Afghanistan Review Week 32 09 August 2011 Comprehensive Information on Complex Crises

INSIDE THIS ISSUE This document provides a weekly overview of developments in from 02 August—08 August 2011, with hyper-links to source material highlighted in blue and underlined in the text. For Economic Development more information on the topics below or other issues pertaining to events in Afghanistan, feel free to con- Governance & Rule of Law Humanitarian Affairs tact the members of the Afghanistan Team, or visit our website at Infrastructure Security & Force Protection Socio-Cultural Development Economic Development Steven A. Zyck ► [email protected]

DISCLAIMER ontinuing a story from last week’s Afghanistan--India (TAPI) natural gas Afghanistan Review (see 02 August pipeline project is moving ahead, and an The Civil-Military Fusion Centre C 2011), Reuters reports that approxi- agreement on natural gas pricing is expected (CFC) is an information and mately 2,500 Afghanistan-bound shipping in the coming weeks. Afghanistan’s Ministry knowledge management containers continue to be held in Karachi, Pa- of Mines (MoM) indicates that the pricing organisation focused on improving kistan, as a result of a regulatory impasse re- agreement will enable the Afghan government civil-military interaction, facilitating lated to the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit to project how much it can expect to receive in information sharing and enhancing Trade Agreement (APTTA). Under the APT- natural gas transit fees once the pipeline is situational awareness through the TA, importers are required to pay a non- operational. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty CimicWeb portal and our weekly refundable fee to Pakistani banks or insurance did, however, report concerns that the pipeline and monthly publications. companies equivalent to 2.5% of the value of project, which was first proposed 16 years ago taxes on items imported into Afghanistan via and which is estimated to cost up to USD 10 CFC products are based upon and Pakistan. A Pakistani Ministry of Finance billion, will be further delayed. link to open-source information (MoF) official stated that traders are unwilling from a wide variety of organisations, to pay this fee. The Tribune, a Pakistani news- Asia Times profiled the work of the US De- research centres and media sources. paper, reported last week that Pakistani insur- partment of Defense’s (DoD) Task Force for However, the CFC does not endorse ance companies are also unwilling to accept Business and Stability Operations, which has and cannot necessarily guarantee such fees, known as “insurance guarantees”. been working under the direction of Paul Brin- the accuracy or objectivity of these kley to attract foreign investment into Afghan- sources. CFC publications are In related news, Pajhwok Afghan News notes istan since 2009. Brinkley’s team gained in- independently produced by that a trade facilitation and promotion centre vestments from companies such as JP Morgan Knowledge Managers and do not has opened in . Financed by the United into gold mining in northern Afghanistan. reflect NATO or ISAF policies or States Agency for International Development Brinkley’s task force believes that private- positions of any other organisation. (USAID), the centre will provide traders with sector promotion will lead to growth and ena- information regarding local and international ble the Afghan government to expand its tax The CFC is part of NATO Allied markets and applicable trade agreements while base. The Task Force has, however, encoun- Command Operations. also offering internet access. A similar centre tered opposition from other government agen-

was established by USAID in Nangarhar prov- cies which have previously suggested that ince, and a third such facility is being built in federal regulations give the US State Depart- Kandahar at a cost of USD 130,000. ment, not the DoD, responsibility for overseas

development projects, notes the Asia Times. Officials from Afghanistan’s Ministry of Earlier this year, the US Congress passed leg- Commerce and Industries (MoCI) told Pajh- islation which mandated that the DoD turn wok that the government-imposed price cap on over the Task Force to USAID, says The CONTACT THE CFC fuel had largely been effective in keeping en- Washington Post. ergy cost from rising further in Kabul, For further information, contact: Baghlan and provinces. The head of Finally, the Indian government announced a Afghanistan’s Oil Tankers Association, Ali new 26% tax on mining companies’ profits, Afghanistan Team Leader Muhammad Ahmadzai, was charged by the says the BBC. India Times says a consortium Steven A. Zyck Attorney General’s Office (AGO) over some of 15 Indian companies is on the verge of sub- [email protected] fuel sellers’ violations of the price cap of AFN mitting a proposal to gain the mining rights to

