15 January 2016

(16-0340) Page: 1/11

Working Party on the Accession of the Islamic Republic of



This document is the record of the proceedings at the Fifth and Final Meeting of the Working Party on the Accession of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan held on 11 November 2015.



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1. The Chairperson of the Working Party on the Accession of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (H.E. Ambassador Rodrick van Schreven, Netherlands) called to order the Fifth and Final meeting of the Working Party on the Accession of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on 11 November 2015. He said that, as set out in Airgram WTO/AIR/ACC/6 of 28 October 2015, the purpose of the meeting was to consider the draft Accession Package of Afghanistan.

2. In accordance with standard accession practice, the Chairperson proposed that the meeting would take place in formal and informal settings. The Fifth Meeting would start off, formally, during which the representative of the Acceding Government and Members of the Working Party would be invited to make statements for the record. After these statements, the formal session would be suspended and the meeting would continue informally. In the informal setting, the Working Party would review and consider the Draft Accession Package of Afghanistan. Following the consideration of the Draft Accession Package in the informal setting, the Fifth Meeting of the Working Party would resume in formal session thereafter.

3. It was so agreed.


4. The representative of Afghanistan (H.E. Mr. Homayoon Rasaw, Minister of Commerce and Industries), in his opening statement, conveyed the sincere appreciation of the Government of Afghanistan to the Working Party Chairperson, the WTO Director-General and the Secretariat team for their support during Afghanistan's accession process.

5. He considered the final Working Party meeting a major milestone in the process of Afghanistan’s integration into the multilateral trading system. It was a historic day for the people of Afghanistan, who had chosen to embrace democratic values. The aim was to maximize the benefits of WTO membership to bring prosperity and reduce poverty. WTO Membership was a key element of Afghanistan's overall strategic objectives to increase economic stability, improve regional security and cooperation, and achieve everlasting peace.

6. He pointed out that Afghanistan's aim was to become a trade and transit hub facilitating transit trade in the region for all. WTO membership for all countries in the region would create a level playing field for regional players, reduce trading costs and delays, and benefit all economic agents and consumers in both Central and South Asia.

7. In conclusion, Minister Rasaw announced that H.E. Dr Abdullah Abdullah, Chief Executive of Afghanistan, would join the Signing Ceremony at the Tenth WTO Ministerial Conference in Nairobi (MC10).

8. Twenty two (22) Members of the Working Party intervened to welcome and congratulate the Delegation of Afghanistan. Members expressed their appreciation to the Chairperson of the Working Party on the Accession of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for his leadership in facilitating the accession process of Afghanistan. Members congratulated the WTO Secretariat, in particular the Accessions Division, for its contribution, support and tireless efforts leading to the finalisation of the draft Accession Package of Afghanistan.

9. The representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stated that the accession of Afghanistan had been a pending priority on the Accessions' list. Saudi Arabia was pleased to adopt the Accession Package of Afghanistan just before MC10 in Nairobi as another achievement at the 20th Anniversary of the WTO. Afghanistan had a promising economy in a geographically strategic location in South Asia and its integration to the multilateral trading system would be beneficial to Afghanistan and to other WTO members.


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10. The representative of the United States pointed out that accession negotiations were never easy but even more challenging for LDCs. Afghanistan had worked exceptionally hard in very difficult times to adopt new laws, to establish new institutions and to conclude these negotiations. Through the accession process, Afghanistan had incorporated broad economic reforms in its development goals within the framework of adopting WTO provisions. The Goods and Services Schedules were comprehensive and demonstrated clearly Afghanistan's goal of establishing a stable, predictable and commercially liberal economic environment for its businesses.

11. The representative of the European Union was pleased to join the consensus for adoption ad referendum of the Accession Package of Afghanistan. The European Union invited Afghanistan to take full advantage of the benefits of the rules-based system which, over the last few decades, had worked to ensure a level playing-field for all Members. Considering the importance of the post-accession phase, the European Union would keep delivering technical assistance to support Afghanistan in implementing its commitments.

12. The representative of India wished the government of Afghanistan success in its future journey towards its integration into the multilateral trading system and towards maximizing the trade and investment opportunities for the benefit of its people. Despite considerable domestic challenges, Afghanistan had taken a bold step towards integration in the global economy and had re-instated itself in a fair, equitable and rule-based multilateral trading system. India and Afghanistan had a strong relationship based on the foundations of historical contact and exchanges between the two nations. India would look forward to working closely with Afghanistan in the WTO and extending any assistance and support in its full accession.

