I Mr . Howa:Td M. Chapin l R. I. Hi storical Society 68 Wat erman St. Providence, R. I. THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND AND SOUTHERN MASSACHUSETTS

Vol. X, No. 4 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1934 5 Cents the Copy • U. S. May Take Part ID Olympics at Ber~-in -----.,,----- ;-:.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-;,•·> Name Delegates DEAD AT (,3 63, 700 Escaped TO BE FETED Brundage B~~k, For Hadassah Reich Early In Says Olympics Big Convention Hitler's Regime Sure to Go On Providence ·women to At­ Figure Admitted by Nazis Is Evasive to Queries, but tend Capital Conclave Based on 1925 Census; U. S. Participation October 14-16 Held Inaccurate Seen Certain Mrs. Roosevelt to Speak Youth Faces College Ban Impressed by Pledge

Delegates to the 20th annual con­ JJEl!LI/\ (.IT.-1) - The J ewish 13y ~! ORRIS wm:-.ER vention of J\"ational Hadassa h. to be population in German)' decreased by America will participate in the h eld in \\' ashing ton Octobe r 1.1. 15 li 3. 700 in the first few months afte r 1936 Olympic games in Berli n! and 1 li we r e announced las t night Adolf l-litlcr assumed f>Ower. the This was the story tha t A very bv .\Irs . Alfred A . rain. president of ~azi goYernment officially an­ Brundage. president of the A meri­ P·rovidence Chapter. Oflicia l repre­ nounced recently. can Olympic Committee. did not give sentatives of the local organization Actua ll y the decline wa~ much out to the press upon his return from will be headed br .\1 rs . Samuel .\1 i­ g- reater, since the :-(azi fig-u res are Europe. He refused to commit him­ chaelson and include .\trs. Is adore baf.ed on the census of 19251 a nd self on a ny s tand, saying the ques­ Singer. .\lrs. Herma n S wartz and ma ny East European J ew~ ent ered tion of American partici11ation ·was i\lrs . Fain. Alte rnates wi ll be .\lrs . Germany in the period between 1925 such a momentous one that he will .J acob Erns tof. .\Irs . .\lanucl P. Os ­ and 1933. T hef-e are not included in present a ll evidence before the com­ trow and .\lrs. Benjamin Blacher. L UDWIG YOGELS TEIN the :\iazi totals, since they were na­ mittee meeting at the New York Among the others from Pro,·i­ tiona ls of other count ries a nd we re Athletic Club. dence expected to attend the co1wen· re patriated. BARNEY STONE " The t n3(i Olympics will be held tion is i\I rs. Samuel Franzbaum . Ludwig Vogelstein, 32.620 In Prussia in Germany whether Ame rica par­ Altogether, l\Irs. F ain pointed out, Jn P russia the decline "·as 321 620. ticipates or not ," he said. more than J 500 delegates alone are Noted Philanthropist the fi gures being 404,446 in 1925 and Arrange Reception I-l o\\"ever. by his intimations, eva­ scheduled to take part in the deli­ 361 .826 in June, 1933. Prussian cities sions and non-committal replies, t his be rations _from 300 cities in the Uni- Dies of Pneumonia other than Berlin showed a decrease to So. Providence writer feels certa in that Avery t ed States. · of 30,512, stati~tics revealed. Brundage, America's Olympic a m­ First Lady to Speak Meanwhile the doors of German Synagogue Leader bassa dor, will f fl.vor An,erka's .par­ Funeral Services HeJd in universities have been closed to new ticipation in the Olympics despite r\•Irs. Franklin D. Roosevelt will J ewish students today with the issu- • address one of the session::. and oth­ New York, Many Leaders Reich discrimination again :--- t Jews in e r nationally prominent men and ance of a decree requiring J ewish Congregat10n to Honor sports. Pay Tribute student s registering for the new , Barney Stone's Five i\le Emanu-El, Condit.ion Impossible as president, during which the con­ letes and to determine whether ned to coincide wi th a con,·ention 1\'ew York, for Ludwig Voge lstein, J ewish ~tudents a re a lso required gregation has pros pered in member­ America should par ticipate in t he session, a nd cabled messages from s ixty-three, phila nthropist, industri­ to produce proof that they lived for ship a nd s piritual interest, Barney I !J36 Berlin games. Howe \"e r 1 he said the scene of the ceremonies and a list and leader of American Re­ at least one year in the so-called Stone. head of the South Providence that he felt t he: actual deci.~ion was from the convention will be ex- form .J ewry, who died Sunday at 11 " comrade houses, to which J ews Hebrew Congre gation in \Villard o[ such vital importance t hat he changed. T he new institution, which :\l ount Sina i Hos pi tal of pneumonia. a re also refused admittance. 'rhus 1 avenue, will be t endered a dinner would present t he ca se, pro a nd con, is to built. on ::\It. Scopus 1 nea r the Rabbi Sam uel H. Goldenson olficiat ­ no J ewish student may ente r Ger­ and reception next Monday night at before the United States Olympic Hebrew CniYe rsity1 \\"ill be the fi rst eel and int erment was in Sa lem ma n unive rsities from now on. 7 o'clock. body. medical center and graduate ::chool Fields Cemetery, Brooklyn. Dr. Bernhai·d Rust 1 .\.iazi Ministe1· The event will be held in the J ew­ He'll F a vor Participation of medici ne in Palestine, and ""ill of Education had recently a nnounced climax 22 years of medical a nd Death came sudde nly to Mr. Vo­ ish Voters Club, 230 Willa rd avenue 1 Althourrh ~·lr. Brundage refused to gelstein, who a ppeared to be in good that a nume rus clausus of one pe r­ a nd membe rs and friends of the con­ tell "·hat his own sentim ents on the health work in Palestine on the part cent had been established for Jewish of Hadassah. health last \Vednesday, when he at­ g regation have been invited to at­ matter o( American pa r ticipation tended Yorn Kippur sen ·ices at Tem­ st udents in the unive rsities. Later tend. Rabbi J oshua We rne r, spirit­ a re, it is t he opi•1ion of this writer Plan Building Fund he a nnounced that one and one-half Addresses on t he medical, educa­ ple Emanu-El. On the following day ual leader of the synagogue, will be that he will favor such participation percent of the total enrollment the principal speake r and a musical tional and social sig-n ificance of the he co nt racted a severe cold and we nt and back it to his f ull powe r. \Ve mig ht be Jewi sh. progra m of Hebrew melodies will be proposed medical cent.er \..,·ill be giv­ to the hospital, where he de \"eloped hazard this statem ent in view of the At the same time Dr. Rust made re nde red by Cantor Moskovitz of en by authorities in respective fi elds, pneumonia on Saturday. few fact s l\<1 r. Brundage .lid ,·ouch­ it clear that foreign J ewish students New York. · :,:1 ff• on the 1l e de F ra nce. Mrs. F ain ::aid. The delegates will Headed ~letal Firm would be welcorned in Germa n uni­ T he dinne r committee includes J. 441'herc was strong pressure f rom be asked to ratify thC' }. It. Scopus Mr. Vogelstei n, who was chairman ver::.itics and issued a n orde r forbid· Samuel Goldma n 1 chairma n; Harry m .:rny J ewish 0rg<.nization ::. against site a nd to f- timulat.e in their cities of the board of the America n ·Me­ ding '.'Ja zi student s to a nnoy fo reign Le rne r, Louis Bedrick a nd Mi chael a concerted campaign to 1·aise a y,articipation in the Berlin games t a l Company, Ltd.1 re~ided at 270 J ewish students. He a lso ordered Han.ison. ( Continued on Page Fi,,e) $200,000 building fund to augment Pa rk Ave. He was unma rried. His that t.hey be shown every conside r­ Acknowledg-i ng- his long ser\" ice to present TC f-OU rces. survivors a rc two brothe rs, the Rev. a tion. the cong regation, t he scores of ad­ A survey of the entire fi eld of a preliminary to the dinner recep­ Dr. Herma nn Vogelstein of Bresla u, ditional membe rs he has s ponsored tion. The resolutions committee con­ medical and puLlic hea lth work in Gennany, and Dr. T heodore Vogel­ and the fi na ncial assistance he ga,·c P alestine, as carried on by t he 1-f a­ Chief Rabbi Sees f-is ted of Hyma n Shindle r, chairman; stein of London, England; a sist cr- I h imself and obtained through soli ­ lla rry Lerne r, Loui~ Bedrick, Har­ ( Continued on Page Six) (Continued on Page Six) Hope to Conclude citations, " , et or reso1uuo11 s was ry F ish, Samuel Chem ick and Da­ Members Rally to Synagogue's presented t.0 Mr. Stone recently n::: vid Shapiro. Palestine Discord Semite-Less Colombian Soldiery Aid; Promise $500 for Repairs .11-:I WSA LE~l (JTA ) - C hi ef R f C d A • s •• Hahhi ;\ . I. llaCohc n Kook inforrnt.•d the Jewis h Tcil'!(nq1hic Ai,ency that e uses to on one ntJ - em1t1sm T he ~tory of how .J ewr y, no m a t ­ o f ilf- mrmbrrs bein~ men of cx­ he ha " \\'hat langmtg-C' i~ that ·., .. the t o the nicl of its Houi;1.r of Wori;; hip g-oguc·r-; prp:: i,l<' nt, and l,y Lups l< C'i bet.·n l11•ld i_n hi f< homt• ntt_t.·mkd by I t'ntire ("olon,"hian army. ~·t.~1 the u g ly w hf'never t hi' n(•ecl ii-. real and ur­ G1lvrrnor inquired. trr, first tru~tf'f'. and tlw ;1ppf'al was r~·11re~t· nlat1,·t.·1-1 ~1f tlw _ ll1s l.adrulh, l i1t•mun of anli-~t.· miti!-1 111 h ai-i aln.•ady gent wns unf(llded today in co nnec­ immC'diatPly productive• of pl Pdgps (_entral l ,:d1or l· t:dera_t1011 or l'alt.-w bt.'t'll !-1 ('!' 11 thl' l"t.'. hut ha~ been i'- pt.·ed­ ''Yiddi !-h.'' O~pina replied. tion wit h the 1\n~he J( o vno Cong re­ amounting- to .,GOO . Mr. HeilC'r hirn­ t~!Jt.', and I he .lt.•w1E' h I• armn ~ r\ [-11-1 0- il y ow-d t•rl. T hP nC'xt d;1v h<' wa~ without a gation nt Orms and Shaw mut f-rlf 01w nC' d the l'ampuig-11 with . 100 r iatwn. A pr1,,·i11c· 11 reg-i ment ;.1t i\"('in 1 j1)b. • s. l r('('f ~. and his hrothC'r foll owPd thi~ lrad At tlw mrrling llw lal,pr l"P IH"('~f'n- do"~ boast ;_i ~erg-cant. who has d C' ­ F'ar from nmong thf' largc>~ t and I ,at<~r. when he had bf't'onw a. fa­ with .. 2.). latin•s dr mandPII assun111c<'~ that IcidN I hC' is \,f .)('wish orii.d11 . .J of-e ,·oril<' ~e r R'('> ant in thP a rm y, Os pina wenlthie~t congrrgntionf. in th(' city. only ,Jewi sh labor would he> rm lg-naci1> O~pina, as the sergeant i~ C"VincNI HPv. Philip Snntll e r and formpr conlinuC' d t.o indulge hi~ inter('st in lhP spirit by itf. individu:d ployrd, llw ('l,jpf H<1bhi f- tatC'd. add- known, ~.1ys that hi ~ fo1·h<'ar::, who mC' mhE' r ~ durin'C thf' Jl igh Holidays. f'rf' ~ide nt A. Dimond. 8idnf'y :ind J C'\\'t'Sh aITairf.. Several WC'C'k s ;.1go ,\larlin Cohrn, son~ of thP lat!"' lllJ.! t.liat tlH' farm(' r[-1 ' dt•lt•1,wtC'~ dP- cam(' hC'n."' along- with the first con hi r,; 1..'ol onC' I. JoRe i\l or-:.qo1~ra. 1amc up­ ju~t pnc:s:rd mnrks it fl'- onp of the PrC'~idrnt Abraham ('oh<'n. rf' rHlrrPd nw11

