duced Mrs. Phillips, who gave a short Newman, W. L. Romaine, Charles p. m a. in. a. m p .m . bability $702,000 for Michigan; a NO Bakertown has come in line with a Cyrus Kinne has sold Ms farm to talk ou art in general, and its many Arling, Emelie Wellington and Fred 2 :3 > 9:05 St. Joseph 10:25 6:00 Vote means that this w-ill go to other long sick list. Frank Farling and a OMcago party. He will move into 2:2> 3:53 lien Coo iiarlior 10:37 6:12 benefits; after which Mrs. Perrott sang W. Huntly. In addition Mr. Fisher 1:36 8:06 Galien 11:19 6:57 states Leslie Dempsey’s baby the most ser­ the Bennet house for the present. 1:00 7:30 South Bend 11:55 7 that beautiful song “The Heart Bowed has provided a chorus of fifty-six ^and If the amendment is adopted prison special orchestra, which insures the ious cases. *2» gf «t* Down,” as only she can sing it. Mrs. labor can be utilized in crushing Meets With Accident W hile Hunting All daily except Sunday. proper interpretation of Sidney Jone’s Mrs. Allie Blodgett and daughter Phillips then gave a description of atone for roads, and every day’s work Train* leave for the west and arrive from the delightful music. returned to their home in Jackson Michigan City, Ind., March 29.— vest at South Bend as follows many of-the most famous pictures and by*the convict in crushing stone will The production which Mr. Fisher Henry, aged 19 years, son of Mr. and A rrive Leave told how some of them came to be create another day’s work- to do, to Saturday,. has furnished as the enflamement of Mrs. Al. Bader, residing ov^t Qlar^. No. 2 No. 4 No. 1 No. 3 painted. Her talk showed that she apply it to the road. Then the con­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith returned Bros.’. grocery -.sfcbre; opposite the was a thorough master of her subject the comical story of the Chinese p.m . | p. m. a. m. p. m vict will be working for the laborer to their home in Battle Greek Friday. post office or. North Franklin street, and was greatly enjoyed by-the ladies court is.of the most elaborate char­ 12:05 7:00 South. Bend 7:00 3:00 instead of against him. 3 ❖ ❖ *> figured in a painful and unfortunate present. acter and excels the show of grandeur H o r a t i o S . E a r l e accident shortly after 2 o’clock yes­ All daily except Sunday. A dainty two course luncheon was with which “ The Silver Shipper” and GRANGE HALL' George L , F orester, State Highway Com. “Florodora” wefe set before play­ terday afternoon, which resulted m Diviaon Passenger Agent, served and the ladies lingered look­ Wallace Burgoyne is recovering V goers. Each of the two acts are set the blowing off of his left hand. South Bend, Ind. ing at the pictures until train time, from a short but very severe attach Nothing For Hinclmian. on such a massive scale it takes two Young Bader in company with John when Mrs. Philips had to leave. of la-grippe. As soon as he recovers Curron, went duck hunting. In a Taken as a whole it was a most For Mr. Burwell Hinchman—Noth­ sixty foot baggage cars to store them they will move into the Perrott house row boat the young sportsmen pro­ pleasant and profitable afternoon,and ing. and every costume in the play was at Lighton. Look out Wallace and ceeded - to bring down some ducks, the committee, consisting of Miss Wil­ For Pere Marquette Railway Co.— imported direct from China. The Rosa for we shall throw after you all which were.soaring over the park Verdict: “No cause for action.” local management is well advised of * ‘ The Niagara Falls Route'* cox,- Mrs. Pears, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. basin. In seeking a vantage point These little packages were handed the importance of “San Toy’s” visit the rice and old shoes we can find. Perrott and Mrs. Fitch, are to be con­ upon the water, the young men set gratulated on the pleasing manner in to the principals in the $10,000 dam­ and authorizes the statement that The Rice family, from Watervliet LEAVE BUCHANAN- the decoys. , The boat rocked, cans* age case, by a jury in the circuit | n°thing better will be offered in the are moving into their new home pur­ Detroit Night Express, No. 8..: ...... f 12:42 A. M. which they entertained the ladies. ing the shotgun, which was left in Express, No. 46 ...... 15:11 A. M. • *;« »> court just before noon Wednesday. city the present season. chased of Wallace Burgoyne. Here Mail, No 2______9:40 A . M. the boat, to fall to the bottom of the Grand Kapids Special, No. 42 ...... 3:13 P. M Methodist Pastor In Contest With Estate The jury was in deliberation less The inquiry for seats has been is a welcome to them with a hope that Train N o.44 ...... f5:19 P. K. large and there are the most favorable craft. In reaching for thegun, young Chicago & Kalamazoo Aecom .,N o 82 f 6:00 P. M Rev. Edward J. Rose of Chicago,is than two hcrass and attorneys for both they may find their new location indications for a crowded attendance. Bader caught the trigger of the gun contesting in the ' circuit court for sides did not expect an agreement be­ pleasant. WEST. on the end of the seat, causing the the allowance o f. a claim from the fore late in the afternoon. “San Toy” will arrive and depart LEAVE BUCHAN AN . by special train, the size of the com­ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burgoyne, of immediate discharge. The shot pen­ N o 37 Pacific Express 4:17 a. m. stop only to let estate of Mary Higgins deceased. The plaintiff and his attorney, Jim Bridgman are spending the week with off passeneere. pany and bulk of equipment making etrated the.left hand,. almost sever­ Fast Mail No, 3 ______f 5:45 A. M. The trial opened Wednesday morn­ O’Hara were dumbfounded by the his brother Wallace. ing the member, Chfcaao