13. The representative of mentioned that, despite the challenges, Afghanistan's economy was one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Pakistan and Afghanistan had a unique geographical position and were a gateway to Central Asia. Afghanistan was Pakistan's third largest trading partner. Pakistan would support the Draft Afghanistan Accession Package, ad referendum.

14. The representative of Bangladesh (on behalf of the LDCs' Group), stated that WTO accession was a very complex, arduous and difficult process. It was even more so for LDCs. That was the reason the LDCs were given special consideration by the membership of the WTO in the accession process. The accession of Afghanistan would contribute to the universality of the Organization. The LDCs' Group was pleased that Afghanistan soon would be a full Member of the Group and was eagerly waiting for Afghanistan's participation in the Group's activities. The LDC Group called upon the WTO membership to fully operationalise the 2012 Addendum of 2001 General Council Decision on the LDCs Accession Guidelines.

15. The representative of Japan said that his Government had taken a leading role in supporting Afghanistan's sustainable growth and development. Since the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan in 2012, Japan had implemented about US$2.5 billion assistance program in various areas including infrastructure and capacity-building. Japan was ready to provide further assistance to Afghanistan in the transformation period and in the Post-Accession phase.

16. The representative of Kenya welcomed the participation of the Chief Executive of Afghanistan, H.E Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, to the 10th Ministerial Conference in Nairobi, Kenya on 17 December for the signing of Afghanistan’s Protocol of Accession. He informed that the Permanent mission of Kenya to the UNOG in Geneva was ready and willing to assist the Delegation of Afghanistan, as necessary, to facilitate the travel to Nairobi.

17. The representative of the Republic of Korea stated that, since the application of Afghanistan for WTO membership over ten years ago, Korea had actively supported the accession of Afghanistan to the Organization. WTO accession would be a significant boost for Afghanistan's economic growth and development, it would open new opportunities for trade expansion and would help Afghanistan consolidate its competitiveness-enhancing reforms. Korea would look forward that Afghanistan's accession would serve as a catalyst for further strengthening the bilateral relations between Korea and Afghanistan in the years to come.

18. The representative of Brazil underscored that his Government had always been a close supporter of the process. Brazil was pleased to recognize that, with the leadership of President


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Ashraf Ghani, and of the Chief Negotiator on the accession of Afghanistan, Deputy Minister Mozammil Shinwari, Afghanistan had been able to overcome all obstacles and to complete this long and challenging road.

19. The representative of China highlighted the 60th Anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Afghanistan. It was also the year of China-Afghanistan Friendly Cooperation. In recent years, the bilateral cooperation between two countries was rapidly developing and expanding with Afghanistan's post-war reconstruction efforts. China was convinced that, with commitment and efforts of the Government and the people of Afghanistan and, the support from the international community, Afghanistan would tackle all the difficulties, challenges to realize peace, stability and prosperity in the future.

20. The representative of Malaysia noted that the trade flows between Malaysia and Afghanistan were steadily trending upwards in recent years. Malaysia’s total trade with Afghanistan in 2014 had been RM 257 million, an increase of more than 91% from the previous year. Malaysia believed that these encouraging trade flows would continue to increase with Afghanistan’s membership of the WTO. As Chair of ASEAN, Malaysia expressed ASEAN continued commitment to work with Afghanistan in future.

21. The representative of Singapore commended the rapid pace of Afghanistan’s accession process in recent weeks. The swift finalisation of Afghanistan’s accession package was testament to its keen interest and desire to be part of, and to play a part in the advancement of the rules-based multilateral trading system.

22. The representative of Oman noted that by acceding to the WTO, Afghanistan would enter into the main stream of world trade and would be integrated into the world economy. It would secure benefits from a liberal and rules-based multilateral trading system. The WTO would also benefit from Afghanistan’s accession as it moved yet another important step towards becoming a universal organization. Oman was particularly glad about Afghanistan’s accession, as both countries shared fraternal relations, belonged to the same region, and had historical interactions.

23. The representative of Chinese Taipei stated that Afghanistan's accession would not only help its economy to become more integrated into the multilateral trading system, but would also enrich the Organization in terms of adding to its universality. The decision on Afghanistan's accession at MC10 in Nairobi would be another success of the WTO in assisting LDCs in their effort to join the Organisation. It would not only serve Afghanistan’s interest but would also bring positive effect to the Multilateral Trading System.