The Talmudists

- ;:;_""'",~ From an etching by WWlam Meyerowitz, well known Amerloaa .Jewlsh palnt-0r, THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1934 -======::::::;;;~;;::::--c------.~::::::::=-- --- ~ ~ , Release Anti-Semites ---- ;t;~._:1i' ~·EWPORT ~i}ef !R.J. STt~T~~LLEGE I WARS.A:W (J TA) - Poli sh offi · Ca~~!?ade1:a~~RSby I_. -· l,ij ~·~: I By Clinton Greenberg I ci als released 32 Nara anti-Semites using our ¾ inch Oa k. Dura ble, • • from isolation ca mps, where they inexpensive . Call for esti- TOURO S YNAGOG U E dah Touro Lodge on Thursclay, Oc­ 18 JEWISH FRESHMEN h ad been confined for two months mate. No obligation! tober 4. This meeting will be open Toni ght, sen •1ces at sunset. Sat­ Registration figures secured from f or assaults against J ews. O'D ll B urda y morning , Chol Ha moed Suc­ t o the public, and everyone is invited At the same time a Polish court riSCO rOS. coth. Services 9, 11. Rabbi Gutst ein t o attend. It is expected that Mr. the office of the Regi stra r of t he Da nnin will g ive some interesting Rhode Isla nd Sta te Co ll ege show acquitted 19 Naras who were L UMBER will preach on " Cardinal Princi pa ls that eighteen J ewi sh students a re char ged with demolishing a court 42 Gano Street GA. 2588 of Judaism." Sunday, Hashonah Rab­ information regarding t he views t he great J ewish scientist holds concern­ enroll ed in the present Freshman room, when t hey a ppeared there on ba h. Servi ces 9-11 a. m. Sermon, class. Three of the eig hteen a re va rious charges. "Salvation. " Cng many vi tal current J ewi sh prob­ lems. The genera l topic of the ad­ from out of t he state while Pro­ Sunday evening services at sun­ dress will be " An Inten 1iew with vidence leads in those from wi thin set. E instei n.JI the st ate. Monday, October 1, Shemini At­ SUNDAY SCHOOL Those regist ered a re : Mi ss E ctith zeres. Memorial services will be co n­ Caplan, Worcester ; Mi ss Adelaide ducted by Ra bbi Gu tstei n, assisted A special session of the Sunday Klein, Providence ; Miss Beatrice by Rev. F riedman, at 10 a. m. The School was held Sunday at the Com­ Goldberg , Providence; Miss Hilda Rabbi will preach on " May the Dead munity Center. The regula r session Raepheal1 Providence; Mi ss Rose Rest in Peace." Monday evening Io f the Sunday School, at whi ch time Sugarma n, Central F a ll s ; Irving services at sunset, a nd at 7.30 p. m ., t he children will be assigned to thei r Waltcher, Newpor t; Ha rold Abrams at whk h ti r.1e t he Ha kofot h will take respective cl asses wi ll take pl ace Providence ; Richard Brodsky, Prov~ place. Sunday, October 7 a t 10 a. m. idence; Wilfred David, Newport · Tuesday morning Si mchath Tora h I DAILY HEBREW SCHOOL Morris F a bricant, Pawtucket; Sey: sen ,ices 9-11.30. mour F riend, Brooklyn, N . Y .; Na­ LATE SERVICES Registra tion for the Daily .Hebrew tha n Li sker , Providence; Sta nl ey . . . . School at the Center WIii close Marcus, Providence; J oseph Rot en­ Beginning with Fnday, October Thursday, October 4. After tha t da te berg, Gardner , Mass.; Edward 12,_ Rabbi G_u tst em wi ll i:- esume ~he no new pupils will be admitted. Ac­ Shore, Providence; Albert Ta ber Fn~ay .everung la te sen •1ces, which cording to t he adapted curriculum of Providence; Carl ton Philips, Provi~ he instituted at Touro Syna!l'ouge, the Daily Hebrew School a n Annual dence; Mil ton Spitz, Providence. upon his a ppointment. Rabb, Gu t - Gradua tion of the School, is t o be s!em .1 s pla nning to pub!1~h ~ spe- held t wo weeks before Rosh Hash­ c1al ntual for ~hese services m He- ona h. The first gradua tion was held STANZLER NAMED TO brew a nd E ngli sh. . . . on August 27. FACULTY The first la te service will be ded1- YO UNG JU D.\E.\ The facult y announced the a p­ cated to the Judah Touro Lodge of · · point ment of Ha rold Carl St a nzler B'nai Brit h. The discourse on the oc- On Wednesday 1 Rabbi Gutstein Providence, a gradua te in t he clas~ casion ,vi ll be on " The Children of met wit h a number of boys and girls of June, 1934, as instructor in Psy­ the Covenant." They will st a rt at for t he purpose of organi zing a chology. Mr. St anzler received his 8.15, a nd end at 9.1 5. After t he serv-Young Judaea Organizat ion in New­ Masters Degree from the coll ege. ices t he congregation will assemble port. The actual orga nization will in t he B'nai Brith room of the C. J . take place at the next meeting on Week-End Specials I. Co mmunity Center , where an \Vednesday, October 3. J oseph Gordon, Westerly 1 who Oneg Shabbos hour wi ll be observed, C. J . I. MUSIC CL UB g radua ted last June has been doing with a round table discussion on Geological Survey work for the col­ current J ewish topics. j The first meeting of the C. J. I. lege for t he past few months. Brookside Butter 2 lbs. ,;7c B'NA I BRITH Music Club, that was organized by The degree team a nd the ri t ual the Rabbi at the Center t ook place Abraha m Bloom and Mat thew commit tee of the Judah Touro Lodge yeste rda y. J oe Levin is the leader , '34 Millma n, membe rs of 1 have been Potatoes, Fancy No. 1 1§ lbs. 17c B'nai Brith met Thursday under the and it is expected t hat all the tal­ a ppointed student teachers in the chairma nshi p of Irving Eisenbe rg, ented young people of Newport will Ha rtford A venue Junior High t o prepa re for the B'nai Brit h rit­ serve in t heir respective capa ci t ies School. lb. on J ewish orchestras and concerts a t u al at the coming public installa­ bag §3c tion a nd instit utional night which is the center. Granulated Sugar 10 Ha rry J. Prebluda, of F a ll River, pla nned for November 22. The lodge YOUNG PEOPLES LEAGUE is beginning its 10th year of its or­ l\

