Р.М.Байзолдаева, Г.Қ.Манапова Г.С.Нұрбекова

Applied foreign language Қолданбалы шетел тілі Прикладной иностранный язык

Жоғарғы білім беретін оқу орындарына арналған оқулық

«Қыздар университеті» баспасы Алматы, 2016


ӘОЖ 81/33 (075.8) КБЖ 81/1я 73 Б 17

Баспаға Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университетінің Редакциялық баспа кеңесі мақұлдап ұсынған

Пікір жазғандар: педагогика ғыл.кандидаты, доцент − Е.Қ.Нұрланбекова. филология.ғыл.кандидаты, доцент − Г.К.Бекқожанова.

Байзолдаева Р.М., Манапова Г.Қ., Нұрбекова Г.С. Б 17 «Қолданбалы шетел тілі» Жоғарғы оқу орнының тілдік емес топтарының студенттеріне арналған оқулық. /Р.М.Байзолдаева, Г.Қ.Манапова, Г.С.Нұрбекова. Алматы, «Қыздар университеті» баспасы. 2016.- 210 б.

ISBN 978-601-224-773-2

Оқулық практикалық шетел тілінде сөйлеу сабағына арналған. Ол сөйлеу дағдысын қалыптастыру мақсатында әртүрлі жаттығулар мен диалогтарды қамтиды. Негізгі мәтіннен басқа қосымша оқу мәтіндері берілген.

ӘОЖ 81/33 (075.8) КБЖ 81/1я 73

ISBN 978-601-224-773-2

© Р.М.Байзолдаева, т.б.,2016 ©«Қыздар университеті» баспасы.,2016


Алғы сөз Соңғы онжылдықта ықпалдастықтың қарқынды дамуы, кәсіби және академиялық тәжірибе алмасулардың өсуі, халық- аралық ынтымақтастықтың тереңдей түсуі шетел тілінде білім берудің ерекше дамуына дем беруде. Осындай жағдайда шетел тілі заманауи тарихи кезеңдегі жаңа мемлекет дамуының басты ресурстарының біріне айналып отырған қоғамның интелектуал- ды әлеуетін қалыптастырудың пәрменді құралы мәртебесіне ие болып отыр. Ұсынылып отырған оқулық Қазақстан Республикасының ұлттық ерекшеліктеріне сай жасалынды. Бұл оқулық жоғары оқу орнының тілдік емес топтарының студенттеріне арналған. Бе- рілген оқулық 15 сабақтан тұрады. Оқулықта В1 және В2 дең- гейлерінде төмендегідей қарым-қатынастың әлеуметтік-тұрмыс- тық және мәдени саласы бойынша тақырыптар көрініс табады: 1. «Қазіргі қоғамдағы отбасы. Қазақстандағы және тілін оқып жатқан елдегі некеге отырудың ұлттық дәстүрлері мен әдет- ғұрыптары». 2. «Заманауи тұрғын үй», 3. «Баланың дүниеге келуін мерекелеудің отбасылық дәс- түрлері мен ҚР және тілін оқып жатқан елдердің діни мерекелері», 4. «Саяхат», 5. «Білім. Мамандық» , 6. «Денсаулық және салауатты өмір салты», 7. «Табиғат және адам», 8. «Мәдениет және өнер», 9. «Бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары», 10. «Интернеттің рөлі». Тұрмыста жиі қолданылатын сөйлеу формалары мен ком- муникация түрлері: диалог-сұрастыру, ой бөлісу, сипаттама, ха- барламалармен қоса дәстүрлі лексика-грамматикалық жаттығу- лар да қамтылған. Мәтіндер танымдық сипатта монолог және диалог түрінде таныстырылады да, ағылшын тілін оқуға қызы- ғушылықты арттырады. Ұсынылып отырған оқулық сөйлеу мә- нерінің деңгейін жоғарлатуы тиіс. Оқулық 45 сағат аудито- риялық сабаққа және студенттердің өздік жұмыстарына есепте- ліп жасалған. 3

UNIT 1 Family life

1. Read and translate. Text A Wedding ceremony in Great Britain

There are a lot of different customs and traditions in Great Britain. Most of them are very beautiful and old. But we’ll study the oldest and the most beautiful one - the wedding ceremony. In our opinion wedding ceremony is one of the most important events in the life of people. Also, this theme is of great interest for us, because we want to know as much as possible about the English speaking countries. In Britain the custom of becoming engaged is still generally retained. As a rule, an engagement is announced as soon as a girl has accepted a proposal of marriage. When a girl accepts a proposal, the man generally gives her a ring in taken of the betrothal. It is worn on the third finger of the left hand before marriage. The period of engagement is usually short, three or four months, but this is entirely of choice and circumstances. Then they decide about the wedding date. In a wedding ceremony the bride is given to the groom by the father of the bride before the priest but if the bride’s father is dead or cannot be present at the ceremony, his place is taken by her mother or a close relative, or even a great family friend The people inside the church will then be asked by the priest if anyone would object the wedding. In case there is, the objections are permitted to be spoken. Both the groom and the bride are allotted as well an opportunity to re-consider. Then they vow to be devoted, love, honor and protect one another till the end of their lifetime. The rite goes on with the man placing the wedding ring on the woman's wedding finger, the third finger on her left hand. The ring will be accepted by the bride and the priest affirms them to be husband and wife. The wedding in the eyes of god will


then be proclaimed by the priest. Following the announcement, the man is given permission to kiss the bride. The couple is permitted to be married in a registry office in case they wish to do so. The rite is then brief and straightforward. The couple faces a registrar in charge and they sign the register after. No less than two witnesses should be in attendance.

Topical Words Wedding ceremony, bride, wedding ring, the period of engagement, a groom, a registry office, permission, matchmaking, bless, negotiate.

2. Guess the words according to definitions: A man and a woman make a legal agreement to live together - The woman who is getting married - The man who is getting married – One who stands with the bride during the wedding. He gives her away – The children who walk behind the bride. They’re the ones that help her with her long dress –

3. Wedding Superstitions 1. Bride and groom must not meet on the day of the wedding except at the altar. 2. The bride should never wear her complete wedding clothes before the day. 3. For good luck the bride should wear “something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new”. 4. The husband should carry his new wife over the threshold of their home. 5. Do you know any wedding superstitions in your country? Discuss them with your partner. 6. How is the budget of a young family distributed?


4. Complete the text with these words and phrases. (briefly, takes place, decorated,wedding,mother-in-law,register, negotiation, ceremony, relatives)

Text B

The religious part of the Kazakh wedding ceremony is called Neke Qiyu (Kazakh: Неке Қию). The …. process may take many weeks and even months to complete. This is because a Kazakh marriage, like marriages in most Muslim societies, involves a contract between families which requires …... The Neke Qiyu is a small portion of the whole, and usually takes about a half an hour to complete. The Neke Qiyu usually ….. on the evening of the day the bride is revealed to her groom's family. This festive …… is called betashar (Kazakh: Беташар) or "revealing of the face." After she shows respect to her groom's family, the veil is lifted and the bride receives a kiss from her ……. The mother-in-law then puts a white scarf on her head to symbolize her marital status and then welcomes her into the groom's family. After several hours a feasting, a mullah arrives. A mullah is a teacher of Islam who knows how to recite the Quran. He performs the Neke Qiyu. Even though the betashar is performed outside in the garden in the presence of many …… and friends, the Neke Qiyu is performed inside with close relatives only. The mullah and the couple sit facing one another. He …… recites some verses from the Quran and asks the couple to confess the faith of Islam. When this ceremony is done, the couple must go and …… their marriage at the state registry office. The brief ceremony at the registration office is called a AHAZH (Kazakh: Азаматтық Халық Актілерін Жазу (АХАЖ), Russian: ЗАГС). The AHAZH also features a procession of cars ….. in ribbons, which stops to take pictures along the way.


5. Answer the questions: 1. How old do you have to be to get married in - 18 or over? 2. What do you think of societies where girls get married when they are 8 or 9? 3.Do most people get married in a civil or a religious ceremony? 4. What is the average age of brides? 5. What is the average age of grooms? 6. How common is divorce in Kazakhstan? 7. Do you think people should keep their national wedding ceremonies? Why? 8. What should be done to keep a family? 9 What sort of gifts do the newlyweds receive? 10. Do a lot of divorces happen between partners who still love each other but nonetheless have irreconcilable differences? 11. Should people continue their marriage for the sake of their children? What is your advice for them to save this potential relationship?

6. Discuss with your partner using conditionals 1, 2, 3. 1. Imagine your close people don't support your hobby. Say how you would establish mutual understanding. 2. At marriage the newly married often discuss a problem: whether it is necessary to observe national traditions and wedding ceremonies. 3. What are the main conditions of a stable marriage?

7. Complete the sentences below with the best answer: 1. Michael ______everyone he meets because he is very sociable and easygoing. He has five brothers and two sisters, so that probably helped him learn how to deal with people. A. gets divorced B. gets along well with C. gets married 2. My ______and I are planning on getting married in June. I'm a teacher, and I don't have classes during the summer, so that is the best time for us to tie the knot.


A. wife B. husband C. fiancé 3. When I ask my girlfriend to marry me, I had to talk with my future ______to get his permission. A. father-in-law B. widow C. nephew

Text C

Family Gives Us The Support Whenever We Need: Whatever we do we have a family to rely on. If it is good they take part in it. We do something bad; family punishes us for doing it. But in the end it supports us from any other person outside the family pointing at us for that bad done by us. These two values which family gives to an individual are very important in his life. This also teaches the individual how to project himself to the next younger generation. Because he thinks that he also has to give that name which was protected by his ancestors to his heirs. He thinks that he has to support to his younger when they needed him (It is stressed on the word support because some people do not support their kids or spouse or parents. They are so stone hearted that they do not even care for what situation their family members are going through). The essence of emotional support gives the importance of family values in our life. Another value which family gives us is customs and traditions. This form important part and reflect importance of family values in our life. These customs and traditions are put in the family so that everybody in the family leads a disciplined and organized life. Without these two a person’s life is like that of a ship sailing in the river without any defined speed.

8. Make up your own questions on the text.

Text D

A family is an essential part of our society and I think everyone wants to have a happy family. Firstly, I believe that a happy family should have things sharing together like dreams and hopes, not only possessions. I think it’s great. Secondly a happy 8

family is a place where respect dwells, a place where all members can enjoy the dignity of their own personalities. But in my opinion, love and trust are more important for a happy family than any other values, because without love happiness is impossible. If you love each other, then all obstacles will be overcome, and all gentle words will be found, and this cruel world will turn to you with a kind smile. I think that having a good family is very important in our life because it is like a friendly port for us when the waves of life become too wild. We need a family for comfort and protection. For example, when I have some problems, my family always take my word against anybody else’s. And I’m sure I can always rely on their help. Besides, I think that it’s lovely to have the family round you and to know they are interested in you. You will never feel lonely. There are four of us in my family: my parents, my brother and me. My father is a managing director. He is very clever and I respect him very much. Unfortunately, he is always very busy and has little time to spend with his family. My mother is a very friendly and likeable person but sometimes she can be quite critical of people. My brother is a student. We don’t have any secrets from each other and we get on very well. We are both fond of sports and often spend our free time playing sports games. My grandparents are retired and live in their country house. They are fond of gardening and I often visit them and help my Granny about the garden so I’ve got nice relationship with my grandparents. I believe that children should be given as much responsibility about the house as possible. I don’t think that parents should do everything for them especially if they can do certain things by themselves. It’s very good for a child to learn to be able to take care of himself and his possessions from the very early age. Besides, I’m sure that everybody in the family should do their fair share, including children. They can do such household chores as cleaning, taking out rubbish, watering the flowers and everyday shopping. My brother and I try to help mу mother to do the chores. I do most of the washing up, tidy my room and make my bed. I often go shopping. My brother is responsible for cleaning and repairing things and he sometimes cooks. In a loving family every person ought to do the chores. That is the way I see it. 9

9. Answer the questions: 1. Do you live in a nuclear or in a extended family? 2. Would you like to live with your grandparents? Why? 3. Who is the top dog in your family? Why? 4. Who runs the house in your family? 5. Do your parents teach you anything? 6. Do your relatives help you to solve your problems?

10. Discuss: • what family values are most important for a happy family, why • whether it is important to have a good family, why • your family members and your relationship what household duties children should have, why?

11. Follow-Up: Talk about your family, including what they do for a living, if they are married or not, and how well you get along with each member. Then, discuss what things contribute to a happy family (e.g., having things in common, sharing the same ideals and feelings, etc.). Search for advice and keys on raising a happy family. Finally, are these keys to success different from culture to culture?


UNIT 2 Customs and traditions

1. Read, translate and retell the texts.

Text A Traditions of Kazakh People

Kazakhs have always revered and highly valued their national customs and traditions. The main tradition of , which eventually transformed into a feature of national character is hospitality. In the Kazakh society, there is an unofficial law voiced in ancient times, which says “Meet a guest as the God’s messenger”. Hospitality is considered a sacred duty in the Kazakh society. At all times, the steppe inhabitants did their best to please their guest. Therefore, each traveller knew that he or she would be welcomed anywhere in the Kazakh land.

Shildekhana A celebration of new life in the Kazakh tradition was called the Shildekhana, and this gathering also included the participation of many young people. All participants wore their best clothes and rode their horses to the event if they had one. Others rode their bulls, and sang songs on the way to the celebration. Elders came to give "Bata", or blessing. Invited participants ate, had fun and sang songs to the tune of the dombra, a traditional two-stringed instrument. Young people playing this instrument were expected to compose and improvise songs during the singing. During the Shildekhana, the godmother sliced the boiled fat from a sheep’s tail and put it in the baby`s mouth. After his way it was believed that the baby would learn how to suck. And the baby who was trained in such a manner was believed would never have stomach trouble.

Besik Toi The arrival of new birth, whether it be of a foal, calf, or baby also involved another celebration called Besik Toi. For babies, the tradition of Besikke Salu was practiced and involved placing the 11

baby in the cradle for the first time. Special foods are prepared, and all the relatives, neighbors, and nearby children are invited. Guests to the feast brought "Shashu," or candies, kurts, and coins. The baby`s cradle is made by a special master carver. Only women who have conceived their own children are allowed to place babies in their cradles, and any woman who would place a friend`s baby in this place of honor must sew and present a new dress to the baby`s mother.

Tusau kesu After the baby`s cradle and crawling stage the scene is set for another celebration: when baby begins to walk for the first time. Wealthier parents would butcher a cow for this celebration; less wealthy parents, a sheep. For the ceremony, black and white thread was prepared in advance to tie the baby`s legs. The mother would ask one of the more energetic woman first to bind the baby; and then to cut the string. In this way the baby`s first step would be toward his mother. Everybody would then wish the family great success for the baby`s future. Here the reader might ask a question: Why use black and white thread instead of red or green? White is symbolized in this case to mean hopes for success without any obstacles. Black and white is associated with the concept of honesty, even to the level of taking a thread which does not belong to you. Cutting of such a thread meant if you see a person stealing something or an unpleasant situation, the watcher should immediately try to intervene.

Sundet toi If the baby was three or five years old it was the age for the circumcision. Again relatives and friends of the family gathered, ate, and had fun. All the above mentioned traditions, except Sundet, were celebrated in honor of both son and daughter. From this point on we`ll talk about boys and girls upbringing separately, because a son`s upbringings was accomplished by the father, and a daughter`s by the mother.


Learn the topical words: Hospitality, cradle, to bind, black and white thread, upbringing, stomach trouble, ritual, peculiarity, custom, to mark, to celebrate, to hold, to observe, to keep up, to play an important part, to paint, to greet, to offer, to differ from, pancakes, religious, to award a prize to smb. , obstacle.

2. Answer the following questions. 1. Do Kazakh holidays differ much from American ones? 2. What holidays are the most popular in Great Britain? 3. What is your favorite holiday? 4. How do you think, are the Kazakh traditions useful nowadays?

Text B Kuda tusu, biz shanshar

When a son is considered a grown up, his parents seek a bride for him. They choose a potential match for their daughter whose family is of the same financial position as theirs. Let’s assume, one family has a son and they have friends with an eligible daughter. They know each other very well, and untill the end of their lives would like to stay friends. For that purpose they say "we`ll marry our children." The tradition of Kuda Tusu has its own peculiarities. You know that Kazakhs are very generous people, and their houses are always open to guests. In earlier times a person on a long journey could drop by any kazakh aul, and the host would greet and feed him. After having a rest, the visitor would thank the host and ride on his way. When came to visit, they would also stay for the night. These matchmakers, typically old man, would attach an awl (biz shanshar) sometime during his visit, and he would take their host`s whetstone.

Bet Ashar, otka mai salu Betashar, or removing the bride`s veil, was an important ritual. A specially invited poet was in attendance; someone familiar with the bride`s father-in law, and all the groom`s relatives. At the 13

Betashar toi, he would be required to mention details of their character, position, and peculiarities, as each participant was mentioned in the poet`s song, the bride was required to bend and greet by making salem. There were slightly different versions of Betashar, but its main purpose was to allow everyone to see the bride. In one version, the poet would take his dombra and sing.

Text C Wedding Ceremony in KZ

In Kazakh tradition, the wedding lasts 40 days beginning with matchmaking. Either the fiancé sends matchmakers to his bride`s parents, or he abducts his fiancée.In the first case the matchmakers, who are the fiancé`s relatives, bring rich gifts to the bride`s parents and ask their consent to the marriage. This negotiation is called the kudatusu. If the bride’s parents agree, then they fix the date for the wedding day. Sometimes it is the bride who has the right to choose to accept the offer. Instead of a direct refusal, the girl would give the man some difficult task. A legend tells about such a case. Abylai Khan fell in love with a beautiful girl from a poor family. But she already has her intended- an ordinary warrior. As do not hurt the Khan`s feelings and bring his anger on her family, the girl asked the Khan to shoot an arrow beyond the mountain near a lake. The girl went to a rock in the middle of the lake to watch the competition. However the Khan tried to shoot the arrow high in the sky, it would not rise beyond the mountain. Since then, the mountain is called Okzhetpes which means “Not achievable with an arrow” in Kokshetau. The girl decided that if Khan fulfilled her task, she would jump from the rocky island onto the stones. That is why the lake is called Zhumbaktas which means “a riddle – stone”.

3. Retell the text The beautiful custom of Betashar — the ceremony of uncovering bride`s face. A bride, her face covered with a vale, is introduced to her bridegroom`s relatives. The toast-master of the festival, usually an akyn, introduces all the guests to the bride 14

(often with a song ).The girl has to bow to her future relatives, and they, in their turn, put money on a tray before her feet as the toast-master`s reward for his work (and may not). Any of the bride`s relatives may express his wishes to the bride.

Hobbles cutting When a baby begins to walk, he undergoes another ancient rite – the hobbles cutting. A hobble of rope round a child`s legs is tied. It looks like a figure of eight. The child has to make a few steps and then the hobbles are cut with a knife by the most respected guest, one whose life is a worthy example. By cutting the hobbles he blesses the baby to go through his own life more successfully.

4. True or false statements. 1. In Kazakh tradition, wedding ceremony lasts 40 days beginning with matchmaking. 2. The bride hasn’t bow to her future relatives. 3. The hobbles aren’t cut with the knife by respected guest. 4. One of the horse — riders with the goats carcass in his hand races far ahead. 5. All the participating young men try to catch a young girl — rider. 6. The shapan is woman’s outer robe made of velvet. 7. The camisole is an overcoat both for men and women put over the shirt or dress. 8. Kebis is the kind of head wear for men and women. 9. The takhia is a man’s everyday cap which covers the top and the back of the head. 10. Tymak is made of birds’ fur.

5. Complete the sentences The Wedding lasts ______. This negotiation is called ______. The mountain is called ______which means “Not achievable with an arrow”. The lake is called ______which means “a riddle — stone”. The ceremony of uncovering bride’s face is ______15

The akyn introduces to the bride ______The hobbles cutting is ______rite. The hobbles are cut ______.

6. Each holiday has its own symbols. What are they? (Christmas, Boxing Day, Valentine’s Day, Easter Sunday, Halloween).

7. Finish the following. A. I like Mothers ‘ Day, because …… B. Many English speaking countries have similar…. C. Every nation and every country has its own….

8. Use prepositions or adverbs if necessary. A. The 4 th …. July is the biggest national holiday …. the USA. B. Burns Night in Scotland is dedicated….. the memory of the great Scottish poet Robert Burns. C. …. Boxing Day children and other members of families give presents. D. ……tradition it is the day on which jokes are played. E. Every year we celebrate the 9 th of May- the day of Great Victory…. Fascism ….which 20 million our best sons and daughters have given their lives.

9. Read and role-play the conversation. -Have you ever attended Eisteddfod? -No, I haven’t. What is it? -It’s the most exciting Welsh traditional festival devoted to music and poetry. -When is it held? -Annually, early in August. -Is it an old custom to hold this festival? -Oh, yes. This tradition dates back to early history and there are records of competitions for Welsh poets and musicians in the 12th century.