24. The representative of Yemen underscored the point that, despite the unfavourable circumstances and challenges, the Government and people of Afghanistan had shown great determination to overcome all impediments in the process of concluding its WTO accession after unavoidable delays. As a fellow LDC with deep cultural ties with Afghanistan, Yemen had always supported this accession throughout the long and complex process. Considering the importance of the post-accession phase, Yemen pointed out that support for Afghanistan post-accession was vital for its post-accession commitment implementation phase.

25. The representative of the Russian Federation recognized that Afghanistan had always remained committed to full membership in the Organization since its application in 2004. The Russian Federation was interested in further deepening cooperation in its economy and in other areas with Afghanistan. In 2014, the trade turnover between Russia and Afghanistan had reached US$ 964 million, with 49% increase in comparison to 2013. The conclusion of Afghanistan's accession process marked another proof of the credibility of the Organization which was a common achievement and victory.

26. The representative of Turkey stated that Afghanistan had a strong history and a rich culture in the region; but was also passing through a difficult time and experiencing economic hardship. Accession to the WTO would contribute to the political stability of Afghanistan and alleviate economic problems that the people of Afghanistan faced.


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27. The representative of Tajikistan welcomed the Afghan Delegation and congratulated the negotiating team, the Chairman of the Working Party, and the Secretariat on this great achievement.

28. The representative of Norway noted that the finalization of Afghanistan's accession process was a sign of the Unity Government’s strong commitment to reform on the road to self-reliance. The WTO would be an important arena for further framing and regulating Afghanistan’s participation in international trade and the global economy. Membership in the WTO would link Afghanistan better to partners abroad, and would stimulate regional co-existence and cooperation. Afghanistan was a focus country for Norwegian development cooperation. Norway was a long-term partner, and would stand by its commitments to provide assistance for Afghanistan.


29. The Working Party considered the draft Accession Package of Afghanistan in informal session. The Working Party took note of the erratum in paragraph 145 of the Draft Report of the Working Party, in which the deadline for the elimination of the 2% fixed tax should read as "prior to 1 January 2021"; and, not as "…prior to 1 January 2012", as it currently read. It was agreed that the date would be corrected in the final Working Party Report to be re-issued in the WT/ACC- / MIN(15)/- document series after the meeting.


30. The Chairperson proposed that, in accordance with longstanding accession practice, the Working Party consider the Draft Accession Package of Afghanistan for adoption, ad referendum, in its specific components, in the sequence, as follows: (i) the Draft Report of the Working Party on the accession of Afghanistan (WT/ACC/SPEC/AFG/8); (ii) the Draft Schedule of Concessions and Commitments on Goods (Schedule CLXX) (WT/ACC/SPEC/AFG/9); (iii) the Draft Schedule of Specific Commitments on Trade in Services (WT/ACC/SPEC/AFG/10); (iv) the Draft Decision of the Ministerial Conference on the Accession of Afghanistan; and, (v) the Draft Protocol on the Accession of Afghanistan.

31. It was so agreed.

32. The Chairperson proposed that the Working Party adopts, ad referendum, the Draft Report of the Working Party (WT/ACC/SPEC/AFG/8).

33. The Working Party so agreed.

34. The Chairperson proposed that the Working Party adopts, ad referendum, the Draft Schedule of Concessions and Commitments on Goods (WT/ACC/SPEC/AFG/9).

35. The Working Party so agreed.

36. The Chairperson proposed that the Working Party adopts, ad referendum, the Draft Schedule of Specific Commitments on Trade in Services (WT/ACC/SPEC/AFG/10).

37. The Working Party so agreed.

38. The Chairperson proposed that the Working Party adopts, ad referendum, the Draft Decision on the Accession of Afghanistan (Appendix of document WT/ACC/SPEC/AFG/8, on page 130 of the English version).

39. The Working Party so agreed.

40. The Chairperson proposed that the Working Party adopts, ad referendum, the Draft Protocol on the Accession of Afghanistan (Appendix of document WT/ACC/SPEC/AFG/9, on pages 131, 132 of the English version).

41. The Working Party so agreed.


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42. The Chairperson noted that further to his consultations with the Government of Afghanistan, the timeframe envisaged by Afghanistan within which it would ratify its Protocol of Accession was 30 June 2016.