WET CELLARS Palmolive Soap 3c.i."11tc INDUSTRIAL Our method posit ively doe~ awuy with wet a nd dam p cel­ Super Suds r..,. Soap e.. d, 3 ""•· 23c la rs. W e ~uara ntee e ver y job. TRUST COMPANY a... For rurther information P & G Naphtha Soap 3 10c ca ll Gaspee 35 12 .4 THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1934 Succoth story by Mr. Biegelson were features of the program. Succoth io;,..,p~Jllllf '>. ' TEMPLE EM ANu ~ EL refresh'm ents were served under the " auspices of lhe P . T. A. by Mrs. L....;~:....;;::::a..a ______. l J ohn Solomon. The J ewis h Home Newspaper of Rhode Island SUCCOTH SERVI CES first day of school will be Sunday, S IMCHATH TORAH PARTY Published Every Week in the Year by The Jewish Press Publishing Company The Ser vices for the closin g days Octotes-K\:RN BAR M!TZVAH The a nnual Simchath Torah Pa rty fo r the adult membe rs of the Con­ of the Succoth Festival will be held The Congregation will observe the PAULINE CHORN~ Y POULTEN, Editor gregation will be held t hi s coming as follows: Evening Services : Sun­ Bar Mi tzvah of Master H oward 0 s­ Tuesday morning, October 2 follow· WIDOOU.l'MT day, September 30 at 7; Monday, kern on the Sabbath of Succoth, ing t he Services. Louis Be rman is '8 Exchange Place-143 \Vestminst er Street, Provitlence, l{hode Island Octobe r 1, at 5:30. Morning Ser­ Saturday, September 29. Howard is in charge. TELEPHONE GASPEE 4312 the son of Mr. and Mrs. J ack E. Os­ vices: Shemini Atz:e reth, Monday, ke rn. A reception will follow the FLORAL OFFER ING S Member J ewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc., With News Correspondent.2 Octobe r 1, at 9. Memorial Service at service and a co rdial invitation is The Floral Offe ring for Saturday, All Over the World 10:30. Sermon: "Building From the extended to all. September 29 is the gift of Mr. and Top Down." Sirnchas Tora h, T ues­ SGCCOTH PARTY Mrs . Jacob Oskern in honor of the THE JEWISH HERALD invites curresponaence on subjects of intereet to About 350 children united in a Bar Mitzvah of their son, Howard; the ' Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an inCr Annum, As in previous year S, the annual Payable in Advance Children's Simchas Torah Party, .;::- :::::::;::::::::::.---=--______-~ ,--______-----. Flag Procession and Consecration Service will be held on the Eve of • ----·--·- l Simchas Torah, Monday, October 1 at 5 :30. At this service the 400 pu· pils of the School will march in the JEWISH CALENDAR Simchas Torah Procession. After th.is all the new Hebrew School pu- pils of this year will be inducted in­ MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 to J ewi sh li fe by bei ng call ed to the SHEMINI ATZEHETH T orah and blessed by the Rabbi. S IMCHATH TORAH .. .. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 TEMPLE NURSERY SCHO OL ROSH ' <; HODES_H CHESHV AN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 OPENS A new fo undation in J ewish Re­ NQTE: Holidays begin in the evening preceding the dates designated li gious Education is being launched in the community wi th the opening next \V ednesday morning, Octobe r 3 of the Temple N ursery School. It will meet every morning from .Mon­ day through Friday from 9-.12. NOT HALF THE STORY Children from the ages of 2·5 are eli gible a nd the registrat ion is lim­ Although they are obviously inaccurate, the cold fig ures ited to 25 childre n. 'l'hc Reli gious School Board has spent several hun­ showing nearly 64,000 Jews fled Germany even in the early dred dollars to install the most mod­ months of t he Hitler regime tell a tragic story in themselves ern and scientific nursery school equipment. Conside rable money has of the deliberate a nd criminal degradation of a people. And also been spent in fixin g up and with the release of these estimates, we see clearly for the first equiping an out-door playg round. J ewish elements in connection wi th t ime the magnitude of Hitler's q:ime against l~umanitY.. rnus ic, handwork, story-telling , and Heretofore, we have been in the midst of this gl'eat up­ festival observance will be intro· ducecL heaval, laying stress upon important occurrences which were The School is in charge of Mrs. only part of the whole terrible picture. Now we have enough Morris Lee Grove r, speciali st in kin­ dergarte n education, assisted by of the t·esults to survey the whole situation, and it is worse than Mrs. Emanuel Be njamin, a nd Mi ss we thought possible. ' Mi ldred Si mon. The Committee of the Board in charge of the :\l ursery It is, for instance, as though an entire city almost the size School consists of Charles A. Back­ of Pawtqcket had been wiped out, its inhabitants scattered man, Mrs. Max Te mkin, Dr. J oseph

Sm ith, Mrs. Morris Lee Grover1 throughout the world without food, shelter and clothing, leav­ l\'Irs. Benjamin Blache r, Mrs. Be r­ ing behind prosperous business and well-established profes­ nard Abedon and Rabbi Is rael M. sional practises. Goldman, ex-ofl'icio. Certain it is that those who fled early before the Nazi ban­ SUNDAY SCHOO L Sunday School Registration will dit's wrath were persons of means who were able to flee, and be held Sunday morning, Septembe r you think of Visiting persons whose standing in their communities would make them 30 from 10-12. Old a nd new pupils WHEN must come to receive their assign­ the natural targets of crazed Nazis. They straggled across the ments for the new school year. The New York, think of !he Hotel Victoria as borders into strange lands, these dazed creatures, with no hope your headquarters. You will like ii. of returning and no prospects of establi shing new homes; for neighboring countries were none too hospitable, suffering as Here is a hotel perfect in every de!aiL they were from depression and unemployment. For many Pal­ It's location is in !he heart of !he city. estine was the goal, but an extremely difficult one to achieve Near theatres, shops and business centers. because of lack of funds, immigration restrictions and many Taxis are unnecessary al !he Victoria. other obstacles. It is for these and thousands more who came later that the Each of !he 1000 ROOMS conJains a RRDIO, United J ewish Appeal was started. They must be found homes, PRIVfl.TE Bfl.TH and SHOWER, SERVIDOR, and employment, shelter and clothing until they can fend for them­ circulating ICE waler. The rates are LOW. selves. Heaven alone knows what will happen to them this com in g winter. Single Room from •2.50 a day. Double from 53.50 That t he 64,000 figure is in accm ate is plain, for if is based, 46th STREET ROY MOULTON the Nazis themselves admit, upon the 1925 census. From t hat East of B'way N. Y. C. ExeculiH Viu Pres. and Managing Dirutor el ate unt il 1933, thousands of J ews entered Germany, believing, HOTEL poor unfortunates, that there tl1 ey would be safe from the per­ NEW LARGE secution s of Reel Russia and the pogroms of Poland. They came ROOMS eager to work and earn am! .they quickly adapted themselves to their new surroundings. They were creditable citize ns a nd FHO~I managed to subsist in spite of the depressed condition of the $2.so Bath and Wil©~®rnJJ~ coun try. UP Shower 7th AVENUE at 51st STREET Wh en Hitler struck these thousands of newcomers were fair game for hi s brutal Nazi hordes. Where they thought to R. W. H,\H J{I NG TO N. ~l an:i ;:cr NEW YORK find peace and happiness they enco untered murder and torture crtiP illEFiJP'R It VIiii.: far worse than t hat from which they had fl ed. So they must A&HIN4 WIWMM& & PM fl ee again, those who had lhe means and the opportunity. The others, hundreds of thousands of them, who couldn't get out of Germany a re just as badly off. Deni ed a voice in govern ment, prevented from earning a decent li vin g, thei r chi l­ dren banned :from educational inst itutions and shunned in the 3..~-:..f::..~~~:¥0'JJ streets, th ey lead a mi serable existence. The 64,000 fugitives, RESTAURANT are included in this special offer ( PER PERSON) 2 In a room as strong a case as they make, ar en't all t hat the Black Cha n­ BEST ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS• MEALS • ENTERTAINMENT cell or must answer for; they don't tell half lhe story. You 1'10y cho"g• th• ord•r of lh•1• fo olurH lo ,vii yt,vr co"v•"1•nc•. You or• "ol rutrlcl•d lo o"y porlltvlor group, bul mo7 mah up your ow n party. e Choose any 3 Days, Ind. Weekends or Holldays

ROVIDENCE WE llECO MMEND SECOND DAY PHOTO Gold Medal Brand llrt"'llkf.ast and lundicon •t.the Hotel. Sightseeing ENG RA YING CO. MATTRESSES trip around New Yo rk ~ty. Dinner and enter. 'i' " REST FOH REST" ltlnment at the Holly- ~ Maker• of Halftone,, woodRcstaurant.Nigbu Sold by Rclinhlc f.ur nil ure lodgings. and Line Plotes Stores 15 PINE STREET YOUNG BROTHERS Telephone G1\spce 1'~0J MATTRESS CO. Providence, ' I..______Rhode l slnnd , THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1934 6 1-Ha-p=p=e=ni=ng=s=o=f=ln=t=er=e=st=i=n=th===-e=W=om=en='s=W=or=ld====if

I,H ______, _ .,_ ,_ .,_ , ,______ORGAN OF THE, _ , _LEAGUE.,_,____ OF, _ , JEW!SH WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS._ ,,_ ,,______•I

I PERSONAL Ladies' Union Aid to SOCIAL Launch Annual Coal BLUM A MANN Drive; Meeting Oct. 4 Pianoforte ·=· Harmony ::vrr. a nd l\•Irs. Samuel Max, form· !Vli ss Beatrice \Vattman, daughte r ,erly of 257 Willard A venue, have o7 Mr. a nd Mrs. Lewis Watt ma n of MEMBER OF THE FACULTY OF THE moved into their new home at 72 142 Cole .:1. venue, has resumed her ..\t a regular meeting of the La­ P ROVJDE!\CE COLLEGE OF MUSIC Burnside Street. ~t,.tdies ac:; a senior of Pembroke Col­ dies' Union Aid Assocoation held lage. yesterday afternoon at 191 Orms Mr. and Mrs. Max Lipsitz of Camp Street, plans were made to launch 168 P1·ospect Street Phone Dexter 9512 Street announce the engagement of ;111. a nd !°\'lrs. J ack Brown of 35 the annual coal drive immedia tely,