The new styles for the Spring season are ready this week We call particular attention to our new single breasted Norfolk ‘‘Sunny Jim” Suits witli bloomer trousers. Also the double breasted Jacket Suits Bridge Fund John Morris mdse, Primary money from Co Treasurer 75 60 with straight or bloomer trousers. Raymond & Beck meat Mill Tax .40.42 For the coming season we have brought together the handsomest as­ RCE1PTS Lee Bunker nursing Voted tax 108 29 sortment of hoy’s suits, in cheviots, grey and brown mixtures—checked Balance on hand at settlement 1904 $ 24 55 JoeP. Beistle supplies wood and coal Due from Oronoco township (43-96) and.striped effects—that we have ever shown. The color combinations are Tax per tax roll 250 00 the newest—very striking—just right for spring wear. §823 85 Total Receipts §373 43 Total Reeepts $274 55 Total Expenditures The New Single Breasted Yoke Norfolk Suits with bloomer trousers— Overdrawn at settlement i905 195 IS EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES’ jackets tailored with,shoulders so as to give the broad manly' effect. F. Q. Hall $163 52 smart suits; sizes from 6 to 16 years—All wool suits at $3.00, 3.50,5.00, Delinquent tax $ 1 51 Road Districts 6.50 and 7-50. D. Montgomery, labor 48' 75 No. 1 Balance on hand $ 6 69 J. J. Wells, (I 50 50 II tt tt It 4 08 Total Expenditures §163 52 Double Breasted Jacket Stits, in grey and^brown mixtures,neat, stylish . 2 (i U ‘ Balanee on hand at settlement §209 91 designs, very dressy. Sizes S to 17 years, also special sizes for fat boys. , Wm. Evans, “ 34 67 3 3 08 ii it it a No, X Fr. B.*W. 0. and L. accounts balance Prices, $3.00, 3.50, 4-00, 5.00, 6,50 and 7.50. Harry Paul, . “ - 4 00 4 8 35 Frank Sabin, “ 1 80 u 5 it it it 2 56 No, 20 Fr. B. and B . balance on hand 21 Also Spring Reefers and Spring Top Coats J Al. Hulbnrt, “ 1 SO It 6 Overdrawn 96 No l Fr. B. and W. accounts balance boys as well as girls. F. Barnes, “ 3 50 <1 7 Balance on hand 10 29 No 4 Fr. W. and B. accounts balance Chas. Reynolds, “ 8 75 it 8 U it tt 1/44 No. 5 Fr N. and B. accounts balance it 9 ii . tt tt 135 No. 9 Fr. N. and B. balance on hand ' §160 00' THE Wm. Roantree, lumber .3 16 tt tt tt tt No. 5 Fr. B. and W. accounts balance ONE-PRICE The Clinton Bunker, labor 27 00 10 11 8* tt it (• tt No. 14 Fr. N. and B. accounts balance , Ciothiers BIG STORE Geo. Howard, “ 28 00 11 7 8 Geo. Slater, “ 12 00 i. 12 • t tt (t 4 33 Sink Hole Fund 119-121 South Mich. St., SOUTH BEND, Ind. tt ii »1 it • S. J. Smith;' mdse 1 00 13 3 50 Overdrawn at settlement 1904 * $23 15 Henry Eisele, labor 15 00 tt 14 it tt tt 7 51 •Fierce & Sanders, paint 43 24 it 35 it tt it 38 State and County tt 11 tt it ■ Harry Binns, brushes etc. 6 05 16 7 32 RECEIPTS tt ii it E. S. Roe, paints and oils 84 10 17 it 5 15 Tax roll state §3,159 68 tt 18 tt tt u 10 69 Buchanan .Record. «• “ “ county 2,915 97 1 nORIAfil Total Expenditures $369 83 19 Accounts balance poor 22 63 TWICE A WEEK Overdawn at settlement 1905 §95 28 tt 20 Balance on hand 3 73 Rejected tax 18 80 I tt (< « tt tt -* MRS. CHARLOTTE LOUR 21 ' 14.51 CO C* Drain tax 500 00 Contingent Fund tt 32 41 H it MAC C. CHAMBERLIN Wife of C. E. Lour, died at her tt PUBLISHER. RECEIPTS 23 Accounts balance * home on Portage street, at 9:10 o’clock . Total Receipts §6,617 08 Q. t « 24 Balance on hand 5 65 P. WOODWORTH Tuesday evening after a three weeks3 Amount on hand at settlement 1904 ■ § 31 j>L EXPENDITURES EDITOR. Delinquent tax from county treasurer 24 51 illness, at the .age of 32 years. She Road Machine Fund Paid county treasurer §6,543 62 Excess of tax roll 60 48 Overdrawn as per settlement 1904 s $55 10 Entered at the Post-office at Buchanan, Mich, had been sick with erysipelas and was Delinquent tax 18 79 as Second-class matter. getting better when pneumonia set in “ county tax 16 87 Total Receipts §116 30 School Districts “ drain “ 37 80 VEKIM2S and caused her-death. EXPENDITURES NO 1 RECEIPTS She was married to Mr. Lour March S l.O O P*ELBL Y E A R . Refund error in assessment * $ n 42 Balance on hand at settlement 1904 $3199 66 Total Expenditures §6,617 08 20,1894, and besides her husband she Returned personal tax 82 79 Primary money from Co. Treasurer 1328 00 Accounts balance MARCH<»• 81, * 1905. leaves her father, Jacob Traub, of Delinquent tax “ “ “ 28 23 South Bend, and seven sisters to Total Expenditures $94 21 Cash from Niles treasurer 82 32 Township Fund Within a few days we may expect mourn her death. Mr. and Mrs. Lour Balance on hand $22 09 Mill tax 935 56 RECEIPTS to see the work of clearing the streets moved to Buchanan one year ago Dog Fund Voted tax ' 6617 68 Balance 011 hand at settlement §363 28 begun. The gravel that was put on January, and until recently Mr. Lour Delinquent tax from county treasurer 9 68 Front street last year will he scraped was employed at the electric power RECEIPTS Total Receipts §12186 45 Refund from sup ervisors 2 00 EXPENDITURES out of the gutters and hauled away. plant at the river. Balance on hand at settlement 1904 $218 30 Borrowed from Lee Bros., . 700 00 Year after year, this time honored A short funeral service was held at Dog tax received 150 00 Delinquent tax § 51 21 Delinquent tax from county treasurer 61 3199 66 custom has beem in vogue in Buchan­ the house this- morning at 8 o’clock, Chas. B. Treat Excess of tax roll • ' . 53 87 Total Receipts §368 30 Pd. C. B. Treat 276 94 Voted tax 1904 900 DO an, until it has become as sure a sign conducted by Rev. J. A. Halmhuber; EXPENDITURES . O. P. Woodworth 5000 00 of spring, as the return of the robin from the house:the remains were taken to Portage Prairie chapel where the W. J. Miller com v for collecting dog tax § 4 68 Total -Receipts $1,828 94 Enough money has been expended in Total Expenditures $8526 81 funeral services were held at 10.30 Wm. Broceus viewing sheep killed 4 00 EXPENDITURES this way to have paid for paving Raymond & Beck sheep killed by dogs 20 00 Balance on hand $3658 64 o’clock. Interment was made in *4 J.-L. Richards services $ 35 15 Front street several times. We hope Eli Mitchell “ “ “ “ 2 00 NO 2 RECEIPTS Riverview cemetery. J, L. Richards refunded error in tax 46 12 the-new cpjmetl will give the paving Benj F. Fish viewing sheep killed 2 00 Balance on hand settlement 1904 §265 07 Argus Priutin Co., printing 13 95 question a little serious thought. ❖ ♦> ♦> Refund dog tax 7 00 CAN'T DENY IT Primary money from CO. treasurer 63 00 H. P. Binns election supplies 49 Returned dog tax 33 00 Mill tax . ' 60 00 The new waterworks committee D. F. Bower printing 19 47 Voted tax “ 225 00 Buchanan Record printing 38 50 that will be appointed by President This Had Happened in San Francisco instead of Total Expenditures §72 68 John Perrott labor s 00 Pears, can expend a few dollars at Buchanan More Than One Reader Might Balance on hand at settlement §295 62 Total Receipts §613 07 Frank Barnes drayage 1 25 Doubt It •» the Waterworks that will make an ■'Highway Fund EXPENDITURES Wm. Roantree lumber 5 04 improvement, of which Buchanan Mary Miller §90 00 Robert Graham' labor Sherwood cemetery 2 OO citizens would be proud. The point The average man is a doubter. RECEIPTS Geo. Meffort 274 78 J. R. White services as yellows commissioner 14 00 of the lot just south of the building This is not surprising the public have Balance on hand at,settlement 1904 $ 44 37 R. Broceus “ “ “ “ 21 00. been humbugged so frequently they Delinquent tax from county treasurer - could be made into a neat little park are skeptical. Proof like the follow­ 8 10 Total Expenditures $364 78 “ .