-When did you attend it last? -This year when my uncle invited me to stay at his house in Caernarvon. We got up early in the morning and went to a large grassy field just outside the town. -Were there many people there? -Oh, yes! The streets were full of people and in the field there was a large crowd round a circle of big stones with an “altar stone” in the middle. -What is this altar stone used for? -The Chief Druid stepped on the altar stone and made a long speech in Welsh. I didn’t understand a word of it but the audience loved it. -Were there any songs or poems performed? -Yes, there were. A great number of songs and poems. And at the end of the festival there was a very interesting ceremony of awarding the bard of the year. -You mean the winner of the competition? -Yes, he was awarded the prize. It was the Crown, specially made for the occasion: -I think I should go there next year. I like ancient traditions, besides I’ve never been to Wales.

10. Make up a similar dialogue.

Text D British Traditions and Customs

British nation is considered to be the most conservative in Europe. It is not a secret that every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Great Britain people attach greater importance to traditions and customs than in other European countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. The best examples are their queen, money system, their weights and measures. There are many customs and some of them are very old. There is, for example, the Marble Championship, where the British Champion is crowned; he wins a silver cup known among folk 17

dancers as Morris Dancing. Morris Dancing is an event where people, worn in beautiful clothes with ribbons and bells, dance with handkerchiefs or big sticks in their hands, while traditional music- sounds. Another example is the Boat Race, which takes place on the river Thames, often on Easter Sunday. A boat with a team from Oxford University and one with a team from Cambridge University hold a race. British people think that the Grand National horse race is the most exciting horse race in the world. It takes place near Liverpool every year. Sometimes it happens the same day as the Boat Race takes place, sometimes a week later. Amateur riders as well as professional jockeys can participate. It is a very famous event. There are many celebrations in May, especially in the countryside. Halloween is a day on which many children dress up in unusual costumes. In fact, this holiday has a Celtic origin. The day was originally called All Halloween's Eve, because it happens on October 31, the eve of all Saint's Day. The name was later shortened to Halloween. The Celts celebrated the coming of New Year on that day. Another tradition is the holiday called Bonfire Night. On November 5,1605, a man called Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament where the king James 1st was to open Parliament on that day. But Guy Fawkes was unable to realize his plan and was caught and later, hanged. The British still remember that Guy Fawkes' Night. It is another name for this holiday. This day one can see children with figures, made of sacks and straw and dressed in old clothes. On November 5th, children put their figures on the bonfire, burn them, and light their fireworks. In the end of the year, there is the most famous New Year celebration. In London, many people go to Trafalgar Square on New Year's Eve. There is singing and dancing at 12 o'clock on December 31st. A popular Scottish event is the Edinburgh Festival of music and drama, which takes place every year. A truly Welsh event is the 18

Eisteddfod, a national festival of traditional poetry and music, with a competition for the best new poem in Welsh. If we look at English weights and measures, we can be convinced that the British are very conservative people. They do not use the internationally accepted measurements. They have conserved their old measures. There are nine essential measures. For general use, the smallest weight is one ounce, then 16 ounce is equal to a pound. Fourteen pounds is one stone. The English always give people's weight in pounds and stones. Liquids they measure in pints, quarts and gallons. There are two pints in a quart and four quarts or eight pints are in one gallon. For length, they have inches» foot, yards and miles. If we have always been used to the metric system therefore the English monetary system could be found rather difficult for us. They have a pound sterling, which is divided into twenty shillings, half- crown is cost two shillings and sixpence, shilling is worth twelve pennies and one penny could be changed by two halfpennies.

11. Comprehension check: 1. What nation is considered to be the most conservative in Europe? 2. What are the best examples of their conservatism? 3. What are the most popular English traditions? 4. What is the original name of Halloween? 5. What is a popular Scottish event? 6. What is the Eisteddfod? 7. What peculiarities of the English monetary system do you know?

Some interesting beliefs over the world: Tooth Throwing. In Greece, a child’s tooth is thrown onto the roof for good luck.


Hold your Stomach, the Thunder is Coming. Japanese children cover their tummy button when they hear thunder. Walking on Money. Gold and silver coins are placed inside a brides wedding shoes in Sweden.

No Best Man. At a Caribbean wedding ceremony, the groom never has a best - man.

In Denmark broken dishes are collected and saved year- round, to be thrown at the houses of friends and family on New Year's Eve. The bigger the pile of porcelain, the more good fortune the recipients will have in the New Year.


UNIT 3 Housing problem

1. Read and translate.

Text A

We can hardly say that today there is a problem of choosing a type of housing. Everyone can find something he or she likes. For instance, some people prefer to live somewhere in the country in a small, but cosy cottage or a large farmhouse. To my mind those people, who prefer this type of dwelling really adore nature. One of the advantages living in such a house is that you have your own land where you can grow fruit and vegetables. But the greatest disadvantage of living in a farmhouse or in a cottage, in my opinion, is that it takes much time to get to the nearest town, but if you have a car it isn’t a problem for you. That’s why I think over the possibility to live in a cottage when I retire. There are also those who like semi-detached houses. I believe that such houses attract people because they are less expensive than mansions or bungalows for example and you have only one neighbour as opposed to block of flats. Below I’ve mentioned such a type of housing as a block of flats. I consider that it’s the cheapest type of dwelling in a town. Flats can be of different sizes: one-room, two-room, three-room, so one can choose a flat he/she likes. If you are going to live alone, you can prefer a studio to a large apartment. Besides, among advantages of living in a block of flats some people name the fact that it takes less time to tidy up a flat than a house. But as any type of housing a flat has its disadvantages: your neighbours can make a lot of noise. And the last type of dwelling I want to mention is a detached house. It has a lot of advantages: first of all your neighbours can never disturb you. But at the same time if you want to ask your neighbours for something or just to have a talk you can visit them.


Topical Words: Farmhouse, dwelling, block of flats, apartment, semi-detached, neighbours, disadvantages, street, lane, square, court, design, to achieve, to exchange, to move, to occupy, to overlook, to rent, cheap, modern, air-conditioning, conveniences, to buy. 2. Match the words with their definitions: A castle. A block of flats. A semi-detached house. A palace. A terraced house.

A large building or a group of buildings with thick walls and towers. The official home of a ruler. A continuous row of similar houses joined together in one block. A large building divided into rooms. A house joined to another house by one shared wall.

Text B

There are many types of housing and all the people have the right to choose. Detached house. Everyone in Britain dreams of living in a detached house. It is not joined to another house. It is built of brick and stale. It has a lot of little corners. In front of the house there’s a garden with a lawn. It has two floors and an attic. There is a kitchen, a dining-room and a living room on the ground floor. Almost in every house there is a fire-place in the living-room. There are bedrooms and several bathrooms on the first floor. There is always a room for guests. There is usually a study on the attic. The garage is hidden away at the side of the house. Semi-detached house. A semi-detached house is joined to another house on one side. It is for two families. The two parts of the house look like twins. This is the most common house style in the UK. Terraced house. It is one of several houses that are joined together. In most towns all over England there are streets of houses joined together in long rows. Terraced houses are often called row 22

houses or townhouses. A terraced house is usually two to three storey structure. Terraced houses do not have neighboring units above or below them. Lots of these houses have small gardens at the back. Block of flats. It is a large building that is divided into apartments (flats). All the flats in this building share a front door. Some people buy a flat and it belongs to them. Other people rent a flat. They pay the rent every month to the person who owns the flat. Only cities and very big towns have block of flats. Nowadays only 40% of the British live in block of flats.

3. Answer the questions: 1.Which kind of houses would you like to live in and why? I would prefer to live in … because… 2.Which types of housing are there in your country? In my town there are … I live in …

4. Read the statements and circle T if it is True or F if it is False:

Detached house is joined to another house. There is always a room for guests. A terraced house usually has 10 or more floors. A semi-detached house is a separate house. Block of flats is divided into apartments.

5. Tell about people you know and the types of housing they live in. Discuss: Who lives in dormitories? Who lives in nursing homes? Who lives in shelters? Why?


6.Read and role-play the conversation.

Dialogue A: Excuse me, could you possibly let me have your list of flats for sale? B: Yes. What kind of flat? A: Four rooms. Not the ground floor, big kitchen. Furnished. B: Oh, we don’t sell furnished flats. A: But that’s what I need. B: Well, we could probably find a flat with the odd table, chairs and bed. Maybe you need a fridge, a micro-wave, an electric cooker, a dishwasher too. A: Of course. And don’t forget a balcony and a garage. B: And where would you like this flat? A: In the center. 24

B: Just a second (searching in his files). Got it! $ 200,000. A: 200,000? You’re joking. B: Yes, I know it’s expensive. But it is worth buying. A: You must be kidding! I was offered the very same flat for $ 10,000. B: Are you sure it was the same? A: Sure. B: Well, maybe it was just the room and no kitchen, about 100 km from the center of town. You want to by ours, then? A: No, I don’t. Good bye. 7. Complete the text with these words and phrases (kitchen appliances, house designs, from wood, traditional home, elegance, modern apartment)

Text C

There would always be updates when it comes to designs and eventually, …. too. We’d always have our own preferences as to what type of house we’d want to be built. Some would prefer the contemporary way or classic perhaps. There are also those who would already prefer Modern House Designs applied to their dream houses. This type of design allows you to live in the modern era where minimalism is a hit, comfort is a plus and glass means …... Modern Houses say goodbye to the typical colorful way of houses may it be the interior or the exterior part. Since a house is the very first extreme investment, there are standards to meet although it would still consider the modern taste of the owner. There are certain distinctions in Modern House Designs that you’ll notice in this collection. From the lightings used to the landscapes and even the peculiar shapes of the house exterior. The architecture of today has really evolved where there are already too many options to choose from to make that house look modern may it be made …..or other architectural materials. I recognize the fact that a modern apartment is going to be in much better shape. Being new probably means all the plumbing works, the roof isn't going to leak, the windows are properly sealed, and the …..are in working order. 25

Space is always important to me, too. I need a lot of room for my home office, my clothes, and to display all the knickknacks I've picked up in my travels. I also like to have interesting space. I don't want all the rooms and windows the same size or a boxy design. A …..usually comes in one size and shape. A traditional house is going to have a variety of spaces where I can put a little table or a window seat. And it will have lots of room, from basement to attic. These are all good reasons for me to prefer living in a traditional house. Some people love modern design, but it's not for me. The space and beauty of a ……are more important to me than having everything new and perfect.

8. Answer the questions: 1. What type of house would you like to live in? 2. What does Modern House Design mean? 3. Are modern apartments much better in shape? 4. Why is space so important for you? 5. What is the difference between cottage and flat? 6. Do you live in a dormitory or rent a flat? 7. Describe your dream house.

9. Exercise: Underline the words that describe interior and exterior and special features of the house so that to use them in your future description: Steep tiled roof, simple, tall chimney, lots of rooms, E-shape, expensive furniture, bay windows, plain, brick walls, large hall, terraced brick house, spacious, wooden, four-poster beds, attic, large detached house, comfortable, manor, front porch, stained glass, frames, fireplace.

10. Read and role-play the conversation. Apartment Manager: Well, hi Mr. Brown. How's your apartment working out for you? Tenant: Well Mr. Nelson. That's what I would like to talk to you about. Apartment Manager: What? Tenant: Well, I want to talk to you about that noise! 26

Apartment Manager: Oh! Tenant: You see. Would you mind talking to the tenant in 4B and ask him to keep his music down, especially after 10:00 o'clock at night? Apartment Manager: Ohhh. Who me? Tenant: Why yes. The music is blaring almost every night, and it should be your job as manager to take care of these things. Apartment Manager: Hey, I just collect the rent. Besides, the man living there is the owner's son, and he's a walking refrigerator. Well, I'll see what I can do. Anything else? Tenant: Well, yes. Could you talk to the owners of the property next door about the pungent odor drifting this way. Apartment Manager: Well, the area is zoned for agricultural and livestock use, so there's nothing much I can do about that. Tenant: Hey, you never told me about these problems before I signed the rental agreement.

11. Act out the following situation: 1. A house agent is on the phone and is giving you some information about a flat. Take notes and then tell another student about the flat. 2. Your friend has got a new flat. At the moment you are speaking about his flat.


UNIT 4 Going Places

1. Read and translate. Text A Travelling

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. That’s why there are many means of travel. People can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. Everyone chooses his favorite one. Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, it’s very interesting and exciting as well, but it is the most expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means. Travelling by sea is very popular. Large ships and small river boats can visit foreign countries and different places of interest within their own country. There are other ways of travelling. If you are an adventurer you can travel by hitch-hiking, bicycle or on horseback. I think any kind of travel helps you to understand the traditions, the way of life of many people on our planet. It also widens our outlook. As for me, I prefer travelling by car. I think it’s very convenient. You needn’t reserve tour tickets. You needn’t carry heavy suitcases. You can stop wherever you wish, and spend at any place as much time as you like. Every year my friend and I go the sea for holidays. The Alakol Sea is one of the most wonderful places which attracts holiday-makers. There are many rest-homes, sanatoriums and tourist camps there. But it is also possible to rent a room or a furnished


house for a couple of weeks there. Sometimes, we can place ourselves in a tent on the sea shore enjoying fresh air and the sun all day long. As a rule, I make new friends there. In the day-time we play volley-ball, tennis, swim in the warm water of the sea and sunbathe. In the evening I like to sit on the beach watching the sea and enjoying the sunset. I’m fond of mountaineering. So I do a lot of climbing together with my friends. Time passes quickly and soon we have to make our way back. We return home sunburnt and full of impressions.

2. Questions: 1. Why is modern life impossible without travelling? 2. What is the fastest and the most convenient way of travelling? 3. Why is travelling by sea very popular? 4. Why is travelling by car very convenient? 5. What other ways of travelling do you know? 6. Where do you go every year? 7. Where do you make new friends?

3. Role play the dialogue — Can I help you? — I want to fly to London next week. I'd like to make reservations for a round trip ticket. — What day are you planning to leave for London? — On the 12th of March. — There are three flights to London on that day — at 10 a.m., at 8.30 and 9 p.m. Do you have any preference about the time of the day? — I’d rather leave at 9 p.m. I want to get to London early in the morning. — I can make a reservation for a TWA flight. Are you going to travel first-class or economy? — І prefer economy. How much will it be ? — 440 dollars. — Are meals and refreshments served on the flight? — Yes, they are. — What's the flying time? 29

— Six hours. Will you pay by credit card? — Yes, by Master Card. Number 183465. Valid until January 15, 2020. When can I get my tickets? — You'll have them two days before your departure.

4. Learn by heart the topical words and make sentences with them: Customs officer, to give smb. a lift, to fasten one’s seat belt, marine research, expedition, quick, guide-book, to make a trip, railway station, passenger, to book tickets in advance, to change for, Travel Agency, to take pictures, to ask the way to somewhere.

5. Answer the following questions. a) Do you like travelling ? b) What country do you want to visit? c) Have you ever been to Astana? d) What places of interest are there in Kazakhstan ? e) What means of transportation do you prefer travelling by?

Text B Airports in the USA

6. Complete the text with these words and phrases: (baggage, beverages, traffic, plane, neighboring, through, flights, is called, international) Airports are not always named after the city they are in. New York City has two…. airports: John F. Kennedy and LaGuardia. Chicago's international airport… O'Hare, and there's another for flights within the U.S. called Midway. The same with Washington, D.C. There's Dulles International, and National for … within the U.S. The airport in Boston is Logan. In Seattle you'll find Seatac, from Seattle and the name of a … city, Tacoma. There are four time zones in the U.S.: 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time 11:00 a.m. Central Time 12:00 noon Eastern Time 30

If you have to fly … several time zones in 12 hours or less, you may feel an upset of your body clock after the long flight. This is jet lag. Doctors say the best thing you can do is rest on the … and perhaps have a drink of water and rest at your hotel when you arrive. Larger аіrрогts with lots of international … have employees who speak languages besides English to help you, but smaller ones don't! You can bring a total of one quart of alcoholic … and one carton of cigarettes (200 cigarettes) into the U.S. duty free. If you bring more, you have to pay tax. If you lose something on the plane or can't find your … at the claim area, you should report it to your airline. If you lose something in the airport, you should go to the lost and found office.

Text C London’s Heathrow Airport

London’s Heathrow Airport is the busiest international airport in the world and British Airways is one of the largest airlines. During the 1990s the airline flew to destinations in seventy-two countries and annually carried more than 18 mln passengers. It was privatized in 1986. Heathrow Airport's four terminals can handle up to 38 mln passengers a year and London has four other airports, including Gatwick, all of which handle international flights. The number of people travelling by air both for business and pleasure is growing and traffic at regional airports in Britain increased by 25 per cent during the 1990s.

7. Speech exercises 1. When did you last travel by railway? 2. Why do people usually avoid changing trains and try to get accommodation on through train if possible? 3. Do you prefer a lower or an upper berth? Give your reasons. 4. If a traveller has too much hand luggage, what does he usually do before taking his train? 5. What services does a cloak-room of a railway station offer the passengers? 31

6. Are there smoking and non-smoking carriages on our trains?

8. Comment on the following: “The man who goes out alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till other is ready” (Thoreau) “He travels the fastest who travels alone” (Kipling)

Problem solving. Suppose your friend suggests going somewhere by train. You are against it. What would you say to that? Make up a dialogue.

Situation 1. Your friend is going to the USA by plane for the first time. Give him some useful information about how to get ready for the trip and some good advice before he leaves.

Situation 2. Suppose you are lost in an unknown place while driving a car. Ask somebody for directions (Make up a dialogue)

Discuss the questions. What are the tourist destinations in our country? Are they being ruined by too many visitors? Think of a place that is very popular in the world, but which you have no desire to visit. Why don’t you want to go there?

How to Get There. Your friend says how he gets from Washington to New York. Fill the gaps with words from the box:

cost, reach, get, take, leave, catch, arrive

I usually fly. If I... home at 6.30, I can... the 7.30a.m. flight, which... to La Guardia Airport at about 8.30. I’m in the centre of New York by 9.15 so the whole journey … less than 3 hours. It's expensive — it ... about $300 return – but it’s very quick. And there's a plane every hour.


9. Write your associations.

To meet new friends


To… Why do people travel?




10. Describe a city or a town you enjoy visiting? You should say: - Where did you stay at? - What was the weather like? - Would you to visit the place again?

11. Use the right words: (to cross, summer holidays, to travel, by plane, lights, get, traffic, car, left, around, right, in advance, coast, to the left, to the right, wrong) 1.Where are you going to spend your…? 2.I don’t like to go …. . I prefer… by train…. . 3. Let’s go boating along the…. . 4. It is a very busy street, there is always a lot of …. . 5.It is safe …. the road only where the …. are. 6. When crossing the street, first look…., then…. . 33

7.How do you…. to your office?- I drive may own… . 8. Where’s the nearest metro station? – It’s…. the corner. 9. In Britain on the road the right side is the…. side and the …. side is the …. side. 10.It’s always good to book tickets…. .

12. Complete the dialogue using the given word phrases (customs and traditions, to travel the same distance, to learn a foreign language, really cheap tickets, beneficial for local economies, travel with cash) A. - Do people travel more nowadays than they used to in the past ? B. - I think so. Travelling has become much cheaper and faster than it used to be, say, 20 years ago. Nowadays you can get ……from one of those budget airlines and in a few hours be in a different country or even on a different continent. In the past, it might have taken days or even months…….. The tourism industry is huge and there is hardly any place left on the planet which you can`t get to. Even in this city, which is not a typical tourist destination, you can see lots of tourists, especially in summer. A. - What can one learn from travelling to other countries ? B. - Well, lots of things, really. Different cultures, ……..for example. Many people travel abroad…….., which can be much more exciting than learning from books. Those who enjoy visiting museums and galleries can learn a lot about the history and art of the country they are visiting. I personally like to visit parks and green places, and especially places like botanical gardens and zoos, learn a bit about plant and animal life. A. - What positive or negative effects does tourism have on a local economy ? B. - I think generally tourism is very ………as it creates many jobs for local people. Tourists ………which they are ready to spend wherever they travel. There are some negative effects, though. For example, travelling thousands of miles in an airplane to get to a place where you want to spend only a few days is not exactly good for the environment. Also large numbers of visitors can have a huge impact on the local environment, especially in places like nation parks. It`s


true that sustainable tourism is growing, but it is doing so at such a fast pace that it will stop becoming sustainable. A. -Thank you. 13. Make up a dialogue on the theme "At the tourist agency". 14. Cross out one odd term in each line: 1) airport, pretty, information office, low season 2) terminal, service, conscious, jet plane 3) resort, raft, trip, target

15. Make a list of five places in the world you’d like to go to. Say why.

Read the text and complete with your own ideas.

Camping holidays Camping holidays are very popular with young people. They are the cheapest and easiest way to see a country. But we should remember an important thing - we must take with us only the thing we can carry in a rucksack. We should know that when the weather is rainy the rucksack may get heavier. We should start to pack earlier at least a day or two before our holiday, because sometimes many things are taken and when we get to the place we see that the most important ones are forgotten— a match or a tin opener. Answer the questions. 1. Why are camping holidays popular with people young? 2. Why should we pack earlier?

Travelling light

Read the text and make up questions to it: Once when I was flying to Canada, I met two people from France, Ann and Tom. They were going on holiday for a month and I was very surprised because they only had a small bag each. “We each have 1 change of clothes,” Ann said. The two sets of clothes and when one is dirty wash it and wear the other.