The Afghanistan Team 57 (USD 1.33) per litre for petrol and diesel. the Hajigak iron ore deposit in central Afghan- [email protected] istan. It not yet clear if or how the newly an- Tolo News reports that the Turkmenistan- nounced tax will affect the consortium’s bid. Governance & Rule of Law Stefanie Nijssen ► [email protected]

he German government announced that it is ready to and senior leaders who can contribute to the peace host the second international Bonn Conference on Af- effort, notes a separate article from Daily Outlook Afghanistan. T ghanistan in December 2011, notes Pajhwok Afghan News. According to a separate article from Pajhwok, the US An unnamed source informed Tolo News that the Kabul Ap- Ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, indicated civil peals Court ruled to uphold the verdict recently issued by the society representatives will be invited to attend the Bonn Con- Special Elections Court (SEC) on 03 August 2011. The SEC’s ference. The inclusion of nongovernmental stakeholders from verdict had recommended unseating 62 members of Afghani- Afghanistan has proven sensitive. Afghan President Hamid stan’s lower house of parliament, the Wolesi Jirga. President Karzai had previously said that his administration would repre- Karzai will reportedly make a final decision on the issue, notes sent all of Afghanistan and suggested that he may decline to the Assistance Mission in Afghanistan participate in the Bonn Conference if other Afghan groups (UNAMA). The head of the Afghan parliamentary commission were also invited. on domestic security “insists both the court and its verdict were illegal”, says Pajhwok. Continued deadlock between In related news, Tolo News says that Ambassador Crocker President Karzai and the Wolesi Jirga will increase chances reaffirmed that the Taliban would not be included as partici- that the Afghan president could declare a state of emergency, pants in the Bonn Conference. Questions regarding the Tali- the International Crisis Group (ICG) suggests. ban’s participation in the Bonn Conference emerged shortly after the Afghan government’s High Peace Council (HPC) Pajhwok reports that residents of protested announced that Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar had the redistribution of land in the town of Qasimabad by block- shown an interest in engaging in the Afghan peace process. ing the Kunar- highway for an hour. A demonstrator Zalmay Rassoul, Afghanistan's Minister of Foreign Affairs, alleged that the government had seized all the land in Qasima- told Pajhwok that sufficient progress on national reconciliation bad, which he claimed belongs to its residents. A government could allow the Taliban to be included in the Bonn Conference official said the municipality and other government institutions “under the auspices of the Afghan government”. had established the land redistribution plans six years earlier and that they had been passed by a council of ministers. Pro- High-level talks on regional relations continued with the fourth testors demanded that the government should negotiate with meeting of the Trilateral Core Group, which includes senior the residents and that claims to the land should be assessed by representatives from Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United the courts. States, in Islamabad on 03 August 2011, says Pajhwok. The US government urged countries in the region, particularly Pa- In other news, Daily Outlook Afghanistan reports that the kistan, to support reconciliation efforts in Afghanistan. Ac- Wolesi Jirga passed a law on extradition procedures with other cording to Daily Outlook Afghanistan, the Afghan government countries. Extradition from Afghanistan would only be made has stated that it is ready to include Pakistan in its dialogue to countries which had signed a reciprocal extradition treaty with the Taliban. The Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Afghanistan under international conventions. The law (MFA) spokesperson, Janan Musazai, said that the Afghan would ensure that Kabul would deliver an Afghan citizen ac- government hopes that coordinated reconciliation efforts with- cused of committing a crime in a foreign country and, in turn, in the region would result in “practical steps” with tangible Afghanistan would seek the transfer of a foreigner who leaves outcomes for security. One such step is identifying mid-level Afghanistan after committing a crime in Afghanistan.

