SWAZILAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE VOL. XXXIX] MBABANE,Friday, AUGUST 10th., 2001 [No. 736 No. Page GENERAL NOTICES 42. Authorization of Change of Surmame Notice .ccc cece secs serreerreneeeeensecesenneesseetnerens 584 43, Authorization of Change of Surname Notice ..c:eccec eee etree cetae ree eeeescne tee ceeeesneeeteeees 584 44. Authorization of Change of Surname Notice .0.0..... icccee eee e cece sent eens enna tesenneceeeceeees 585 45. Authorization of Change of Surname Notice 00.0.0... cece cceeesecesseeerseceanenesseeneaseasessneeenease 585 46. Authorization of Change of Surname Notice ........0 ccc cece eeee cere e cece careeeseeecnnneeeageneeegae 586 47. Authorization of Change of Surname Notice 20.0.0... cece cece eeerensceeseeceestetesenseeseaneeneges 586 ADVERTISEMENTS0o.o..c..ccccccecccecee cere cereeseenecetee 587 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 584 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 42 OF 2001 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (Act No. 67 of 1962) AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE (Under section 3)) In exercise of the above powers conferred upon him by section 3 of the Change of Name Act, 1962 the Minister for Justice having satisfied himself that the provisions of the said Act have been complied with hereby authorizes:- ANDRIAS NTABA MSIBI A resident of Vusweni Royal Kraal, Nhlangano,in the Shiselweni region to assume the surname Nkabindze. Mbabane 25" July. 2001 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 43 OF 2001 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (Act No. 67 of 1962) AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE (Under section 3)) In exercise of the above powers conferred upon him by section 3 of the Change of Name Act, 1962 the Minister for Justice havingsatisfied himself that the provisions ofthe said Act have been complied with hereby authorizes:- ANDREAS FANYANA MKHALCIPHT A resident of Nkhanini Royal Kraal, Lobambain the Hhohhoregionto assumethe surname Masina. Mbabane 25" July. 2001 585 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 44 OF 2001 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (Act No. 67 of 1962) AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE (Undersection 3)) In exercise of the above powers conferred upon him by section 3 of the Change of NameAct, 1962 the Minister for Justice having satisfied himself that the provisions of the said Act have been complied with hereby authorizes:- ALBERT MGOSHOLI MAMBA A resident of Dlangeni Royal Kraal, Mbabane, in the Hhohho region to assume the surname Dlamini. Mbabane 25" July, 2001 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 45 OF 2001 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (Act No. 67 of 1962) AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE (Undersection 3)) In exercise of the above powers conferred upon him by section 3 of the Change of NameAct, 1962 the Minister for Justice having satisfied himself that the provisions ofthe said Act have been complied with hereby authorizes:- SIMONMAFU A resident of Mlokothwa Royal Kraal, Mhlosheniin the Shiselweni region to assume the surname Nxumalo. Mbabane 25" July, 2001 586 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 46 OF 2001 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (Act No. 67 of 1962) AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE (Under section 3)) _In exercise of the above powers conferred upon him by section 3 of the Change of Name Act, 1962 the Ministerfor Justice having satisfied himself that the provisions of the said Act have been complied with hereby authorizes:- SIBUSISO MASUKU A resident of Necoseni Royal Kraal, Mankayane in the Manzini region to assume the surname Fakudze. Mbabane 25" July, 2001 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 47 OF 2001 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (Act No. 67 of 1962) AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE (Undersection 3)) In exercise of the above powers conferred upon him by section 3 of the Change of Name Act, 1962 the Ministerfor Justice having satisfied himself that the provisions of the said Act have been complied with hereby authorizes:- THABISO MAXWELL MATSEBULA A resident of Mafutseni Royal Kraal, in the Manzini region to assume the surname Ndlovu. Mbabane 25" July. 2001 S.G.G. NO. 736, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2001 587 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I, Ndumiso M. Maseko of Hhohho Region intend to apply to the Honourable Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Swaziland for authorisation to assume the surname Nhlabatsi after the fourth publication of this notice in each of the four consecutive weeks in the Times of Swaziland / The Swazi Observer being the newspapers circulating in the Region where I reside and designated for this purpose by the Regional Secretary for the