*• hoard of review 8 0d with a fountain at a very trifling ing will stand investigation. It can­ Borrowed of Lee Bros. & Co., 1,500 00 Balance on hand at settlement §348 29 J. P. Beistle_ “ “ “ 8 00 cost. A few flower beds and a little not be disputed. Tax per tax roll 2,000 00 NO. 3 RECEIPTS Chas. Bishop “ 8 00 I. N. Batchelor for team grass would look much better than a Mrs. Mv‘ Griffin, o f. West Front Balance on hand at settlement 1904 § 70 16 2 OO street, Buchanan says: “I used ■ Total Receipts $3,552 47 E. I. Bird drayage heap of ashes. The work could be Primiary money from county treasurer 97 65 75 Doan’s Kidney Pills, procured at W. EXPENDITURES Lhling Bros, and Everhard books . done by the engineers and the cost Delinquent tax “ “ “ . 4,78 6 00 N. Brodrick’s drug store and I think Returned highway tax Buchanan village M interest in fnmegatoi 6 50 would be very small. § 10 46 Mill tax 92 82, them an .excellent remedy for back­ Lee Bros,, notes and interest W. N. Brodrick mdse. 6 65 ache and . kidney complaint. I was 1,552 00 Voted tax 150 00 _ ---< "------' Labor and material Dr. O, E . Colvin services as health officer 53 00 The amendment to the state con- troubled for some time with a dull 2,198 17 Cash from district treasurer , 59 23 aching feeling in the small of my J. W. Beistle rent of building foi; election 5 00 sonstitution relative to good roads, John Arthur wood for election back often quite severe, more espec­ Total Expenditures ' §3,760 63 Total Receipts §474 64 1 00 that will be voted upon next Monday, F. W. Ravin postage and express . . ially if I overexerted myself or took Overdrawn at time of settlement §208 16 EXPENDITURES 2 17 should be carried by a large majority. a slight cold. I used a great many E. S. Roe supplies 1 I t Library Fund $ *2 03 Michigan has long been in the fore remedies, of which some wTere worth Delinquent tax Geo. Batchelor team •' 2 00 396 37 rank of progressive states and should less and others relieved me for a RECEIPTS Geo. Hanley Geo. Richerson refund tax • 4 78 now take steps to maintain her repu­ time. This I cheerfully say about Balance on hand at settlement 1904 $ 68 41 Delinquent tax 12 59 Doan’s Kidney Pills. I received Total Expenditures $398 40 tation for progression. The subject Library apportionment from county treasurer 12 22 Lee Bros. & Co, note • and interest 718 32 more permanent relief from them Balance, on hand at settlement $76 24 of good roads is one of vital impor­ than from any other remedy I ever Tax as per tax roll 200 00 John C. Dick services 3 75 NO. 4 RECEIPTS' tance, and one that will affect the took.” W, J. Miller services and supplies 14 22- Total Receipts §280 63 whole state. Let every Buchanan For sale by all dealers. Price 50 Balance on hand at settlement 1904 § 89 26 Wallace Riley putting up booths ' 6 00 ■ cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, EXPENDITURES John Morris telephoning voter post himself upon this question •> Primary money from county treasurer 110 25 75- N. Y. scle agents for the United Librarian Mill tax' ' 51 82 F. W. Ravin salary township clerk 100 00* and do his duty at the polls Monday. $100 00 State. Remember tbe name Doan’s Binding books 15 80 Voted tax . 185 00 W. W.-Wray “ highway eonimissioner 224 00* and take no other. 34 H. P. Binns for new books 85 81 » J. P. Beistle “ as supervisor 313 33’. AN “ALL-ROUND” ' <■> •;* *i- C. E. Phelps for book case 7 50 Total Receipts §436 33 “ “ “ “ “ supervisor poor 120 00) POLITICIAN HEAD-ON COLLISION " Mrs. Emery services on board 6 75 EXPENDITURES “ “ “ services on board 13 85 Benj. Chamberlain services on board 5 00 Delinquent tax $ 1 14 Rev, J, Tarrant meals election board 9 00) Has Worked on All Sides of The Term Occnrred at NiagaraFalls Between M» C. Martin & Chamberlin printing 2 00 Wallace Dunbar 285 26 Mrs. Baird “ ' “ “ 2 80 Mrs. N. Lister “ “ , •“ . With Equal Zeal and P, M< Train ■9 2 00 Total Expenditures §222 86 Total Expenditures §286 40 Mrs. C. Crotser “ “ “ 5 60 Balance on hand at settlement §57 7'7 John Camp services as constable 4 00 About thirty people attended the A Michigan Central and- a Pere Balanee on hand at settlement $149 93 socialist meeting at the Bell opera Ross Reynonds “ “ 2 00 Marquette train came together in a Poor Fund ' NO. 5 RECEIPTS O. F. Richmond “ • gatekeeper house Sunday afternoon. The fea­ 2 JOO headon-on collision, on the American RECEIPTS Balance on hand at settlement 1904 §359 17 N. Hamilton . “ “ 4 00 ture of the meeting was the presence end of the cantilever bridge Wednes- Cash as per tax roll $600 00 Primary money from county treasurer 214 20 Edw. Barniore “ • 2 00 of Hon. William C. Hicks, who was Cash refunds for supervisor . ; 28 39 Delinquent tax “ “ “ 70 Isaac Miller “ “ 2 00 s figure in the democrat city conven­ Three cars were derailed and pitch­ Mill tax 86 30 A. Willard putting up booths 3 00 tion of a few days before.. ed over into the street below, a dis­ Total Receipts $628 39 Voted tax : 150 00 ,U. Bristol “ “ - “ , 3 00 Three or four years ago Mr. Hicks , EXPENDITURES Chas. Snyder services gatekeeper 2 ao tance of 30 feet, carrying with them ~ Total Receipts $810 -37 was the socialist candidate for maypr. a switchman^s shandy, in which was B. S. Crawford “ : .. “ 2 00 Overdrawn at settlement 1904 §235 68 EXPENDITURES L. L. Bunker “ He; was defeated. He then joined seated Patrick Whalen, a- switch Richards & Emerson, Lumley, 25 00 2 00 Wm, Conrad * $301 92 C. O. Hamilton *• constable 2 00 the . republicans. He attended the tender, who was badly cut and bruis- J. L. Richards supplies poor 3 10 ;G. H. Batchelor “ clerk • 8 00 republican caucus in the second ward J. A. Garland medical services ' 100 01 ed and received severe internal in­ Total Expenditures $301 92 Wm. Broceus “ “ and justice 18 50 John Wynn driving to Niles 1 75 last Wednesday night and on Friday juries. Balance on hand at settlement $508 45 Chas. E. Sabin “ “ 8 00 night he was the foremost figure in W. H. Keller groceries for poof , 70 57 Henry Eisele ' “ “ . - George Kohrnie, of Niagara Falls, NO. 6 RECEIPTS 8 00b the democratic city convention. He the conductor on the Pere Marquette Dr, L. E. Peek services and medicine 16 88 P. A. Graffort “ “ 4 00) Dr. O. Curtis “ “ “ 21 00 Balance on hand at settlement 1904 §146 58 F. A. Stryker “ “ 4 OO supported the nomination of Mr. train, also was badly cut and bruised Dr. H. N. BrOdrick “ “ “ 20 75 Primary money from county treasurer 47 25 J. C. Rough “ “ 8 00 Morrow for Mayor and placed in Chas. B. Treat “ •“ 4 00 and injured internally. Wm.. Roantree wood and coal 11 74 Mill tax 35 24 nomination the name of