t heir daughter 1 Mi ss Sadie Lipsitz, ;\int h Street announce the bi rth of wi th .\Irs. Herman Swartz as gen­ to 1\Iax Klien, son of :Mrs. Dora r; :;on, Fredein is the former Miss :\forion E. Rosen has appealed to the com­ F l,.unenthal. munit y to receive the committees Mr. and Mrs. Morris B. Sholovit z ccrclially and thanked the ma ny con­ of Pawt ucket announce t he engage­ ...\nn ounce 111ent has been made t hat t1·ihutors who ha\·e so kindly helped in the past year to make this pro­ EINSTEIN me nt of their daughter, iWiss Alyce the annual dinne r-dance of t he Prov­ Sholovitz to Al Gudhart of Hartford, ide nce Chapter of Junior Hadassah j!'ct s ucce3sful. Conn. will take place Tuesday evening, r\ nnouncem,:.nt was rnade t hat a PIANIST December 11. Miss Rose A. Kelman reg-ula r meeti11g of the organization lVIr. and Mrs. J ack Crovitz and is the general chairman in charge. \\"ill take place Thursday afternoon, Formerly Proiessor of Pjano at Odessa Conservatory ~on, Herbe rt, and Mrs. D. Turick and October 4, at 191 Orms Street. DIRECTOR or T E :-IPLE DIANL:-EL CH OIR daughte r Rose, all of Pawtucket, Mr. a nd Mr~. J ack E. Oske rn of Mrs. S\~·art;,; \\·ill be as~isted by have returned from a trip to Bear 232 Surnmit .-\ venue will celebra t e :\! rs. J. Hol\·itz, in charge of the HAS RESUMED TEACHING 1\I ount ain, West Point, and New the Ba r Mi tzvah of their son, H ow­ Broad Strec~ H:.dion and i\f rs. Da\·id York after spending the summer at a rd Milton Oskern, tomorrow morn­ lfr1 ratz h -_;: ad of the South Pro\·idence RES IDENCE T E LEPHON"E GA SPEE 114-1 Barrington Beach. ing at Temple E manu-El. Relatives ztction, '."-l "J well as the following '.\lrs . Arthur Einst ein will accept a limited number of beginners a nd f riends are invited. membe rs : l\Iember .::. of the Intermediate Mir­ Mesdame~ t. Rosen, I. We iss, H. ia m Hospital Assaociation gathered 0------• nosenhirs i1. Charles ...\d elberg, H. last Monday e\·ening at the home of I LEAGUE CALENDAR I Ta nenbaum, J. Schneider, s. ;\like, Mrs. Charles Ehrlich Beth-El Sisterhood ~'!rs. ~linnie Tolchinsky, 64 \Va \·erly S. Shultz, L. Seitman, J . ...\ Archie Ma:dlci1l:si1i-r.!l Tefilla, r1.~ t ':e ,var Vet Auxiliary supper-bridge, a nd t hey pregented me with specific With cordial greetings by t he !:::iouthern House:, brookline. merfield; ways a nd means commit­ eve1tin1, acts that occurred during the last president, Mrs. Harry ...\. Beck, the tee, Mrs. J oel J. Pincus, Mrs . J ack 111e bride w:1.s given in marriage year and a half. However, n~ost of \Vomen Pioneers Club opened its by her parents and she was attend· Wednesday. October 17 Davis a nd Mrs. Isaac Rose. Ladies' H ':' brew Free Loan n -ese conditio1;s did not refc1 to fi rst meeting of the season, Wednes­ The president ""ill appoint dele­ ed by he r sister, Mrs. Charles Gettes J""'ws only l.>:..t:; were used against day afternoon, at the \\1omen's Re­ gates in t he near future to attend of \Vatertown, as matron of honor. :-Ionday, October 22 other sport or ganizations as well. At publican Club on Washjngton Street. the conference of District X o. 1 The best ma n \\"a s J oseph M. Finkle, League the same time cer tain conditions After the business session a de· brother of the bridegroom. );ew England Federation of Temple Tuesday, October 23 preceding my arrival were remedied. lightful re view was gh·en by t he Sisterhoods to be held Tuesday, Oc­ A reception to more than 300 rel­ This aroused m y suspicions a nd I in- well-known reader , Mrs. Louis Kra­ atives and friends followed the cere­ lncle1u.: nde1~t J ewis h Mothers' Al­ tober 16 at Temple Israel l\Ieeting li ance \·estigated thoroughly. H owever, I mer on the book, "Hear Ye Sons," House1 270 Riven\·ay. Boston. The mony. Consumptives League have the positive pledge of the Ger- by Irving Fineman. Sisterhood of Temple · Israel \\·ill be >Ir. and :Vl rs. Finkle left by motor man official desig nated by hjg gov- ...\ recept ion and t ea followed in hostess. Delegates \\"ill also be on a trip to Canada a nd upon their \Veclncsclay, October 2,1 ernment to present its case, that honor of Mrs . ...\rthur Einstein who na med to attend the fourth cotwen­ \\' urn en Pioneers Club return will reside at 1 Columbia Germany will not discriminate recently returned from Europe. tion of the I\ort heastern Religious Tei-race, Brookline. Co11ncil Peace Group agains.t J ews for the 1936 Olym pics. TJ,e committee of arrcingements Cnion which takes place in Xew He is von T schammer u nd Oston and included Mrs. Alte r Bovman, chair­ York City, );'o\·ember 4, at the Com­ this pledge was r atified by the Jew- man; Mrs. Morris :i3eeber, i\lrs. munity House of Congregation i~h representatiYes of the Maccabi Harry Beck1 l\'lrs. J oseph Bille r, Mrs. Ema nu-El, 1 East 65th street. lbs. Spo1·ts Union a nd t he Germa n J ew- Henry Burt, l\Irs. K. Philli ps and BLiJJT£.It{E.-\\lEHY2 ish Vete rans' organization.'1 i\Ir!:-. Louis Smira . lmpresscd by Pledge ------Gl(Ai\LI, ,\TE D l LO"IH SAC K Mr. Brundage intimated lhal t his Ql"CST ION 1'.-\ ZI POLICIES • pledge of good faith left a Yery i\llLWALiKEE ( JT.-\) - Consid- .-;.trong impression on him a nd tlutt e ra ble doubt exis ls in Germanv con­ IJNfi@Jf'J'fi SUGAR 10 lbs. it had colored his e \·idencc \\"hich cerning t he wi sdom of Hitle r·S poli­ will be presented. cics, it \\'as admitted here b\· Dr. The first mo\"e on Lh e part of the Hugo Stocss C' I, ~eneral manairer of president of the Ame rican Olym pic 3 larg-c Be rlin compa1n- manufactur FLOUR SALE Committee whe n he a rri,·ed 0 11 the ing- sound-proofi ni-r rnaie rial::-. DLUIO\'D E:>: G,\ G E~IENT conline nt was Lo c-ntrain for Stock- D, Stoessel \\as one or n g1oup HI NGS A;,U \\"EUUl /\"G 24 I:! 10 holm. The re a confe rence of the l n· o f Ge1ma ns \\ho \I"- tled i\l 1h\ ,1ukeC' Rli\GS PASTRY S l . 1'1\ YFII-:LD bar; · 95c ternational A m at.eur Athletes was I during a business tour of the mid­ 24 I, IN PLATil\"Ul\l AND WHITE GOLD S l NNYFIELD lb. 99c being he ld. 1\J r. Brundal-(e decla red west, and lo ~:1 1\ on their Americ:m FAMILY bar; Lh:iL the reason for this trip \\·a:- to ln,1~lc connect1ons. . REASONAIJLE PRICES di sco\·er the ~C' ntiment among the J houg-! 1 . 1·clucla nt to dt~cu~s Ger­ INSPECTION IN\'lTED P illsbury 24 ½ lb. bag· $1.19 nat ions reprcsC' ntcd at this inierna- man poht1cs. Dr. Stoe~sp\ co11fc•:-;:-;cd tinnal s port:; gathering on the mal- that. "G('rma11 people :1 ~·e beginning­ Gold Medal 24 ½ lb. bag $1.21 LC' r of parliti1,aiio11 in the Olym pic to \\"Ondcr whethe r c1rcum~tancL'S KAPLAN'S ~anH'S in Lh (' face o f J 0wis h tli~c rim- may not be ~lrongcr than l l1 tlr1·. I 199 WEY13OSS ET STREET inaLion. \\"011d rr m y~r lf if he will hr in po\\'C I' Estnbli!>hcd 1903 HEU C IJ< l'LE 1 0 COFFEE lb, 21c 1a I f ou n cl /' ~:d d l hr O I y rn pi c i 11 - ~"~ Y.:.'':_a _r _:[_n:_".:.n~l<_:":_a:.:' ..:.'.'_' ..:_h:_::_.::":.:'h::_1C~< _::L__ __: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=--::::::-:::=-' 1\[",'iT .lf>: ~11:11;\ Pancake F lour 2 pkgs. 21c ~:.~;~t:l~~-:~}\:U:~f:.:,·l:;~~t:i7-L tiri ~,.... \~ ..... B ...... E ...... A ...... u... A .. ..T ..... R,y ...... M .....s ... .. : ...... o ..N .. ,..p ... D.. p...... E .~·s· :.,·-.... ,.. ,l.. ,n .. ,.. c ... ,_...... ~.. ~-..,· ,"'_...... G ,,,,,,=-i_ wndd co1iline Llw m :,;p l \'r~ to s port :-: or .a. .. , Syrup, Vermont Maid bot. 17c branch out. into olhr1· (h~lds ~Ul'h a~ thr maUr r qf Germ;1n v and Lhe P&G SOAP 3 cakes 10c .Jrws. Thi:,; will have to· be th rashrtl out nt. LIH' 11 1ceti 11 g-.'' Matches. Double Tip 6 pkg-s. 27c When thi:,; writt~r a :,; lted i\ l r. Brun NO\\. OPEN ilal-{(' point. blank whrther hc t.hou g-ht Statler Pa1>er 3 rolls 17c All Are Wl., lcomc to \'isit, a nd Ins pect Our llairdrc5~ing thr rr wa!-; any d o ubt. in hi~ 1n i11d a s Parlor KETCHUP ClllA l{J-; I{ ~1;\ 10 14 oz. c t.o actual d iscr im inat.ion vf J ewi :,;h 2 bottles 25 nt hletes in Germany during- Lh e past l'l' rmam·nt \\"aYing a S 1•ccialtJ· vrar and a half the latte r :,;a id, u1 1\II BranclH.'S of Bcautv Culture Beans, Quaker Maid lg-e. can Sc cannot say now. I ~hall leave ('\"C'l"Y­ Expc;t Bl·a11ticia11s al .\II Times Preserves, Ann Page 2 Jge. jars 35c lhing fo r the m eeting. ·1 JEAN BROOKS of Pawtucket - MARIE OTICE B URKE and .JOSEPHINE SALZILLO SWEET POTATOES 1Q lbs, 25c (forme rl y with f'.ladmne Oallou) 'rl1e second a nd conclucling- install ­ .i\. l r. Armand \Viii Ile Present. for All Cornmltation~ Y ello"· Onions 7 lbs. 15c ment of lhe article on the Provide nce Section, Counci l of J ewish Vl ome n1 357 WESTMINSTER ST. Rtarted la:-;t week, will be published HOO~l 209 ~1.\ /\Nl /\"G 02a7 A& P FOOD STORES in next week's issue of t.he J wish ~ Also Beauty Parlors in \Voonsocket, and Pawtucket 1-l e rald. G ...... ];] 6 THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1934 ------,------Visitor from Hollywood Sons of Jacob School I1(TEMPLE .BETH ISRAEL I Given__ Farewell Party Regis . t ra t"10n t o b e Hi~s;:~!:e20 ~:[;J c?:,ts Ja~~It_,e~: Held on October 7 SERVICES will be continued Sunday morning, nesday evening in honor of Miss Ev­ Sabbath services tonight com­ September 30. Pare!'lts are urged _to elyn Potter. who left for the coast come with their children for regis­ At a meeting held at the home of mence at 7 o'clock in the Chapel. Sunday after visiting her grand­ Rabbi and Mrs. Abraham I. Schech­ Saturday morning at 9 o'clock also tration. Classes range from kinder­ mother. Mrs. Rosetta Mellion of fo~~SIM gar ten age to children ready for ter in which all the teachers partici­ in t he Chapel. Fifth Street for the past six weeks. pated. it was decided that registra­ Services for Hashonah Rabba confirmation. Competent teachers of Covers were laid for 20 f riends and experience, who are also coliege tion of the Religiou s School of Sons Sunday morning at 9 o•clock. Hosh· relatives and the tables were beau­ of J acob Congregation " ~11 take anahs will be obt ainable m the Tem- graduates, will be in cha rge of these tifully decorated with fresh cut classes. place Sunday. October 7. flowers, artistically arranged by The following officers were ap­ plSe rvices for t he concluding days POST-CONFIRMATION CLASS Samuel Halpern. pointed: Miss Evelyn Cohen, cha~r­ of Succoth will begin Sunday eve­ The Confirmation Class of 1934. Miss Potter was called upon to ad­ man; Irving Kopit, treasu rer; Miss ning at 7 o'clock and Sh'mini Atzer­ which made such a splendid record, dress the happy crowd. She ex· Sylvia Venetsky, publicity chairman; U.IJ.R.