Afghanistan National Railway Plan and Way Forward

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Afghanistan National Railway Plan and Way Forward Afghanistan National Railway Plan and Way Forward MOHAMMAD YAMMA SHAMS Director General & Chief Executive Officer Afghanistan Railway Authority Nov 2015 WHY RAILWAY IN AFGHANISTAN ? → The Potential → The Benefits • Affinity for Rail Transportation Pioneer Development of Modern – Primary solution for landlocked, Afghanistan developing countries/regions – At the heart of the CAREC and Become Part of the International ECO Program Rail Community – 75km of railroad vs 40,000 km of – Become long-term strategic partner road network to various countries – Rich in minerals and natural – Build international rail know-how resources – rail a more suitable (transfer of expertise) long term transportation solutions Raise Afghanistan's Profile as a than trucking. Transit Route • Country Shifting from Warzone – Penetrate neighbouring countries to Developing State Rail Market including China, Iran, Turkey and countries in Eastern – Improved connection to the Europe. community and the region (access – Standard Gauge has been assessed to neighbouring countries) as the preferred system gauge. – Building modern infrastructure – Dual gauge (Standard and Russian) in – Facilitate economic stability of North to connect with CIS countries modern Afghanistan STRATEGIC LOCATION OF AFGHANISTAN Kazakhstan China MISSING LINKS- and ASIAN RAILWAY TRANS-ASIAN RAILWAY NETWORK Buslovskaya St. Petersburg RUSSIAN FEDERATION Yekaterinburg Moscow Kotelnich Omsk Tayshet Petropavlovsk Novosibirsk R. F. Krasnoe Syzemka Tobol Ozinki Chita Irkutsk Lokot Astana Ulan-Ude Uralsk Karimskaya Naushki Kandagach Zabaykalsk Volgograd Sukhbaatar KAZAKHSTAN Ereen tsav Likhaya Manzhouli Makat Choibalsan Khabarovsk Rostov Mointy Aktogai Ulaanbaatar Astrakhan Khuut Numrug Ganushkino Beyneu Kavkaz Olya MONGOLIA Krasnodar Dostyk Alataw Pass Bichigt Novorossiisk Urumqi Sainshand Harbin Veseloe Aktau Tavantolgoi Lugovaya Nariin Sukhait Grodekovo Turpan Zamyn Uud Erenhot Shiveekhuren Suifenhe Ussurijsk Arys Bishkek Changchun Poti GEORGIA Samur UZBEKISTAN Khasan Vostochny Kapikule Gashuun Sukhait Istanbul Batumi Tbilisi Yalama Dashowuz Tumangang Nakhodka Samsun KYRGYZSTAN Rajin Dogukapi AZERBAIJAN Tashkent Vladivostok Eskisehir ARMENIA Turkmenbashy Shenyang Chongjin Yerevan Baku TURKMENISTAN Bukhara Osh Ankara Cetinkaya Dandong DEMOCRATIC Kapikoy Yangi Bazar Kashi TURKEY Dushanbe TAJIKISTAN Beijing Pyongyang PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Tatvan Jolfa Astara Ashgabat Turkmenabad Izmir Malatya Van Razi Yavan Kulyab Tianjin OF KOREA Bandar-e-Anzali Kurgan Dalian Bandar-e- Tube Mersin Toprakkale Amirabad Mashhad Hairaton Lanzhou Seoul Tehran Sarakhs Chinese Line Iskenderun Qazvin Kashmar Jinan REPUBLIC OF Fariman CHINA JAPAN Garmsar Qingdao Daejeon KOREA Torbat Jammu Qom Sangan Baoji Tokyo Khosravi Heidarieh Herat Kabul Islamabad and Indian Line Iksan Arak ISLAMIC Lianyungang Busan Khaneghein AFGHANISTAN Peshawar Kashmir Zhengzhou Badrud REPUBLIC OF IRAN Xian Mokpo Gwangyang Esfahan Chadormalu Ardakan Wagah Ahvaz Bafq Chaman Attari Nanjing Bandar Emam Quetta Khanewal Indian Line Shanghai Khorramshahr Zahedan Koh-i-Taftan Spezand Multan Chinese Line