Declass Ified and Re Leased by Central Intelligence Agency Sources Kethods Exempt I 0N3828 Naz I Mar Cr Imes Disclosure Ag+ Date `2001 2006 Copy
DECLASS IFIED AND RE LEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SOURCES KETHODS EXEMPT I 0N3828 NAZ I MAR CR IMES DISCLOSURE AG+ DATE`2001 2006 • COPY Contents . Page Part I: Warding off Dangers from the Defenceless ------------1 - 24 Preamble 1 Letters from Major General Vanamen and Brigadier , General Spivey 2 General Attitude. 3 A. Personal Interference in Favour Of Endangered Prisoners of War 4 - 19 1. The Congress of Doctors at Berlin - Schwanenwerderc- - - - 5 - 6 2. The Mission of7anaman end Spivey . • 7 3. The Prieoners of War Agreement with General Eisenhower and. the Transfei: of POWs from the East of Germany to the Nest 9 10 4. Tne Safeguarding of . POWs from Death caused by Ang/o- 41. , American Air-Raid Attacks 11 is 5. The Rescue of Prominent POWs from the Danger of being = • At Killed as Hostages- 13 • I, ‘' 6. The Reecue of TT U.S. : Pllots who had made a forced landing 14 . 7. The Re-organization of the Eastern. Prisoners . Living • - Condition- 15 - 19 : . f B. resMeasu against Prosecutions fo Political4RaCiald, an ... • ' Confessional2easons- • ., . ., 20 - 24 t .• i , .1 • ' ,. • 1. -Assistance fOr Norweigien Students 21 2. Support for,Relp from Abroad 1 22 , !..° •Assistance for Robert Bosch . 22. .23 .. , ..:. .:-. .. t •= 1 - 4. Personal Actions against Prosecution from Confessional Reasons. par.t1IL Short Survey of my Personal Life - . • 1, Descent and. Family - - fl 1 2. Education and Profeiiiion . 00.. 0:7.litary,ServiCe and Career 4"• Family 4.14.fe 5. The Present Situation of my Yemily - - - •o 6. Hy Political past . , .. .:.• . - ..• . 1 . ;, 7. My Present Opinion of the Past and...the iature .