CIVIL - MILITARY FUSION CENT RE Afghanistan Review Week 01 04 January 2012 Comprehensive Information on Complex Crises This document provides a weekly overview of developments in Afghanistan from 13 December 2011—03 INSIDE THIS ISSUE January 2012, with hyper-links to source material highlighted in blue and underlined in the text. For Economic Development more information on the topics below or other issues pertaining to events in Afghanistan, contact the Governance & Rule of Law members of the Afghanistan Team, or visit our website at Humanitarian Affairs Infrastructure Security & Force Protection Socio-Cultural Development Economic Development Steven A. Zyck ►
[email protected] akistani authorities have interrupted several hundred containers being imported into DISCLAIMER Afghanistan via Pakistan by Afghan traders over the past five weeks, says Pajhwok Afghan News. The containers are intended for the Afghan private sector, though The Civil-Military Fusion Centre P Pakistani officials have refused to let them cross into Afghanistan due to concerns that the (CFC) is an information and materials in the containers may be intended for NATO’s International Security Assistance knowledge management Force (ISAF). As the Associated Press notes, Pakistani authorities closed border crossings to organisation focused on improving civil-military interaction, facilitating NATO supplies following a NATO airstrike which killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in late information sharing and enhancing November. Traders told Pajhwok that the Pakistani restrictions have not only hindered NATO situational awareness through the supplies but have also stemmed the flow of non-NATO materials being imported by Afghan CimicWeb portal and our weekly businesspeople. For instance, approximately USD 100 million worth of perishable food, and monthly publications.