Capt. Pound F, R. Sanders “ “ and justice 23 00 ❖ ♦> HI R, Adams “ “ “ 34 16 Voted tax 175 00 F. W, Ravin “ “ Supplies 19 88 for city clerk. Incredible Brutality W. N. Brodrick supplies medicine 5 90 Benj. F. Fisk *** “ 4 00 Sunday afternoon found him ­ It would have been incredible-brut­ BaintonBro. groceries 56 41 Total Receipts §404 07 Marion Shinn labor. - 3 00 couraging with his eloquence the so­ ality if Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syra­ Dr. M. M. Knight services and medicine 1 00 EXPENDITURES Total Expenditures '■ §2008 32 cialists in their -campaign in the city. cuse1,- N. Y., had not done the best he Dr. J. W. Emmons “ “ “ 1 50 Sanford Carpenter $305 00 Overdrawn - ■ . • §179 38 . —News Palladium. could for his suffering son. “My boy” O. D, Kent groceries 32 66 Recapitulation C. B. Treat “ “ - ~ ' 15 92 *Z* -I* <*■ he writes, “cut a fearful gash over ■ Total Expenditures . §305 00 Total balance March 28, 1905 §5,444 32 • Burdock Blood Bitters gives a man his eye, so I applied Bucklen’s Arnica Carmer & Carmer shoes 2 00 Balance on hand at settlement §99 07 Total overdraft March 28, 1905 757 51 a clear head, an active brain, a strong, Salve, which quickly healed it and G. W. Noble “ 9 50 • NO 7 RECEIPTS Balance on hand at settlement 1904 §149 12 ' ' A ctu al total balance ' . §4, 686 81' vigorous body—*makes him fit for the saved his, eye.” Good for burns and Dr. E. S. Dodd medicine , 1 50 battle o f ulcers tQOj O n l j 25c at all drag /stores Corset Covers only 25c at “The y ♦♦♦♦»•» »♦t »»»♦♦»»♦♦♦♦ Racket.” s ■ f " 1,1 1 ’ | PERSONAL. X Clarence Runner has moved3* into the rooms over Rent’s grocery. • [pour at Wholesale Mrs. J. H. Portz was in Niles yes­ 206-207 SO. MICHIGAN ST The best flour in town YES whole­ terday. With a guarantee with every sack, INDIANA. sale price YES SIR, at the Buchanan S O U T H BEND A. C. Roe was a St, Joe visitor to be the best Winter Wheat Flour Cash Grocery. Thursday. FARM FOR RENT—140 acres three Mrs. A. F. Ames started for’ Osh­ in town. 20,800 pounds sold in two New Spring Goods miles west of Buchanan. kosh, Wis. Tuesday. days sale, at Our store, is conclusive t f J o h n O , D i c k , You will want a new Spring suit, liat or top over* A da Broceus came home^. from evidence that the people know a A party of young people attended Three. Oaks, last night. coat, perhaps all of them, within the next few weeks good thing when they see it. 4 and we want to show you through our mammoth stock the dance' given at Berrien Springs Miss Leah Ray is spending her and convince you how far a little money will go in our Thursday evening. weeks vacation at home. TRY R SRQK * Elder J. H. Paton will preach in Miss Minnie Graham is spending ■'4 store. We have hut one price and thats the right price. her weeks vacation at home. ' it will give YOU satisfaction. Finest Line of Neckware and Gents. Furnishings in the City. the Larger Hope church next Sunday ■». - both morning and evening. All are Dr. J. A. Garland went to Dayton If you want the best goods for the least money cordially welcome. today on a professional call. Miss Caroline Pearson went to “FOR SALE—>A pair of colts, two Chicago to spend her vacation. trade at the FOR EASIER FINE and three year old, well matched, will sell at a bargain, Mrs. J. W. Brooeng went to South Bend, yesterday for a short visit. ■ -=■----- HT- M. 31 p. Amos. C. Spa u ld in g Miss . Blanch Moore of Kalama­ “ Here’s champagne to our real zoo is the guest of Miss Minnie Gra­ Buchanan Gash firo friends and real pain to our sham Mutefoler’s ham. Leaders in Low Prices and First-class Goods. friends.” New Worth While game. Bin n s’ Magnet Sto re Mrs. G. W. Noble returned home Wednesday from an extended visit in Special for next Saturday, April 1 LICE NOTES , % Special sale Hawk’s Burdock, an Chicago. ' fe,Ay8KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAl unsupassed spring medicine. $1 00 rvWVvvv1#1? ff f f f f f f WW . The Misses Edna Rutledge and bottle for 25c till April 15. Another Oral: We offer 5000 gallons Stone Muslin underwear at “The Racket.” Mabel Currier went to Annf Arbor gross just received i At Runner’s. Wednesday. ware in lots of 1 dozen or more FOR RENT—10 room bouse inquire of David Murphy. a 7 p Communion service at the Presby­ Miss Louise Arney attended a cot­ •n rat terian church next Sunday at 10:30 illion an Niles, last night given by Choice strawberry plants- for sale. conducted by Rev. C. E. Marvin of Esther Storms. M. 31 p. J. V. V o orhees. Niles. All are cordially invited to . James Cuthbert went to Kensing­ Blue Vi trio FOR SALE—Choice Strawberry attend. ton, 111. Thursday, where he has FOR 5 - secured a position.. Plants, H erm a n D a v is. Ten thousand demons gnawing at a. 11 one’s vitals couldn’t be much worse Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stevans re­ than the tortures of itching piles. turned to Coloma today after a short Attention is called to the change I » Ix’ I N Gr Yet there’s a cure. Doan’s Ointment visit in this place. Per Gallon of “ad” for the Buchanan Cash Gro­ Miss Jennie Drummond is spend­ cery. never fails. ing her vacation with her parents at W. A. Brubaker, of Chicago, will Ar'ftill a sso rtm e n t of Mrs. J E T . O. Weaver is very much Prairieville, Mich. speak on the saloon question, at the imporved from her recent illness. She Mr. W. E. Boynton was called to new Garden seeds Christian'church, on Saturday even­ H. KELLER, is able to sit up a little at a time. St. Charles, Mich., Wednesday by the ing April 1. He will also speak at death of his brother. just received. ’Phone 27 Croup instantly relieved. Dr. the same place Sunday afternoon and Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. Perfectly evening. All are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Steiner, of Fairland, visited at the home of An- e. D. KENT GROCER safe. Never fails. A memorial service will be held at salem Wray on Wednesday. > the Presbyterian church, Sunday ^ Buy *► Oscar Brown has accepted a posi- Mrs. Geo. Barmore, of Benton S*? SL? SL? /) ^8 >56 >tion. with W. E. Mutchler and will afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, for the late Harbor, came to Buchanan this mor­ Mrs. Abbie Stebbins. Rev. C. E ning for a visit with relatives. M O B L E Y ’S * move his family back to Buchanan Mr >■from South Bend. Marvin, of Niles will officiate at this ler* ~ AT7 | K^rv Troy M ills > Miss Pearl Peck returned to her servics. ______. Home m Glendora today. She has ► “A woman’s throne is in the heart CHOICE BUCKWHEAT ► There will be a meeting of the ses­ seen the guest of Miss. Blanche Peck ib of her