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Swaziand GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ON SwaziAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE VOL. XXXIV] MBABANE,Friday, March 29th, 1996 ‘ {No. 148 CONTENTS No. Page GENERAL NOTICES 17. Authorization for Change of Surmame 216 18. Authorization for Change of Surname 216 19. Authorization for Change of Sumame 217 20. Authorization for Change of Surname . 217 ADVERTISEMENTS. 218 CONTENTS OF SUPPLEMENT PART C - LEGAL NOTICES 40. The Conferment of Honours Notice, 1996 S1 41. The Stock Disease (Rabies No.1) Regulation, 1996 S5 42. The Date of Commencement (Rating Act) Notice, 1996 S6 43. The Import and Export of Scheduled Products (Amendment) Notice, 1996 ............sescceeeee S7 45. Appointment of Acting Attorney-General.... seseceeaesuecensrseuaresees s7 46. Appointment of Acting Auditor-General 0.0.0... cece csecesesssseseersseeneneerenenee 88 47. Appointment of Acting Attorney-General « esccesessereessessnsceeeccesseneceonsneeses S8 48. Appointment of Acting Principal Secretary eae s9 49. Appointment of Acting Principal Secretary S9 50. Appointment of Acting Principal Secretary $10 51. Appointment of Acting Principal Secretary $10 52, Appointment of Acting Principal Secretary S11 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 216 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 17 OF 1996 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (Act No. 67 of 1962) AUTHORISATION FOR CHANGE OF SURNAME In exercise of powers conferred upon him by Section 3 of the change of Name Act, 1962, the Minister for Justice having satisfied himself that the provisions of the said Act have been complied with hereby authorises:- SIPHO LEONARD MAKHANYA A resident of Makhosiniarea in the Shiselweni Region wish to assume the Surname SIBANDZE. E.A.B. Mkhonta Principal Secretary Mbabane 18th March, 1996. GENERAL NOTICE NO. 18 OF 1996 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (Act No. 67 of 1962) AUTHORISATION FOR CHANGE OF SURNAME In exercise of powers conferred upon him by Section 3 of the change of Name Act, 1962,the Minister for Justice having satisfied himself that the provisions of the said Act have been complied with hereby authorises:- PHIWINHLANHLA NOMBULELE KUNENE A resident of Lobambaarea in the Hhohho Region wish to assume the Surname of MADIDA. E.A.B. Mkhonta Principal Secretary Mbabane 18th March, 1996. 217 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 19 OF 1996 THE CHANGE OF NAMEACT 1962 (Act No. 67 of 1962) AUTHORISATION FOR CHANGE OF SURNAME In exercise of powers conferred upon him by Section 3 of the change of NameAct, 1962, the Minister for Justice having satisfied himself that the provisions of the said Act have been complied with hereby authorises:- JEREMIAH LOBOVU MHLANGA A resident of Lobamba Lomdzala area in the Manzini Region wish to assume the Surname of MAHLINDZA. E.A.B. Mkhonta Principal Secretary Mbabane 18th March, 1996. GENERAL NOTICE NO. 20 OF 1996 THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1962 (Act No. 67 of 1962) AUTHORISATION FOR CHANGE OF SURNAME In exercise of powers conferred upon him by Section 3 of the change of NameAct, 1962, the Minister for Justice havingsatisfied himself that the provisions of the said Act have been complied with hereby authorises:- JOHN ALBERT MHLONGO A resident of Lamgabhi (Etiyeni) area in the Hhohho Region wish to assume the Surname of MAKAMA. E.A.B. Mkhonta Principal Secretary Mbabane 15th March, 1996. S.G.G. NO. 148, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1996 218 NOTICE ESTATE LATE: ALMON SIPHUSHUZA DLAMINI ESTATE NO.124/95 Notice is hereby given that in terms of Section 51 bis of the Administration of Estates Act No. 28 of 1902, that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accountwill lie open at the office of the Master of the High Court of Swaziland, Mbabane for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of appearance ofthis Notice. Anyperson objecting to the account may lodge his objection in writing in duplicate to the Master of the High Court at any time before expiry ofthe said period. ANGELINE MANENE DLAMINI PO. Box 571! Manzini H391 29-03-96 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I, Nonhlanhla Penelope Myeni of LubomboRegion intend to apply to the Honourable Ministerfor Justice of the Kingdom of Swazilandfor authorisation to assume the summame Dlamini after the fourth publication of this Notice in each of four consecutive weeks in the Observer and Times of Swaziland newspapers, being two newspapers circulating in the region where I reside and designated for this purpose by the Regional Secretary for the Lubombo Region and in the Government Gazette. The reason I want to assume the surname is because Dlamini is my natural surname. Anypersonorpersonslikely to object to my assuming the surname Dlamini should lodgetheir objections in writing with me at the address given below and with the Regional Secretary for Lubombo Region. P.O. Box 55 Mpaka H363 4x12-04-96 NOTICE ESTATE LATE: DENNIS RICHARD DLAMINI ESTATE NO. 528/95 Notice is hereby giventhatin terms of Section 51 bis of the Administration of Estates Act No. 28 of 1902, that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accountwill lie open at the office of the Master of the High Court of Swaziland, Mbabane for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of appearance ofthis Notice. Any person objectingto the account may lodge his objection in writing in duplicate to the Master of the High Court at any time before expiry of the said period. SIZAKELE DLAMINI P.O. Box 2810 Mbabane H395 29-03-96 S.G.G. NO. 148, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1996 219 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a Certified Copy of:- Deed of transfer No. 35/1984 dated the 16th February, 1984 in favour of Humphrey Henwood (born on the 10th November, 1929). in respectof:- ONE CERTAIN: undivided one half (1/2) share or part in and to Farm No. 469, situate in the Shiselweni District, Swaziland; MEASURING: 431,3838 (Four Three One CommaThree Eight Three Eight) Hectares. and TWO CERTAIN: Erf No. 143situate in PrinceArthur and Sixth Streets in the Township of Hlatikulu Shiselweni District, Swaziland; MEASURING: 495 (Four Nine Five) Square Metres. Anyperson having objection to the issue of such copy is hereby requested to lodgeit in writing with the Registrar of Deeds within Three (3) weeksofthe last publication of this Notice. DATED AT MBABANE THIS 14TH DAY OF MARCH, 1996 ROBINSON BERTRAM & KEYTER Attomeys for Applicant P.O. Box 24 Mbabane H350 2x29-03-96 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that weintend to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. 447/1986 dated the 31st day of October 1986 madein favourofWilliam Mandiki Dlamini (Born on the 28th dayofJuly, 1953)in respectof :- CERTAIN: Lot No. 78, situate in the Ngwane Park Township, District of Manzini, Swaziland; MEASURING: 1965 (One Nine Six Five) square metres; Any person having objection to the issue of such copies is hereby requested to lodge in writing with the Registrar of Deeds within 3 weeks of the last publication of this issue. DATED AT MBABANETHIS 18TH DAY OF MARCH,1996. SHILUBANE, NTIWANE AND PARTNERS Fourth Floor, Mbandzeni House Smuts/Church Streets PO. Box A93 Swazi Plaza Mbabane H369 2x29-03-96 S.G.G. NO. 148, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1996 220 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. 2/1991 dated the 9th day of January, 1991 made in favour of Eric Mkhokhelwa Malinga (Bor on the 7th day of April, 1960) in respect of:- CERTAIN: The Remaining Extent of Portion 349(a portion of Portion 342) of Farm No. 2 situate within the urban area of Mbabane,in the Hhohho District, Swaziland; MEASURING: as such 4918 (Four Nine One Eight) square metres; Any person having objection to the issue of such copies is hereby requested to lodge in writing with the Registrar of Deeds within 3 weeks ofthe last publication of this issue. DATED AT MBABANE THIS 16TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1996. SHILUBANE, NTIWANE AND PARTNERS Fourth Floor, Mbandzeni House Smuts/Church Streets P.O. Box A93 Swazi Plaza Mbabane H361 2x29-03-96 NOTICE ESTATE LATE: CALEB M. JELE ESTATE NO. 600/95 Notice is hereby given that in termsof Section 51 bis of the Administration of Estates Act No. 28 of 1902, that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accountwill lie open at the office of the Master of the High Court of Swaziland, Mbabane for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of appearanceofthis Notice. Any person objecting to the account maylodge his objection in writing in duplicate to the Master of the High Courtat any time before expiry of the said period. ROSE JOANA JELE P.O. Box 6984 Ext9 Marimba Gardes Vosloorus 1468 H416 29-03-96 OTICE ESTATE LATE: NDUBUNDUBU MATFUNGA DLAMINI ESTATE NO. 494/95 Notice is hereby given that in terms of Section 51 bis of the Administration of Estates Act No. 28 of 1902, that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accountwill lie open at the office of the Master ofthe High Court of Swaziland, Mbabane for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of appearance of this Notice. Anyperson objecting to the account may lodge his objection in writing in duplicate to the Masterof the High Court at any time before expiry of the said period. ALLAN MALANGENI DLAMINI P.O. Box 3 Pigg’s Peak H415 29-03-96 S.G.G. NO. 148, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1996 221 NOTICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF SWAZILAND HELD AT MBABANE CASE NO. 2036/95 In the matter between: SWAZILAND BUILDING SOCIETY : Plaintiff and NOMP PROPERTIES (PTY) LIMITED Defendant NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby giventhat pursuantto a Writ of Execution issued in the above matter, the undermentioned property will be sold by PublicAuction by the Deputy Sheriff for the District of Manzini, outside the Regional Administrator's office at 2.30 p.m.
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