“You never have to wait for bags”, Tom said -“We carry them on to the plane as hand - luggage and carry them off”. What else did they take? “Oh, the usually things”, - Ann told us.- Pyjamas, toothbrushes, a radio and an electric razor. When we landed they said “Good - bye” and walked through customs straight out of the door. I waited for half an hour for my luggage and when it arrived one of my bags was lost. And I understood why that couple liked to travel light.


Landing formalities and customs regulations are about the same in all countries. 1. While still on board the plane the passenger is given an arrival card to fill in, he fills in (in block letters) his name in full, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and length of visit, and address in the country he is visiting. 2. After the passenger has disembarked, officials will examine his passport and visa (to see if they are in order). 3. In some countries they will check the passenger's certificate of vaccination. 4. When these formalities have been completed the passenger goes to the Customs for an examination of his luggage. 5. The passenger is required to fill in a customs declaration form. He must list all dutiable articles. (Personal belongings may be brought in duty-free.) Here is a partial list of prohibited articles: firearms, drugs, in some countries — meat products, fresh fruit and vegetables. 6. The Customs inspector may ask you to open your bags for inspection. After you are through with all customs formalities he will put a stamp on each piece of luggage.


UNIT 5 Shopping

1. Read and translate.

Text A

When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men’s and women’s clothing stores and a grocery. Some people like to do shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient. A department store is composed of many departments: ready- made clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, records, etc. The things for sale are on the counters so that can be easily seen. In women’s clothing department you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats and many other things. In the men’s clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc. In the knitwear department you can buy sweaters, cardigans, woolen jackets. In the perfumery they sell face cream and powder, lipstick, lotions and shampoos. In household utensils department we can buy pots and pans, cutlery, crockery, electric appliances, refrigerators, vacuum-cleaners, camera, radio, TV-sets and many other things one may want in the house. In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, flour, cereals and tea. At the butcher’s there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the bakery you can buy brown and white bread, rolls and biscuits. Another shop we frequently go is the green-grocery which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, beetroots, green peas and etc. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed. If you visit a dairy you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products. 37

Shopping takes much time in everybody’s life. People prefer supermarkets where they can buy thousands of items of consumer goods. Such supermarkets make things easier for housewives. But there is one more good service called On-line Market. It really helps you to save your time and get goods of high quality. You have just to look through catalogues of any Internet shop, choose the things you want to buy, order them and wait until they get them to your home.

Topical Words: Shop assistant, department store, to get personal service, customer, to sell, to pay, price, at a reasonable price, tin, bottle, the baker’s, the dairy, the butcher’s, the grocer’s, counter, ready-made clothes, to try smth on, to fit, tight, loose, gloves, to wear, size, cash, to suit smb.

2.Questions: 1. What kind of shops are there in every town or city? 2. Where do people like doing shopping? 3. What is a department store composed of? 4. Where can you see things for sale? 5. What can you buy in women’s and men’s clothing departments? 6. What is sold in household utensils department? 7. What other departments do you often go to? 8. Do you like shopping?

3. Role play the dialogue M. Hello, Zere! How are you? Z. Hi! Medina! Fine, thanks. Where are you off to? M. I've got to do some shopping for mum. I've got a list here. Z. What sort of list? M. Well, this is my job — to buy the food. Mum makes up a list of what we need. She knows what we need to have to cook the dinner and make the tea. Z. Where are you going, the dairy or the fruit shop? Or both at once? 38

M. Well, I prefer just to go to the supermarket. I know it's a bit far away from our house, two stops on the tram. But then you can get everything there at once. Z. Yes, you're right, of course. That's the best thing about a supermarket, you can do it all at once, dairy products, meat, bread, vegetables, drinks. M. Right. I get a trolley at the entrance and just dump everything in it that we need. Everything is pre-packed, looks really nice, you just take and pay for it at the check-out. Don't you have to do the shopping? Z. Sure I do. I go to the dairy and the baker's in the morning. They're in the ground floor of our block. I get curd cheese and a fresh troll for breakfast. But the main things we buy at the market. M. That's fine. But you know I sometimes like to go to an ordinary shop or a big supermarket. I don't mean to buy anything, just to look at the displays, the new clothes. Z. Oh! That's another story. Well, you'd better be getting off to the shop. See you. M. Bye.

4. Read the story. Text B

Mr. and Mrs. Smith live near a small village in the southwest of England. Every morning they drive into the village to buy the things they need. There are only two shops in the village. One is a combination of a grocer’s and a sweet shop. The other is a general store. The general store sells meat, fruit, vegetables, groceries, bread, cakes, etc. It is a very old shop and everything is all over the place. There are tins of sardines on top of cornflakes packets, and salad in the boxes as onions, but all the fruit is fresh. Today Mrs. Smith wants to buy a lot of things. She is choosing everything carefully because they are having a party tonight.


5. Answer the questions: 1. Where do the Smith’s live? 2. How many shops are there in the village? 3. What does the general store sell? 4. What is Mrs .Smith doing now? 5. What is she going to buy for the party?

6. Use prepositions or adverbs if necessary.

Text C

Mr.Sellyer’s bookshop is across the street …. my house. It is situated …. a tall modern building and it is quite famous. It is always full …. people. I often go ….. there to look for new books. He has a lot….different books …. his helves. When I go … Mr. Sellyer’s shop I usually stay there … a few hours. …. That day while I was looking … the books I was watching Mr.Sellyer at work. I shall describe some … his methods … you. A lady came … the shop and asked … a book. Mr.Sellyer showed « Golden Dreams» … her and said, « The readers are fond … this book», Another lady entered … the shop. Mr.Sellyer also gave her « Golden dreams». «It is a beautiful book,» he said … love, very simple but sad . My wife cried all the time reading it. «Have you any good reading… vacation time?» asked the next customer. Mr.Sellyer recommended «Golden Dreams» once again. «The most humorous book .. the season,» he said. «My wife laughed every minute reading it. It’s her favourite book now». It was four o’clock, time to go home. But when I was leaving… the shop I asked Mr.Sellyer, «Do you like the book yourself ? ». « I have no time to read every book », «What about your wife ?» «I am not married,» answered Mr.Sellyer smiling.


7. Make up sentences.

Model: If I want to buy a pair of shoes I will go to the shoe department.

Tea Bacon The baker’s Potatoes The grocer’s Butter A big store Tomatoes A supermarket If I want to Fruit juice I will go to A post-office buy Milk The green Cheese grocer’s Eggs The butcher’s A coat The dairy A dress A department Stamps store Souvenirs A gift shop

8. Fill in the gaps using the following words: Stores, presents, department (3); shop assistants, gloves, to meet; to buy; glad; invited; counters; shopping

The Big Stores I went into one of the big London… today and enjoyed myself very much walking from one … to another looking at various articles on the … . I thought the … … were very helpful. There were hundreds of salesmen and dozens of different … . I went from one … to another –from umbrella to …, up and down, in lifts and on escalators. I was surprised … an old friend of mine whom I hadn’t met for years. We talked a little and then did some… together. I helped her … some … for her children. I was so … to meet her again after twelve years and … her to come to our place on Sunday.


9. Use the words on the left side with those on the right side. Model: A bottle of juice.

a kilo milk a packet sugar a box toothpaste a tube matches a tin of bread a loaf sardines a pound tea a jar butter a bag honey a bottle potatoes

10. Complete the following: 1. Mary usually goes … on Tuesday and on Saturday. 2. She likes to go to the … because she can buy everything she needs. 3. We buy bread at this … because bread here is always fresh. 4. Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday, I’m going to the … to buy a … for her. 5. Where can I … leather gloves? –At a leather goods … 6. She bought a very nice dress at the woman’s department and a pair of red … .7. Give me a … of instant coffee, please. – Here you are. - Thank you. How …is it? 8. I don’t like this … . It doesn’t … me well. 9. Ann … on a pair of black shoes but didn’t … them. 10. The raincoat was very … but I bought it. 11. The blouse is very … . Will you show me another one that will … me ? 12. I liked the skirt very much, but it is too… . Have you got a bigger…? 11. Use the correct form of the verb to be. 1. Where … you going? –I … going to the supermarket. 2. I … thinking about the dress I saw in the shop-window yesterday. 3. We … going to be late. The shop will be closed. 4. … you going to the baker’s ? Buy a loaf of bread for me, please. 5. We… driving too fast and didn’t see the traffic lights. 6. He … choosing an umbrella too long but didn’t buy any. 7.While my mother … paying for the things I bought a bar of chocolate for myself. 8. I hope it … not… raining tomorrow. It’s our shopping day. 9. He … celebrating his birthday tomorrow. Let’s go and buy him some present. 10. What… you looking for? – I … trying to find a Christmas present for my wife. 42

12.Reproduce the dialogues: 1. – What kind of shoes do you want, madam? - I’d like walking shoes with low heels. High heels are no good for country wear. You see I have rather small feet. - Here is a pair about your size. Try them on. How are they? - They are rather comfortable, but they are a little tight, will you show me another pair of a bigger size, please? - Certainly, madam. Will these do? - They fit me very well, thank you. -You are welcome. 2. – What would you like to buy, sir? - I’m looking for a navy blue jacket, size 44. - How do you like this jacket? - Well, I like it. How much is it? - Fifty-five pounds ninety-nine pence. -Where must I pay? - At the cash desk over there. 3.- Can I help you? - Yes, please. How much is this handbag? - It’s fifty pounds. - And I’d like an umbrella to match. -Here is a good one. It’s cheap. - How much is it altogether? - Eight pounds seventy-four pence. Will you pay cash or in check? - Cash. - Here is your change. - Thank you. 13. Things to do: 1. You want to open a department store. Advertise it. 2. Interview people in the shop asking what they are doing there, what they are going to buy. 3. On cards write down the names of the things you need to buy: a) at the butcher’s, baker’s, green grocer’; b) in the supermarket, a department store, etc.


4. Make up a telephone conservation with your friend: a) ask her/him what he/she is doing; b) invite her/him to go shopping with you. 5. Find out what you can buy; a) in a supermarket: b) in the nearest shop: c) for a picnic: d) for a birthday party. 6. Arrange a fashion show.

Reading Shopping in London Oxford Street is a very big and popular shopping centre in London. There are clothes shops and shoe shops, book shops and dress shops. One of the largest department stores in Oxford Street is Selfridges. It has more that 300 departments on 6 floors, 2.500 employees (people who work there) and every day more than 100.000 people from all over the world walk its doors, eat in its 5 restaurants and use its four lifts and three escalators. In the early days there were gardens on the roof and many people came and looked at the famous Selfridges lifts. Today it is famous for its window displays at Christmas. Selfridges is a very expensive department store that is why most Londoners have to go to cheaper shops: Marks and Spencer’s for clothes and supermarkets for food. Supermarkets have become very popular with shoppers. They sell not only food, but also ready-made clothes, toys and other goods. They are self-service shops.

I. Write questions to these numbers: 1) 300 4) 100.000 2) 2 5) 5 3) 2.500 6) 4 7) 3

II. Retell the text answer these questions: 1) Why is Oxford Street very popular? 2) What is Selfridges famous for?


UNIT 6 Education and occupation

1. Read and translate the text.

Text A

Before going to school, children attend kindergartens until they are six or seven. Compulsory education begins in our country at the age of seven, when children go to primary school. The secondary stage begins from the 5th form when children start studying a lot of new subjects, such as Literature, History, Natural Sciences and others. Examinations are taken at the end of the 9-th and the 11-th forms. Some children may leave school after the 9-th form and continue their education at vocational or technical schools or colleges. Besides secondary schools there are other types of schools in Kazakhstan. There are specialized secondary schools with intensive study of a certain subject, for example Foreign Languages, Literature, Physics and others. There are also specialized art, music, ballet and sport schools for gifted children and special schools for handicapped children. Secondary education in our country is free of charge. Among secondary schools there are gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums most of them are private. After finishing secondary school, lyceum or gymnasium one can go to higher education. There are institutes, schools of higher education, universities and academies among higher educational institutions. All applicants must take competitive examinations. Entrance examinations are held in July and August. Only those who successfully pass entrance testing are admitted free of charge. In other cases education is given on the commercial basis. Higher educational institutions are headed by Rectors. Vice- rectors are in charge of the academic and scientific work. The faculties are headed by the Deans. Institutes and universities train 45

specialists in different fields. A course at an institute or a university usually takes 4 years. In 1992 Kazakhstani system of higher education adopted the western model - a 4 years course of studies with getting the Bachelor degree after graduation and a 2 years course of study with getting the Master's degree after graduation. Many universities have evening and extramural departments. They give their students an opportunity to study without leaving their jobs. Institutes and universities usually have graduate courses which give candidate or doctoral degree.

Topical Words: Kindergarten, compulsory, primary school, gifted, handicapped, free of charge, extramural department, graduate courses, academic year, term, scholarship, teaching block, to pass exams, to graduate from the university, to bear costs, Boarding school, sessional exams, grant, premises, sports ground, subject, a higher educational establishment, scientific degree, to give diploma, to attend classes, linguistics.

2. Answer the questions: 1. When does compulsory education begin? 2. When does the secondary stage begin? 3. When are examinations taken? 4. Do may children leave school after the 9-th form? 5. What other types of schools are there in Kazakhstan? 6. Is the secondary education free of charge in our country? 7. What is the western model of study? 8. What departments are there at institutes or universities? 9. Why is it necessary to have education? 10. What do you think, what are the most important subjects? Why? 11. What are you going to do after graduating from the university?


3. Memorize and dramatize the dialogue: A. Nowadays there are so many contradictory opinions about whether you really need a degree. B. No question. The modern world is so complex, packed with all sorts of information, simply to survive in it you need to know things. A. I think that education kits you out for life and then again helps to form your personality. B. Right, that's why education is a big part of any civilized nation's politics, one of the government's highest priorities. A. Our own country was well to the fore where education is concerned, but over the last few decades a lot has been lost for some reason, both economic and political. B. Too many new ideas. Our original form of education was always excellent. A. I started school at 6, but it doesn't suit everybody, especially if the child doesn't enjoy good health. B. What about this new idea of the 12 year school? What will that pro duce, without a fixed curriculum, good text-books and well- qualified staff? A. Exactly. Although, of course, it's important to have free education, as guaranteed under the Constitution for 11 years. And of course you can leave after the ninth year and go on to train in a technical college. B. Well. I think any thinking person nowadays needs a degree. But it's getting more and more difficult to get in, more and more competition every year. More fee-paying colleges. But if you really want to, you can do it. A. I wonder what the differences are between the Kazakh and, say, English and American systems. B. Education is rated very highly in both countries. They have their own traditions and very different systems, completely decentralized, with a verity of different levels, different exam boards, certificates and qualities of degree. All colleges in England and America are academically totally in.


A. The oldest ones, and of course, the most well-known are Harvard in America, Oxford and Cambridge in England.

B. You can be an exchange student there nowadays — if you're really keen!

4. Complete the text with the words and phrases ( nursery, education, compulsory, creative, primary school, state school, a private school, boarding schools, infant school, junior school ) Many British children start school at the age of 3 or 4 if there is a play school near their house. These schools are … and they are not … . Children are taught to sing and draw, they also play different …games. Compulsory …begins at the age of 5, when children go to… .

Text B Primary education

All children start primary school by the age of 5. Primary education lasts for six years. They attend the …from 5 to 7 and then …until they are 11. Some parents pay for their children to attend … but all children have the right to go to … which is free. Private schools are called public schools. Most of them are … . More than 90% of British children attend state school. In English schools pupils have to address men teachers ``Sir`` and women teachers ``Miss`` or ``Mrs``.

Higher Education Higher education begins at 18 and usually lasts three or four years. Student go to universities, polytechnics or colleges of higher education. There are now about 80 universities in Great Britain. The academic year is divided into three terms. Terminal examinations are held at the end of autumn, spring and summer terms. Only two re- examinations are allowed.


British universities usually keep to the customs of the past. Upon graduation all the students have to wear long black gowns and ``students caps``. Oxford University is the oldest and most famous in Britain. It was founded in the 12-th century and it is a collection of colleges with more than 12,000 students and 1,000 teachers. Cambridge is the second oldest university. It was founded in the 13-th century and has 27 colleges. They both have a reputation of privileged schools. Many prominent people studied there. The tutorial system is one of the ways in which these universities differ from all other. Every student has a tutor who plans his work.

Oxford and Cambridge

Cambridge is one of the best known towns in the world and is famous for its university, which started during the 13th century and grew steadily, until today there are more than twenty colleges. The oldest one is Peterhouse, which was founded in 1284. And the most recent is Robinson College, which was opened in 1977. But the most famous is King's College, because of its magnificent chapel. Its choir of boys and undergraduates is well known all over the world. The Universities were only for men until 19th century when the first women's college was opened. Later the doors of colleges were opened to both men and women. Nowadays almost all the colleges are mixed. Every year thousands of students come to Cambridge from overseas to study English.


5. Translate the Crossword puzzle into English. Across

8. Кафедра/кафедра 11. Очень серьезное наказание/ шынайы жазалау 12. Наука изучающая живыe существa/ жанды тіршілік иесін зерттейтін ғылым 14. Расписание уроков/сабақ кестесі 16. Язык/тіл 17. Институт/институт 20. Сервис/қызмет көрсету 23. В некоторых школах она обязательна/кейбір мектептерде міндетті 24. Человек, обучающий студентов/студенттерге білім беретін адам

Down 1. Академик/академик 2. Бакалавриат/бакалавр білімін алушы 3. Технология/технология 4. Кандидат/кандидат 5. Студенты/студенттер 6. Университет/университет 7. Оставление после уроков/сабақтан соң алып қалу 8. Математика/математика 9. Родной язык на родине пиццы/ пицца отанының ана тілі 13. Менеджмент/менеджмент 15. Образование/білім 18. Подросток/жасөспірім 19. Наука/ғылым 21. Факультет/факультет 22. Школа, где образование платное/ақылы білім беретін мектеп 25. История/тарих



6. Learn by heart. Words of wisdom for you: • Live and learn. • It is never too late to learn. • It is never too late to mend. • Men learn while they teach. • Knowledge is power. • Practice is the best of all instructions. • Practice makes perfect. • Learn to write well, or not to write at all. • Language is the dress of thought. • Think before you speak. • Lost time is never found again.

7. Reproduce the dialogue : • Receptionist: Good morning, Clevedon College, can I help you? • Caller: Yes, please. I`d like some information about evening courses for this term. • Receptionist: OK... which subjects are you interested in? • Caller: Two subjects, actually, Languages and Computer Skills. • Receptionist: OK. What language are you interested in? • Caller: Actually, I`m not sure. I have to fulfill a language requirement for school, but I haven`t really decided what language to study. many language courses do you run each week? • Receptionist: We have two every night, from Monday to Friday. • Caller: I`m sorry, but would you mind going through the schedule for me? Um... which languages on which days...? • Receptionist: Not at all. Monday to Wednesday are Modern European Languages: French, Spanish, German, Dutch and Polish. Thursday night we offer ancient languages, Latin and Ancient Greek. And on Friday we finish off with the Asian language of Hindi and Bengali.


• Caller: Monday to Wednesday, Modern European; Thursday, Ancient Language and Friday, Asian... Can you spell Bengali please? • Receptionist: Yes, it`s B-E-N-G-A-L-I. • Caller: Great. And how much do the courses cost? • Receptionist: Each course costs £25.00 per person per term, but if you want to do TWO language courses. there`s a 10℅ discount, but only if you book for two terms. • Caller: So the 10℅ discount is if I take two courses, for two terms, is that right? • Receptionist: Right. • Caller: Would it be possible for me to book my classes right now? • Receptionist: No, sorry, the computer`s down. What I suggest you do is call extension 6994.... no, sorry..., after 6.00 p.m. and ask for Mrs. Johnson. • Caller: I`m sorry, I didn`t get that. Did you say 6994, after 6.00 p.m.? • Receptionist: Yes, 6996... please ask for Mrs. Johnson. • Caller: Thanks. OK, can we now look at the Computer Skills Courses? • Receptionist: Yes, of course. Computer classes always start in the first week of the month, and the way it works is, we offer one computer class for the entire month. So you might spend one month on databases, another month on Excel, and so on. Classes meet once a week, on Tuesday afternoons. The next class starts February 1st. • Caller: OK, so for the upcoming month... February...?

Universities in the USA Higher Education: The USA has 5,728 universities. This is an average of more than 118 for each state. There are more than 18 million students attending university in the USA (almost 5% of the population). There are two types of universities in the USA: State Universities and Private Universities. State universities are funded by 53

the state government. Tuition (the cost to attend) is much cheaper than at a private university, although usually they are very large. Every state has a state university. Private universities are not operated by the state, although they can receive money from the state. They are much more expensive to attend, and they are usually smaller than state universities. Community and Junior Colleges. The USA also has thousands of community colleges. These schools are two year schools that offer degrees. Most community colleges have programs where a student who does well can transfer to a four year university. Many students who did poorly in high school attend a community college for two years and then transfer to a better school to complete their degree program. The USA has some of the best universities in the world. The USA has 30 of the top 45 universities in the world and 103 of the top 200. The Ivy League. The Ivy League is a collection of private universities in the USA. The Ivy League is made up of Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania and Yale. All the Ivy League schools are located in the Northeastern part of the USA. All eight schools rank in the top 15 universities in the USA. Harvard University. Harvard University is the best university in the world. It is located in Cambridge in Boston, Massachusetts. It has more than 21 thousand students (8 thousand undergraduates). Harvard costs more than 40 thousand dollars a year to attend but offers a large amount of financial aid.