husband. That’s why she sits FLOUR sion of the Presbyterian church, at Mr. :and Mrs. John Long attended } Guaranteed Pure. on him.” New Worth While game. i the home of Rev. J. E. Darling, on the funeral of Charles Tibbits in Ben- in imramfr, ‘ For sale by 0. B. Kent, i Bin n s’ Magnet Stobe Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. on Harbor,. Saturday, returning Mon­ 1 C. B. Treat & Co. and FOR SALE—8 room house corner All those wishing to unite with'the day. l*/ Warm and ^ B. T. Morley. of Portage and River streets. Also church are requested to be present, or Fred Tichner and Frank Nelson returned home this morning from St. 1 1 . _ vacant lot, next to house, on which give their name to some member of Joe where they have been serving on Oi are twenty bearing fruit trees. the session. in winter. jury. ill B. S. Crawford. “U. S. Corn Cure for ladies is Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gawthrope, le ft MINORS good for men too. I travel all over Wednesday for Dupuyer, Mont., E. S. D odd The Auf Weider Sehen club will the United States but have found give an April party, Monday evening nothing equa. to it, one bottle took where they will make their future TREADE home . , ' at the Pears-East hall. Music w ill be the soreness out of two very bad corn, Sr Son furnished by Fisher’s orchestra of and took the * corns out in a few Rev. J. A. flalumhuber expects t o SHOES days.” Mr. M. P. Fox, New York iSi Kalamazoo. leave early Monday morning for Elk- w ith ■ ‘Druggist & Booksellers City. Price 15c or two bottles for ton. Mich., to attend the Michigan 25c at Dr. E. S. Dodd & Son, Conference of the Evangelical asso­ thank the people of The electric lights were placed, in 8 r.® o 0 ciation. . position- on the large sign at the de­ Word has been received here from g n g f c J 3 5 0 l for muddy weather. Buchanan and vicinity pot, yesterday, and were turned on Indiana Harbor, Ind„ that Charles f or their patronage and last night. Hereafier the sign will Chubb met with an accident last week, Peerless patterns for 5e-, 10c and 15c ©BYR©©HTS for cold weather, be illuminated everv night. which caused him to lose his right at “The Racket.” ask for its continuance foot. In attempting to jump onto a UNDERWEAR for present nse0 Unclaimed letters.remaining in P, fneght train, he slipped and fell O. at Buchanan for week ending Mar, W e a r e A g e n t s under the cars. His foot was so bad­ 28. Letters; Mrs. Ed Beattie, Mr. s p e c i a l ly crushed that amputation above the -For~ Leander L. Burkey. NOBLE F © R ankle was found necessary. B u c h a n a n , G. W. N o ble, P, M. M ichigan. w Fleck's Stock Food, The Battle Creek Journal has the Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine syrup, following highly complimentary item %^*'0*>* tat* £**•£&*& seems especially adapted to the needs Poultry Powder and to say of a formen Buchanan boy.: of the children. Pleasant to take; Charles Marble, who has just com­ soothing in its influence. It is the' Breakfast Sponge Lice Kilter. * ^ pleted the combined business and remedy of all remedies for every form ©Cakes, shorthand course at the .Michigan We have all the PATENT of throat and lung disease. Business and Normal College, .has se­ Rngel Food MEDICINES called for in Jin attractive . m eal oj Liveryman Will House of Buchan^ cured a most excellent position in the ©ream Puffs this market. We sell PER­ accounting department of the Hygie­ (ASK TOTJR an, who was in town Tuesday, says and Dealer for our Tested Seeds welhprepared food, go tie FUMERY, TOILET SOAP, nic Food Co. sure you get them, otherwise send direct. that he has ordered an automobile Coffee @ake ALWAYS SURE TO GROW - besides always which will carry sixteen people, for A postal ivill bring our Catalogue The City ■ Restaurant First publication March 31, 1905. RT the purpose of conveying parties to Estate of Leonidas P. Bailey, Deceased. Pleasant and Comfortable Dodd's Cough Balsam resorts, bringing Buchanan people to TATE OP MICHIGAN, the Probate Court fo: Dodd's Liver Pills Niles band concert nights, etc , Mr. S the County of Berrien. =* Rooms. At a session of said Court, held at the Probate The Model Bakery House says the Michigan company, Office in the City of St. J oseph in said COiifity, on Dodd's Sarsaparilla the 27th day of March, A. D., 1905. Mrs. Nettie Lister,^Proprietor which recently located in Buchanan, Present: Hon. Prank H. Ellsworth, Judge of J. H. Portz? Prop. - 75 c per bottle. Probate. is building the machine.—Niles Star. In the matter of the estate of Leonidas P.Bailey, deceased. r •’ Alden C. Bailey having filed JLh said Court his J. 8. Tuttle is in receipt of a letter final account, ana petition praying for the allow­ ance thereof. Also petition tpat he be released Cyphers Incubatoss “Worlds Standard Hatcher” Best— so Cheapest PLEf>X7CED RA TES from Pennsylvania, in the course of from Raid trnst and praying that tljeaclministration be granted to some other person. which the writer states that afarmer, It is ordered, that the 24th day of April A. Have yon not learned from yonr own experience that the best is by far the cheapest in EIVERY^ & hearing a racket in his barn, hurried D.. 1905, a t j o’clock in the forenoon at said pro­ bate office,be and ie hereby appointed for hearing Have yon not at times found this experience expensive. Yon cannot afford to exper­ in to investigate and was greatly as­ said petition; It is farther order, that public notice thereof iment with a cheap grade Incubator. Profit by the exper ience of others in this case secured the work with the tonished to find a pole cat seated in .be given by publication of a copy of this order, tf&neral car I have added, a fine hack for three successive weeks previous to said day at least. The experiment Stations of the different states, for the benefit of the people a hen’s nest, and throwing a china of hearing, in the Buchanan R ecord, a newspa­ itoimy stock and other new rigs suit- per printed and circulated Insaid county. who support them, have been experimenting'-With indicators for years, 26 Govt, exper­ Vjle for the business. 