(RUSSIA) eth Services will start Monday will continue in a post-confirmation pressed her happiness on being able Miss Ann Kopit, social chairman; morning at 9 o'clock. Cantor class for the coming year. Those to return to P rovidence, her birth­ Gustave Awerman, corresponding Schlossberg will chant the Geshem who register for this class will be place, and prom ised to return again secretary, and Miss Sylvia Press­ Service. prepared with a view to ultimate next year if possible. man, recording secretary. GIFTS Memorial services will be recited teaching in the Sunday School. The following are members of the at 10 oiclock sharp Monday morning, The guests included Mr. and Mrs. A Torgsin Order will l\ilembers of previous classes are eU­ Jack Cerel. Mr. and Mrs. Benny faculty of the religious school: Miss October 1. It is urged that all gible. Please see the Rabbi Sunday. Sylvia Pressman, kindergart4:n; be highly appreciated by mourner s be prompt in their atten~­ Bromberg. Mr. and Mrs. David l s­ September 30. in t his regard. serlis, Mr. and Mrs. Murry Brom­ Miss Sarah Cohen. first grade; Miss your relatives in the So­ ance. Services for the final day mil Ann Kopit, second grade; Samuel be held at the same hour. S ISTERHOO D MEETING berg. Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank Mellion. viet Union. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Halpern, Dr. Gerstein. third grade; Miss Lillian Torgsin offers 15,000· HAKOFOTH The opening meeting of the Sis­ and Mrs. Maurice J. Mell ion. Irving Blumenthal. fourth grade; Irving Hakofoth will take place Monday terhood will take place Wednesday Fleishman, and sever al others. Kopit . fifth grade; Miss Evelyn Co· different domestic and evening, in connection with the reg­ evening, October 3, at 8 o'clock. An Miss Ruth Rybakoff. of New York hen, sixth grade, and J ack Alprm, imported articles of high ula r evening service. Every m ai:i who excellent program has been prepared City, staged a surprise cocktail par­ seventh grade. quality. Clothing, shoes, attends will have a n opportunity to with Rabbi William G. Braude of ty on the S. S. California just be­ The substitute teachers are Miss Temple Beth-El as the speaker of foodstuffs and other mer­ be in the _procession of Torahs and fore Miss Potter sailed. She will ar­ Sylvia Venetsky. Philip Goldberg chandise are for sale. it is urgeO that the ent ire proces­ the evening. The program for the rive home in Hollywood. October 6. and Robert Kaplan. sion be present for this 04 Rejoicing year will be laid out alon g_ soci:3,l T he school is under the leadership Prices compare fa­ of the Torah." a nd cultural lines and the ladies Will of Dr. A. Schechter. superintendent. have their opportunity to plan their SIMCHATH TORAH PARTY Hadassah Convention and Mrs. Schechter. principal. All vorably w ith those activities. Miss Jessica Goldman will (Continued from Page One) In connection with the Hakofoth pupils who attended last year's ses­ in the United States give a number of readings. sions are requested to come October the children of the school w:i ll be dassah institutions, v,rill be cont ained presented with the banners tradi­ RABBI IN THE CO MM UNITY 7 at JO o•clock t o the J ewish Insti­ f'or Torssia orden in a number of reports, the chief tute. 49 Orms St. New pupils will see your local bank or tionally inscribed a nd will join in the Last Thursday evening. Rabbi one to be submitted by Mrs. David procession of the Torahs. After t he Schussheim spoke on the radio over gladly be accepted. A 11 classes are autborized aceat Greenberg of Mt. Vernon, national free of charge. service each child present w1 1l re­ Station W JAR on behalf of the chairman of the Palestine commit· ceive a candied a pple from the Sis­ Home for the Aged. tee. a nd indicate the problems that face terhood as in all previous years. On October 8. he is to be the To Greet Delegates the Zionist movement. Mrs. Max Rosen a nd Mrs. Harry speake r for the R. I. Congress o~ A feature of the convention will Hoffman are in charge of arrange· Parents and Teachers Association, The delegates will be formally be a large exhibit depicting the cu· ments for the children's party. with Bishop Keogh, and a represen­ welcomed to Washington by Mrs. rative and preventive medical work TEMPLE SUCCAH tative of the Protestant faith. Leopold V. Freudberg. president of of Hadassah in Palestine and its cul­ the Washington Chapter of Hadas- As in previous years a spacious tural activities in America. Models General Rep resentative in U.S.A Succah has been erected in the t ra­ sah. The outstanding report of the and posters illustrating health edu­ :Jillat AMTORG, 261 Fifth Ave.• N.Y. dit ional manner on the grounds of Orioles A. C. to Play opening session will be given by cation, sch ool luncheons and play­ the Temple. decorated by a commit­ Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin of Brook­ ground work made by children in t ee of the Sisterhood under the Webster _ Nickersons 1yn. national president. who wm por­ Palestine will be displayed at the chairmanship of Mrs. Leo Bojar. A , tray the status of the J ews today exhibit. Kiddush was tendered in honor of the 25 new members a nd to the en­ A large audience is expected to tire congregation by a committee witness the opening game of the headed by Mrs. Jacob Kenner and Orioles A. C. Football season at Ro­ Mrs. William H. Smira. ger Williams Park Sunday after­ During the week hundreds of vis­ noon when it meets the stron g Web· itors have come into the Succah in­ ster-Nickerson team. Both aggrega­ Ask yourself these questions cluding regular worshippers of the tions are member s of the newly Temple, as well as guests from formed Providence Football League. neighboring Temples. Sunday morn­ The game will start at 2 :30 and w:ill ing. Temple Beth-El Sunday School be handled by expert officials. children will again be guests at the The Orioles have been organized Succah. for seven years and will this year ... then you'll choose an put out the stron gest team of its YAHRZEIT history. All Oriole players are re­ F or the coming week the Temple quested to be on hand Sunda,: morn­ will observe the Yahrzeits for the ing at nine o'clock for practice and following: last minute instructions. Fishel Kenner, Sunday, Tishri 21, ELECTRIC RANGE I September 30. Meyer Levitt. Wednesday. Tishri Ludwig Vogenstein Dies 24. October 3. (Continued from Page One) R E LIGIOUS SCHOOL Is Electric Cookery Economiml? Registration for tloe Sunday in-law, Mrs. Julia Braun·Vogenstein School. which began last Sunday. of Berlin; and three nephews and a niece. • There was a time when electric cookery cost more than other Born on F ebruary 3. 1871. in Pi!· sen, now part of Czechoslovakia but I methods. But not now! The stepped rate now in effect makes each unit SHERBA then in Austria-Hungary, he was ed­ of electricity cost less as you increase its use. This alone makes electric ucated in primary schools there and later at a gymnasium in Stettin, cookery an economy. And the new improved high-speed heating Prussia. His parents were the Rev. Beverage Co. Dr. Heinemann Vogelstein a nd Rosa units, the insulated oven, and the safely-automatic heat control and SHERBA CLUB P UNCH Kobrak Vogelstein. He received his timer-clock, conserve heat and make it a real economy as compared It contains Genuine F ruit early training in the meta_! trade Delivery at Your Home with the firm of Aron Hirsch & to less modern methods. Tel. Warren 538-W Sons of H alberstadt. for whom he Chas. S. Dexter. Prop. worked prior to coming to this coun­ try in 1896. Frowned on Zionis m Is Electric Cookery Fast? rD... M... w ATKINS .. co ... Long an outstanding figure in lJewi sh activities in this country he • Frankly, food will cook only so fast and today's electric range wilt § A COMPLETE LINE OF seldom gave voice to public utter­ 1 Jewelry Findings and Screw a nces. Zionism never was able to cook food as fast as any other cooking device. From a surface burner enlist his ~ympathy, since he insist­ ~ Machine Products 1 ed that the J ew should be a loyal heat is applied directly to the bottom of the utensil. Practically none 1 Call I citizen of the country in which h e escapes; the side of the utensil remains comparatively cool, enabling ; GAspae 2758- 2759 for 1 resides. Hitle rism evoked a protest from one to use little or no water. This means speed, of course. And only the I QUALITY AND SERVICE ! him. but his expressed disappr~val :i 2U PINE STREET ;i of the excesses of t he Nazi regime electric oven is insulated on all six sides. It preheats to 400 ° in ten EJ...... - ...... _ never was vigorous or calculated to give offense to anyone. He refused minutes - bakes and roasts in recipe time .. . perfectly - without repeated invitations of othe r J ew­ attention. "For Quality and Senlce" ish leaders, who entreated him to join them in outspoken denunciation E. S. CRANDALL'S of the policies of t he Third Reich. His philanthropies were bestowed DAIRY upon non-Jewish and J ewish causes. , Wiry is Electric Cookery Safe? Properly Puteurlzed Among frequent Kif ts to Hebrew Union College was one of $50.000. MILK and CREAM Hospitals in New York a nd other • What happens when you turn a switch on your electric range? "A HEALTH BUILDER.. cities received substant ial donations Nothing but clean electric heat! The electric range is the safest cook­ from him. A Friend to the J ewiah People Leaders Pay Tribute ing device the world has ever known. And isn't it convenient to have 12 IAwell An. W.Eat 068 Among those who paid tribute to a range that frees you from watching and testing ... one that you Mr. Vogclstein, \\'ere Adolph Lewis­ ohn· Dr. Solomon Lowenste in, exe­ can depend upon to give uniformly good results time after time with­ cuti~e director of the Fede ration for the Support of J ewish Philanthropic out your presence during the cooking .. . and a range that is clean Societies ; Judge Irving Lehman, and which will give you so much cooking satisfaction that you will A. B. Munroe pre!- icle nt of Cong r gation Emunu­ E I; Robe rt C. Stanley, president of wonder why you didn't change to electric cookery long ago? Why Whole.ale and Retail Dealera the International Nickel ompa ny; wait - longer? Loui s S. Cates. preside nt of Phelps MILK and CREAM Dodge Corporation; Adolph S. Ochs. publisher of The New York Times; Raw and Pasteurized Milk Edwa rd H . Clark. president and chairma n of the board of Cerro de 1lu NARRAGANSETT ELECTRIC Compatt~ Grade "A" Milk a S pecialty Pasco Coppe r Company; Dr. Julian Morganstern, president of Hebrew Union Coll ege; Alfred M . Cohn. Electric Shop ISi 51 Westminster St. 102 Summit Street chairman of the coll ege's board, a nd Tel. EA. 2091 Dr. Js racl Goldstein, president of the J ewish Concili ation Court o( lltUUfGHJIS: Allene ' BRIBTOL ' WARBEN ' OLNEYVILLE ' EAST GREENWICH Ame rica , Inc. THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, SE.PTEMBER 28, 1934 7 NEWS OF INTEREST TO MEN C OLLEG E COUNTRY CLUB SPORTS