UNIT 7 Problems of the youth and unemployment

1. Read and translate the text.

Text A

All people have problems because there are a lot of good and bad things in our life, I think that our life is like a zebra, with black and white stripes. Young people have many problems as they grow up. The first problem of teenagers is the choice of a true friend who would meet the proverb "A friend in need is a friend indeed." I think it is so. I prefer to make friends with kind and sincere persons. As time passes I change my opinion of my friends, interests, tastes and aims. With every year it is more and more difficult to find a true friend who can understand and help me. I think that young people have problems with their parents. The problems are caused by different tastes in music, films and books. I am lucky not to have such problems with my parents. They always understand me and are ready to help me. I think that the most important problem of teenagers is getting good education that will allow them to have a good profession that will permit them to buy a car, an apartment or a house of their own in the future. All these will be in the future. And it is impossible to enter any university to get a prestigious profession without good knowledge. But today teenagers want to go to the theatres, to visit foreign countries, to eat what they want, to buy books, to dress well. To solve these problems they have to earn money. That is why today some teenagers wash cars, sell newspapers. If a young person graduates from the University and has a prestigious profession and knows two or three foreign languages there is a chance for him/her to have a good job. We do have some problems but we are sure to solve them in a proper way. Learn the topical words: Accountant, carpenter, civil engineer, interpreter, locksmith, miner, physician, shoemaker, steward, tailor, turner, weaver, unemployment, to earn money, to solve, prestigious profession, impossible, good knowledge, to have a good job.


2. Answer the questions: 1. Why do people have problems? 2. What is the first problem of teenagers? 3. Is it good to change one’s opinion about everything as time passes? 4. Is it easy to find a true friend? 5. Are you on friendly terms with your parents? 6. When can a young person get a good job?

3. Role play the dialogue: Z. Hi, Medina! M. Zere! Hello! How are things? Z. Fine, thanks. I'm thinking how I can get some work over the holidays. M. Why's that? Need to buy something? Z. Oh, there's always something I need to buy. I love going to book shops, they've got loads of books on history. M Sure. There's always this problem — how to be financially independent. I never have enough money to buy cassettes. Maybe we could look for work together? Z. I don't mind. Maybe at a Youth Camp. I heard about them on the radio. M Maybe we could go to the Youth Employment Bureau. A friend of mine went there and they offered him some vacancies. Z. I think we'll get some temporary job. But, you know, it's not just young people who are affected. Even adults are finding it difficult, and young - adolescents even more so. Can you imagine what's waiting for us next year? M. What do you mean? Z. Well, this is our last year at the university. That's great, I know, but one of the biggest problems now is how to get a job. I think I'll have to do some extra work. M.It's easier for you as you are graduating from the economics faculty, I’m sure you will find a job by all means. Z. Let's hope for the best.


4. Retell the text: Text B

Families come in all shapes and sizes nowadays. At present more and more families are divorced and then their parents remarry. That’s why more children have step-brothers, stepsisters, half-brothers and half-sisters. No wonder that there can be some problems in the family relations. Members of many families suffer from misunderstanding because there is a great difference in their tastes and opinions. Besides, children don’t like it when there is too much control from their parents because they want to solve their problems independently. On the other hand, if the members of the family love each other there can be no or little argument and the family lives happily. Some families have only one child nowadays and others have two, three or even more children. In my opinion, both kinds of families have some advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, if you are the only child in a family, you don’t have to share your room with anybody else. Besides, your parents give all their love and care only to you. On the other hand, if you have a brother or a sister, you have someone to play with or to talk to, and you’ll never feel bored. What is more, if you get into trouble, you have someone to help you or give some advice. As for me, I’m the only child in my family, but I think that having a brother or a sister is an amazing feeling, because you know that you won’t be lonely in any case and you have someone to share your thoughts and feelings. There are a lot of problems and conflicts that appear between teenagers and their parents because they don’t understand each other. Generation gap will always exist not only because teenagers and their parents enjoy listening to different kinds of music. A lot of things are different: tastes, manners, behavior and the stuff like that. Some parents don’t want to understand modern views, ideals and system of values so teens are afraid to tell them about their private life. Another reason for the generation gap, in my opinion, is that parents want their children to be clever and learn harder. They are always nagging when their children do badly at school. They make teens do their homework, though sometimes it is unnecessary.


Parents don’t want to understand that there can be more important things than good marks in the school-leaving certificate. I believe it is necessary to bridge the generation gap and the only way to do it is for parents and children to speak frankly to each other and try to come to an agreement. Although I’m the only child, I don’t feel lonely because my parents always love and take care of me. What is more, we often discuss my problems together. Of course, sometimes I have arguments with my family but despite all our disagreements we always help each other. Everyone in my family is my best friend and I love my family very much.

5. Answer the questions: 1. Why are family relations so important for us? 2. How many children would you like to have in the future? Why? 3. Do you have any problems in your family? Why? 4. Do your relatives help you to solve your problems? 5. Do you always follow your parents’ advice? Why?

6. Describe the problematical situation. Mr. Morris is not satisfied with his son’s progress at the university. Jack does not work hard. Mr. Morris is always telling his son a good education is very important for a good job. The boy must become a diplomat or a dentist. “You must get a good education! You must enter a profession!” he often says.

7. Work in pairs: A. –Is there any state system of giving jobs to those who graduate from universities in Britain? B.- No, I don’t think there is such a system in Britain. Each graduate tries to get a job himself. What about the practices in Kazakhstan? A.- Well, they are quite different with us here. Generally in the 4 th year of their studies at the university or an institute, Kazakh students already know about the place and post of their future work. B.- That’s a very good thing, really. 8. Look at each statement. What is the problem behind each one? Now answer the questions below:


1. Which problem is most/least common in our country? Why? 2. Can you suggest solutions to any of the problems? Many young people in Britain are very happy living at home but also have their problems. Here are some of them: 1. My mum gets very angry when I use the telephone for more than two minutes. She's worried about the bill! 2. My room is very untidy but I like it that way. I hate it when my mum comes in and moves things around. 3. My dad still treats me like a child. He's always telling me what to do. 4. I like listening to pop music but my parents really don't like loud music and they're always telling me to turn the music down. 5. My young brother is a nuisance! He listens to my telephone conversations and yesterday I caught him reading my diary. 6. I'm a fourteen-year-old boy. My two younger sisters are very jealous of me because I have my own room. What can I do about it?

10. Supply prepositions or adverbs where necessary: - Do your parents like music? - Yes, they do. They like both classic and popular music. But my tastes differ … the preference …. my parents. They prefer the music … their youth performed … Joe Cocker, the "Beatles" or something of that kind. They do not like chaos, rap or tech, which my generation chooses. - Do you often quarrel with your parents? - No, I prefer to settle all our problems peacefully. Sometimes the best tactics is not to contradict the parents while doing what I think is important. It is not always necessary that parents should know that I disagree … them. But very often my friends are unable to follow this pattern, especially those who hate compromises and do not like to make concessions to their parents. - Do you think that a generation gap can be bridged? - I doubt that a generation gap can ever be bridged. But I think that some concessions … both sides are possible. Sometimes older generations are important … young people because they can share their experience however irrelevant it may seem … the young. Parents are also providing their children with pocket money. That is why the young should not be too impatient when older people teach 59

them what to do, what to wear or how to think. Tolerance is the only way to bridge the gap … the generations. - Do you think that people can live without problems? - Problem is the result … the activity of human mind. Only a simpleton can have no problems and be happy with everything. Nothing will come of nothing. Problems are inevitable when people do something. I think that without problems our life will be very boring. Moreover, when people start to cope with different problems they become stronger and more experienced. They harden like steel while overcoming problems. I do not think that life without problems will be better.

11. Discuss with your group mates: • what family relations can be between the members of the family, why • whether it is good to be the only child, why • a generation gap and its reasons • your relations with your family members

Text C A generation gap

12. Find the problems. Youth is the time when a person is trying to find his place in the world. And during this search he or she comes across different problems which are as important as those of the adults. The youth of the 21st century face almost the same problems which were acute to their parents when they were young. One of them is a generation gap. Every generation is unique in its experience. It has its own ideals and system of values concerning every aspect of human life. Adults always complain that the young are not what they were. These words are repeated from generation to generation. Undoubtedly it is correct. In fact, today the young are better educated. They grow up more quickly. They derive joy from more freedom. At present the young do not blindly accept the ideals of their parents. For them everything that the adults bear in mind is past history. And this is inevitable; because different generations take different directions.


Moreover, the young look forward and the old people look backward. The young people know what they want. They prefer to make their own mistakes rather than to listen to the warnings of the adults. The young people want to live their own life. They want to overcome their own difficulties without turning back. Unfortunately, the life of the young is frequently determined by the adults. The adults start the war but the young die in it. The young and the adults have different points of view concerning everything. And it generates the conflict of the generations. In the 19th century Ivan Turgenev in his novel "Fathers and Sons" perfectly illustrated the eternal problem of fathers and children's misunderstanding. Many young people have other interests. For some of them getting knowledge is of primary importance. They are fond of reading serious books, listening to serious music. They go to the conservatories and theatres. They are engaged in Hi-Tech through the Internet.

13. Solve the problem. There are 5-7 children in your family. The parents want to spend a weekend together with all the family. But one of the children wants to go for a walk with the friends, the other – to stay home and play computer games and the eldest child has fallen in love and wants to go for a walk. Their parents try to solve this problem.

14.Read the statements below. What family values or their absence do they mean? Choose the right answer: security, caring, trust, privacy, sharing. 1. A family has things together like dreams and hopes and possessions and memories and smiles. 2. With so many people in one house you don’t have a chance to be alone, unseen or unheard. 3. It is a shelter from the storm, a friendly port when the waves of life become too wild. 4. A family is a place where love and faith dwell, a place where all members can enjoy the dignity , of their own personalities. 5. We talk about what’s happening, who’s doing what, it’s lovely to have the family round you and to know they are interested in you.


UNIT 8 Healthy lifestyle

Text A Energy for healthy life

1. Read, translate and retell the text: Our eating habits affect how we feel during the day. What happens if I have no breakfast, or poor breakfast? I'm likely to be tired or cross, and, of course, hungry till having lunch. There is a ring of truth in that well-known saying: "A man is what he eats". Food is a form of fuel. It gives us energy, helps us to grow, resist disease and form strong teeth and bones. No single food can take care of all our body's needs. Different foods do different things for the body. Some foods are better than others in helping make strong muscles. Among them are eggs, meat, fish, and poultry. Some foods are better than others in helping keep bones, teeth, skin, and blood healthy. Among these foods are fruit, vegetables, milk, and cheese. There are certain sayings about foods from long ago. "Fish is brain's food"; people say it's good for the brain. They say carrots are good for the eyes. Another saying is: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", meaning that you will be healthy if you eat an apple every day. Almost all food can be eaten without any cooking at all. Most people eat raw fruit, and raw vegetables in salads, and the Japanese particularly like raw fish. However, some foods are much softer and easier to chew if they have been cooked. They may also be easier to digest. When cooking, we often combine many different ingredients together. This can make food look and taste much better. Compare the taste of chocolate cake, for example, with that of its raw ingredients of flour, sugar, fat, cocoa and egg. Different ideas about which foods to mix together bring people to cooking a great many of different dishes of the world. There are so many kinds of food from which to choose - fast food, snacks, junk food — that it may be difficult to follow a healthy diet. Fresh fruit and vegetables are important for our health. In the past, sailors who went on long sea 62

voyages stayed on their ships for many months without going ashore. They did not get fresh food and so often suffered from a disease called scurvy. Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C, which is found in fruit and vegetables. In our country, bread is an important part of our everyday food. When we sit down for a meal, there is always bread on the table. For breakfast, we have bread with butter or cheese. Some people have jam or olives. For lunch, we have bread with meat or vegetable dish. Again at dinner, we eat bread with whatever food there is on the table. When there is rice or potatoes, we have bread, too. My granny says that if there is no bread, there is no food.

Topical Words: Rule, vegetables, to lay the table, dish, poultry, junk food, slice, mutton, cucumber, onion, fried, green peas, bill, roast, snack, soft drinks, hard drinks, to suffer from.

2. Answer the questions: 1. What will happen if you have no breakfast? 2. Why do we say that food is a form of fuel? 3. What foods help make strong muscles? 4. What are carrots good for? 5. Why is it sometimes difficult to follow a healthy diet? 6. What disease can be caused by a lack of vitamin C? 7. Is bread important in your everyday food? 8. Why do older people say there is no food if there is no bread?

3. Think of the answers: a) Four parts of the body which you can move; b) five things which you can eat to be healthy; c) the jobs of three people who work in a hospital; d) three things you can take when you are ill;


Role play the dialogue: At a restaurant - Hi! Let’s take a seat! Where is our table? - Our table is reserved and its number 7. - May I help you please? Our restaurant offers you a big variety of French cuisine. - Of course. Where is table number? - Near the window. Here is the menu. - Thank you. I would like to order salmon in garlic sauce. - It may be spicy. - But not as spicy as prawns with cheese. - It is better choice. - I agree. And what do you want to order? - I’d like to order an onion soup. Will it be hot? - Hotter than the prawns. - I recommend this meal. I think it is tasty. - I think you are right. It seems to be delicious. - Do want something to drink? - We shall take 2 lemon teas. - I think this is it. - Wait 20 minutes, please - Thank you.

Text B

What is health? The first wealth is health. Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the general condition of a person’s mind and body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain. 5. Secrets to living a long and happy life 1. Eat simple 2. Get active 3. Find purpose 4. Reduce stress 64

5. Have a social network 6. Believe your spirituality and personal faith 7. Give up smoking

6. A. Circle the "T" box if it is true. Circle the "F" box if it’s false. 1. Brushing teeth two times a week is enough to keep them healthy. 2. The only time you need to visit the dentist is if you have a toothache. 3. The best toothpaste to use is one that has proof it helps protect teeth from cavities. Ex. 7 Fill in the gaps to make the summary complete using the words below: avoids , healthier, chosen, meaning, cheaper, provide, choose, religious, wrong. A vegetarian is someone who ______eating meat. The word "vegetarian" comes from the Latin word vegetus ______"whole, fresh, full of life". According to the text people ______to be vegetarians for six reasons. Here they are: It's ______to kill animals for food. A vegetarian diet is ______than a diet that includes meat. A vegetarian diet is ______than a diet that includes meat. Some people are vegetarian because of their ______beliefs. Some people have ______to be vegetarian for ecological reasons. It's easier to grow vegetables than to raise vegetable-eating animals to ______food for all the people.

C. Work in different groups. Imagine that you suddenly found yourselves on a desert island after a plane crash. You have no food. What would each of you do to help the others find food? What would you cook? How would you cook it?


Text C

You hear a lot about living a healthy lifestyle, but what does that mean? In general, a healthy person doesn't smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy and exercises. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Secrets of healthy eating Eating a healthy diet is a part of the healthy lifestyle. Not only can a clean diet help with weight management, it can also improve your health and quality of life as you get older. Fundamentals. Eat moderately – even much of a good food can be bad Balance – a balanced diet increases the mental capacity and learning ability of students Variety – if we eat a wide variety of foods, our organism can get all the nutrients we need. Vitamins are essential for a healthy life. If you follow these guidelines, you can eat whatever your heart desires! The Super Foods: 1. Eggs 2. Yogurt 3. Nuts 4. Kiwi 5. Quinoa 6. Beans 7. Salmon 8.Broccoli 9. Sweet potato 10. Berry All the 10 super foods are easy to obtain, delicious, inexpensive and provide benefits to our health. 5 reasons to eat fruits and vegetables: They are nourishing and tasty! They are unique – each of them tastes differently. They contain plenty of vitamins and minerals. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, which gives us satiety and helps digestion. Eating them sufficiently can prevent several diseases.

8. Work in pairs. Decide which of the activities are good or bad for you.

9. Work in small groups. Decide if you agree or disagree with these statements. Change any statements that you disagree with. 1. Some of the best cooks are men. 2. Women should do most of the cooking at home. 3. Boys should learn how to cook. 4. People spend too much time eating. 5. People should not eat meat. 6. Men and women should share the housework.


Text D

10.Read and retell the text. How to be fit? Hello. Our programme today is called. “How To Be Fit”. The whole world admires the beautiful models and film stars you so often see on TV. They are tall, slim, long-legged. You see them and you want to look like them. But do you know how to do it? The problem is that people eat too much today. Besides, who can refuse a piece of nice sweet cake or a cup of sweet chocolate? Some people can. Our guest today is the famous Linda Martin, a film star. She will tell you how she keeps fit. “Hello. My name is Linda Martin. Let me tell you a few important things about my life. I don’t get up early but I begin my day with exercises. I go out and run about my house twenty times. Then I get hungry and have breakfast. I have a big glass of orange juice and then a cup of coffee. At about one I have my lunch. At lunch I eat a lot of vegetables: cabbage, carrot, peas, fresh cucumbers, a piece of rye bread and a cup of tea without sugar, of course. Sometimes I don’t have any lunch at all if I’m at work. I don’t like to have meals in public places. I sometimes have dinner in the evening when I’m hungry or when I have guests at home. I don’t like to receive guests because we usually eat a lot of meat and fish and other heavy things which don’t help you to be fit. My motto is “Eat to live, but not live to eat”. And, dear ladies, always remember you are as old as you look.

11. Answer the questions. 1. What does Linda Martin eat to keep fit? 2. Why doesn’t she like to receive guests? 3. Can you keep the same diet? 4. How old is she?

12.Memorize the poem: On a Diet First she gave up smoking, Then she gave up gin, Then she gave up chocolate cake, She wanted to be thin. 67

Then she gave up breakfast, Then she gave up lunch. On lazy Sunday mornings She even gave up brunch.

No matter what she gave up Her skirts were very tight. “Cause she ate twelve cans of tuna fish For dinner every night.

12. Say if you have ever been on a slimming diet and if you know any effective diet. Describe it. 13.Complete the sentences: a)Healthy diet, b)physical inactivity, c)obesity, d)sport, e)drinking alcohol, f)taking drugs, g)healthy eating, h)personal hygiene, i)bad habits. 1. The modern bad habits are … …. . 2. … is really a good way to live. 3. Our town life today gives us little opportunities for … 4. Doctors always advice us to eat … 5. … makes people healthy and keeps them fit. 6. If you want to keep fit you must … 7. … dangerous for our health. 8. A healthy way of life includes …

14. What word is it? Read its definition and the number of letters in it. Then say a word. 1) It is a dangerous disease. (6 letters begins with C….). 2) You should reduce it to be healthy. (6 letters begins with W….). 3) They are very useful for your health.(8 letters begins with V .). 4) It is one of the modern bad habits. (7 letters begins with S……). 5) When we are ill or catch a cold we have it. (5 letters begins with C). 6) He is a person, who follows a diet. (7 letters begins with S …… ).


UNIT 9 Kazakh national dishes

I.Read and translate

Text A

Kazakhstan has a very diverse population, so we actually have many different "customs and traditions". Each ethnic group that has entered our country has brought a special type of food, love for a certain holiday, or songs that celebrate their heritage. When a person comes to visit Kazakhstan, however, they will be most interested in the Kazakh customs and traditions that have endured throughout the many hundreds of years of this culture. If you are a guest, you would sit at a long, low table and eat such Kazak delicacies such as "karta" (round pieces of dried horse meat), and "besbarmark". Besbarmark literally means "five fingers" in Kazak, and it is a dish made with noodles, onions, and sheep's meat. This meat is traditionally served with a sheep's head, which is set at the "place of honour" - the head of the table. The most honorable guest usually has the task of cutting the sheep's head and saying a blessing or a comment while giving each part of the head to a different person. The guest should part the head between people around the dastarkhan obeying to ancient ritual showing respectful attitude to guests, old people, kids, near and far relations. He treates every guest: pelvic bones and shank for honorable old people, brisket for son-in-law or daughter-in-law, neck-bone for girls and so on. The delicious aromatic meat is eaten with thin boiled pieces of pastry. Excellent addition to this dish is rich flavoured meat bouilion -sorpa, served in phiala. If you are not served besbarmark, then you will probably have "pilov", which is a dish that the Kazakhs share in common with their Uzbek neighbours. This dish is made from rice, carrots, garlic, and sheep's meat. Either meal will be accompanied by "baursak" - small, round pieces of fried dough. 69

Other popular meat dishes are kazy (a horse meat sausage), kuyrdak (a dish made from roasted horse, sheep, or cow offal, with the heart, liver, kidneys, and other organs, diced and served with onion and pepper), and various horse delicacies, such as zhal (smoked lard from horse's neck) and zhaya (salted and smoked meat from horse's hip and hind leg). Today Kazakh meal is something different from the old one but still it is imbued with ancient laws of hospitability. On the contrary the hospitability is larger than ever for now because not only Kazakhs but people of various nations (Kazakhstan is a multinational country) have a meal around the dastarkhan: Russians, , Ukrainians, , Germans, Uigurs, Koreans and more. All these nations made their contribution on Kazakhs cookery.