1 will make nest egg against the wall, again and (A trae copy) F bank H. E llsworth iment Stations and 16 iAgiiciiltnre Colleges have: discarded ottj. machines and now Uneral work a specialty and will again, in a vain endeavor to break it. B ollard E . Babb Judge Of Probate Axke special rates in all livery and Register of Probate use the Cyphers for the instruction of students. *■' You will find by investigation that wll send a driver in case they are David Billet, wlio was present when Last publication April 7,1905;' Cyphers Incubators regardless of the' fact that they must be sold at higher prices, wnted without extra charge. : ’ : r Mr. Tuttle read the above extract, than the far more cheaply built machines, are used on more Poultry plants, large’and from the letter, stated that Billy small and by a greater number of American Fancers of national and international Baker’s pet opossum is as fond of eggs •reputation, than all other makes combined. They have tried different machines but H o u s e as any pole cat, and that Mr. Baker find that the Cyphers will hatch greater percentages of large and stronger chicks than cannot keep eggs about his place, un­ any other Incubator on the market, doing so with less labor and at less expence. less they are under lock and key, but When in doubt - order “Gerbelle” ! Startling Mortality that the oposum will find them. The the fiimr that satisfies. ' Accept no ^Statistics show startling mortality, other day Mi^ Baker killed an opos substitute for there is none “just as You perhaps have seen the adv. of Incubator manufactures other than the Cyphers from appendicitis and peritonitis sum which had become exceptionally good.” - Incubator Co.. Bo they claim that many Poultry Farms operate 10 or more of their To prevent and cure these awful dis bothersome, and Mr. Billet says that No brain food equals bread made Incubators? Hundreds of Poultry Plants operate 10 or more of the large 360 eggs Cy­ eases, there is just one reliable remedy Mr. _G. B. Winter, to whom it was from the famous blended- flour “Ger- phers. In Tuesdays issue I will give the names and addresses of a few that are use- Dr. King’s New Life Pills. M. Flan­ given, declares that he don’t blame belle.” ing from 10 to 80 of the Cyphers 860 eggs Incubators. nery, of 14 Custom House Place, Chi- colored folks for singing the praise’s CLAUDE A, BAKER, AGT* cago,a says: “They have no equal of opossum and sweet potatoas, be­ constipation and biliousness.” 25c cause no epicure ever seated himself PHONE. 121 2 RINGS bef ore a finer dish.—Niles Star. At ah druggists SI Francis’" Kingdom. A o r "dm it appear unreasonable that Triboulet should A Full Line of "Estimates Made on pine for the excitement of his former life, the pleasures and gayety which Cement, Plaster and all Kinds of Cement prevailed af Fools’ hall. If the hunch­ back’s information were true they need Lime. Work now have little fear of overtaking the R o s e free baron and liis following, as not far beyond the chateau tOAvn the main By FREDERIC S. ‘ ISH A M , road broke into two parts, the one con­ Author of “ The 5trollers” tinuing . southward and the other branching off to the east. ‘ H. R. Copyright, 1903, by the Bowen-MeiriU Company While the horseman was thus re­ BELLAS Mm m J M J t flecting, Triboulet, like an imp, began to dance before them, CHAPTER XXII. “A good joke, my master and mis­ J®®&8 hr isse-fcisri Lumber BE slanting rays of the sink­ tress in motley,” he cried. “The king ing- sun shot athwart the val­ was Aveak enough to exchange his. liif r P f f ' Yards on S. Oak St., Buchanan. ley, glanced from the tile, dwarf for a demoiselle. The latter has , roofs of the homes of the fled; the monarch lias neither one nor This Coffee is a special Blend of the peasantry and illumined the lofty the other, therefore is he himself the best South A m erican Mocha and towers of a great manorial chateau. fool. And thou, mistress, art also Java and is selected by our special Get Our Prices on all TheGenuine Into the little town at the foot of worthy of the madcap bells,” he added, agent from private grow th planta® the big .house rode shortly before his distorted face upturned to the jes- tions. It is superior to any offered Kinds of Lumber, Rubberoid nightfall the jester and his companion. tress. heretofore 'at a moderate price and is Sash and Doors. Roofing. During the day’ the young girl had “Hoyf so?” she asked, not concealing ©yanAsa-FEESD v© iplease r a n seemed diffident and constrained. She the repugnance he inspired. MOST FASTMIBIOBS TASTE. who had been all vivagity and life, on “Because you prefer a fool’s cap to a a sudden kept silence, or when she did king’s crown,” he anstrered, looking speak her tongue had lost its sharp­ Significantly at her‘companion, “where- 1E|T fiff Si© Hen@sf ness. in you but followed the royal prefer­ THE ITis first greeting that morning had ence for head coverings. Ho, ho! I Ewer Iflifii in Tfei§ been a swift, almost questioning, glance saw which Avay the wind blew; how TYPEWDBTEIS before which she had looked away. the monarch’s eyes kindled when they - ® ® n% n In her face was the freshness of dawn, rested on you; hoAv tbe Aviugs of Mme We Conts’oS the ENTIRE PR©EDM©Vfl<0)EI the grace of springtide. Overhead d’Etampes’ coif fluttered like an -angry ©F THESE ©0FFEES. sang a'lark; at their feet a brook whis­ butterfly.” pered; around them solitude, vast, in­ _ “Silence, rogue!” commanded the BELL' & finite. He spoke and she answered; duke’s fool, wheeling his horse toward ©2 &-(M odtaigaro &.? (DStaaoilg© her reserve became infectious; they ate the dwarf. their oaten cakes and drank their wine, “And then for her to turn from a J\ each strongly conscious of the presence throne ro'otn to a dungeon!” went on of the other. Then he rose, saddled Triboulet satirically as he retreated. Btietiatiaia ©asfia (SSrocery MsiFitmiteFs their horses and assisted her to mount. “As Brusquet wrote, ’twas Some of the So they rode, pausing betimes to rest, “M'orhleu! A merry monarch and a and even then she had little to say jestress fair; largest and save once when they stopped at a rus­ A jestress fair, I ween!” most critical tic bridge which spanned a stream. But ere the hunchback could finish “Who is it that has wedded the prin­ this scurrilous doggerel of the court, users of typewrit­ cess?” over which doubtless many loose wit­ ers in this country, For a moment lie did not answer, lings had laughed, the girl’s compan­ then briefly related the story. ion placed his hand on his sword and use Fox Typewriters ex­ “And why did you not tell me this started toward the dwarf. The words clusively. Here are a few of them: before?” she asked when he had fin­ diiHfd on Triboulet’s lips. Hastily he Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. ished. dodged into a narroA v space between “Would you have credited me then?” tw.o houses, Avliere lie was safe from Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Chieago, 111. he replied, with a smile. pursuit. Jacqueline’s face had become Fred Macey & Co., Ltd., Grand Rapids, Mich. . Quickly she looked at him. Was flushed. Her lips . AA'ere compressed. Regina