Brown Opens Football Season with B. U. JEWISH SPORT NOTES And S o H ere Saturday By MORRIS WEINER DeOrmand "Tuss" McLaughry T hree Cheers for Barney Ross -a minimum of 25 - can be sent will open his ninth season at Brown Although the Ross-McLarnin bat- to Palestine to represent the United Days Pass this week when his Bruin varsity tle was fought in New York neariy States in what probably will be the The opens its schedule against Pat Han- two weeks ago, lynch talk still is in greatest J ewish sport spectacle of ley's Boston University team on the air. The referee, Arthur Dono­ the ages. Brown Field, Saturday, September van, is being burned in effigy on all Matalon and the Maccabis By J ACK SILVERMAN 29. Although Brown and B. U. have the sidewalks of the city which the met five times in the past 37 years, Irish don't claim for their own. Ar.d, To further this end the World the T errier team has yet to win despite the fact that Barney lost his Umon of Maccabts has sent Alec from the Bruins. But this season's crown when one of the judges and Matalon to ~i:nerica to launch a vig­ ff · h h the ref determined to re-elect Jimmy orous publicity campaign for the A PRAYER, ANSWERED night,-take your entire family a nd game O ers a genume t reat t_o t e back into the highlight of the box­ coming Macc~~iad. Matalon, a young For generations past . .. with the all the money t hat you figu;e to· Brown ele_ve n 1 fo~ B. U.1 sta rtm~ a ing world, Ross will remain to me and enterpr1smg Maccabian, has advent of New Year and Yorn Kip­ spend during t he next month for new coachmg regime and po~sess~ng lhe champion of champions and the been a member of this international pur. our religious services ha,'e in­ pleasure and good times ... Go to an array of capable t3:lent is bemg 1;amest kind in the ring today a s a J ewi~h organization for many years. t cluded the prayer,-"Do not forsake the CA RN IV AL, t hat small handful touted as a moS formidable oppon- result of his magnificent scrap. He 1s a member of the Palestine me in my old age." . . . A truly of loyal friends are running for the ent. Your sports editor has been see­ Otrmpic Committee and is one of the heartrending plea to the Almighty benefit of the HOME on the spacious Brown has been in camp two full ing fights regularly fo r the past 15 chief rea s.o ns why t he World Olym­ ... For, what greater tragedy can lawn adjoining it ... AND DON'T weeks, a nd in that time Coach Mc- years. He has seen t he best of them pic Association recognized the Holy befall any of us, t han to reach the LEA VE UNTIL YOU'VE SPENT Laughry a nd hi s a ides have gone come a nd go. But, the fight Barney Land as a n entity in the realm of aut umn of life . .. OLD AGE, ... EVERY PENNY THAT YO U far to whittle down the squad to put on at the Garden Bowl a fort­ sports. when one can no longer continue the HA VE WITH YOU! ... Listen, pal, working proportions in determining night ago stamped him as one of t he struggle for an existence, to find -You NEVER, Never felt so good a starting team. A full week of ring immortals . His arrival in America is a t ime· oneself without material means for .in s pending money as you will feel scrimmage drill has advanced the Perhaps Ross didn't look as good ly one, inasmuch as it coincides with a peaceful and comfortable sustain­ after spending it t here. Unless your stock of Mal Ball and Charlie Sum- tonight as he did last May but he the Fall Maccabi campaign now get­ a nce during the remaining few years luck is as bad as mine, (and I'm merfield, ends; Dan Fraad and Gus certainly was better than Poison tmg under way. Matalon plans to of earthly existence? a prize hoodoo !) You're going to Ol son, t ackles ; Antonio Capasso and Jimmy. Despite the refe ree's vote tour th~se sections of the country Stop for a minute, friend,-and win some prizes .. . You may e ven George Lea, guards ; Don Emery, for Jimmy that the latter had out- where this movement has shown the try to visualize the picture ... Try win the swell egant Chevrolet sedan center; John J . " Mi ckey" O' Reilly, boxed the Chicago J ew we are ad- strongest developments and to em­ t o put yourself in it ... surely you that has been graciously donated by quarterback; Norman Appleyard amant in saying Ross was the better phasize the fact that th.is Second must know some poor men or wo­ a local agent ... In fact EVERY- and Perry Elrod, halfbacks, and boxer. He gave Jimmy all he had Maccabiad must be a huge success. men who have reached old age . . . THING has been donated by a group Capt. Kill Karaban, fullback. Close and the Irishman's ribs and eyes Matalon is convinced that if the Who, and what are they? Are they of swellegant people .. . business in with that group are such stal· showed the results. In the last few April athletic carnival is represented now rich, or even well to do'! .. people who did it in a grand spirit wa rts as Ha rrie Hart, Freeman rounds Barney's incessant pounding by most of the Jewish groups In ve ry, very few instances will . .. (they won't even let me men- Love, Bob Chapin, ~d Taft a nd unde r Jimmy's Heart had McLarnin 's throughout the world a tradition will the answe r be, "Yes" ... Most of lion their names here!) ... But sup- George Kuhn, ends ; Dick Batchelder, knees sagging and buckling and the be created that will be a living sym­ the elderly people you know, are like posing yo u don't win ANYTHING? Leigh Lynch, Bill Eckert, Charles j Irish lad was groggy. Yet, the Don- bol for young J ewry. most of the ones I know ... POOR, ... Won't it make you feel peachy Cashman, and Dick Barker, tackles; ovan guy (maybe he's being paid by . Although this is Matalon's first FEEBLE, and in many instances, to realize that your few doll ars have Luther Stanhope, Fred Rea, Warren the Hitler office) gave ten of the v1s1t to these shores, he plans to FRIENDLESS . .. Yes, forsaken in gone to aid such a grand and noble Ostergard and Leon Payne, guards; rounds to McLarnin. cove r as much distance as he pos- many cases by their own children, cause? a!1d Batchelder a nd Vernon Beau- We had picked Ross to win a ll sibly can before sailing for London who donating a miser's mite to an WHO'S WHO, AND WHAT'S bian, centers. . . . alon~. If .he were.to fight tonight for m October He will make this trip aged parent once in a great while, WHAT Pat Hanley, opening his regime at a third time agamst the so·called with David White, executive di - feel that they have fulfilled their The giant swing, whe re grown- B. U. has had a w_eek mor~ of work J ew1sh nemesis we should say Bar- 1rector of the United States Maccabi duty as children . . I say again, ups as well as the kiddies get a than Brown, and hts ~quad 1s further ney would win. However, if Barney Association, and their itinerary in­ . . . TRY, AND PUT YOURSELF thrilling ride in perfect safety ... advanced. It seems hkely that B. U. had lost the fight legitimately we eludes Providence, Boston Cleve· I N THAT PICTURE ... You MAY Supreme Court Justice J erome will present a team made up la rgely would have huzzahed for the man I land, Cincinnati and Ch icag'o. All be in it some day ... The law of Hahn, one of the Home's staunchest of veterans, _as foll_ows: Frank wh.o w~s able to came back and re- these cities have either strong chap­ averages is proof of it ... What friends and supporters, buying flow· H~ghes and either Dick Vanlder- gam his crown. But, how can we ters or units. then? What can be done about it ? ers for ever so many ladies ... stme of John McEvoy, ends; Bob shout for Jimmy knowing that he , . . F ortunately for you and me, and Max Gran_t, Representative Charles All~n and either Fred Nichols or didn't win, realizing that Ross had 1 he Situation Abroad all of us who live in Rhode Island Brown, and Alter Boyman · in a Irvmg Gross, tackles ; Capt. George s,m3:shed his way to victory, and be- . In ~peaking of the Jewish athletic . . . There is, by the Grace of God, friendly confab ... His Excellency, Abodeely and Homer Beserosky, hE:vmg Donovan an utter nincom- s1tuat10n as it now exists abroad and the assistance and endeavour of Governor Theodore Francis Green guards; Sam Lourie, center; Ray poop for his decision and statement. and in Palestine, the Maccabi am­ several dozen people who are pos­ buying a bar of chocolate from a Maddocks, quarterback ; George Pat- He said "No fighter can fight in bassador said, 41 Most of the Euro­ sessed of the real true J ewish heart very charming lady1 Mrs. Mollie tison and Warren MacNamara, half- flurries a~d expect to win." p~an countries are showing progress - A MOST WONDERFUL HOME Fain. backs and George Timson, fullback. Evidently he had been influenced with the Maccabi movement. In En- FOR AGED JEWISH PEOPLE ... Superior Cour t J ustice, Philip C. 