Learn the topical words: To consist of, course, for the first course, dessert - ( sweet dish), soup, chicken broth, biscuits, pie, wine glasses, to be hungry, to be thirsty, to have a snack, noodle, tasty, delicious, to be on a slimming diet, recipe, to smell, mutton chop, cereals.

Do you know? Meal for guests of honour at Kazakhs. Sybaga. 'Sybaga' is the lot. For honored guests, friends, or family members the most delicious meat is always kept. For example, aksakals and matchmakers are served bas, zhaya, zhambas, beldeme, omyrtka. For women-matchmakers, girls, sons-in-law, children their lot (mushe) is also kept. Traditionally, every person who arrived and asked for bed must have his 'sybaga'. If he does not have superior meals, he has the right to blame the host and be offended. Sarkyt. The rests of meal after a dinner at Kazakhs. 'Sarkyt' is leftovers. After ait, toi, and other holidays women take the leftovers of candies and baursaks from the holiday dastarkhan to


their children and grandchildren. The leftovers of meat аге also called 'sarkyt'. Its pedagogical meaning is to treat food with respect and bring some of the holiday to family members.

2. Answer the following questions: 1) You hear a lot of about living a healthy lifestyle, but what does that mean? In general, a healthy person doesn’t smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy and exercises. Where do people go if they want to eat out? 2) Have you ever eaten a British national dish? 3) Why do people sometimes like to celebrate their birthdays or other events in restaurants? 4) How many meals do you have each day? 5) Have you ever been on diet?

Learn sayings about food: 1. Eat to live but not live to eat. 2. Too much food makes you fat, too little food makes you dead. 3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

3. Complete the text with these words and phrases (symbolize, ingredients, the Kozhe, unique recipe, grains)

Text B Dishes served during Nauryz

Nauryz kozhe is the most important of all meals during these days and the main symbol of Nauryz, since it is prepared specially for this day. Nauryz kozhe is special for its ….. . Traditionally, 7 different ….. are added to Nauryz kozhe, which may vary, but basically these ingredients include: water, meat, salt, milk or yoghurt, one type of …. , chosen from rice, corn or wheat, and others. Seven ingredients …. seven virtues or qualities, such as joy, success, intelligence, health, wealth, agility and security.


During the celebration of Nauryz, …. is offered to all guests in any city or village of Kazakhstan. Besides, other traditional Kazakh meals, such as beshbarmak, kuyrdak, baursak, and many types of meals made from milk (yoghurt, kurt, cream, butter, cheese,etc.) are also offered.

4. Use the right word: vitamins; the food, bread, apple, salad, vegetables, fruit, bar of chocolate, lunch, potatoes, meat, rice; green peas, consists, substantial, bacon and eggs (2), toast (2), breakfast (2), eat (2), meals, tea, healthy. A. Everyone has heard of the English… . When someone says to you, “Breakfast in England”, what do you think first? … … … of course. Actually many people nowadays B. They have what they call a “Continental breakfast”, which … of coffee and … - nothing more. But there are families where they … a … “Proper” breakfast. C. What about … people eat! Know a man who only eats … …; he takes a lot of … . I’ve never seen anybody who looks so ill! I like good food and I think most … food is really tasteless. For … usually have … and coffee, and at weekends when I have more time. I have … … … . I get … in the middle of the morning. I have a … … … , then a sandwich made with white … , of course. After day’s work in the office I’m pretty hungry and in the evenings I like a big … of … and … . My ill-looking friend is horrified by what I … his breakfast is sone cheese with a cup of … and an … . For lunch he has … and in the evening … … and … . He says it’s very god for him but I am not so sure.

5. You are a doctor. Make a list of Do’s and Don’ts. What you recommend to eat and what you don’t to a) a thin person; b) a thick person. 6. Make a recipe of your favorite dish. 7. Answer the following questions: 1. Do you like ? 2. What traditional Kazakh dishes do you know? 72

3. What’s your favorite dish? 4. Do you often or seldom eat out? 5. What do you usually have for breakfast, dinner, and supper? 6. Do you like Fast Food? Is it tasty? 7. What should people eat if they want to be healthy? 8. What would you like to have for dessert? 8. Make up a menu for: a) your aunt who is on a slimming diet; b) your uncle who likes to eat much; c) your cousin who has a sweet tooth 9. Reproduce the dialogue. Aidar: Waiter! Waitress: Yes, sir. Can I have your order? Aidar: Will you bring the menu, please? Waitress: Of course. Here you are. Aidar: Oh, you have quite a long list of dishes. Well, what would you recommend for the first course? Waitress: You mean soups? I think there is nothing like chicken soup. It’s our cook’s (chef’s) speciality. Aidar: Indeed? All right then: chicken soup. What kind of grill would you recommend? Waitress: Oh, if you want to have a fine meal, order roast saddle of mutton. I think you’ll enjoy it well, what about the sweet, sir? A cup of coffee, cares, apple juice, ice-cream? Aidar: Just bring me a glass of juice and a cake, please. 10. Complete the sentences: a) Our traditional home cooked food is______b) Our favorite meat dishes are: ______c) The most popular drinks are: ______d) For guests and friends we like to prepare ______Do you know that? Shyrtyldak - Crackler. Kazakhs used to melt fat in a large bowl, then add some sugar. It was used instead of butter. Kazakhs enjoyed it. Kyimai – Sausage of Kazakhs are usually made during winter. This


sausage is very delicious. Zhauburek (kabob) - Kazakhs prepared many different meat dishes. Zhauburek was prepared very quickly, which made it popular among hunters and travellers. Kuiryk - bauyr - this was the meal served to kinsmen at the wedding party. Uyz – beestings. Kazakhs ate these during lambing and calving seasons. Koryktyk - is a herdsman's food, prepared from the sheep’s milk.

Interesting facts about Kazakh cuisine: - Main ingredients in traditional Kazakh cuisine are meat, flour and milk products, though nowadays many other ingredients are common in the cuisine. - Kazakhs are believed to be among the top countries in tea consumption, almost every meal is followed by tea in Kazakh families. - Kazakh cuisine is usually not spicy. - There are many high calorie dishes in the traditional Kazakh cuisine. Kazakh Food Culture In our country a bit apart from other countries, food is usually homemade, prepared by families for their members only. However, Kazakh chefs have a great sense of flavor, and they know the secrets to a delicious recipe. Combining available ingredients depends on the chef’s personal method, and can result in Kazakhstan dishes that will become even more original and delicious than the already spectacular ones. The Kazakhstan chefs take proud of their cooking skills and methods, and one of their many secrets lies in the variety of ways they can cook the same horse meat. History behind cooking methods and influences has been kept secret from the large majority of people from other cultures. Whether they are cooking besbarmak, or preparing sausages at home with their families, Kazakhstan chefs will always do a perfect job. 11. Make up a dialogue using the new words of the Lesson. 74

UNIT 10 Sport in our life

1. Read, translate and retell. Text A People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volley-ball, football, body- building, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. Different sports and games are popular with my friends. All of them go in for different kinds of sport, such as water sport, gymnastics, horse-racing, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, boxing, ice-hockey, speed-skating, football, basketball, volleyball, , track-and-field, weightlifting, tennis, basketball, volleyball, figure-skating, cross- country skiing, swimming, shooting and many others. Among indoor games the most popular are billiards, draughts and some others, but the great international game is chess, of course. The results of chess tournaments are studied and discussed by thousand of enthusiasts in different countries. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children’s daily activities in the kindergartens. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools, colleges and universities. Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our country. Sports in our country have traditionally been divided into amateur and professional. The core of professional sports are sporting societies. Millions, from beginners to champions are members of sporting clubs and societies. There are sport clubs at many enterprises and offices. Many of them are fee-paying now, but the membership fee is moderate. At these and other amateur clubs


and keep-fit centers people go in for aerobics, yoga, body-building, jogging. Participation in sports in this country is massive by any standards. In city, where I live, there are different sporting societies, clubs and complexes. Practically all kinds of sports are popular in our country, but football, gymnastics and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity. As for me, I go in for table tennis (ping-pong). It needs mobility, liveliness and much energy. It keeps a person in a good form. I have been playing tennis for five years, but the more I play, the more I like it. I get a real joy taking part in competitions or simply playing with my friends. Sometimes I go to tennis courts.

Topical Words: body-building, draughts, professional sport, sporting society, amateur, jogging, liveliness, participation in sports, fee-paying, mobility, competition, moderate, keep-fit center, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, swimming, shooting.

2. Questions: 1. Why are people all over the world fond of sports and games? 2. What necessary facilities are provided for people? 3. What kinds of sports are popular in our country? 4. What out-of-door games do you know? 5. Do you know any in-door games? 6. Is sport paid much attention to in our country? 7. Are sport clubs fee-paying now? 8. What is your favorite kind of sport? Why? 3. Debate: My opinions about sport. Many people like sport. But a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Are you for or against sport? Discuss in 2 groups: the 1st group will think and tell about good sides of sport, another one – about bad sides of sport.


4. Translate the sentences into your native language: 1) Sport plays a very important role in our life. 2) Sport helps people to keep in good health. 3) Tennis is a very intelligent kind of sport for clever thinking people. 4) Sport is popular among young and old people. 5) Sport is a good mean of struggling with stress. 6) If you want to be healthy, you need to start doing physical exercises. 5. Study proverbs and sayings about sports and health: 1. A sound mind is in a sound body. A healthy mind in a healthy body. 2. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 3. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. 4. The best of the sport is to do the deed and to say nothing. 5. In sports and journeys men are known.

6.People who go in for different sports have different names. How do we call people who: Play football, cricket, tennis, go swimming, jumping, running, windsurfing, ride a bike.

Kazhimukan — an outstanding Kazakh wrestler and circus artist. He repeatedly (in 1908, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1914) won in the world championships in Graeco-Roman wrestling among the professionals. He is the first Kazakh, who gained the title of the champion in French wrestling, and repeatedly won in the world, Russian, regional, also in All-Union championships among the heavy-weights. Kazhimukan is a holder of about fifty different rewards and medals.


Text B A healthy mind in a healthy body

One of the biggest problems today is lack of activity. We know it’s good for us but avoid it like the plague either because we’re used to being sedentary or afraid that exercise has to be vigorous to be worth our time. The truth is, movement is movement and the more you do, the healthier you’ll be. Even moderate activities like chores, gardening and walking can make a difference.

• Exercising a little is necessary for a healthy life, but don’t overdo with it! • Exercising makes you feel good • Exercising in fresh air is good for brain • Exercising relieves stress, helps to overcome worries and makes you happy • Some forms of sports do not require much effort (e.g. Rollerblading, swimming), so everyone can find the sport to his liking.

SPORT is the guaranty of good health!!! Practicing sports periodically, even if this means going up the stairs instead of using the elevator or leaving the car for the bike means more than fighting diseases. Sports also improves memory and learning. Researchers found more neurons in the hypothalamus nucleus (involved in memory) of the sports – practicing individuals than of the sedentary ones. Just walking 45 minutes a day improves mental capacities, like planning and coordination.

7. Work with your partner. 1. Do you observe a healthy lifestyle? 2. Do you do any sports? Which one(s)? 3. Which sports do you enjoy watching? 4. Which sports do you hate watching? 78

5. Are you (or anyone in your family) a fan of a sports team? Which one? 7. Do you (or they) watch their matches? Where? 8. What do you think, what is the secret of youth and beauty? 9. What are the most useful things for your health? 10. What are the most harmful products for your health?

8. Role play the dialogue: E. Hello, Akhmet! Have you started preparing for the language exam? A. Hi, Edil! Yes, I'm getting ready bit-by-bit. Let's have a chat on the topic of 'sport'. I don't seem to be getting very far with it. E. Let's start with the UK. What specifically British sports do we know? A. The British devote a lot of time and attention to sport. They take pride in the fact that many forms of sport first started in their country, and thereafter spread worldwide. For example, football, table-tennis, golf, steeple-chasing, etc. E. Quite right. But in the case of football, for instance, two versions grew up in Britain soccer, and rugby. A. What exactly is rugby? How does it differ from soccer? E. In this game the players are allowed to handle the ball. The ball is oval, and each team consists of fifteen players. A. From what I've read, the British are keen on races. E.Horse-racing, too, golf, and especially cricket — all are very popular in Britain. A. I've heard of a well-known tennis tournament, in which our own players take part. EThere is indeed such a tournament: it's held at Wimbledon and is known worldwide. A.So one may say sport plays an important part in British life.


9. Match the sport and the description. 1. tennis a. is done in water 2. jogging b. a boat is need for it 3. swimming c. is a team sport 4. fencing d. is played by two or four with a ball 5. skiing e. can be done alone 6. skating f. wind is necessary 7. rowing g. is done on ice 8. hockey h. swords are used for it 9. sailing i. snow is necessary for it 10. boxing j. can only be done by two

10. Choose the most suitable expressions from the ones in brackets and translate them. a) I (swim / go swimming / do swimming) once a week. b) In Russia a lot of children (play / do / go) hockey. c) He is a professional. He (goes skiing / skies / does skiing) four hours a day. d) I want to be fit. That is why I (go / do / play) aerobics in our fitness club. e) Jack is really (into / playing / doing) football. He plays himself and has a good, collection of football stars photos. f) In her teens my mother (swam / went swimming / did swim- ming) and her best result was bronze in a national championship.

11. Remember 8 ways to grow old and to stay young. 1. Exercise keeps you young. 2. Healthy food. 3. Keep your weight ideal 4. Keep your skin young. 5. Limit alcoholic drinks. 6. Never smoke! 7. Catch illness early when it can be treated. 8. Deal with stress.


Text C Your most exciting sporting moments

12. Read the article and complete it with the words below: (Championship, fans, goal, match, pitch, players, referee, scored, stadium, team). This week, Duc from Vietnam writes: The most exciting football 1______I have ever seen was the 1999 Champions’ League Final between Manchester United and Bayern Munich in the Nou Camp 2______in Barcelona. After 90 minutes Manchester United were losing 1-0. The Bayern Munich 3______in the stadium were already celebrating their 4_____’s victory. The Manchester United fans in the stadium and around the world were watching in despair. There were now just three minutes of added time. 20 seconds passed and United got a corner. The atmosphere in the stadium was incredibly intense. All the Manchester United 5______(including their goalkeeper) were in the Bayern Munich penalty area. David Beckham took the corner and Teddy Sheringham 6______. It was 1-1! The Manchester United fans were ecstatic. There was only about one minute left now but United attacked again and scored another 7_____. Now it was 2-1! 30 seconds later we heard the 8______blow his whistle. The match was over. United were the 9______! Many of the Bayern fans and players were crying. They had lost the match in less than three minutes. The next day I read that the UEFA president missed both Manchester United’s goals. He was going down to the 10______to give and he was going back up to his seat when they scored their second! He missed the most exciting and unforgettable three minutes of football I have ever seen.


13. Read the definitions. What sports are these? 1. You play this sport outside with one, two, or more players. You have to hit the ball into a small hole. You mustn’t hit the ball into the water. 2. You can play this sport outside or inside with two or four players. You have to hit the ball over a net and the ball mustn’t go ‘out’. 3. You usually do this indoors, but you can also do it outdoors and even in the sea. You move your arms and legs to move through water. 4. You play this sport outside with two teams. You have to pass the ball to other players with your foot and try to kick the ball into the goal. You mustn’t touch the ball with your hands. 5. In this sport you go down hills very quickly. You fix two long thin objects to your boots 6. People who play this sport are usually very tall. They get points by throwing a ball through a net.

14. Complete the sentences with a preposition. In the 100 meters race the athletes have to run along a track. 1. In golf you have to hit the ball _____ the hole. 2. In tennis you have to hit the ball _____ the net. 3. In football you have to pass ball ______the other players on your team. 4. In Formula 1 you have to drive _____ a track. 5. In rugby you have to kick the ball ______the posts. 15. Complete the sentences with play, do, and go in the correct form. 1. We _____ football every Saturday. 2. I ______skiing last year. 3. He _____ judo twice a week. 4. She often _____ cycling after work. 5. They love _____ aerobics.


16. Role-play the dialogue: - Good morning, Edil! - Good morning, Madi! - I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. - Don’t mention it. Where shall we go? - It’s up to you. - In that case I suggest we should go to the tennis court and play a game of tennis. - Good idea! I know you are good at playing tennis. How old were you when you began to play tennis? - Just a minute… let me think… I was about eight years old when I started playing tennis. Since that time tennis has been my hobby. - I hear tennis is very popular in Kazakhstan. - Oh, yes. Tennis is played all the year round – on hard courts or grass courts in summer, and on hard or covered courts in winter. - What other outdoor games are popular in Kazakhstan? - Skiing, football and hockey. - What about wrestling? - It is one of the most popular sports in our country. Then comes weight lifting and boxing. - And what’s your favorite sport? - Guess. You are allowed three guesses. - Swimming - No - Horse-racing? - No - Chess? - By no means. I am fond of fencing. Do you want to see me doing it? - Yes, I am looking forward to seeing it.


UNIT 11 Environmental protection

1. Read and translate. Text A

Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but nowadays it's the only place where we can live. People always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. People lived in rural areas and didn’t produce such amount of polluting agents that would cause a dangerous situation in global scale. With the development of overcrowded industrial highly developed cities, which put huge amounts of pollutants into surrounds, the problem has become more and more dangerous. Today our planet is in serious danger. Acid rains, global warming, air and water pollution, and overpopulation are the problems that threaten human lives on the Earth. Billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year. When these fuels are burnt, they produce smoke and other by-products, which is emitted into the atmosphere. Factories emit tons of harmful chemicals. These emissions have disastrous consequences for our planet. They are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains. Our forests are disappearing because they are cut down or burnt. If this trend continues, one day we won't have enough oxygen to breathe, we won't see a beautiful green forest at all. The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear wastes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in our seas. Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today may soon become extinct. Fortunately, it's not too late to solve these problems. We have time, money and even technology to make our planet a better,


cleaner and safer place. We can plant trees and create parks for endangered animals. We can recycle our wastes; persuade enterprises to stop polluting activities, because it is apparent that our careless use of fossil fuels and chemicals is destroying this planet. And it is now more than ever apparent that at the same time we are destroying our bodies and our future.

Topical Words: Polluted, surroundings, rural area, global scale, dangerous, overcrowded, fuel, emitted, consequences, emissions, consume, destroy, wastes, insect, endangered animals, nuclear wastes.

2. Questions: 1. When did the problem of pollution become dangerous? 2. What problems threaten human lives on the Earth? 3. Why is air pollution harmful? 4. Is it dangerous to breathe polluted air? 5. What does the burning of fuel and fossil fuels produce? 6. What are the most dangerous pollutants? 7. What is the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains on our planet? 8. Can we solve the problem of environmental protection?

3. Reproduce the dialogue: Akhmet: At the university we've just taken a test about the problems of the environment. The questions were quite interesting but they were still really hard. Zere: Urn, today the term "ecology" is something everyone has heard about. They talk about it on the news, you can read about it in the newspapers, and a lot of literature specifically about this has even been published. Ahmet: Well, it is fascinating. But how did it become known as "ecology"? What I mean is — does the word "ecology" in the everyday sense simply imply caring for nature?


Zere: I don't think so. Ecology is a science in its own right. The actual word comes from the Greek word "oikos" meaning "home". Akhmet: Oh, it’s so interesting. Tell me, what exactly is meant by this term "home"? Zere: It's a vast concept. It includes the whole planet, flora and fauna, the population and even the atmosphere, which surrounds theEarth. Akhmet: Oh, this is a great big communal home, then! There must be a really strict order of things. Zere: Oh! no, not today, there isn't. Over the past 1000 years man has lived in harmony with nature. It is new technology and various industrial revolutions — in particular the one in the 20th century — that have inflicted mass destruction on our environment. Akhmet: I heard in a TV programme that roughly 1000 tons of industrial waste and other harmful substances are released into the atmosphere every year. Zere: So, today, when people talk about the destruction of the ozone layer, it's not all nonsense, then! Akhmet: No. Look what happened to the cleanest and the most irreplaceableLake Baikal — they went and built a pulp-and- paper factory right on its banks, which severely damaged the entire ecosystem of the lake. Fortunately, they decided to close it down. Zere: I can remember other instances of ecological disasters as well, such as: the Aral Sea, Chernobyl and their consequen- ces. Akhmet: So there's probably time to think seriously about looking after the environment where we live? Zere:Yes, today we still have time to set up an international system of eco- logical security. "Greenpeace" say that it is well worth remembering that everyone should do their bit to protect their own habitat. After all, this problem is a universal concern.


