Swaziland Government Gazette
SWAZILAND _ GOVERNMENT GAZETTE VOL. XXXT] MBABANE,Friday, August, 6th, 1993 [No. 969 CONTENTS No. Page GENERAL NOTICES 57. The Control of Insurance Brokers and Agents Regulations, 1973 ............:s:sssssssssssssssereesseeenenesten 486 ADVERTISEMENTS 487 CONTENTSOF SUPPLEMENT PART C - LEGAL NOTICES 123. The Stock Disease (Rabies No...............) Regulations, 1993 oo...eee eeeessccsssesesessereenenensenes Sl 124. The Inoculation of Dogs Against Rabies Notice, 1993 33 125. Notice of Intent to Alter the Boundaries of Mbabane Urban Area. .............:cccccccseeeceetscereenenseoereenes $24 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 486 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 57 OF 1993 THE CONTROL OF INSURANCE ORDER,1973 (King's Order-In-Council No. 33 of 1973) THE CONTROL OF INSURANCE BROKERS AND AGENTS REGULATIONS, 1973 Itis hereby notified for general information that the Honourable Minister for Financeis pleased to announcethe appointmentof the following as an Insurance Broker. NAME ADDRESS Nelsure International (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 2381 MBABANE 1S. SHABANGU Principal Secretary S.G.G. NO. 969, FRIDAY, AUGUST6, 1993 487 NOTICES TRADING LICENES ORDERNO.20 OF 1975 Notice is hereby given that an application has been made by Sarah Mtsetfwa of Box 170 Mbabanefor a grant of a Pedlar's Licence to operate at Mbabane under the style "FANIKE.” This will be heard in the Regional Secretary's Conference Room, Mbabane on Tuesday the 10th August, 1993 at 10.00 a.m. Notice is hereby given that an application has been made by Wilfred Fakudze of Box 198 Mbabanefora grant of an Import and Export's Licence to operate at Mbabane underthe style "W.S. ASSOCIATES."This will be heard in the Regional Secretary's Conference Room, Mbabane on Tuesday the 10th August, 1993 at 10.00 a.m.
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