Humanitarian Affairs Linda Lavender ► [email protected]

he Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS insecurity in these areas. NET) published its food security projections for Sep- T tember 2011 through March 2012 this past week. Field Seasonal flooding in the north-eastern province of Kunar, assessments confirm initial reports that Afghanistan has been which borders Pakistan, has left six dead and several others experiencing below-average harvests this year. Agricultural missing in the region. Pajhwok Afghan News reports that fatal- yields in the coming weeks and months are expected to be ities occurred in Sandari, Nanglam and Wardesh districts of slightly better than the drought-affected 2008 harvest levels, Kunar. In addition to the loss of life, Manogai district chief, which resulted in intense food insecurity. Pasture conditions Haji Noorllah, told Pajwok that the flooding had already de- are deemed to be poor, which has contributed to falling live- stroyed four homes in the area and that four persons were stock prices. Despite Afghanistan’s significant national grain missing. Initial reports indicate that hundreds of acres of crops reserves, above average food insecurity will occur from Sep- were damaged and that a key bridge had collapsed, destroying tember 2011 through March 2012 in the central highlands and five vehicles. in the rain-fed farming regions of northern Afghanistan. The FEWS NET report indicates that the United States Agency for In related news, Bakhtar News Agency reports heavy hail and International Development (USAID) and the World Food Pro- rains caused fatalities and extensive damage in Pachir Agam gramme (WFP) have set aside resources to respond to food and Spin Ghar districts of Nangarhar province in eastern Af-

Page 2 09 August 2011 ghanistan. The Spin Ghar police chief told Bakhtar that the explained that the assistance is a continuation of aid efforts for floods originated in the Maidanak and Sawi Naw areas of the displaced and food insecure families within Wardak. Momand Dara district. In Maidanak village, a 45-year old man died in the floods. The flooding resulted in 100 livestock The United Nations High Commissioner for deaths, hundreds of acres of damaged crops and the destruction (UNHCR), in conjunction with the of 20 homes. The Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) and Department, provided construction materials to 200 refugees the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) respond- and displaced families who owned land but could not afford to ed to the emergency. These organisations distributed aid to build a house. Pajhwok reported that UNHCR provided build- families affected by the flooding. This time last year, heavy ing materials such as beams, gates, windows and cement to flooding affected more than 3,000 families in Nangarhar prov- build homes. Abdul Qadir, a recipient of the materials, indicat- ince, according to the United Nations. ed that “the materials had improved his troubled financial situ- ation, even though he could build only three rooms” and that Regarding other humanitarian efforts, the ARC distributed “he no longer has to rely on others for shelter”. Pajhwok re- food staples to 1,000 needy families and widows in Wardak ported that it was the first time that refugees and displaced province, says Bakhtar. Bader Mangal, head of ARC of Ward- persons in Ghazni had received building materials. Aid has ak, indicated that the assistance will help 500 families in traditionally been given in the form of food rations. Sayedabad district and 500 families in . Mangal

Infrastructure Steven A. Zyck ► [email protected]

shraf Ghani, the head of Afghanistan’s Transition funds in Afghanistan by conducting audits, inspections and Commission, told Tolo News that approximately 70% investigations of major projects, many of which concern infra- A of the buildings in Afghanistan have been built illegal- structure. ly, without necessary government approvals and without ad- herence to building codes. The Ministry of Commerce and Construction will begin on the Aqina-Andkhoi railway next Industries (MoCI), which is responsible for building codes, year after a technical study of the project finishes in the com- says that buildings which do not conform to quality standards ing months, says Tolo News. The railway will cover 90 km, may be torn down. The country’s Construction Companies including 54 km in Turkmenistan and 36 km in Afghanistan. Union (CCU) suggested that the problem not only results from This rail line, once completed, will link with a railway in west- building codes but also the availability of cheap, low-quality ern Afghanistan which leads to the city of Herat. The railway construction materials on Afghan markets. The CCU has asked is anticipated to facilitate the export of Afghan products to the Norms and Standards Department at MoCI to prevent the Central Asia, Europe and elsewhere. Trend, an Azerbaijani importation of sub-standard construction materials into Af- newspaper, reports that Turkmenistan’s parliament approved a ghanistan. framework agreement regarding the Aqina-Andkhoi railway The Associated Press reported that the second leadership on 05 August 2011. change this year is expected within the US government’s Spe- cial Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction Finally, building roads in Afghanistan is not solely about trans- (SIGAR). Earlier this year, Arnold Fields, the head of SIGAR, portation, notes CBS News. Roads help to create dividing lines resigned amid criticism that SIGAR was not active enough in throughout the Afghan countryside which make it more diffi- rooting out waste and fraud in US reconstruction programmes cult for insurgent elements to travel from one part of the coun- in Afghanistan. His replacement, Acting Inspector General try to another. New roads with security checkpoints are also Herbert Richardson, recently announced that he too plans to reportedly a common request from local communities given leave in order to take a job in the private sector. SIGAR is re- that they often result in improved security in surrounding envi- sponsible for promoting the effective use of US government rons.


