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O. 32 / 2-2015 N READY FOR THE AGE BIG STONE CHALLENGES OF FIBRE SCRUBBER MAGAZINE OF PULP & PAPER // MAGAZINE OF PULP & PAPER Montes del Plata // 14 Marco Mensink Interview // 29 Otter Tail Power // 38 FINE TUNING A passion for continuous improvement keeps this Brazilian mill on top // 6 2 NO. 32 / 2-2015 10 38 Switch on GREEN POWER solutions from ANDRITZ More and more companies are switch- ing on their GREEN POWER options. ANDRITZ offers a range of technologies for producing solid biofuels, liquid biofuels, and even energy from waste by-products. We have included several stories in this is- sue of SPECTRUM, highlighted with the GREEN POWER symbol, which show- case our customers’ successes with re- 24 32 newable energy technologies. CONTENTS 03 Management Message 20 OPE in Finland 38 Big Stone scrubber Kotkamills and Stora Enso Otter Tail Power 04 News 24 Turkish delight 53 Minimal mercury Kartonsan A.S. ANDRITZ Air Pollution Control 06 Fine tuning Veracel Celulose 29 The Age of Fibre has begun 46 Orders & Start-ups Interview Marco Mensink 10 Kiln conversion Sappi North America 47 Did you know that? 32 Energy and revenue Harmac Pacific 14 Ready for the next challenge Montes del Plata 35 New generation drying TechTalk On the cover: Fine Tuning (page 6), Cover/page 6: Stokkete - shutterstock.com SPECTRUM is published by: Editorial Director: General information and copyright: ANDRITZ AG Robert Puhr You will see the use of both “tonnes” and Stattegger Strasse 18 [email protected] “tons” in this publication: tonnes for metric 8045 Graz, Austria Editorial Board: units and tons for American units. SPEC- Phone: +43 (316) 6902 0 Bjørn Hansen, Minna Heinonen, Robert Puhr, Regina Puschnig, Dietmar Scherer, TRUM is published in three languages; Eng- [email protected] Andrea Schlagbauer, Ursula Suppanen, Manuela Wagner, Carina Weissensteiner lish, Chinese and Japanese. Copyright© Editor-in-Chief: Contributing Writers: ANDRITZ AG 2015. All rights reserved. No Bjørn Hansen Thomas Barbieri, Robert Puhr, Mark Rushton part of this publication may be reproduced [email protected] Contributing Photographers: without permission of the publisher. Project Director: Riku Isohella, Robert Puhr, Nilton Souza, Thomas Wedderwille Manuela Wagner Layout & Design: INTOUCH Werbeagentur & Internetagentur, Austria [email protected] spectrum.andritz.com NO. 32 / 2-2015 3 Leading technology vs. technology leadership Joachim Schönbeck, Member of the Executive Board, Capital Systems. Humbert Köfler, Member of the Executive Board, Service & Units. Some industries (consumer electronics a customer who is willing to try new con- weight – yet has the power to cope with comes to mind) are constantly driven to in- cepts – so that we can develop a better all sorts of wood species. What makes it troduce leading technology. The latest, the solution in partnership. There are clear ex- better is that it stays sharper longer so greatest, the newest feature. By leading with amples of these kinds of partnerships at knife changes are fewer. Plus, it cuts bet- technology, they try to determine what cus- work – big and small: ter chips. tomers really find valuable. ▪ The biggest has to be the 11,600 tonnes ▪ Another is OPP (Optimization of Process Given the amount of capital required to oper- of dry solids per day recovery boiler now Performance) which is a powerful comput- ate a pulp and paper mill, we find very few being erected in Indonesia. This would er-based tool that gives ANDRITZ process owners wanting to risk their production on replace about four “traditional” boilers – a experts and mill personnel insight into their any equipment that is Serial Number 001. “super tool” for the customer to produce processes like they have never had before. Even the best-funded and technically savvy the highest amount of electricity while re- The OPP actions, usually without capital mills want technology that is proven. covering black liquor. investments, can save staggering amounts of money. We are a technology-intensive company, but ▪ The smallest might be emulsion-cooled we understand that the technology we sup- black liquor guns for the recovery furnace. By carefully listening to our customers and ply is only of value to you if it makes your The guns are cooled and cleaned with a then combining inputs from a variety of tech- business better and your life easier. There is water/steam emulsion. What makes them nical sources, we design technology solu- no sense being first with something unless it better is that they last considerably longer, tions that are responsive. Partnering with passes the acid test of helping you improve basically clean themselves, and form bet- customers to prove out these solutions is your business: either by increasing produc- ter liquor droplets to arrive at more stable critical to bringing technology leadership to tion, reducing waste, saving money, or help- boiler operation. the industry. ing you make more