'The scores of the Brown-B. U. hr press reports that Barney's flur- gland the groups a re showing fine Wonderful indeed! Clean, immacu­ Joslin,--one of m y most favorite hu- series which opened in 1897 foll ow: ries won the last fight for him and results a nd they already have one of late, convenient, not anything like a mans, talking with Abe Heller. (I'm Brown B U ~hat h e_ was so !ntent on watching the strongest units of any nation." cha ritable institution, but just like glad he's been made a judge, but 89 ·0 · Ju st this one point that he let all ,, h a real fine, large J ewish communal ~:i;::r ::a!f I o~;,n'!o h~:!:h:v:'~~1:d ~92~ 1: 36 otl13e;r~~~~;se~~s brve~:e ss,~~~ien, cut Ga:!e: w:ihltec:~;;e~;:re O~~Pf~ home . . . Presided over by one of · h f . di 1923 20 d bl d' H' 'b London were represented by a small the fin est directors of hi s type in the wit a nen y s 1ap on the back, 1924 35 O an ee mg. IS rt s were red country PLEASE,-for your 1 1 1 sake a nd edification .. Vi sit the r1t;;;;~~: \\~~~- ~itw:~~d:~ u~·;;;;j 1925 42 6 ~~lin:. ty.fl,~~ ~~nc~tL~~fn p;~;; ~~oeu~oi\t: t!aii~~i~nff.Y~or/ ~tt th J ewish Home for the Aged, on Hill­ it) . .. "Hizzonor " Mayor Dunne,- can punch.) He was battered e same time it was surprising to side Ave AT ONCE It wi ll do A REG U LAR FELLOW, - greets proud to call you a pal of mine ... bruised, but still fighting. ' note that many of the team captains your heart good . Meet Mr. Os­ me with, "How's Providence's Wal- Well look who's here! My very good On the other hand Jimmy's optics were Macc_a b~ members. It really friend HSherlock11 Goldowsky . . looked as If It were a Ma b" . t row the director,- you'll admire t er \Vinche ll ?" ... Mayor Quinn of another ardent and tireless worker were c1ose d. His leg s were buckling. union." cca 1 re- him . Let him show you through Pawtucket who was glad, to come for He was t ired. He was beaten But. the entire build ing . .You' ll be the opening. for the Home ... and folks, he's sur- Donovan is an Irishman, t oo.· ' " 1 am convinced, " Matalon con· moved by t hi s wonderful unde rta k­ A group of my " Roashyan" lady rounded by a bevy of pretty girls T he Second Maccabiad cluded, "that there will be over 5000 ing, which up to the present has friends under the direction of Mrs. that'll be a credit to a Broadway When in the spring of 1932 the participa nts in the next .Maccabiad been planned a nd executed by only in April 1 1935, and that over 33 a fraction of our J ewish community ~:ot fes, G~,t:~ss';vi~~d a m~~1~m ~~~;~ ~hi i~~:d· the ~::;.~r:Jm~~~e~r~ict: ~f!;.~~tfJ~~1s cir:~~1;°b~:~ to 1!~: fi/;~! count ries will send contingents to . . Talk to any one of t he 26 men, Ru ssian delicacies from which I ets. REMAX shores of Palestine, they were con­ the l\!fa ccabiad. 11 or 2 1 women, rangi ng in ages from coul dn't tear my self away ... Mar- There a re many othe rs he re whom vmced that this mom ':! ntous trip and The Maccabis in America 64 to over I 00 years . LET ~ie a nd Morris Bazar1 a couple of I'd like t o mention, but of necessity huge athl etic festival in which t h~v THEM T ELL YO U AND IMPRESS old friends on the Bingo booth, can not . . I want to extend my had participate(! was the greate8t The next American team to the YO U in the man ner that 1 wa nt to, where Morris Sydell does a nice wholehearted feli citations to EV- e )..pe rience of their lives. Palestine games in April, 1935, will but can't! job . . Sam Resni ck and Co. , at ERY MAN, WOMA N, BOY a nd There we re only thirteen young be ve ry strong. 1t is fo r this very CA RNIVAL WEEK the fl ower booth .. Saul Feinbe rg GIRL who has done hi s sha re in men a nd wome n on this team from purpose tha t the Fall Maccabi cam­ The FIRST thing you s hould do, at the novelty counter . . Morris this carnival .. . and ESPECIALLY the States, yet their athletic p row­ paign has been started. The na­ dear friend, is to bCco me a sustain­ F'elde r dug up a d?zen ~ases of _fruit to the Siegels, M£Lx a nd Rebecca .. . ess a nd a bility won them a second tional ~ports ach-i sory committee in g me mbe r of this noble undertak­ somewhere a nd n~ht m~o busmess They have gone into t hi s thing with µlace in the co mpetition among 22 which includes such names as Ben­ ing . . . T he dues a rc from $3.00 a ... ~at Co h e.n, with a cigarette on a spirit of determination and en- nation~. The track a nd fi eld g rou p n_Y . Leonard, Ha rry Danning, Kit year up ... Surely you can afford the s ide of hi s face. (What're you ·h · 1 . t · . ·k bl won a first place on the equatic di ­ !\.l e 111 , Cha rl otte Epstein, Abel Kiv- t ryin' to do look like a tough guy ? ) I t usia~m t 1~\ is , emai a e · · · anit e of present conditions ... Se­ Bo Be rnstem a nd a very ka y~te a ny thanks, 'cause 1 can see that t he results produced by t his small athletes who have blazed a cham­ condly. tomorrow (Saturday) ~oung lady, . Gladys Rose r_1 , se.llmg you folks are having the g randest ba nd of American athletes on a di s­ pionship t rail to recognition in the ~ithletic wo rld, is concentrating on cha1t1ce~ 1on ~he Auto. ( Le~tve it to t im e of your life in doing a noble tant soil were so hearte ning to t he Tripe Arranged Monies Sent Bo o. se ~c t good looke r. H~ su.re and worthwhile work. sponsors of the t rip that plans for a its work f or 1934-1935. The Macca· to Poland f to nueeia ~.a ~mp,1cr·k emk.. , )n. .· ~ ~·s: Al ,P_il avrn , And Inst, but not leas t . .. t he in- national Maccabi organi zation were bi g roups th roughout America which 1 1 1 , s a t oo g c1ga ette g I l . . mates of the home are having the launched immedi ately upon their re­ were coming along wi th such fine Leo L?gan, one of the ha r~I working limo of t heir lives ... They mingle turn. progress before t he summer recess co mm1 tt~eme n, s~rnve, poli shed, a nd with t he crowd, cha t, talk, drink, In F ebruary of t his year the set in a re al\ putting thei r shoul­ gentlema nly lookmg ... Sammy Co- s moke . . . and "Es iz 8 lebt.'"<.ligeh Jrl'Catest strides toward actual u11ifi ­ ders to the wheel for a year of suc­ he n at t he "hot dog" counter,- ve ldt 1.. cation and solidarity among t he cess. The i\'faccabi Association is no "Yeh,. beli eve me.' I'm tired!" Nu, Yo~'II be the re Saturday night J ewi sh American athletes of the longer a name. It is a powerful, so what do you \~M1 t me to do, Sam- without fail won't you '! Thanks I country were made. Tod ay this as· g rowing J ewi sh American athletic my cry for you ' Herc'~ a fe l- k ' I I S _ ' sociation ~t.111d s as a gigantic sym- organi zation which is fast becoming low1 thnt'8 work ed absolute ly bCyond new, you wou t 1 ; · ,how t hem bol of sportsma nship, fai r play Hild t he st rongest sports unit in this ... t' 1' EDDY MAX 'I' I t hat ,rn a ppeal b) .Jucks il Verma n ·t Al ti t t· I I l Icsc rip 10 11,- ' _ . . . .. _ cc. , bring'8 rc~ ults ! .. And fo r t he cdi - u111 y. 1c pre~cn nnc t 1e pans co unt ry. Keep in pace with the time. ple~lSC m·cept r.ny most s 111_ce 1:c ud1~ 1- fi cation of those who don' t li ke m e fo r the Maccabiale nd al Job, I m I'll even be glad l.o stick m y ly laid, so lhat a much la rger team the Maccabis. NEW YORK ht•ud in the hole oft.hat A fricu n dot.1 - ~e r canvas:-., a nd let you throw base The Id eal Place fo r Ba nquets bal l:-. at m e ... if TII AT wi ll bring- ~2UN3.5QIP 15·00 Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs ancl you oul! ... a nd so the days pass. ARTHRITIS Parties Modern Stenmcn 80-clAy Limit Virginia nnd Yorktown DIABETES Dftlly & Sund11.y11 from Colon l&l Wharf, Mortgage Money to In­ If you nre 1mIT~•rl ng f ro111 FLAT FEE T , THE MAYFAIR BltO l 1!1 cured. E lntJi,t'ro ve Ave., 1 e ar Lloyd W EEK-END ROUND and Sma ll Outings at 6% If you nre ~m rrering f rom exce1111 SU­ TR IP •1.00 IN f" IH ST C LASS llF.S IDE NT IJ\I. CA!l. l'orrections cRn be obt.alned In R Bridge Prizes IA'ftYe S11,t. Return Sun. Of' Mon , o Cove r harge PHOPE:JlTY very !'l hort time, by modern m ethods. NO. MEDICINE. A utos CAnied Wt~k-d11.y8 $6.00 LIQuorl!I and wlnl"9 SunW\y11 $8.00 RALPH B. TAYLOR Whitman's Candy served with food, Special price. t or AUCTIONEER REAL ES'l'A'l'E Edgewood Clinic COLONIAL LINE Danauetil and P11.rtlet AP PH A IS EH. 227 Armington St.. EdRe,..-~. R . 1. Go rdon Hosiery UPTOWN TICK.ET O FFICE For Reo!ervallons - WOON. 21' 29 Wls YBO SSET STl{EET Wcl'k d.ny 11 9 to 12 c:i1:cept Snturduys 36 Weybosset S treet Dietary Law1 Ob.!lencd Telephone \Vllllaml!I 6036 Col011l al WbArf- P hone GA. 6.(00 Cll !4 1H'l' 7677 Books to Loan 8 THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1934

