Journal of the International Students of History Association Vol. X January 2003 ISHA News Issues 40-41 Human rights through History Fascist Movements in the Baltic States I: The Iron Wolf: Lithuanian Fascism (1927-1941) The Romanian Countries during the Middle Ages, between Byzantium and West. From adventures to tourism: Conquering Slovene mountains The Uses of Microhistory Rome in the imperial idea of the 14th century: The age of Lewis the Bavarian • Index • Editorial • News o Officials • Activity o Seminarbericht Dubrovnik • Articles o The conquest of the Mountains. From Adventurism to Tourism in Slovenia o The Iron Wolf: Lithuanian Fascism (1927-1941) o The Uses of Microhistory th o Rome in the Imperial Idea of the 14 Century o The Romanian Countries during the Middle Ages • Upcoming events o AB-Meeting Berlin o Annual Conference in Helsinki • Recruitment information • Guidelines for Carnival Contributors Carnival – Journal of the International Students of History Association (IISN 1582-3261) is an international publication of the International Students of History Association (ISHA). During the academic year 2002-2003 the editorial team is located at the university of Heidelberg, Germany. Printed at the Ars Docendi Publishing House (Universitiy of Bucharest). Edition: 300 Web edition: http::/ Editorial Team (Heidelberg) Head: Thomas Foerster Language Consultants: Alan Götz, Caroline Hesch Cover, layout and page design: Claudia Kölbl, Johan Grußendorf, Thomas Foerster Web edition: Claudia Kölbl Contact:
[email protected] ISHA Contact: John Blake, President
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[email protected] Join at Web pages: Editorial When I agreed - during the Legislative Assembly that took place at the Annual Conference in Nijmegen - to undertake the editing of Carnival for the academic year 2002/03, I was asked whether I actually knew what I was doing.