money. ▪ Then there is TurnKnife IV: the latest knife What’s on your “wish list” of technologies We search for all opportunities where we can system for roundwood chipping. It has to help you work better? We would love to bring our most current technology tools to a new chipping geometry and is light- know. Joachim Schönbeck Humbert Köfler N4 NO.E 32 / 2-2015 WS New multi-injector design for DIP ANDRITZ has developed a new multi-injec- modelling the opti- tor design for the primary stage in deink- mum air bubble size ing flotation systems. The multi-injector is and distribution. It in- tailor-made for effective ink removal and corporates a reshaped consumes 50% less energy than previous nozzle geometry, which designs. The new design optimizes the air also reduces the risk of plug- intake in the injector as well as the distribu- ging. The new multi-injector is avail- tion within the flotation cell. It also utilizes able in three ways: a newly developed pump series, which is more energy efficient. 1. In new SelectaFlot flotation systems 2. As a retrofit to existing SelectaFlot units The new multi-injector was designed us- 3. As a retrofit to flotation cells made by other Find out more about the multi-injector at: ing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to manufacturers. www.andritz.com/flotation obtain the best deinking performance by EWR extends the wear life of critical chipper parts ANDRITZ has developed some Extreme ing bedknife changes each year. With fewer Wear Resistant (EWR) chipper parts for hard changes, chipper uptime is enhanced. wear (e.g. logs with sand and/or bark slices) and high capacity chipping applications. With longer intervals between wear parts changes, less maintenance labor hours re- Two examples of the EWR product line are quired, and savings in wood losses, EWR parts bedknives and wear segments (inner and improve equipment reliability and uptime. outer). The expected life of an EWR bedknife is three to four times that of a standard one, Find out how to save money and im- giving a parts cost savings of about 25% per prove throughput with EWR parts by year. Maintenance cost savings are also sig- talking with your ANDRITZ service nificant due to reduced labor hours for mak- representative. NO. 32 / 2-2015 SPECTRUM News 5 FibreSolve rotor saves energy; easily retrofitted to under-machine and tub pulpers ANDRITZ engineers used the latest CFD The FibreSolve rotor has a unique studies to develop a better rotor design “pumping vane” which achieves to not only improve pulper efficiency, but optimal circulation by creat- save significant energy in the process (up ing a counter-rotating flow to 30%). pattern that quickly sub- merges incoming material. Historically, pulper rotors have a low pro- FibreSolve also allows pulping file with many cutting edges. As much as at higher consistencies (i.e. up 70-80% of the energy input is required for to 10%). Specific energy is re- these cutting and mechanical forces. Due duced by 25-30% with equal or to this, stock circulation has suffered, as better pulp quality. low profile rotors are only able to create a circular vortex. Mills have tried many solu- Find out more about FibreSolve at: tions, such as baffles and d-walls to im- www.andritz.com/fibresolve prove circulation. different input materials to a quite small and of separator, the ReSed. By optimizing the Shake, uniform particle size. A hydraulic pendulum geometry of the sedimentation tank and the pusher feeds the material to the cutter. Then, internal flow pattern, a huge increase in ef- the material is cut between a high-speed ro- ficiency has been achieved. Since the cham- shred, and tor with block knives and a static counter ber is completely filled with liquid, problems knife. with floating fibers that can plug the machine separate are avoided. Separate. ANDRITZ tackled the traditional your rejects problems with sand separators (low effi- Find out more about ANDRITZ rejects ciencies, bad filtrate quality, wear, and me- treatment equipment at: chanical issues) and developed a new type www.andritz.com/reject-handling Handling rejects in a safe, efficient, and eco- nomical way is vital to any plant’s continuous ANDRITZ Sediment Separator ReSed. production. ANDRITZ has developed several new products to handle reject treatment. Shake. The Ballistic Separator ReBal re- moves bulky material from a mixed reject stream. A solid inclined screen plate oscil- lates at 150 rpm to set the material in mo- tion. Spherical or cubic parts roll downwards to the heavy fraction; flat and light materials move upwards to the light fraction. The angle of inclination and machine speed are easily adjusted. Shred. The ANDRITZ Granulator UG shreds pulp and paper rejects, reducing the size of 6 NO.NO. 32 / 2-2015 FINE TUNING When the Veracel mill started operating in Brazil in 2005, it was pre-ordained to be one of the world’s most advanced bleached pulp mills and also a reference site for sustainability and operational excellence.