New York City 1–3 April 2004
RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA Annual Meeting New York City 1–3 April 2004 PROGRAM AND ABSTRACT BOOK COVER ILLUSTRATION: The Triumph of Fame; (verso) Impresa of the Medici Family and Arms of the Medici and Tornabuoni Families Birth tray, ca. 1449 Giovanni di Ser Giovanni (called Scheggia) (Italian, Florentine, 1406–86) Tempera, silver, and gold on wood; overall, with engaged frame, diameter 36 ½ in. (92.7 cm); recto, painted surface, diameter 24 5/8 in. (62.5 cm); verso, painted surface, diameter 29 5/8 in. (75.2 cm). THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART, NEW YORK Purchase in memory of Sir John Pope-Hennessy: Rogers Fund, The Annenberg Foundation, Drue Heinz Foundation, Annette de la Renta, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Richardson, and The Vincent Astor Foundation Gifts, Wrightsman and Gwynne Andrews Funds, special funds, and Gift of the children of Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Logan, and other gifts and bequests, by exchange, 1995 (1995.7). The commemorative birth tray (desco da parto) was commissioned to celebrate the birth, in 1449, of Lorenzo de’ Medici, il Magnifico. Its imagery was taken from Boccaccio’s L’Amorosa visione and Petrarch’s Trionfi. Table of Contents Acknowledgments ............................................................................ 4 Book Registration, Exhibitors, and Times ......................................... 6 Business Meetings ............................................................................ 8 Plenaries, Talks, and Special Events .................................................
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