Hhohho Region and in the Government Gazette. The reason | want to assume the surname is because Nhlabatsi is my natural surname. Any person or persons likely to object to my assuming the sumame Nhlabatsi should lodge their objections in writing with me at the address given below and with the Regional Secretary for Hhohho Region. P. O. Box 133 Kwaluseni C1184 4x24-08-2001 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for Certified Copy of Deed of Transfer No. 513/1987 in favour of SIBONGILE SARAH MKHONTA(born on the 20th March 1945) CERTAIN : Lot No. 2134 situate in the Township of Mbabane Extension No. 18, in the urban area of Mbabane, District of Hhohho, Swaziland; : MEASURING : 1667 (One Six Six Seven) square metres. Any person having objection to the issue of such copy is hereby requested to lodge it in writing with the Registrar of Deeds within twenty one days of the last publication of this notice. DATED AT MBABANE ON THIS THE 157 DAY OF AUGUST,2001. MILLIN & CURRIE ATTORNEYS Incorporating R D Friedlander & Co P. O. Box A240 Swazi Plaza Mbabane C1207 2x10-08-2001 NOTICE ESTATE LATE: PETER ERNEST GUMBI ESTATE NO. ES64/2000 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 52 bis of the Administration of Estates Act No. 28/1902 that the First and Final Liquidation Account will lie open at the office of the Master of the High Court of Swaziland Mbabane for a period of twenty one (21) days from the date of publication of this Notice. Any person objecting to the account may lodge his/her objection in writing in duplicate with the Master of the High Court at any time before expiry of the said period. S’MANGA MASONDO P. O. Box 63 Mahamba . Cl2t6 10-08-2001 $.G.G. NO. 736, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2001 588 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a certified copy of: Crown Grant No. 120/1993 dated the 28th July 1995 and registered on the 6th December 1993 in favour of MLONDI PAULOS MPUNGOSE(born on the 14" June 1957) in respect of: CERTAIN : Lot No. 158 situate in Siteki Township in the Lubombo District, Swaziland; MEASURING : 460 (Four Six Zero) square metres; Anyperson having objections to the issue of such copy is hereby requested to lodge it in writing with the Registrar of Deeds within three (3) weeks of the last publication of this notice. DATED AT MBABANE THIS 30™ DAY OF JULY 2001. ROBINSON BERTRAM Attorneys for Applicant P. O. Box 24 Mbabane C1202 2x10-08-2001 NOTICE ESTATE LATE: WASHINGTON M. DLAMINI ESTATE NO. EL21/2001 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 52 bis of the Administration of Estates Act No. 28/1902 that the First and Final Liquidation Account will lie open at the office of the Master of the High Court of Swaziland Mbabane for a period of twenty one (21) days from the date of publication of this Notice. Anyperson objecting to the account may lodge his/her objection in writing in duplicate with the Master of the High Court at any time before expiry of the said period. MOSES KHUMALO P.O. Box 660 Manzini C1217 10-08-2001 NOTICE ESTATE LATE: BHEKI SIKELELA MAMBA ESTATE NO. EL160/2000 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 52 bis of the Administration of Estates Act No. 28/1902 that the First and Final Liquidation Account will lie open at the office of the Master of the High Court of Swaziland Mbabane for a period of twenty one (21) days from the date of publication of this Notice. Any person objecting to the account may lodge his/her objection in writing im duplicate with the Master of the High Court at any time before expiry of the said period. SIPHO MAMBA P. O. Box 20 Kubuta 64987 C1220 10-08-2001 S.G.G. NO. 736, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2001 589 NOTICE ESTATE LATE: DAVID M. SIMELANE ESTATE NO. EM41/2001 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 52 bis of the Administration of Estates Act No. 28/1902 that the First and Final Liquidation Account will lie open at the office of the Master of the High Court of Swaziland Mbabane for a period of twenty one (21) days from the date of publication of this Notice. Any person objecting to the account may lodge his/her objection in writing in duplicate with the Master of the High Court at any time before expiry of the said period. MR. NDIPHETHE SIMELANE P. O. Box 2818 Manzini C1221 10-08-2001 NOTICE ESTATE LATE: DAN VELEBANTU METHULA ESTATE NO. EP18/99 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 52 bis of the Administration of Estates Act No. 28/1902 that the First and Final Liquidation Account will lie open at the office of the Master of the High Court of Swaziland Mbabane for a period of twenty one (21) days from the date of publication of this Notice. Any person objecting to the account may Iodge his/her objection in writing in duplicate with the Master of the High Court at any time before expiry of the said period. MIRRIAM L. METHULA P. O.
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