4. Put the letters in a correct order. 1. The gradual warming up of the Earth called ……… warming. (alogbl) 2. Acid …… destroys trees and kills fish in lakes. ( ianr) 3. The hole in the ………. layer may cause encrease in skin cancer. ( oonze) 4. Electricity is produced in ……….. stations. ( oerwp) 5. The waste from this kind of 4 stations remains dangerous for hundreds of years ( neauclr) 6. Many factories dump dangerous ………. straight into the sea. ( michecals) 7. Burning things release……. dioxide into the atmosphere. ( boncar) 8. The exhaust fumes from cars and lorries cause serious ……… in many cities around the world. ( llutionpo) 9. A good example of the problem of desertification is the ………… Desert. ( Shaara) 10. Huge areas of tropical rain ………… are disappearing every year. (orestf) 11. Some gases trap the heart from the Sun in the Earth’s atmosphere making the Earth warmer. This is called the ……… effect. (grehoenuse)

5. Did you know? Moojita scale Everybody knows about the Fujita Scale which measures the power of tornados. But nobody really knows all those types of twisters do to COWS. So here is moojita scale… Moojita scale M0 Tornado – Cows in an open field are spun around parallel to the wind flow and become mildly annoyed M1 Tornado – Cows are tipped over and can’t get up M2 Tornado – Cows begin rolling with the wind M3 Tornado – Cows tumble and bounce M4 Tornado – Cows are AIRBORN M5 Tornado – S T E A K ! ! !


6. Build sentences with this vocabulary: еnvironment Earth rubbish pollution chemical plant recycling protection nature fur pile waste danger hunter rainforest habitat

7. Make up a dialogue. Fill in a suitable word. Dialogue №1 - I think building ______s and factories near rivers and lakes is bad. - Do you? What’s the problem? - Because a lot of ______s go into the water and kill fish. What is your opinion? - I completely agree.

Dialogue №2 -I think making piles of ______is very dangerous. -Really? Why? -It pollutes the ground. What do you think should be done? -More places for ______must be opened.

Text B. Nature and man

NATURE – a living world around us in all its infinite variety of manifestations. Nature is an objective reality that exists outside and independent of human consciousness. In nature, there are also certain laws that govern everything in the universe, including man, which is an integral part of nature.


Nature as compared with the universe - God. In ancient pagan times she was worshiped as God, and gave the mind and soul. Nature – fields and forests, seas and lakes, rivers and oceans, wind and air, plants and animals. Nature is a unique natural system in which all elements are interconnected. Man is also a part of nature. He cannot live without air he breathes, without water and food. Everything we need for existence, we take from nature. The world around us is a source of inspiration for musicians, artists, writers, and scientists. Nature is not only pleasing to our eyes, and she takes care of our health. We gain strength when we breathe the fresh air, swim in the clear waters. However, people often do not appreciate what is given to them. They use natural resources, spending them without giving anything in return. By its actions, the person disturbs the equilibrium of the planet. He cuts down forests that purify the air. Factories and enterprises emit a huge amount of waste, they pollute the air and water. Many animals are threatened with extinction because man hunted for their valuable fur. It should be understood that a violation of the natural balance has a negative influence on people. We pollute the water that they themselves drink and the air we breathe. Humanity cannot live on a planet where plants and animals die. Respect for nature, concern for future generations will help humanity to survive and keep that beauty that he has now. The more we know about life on the earth the better we are able to protect her. Each of us can participate on their own in the protection of nature. Let’s not forget how beautiful our world is! The society and environment affects our lifestyles, so it is very important to be kind and friendly to everyone.

8 Answer the questions: 1. Are we facing some global environmental problems today? 2. What is happening to our forests? Why is it necessary to save the remaining rain forests?


3. Why are the seas in danger? 4. Should ecological education be introduced at schools? 5. Why is air pollution a serious problem? 6. Are people getting ecologically wise? 7. Should people recycle things? 8. Should ecological campaigns be better advertised? 9. What will happen to our planet if the present trends continue?

9 Work with your partner in pairs. 1. What do you think, what is the biggest environmental problem in your area? 2. How can you protect the surrounding environment? 3. What can you say about charity for children in need? 4. Have you or someone you know ever raised money for a charity? 5. Are you for or against hunting?

10 Fill in the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets. 1.threaten; 2. global; 3. pollution; 4. recycling; 5. production; 6.helpful; 7. organization; 8. proof; 9. concerned; 10. environmental There are many problems which (1)______(threat) our natural environment. Acid rain, (2)______(globe) warming and air and water (3)______(pollute) are among the most serious ones. There are several ways to help improve the situation. Firstly, we should encourage (4)______(recycle) because it is the(5)______(produce) of new materials which causes the most damage. We must learn to reuse things like plastic bags and glass jars. Secondly, driving an environmentally- friendly car is also(6)______(help).Furthermore, joining an (7)______(organize) which plants trees or cleans up beaches would be a (8)______(prove) that you are really (9)______(concern) about the environment. Lastly, supporting groups such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent 90

many(10)______(environment) disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for the future generations.

11. Write your associations with the word Environmental problems. 12. Match the words with the correct definitions. Polluted air Crops can’t be grown Polluted water Can cause illness Polluted soil Kills fish and other marine life


The poisoning of the world’s land, air and water is one of the most important problems of our civilization. The seas are in danger. Many companies dump chemical and nuclear waste into water. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. Half of the lakes in the world are polluted. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas. Air pollution is also a very serious problem. Because many factories release sulfates into the air. When the sulfates mix with the clouds, acid rains fall and harm all living creatures. In Cairo just to breathe the air is like smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. Mexico City and 600 cities of Russia have dirty air. This causes different diseases. Because of different kinds of pollution every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever. People begin to realize that environmental problems are our problem. These are a lot of international green organizations that take care of the environment and “Green Peace” is one of the most active. Many governments are waking up and making strict laws against pollution. Scientists are trying to make factories and plants cleaner. In many countries there are big plans to clean up the water. And every person must do his best to help our planet survive.


13. Complete the sentences using the right word: 1. Environmental protection is an ______problem. a) easy; b) important; c) pleasant; 2. Factories pour a lot of______into air and water: a) a shortage; b) waste; c) pollution 3. What caused the ______of wildlife: a) destruction; b) poison; c) population; 4. Many rivers and lakes are______a) poisoned; b) filled; c) used; 5. Many scientists try______ecology problems: a) to solve; b) to know; c) to protect;

14. Read the meaning and guess the word: a) Ecology, b) Destruction, c) Pollution, d) Exhaust, e) Extinct, f) Littering, g) Overcrowding, h) Living things, i) Cause, j) Habitat, k) Resources, l)Environment. 1) The scientific study of the natural relations of plants, animals, people. 2) The act of making air, water, land dangerously impure. 3) Too many people in one place. 4) The act of destroying, putting an end to the existence of something. 5) The act of throwing things away untidily. 6) Plants, animals, people.


7) The natural home of a plant or animal. 8) Surroundings, circumstances and influences. 9) Something which can help in doing something that can be turned to for support and help. 10) To use something up completely. 11) No longer in existence; having died out. 12) That which produces an effect or event.

15. Memorize and dramatize the dialogue: M. Morning, Zeinep. Z. Hello, Medina. How are you doing? M. Fine, thanks. Just off to the country — I have to help my Granny. She's working at the dacha, keeps us all in vegetables. Z. That's wonderful. What's it like there? Is it far from town? M. Quite far, but it's a wonderful countryside, fantastic air. Z. Oh, after the city where you can't breathe properly, it must be heaven! M. Yes. People don't know how to behave. For example, in our yard there's no proper parking for cars, we have them right under our win-dows revving their engines every morning and blowing out clouds ofdirty smoke. Z. That's just where you happen to live, but it's from all these small thingsthat the whole unhealthy environment we live in has developed. M. Right you are. I think any thinking person with even half of education and reasonablywell-read realizes that we have to take care of our natural world. Z. You're probably right. Nowadays there's always something on theradio or TV about adverse effects on the environment somewhere orother. Towns like Ust-Kamenogorsk, Karaganda, even Almaty are very polluted. M. Right. The air we breathe in the city leaves a lot to be desired. Andwhat about the water we drink? No wonder the doctors warn us not to drink water from the tap, but to be sure to boil it first.


Z. So we've come to the conclusion that the problem of the environment is directly linked to health, including the health of nature itself, so tospeak. M. You know, I noticed a book my brother was reading recently (he's studying languages). It was called "Language Ecology". He said Ishould read it. He doesn't like the way I talk sometimes. Z. You mean there might be something about protecting our language too? We've been told in our literature classes that Kazakh has become very contaminated now. M. Well, I certainly think that the new course will be interesting. Z. We'll see. But for the moment I want to suggest a trip to the country.Let's go to the dacha together. M. Thank you. I'd love to. Z. Then let's meet at the railway station.

15. Make up a dialogue using the vocabulary of this lesson.


UNIT 12 Art and Culture

1. Read the text Text A

Kazakh national music has a long and rich history and traditions. We can distinguish an akyn (a bard), a zhirau (аn epos- teller), an anshi (a singer), a kuyshi (an instrumentalist), an ertekshi (a fairy-story-teller) and a ku (a humorist-mimic) among the Kazakh national musicians. The Kazakh people have more than 25 musical instruments - dombra, kobyz sybyzgy, daulpaz and others. Small musical compositions played on dombra are called "kuy". Traditionally kuys are based on the improvisation of a performer. But there are many well-known kuys that were passed from generation to generation. The most ancient are Korkyt's kuys. They were created more than 1200 years ago. One of the greatest Kazakh composers was Kurmangazy. He created more than 60 kuys and they are perfect by their art of expressiveness. The works and personality of Kurmangazy evoked great love in people. The creative activity of Tattinibet Kazangapov (1815-1860) contributed greatly to the instrumental music. He was famous as a composer-kuyshi, the author of wonderful compositions for dombra and a wonderful performer. Sarmalai (1835-1885) was the creator of classical kuys for sybyzgy and a great performer of them. Composer Ihlas Dukenov (1843-1916) influenced the development of kobyz classical works greatly. His father and grandfather were outstanding kobyz players and he not only adopted the ancestors' talent but improved the musical characteristics of this instrument.


Birjan Kozhagulov, Akhan-sere Koramsauly, Zilgara Karatokauly, Kultum Sarmuratov, Muliit Merahev and others were great Kazakh composers and performers. Aitys is the Kazakh national competition of bard-singers. Aitys was always a great national holiday. E.Brusilovsky (1905-1981) was an outstanding Kazakhstani composer who created an oustanding first Kazakh opera "Kyz-Jibek" in 1934. The performance of “Abai” opera composed by A. Jubanov and L. Hamidi (libretto of M. Auezov) in 1944 was quite an event in the cultural life of Kazakhstan. Ballets "The Legend about the White Bird" and "Hirosima" created by G. Zhubanova (1966) were a great contribution to the development of Kazakh ballet art. Topical Words: disk jockey, actress, singer, actor, jazz, music group, New age music, pop music, rock music, terrific, favorite, entertainment, classical, soap opera, song, musical note.

2. Questions: 1. How many musical instruments do the Kazakh people have? 2. What is a “kuy”? 3. What are the most ancient kuys? 4. Who was one of the greatest Kazakh composers? Tell about Kurmangazy. 5. Who was the creator of classical kuys for sybyzgy? 6. What does aitys mean? 7. Who was the first Kazakh opera "Kyz-Jibek" created by? 8. Who was opera “Abai” composed by?

3. Complete the following sentences using the following words: shepherds, tumar-dombra, ingenious, shaman, religious, timbre, ancient, antiquity.

Nomads were …… people and used to make their instruments from practically any material. 96

…… used to assemble flocks of sheep by playing melodies on sybyzgy. During…. Rituals one could hear asatayak, jingling with tiny bells. A two-stringed instrument doesn't at all differ from the two-stringled Kazakh ... … It's an…… type of bow instrument,which was used by the people of Siberia,Central Asia,along the Volga. The structure of the instrument itself speaks to its ……. This…… instrument looked very unusual: the head was crowned by an eagle's feather; on the bottom of the cup there was a mirror. The Kobyz has an unusual rich and colourful……

Text B Kazakh culture

Handicrafts - harnesses, felt mats (tekemets), and articles made of wood, bone and metal - are lavishly decorated. Headdresses, dresses, bags and saddle-cloths are beautifully embroidered. They use traditional designs and carvings to make and decorate the wooden cups, large bowls and ladles used to serve kumis (fermented mare's milk). Kazakhstan women's traditional dress. The horns of mountain rams and goats are used to decorate beds and caskets. Leather is used to make quivers, belts, harnesses and flasks (torsyks) for water and kumis. Kazakh artisans are also very skillful jewelers. Steppe zergers (jewelers) favor white silver. Traditional Kazakh bell-shaped earrings, original bracelets (blezics), or the traditional bracelet linked to three rings with fine chains will certainly impress you. Kazakh national dress varies by regions. Men wear shapans, a kind of dressing gown with a belt, made of velvet and richly embroidered. They cover their heads with a soft skullcap (tobetai), a tall felt cap (kalpak) or a fox-fur hat with earflaps (malakai).


The women's national costume consists of a white cotton or colored silk dress, a velvet waistcoat with embroidery and a cap or a silk scarf. Elderly women wear a hood made of white cloth with a hole for the face (kimeshek). Brides wear a tall pointed, richly decorated hat, topped with feathers (saukele).

4. Read and translate Text C Music and famous musicians

Different composers from different countries have conquered the hearts and feelings of people all over the world. A musician (or instrumentalist) is a person who plays a musical instrument or is musically talented, or one who composes, conducts, or performs music. • Musicians can specialize in any musical style, and some musicians play in a variety of different styles. Examples of a musician’s possible skills include performing, conducting, singing, composing, arranging. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The greatest Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived only 35 years, but everybody admires his works and enjoys listening to his magnificent symphonies, concerts and operas. Johan Sebastian Bach He was born in Germany on the 21st of March in 1685 in a family of musician. Johan Sebastian Bach wrote many compositions. His works include: - cello suites, - violin sonatas and parties, - lute suites, -sonatas for flute, violin, viola – organ and choral music for the church, some works for teaching how to play musical instrument. Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwing van Beethoven is the greatest composer who ever lived. We remember him for many masterpieces such as “The Moonlight Sonata” and “The Ninth Symphony”.


Viennese Walts king Johann Strauss Johann Strauss was born on the 25 th of October 1825 in Vienna. His father, a famous musician himself, forbid him a musical career. When Johann was 17 he was able to concentrate fully on a career as a composer. He was successful and soon rose to be the most dangerous competitor to his father. He became the most popular of all waltz composers.

Piotr Tchaikovsky Piotr Tchaikovsky is a well-known Russian composer: He created wonderful music: 10 operas, 3 ballets, 6 symphonies, 7 large symphonic poems and many other musical pieces, a new type of opera, which was a great success all over the world.

Sergei Rachmaninoff Sergei Rachmaninoff was a Russian composer, pianist, and conductor. He was one of the finest pianists of his day and, as a composer, the last great representative of Russian late Romanticism in classical music. Shamshi Kaldayakov Shamshi Kaldayakov was a Kazakhstani composer. In 1956, he composed the music to the patriotic song My Kazakhstan. It was adopted in 2006 to be the Kazakhstan national anthem by Kazakh President after a few modifications in the lyrics, gone down in history.

5. Complete the text with these words, and word phrases. (diverse, competitions, music, kyuy, traditions, aytys, connected) The Kazakh culture is very rich and … . During the formation of the Kazakh nation specific musical … appeared. As a result, the rich musical culture was determined. The rituals … to the child’s birth, weddings, funeral repast, usually were


accompanied by singing. The favourite performance of the people became …… of akyns. Folk …. was based mostly on diatonic major and minor rhythms of seven tones. Great ….. singers include Zhayau Musa, Akan seri , Amre Kashaubaev, Madi, Kenen (19-20 th centuries) and Shamshi Kaldayakov (20 th century), Great Kazakh dombra players are Asan Kaygy ( 15 th century) Tattimbet, Dauletkerey and Kurmangazy, among …. players there is Ykylas (19 th century) and Nurgise Tlendiev (20 th century).

Text D Music in our life

We can hear music everywhere. We can hear lots of sounds around us, music from records and tapes, music on the radio. Music is a language. People use it to express feelings and moods. Everybody likes music: some people enjoy classical music, others like popular music. I love music too. I think people cannot live without it. The first thing I do in the morning I switch on my tape-recorder. We can hear music everywhere: in the streets, in the shops, on TV, over the radio, in the cars, in the parks, everywhere. I think it's really doesn't matter what kind of music you prefer: rock, pop, classical, jazz. A lot of people are fond of music. They buy tapes, go to the concerts, visit Concert Halls and Opera Theatres. I enjoy listening to music because it reflects my moods and emotions. Very often when I'm sad, I play my favorite merry songs and feel much better. Sometimes I attend music halls and the concerts, when popular groups and singers are there. I like watching music programs on TV. I like to know more and more about popular talented groups and singers I like. One wall of my room is covered with posters of Beyonce, Shakira and other Kazakh and Russian singers. Some people go to music schools, they play different musical instruments, sing in the chorus, try to compose music.


Unfortunately there are so many ungifted singers on the stages, that it makes me sad. To have a good producer doesn't mean to have good ears and voice. I think that only talented people can claim to be singers. 6. Answer the questions: 1. What world – famous Kazakh composer do you know? 2.Can you remember a play that impressed you a lot lately? 3. Can you describe genres you like most? 4. Is it better to listen to live music, or to listen to music on the TV? Why is this better? 5.What ancient Kazakh musical instruments and folk singers do you know? 6. Do you play any musical instrument? 7. What are some of the things that can affect the image and popularity of musicians? 8. Do you like music? 9. What kind of music do you like? 10. Are there many people who are fond of music? 11. Does music help you? 12. What are your favorite singers? 13. Did you go to the musical school? 7. Match the names of a composer and the country they are from a. Sh.Kaldayakov 1) England b. Bach 2) Kazakhstan c. Britten 3) Germany d. Mozart 4) Austria e. Tchaikovsky 5) Russia f. E. Rakhmadiyev 6) Italy j. Vivaldi 7) Kazakhstan


8. Role-play the dialogue. M: Hello, Kausar! K: Hello. It’s so nice to see you. Come in, please. M: Look here, Kausar, there is a concert this evening at the club. You are sure to like it. What about going there together? K: Oh, I am sorry, I can’t. I’m making a new dress. I want to wear it at our party and I haven’t finished it yet. M: Oh, dear, we haven’t been to the club for ages. Besides, it’s a pity to stay at home on such a fine day, you know. K: All right, Mukhammed. But will you help me before we go? M: Oh, yes, why not? K: Something has gone wrong with my electric iron. Can you put it right? M: Let me have a look at it. Well, there’s nothing the matter with the iron. K: How clever of you! Thank you very much! M: Not at all. Are you ready to go now? K: Just a moment. I must switch off the light. M: Hurry up then. We are going to be late, I’m afraid. K: I’m ready. Come on.

9. Describe a musical event you enjoyed attending. You should say: - What the event you attended was - Where it took place - Who was with you and explain why you enjoyed attending the event


UNIT 13 Mass media

1. Read the text Text A

Mass media or mass communications are the press, radio and television. Every day we read newspapers and magazines, listen to the radio and watch TV. Mass media has become an important part of our life. All have already become listeners, readers, viewers long time ago. We get information we need while we are reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the news on the radio. If you want to relax, you can just switch on any FM station and enjoy music or you switch on your TV set, choose one of the music channels and have a fun. Newspapers, with their enormous circulation report, different kinds of news can supply any kind of information. They carry articles that cover the latest international and national events, all kind of rumors, advertisements, fun stories, biographies of well-known people, etc. You can buy newspapers also for TV programs, where a full coverage of commercial, financial and public affairs is given. There are newspapers and magazines for young people. They give a wide assortment of news, events and reports on education, sports, cultural life, entertainment, fashion, etc. There are many advertising programs now. If you like to know more about the World, you can watch Discovery channels that represent a huge massive of information on people lives, biographies, new discoveries in science. If you are keen on travelling, ancient extinct civilizations, Discovery Civilization is your channel. Our television provides so much information which can vary from social and economic crises, conflicts, wars, disasters, earthquakes, to diplomatic visits, negotiations, pollution problems, strikes, social movements that sometimes we are lost in this information ocean. 103

Radio broadcasts are valued mainly for their music programs (Europe Plus, Kazakh, Russian Radio, etc.).Viewers are fond of watching different shows, movies, sports, plays, games, educational and cultural programs and so on. As for me my family is also a mass media consumer, one of millions. I have a TV set in my room. I like «Culture Program». It is my mother's favorite program too. My father is a hockey and football fan, he likes to watch sport channels. My elder brother likes educational programs and my younger brother is keen on cartoons. I'm not keen on special programs. I like to see a bit this and a bit that. Also I like programs about travelling and traditions of other countries and nations. These programs educate and relax me at the same time.

2. Questions: 1. How do we get information that we need? 2. What information can we find in newspapers? 3. What newspapers can one buy in the morning? 4. What newspaper do you prefer to buy and read? 5. Do you read newspapers from the first line to the last? If not, which sections do you choose? 6. What kind of programs do Discovery channels broadcast? 7. Why can one be lost in the information ocean of television? 8. What TV channels do you know? 9. What is the main value of radio broadcasts? 10. What is your favorite program?

3. Role play the dialogue E. Good morning, Mukhammed! M. Hi, Edil! How are things going? E. Fine, thanks. M. Have you started preparing for the exams? E. Right enough, yes, that's what I decided. I've been busy preparing for some time, with that in mind.