43. The Chairperson concluded that the Working Party had adopted, ad referendum, and by consensus, the entire Draft Accession Package of Afghanistan. The Working Party had successfully completed its mandate.

44. Regarding the next steps, on behalf of the Working Party, the Chairperson would request the Director-General to place Afghanistan's Accession Package on the agenda of the Tenth WTO Ministerial Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, in December. The Chairman of the General Council would be duly informed. In accordance with usual practice, the Secretariat would circulate Afghanistan's Accession Package adopted ad referendum in the WT/ACC- / MIN(15)-series for transmission to the Ministerial Conference. The Chairperson invited Members to begin to reflect on the Director-General's initiative that was currently a subject of coordination for "WTO Post-Accession Support" for Afghanistan.

45. The Chairperson conveyed to Afghanistan the congratulations of the Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, Ambassador De Mateo (Mexico), Chairman of the General Council, and the entire Membership. Accession to the WTO was a long and arduous process, which required difficult policy decisions. WTO accession negotiations were only concluded when there was strong and decisive leadership based on a plan for domestic reforms for accelerated and sustained growth and development. H.E. President Mohammad of Afghanistan had exercised such leadership and was leading his Government down the road of prosperity and enhanced welfare for the people of Afghanistan. The Government of Afghanistan had demonstrated strong leadership in deciding on domestic reforms and had done admirable work in responding promptly and constructively to Members' requests and putting into place WTO-consistent legislation.

46. He thanked Members for their engagement, goodwill, and the spirit of compromise, which had brought this accession process to a successful completion. This was a tribute to both the Multilateral Trading System and the Government of Afghanistan. Afghanistan's WTO accession was a strong, positive and clear signal for its commitment to engaging with the global economy in the framework of the rules-based trading system. For the WTO, Afghanistan's accession meant a warm welcome to another Least-Developed country in the multilateral trading system. This, in turn, would have systemic benefits such as improved compliance with market access commitments in goods and services and for WTO rules.

47. He applauded the work of the Secretariat, in particular, the Accessions Division. He paid tribute to the President, Government and Parliament of Afghanistan. He concluded by underscoring that Afghanistan was a rich country in culture, history and, most of all, in the quality of its people who deserved a bright future and deserved to give hope to the young papulation.

48. The Chief Negotiator on the accession of Afghanistan, H.E. Mozammil Shinwari, Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industries, in concluding remarks, on behalf of the Delegation of Afghanistan, extended his appreciation to the WTO Director-General, the Working Party Chairperson, Director of Accession Division, the Secretariat, and Members of the Working Party.

49. Deputy Minister Shinwari mentioned that technical assistance had allowed the Government of Afghanistan to develop a thorough understanding of WTO requirements and agreements for implementing required reforms. By undertaking this process, Afghanistan had gained tremendous experience and looked forward for continued support in building technical capacity and establishing proper institutional mechanisms for handling post-accession matters. Afghanistan looked forward to participating as a constructive Member in the work of the WTO, particularly by taking part in the various technical committees and councils as well as multilateral trade negotiations. Afghanistan planned to play an active role in the LDCs Consultative Group and intended to expand the Permanent mission of Afghanistan to the UNOG in Geneva with qualified staff who would be engaged in the WTO system on a daily basis.


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50. Deputy Minister Shinwari announced Afghanistan's intention to start, in the very near future, preparations for negotiating the WTO Government Procurement Agreement and to rapidly ratify the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement upon accession. Afghanistan intended to ratify the WTO Accession Package within the next six months and would live up to its WTO commitments and obligations. The main priority of H.E President Ashraf Ghani was to develop Afghanistan's manufacturing sector, as it would create new jobs, increase economic welfare and enable greater economic stability and regional security. Deputy Minister Shinwari concluded by welcoming investments from WTO Members in Afghanistan.

51. The representative of Jordan welcomed the high-level delegation of Afghanistan headed by H.E. Minister Homayoon Rasaw. He commended Afghanistan for the hard work they had put into the negotiation process. Jordan supported the Accession Package of Afghanistan and would look forward to welcoming Afghanistan as a full-fledged Member of the WTO.

52. The representative of Nepal recognized that, for an LDC like Afghanistan, it had not been easy to conclude accession negotiations. However, due to its high political administrative commitment, wisdom, sincerity, and good negotiating skills, Afghanistan had overcome the challenges and successfully concluded its accession negotiations. As an LDC from the same South Asian origin, Nepal considered it as an important achievement for LDCs. Afghanistan's accession to the WTO would not only strengthen the presence of LDCs through increased numbers, but would also give LDCs greater energy in advancing their common issues and concerns more effectively.