Music Box Co., New York, N. Y. there that in her eyes which to him The countenance of the duke’s plaisant National Sewing Machine Co., Belvidere,'111. robbed memory of its sting? At their seemed paler than its wont. C. G. Conn, Elkhart, Ind. feet the water leaped and laughed, “Little monster!” he muttered. C. B. & Q. Railway, Chicago, 111. curled around the stones and ran on But the huucliback in his retreat Avas with dancing bubbles. Perhaps he re­ how regarding neither the horseman These people have only purchased the Fox turned her glance too readily; perhaps nor the young girl. His glittering eyes, after a most careful investigation. the recollection of the ride the night as if fascinated, rested on the weapon of the plaisant. SiT before recurred overvividly to her, for We would be pleased to place one in your she gazed suddenly away, and he won­ “What a fine blade you’ve got there!” office on free trial. dered in what direction her thoughts he-said curiously. “Much better than Other machines taken in part payment. c tended, when she said with some re­ a wooden SAVord. Jeweled, too, by the> serve; holy bagpipe! And a coat of arms”— “Shall we go on?” more excitedly—“yes, the coat of arms FOX TYPEWRITER ' They had not' long left the brook and of the great constable of Dubrois! As Executive Office and Factory the bridge when from afar they caught proud a sword as that of the king. sight of the regal chateau and the Where did ypu get it?” And in his Grand Rapids, Mich. 125 Branch Offices and Dealers in Principal Cities. V clustering progeny of fed roofed houses sudden interest the dwarf half ven- at its base. At once they drew rein. tured from his place of refuge. “Shall we enter the town, or avoid it “Answer him not!” said the girl by riding over the mead?” said the hastily. IQalamazoo Sales Office ,2lQ S, B urdick St plaisant. “Was it you, mistress, gave it him?” “W hat danger would there be in go­ he asked, with a Sudden sharp look.’ ■C. E, CM RYL'M gr . IQalamazoo, Mick. ing on?” she asked. “Whom might Her contemptuous gaze was her only we meet?” reply. Thoughtfully he regarded the shin­ “By the dust of kings, when last I ing towers of the royal residence. “No saw it, the haughty constable himself No! Moore's Oven Thermometer shows ex­ onej I think,” he at length replied, and it was. who wore it,” continued Tri- actly the heat of the oven. ! It’s use does away they went on. "boulet. “Aye, when he defied Francis Around the town • ran a great wall, to his face. I can see him now, a rich with guessing, and makes baking a" sure thing. It with watehtowers and a deep moat, sureoat over his gilded armor, the "but no person questioned their right to queen mother gazing at him with all takes 240 degrees to bakeJsponge cake. Ten the freedom of the place, a sleepy sol­ her soul in her eyes, the brilliant com­ dier at the gate merely glancing indif­ pany startled, even the king overawed. degrees either way and the cake is spoiled.. Can ferently at them as they passed be­ ’Twas I broke the spell, while the neath the heavy archway. Gabled monarch and the court were silent, not you always guess it close enough?^ JHo&te9® houses with a tendency to incline daring to speak.” Thermometer tells in plain figures. Saves a from the perpendicular overlooked the “You!” From the young woman’s winding street; dull, round panes of eyes “flashed a flame of deepest ha­ lot of uncertainty and never makes a mistake. A glass stared at them - fraught with tred. mystery and the possibility of -spying The hunchback shrank back, then pleasure to show it to yon. Also the Hinged Top, eyes behind, but the thoroughfare in laughed. “I,. Triboulet!” he boasted. Controller Damper and the many other points In THE HARDWARE MAN that vicinity appeared deserted save “ ‘Ha,’ said I, ‘he’s greater than the for an old woman seated in a doorway. king!’ whereupon Francis frowned, Before this grandam, whose lacklus­ S which Moore s Ranges excel! all others. , 6“ OR started and answered the constable, re­ 5^ FOR SALE BY * ter eyes were fastened steadfastly be­ fusing his claim. Not long thereafter 9 fore her, the fool paused and asked the constable died in Spain, and I com­ the direction of the inn. pleted the jest. ‘So,’ said I, ‘he is less . Adams,-.-Walker & Poyser “Follow your nos3., if nature gave than a man.’ And the king, who re­ He has a big, complete line you a straight one,’" cried a jeering membered, laughed.” voice from the other side of the thor­ “Let its go,” said the jestress, very BIK2HHNHN, in all the modern finishes, oughfare. ' “If it be crooked, a blind white. man and a dog were a better guide.” . Silently the plaisant obeyed, and Tri­ . First publication. March 17, 1905. First publication March 24 The speaker, a squat, misshapen fig­ boulet once more ventured forth. Ida Knlil and Gladys Kulil, Minors Estate of Josepii Beach, Deceased ure, had emerged from a passage turn­ “Momus go with you!” he called out ing into the street - and now stood, QTATE OF MICHIGAN, the Probate Court foi TATE OF MICHIGAN, The Probate court for­ after them. \ , O the county of Berner. S th e County of Berrien, IN ST twirling a fool’s head on a stick and At a session of saicl court, held at the promts A t a session'dl’ said C< urt, held at the Probate- . More quickly they' rode on. Furtive- gazing impudently at the newcomers, iffiee, in the-City of St. Joseph, in Baid county,on Office in the city of St. Joseph, m said County, , ly, with suppressed rage in his heart, he 3tli day of kMarcli, A. D, 1905. on the 22nd day of Marcu A. I). 1905. “Ha, ha!” laughed the oddity who the duke’s fool regarded his com­ Present: Hon. Frank H. Ellsworth Judge of Present Hon. Frauk H. Ellsworth, Judge of had volunteered this, malapert response Probate. Probate, panion. Her face was cold arid set, in .the matter of the estate of Ida Eh hi and In the matter of the estate of Joseph Beach, to the jester’s inquiry. “Yonder sign­ and as his glance rested on its pale, Gladys Ktihl, minorte, Caioline Kuhl having filed deceased. Florence E' Co.eney, guardian of post,’! pointing to the aged dame, “has in- said coart her petition, praying for license to Hubert L. Coveney haA’lnn filed in said court her pure outline, beneath his breath be mortgage the interest of said estate in certain petition prayiug that the administration of said, lost its fingers, or, rather, its ears. Bet­ cursed ' Brusquet,'Triboulet and all -eal astute therein described. estate he granted to John !