With the transition in Afghanistan underway, it will be increasingly important to better understand the civilian and military ele- ments of this process. Accordingly, beginning September 2011, the CFC is proud to announce a new supplemental series on “Afghanistan in Transition” which will include at least 20 thematic reports on a range of topics and sectors.

If you have recommendations for report topics to be included in the “Afghanistan in Transition” series, please send them to us at [email protected] as soon as possible. We greatly appreciate our readers’ input.

Page 3 09 August 2011 Security & Force Protection Mark Checchia ► [email protected]

aliban fighters shot down a Chinook helicopter in ers a month ago. These brothers’ bodies were brought to Ghaz- Wardak province in central Afghanistan following a ni City during the protest. Pajhwok also reports that the Tali- T night raid in the area, reports The New York Times. ban have been active in the area. Killed in the crash were 30 American soldiers, seven Afghan soldiers and an Afghan interpreter. Twenty-two of the Ameri- A number of fatal attacks against ISAF forces were also re- cans killed were reportedly Navy SEALS. This attack makes ported this past week. An ISAF soldier was killed in southern 06 August 2011 the deadliest single day for American forces in Afghanistan on Friday, 05 August 2011. The soldier died in an the nearly decade-long conflict. The Taliban claims to have insurgent attack, according to an ISAF statement; no further laid a trap for the helicopter by providing false information to information was released. The Boston Globe reported a NATO an informant about a Taliban meeting in the area, reports soldier was shot dead by a man dressed in an Afghan National Agence France-Presse. As the helicopter negotiated the route Police (ANP) uniform on Thursday, 04 August 2011. He was through a valley to the intended target, Taliban fighters posi- the fourth NATO soldier to be killed within 24 hours in Af- tioned on both sides of the valley engaged the helicopter with ghanistan’s eastern provinces. Two others had been killed in a rocket-propelled grenades and small arms. The International roadside bomb on Wednesday, 03 August 2011, and another Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is investigating the incident. died during an insurgent attack on Thursday.

In a separate incident, a NATO helicopter made a hard land- Payenda Mohammad, chief of the National Directorate of Se- ing, apparently caused by mechanical failure, Monday, 08 Au- curity (NDS) for part of Kunduz City, was killed in a roadside gust 2011 in eastern Paktiya province, says The Washington blast on Thursday, 04 August 2011 in Kunduz, reports United Post. ISAF reported no casualties related to this hard landing. Press International (UPI). Three children were also injured by Another ISAF helicopter made an emergency landing due to a the bomb. The Taliban claimed responsibility. mechanical problem in the Musakhel district of province on Saturday, 06 August 2011, according to Pajhwok. Crew The elders of three tribes, in cooperation with Pakistan securi- members were rescued, and the incident did not result in any ty officials, will establish militias to interdict cross-border casualties. incursions from Afghanistan, reported The Nation, a Pakistani newspaper. The militias, which will include 3,000 to 5,000 At least three separate improvised explosive device (IED) fighters, could affect cross-border operations by Afghan forc- blasts killed 13 members of the Afghan National Police (ANP) es, ISAF and the Taliban in South Waziristan. This develop- on Saturday, 06 August 2011 in of south- ment is significant given the rarity of inter-tribal cooperation ern Afghanistan, according to Khaama Press. Further details and of collaboration between tribal groups and the Pakistani were not available at the time of writing. government. Two civilians were killed and five others were detained in Ghazni province during an anti-NATO demonstration, Pajh- Four security guards died and 10 civilians were injured in an wok reports. Residents stated that the NATO forces killed two attack on a guesthouse in Kunduz, according to Reuters. Three insurgents, one of whom was a local religious leader, during suicide attackers stormed the entrance early in the morning on the demonstration on 08 August 2011. ISAF said in a state- Tuesday, 02 August 2011. The first bomber blew up his explo- ment that one of the insurgents used a child as a human shield sives-packed car at the gate, killing four guards employed by a during the operation, which included Afghan and ISAF securi- German aid organisation. In the ensuing chaos, two other at- ty forces. The demonstrations may have been partly motivated tackers forced their way into the compound and battled securi- by a NATO-led airstrike in the district which killed two broth- ty guards for two hours before being killed.