53. The Working Party took note of the statements made and agreed that the mandate of the Working Party on the Accession of Afghanistan had been concluded.



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Your Excellency Mr. Chairperson,

Dear Working Party Members and observers, and friends of Afghanistan,

His Excellency President Ashraf Ghani has granted me and my delegation the mandate to be here today for completing this key step toward Afghanistan’s final accession to the WTO. Our President views WTO membership as a catalyst for implementation of reforms that will achieve the development priorities of Afghanistan, strengthen market institutions and mechanisms, and promote welfare and economic growth. He asked me to present his compliments to Director General Roberto Azevêdo and Members of working party.

Today marks a major milestone in the process of Afghanistan’s integration into the multilateral trading system. It is a historic day for the people of Afghanistan, who have chosen to embrace democratic values. Our aim is to maximize the benefits of WTO membership to bring prosperity and reduce poverty. WTO Membership is a key element of our overall strategic objectives to increase economic stability, improve regional security and cooperation, and achieve everlasting peace.

Afghanistan’s arriving at this stage could not have occurred without the exceptional leadership of WTO Director General Azevêdo to accelerate the conclusion of pending accessions, including that of Afghanistan, and to strengthen the rules of WTO for greater transparency and trade facilitation.

Equally important is the dedication and tremendous support of the esteemed Chairperson of our Working Party His Excellency Mr. Roderick van Schreven to whom we are most grateful.

In addition, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the WTO Accessions Division, particularly Director Chiedu Osakwe, for facilitating our accession and for the tremendous effort that went into finalizing our accession package.

The visit to last weekend of His Excellency Ambassador van Schreven and Mr. Osakwe generated greater confidence in the WTO system and bolstered our resolve to become a Member of this key international organization.

We are also enormously thankful for the support and understanding of all working party members regarding our development needs as a post-conflict, landlocked, and least developed economy. We have managed together to overcome many challenges during negotiations and to agree on a win-win accession package that is commercially meaningful for WTO Members and, at the same time, enables us to achieve our goals of creating new economic opportunities to alleviate poverty in our country. You all have taken precious time from your other responsibilities and families during the recent years, and we are truly appreciative of your support to Afghanistan.

We have with us today Members of our parliament and key representatives of the private sector to confirm the political will and private sector support to our accession.

It is a great honor for me to introduce members of our Parliament who are present with us today: • Ms. Anarkali Honaryar, Chairperson of Economic Committee of the Senate (Upper house) • Mr. Mir Rahman Rahmani, Chairman of the Economic Committee of the Parliament • Mr. Amir Khan Yaar, Chairman of the Budget, Finance & Banking Committee of the Parliament • Mr. Mohammad Umer Nangialai, Chairman of Foreign Relation Committee of the Parliament • Ms. Hameeda Yousafi, Member of Foreign Relations Committee of Parliament • Mr. Ramazan Jumazada, Member of Economic Committee of Parliament


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We also have with us prominent representatives from our private sector representing the trading community, industrialists, and entrepreneurs.

I am very pleased to have in my delegation distinguished representatives from the Presidential Administration, and various ministries and government agencies who were part of our negotiations team which was led by Deputy Minister Mozammil Shinwari. I would like to express my special appreciation for their diligent work to conclude negotiations and advance policy, legal, and institutional reforms for conformity with WTO agreements and principles.

Last but not least, it is a great honor to have with us Afghanistan’s permanent representative to the UN in Geneva Ms. Suraya Dalil and our previous Ambassdaor Mr. Nanguyalai Tarzi.

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Since the last working party meeting, we have concluded our bilateral market access negotiations on goods and services. Our bilateral protocol with the United States was signed in January 2014. Bilateral protocols with Chinese Taipei, the European Commission, Korea, and Turkey were signed in early February 2014. The technical verification of the Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services and the Schedule of Concessions and Commitments on Goods were completed on 27 February 2014. Our ITA Schedule was approved by the ITA Committee on 19 March 2014.

In spite of a prolonged election period and delays in the formation of a new government, we have made significant progress in advancing legislative reforms necessary for WTO conformity. Nine pieces of legislation have been adopted and eight drafts are presently at final stages of approval by the Council of Ministers.