Back from Palestine j IA braham H amlin to George Gerber Now ~ ------<,>'• Address Gathering Celebrating 15th H ere on Sunday A nniversary of Store

Abraham Ha mlin. oi Boston. ~ ew The cele br ation b.Y Geor g e Ger ber En2"land director o f the :,.: ational of the I.5 t h a nr.i,·e rs a ry of h is gift Labor Committee i or the \\"orkers a nd no,-eltv bus iness is one in which oi P alestine will be the principal "l,j!L&l,ll- , he J ewish comm unity of this ci ~:; speaker Sunday e,·en!ne-. Sept. 30. has :i hearty interest. at the SuccQt h gathenng to be held :\tr. Gerber is a !ife-long resident in the o ·ce of the Palestine Cam- or' tl~b cit,· and ha::- a host t•f friernJs paigi-1. in rhe Strand Buildine-. ~nd ;1,·qua.intance.s. Pis gl··~ and no,- ~lr. Hamlin has just returnee el :·: wholesale establi::hmen: and re- from Palestine where he conducted tc.ii store on }Ia t hew.s on S.reet has a six \\·eeks· .study oi the \\·o_rker.s' be"{1 °1 e a local ins:itution . ..:onstantly ct1ndition. and especially or the ::: :·acting an incrF-a.-=ing pr. tronag~. hsutza ( ,.-orkers· settlement.:-.) n--~ause oi the fact that }Ir. Ger- Se,·eral inte resting readings wil! ber bu~s in whc•esale lot~ he ha~ be cn,-en b,- Samuel }lonaster or be~r, able to sell a ·_ retail pnces tha: Bos7~n anci" a choir has been pro- are beyond competition. THs wee:.: cured. who \\ill present a progr_<:"m he i~ celebrating his anni'"ersary by oi new Palestinian songs- and \ id- ======- orrcrir.g a great ,·ariety of gift-.s an~ di.::.h folk .:onu;. J acob Ben-Anti, well k nown nc,·e: ties from all parts of the wor!ri The con~mi~;~e in charge of ar- Yiddish and American actor. last ( ex<..:ept Gennany , at ··g-p·e-away· rane:ements consi.:-ts of }[ax Be rman. week returned to Bro:1. dw::i y 2. s pri-.:·es. Dr. :\"athan P:.,a tnoff, cha irman He0n- Burt. Henry Chaet. Dadd ~ \ "ienn c-se profess ~r in ··The f ·ome into Ge rber·s for ,·ou:- Rabbi F e rdinando Fried rnan, of t-he A.m erican J e\,;s b Physi- '\" ew!Tlan . Arthur h.orman. Is_rael Ship Comes l.n.'' bd~2"e prize.:- . wedding gifts or Tlov- C.::-cclon :.1 ·s flr:; t grand rabbi clans Committee for the Hebrew Resnick. Eli Block . J oseph Biller el tr home furnishings. I sin ce the J ews n ere dri\·en out. and Solomon Lightman. "Gnh·ersity, who recently re­ ======. ; of Spain in l-iaz. is now in t his turned to this country a fter a Who knows but t hat Judais m it- I Social and Personal I ,-..·ere ...\ pion and Isidorus. the leaders self mi ght not ha,-e co nquered the • • count ry e:dc:1.\·oring t o ra i~e lliit to P a lestine, painted a of the :..\nti-Semitic. partr- _ _ / world. if not fo r Paul. who ~a me a- _}Ir. ~rnd }Irs. Louis Seegal of 10-l ~ i -~ 5.000 to c:.irry on work a nrn ng glowing picture of the medical I don t know whether It ,,a::: ~he Ilon g with a fo rm of Judais m to I\\ oodbme S.treet announce the en­ t he thcus::i.:i:ls of Gc rm:.111 J f" ws practitioneers and clin ics in the Eg-}11tian J e\\ish C<;rngress which whi ch had been annexed the doc- gagement oi their daughter. Helen. now seeki;·,g h :1 n~n in Sp.1in. Holy Lan d. 3ent Philo to ple~d with the Emper- tri nes of the Trinity of Resurrecti on. to I rwin .\1. Schu~lm~n. s?n _o f ~I rs. or. but. if they did. hey sent a wor- etc. Rose Schulman or ~ ew 't ork Cny. CORRE::i P O\'DE\'T .I CQCITTED thy representati,·_e. e\"en though the I Swimmin 2: Suits In Pa lestine . ---. D.-1\'ZIG (JT.-1) - Theodore Loe· BY THE WAY Emp~ror·s recep 10n was rude. Just retur;ed from Palestine. }[ rs. }liss Be:erly B. 'K ramer. grc:nd.= ,·y. J ewi s h T elegraphic Agency cor­ I _Phil o _t e ll_s h?''- the Emperor r~- ...\r chibald Sih"erman announces that daug-hter ot }l rs. Bess Glantz or -l~ res pondent. who was a rrest ed ::in a '------~' cel\·ecl him m h~s- ga:'den. a~d gene~: if you are going to Palestine, you -\lu l!berry - Stree.,t a~d Harol~ }[. number of charges was acq uitted By D.-\ YID SCHWARTZ ally when h~ a:-ked ~he J e,\ a qub need not .:-tock up \\ith clothing in t,ol dbe rg. ~Of: oi. _.\Ii . an.cl .\I r~ . _J . here af{er a court trial. the judge tio n. and Philo began_ t~ answer._the I ad\"ance. Palestine, she says. now Gol~i berg o r_ ~ ew 't ork. ,,:_;ill be ~n_n - recognizing .. the baselessness·• of the ,1 d _ \ \ . t - Emperor rushed 3\\ a: to another produce- almo:::.i e'"en- commodit\" N! m marnage October i a t \\ e1n- complaint a gainst him. 0 I O · ~ e;,n:, -- re .-.::. ~c~~~ ~ is our part o f the garden with the J ew \"OU can~ think -o i . · · ~tem·s. Rab~i Schecter will officiate . . n_,e or _t ~ ~:a~- 0 pursuing. In other word~. ~he

C.:krai11 ian Village Fa ntasia

Tbt A-. .... odatlon or G trm s n D~ntl"t " r.t:c:ord-. • ton-.idu.iblt d etrt:t•t In .:u n 1:1mJ .- of p 1lltnh .!'~kine: profe-. .. ic, nal C.ltf".- :-.,ws I t m. "'""r 11 an r '-t .! "' r~ to.':::\. for a ch·:·11rr?"' ·~ o. but ·it "c: not '- 'l rpr-i~ i~i;-. ~ O lll" of thf'm .e-<> t l h f'i r t f'l"th brol-i: r n f o r th,..m : o thf'r~ d o n·t nN.'d th,..ir l t"f'th · bl'C':lll~(' lht'_\ "n• Ben-L.l o u \\"einman n a l\ ely recaU.s the le 2" end of t h{> \"lll3 2'C ceW5t who se.rc.nad nU and sundry and feU asl e,e p w bile playlog. u ,,_,_.11l 0), U. ;,,1.,U the r ..:st don·t da re op..- a .;1 c ir r, 11., ...... , en'n in a de ntist's chair."