Brahma Mandi Dalbandin PAKISTAN Mirjaveh Lodhran NEPAL New Delhi Kathmandu Rohri BHUTAN Changsha Bandar-e-Abbas Mathura Birgunj Hengyang Raxaul KakarvittaThimphu Khokropar Kanpur Patna Birol Kachang Dali Mahisasan Kunming Gwadar Karachi Hyderabad Mughalsarai Shahbazpur Jiribam Baoshang BANGLADESH Tamu Ruili Sitarampur Darsana Yuxi Dhaka Bhopal Kalay Lashio Guangzhou QuanTrieu Nanning Kolkata Chittagong Lao Cai Shenzhen Nagpur Mandalay Dong Dang Hong Kong, China Afghanistan Wardha MYANMAR Boten Hanoi Halong LAO PEOPLE'S Hai Phong Chiang Rai DEMOCRATIC INDIA Naypyitaw VIET NAM Mumbai REPUBLIC Chiang Mai Vi entiane Nong Khai Yangon Mae Sod Suvannakhet Vijayawada THAILAND Nakhonsawan PHILIPPINES Thanphyuzayat Mukdahan Nakhon Bangkok ratchasima Chennai Namtok Poipet Bangalore Lamchabang Manila Jolarpettai Port CAMBODIA Track Gauges Sattahip Port Phnom Penh 1,676 mm Madurai Rameswaram Sihanouk Ville Ho Chi Minh City Talaimannar 1,520 mm Tuticorin Trincomalee Colombo SRI LANKA Hat Yai 1,435 mm Sri Jayewardenepura Kataragama Padang Besar Sungai Kolok Kotte Matara Tumpat 1,067 mm Banda Aceh Butterworth BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Belawan Ipoh MALAYSIA Male Bandar Seri 1,000 mm Medan Kuala Begawan MALDIVES Port Lumpur Klang MALAYSIA 1,000/1,435 mm Rantauprapat Johor Bahru Borneo Singapore TAR LINK - PLANNED/UNDER CONSTRUCTION Naras SINGAPORE INDONESIA POTENTIAL TAR LINK Muaro Kalimantan Teluk Bayur POTENTIAL TAR LINK TO BE CONSIDERED Kertapati BREAK-OF-GAUGE Lubuklinggau INDONESIA Panjang PAPUA NEW GUINEA FERRY CROSSING Jakarta Merak Surabaya Bandung Banyuangi UNITED NATIONS Di li 2014 TIMOR-LESTE 40° E 60° E 80° E 100° E 120° E 140° E 5 0 0 K m . Buslovskaya 60° N St. Petersburg TRANS - ASIAN RAILWAY NETWORK 500 Km. 60° N Vologda RUSSIAN FEDERATION Kotelnich Ekaterinburg Nizhniy Novgorod Tayshet Kurgan Moscow Krasnoyarsk Utyak Petukhovo Tatarskaya Krasnoe Chelyabinsk Novosibirsk Smolensk Petropavlovsk Omsk Ryazan Kochetovka Kartaly Kokshetav Barnaul Bryansk Rtisthevo Suzemka Tobol Irkutsk Ulan-Ude Chita Saratov Orenburg Ecil Gryazi Ozinki Orsk Karimskaya Uralsk Iletsk Astana Lokot Liski Djetigara Semiglavii Mar Aul Belogorsk Chinghirlau Naushki Semipalatinsk Aktobe Zabaykalsk Nikeltau Karaghandy Sukhbaatar Ereen tsav Kandagach Volgograd Manzhouli Khabarovsk MakatRAILWAY GAUGES…and AFGHANISTAN’s CRITICAL Ulaanbaatar Choibalsan Likhaya Aktogai Numrug Rostov KAZAKHSTAN Mointy UKRAINE Atyrau Khuut Aksarayskaya Baruun Uurt Ganyushkino POSITION Astrakhan Bichigt MONGOLIA Harbin Kavkaz Port Olya Beyneu Dostyk Krimskaya Kzyl-Orda Ushtobe Krasnodar Tyuratam Alashankou Sainshand Oazis Karakalpakia Novorossiisk Grodekovo ROMANIA 5 Urumchi 0 Chu Suifenhe Ussurijsk Changchun Baranovski 0 Aktau Tavantolgoi Erenhot Uglovaya Zamyn-Uud K Veseloe Lugovaya Nariin Sukhait Kungrad Djambul Tumen m Gantiadi . Makhachkala Almaty BULGARIA Sukhumi Nukus Shiveekhuren Namyang Vladivostok Nakhodka Senaki Bishkek Turpan Khasan Poti SamtrediaGEORGIA Uchkuduk Arys Gashuun Sukhait Nakhodka Vostochnaya Chimkent Tumangang Kapikule Dashowuz Urgench Kochkor Rajin Batumi Akhalkalaki Tbilisi Samur UZBEKISTAN Sary-Agach KYRGYZSTAN Shenyang Chongjin Istanbul Samsun Yalama Keles Beyouk Kesik Tashkent Arpa Dogukapi Gazodjak Andizhan Torugart DEMOCRATIC ARMENIA AZERBAIJAN Baku