«'. Montague, or to ter trust to your nose.” Itis ordered, that the 10th day of April A.D. 1905, some other suitable person. their kind. He understood now—too it ten o’clock m the forenoon, at said probate It is ordered, that the 17th day ol April A.D, “Triboulet!” exclaimed Jacqueline. well—the secret of her .flight. What office, be and is hereby appointed for hearing 1905, at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon, at sai{t probate “Is it you, ladybird?” said the sur­ said petition; and that all persons interested in office, he anti is hereby appointed ior hearing said! he had heretofore been.fairly assured said estate appear before saicl court, at said time petition; f prised dwarf, recognizing in turn the of was unmistakably confirmed. The ind p’ace, to sho w cause why aiioense to ibortgage It is further ordered, that public notice thereof maid. “And with the plaisant,” star­ .be interest of said estate in said veal estate should be given by publication of a copy of t/its order, sight, of the tavern which they came -tot be granti d. for three sue. etei vo weeks previous lo said day ing hard at the fool. Then a cunning of keariug, in the Buchai an Kecobd, aiewspaper suddenly .upon. a.nd .the appearance of It is 'farther- ordered, that, public notice -.-reof printed and circulated in said county/ look gradually replaced the wonder de­ given bj publication of a copy of this order, for Fkanic H. Ells/corth, Good Advice... picted on his features. “Yon are flee­ the innkeeper interrupted this1 dark .hive successive weeks previous to said day of trend of thought, and, springing from -leartng, in the Buchanan E.kcok». a newspaper A true copy. Judge oqProbate. ing from the court, I toward it,” he printed and circulated in said county. R oli.anu E-. Baur, his horse, the jester helped the girl to Register of Probate. W H A T ? ■ remarked jocosely. lA true Copy") FnaxK H. E li.kworth, dismount.’ _ ' Roi/land E. B a tut,'1 J ndge nl' Probate-. Last publication April 7, libs. Come now, bring your dinner and stay all day. “What mean you, fool?” demanded Register of Probate. * „ ' The , house, being situated in the Im­ the horseman sternly, , 1 ast publication March 31,1905. . ■ • W H Y ? mediate proximity of- the grgnd cha­ “That I have run away from the First publication March 17/1015. Because while you have timer you can. plau your duke, fool,” answered the hunchback, teau, received a certain patronage from noble lords and ladies. This trade-had F irst Publication March 17,1905 Estate of Frauk Beck, J)e/<)Asf rooms, study up the latest styles of coloring and “The foreign lord dared to beat me— given the proprietor such an opinion of Triboulet—-who have only been beaten jtate of Michigan, TATE OF MICHIGAN, the P decorating in wall Paper and learn prices, better his hostelry that common folks were i * Second Judicial Circuit the County of Berrien. by the king. Sooner or later -must 1 not wont to be overwhelmed with wel­ Martin Susan r In chancery. Suit pending In At a session of said Court, held jtthe PK- than when the rush of Spring work begins. have fled in any event, for what is Complainant \ the Circuit Court for the Olfice in tbe City of St. J oseph in aid-Coun ty come. 'In th,efpresent instance the man vs.. -< county ol Berrien in Chancery, the 13th day of March, A. D., 1905. | __ Triboulet without the court or the showed a disposition "to scrutinize too Joseph Cook J at St. Joseph in said County,on Present: Hon. Frank H. Ellewfctiii^l” court without Triboulet?” his indigna­ Helentlaut, \ the 16th day of Mar., A. L). 1905. ’ Probate. i | „ at W. F\ Runner's closely the modest attire of the new­ In this cause it appearing by aflidavit that the In the. matter of the estate ofjFrajii.-,Bi. immense line of Samples. Prices that Defy Competition. tion merging into arrogant vainglory. comers and the plain housings of their defendant, Joseph (took, is hot a re ident of this deceased. | ; “When did you leave the duke?” ask­ state, hut is a resident of tbe City of Denver, Harry Beck, having filed In said (Jourt his ft ', chargers, when the curt voice of the State of Colorado : On motion of Allison C Roe, administration account, and his petition prayl ■ ed the other slowly. jester recalled' him sharply from this complairant. s solicitor, it is ordered-that the de- for the allowance thereof and for tlte assignm ent “Several days , ago,” replied the lendnnt enter his appearance In said cause on or aDd distribution of .the residue of sa\d estate. forward occupation. before four months from the date of this order, It is ordered, that the 10th day <1 April A.D. dwarf, gazing narrowly at his ques­ With a shade less of disrespect the and lhat. wit bin tweifi.y daye the cmnplninaut 1905, at ten o’clock m tbe forenoon,attaid probate tioner.' “Down the road. He should cause this order to be pub! shed in the Buchanan office, he and is hereby appointed -foil examining MODEL proprietor bade them follow him; Recobo, a newspaper, pin ted, published and aud allowing said account and he/uiut said peti- be.far away by this time.” Rooms were given them, and in the circulating in said County, aud that said publica- tion. Suspiciously the duke’s jester regard­ tion be continued thereiii, once in each tveekfor. It js further ordered, that public rioUce thereof larger of the two chambers the. plai­ six w^eks iu succession. v , he given by publication of a copy of this Order, Buy a package of Wheat- ed the hunchback and then glanced du­ let, Franklin Flour, or sant, desiring to avoid publicity of the Ai.usnN C. a ok, ' O im ixu W. Oooi.idob, < for inroe successive weeksprevious to said day of Franklin Pancake Flour biously toward the gate through which dining- and tap room, ordered their sup­ •Soli itor for the Complainant. Circuit Judge, hearing, in the Buchanan E ecobd, a nUAVspaper and learn how to secure they had entered the town. He had Business add1 -, Buchanan, Mich. priuted and circulated-in said connty We will Call for and this Franklin Universal per to be served. • L ast Publication A pril 28, 1995. t A true copy) F rank H . E luswobt. . Breadmaker free, or write | R owland E . Barr, Judge ofProbute. for particulars/to experienced Trlboulet’s duplicity and Deliver Your Laundry. Xhe Franklin Mills Co., malice, yet in this instance was dis­ (To be continued) Register ol Probate. . { Xockport, It. V. Last Publication March 31,19u5. . TJs Hear from You posed to give credence to his story, be­ " *> ❖ : # , . • cause he doubted not that Louis of Heffltow Harbor Abstract Co—Abstracts of Beaton Harbor Abstract Co,^-Abstraet;s ot JB, 8, Weaver ijtl&* Real estate mortgage loans. Of title. Leal estate mortgage loans. Of i i Jb»-° Watsty Strn fcb p y , %elQ4: WzPqf Bmion Harbor, Micfe- Bring JQW. |>.mil»)!S tQ s&i v