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Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. 309 LIST OF FOREIGN COMESPONDENTS smithsoi^ia:n^ ijs^stitution. COERECTED TO JANUARY, 1878,. [FIFTH EDITION.] WASHINGTON: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. MARCH, 1S78. : ADVERTISEMENT. The following publication is a list of tlie foreign establishments with which the Smithsonian Institution is, at the present time, in correspond- ence. It embraces the names of all the Institutions that have come to its knowledge having for their object the increase or diffusion of knowl- edge, or from which serial publications have been received up to the date mentioned on the title-p^ge. As new editions of the list will be published from time to time, the Smithsonian Institution desires to receive any information relative to new addresses, changes of title or character of the old ones, typograph- ical errors, etc. JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary S. 1. Smithsonian Institution, Wasuington, January, 1S78. (2) PHILADELPHIA COLLINS, PRINTER. CONTEI(TS. LIST FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS. AFRICA. ALGERIA. Algiers—Biblioth^que de la Ville d' Alger ( City Library). Ecole de Medecine et de Pharmacie d' Alger ''Universit(5 de France) (School of Medicine and Pharmacy'). Observatoire National d 'Alger {National Observatory). Society d 'Agriculture d' Alger {Agricidtural Society). Society Algerienne de Climatologie, Sciences, Physiques et Nat- urelles {Meteorological^ Physical, and Natural History So- ciety). Constantine—Soci^te Arch^ologique de la Province de Constantino {Archaeological Society). CAPE COLONY. Cape To^wn— ( Oape of Good Hope)—Agricultural Society. Gill College, Somerset East. Royal Observatory. South African Museum. South Africa Public Library. St. Helena—Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory. St. Helena Library. EGYPT. Alexandria—Tnstitut Egyptienne {Institute of Egypt). Society Khediviale de Geographie (Geogrnjjhical Society). (1) Z LIST OF FOREIGN COllRESPONDENTS. Cairo—The Khedive of Egypt. Biblioth^que Centrale {Central Library'). Bureau Central de Statistique {Central Statistical Bureau). Egyptian Society. Mus^e de Boulaq {Museum of Boulaq). Observatoire Kh6divial {Ohservatori/). LIBERIA. Monrovia—Government Library. MAURITIUS. Pamplemouses— Meteorological Observatory. Port Louis—Meteorological Society of Mauritius. Royal Society of Arts and Sciences. BRITISH AMERICA. NORTH AMERICA. BRITISH AMERICA. CANADA. Montreal (Quebec)—Department of Public Instruction. Geological Survey of Canada. McGill College. Natural History Society. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society. Societe Historique de Montreal. Legislative Library of tbe Province of Quebec. Quebec ( Quebec) —Literary and Historical Society. Universite-Laval. Ottowa (Ontario)—Library of Parliament. Toronto ( Ontario) —Canadian Institute. Entomological Society of Ontario. Fruit-Growers' Association of Ontario. Magnetical Observatory. Meteorological Office of the Dominion of Canada. University College. NEW BRUNSWICK. Fredericton—University of New Brunswick. NEWFOUNDLAND. St. John's—Geological Survey of Newfoundland. NOVA SCOTIA. Halifax—Department of Mines Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Sciences. LIST OF FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS. CENTRAL AMERICA. COSTA RICA. San Jose—University of Costa Rica. GUATEMALA. Guatemala—Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais (^Economical Societi/). MEXICO. MEXICO. Mexico {Mexico)—Academia de Medicina (^Academy of Medicine). Asociacioa Medico Quirurgica "Larrey." (^Medico- Chirurgical Society), Colegio de Mineria {School of Mines). El Museo Nacional {National Museum). Escuela de Agricultura {Agriculttiral College). Mexican Government. Ministerio de Fomento, Colonizacion, Industria y Comercio {De- partment of Industry and Commerce). Sociedad Filoiatriea y de Beneficencia de los Alumnos de la Escuela de Medicina {Alumni Society of the Medical College). Sociedad Humboldt {Humboldt Society). Sociedad M^dica {Medical Society). Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica {Society of Geog- raphy and Statistics). Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural {Society of Natural History). Sociedad Minora Mexicana {Mineralogical Society). Guadalajara—Sociedad Medica de Guadalajara {Medical Society). Guanajuata—Colegio de Guanajuata {College). Toluca—Instituto Literario del Estado de Mexico {Literary Institute). LIST OF FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS. WEST INDIES. CUBA. Habana {Havana)—Academia de Ciencias Medicas Fisicas y Natu- rales de la Habana (^Academy of Medical, Physical, and Natu- ral Sciences). Inspeccion General de Telegrafos {Inspector- General of Tele- graphs). Observatorio Magnetico y Meteoroldgico del Real Colegio de Belen (^Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory). Real Observatorio Fisico-Meteorologico de la Habana {Physico- Meteorological Observatory). Real Sociedad Econdmica de la Habana {Economical Society). Real Universidad de la Habana {University). JAMAICA. Kingston—Royal Society of Arts of Jamaica. TEINIDAD. Port of Spain—Scientific Association of Trinidad. BRAZIL. SOUTH AMERICA. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Buenos Aires—Acad^mie des Sciences {Academy of Sciences). Asociacion Medica Bonaereuse (^Medical Associatioii). Biblioteca Nacional (^ISfational Library). Biblioteca Piiblica (^Public Library). Instituto Histdrico Geogrdfico del Rio de la Plata (^Historical and Geographical Institute). Museo Publico de Buenos Aires (Public Museum). Sociedad Paleontoldgica de Buenos Aires (Palaeontological So- ciety). Sociedad Rural Argentina (Agricultural Society). Sociedad Zooldgica Argentina (Zoological Society). Statistical Bureau. Universidad de Buenos Aires ( University). Cordoba—Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactes (National Aca^ demy of Sciences). Argentine Meteorological Office. Observatorio Nacional Argentino* (A^a^jona^ Observatory). BOLIVIA. Chuquisaca—University. BRAZIL. Rio Janeiro—Emperor of Brazil. British Library. Geological Commission. Government of Brazil. Historical, Geographical, and Ethnographical Institute. National Museum. Nautical Observatory. Palaestra Scientific Society, Royal Geographical Society. Auxiliary Society of National Industry. LIST OF FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS. BRITISH GUIANA. Georgeto'Wn—Observatory. Queen's College. Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society. CHILE. Santiago—Academia Militar (^Military Academy). Biblioteca Nacional {National Library). El Piano Topografico {Topographical Bureau). Ministro de Instruccion Publica {Minister of Puhlic Instruction). Museo Nacional {National Museum). Observatorio Nacional de Santiago {National Observatory). Sociedad de Historia Natural {Society of Natural History). Universidad de Chile {University of Chile). COLOMBIA. Bogota—Republic of Colombia. Sociedad de Naturalistas Columbianos {Society of Naturalists). Lledellin {Antioquid)—University of Antioquia. DUTCH GUIANA. Paramaribo {Surinam)—Suyinaamsche Koloniale Bibliotheek {Co- lonial Library). ECUADOR. Quito—Observatorio del Colegio Nacional {National Observatory). PERU. Xjima—Cuerpo de Ingenieras del Peru {Bureau of Engineers). National Library. Statistical Bureau. Universidad {University). VENEZUELA. Caracas—Sociedad de Ciencias Fisicas y Naturales de Caracas {So- ciety of Physical and Natural Sciences). Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais {Economical Society). CHINA—INDIA. ASIA. CHINA. Shanghai—Royal Asiatic Society of China (North China Branch). INDIA. Allahabad—Mission College. Batticotta {Cetjloii) —Jaffna College. Benares—Sanscrit College. Bombay—Bombay Government. Bombay University. Geographical Society. Government Central Museum. Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. Royal Asiatic Society (Bombay Branch). Sassoon Mechanics' Institute. Sir Jamsedji Jijibhai Translation Fund. Calcutta—Asiatic Society of Bengal. Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Geological Survey of India. Government of Bengal. Indian Medical Gazette. Indian Museum. Medical and Physical Society. Meteorological Office. Colombo—Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch). Dehra Doon—Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Goa—Escola Medico-Cirurgica {Medical- Chirurgical Sclioot). Kurrachee—General Library and Museum Madras—Government Central Museum. Literary Society. Madras Observatory. Neilgherries—Public Library. 10 LIST OF FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS. Rourkee—Thomasoa College of Civil Engineering. Trevandrum—Trevandrum Museum. Trevandrum Observatory. JAPAN. Tokio—Tokio Kaisei-Gakko {Imperial University of Tokid). Tokio Library. Yedo—Emperor of Japan. Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Natur und Volkerkunde Ost-Asien's {German Society of Natural History and Ethnology of Eastern Asia). Imperial Japanese University. Yokohama—Asiatic Society of Japan. JAVA. Batavia — Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappeh {Academy of Arts and Sciences). Geneeskundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch- Indie {Medical Association). Koninlijke Naturkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch- Indie {Natural History Society). Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory {Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory). Nederlandsch-Indische Maatschappij van Nijverheid en Land- bouw {Industrial Society), PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. IVEanila—Horto Botanico Manilensis {Botanical Garden). Observatorio Meteorologico del Ateneo Municipal {ileteorohyi- cal Ohservatori/). Koyal Economical Society of the Philippine Islands {Economical Society). AUSTRALIA. 11 AUSTRALASIA. AUSTRALIA. NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney—Agricultural Society of New South Wales. Australian Museum. Government Observatory. Linnean Society of New South Wales. New South Wales Government. Philosophical Society of New South Wales. Royal Society of New South Wales. University of Sydney. Windsor—Private Observatory of John Tebbutt. QUEENSLAND.
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