Socio-Cultural Development Linda Lavender ► [email protected]

atifa Sultani, the women’s rights programme coordina- of 1,000 live births for 2009, the most recent year for which tor at the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights data is available. Afghanistan’s rate of under-5 child morality L Commission (AIHRC), told Tolo News that 1,026 cases is, thus, the second-highest in the world (after Chad and tied of violence against women had been documented by provincial with the Democratic Republic of the Congo). In an effort to and regional AIHRC offices in the past three months. This reduce child mortality, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) translates to a 48% increase from the same period in 2010. celebrated World Breastfeeding Week from 01 August – 07 Sultani noted that “women are increasingly referring to wom- August 2011. The MoPH is seeking to increase breastfeeding en’s rights defence institutions and civil society and justice among new mothers. Research indicates that breastfeeding organisations” when faced with violence. Sultani further stated reduces child mortality significantly. Suraya Dalil, Afghani- that “[a]ny sort of action against humanitarian values and hu- stan’s acting Minister of Health, called upon parents, families, man dignity is a violation of human rights.” elders, religious leaders, teachers and the media to raise aware- ness of the benefits of breastfeeding throughout Afghanistan. The UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG) database The MoPH reports that surveys indicate “every 4 minutes one places Afghanistan’s under-5 child mortality rate at 198.6 out [child] under 12 months and every one hour 22…children Page 4 09 August 2011 [under five years of age] lose their life in Afghanistan.” slogans and paints images addressing weighty issues like cor- ruption, repression and the role of drug money within his Pajhwok Afghan News, reports that residents and officials in country. He told The Los Angeles Times that “I’m trying to are petitioning the Afghan government to al- make people question themselves, to wonder why we have low more people from Zabul to make the pilgrimage, or Hajj, such a situation in Afghanistan.” The Los Angeles Times re- to Mecca this year. The Afghan government sets a quota which ports that graffiti had previously been used as a form of adver- indicates how many people from each province are permitted tising but has now become an art form and a means of political to participate in the Hajj. Pajhwok states that the Afghan gov- expression. The Los Angeles Times noted that the Taliban and ernment allotted 304 slots for Zabul, while 1,800 people ap- NATO forces have also utilised graffiti as a means of commu- plied. Provincial officials told Pajhwok that they wanted nication in Afghanistan. Zabul’s quota increased in order to reflect the population of the province. Each pilgrim undertaking the Hajj must pay AFN 150,000 (USD 3,488) to the government for Hajj-related travel expenses. SUBMIT A REQUEST Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports that US President Barack FOR INFORMATION (RFI) Obama and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton conveyed CimicWeb account holders can submit their best wishes to Muslims around the world for beginning RFIs to the CFC. These may concern the the holy fasting month of Ramadan on 01 August 2011. Presi- sectors addressed in this newsletter or dent Obama stated that Ramadan “is a time of deep reflection other topics relevant to Afghanistan or and sacrifice. As in other faiths, fasting is used to increase our other focus areas. To submit an RFI, spirituality, discipline, and consciousness of God’s mercy”. fill out the request form by clicking here.

The Los Angeles Times reported on graffiti art in Kabul, where Have a colleague who is interested in sub- artists armed with cans of spray paint express themselves and mitting an RFI? Tell them to request a their frustrations with the current state of affairs in Afghani- CimicWeb account by clicking here. stan. The article describes one graffiti artist, “Dy”, who writes

ENGAGE WITH US Civil-Military Fusion Centre (CFC) [email protected]