M. That 'wall-newspaper' you used to produce at the university was rather good. Do you like that sort of thing ? E. Yes, that is definitely an important point: the information you give must be both interesting and accurate. I don't have much faith in the press — particularly, in what they print about our life at present. My feeling is much of it simply isn't true. M. That's an ideal, but real life is a lot more tricky. E. I think newspapers, magazines, radio and television don't simply provide information in the fields of economics, politics or culture. M. What's their purpose, then? E. I believe they are capable of educating the reader or hearer, of moulding public opinion, and criticizing the negative features of life. M. Tell me, which papers and magazines do you prefer? Do you have any favorite publications? E. As far as the papers go, I regularly look at 'The Arguments and the Facts'. When it comes to television — I'm less of a devotee. M. On the contrary, I love television, particularly young people's programmes. I specially like watching the TV programme called 'What? Where? When? E. I watch the television 'review editions' of the 'News', and the Sunday programme 'Drugaya pravda'. I like its analytical approach. M. What's your attitude to advertising in the media? There's so much of it both in the press and on television. E. Obviously, we can't do without advertising altogether. But it shouldn't be too much and repetitive. M. I can see you have your own viewpoint! I wish you every success in the exams. E. Many thanks.


4. Match each type of programmes on the left with the correct item on the right. a) nature films 1) football, boxing, swimming b) quiz shows 2) life of different countries c) news 3) people try to win prizes by answering questions d) soap operas 4) advertisements for products e) commercials 5) animals, fish, birds, plants, flowers f) travel films 6) information about what’s happening in the world g) comedies 7) jokes and funny situations h) sport 8) information for students i) education programmes 9) story of the daily life of a family

5. Speak on the situation. It is becoming more and more difficult to escape the influence of the media on our lives.

6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a media-rich society. As the world is globalizing the term of media is also growing respectively. And it is becoming tough to eradicate the effects of media on our life. Some people think that the advantages of media overweight the disadvantages. Firstly, there are many types of media such TV, the Internet, newspaper, magazines and radio which have a raft of pros. For instance, the Internet which is making our lives closer to other people and is making easier to communicate internationally. Moreover, from newspaper and magazines we can find a mass of information we need. Secondly, the media is promoting a whole globe. For example, the locals are becoming aware of each other by learning different nations’ culture and lifestyle with the help of mass media. Thirdly, living in a media-rich society can influx a lack of money. In a nutshell, it can rise the financial status of government. However, there are some cons of living in a media-rich community. For example, some newspaper and magazine publishers are publishing anti-social information which may pose to damage our behavior. By 106

the improvement of mass media in society, especially international media, many traditional values may escape such as national games and songs. Furthermore, besides these effects, mass media can make some information unreliable, especially on the internet and in newspapers. To sum up, it is getting much more tough to decrease the influence and increasing media on our lives. From these concepts it is clear that the locals should utilize media in a position way.

7. Find the correct definition to these words. 1. a serial a) to show on TV 2. to broadcast b) people who watch TV 3. an advertising c) a film consisting of several or many parts 4. viewers d) to march the two different parts 5. to connect e) a short clip telling up about advantage of things

Text B Newspapers

It is impossible to imagine daily life without daily newspapers. Millions and millions of them appear every day. A great number of people buy newspapers every day. Some people buy the morning papers, some – the evening papers. People can buy newspapers, get them by post or read them in the reading-rooms, libraries at their offices and plants. There may be two or four pages in a newspaper, some newspapers have even from 10 to 16 pages. Many people buy newspapers, but we cannot say that they read them from the first to the last line. Some people read only the sports papers, other only political news. But almost all of them look through all the pages of the newspapers. In a newspaper one can find a lot of different information about economy, industry, medicine, culture, art and everyday life events.


Text C Advantages and disadvantages of watching televisions

Although television, the most popular part of mass media plays a big role in every civilized society, there have been numerous debates concerning its advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages of watching TV is the possibility to be well informed. TV programmes are various and people have a chance to select what to see from documentaries, current events and sports programmes to films, science fiction cartoons, dramas and entertainment programmes. TV brought ballet, opera and theatre to big masses of people. TV provides great opportunities for education. With the help of TV it is possible to learn foreign languages, to know a lot of wonderful things concerning the world flora and fauna. At the same time there are a lot of arguments against TV. The grip it has on many people is great and they do not know how to spend their free time without TV. They can watch TV programmes from about six in the morning to the early hours of the next day watching everything. Among the biggest TV-viewers are not only adults but children as well. It is damaging for their health and abilities. TV cuts people from the real world. People become lazy, instead of doing sports they watch TV. Television takes free time of the people. Instead of reading books they watch various TV programmes. The best thing is to watch only selective TV programmes and not to be governed by them. Only few people today can live without TV. Despite increasing influence of the Internet, video films and other high- technology sources of information TV continues to play an important part in the human life. If people don’t like TV they don’t buy it or just switch it off. 8. Think of answers for these questions. 1. What is in the news in our country at the moment? 108

2. What type of mass media do you use, and why do you use that type for? 3. What do you think of the press in our country? Is it sensationalist and exploitative? Or is it serious and impartial? 4. Why is radio still one of the favorite types of the media? 5. What should you do to be a well-informed person? 9. Questions for the TV quiz. 1. Do you have 'watching television' on the top of your list of hobbies? 2. Do you get offended, if someone refers to television as 'an idiot box'? 3. You do not remember birthdays and anniversaries, but remember the entire month's TV schedule. 4. You remember over 100 channels by their numbers on the remote control. 5. You prepare for a TV session with lots of popcorn, burgers, pizzas etc. 6. You have seen all the seasons of 'Friends' and remember every episode. 7. Watching television for 5-7 hours on a stretch is a normal routine for you. 8. You wait desperately for new shows, which are being advertised heavily. 9. You meet your friends only to watch TV together. 10. You are always looking out to buy a bigger, better television.

10. Match the words with their definitions. 1. An advert - A program which gives facts and information about a particular subject 2. A cinema - People take part in a competition there. They are asked questions, they can win or lose the game. If they are in luck they get a prize.


3. Sport news - a commercial interruption, where a thing, a product or a service are advertised . It helps people to choose best things. 4. A documentary - produced by recording images from the world with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. 5. A quiz show - A programme, where sport events are told.

Text D Children`s Television Viewing Habits in the UK

Parents and teachers throughout the country often express concern about the amount of hours that children spend in front of the television. According to recent statistics, teenagers watch between 2.5 and 3.2 hours of television every day. Many children watch television in the mornings over breakfast but most viewing takes place after school in the evenings. Peak viewing times for teenagers are between seven and nine o`clock. They watch soap operas, music programs and quiz shows. Between the hours of four and six, when the programs are specifically aimed at children, the viewing figures are much lower. Girls watch more drama series, documentaries and news programs. Boys watch more science fiction and sport. Television plays an important part in the lives of children. They are affected by the images they see and they find role models in their favorite programs. What parents and their children have to consider is how much time should be spent watching television and which programs are suitable or unsuitable.

11. Today, there is a TV set in nearly every home. People watch TV every day, and some people watch it from morning until night. Americans watch TV about 35 hours a week. But is TV good or bad for you? People have different opinions. Read what some American college students say: a) People don`t get any exercise. They just sit and watch TV. b) It brings news from around the world into people`s homes. 110

c) People just want entertainment today. They don`t want to think. d) There`s a lot of crime and violence on TV today. The programs are terrible! e) Children learn many useful things from programs like «Sesame Street». It teaches them to read. f) It helps me relax after a long day. g) Programs on the radio are better. They make you think. h) It`s all commercials I hate it. i) People learn about life in other countries. j) People don`t read anymore. It`s easier to watch TV.

12. Do you agree with the opinions above? Write Yes or No next to these opinions. Do you know what these abbreviations stand for? BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation ITV – Independent Television S4C - Welsh speaking Cannel MTV – Music Television

Read the text: The future of television

13 Fill in the gaps using a proper word: The computer, dimensions, channels, ‘holographic’, programs, music, ‘menu’, width and depth. In future, we probably won’t watch television at all. I think television (1)….will disappear. We’ll use a computer and choose the programs that we want to watch. (2)… will then get the program from another computer, probably on the other side of the world. We‘ll be able to tell the computer what type of (3) ….we like (for example, types of films, (4)…., documentaries, etc.) and the computer will search for those programs and then give us a (5)… to choose from. The pictures that we see will also be different. They will be (6)….. This means that they will have three (7)…. – they will have height, (8)…. We will be able to look around the pictures that we see. 111

Read and retell the text: British newspapers

In the UK there are two main kinds of newspapers: broadsheets and tabloids. Originally these names came from the size of the newspapers. A tabloids format newspaper was smaller and the broadsheet format newspaper was bigger. When we talk about tabloids and broadsheets, we talk about two different kinds of newspapers: easy reading and quality newspapers. Tabloids report news in a very condensed form. They write about celebrities, the British Royal Family, sport, crime stories and scandals. Broadsheets give their readers long, detailed reports on the latest news and focus on more serious things: politics, economy, government , international events, business, culture.


UNIT 14 Inventions and discoveries

What is the meaning of the language? Invention – a thing that has been made or designed by somebody for the first time Discovery – something that has been found

Text A. Beyond the telephone

1. Read this passage with a dictionary. Then answer the questions below. Remember, not so long when the telephone used to be simple receiver connected by a wire to the wall? And all you used your phone for was to make a phone call? Today, new technology has changed the telephone and what people use it for. Computer-based technology has given us instant connections and clearer conversations over the telephone. Nowadays, people use telephones to do their banking, to rent videos, and computers to computerized information centers. People also send letters and documents through phone lines by fax. And new systems may be available shortly for sending video pictures over the telephone. But you don’t need to be at home or at the office to use the telephone anymore. Mobile phones (also known as cellular phones) have no wires. You can carry one in your pocket or keep one in your car. A call from a mobile phone travels along radio waves to stations located in different places. From there, the radio signal is connected to the regular phone system. With a mobile phone, anyone who can drive and talk can also drive and phone. This means less wasted time: You don’t have to look for a phone booth or use coins to make a call. So remember, next time you are at the beach or riding your bicycle, there might be a call for you!


2. Questions. a) How have computers improved telephone services? b) How many uses of the telephone can you find in the passage? c) How many uses of a mobile phone can you find? d) How does a mobile phone call reach a station? e) How many different things do you use the telephone for?

Learn the topical words: Receiver, dial, switchboard, extension, trunk- (long distance) call, to ring smb. up, to phone, to disconnect, to leave a message, wrong number.

3. Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, active or passive. The history of paper

Today, paper (use) for hundreds of everyday things - books and newspapers, of course, but also money, stamps, cups, bags, and even some clothes. Long ago, before paper, people (write) on animal skins, bones and stones. Then in 2700 BC, the Egyptians (start) to make papyrus, which was similar to paper. But the first real paper (invent) in AD 105 by a Chinese government official, Tsai Lun. It (make) from a mixture of plants and cloth. The Chinese (keep) their invention secret for centuries. Finally, in the 10th century, paper (bring) to Europe by the Arabs. The first European paper mill (build) in Spain in 1150. Since the 18th century, most paper (make) out of wood, because it is much stronger than cloth. Nowadays, each person (use) about 300 kg of paper every year. That's a lot of paper!


Text B. 4. Reading Comprehension (Gapped text)

Complete the text with these words, and word phrases. (human voice, patent ,to be heard directly, indispensable, commercially devices, to conduct, long distances,) A telephone, or phone, is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users …….a conversation when they are too far apart……. A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals suitable for transmission via cables or other transmission media over……, and replays such signals simultaneously in audible form to its user. In 1876, Scottish emigrant Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be granted a United States patent for a device that produced clearly intelligible replication of the……... This instrument was further developed by many others. The telephone was the first device in history that enabled people to talk directly with each other across large distances. Telephones rapidly became …….to businesses, government, and households, and are today some of the most widely used small appliances. Bell placing the first New York to Chicago telephone call in 1892 Credit for the invention of the electric telephone is frequently disputed. As with other influential inventions such as radio, television, the light bulb, and the computer, several inventors pioneered experimental work on voice transmission over a wire and improved on each other's ideas. New controversies over the issue still arise from time to time. Charles Bourseul, Antonio Meucci, Johann Philipp Reis, Alexander Graham Bell, and Elisha Gray, amongst others, have all been credited with the invention of the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be awarded a patent for the electric telephone by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in March 1876. The Bell patents were forensically victorious and…….. That first patent by Bell was the master …..of


the telephone, from which other patents for electric telephone devices and features flowed. In 1876, shortly after the telephone was invented, Hungarian engineer Tivadar Puskás invented the telephone switch, which allowed for the formation of telephone exchanges, and eventually networks

5. Match the sentences on the left with the responses on the right. 1. Would you like to leave a message? 2. Can I leave a message? 3. Are there any messages for me? 4. Can you tell her I called? 5. Could you ask him to call me back? 6. I’ll call back later. 7. Did you get my message?

A) Yes, but I didn’t have time to call you back. B) No. Nobody called all morning. C) Yes. I’ll pass on the message as soon as I see him. D) Yes, of course. I’ll just get a pen… Go ahead. E) Yes, please. Could you tell him I’m coming tomorrow? F) Yes. I’ll tell her when I see her this afternoon. G) Ok. Goodbye.

6. Complete these sentences. 1. This instrument…the most important in the history of communication. 2. The first long- distance connection…between New York and Boston in 1884. 3. Before satellites, connections…by cables. 4. It… by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. 5. The first exchange, with operators connecting callers,…. Connecticut in 1887. 6. These instruments …. in homes and public places, and mobile ones were development in the 1990’s. 116

7. Study and practice the dialogue.


M. Hello? K. Is that Mary? It's Kate. M. Hi, Kate. How are you? K. Good, thanks. And you? M. Yeah, fine, thanks. K. Mary, I'm trying to get ... M. Hello? Hello? K. Sorry. We were cut off. Listen, I'm calling because Jed can't make it on Thursday. M. Oh yeah? K. Yeah, so are you free on Friday instead? M. I'm not sure. Can I get back to you later? K. Sure. I'm going out now, so give me a ring on my mobile. You've got my number. M. Yes, it's here on my mobile! K. Oh good! Oh, and can you give me Andy's number? I can't find it anywhere. M. I haven't got it on me, sorry. I can give it to you when I call you back. K. Thanks! Speak to you later, then. Bye! M. Bye for now.

Text C The discovery of DNA Did you know that a tiny piece of your hair gives us information about... ? — who you are related to — which career you could be successful in — any crimes you have committed — what illnesses you could get 117

— how and when you could die This is possible thanks to the information in DNA (or deoxyribonucleic acid). Your hair and every cell in your body contains your own unique DNA. It can tell you a lot about your family, health, and personality. DNA was discovered by a German scientist, Friedrich Miescher, in 1869, but nobody realized its importance then. Other scientists thought that it was too simple to contain the map of how we are made! In 1953, a group of British scientists at Cambridge University finally discovered the structure of DNA and how it worked. They were given the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1962. Gradually, scientists learned to 'read' more and more of the information in DNA. In 1986, for the first time DNA testing was used by the police. Some DNA is usually left by a criminal at the place where the crime was committed. This can be matched with DNA from a suspect. The test shows if the suspect is guilty. In 1990 the Human Genome Project was begun. Scientists wanted to make a map of the 3 billion chemical letters in human DNA. Over 1,000 scientists all over the world worked on the project, and it took 10 years. With this information, it is possible that a cure for many diseases will be found in the future. But it also brings with it many questions. Do we want to be able to choose what our babies will look like, or pick the best person for a job with DNA tests?

Text D The invention of Google

How many common English words were invented by Shakespeare?' How long did it take people to find the answer to this question 15 years ago? And now? You can Google it and find the answer immediately! Google is the most popular Internet search engine in the world. It was invented by two students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They


met in 1995, when they were both studying computer science at Stanford University, USA. They were also both fans of the science fiction TV programme Star Trek, and they loved the spaceship computer. They dreamed of producing something that could also answer any question in seconds. Internet search engines at the time were slow and gave many websites that weren't useful. In January 1996, Page and Brin decided to make a better and faster search engine. They thought the results should be based on the popularity of each website - the most popular ones have the highest number of 'weblinks' (links to other websites). Nobody would give them money for their project, so they used their credit cards and bought as much computer memory as possible. They also borrowed money from family and friends. Then, in 1998, they were given a cheque for $100,000, and they started their own company. Their first office was in a friend's garage! The company name Google comes from mathematics. A 'Googol' is a very high number - 1 followed by a hundred zeros. The Google search engine was soon used by thousands of people worldwide because it was fast, easy and accurate. By 2002 it was the biggest search engine on the Internet. Now, more questions have been answered by Google than any other Internet service, from sport to science, and from music to medicine. Google hopes that in the future all the world's information will be put on the Internet, so that everybody can find everything.

8. Answer the questions: 1. Who made the discovery/invention? 2. How long did it take to develop? 3. Were there any problems in the beginning? 4. What are important dates in its history? 5. How useful is the discovery/invention now? Give an example. 6. What could happen with it in the future?


Did you know… Alexander Fleming (1881 – 1955) Sir Alexander Fleming was a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist. His best-known achievements are the discovery of the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and the antibiotic substance penicillin from the fungus Penicillium notatum in 1928, for which he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Howard Walter Florey and Ernst Boris Chain. How did Louis Pasteur and Pasteurization change the world? A lot of people don't realize that up until Louis Pasteur and his science work, we didn't know why we were getting sick, because there's basically problems with food. Bacteria. And he was able to determine that a lot of our food groups and food products needed to be refrigerated, and he also came up with a number of different medicines and ideas to help us live a healthier life. So without Louis Pasteur, we would still be eating tainted foods and tainted milk and having tremendous sickness from that.

9.Find necessary information in the Internet and fill the table.

INVENTIONS INVENTORS Penicillin the theory of relativity the printing press designed the aqualung bubble gum the can opener created tea bags the first working airplane X-rays the hula hoop


11. Crossword puzzle for you to try! Across: 5. Communication tool, invented by Alexander Graham Bell. 8. The vehicle, which moves on four wheels. 9. The invention, which may bring any live audio range of human speech or music.

Down: 1. Without this invention, people could not express their thoughts on a paper. 2. Material to the letter. 3. The invention, by which you can sit on the internet. 4. With this invention you can light a lamp. 5. It was specially devised for the protection and hunting. 6. Global system of combined computer networks. 7. One of the most remarkable inventions of XX century in the field of medicine.

Text E American Inventors An inventor is someone who makes something for the first time. Three American inventors of the nineteenth-century were Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Graham Bell. Their inventions helped change our way of life. 121

Thomas Edison came up with over 1,000 new inventions. Some of his inventions were the phonograph (record player), the mimeograph (a type of copy machine), and wax paper. However, Edison's most famous invention was the light bulb. Thomas Edison also worked on improving the inventions of others. Edison helped make the telephone, the typewriter, and the movie camera work better. Thomas Edison is known as one of the greatest inventors in history. Benjamin Franklin was another important American inventor. Franklin wore eyeglasses, but he wasn't able to see near and far with them. This problem led him to invent bifocal glasses. Many people today wear bifocal glasses to see both distances, near and far. Some people recall Ben Franklin flying a kite and think that he discovered electricity. Franklin did not discover electricity, however, he did invent the lightning rod which helped protect buildings from lightning strikes. In the 1800s, when people heard about an idea to put a telephone in every home, people often laughed and didn't believe it could happen. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, proved them wrong. Today, most people do have a telephone in their home and have Alexander Graham Bell to thank for it. These three inventors have made important contributions to the American way of life. What will you invent to change the lives of others?

12. Use the above information to complete the following statements. 1. An …. is someone who makes something for the first time. 2. Three famous American inventors were Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Graham Bell. Their inventions helped ….our way of life. 3. Thomas Edison came up with over … new inventions. 4. Benjamin Franklin invented the … eyeglasses. 5. Alexander Graham Bell invented the ….


13. True or False? 1. Thomas Edison helped improve the inventions of other people. True False 2. Thomas Edison invented the typewriter. True False 3. Benjamin Franklin invented electricity. True False 4. The lightning rod was invented by Edison Franklin Bell 5. Thomas Edison invented which of the following? Phonograph Mimeograph Wax paper All of the above.

14. Do a vocabulary test. Complete the sentences with the words from the list. There are some extra words. Withdraw, technophobe, defrost, computers, reheat, cordless phone, a solar powered calculator 1.… is a person who doesn’t like, trust or even doesn’t want to use modern technologies, especially computers. 2. Do you know how to … cash from an ATM? 3… are the best way to teach young children how to count and make children more interested in learning. 4.A microwave oven is the best thing to … pre-prepared food very quickly. 5. To receive or make calls around the home you can use a ….


15 Translate into your native language: 1.Joseph Nicéphore Niépce from France pioneered photography in 1829.. 2. Karl Benz produced the world’s first petrol-driven car in Germany in 1878. 3. In 1895 the Lumiere brothers patented their cinematography and opened the world’s first cinema in Paris. 4. Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first airplane in 1903 (USA). 5. In 1908 James M. Spangler from the USA built the first vacuum cleaner. 6. In 1908 US automobile manufacturer Henry Ford created the world’s first car assembly line.