Tinchlik Sirdarinskaya Kanibadam Khavast Kars Yerevan Turkmenbashi TURKMENISTAN Navoi Kokand Osh Beijing Dandong Sinuiju 500 Km. Khudjand PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 40° N Balikesir Kalin Sivas Yeraskh Alyat Bukhara Ulugbek Isfara 40° N Ankara Erzurum Ali Bairamli Samarkand OF KOREA Eskisehir Farap Khodzhadavlet Kashi Wonsan Alayunt Cetinkaya Jolfa Agbent Turkmenabad TAJIKISTAN Dalian Pyongyang Razi Karshi Tashguzar Dushanbe Onjongri Meghri Kudulki Yangi Bazar Tianjin Malatya Astara Pakhtaabad Izmir TURKEY Tatvan Van Kapikoy Tabriz Ashgabat Boysun Yavan Kaesong Sufian Mari Kumkurgan Kulyab Shijiazhuang Bongdong Dorasan Miyaneh Tenzhen Kerkichi Kurgan Tube Chinese Line Bandar-e-Anzali Termez Seoul Adana Rasht Khoshad Suwon REPUBLIC OF Mersin Toprakkale Bandar-e-Amirabad Khairaton Lanzhou Qazvin Sari Mashhad Sarakhs Jinan KOREA JAPAN Iskenderun Daejeon Tehran Sarakhs Qingdao Kyongju Tokyo Shahrood Kashmar Iksan Daegu Fariman Jammu Zhengzhou Busan Garmsar Torbat Heidarieh Indian Line Lianyungang Mokpo Kermanshah Qom and Herat Kabul CHINA Gwangyang Badrud Kashmir Baoji Tabas Attock Islamabad Xi'an Xizhou Khaneghein Khosravi Sangan Peshawar Arak ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN AFGHANISTAN Rawalpindi Chadormalu Kundian Esfahan Ardakan Indian Line Shahdara Attari Chinese Line Nanjing Bafq Ahvaz Faisalabad Lahore Xinyang Wagah Dhandari Kalan Shanghai Chaman Kerman Bandar Emam Quetta Khorramshahr Spezand Khanewal Zahedan Sher Shah Multan Wuhan Lodhran Koh-i-Taftan Dalbandin Samasata Tanakpur Brahma Mandi Mirjaveh New Delhi NEPAL Kathmandu Rohri Mathura Changsha Bandar Abbas PAKISTAN Agra Birgunj BHUTAN Janakpur Kakarvitta Phuentsholing Panitanki Hengyang Raxaul Jaynagar Kanpur Patna Birol Dali Hyderabad Radhikapur Parbatipur Kachang Khokropar Kunming Gwadar Karachi Mirpurkhas Mahisasan Singhabad Rohanpur Shahbazpur ort Qasim Kulaura Baoshan P Mughalsarai Sitarampur Abdulpur Jiribam Ruili Yuxi 5 Tongi 0 Ishurdi 0 Muse Bhopal Darsana Dhaka Akhaura Tamu K Gede Lashio Guangzhou m Kalay . Hekou Nanning Shenzhen Kolkata BANGLADESH Chittagong Lao Cai Kharagpur Jinghong Hong Kong, China Dohazari Quan Trieu Pingxiang Haldia Mandalay Mongla Dong Dang Dong Anh Gundum Boten Nagpur Hanoi Cai Lan Halong Wardha Tachilek MYANMAR Haiphong 500 Km. 20° N Mae SaiLAO PEOPLE'S 20° N Chiangrai DEMOCRATIC CHINA Sary-Agach VIET NAM Chiangmai Keles Mumbai INDIA REPUBLIC Tashkent Vientiane Kholkobad Namangan Denchai Hekou Angren Visakhapatnam Tan Ap Vung Ang Nanning Pap Nongkhai Nakhon Thakhek Andizhan Bago Mu Gia Lao Cai Sirdarinskaya Phanom UZBEKISTAN Yangon Mae Sot Densavanh Dong Ha Karasu THAILAND Kanibadam Myawadi Mukdahan Savannakhet Kokand Osh Vijayawada Khon Kaen Danang Tinchlik Khavast Bekabad Khudjand Margilan Pingxiang Thanpyuzayat Bua Yai PHILIPPINES Quan Trieu Dong Dang Navoi Nakhonsawan Ubonratchathani Nau Three Pagoda Pakse Ye Manila Isfara Pass Banphachi Nakhonratchasima Luu Xa Kaeng Khoi Lim Kep KYRGYZSTAN Namtok Chachoengsao Aranyaprathet Mohan Dong Anh Ulugbek Samarkand Yen Vien Poipet Gialam Nong Pla Duk Bangkok Sisophon Boten Si Racha Hanoi Cai Lan Chennai Laem Chabang Kao Chi Chan Bangalore CAMBODIA Halong Jolarpettai Sattahip Map Ta Put Bat Deng Kratie Nha Trang Haiphong
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