We have made significant strides in bringing our foreign trade regime in line with WTO agreements and principles. The outstanding legislative items are on track for adoption prior to the date of accession. The process of developing implementing regulations and procedures is well underway for all key WTO related laws.

I would like to assure you that Afghanistan is committed to play by the rules of the multilateral trading system. We view adherence to WTO agreements as critical for strengthening the rule of law, increasing transparency, and building the foundation for sound economic development in Afghanistan.

WTO membership is essential to strengthen our trade and investment framework for developing our private sector and attracting foreign direct investment. This is key for enlarging our tax base to reduce our dependence on donors for budgetary support.

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As I mentioned earlier, WTO membership is critical for regional cooperation. While being a landlocked country, Afghanistan has the advantage of being a land link between South Asia and Central Asia and beyond. Due to our strategic geographic location, we are one of the two countries in the region active in the three main regional arrangements: The South Asian Association for Regional Economic Cooperation, the Economic Cooperation Organization, and the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation.

Our aim is to become a trade and transit hub facilitating transit trade in the region for all. We believe WTO membership for all countries in the region will create a level playing field for regional players and will reduce trading costs and delays which will benefit all economic agents and consumers in both Central and South Asia. We encourage other remaining countries in the region to accelerate their accession to the WTO.

I would like to stress again that Afghanistan is a democracy with separation of power between three branches of Government; the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. Strengthening our democracy is one of the principle reasons for seeking WTO membership. Afghanistan has embraced and is committed to uphold WTO values and principles including the rule of law, good governance, transparency, and non-discrimination. We need your support to advance and cement these values in our society and business environment.


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We count on your approval today of our accession package as a first step toward this objective.

I would like to point out that our Chief Executive Officer His Excellency Abdullah Abdullah will be joining us in Nairobi, Kenya on December 17 for the signing of Afghanistan’s Protocol of Accession. We are looking forward for this important day in the modern history of Afghanistan.

Thank you for your support and attention.



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Dear Working Party Members and observers,

This is a great moment for all of us. After several years of hard work and perseverance, we managed to accomplish this monumental task together.

I echo Minister Rasaw’s words of appreciation to His Excellency WTO Director General Azevêdo, His Excellency Ambassador van Schreven, Director Osakwe, Accessions Division, and working party Members. We are very grateful to all of you.

Technical assistance allowed us to develop thorough understanding of WTO requirements and agreements for implementing required reforms. It was also necessary to have clear understanding of the accession process and related procedures, formalities, and documentation for undertaking accession negotiations. By undertaking this process, we gained tremendously useful experience, thanks in large part to members of the working party.

I thank the numerous countries and international organizations for capacity building at various stages of our accession process including the WTO, UN-ESCAP, International Trade Centre, China, the European Union, India, the Netherlands, and United Kingdom. Moreover, we are very grateful for the extensive technical assistance and support and capacity building provided throughout the process by the United States Agency for International Development. We look forward for your continuing support in building technical capacity and establishing proper institutional mechanisms for handling post-accession matters.

We realize that we will have more work ahead of us as a Member. We look forward to participating as a constructive Member in the work of the WTO, particularly by taking part in the various technical committees and councils as well as multilateral trade negotiations. In addition, we plan to play an active role in the LDC and LLDC groups. We intend to expand our mission in Geneva with qualified staff who will be engaged in the WTO system on a daily basis.

I am very happy to announce that we intend to start in the very near future preparation for negotiating the WTO Government Procurement Agreement. We also intend to rapidly ratify the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement once we become a WTO Member. We have been taking into account in our ongoing customs reforms work the main principles and provisions stipulated in this agreement. We encourage our regional partners, both WTO and non-WTO members, to implement this agreement in the nearest future, as it will directly benefit all countries in our region.

Last, we intend to ratify our WTO Accession Package within the next six months. I reassure you that Afghanistan will live up to its WTO commitments and obligations and that it will be a positive and constructive player in the WTO.

We in Afghanistan sincerely look forward to increasing our economic cooperation and strengthening our partnership with you within the framework of WTO. There are tremendous investment opportunities in Afghanistan, particularly in the value-added industry in the food processing and the mining sectors. The main priority of His Excellency President Ashraf Ghani is to develop our manufacturing sector, as this will create new jobs, increase economic welfare and enable greater economic stability and regional security. We warmly welcome your investors in our country.

Thank you for your support and attention.
