G 68912 © Ss. OF b dy NOT AVAILABLE FOR LOAN SWAZILAND GovERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY VOL. XLIX] MBABANE,Friday FEBRUARY, 18" 2011 [No. 15 CONTENTS No. Page PART C - LEGAL NOTICE 10. By-Election of Member of Parliament for Mayiwane Inkhundla and Bucopho Members for KaZulu Chiefdom under Mahlangatsha Inkhundla, Zikhotheni Chiefdom under Shiselweni | Inkhundla, Ngculwini Chiefdom under Mafutseni Inkhundla and Luhiekweni Chiefdom under Somntongo Inkhundla (Writ of Election) Notice, 201] oo... $l PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5 PART C LEGAL NOTICE NO. 10 OF 2011 THE ELECTIONS ORDER, 1992 (Order No.2 of 1992) BY-ELECTION OF MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR MAYIWANE INKHUNDLA AND BUCOPHO MEMBERS FOR KAZULU CHIEFDOM UNDER MAHLANGATSHA INKHUNDLA, ZIKHOTHENI CHIEFDOM UNDER SHISELWENI I INKHUNDLA, NGCULWINI CHIEFDOM UNDER MAFUTSENI INKHUNDLA AND LUHLEKWENI CHIEFDOM UNDER SOMNTONGO INKHUNDLA (WRIT OF ELECTION) NOTICE, 2011 , (UnderSection 4) In exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Elections Order, 1992, 1 MSWATI III, KING OF SWAZILANDissuethe following Notice- Citation and Commencement 1. (1) This Notice may be cited as the By-Election of Member of Parliament for Mayiwane Inkhundla and Bucopho members for kaZulu chiefdom under Mahlangatsha Inkhundla, Zikhotheni chiefdom under Shiselweni I Inkhundla, Ngculwini chiefdom under Mafutseni Inkhundla and Luhlekweni chiefdom under Somntongo Inkhundla, (Writ ofElection) Notice, 2011 and is directed to the Returning Officers. (2) This Notice shall comeinto force on the date of publication. By- Election
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