UNIT 15 New technologies

1. Read the Text Text A. Computer

Everyone is using computers for business and pleasure. There is growing concern about the effects this has on children. They spend many hours on the computer playing games, chatting and watching videos. Valuable childhood hours are spent sitting indoors opposite a computer screen instead of playing outdoors and running free. Many people argue that the time children spend online is actually very good for them. They say that children have to prepare themselves for their higher education and working lives. Therefore, the time they spend is actually helping them gain the computer skills they need in order to become productive adults. In my opinion, there are advantages and disadvantages to children spending a lot of time using computers. It is clear that children need computer skills to further their education. However, there is a difference between the time spent playing computer games and chatting and the time spent working on university projects or doing online research. It is important to recognize that the online world is huge and offers limitless opportunities that are both useful and harmful. Parents play a very important role in supervising the online activities of their children. It is their job to check the sites they are visiting and the games they are playing. It is also their duty to limit the number of hours that children spend in front of the computer. There are so many wonderful activities for children that don`t involve the computer. Parents have to make sure that their children have a variety of interests outside the computer world. It is clear that children today must be computer literate in order to succeed in life. But we have to remember that children should also experience many other joys of life that make childhood 125

so special. It`s possible to balance this out and make sure that children gain important computer skills and still enjoy the pleasures of childhood.


1. Computers let you access a lot of information. 2. Computers let you communicate very quickly, by e-mail or using the Internet. 3. Computers can do some jobs very quickly, for example sending out large numbers of letters or bills. 4. Computers make it possible to work from home. 5. Word processors make it easier to write letters and reports, and to do work for school or college. 6. Children enjoy using computers, and multimedia, interactive soft ware and virtual reality all make learning more exciting. Many books are now available on CD-ROM. 7. Large amounts of information can be stored on computers in a database.


1. Many people don’t like using computers, and would prefer to deal with a person instead. 2. Computers can get viruses. 3. Soft ware often has bugs, and sometimes computers crash 4. Some children spend too much time playing computer games, which can be very violent. 5. Anyone can put information or images on the Internet, so it can easily be used by criminals to communicate with each other. There are no laws to stop this, and it is extremely difficult to police the Internet. 6. Computers quickly become obsolete, so they soon need to be replaced. 7. If a computer is not working properly, most people do not know how to fix it, and this can be very annoying. 126

2. What gadgets and machines do people use? Why do people use them? 1. a camera 17. a fax machine 2. a microwave oven 18. roller blades 3. a mobile telephone 19. a dishwasher 4. an electronic game 5. a video recorder\player 6. a TV set 7. a vacuum cleaner 8. a videophone 9. a cordless phone 10. a talking alarm clock 11. a sewing machine 12. a computer 13. a solar powered calculator 14. a TV remote-control unit 15. a mower 16. a body building machine to cut and collect the grass to build up one’s strength to wash the dishes to take photographs to cook, defrost, reheat pre-prepared food to receive or make calls around the home, etc. to perform everyday cleaning tasks from vacuuming to cleaning up liquids, dust and waste and shampooing carpets to not only sew but do embroidery and appliqué and sew on buttons to wake up people and tell the time to watch pre-recorded videos to record a programme even when watching another on a different channel to have fun and entertain to send and receive urgent messages to operate the TV set from a distance to write programs, play games, find and use information, etc. to do calculations in sunlight or day-light 127

3. Work in a group of about 3-4 persons. Choose a group leader. The first group will write and name three things that you couldn’t live without. The second group will write and name three things that you consider useless.

4. Answer the questions connected with the theme: 1) What technologies will we have in the future? 2) How will they make our life easier? 3) Would you like to use them in your everyday life? Why / why not?

5. Complete the sentences using the words in the box. advances, attraction, challenge, estimated, exploratory The ______of a nuclear age is new technologies and potential new energy supplies. During the flight they are going to carry out a new ______medical test. The exhibition has very little ______for me. The results of our experiment was ______highly. Russia has made great ______in space travel.

Text B Internet and modern life

The Internet has already entered our ordinary life. Everybody knows that the Internet is a global computer network, which embraces hundred of millions of users all over the world and helps us to communicate with each other. The history of Internet began in the United States in 1969. It was a military experiment, designed to help to survive during a nuclear war, when everything around might be polluted by radiation and it would be dangerous to get out for any living being to get some information to anywhere. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest and safest path available from one computer to another. 128

Because of this, any two computers on the net will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them. This technology was called packet switching. Invention of modems, special devices allowing your computer to send the information through the telephone line, has opened doors to the Internet for millions of people. Most of the Internet host computers are in the United States of America. It is clear that the accurate number of users can be counted fairly approximately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet today, because there are hundred of millions of users and their number is growing. Nowadays the most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. They can do it either they are at home or in the internet clubs or at work. Other popular services are available on the Internet too. It is reading news, available on some dedicated news servers, telnet, FTP servers, etc. In many countries, the Internet could provide businessmen with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable tele- communications systems of its own system of communications. Commercial users can communicate cheaply over the Internet with the rest of the world. When they send e-mail messages, they only have to pay for phone calls to their local service providers, not for international calls around the world, when you pay a good deal of money. But saving money is only the first step and not the last one. There is a commercial use of this network and it is drastically increasing. Now you can work through the Internet, gambling and playing through the net. Besides, we can get some news from the Internet, because there are many informational servers in the web.


6. Questions: 1. What is the Internet? 2. When and where did the history of Internet begin? 3. Why was the Internet designed? 4. What is modem? 5. Where are most of the Internet host computers? 6. What is the accurate number of internet users? 7. What is the most popular Internet service today? 8. What other popular services are available on the Internet?

7. The influence of modern technologies on different spheres. Science Technology helps to advance science. It provides science with new and more accurate instruments for its investigation and research. (ex.: With the help of computers scientists have made many new discoveries in different fields Physics, Chemistry, Medicine- computers help to find cures for many illnesses and diseases. Households Technology makes our life easier and faster. Household appliances help to save our energy and time. Education Technology has become a valuable academic tool. All modern possibilities of the Internet with its access to information, computers, laptops with their different functions, calculators enable you to study more effectively. Some classrooms are equipped with Interactive Whiteboards, projectors, sound systems, laptops which enable teachers to make lessons interesting and effective. Communication This sphere also benefits from technology. Having a mobile phone, for example, you can be quickly connected with your friend or business partner and solve the problem instantly. Having a web camera and the Net you see and talk to a person who is far away


from you. Also you can send and get information in a matter of seconds. Film industry Technology plays an enormous part in the film industry today. Filmmakers rely on technologies to create amazing special effects and animation. Entertainment There are a lot of modern technologies which help us keep entertained, for example TV, the Internet, musical systems, digital cameras, mobile phones, PCPs, laptops etc.

8. Use of English. Use the words given in brackets in the correct form. There are a lot of modern (invent) ______people use in everyday life. A great deal of (science) ______, engineers, workers do their best to create new gadgets which make our life easier and (comfortable)______. As for me, my (favour) ______bit of technology is a mobile. I can’t do (with) ______it. My Nokia is compact and (rely) ______. It offers a lot of (possible) ______such as a camera, a calculator, a walkman. Besides the price is (reason) ______. That’s why I think it is a (necessary) ______rather than a luxury.

Text С Information age For and Against

We have lived through the twentieth century in which many new types of technology have been developed. Some examples of these are computers, video telephones, computerized television, and satellite systems. People have benefited and are benefiting from these kinds of technology. I'm sure the life in the nearest future will be more exciting and comfortable.


It is common now to have a computer at home. Home computers plugged into phone lines become powerful tools of knowledge because they are connected over what is known as the "internet" or "worldwide web" to libraries, universities and major research institutions, as well as countless other information services. A specialist is able to locate the latest facts and get new information over the internet. "Smart" TVs provided with new satellite systems are also being developed. Soon there will be available as many as half a thousand channels. Home shopping programs will allow viewers to shop for everything from a yacht to a loaf of bread. Travel services, weather reports, video games, financial services, any kind of educational courses will be available at the touch of a button. The possibilities are almost endless. By combining the technologies of computers, telephones, and television and then finding new methods of storing and transmitting data it will be possible to transport any information to every home. Meanwhile, the time saved by not having to travel from one place to another for information, goods, and services can be used for rest, recreation, and education. The quality of life will be surely im- proved. The world will certainly become a more interesting place in which to live. Against We have a very comfortable life because of modern technology, but it has created some negative aspects. I do not support the idea of having advanced technology because it takes away time from reading and thinking. Before television, people used to read, think, and converse much more frequently. They had the time to look at their lives and values. Today, people prefer to watch exciting things on video and television. Students today belong to the "TV generation", few of them find time to read books, journals, and newspapers. Another negative aspect, to my mind, are the computerized services. If most services are computerized, it will be easy for others


to find private information about a person. For example, the use over the internet of a credit card number to pay bills or go shopping can reduce your privacy. Someone can easily find out what you bought and what you paid for it. This can also lead to others using your credit card number, or, in other words, theft.

9. Questions: 1.Why do home computers become powerful tools of knowledge? 2. How will the quality of television viewing improve? 3.Do you think the possibilities of these advanced technologies will bring people together or isolate them? 4. Do you think there are advantages to having more TV channels? 5. What does the expression "TV generation" mean? 6. What do you think about advanced technology? Are you for or against it?

10. Do you know computer’s parts and software? Here are some of them: System Block, Display, Software, Mouse, Keyboard, Hard Disk Driver (HDD), Floppy Disk Driver (FDD), Mouse pad. 11. Put each of the following words in its place in the passage below. (Software, computers , peripherals , calculator , ports, monitor, keyboard configuration, hardware, printer). So you only have a pocket (1)_____to do addition, multiplication and so on, you want to know about real (2)_____? Right. Well, the machines themselves are called the (3)_____ and the programs that you feed into them are called the (4)_____. If you want to see the results of what you are doing, you’ll need a (5)____or you’ll have to plug into a television set. You’ll operate your machine like a typewriter by pressing keys on the (6)______. If you want to record on the paper of what you are doing, you’ll


need a (7)______. On the rear panel of the computer there several (8)______into which you can plug a wide range of (9)______-- modems, fax machines and scanners. The main physical units of a computer system are generally known as the (10)______.

Text D New technologies in our life

12. Translate and retell the text

Nowadays millions of people from all over the world use a lot of appliances, devices and gadgets. It means that there were a lot of changes in different areas such as education, communication and transport. But the most important change was, of course, in home area. In today’s world there are enormous discussions about new inventions of our world and its advantages and disadvantages. There are discussions about the computer, radio and pager. But the most important are the mobile phone, mp3 player and e-mail. The mp3 player has everything to make our life easier and more pleasant. On the whole music helps to relax and mp3 makes it possible to listen to it everywhere, it means you can relax everywhere you want. Moreover with the help of this appliance you can easily forget about the real world, its problems and simply enjoy music. And finally, mp3 player can be a good addition to clothes and person’s lifestyle. But at the same time no doubt that players damage person’s health when somebody listen to music with the help of headphones. You can easily get a headache or a deafness. Besides when you listen to music all your free time you can become addicted to it and then always only listen to it. Pm3 player can interfere with your studies, especial at lessons. I think that it isn’t very good because the quality of your activity at the university may become lower than usual. As for emails, nowadays they are losing its privileged place among teens. It’s only used to communicate with “adults”. Young


people prefer instant messaging (it is called IM) and text messaging as ways to connect with their friends. IM is already hugely popular in Kazakhstan and its advantages are obvious. When you send someone an email, you don’t know when you will get a reply. Your friend might not check his or her messages, or might not use that email address anymore. With IM, however, a program on your computer tells you when a friend is online. You can then send a message to your friend, who can type a reply instantly. The mobile phone in today’s world is rather popular too. It is mostly used as a tool of text-messaging, as alarm-clocks, calculators, to send photos, play games and to help with exam revision. And though it has several not very good effects. Firstly, some students have admitted to cheating on tests using their phones! Secondly, you can simply become addicted to this appliance and use it everywhere everyday. I think that it’s not normal because it can cause a lot of illnesses as cancer. And finally, when a teen has a mobile phone he calls every 5 minutes and that is why parents have to pay a lot of money for this appliance. In my opinion it is not right because when you always call or use mobile phone people can think that you are crazy and live only in virtual world. So, I think that home technologies play an important role in my life and in life of everybody in this world not only because they make our life easier but also because they help us to communicate with each other. Text E Understanding Computers

Do you know how a telephone works? or a television? Probably not. Computers are used for writing, reading, storing and transferring information by people in all kinds of jobs, but not many people know how they work. There are three basic parts of a computer: the input unit, CPU (central processing unit) and the output unit. Imagine you want to store and send some information. First of all, you put the information into the CPU using the keyboard and a 135

mouse. If you already have the information on a floppy disk or compact disk, you can put this in directly. When the information reaches the CPU, it is read using the ROM (read – only memory), and then it is stored in the RAM (random-access memory). Confusing? Not really – think of the ROM as the eyes and brain, and the RAM as the memory. Finally, the information is sent to the output unit. This means you can look at it on the VDU (visual display unit), which is like a television, tell the printer to print a copy on paper, or send it to another computer using a modem.

Mobile Phones The technical progress goes straight in huge steps. We live in the 21st century, full of different means of communication. Today almost everyone has a mobile phone. We cannot imagine our life without it because it is very important to communicate with your family and friends. At the same time, we can find the opinion that the usage of mobile phones can be harmful and dangerous. I think that mobile phones are very useful in our everyday life. Firstly, it is very convenient, as people can call each other anywhere. Secondly, each telephone has such devices as a calendar, a camera, the Internet, an alarm clock and others. No matter where we are, there is an opportunity to get connected to the Internet, check our e-mails and find any necessary information. In addition mobile phones can help fill in our free time. For example, we may play games on it. Moreover, you are always available to delay meetings or let somebody know if you are late. Thirdly, many parents buy cell phones for their children just for safety. If a child gets into some trouble, he can call emergency services or his parents. If you need, you can call the police or an ambulance. At the same time, some people believe that mobile phones are dangerous. Their microwaves can be very harmful and they affect our health greatly. In addition, there is such a phenomenon as a mobile phone addiction, and it’s a real problem in our society. Besides, when a person speaks on the phone in public places, we can listen to other people’s conversations or sometimes phones ring a lot of times. It is so disturbing.


In conclusion, I’d like to say that mobile phones make our life easier but nevertheless, there is a negative effect on our health. That is why people shouldn’t overuse them.

13. Fill the gaps with the correct object below

1) A … is a small object which you move with your hand to give instructions to the computer. 2) If we want to upload our pictures into the computer, we use a … 3) While chatting on the web we usually use a … to see each other’s faces. 4) It is smaller than a desktop computer and you can carry it with your hands. It is a …



1. I… a manager of the company: A) am B) is C) are D) was E) were

2. He … now: A) read B) reads C) has read D) have read E) is reading

3. .… shall be working at 5 o’clock tomorrow: A) I B) they C) she D) you E) he

4. My brother … many friends at the Institute: A) am B) is C) has got D) have got E) are

5. We … a good map: A) has been B) have got C) has got D) had got E) have been. 138

6. There … a lamp on that table: A) is B) are C) am D) be E) been

7. The young men … to the library now: A) are going B) go C) goes D) is going E) to go.

8. Give … this book, please: A) his B) she C) it D) me E) your

9. Where does your father … ?: A) work B) to work C) works D) worked E) is working

10. They …their parents every weekend: A) visit B) visits C) shall visit D) are visiting E) visiting.


11. I … not seen you for ages: A) has B) have C) did D) shall E) does

12. He … looks through the mail in the morning: A) lately B) already C) yet D) usually E) ever

13. Their house is better than … house: A) our B) mine C) hers D) its E) yours

14. You … take the journal. I don’t need it. A) can’t B) shouldn’t C) had to D) couldn’t E) may

15. My friend … the answer to the question: A) is know B) know C) knowing D) knows E) has known


16. When I looked round the door, the baby … quietly: A) is sleeping B) slept C) was sleeping D) were sleeping E) has slept

17. Robert … ill for three weeks. He’s still in hospital. A) had been B) has been C) is D) was E) were.

18. Don’t worry. I ¬¬¬… be here to help you: A) not B) shall C) willn’t D) won’t E) don’t

19. What’s the weather like in Canada? How often … there?: A) does it snow B) does it snows C) snow it D) snows it E) did it snows

20. Give the books… A) me B) to me C) my D) mine E) I


21. Is that my key, or is it …? A) the yours B) the your’s C) your D) yours E) her

22. We’ve lived in this flat … five years: A) ago B) already C) for D) since E) by

23. What’s the name of the man … gave us a lift?: A) which B) he C) what D) who E) that

24. Mary … me everything about her holiday: A) say B) speak C) ask D) tells E) discuss

25. The theatre … in 1919: A) was built B) has built C) build D) were build E) built


26. I study at the University. A) neither B) so she C) so does he D) so she does E) neither he

27. They bought … newspapers : A) herself B) themselves C) himself D) yourself E) ourselves

28. … Jack London is … well-known American writer: A) a, a B) an, the C) -, a D) the, the E) an, a

29. They … an appointment for Friday at the moment: A) had made B) are making C) have made D) has made E) is making

30. Mr. Blake asked Mr. Green if he … busy all day: A) is B) will be C) would be D) was E) isn’t


31. Mr. White asked Mr. Bell what model they …: A) will improve B) was improved C) is improving D) are improving E) had improved

32. If you … hurry, we’ll be late: A) won’t B) shan’t C) don’t D) aren’t E) doesn’t

33. What time … Ann this evening?: A) did you met B) will you met C) are you meeting D) do you meet E) are you met

34. London is the capital of ___: A) Scotland B) The UK C) The USA D) Australia E) Northern Ireland

35. I have been waiting for you… 2o’clock. A) about B) for C) since D) at E) in


36. I am going to stay here for… few days. A) anothers B) the other C) others D) the others E) another

37. My aunt and uncle’s children are my ___: A) cousins B) brothers and sisters C) uncles D) nieces E) nephews

38. What is the definition of the word ‘colleague’? A) Someone you have known well for a long time. B) A man that a woman used to go out with. C) One of the parents of your husband or wife. D) Someone you work with. E) Someone you love.

39. It often snows ____ January. A) in B) for C) at D) on E) over

40. Choose the word closest in the meaning to the word ‘journey’: A) holiday B) trip C) lunch D) rest E) festival


41. From the west Great Britain is washed by… A) the Pacific ocean B) the Atlantic ocean C) the Irish sea D) the Indian ocean E) the Red sea.

42. The woman … her head but said nothing. A) held B) carry C) shook D) think E) drive

43. Good ____! I hope you win the race. A) chance B) sort C) wish D) luck E) way

44. What is the capital of Wales? A) Belfast B) Coventry C) Cardiff D) Edinburgh E) Birmingham

45. Every year the anniversary of W. Shakespeare is celebrated in… A) Stradford-upon-Avon B) London C) Manchester D) Liverpool E) Brooklyn


46. I …. my work by next Monday A) to finish B) will be finish C) shall have finished D) am finishing E) finished

47. British Parliament is ___: A) The supreme legislative body B) The executive body C) The judicial body D) The temporary body E) The illegal body.

48. Great Lakes are.. A) In Scotland B) Between the USA and Canada C) In Northen Ireland D) Between the USA and Mexico E) Between the USA and Wales

49. What is the oldest University in Britain? A) Alabama B) Lugano C) Oxford D) Scottish E) Cambridge

50. I asked when we … the matter: A) will discuss B) would discuss C) discussed D) discuss E) have discussed


51. The roses … very beautiful last year. A) are B) were C) to be D) was E) is

52. There …a large reading hall and refreshment room on the first floor. A) am B) are C) stands D) is E) were

53. We go to school at a quarter to eight. A) 7.45 B) 7.30 C) 8.15 D) 8.10 E) 7.15.

54. He is married ____an English woman. A) on B) to C) with D) by E) for

55. Bad news … fast. A) flies B) is fly C) flys D) are flying E) had flown


56. You mustn’t _____ in class A) smoking B) be smoking C) have smoked D) smoke E) had smoked

57. You do it in the library A) drink coffee B) write dictations C) lend money D) borrow books E) listen to music

58. In the city … is polluted. A) lakes B) woods C) air D) rivers E) forests

59. I want … at the airport. A) you meeting me B) that you meet me C) you meet me D) to meet me E) you to meet me

60. He entered the room … A) requiring great skills B) without being noticed C) shipping the goods in May D) going there E) to explain something


61. We didn’t expect him … for the show. A) to be late B) being late C) to have been late D) be late E) to late

62. I want you to believe me. A) I wished you had believed me B) I wish you believe me C) I wish you believed me D) I wished you don’t believe me E) I wish me you believed

63. I didn’t take part in yesterday’s excursion. A) I wish I took part in that excursion B) I wish I take part in that excursion C) I wish I would take part in that excursion D) I wish I had taken part in that excursion E) I wish I have taken part in that excursion

64. Is there … difficult for the students in the exercise? A) something B) nothing C) anything D) anybody E) everything

65. Let me .. it again. A) trying B) tried C) to try D) will try E) try


66. Nauryz is an ancient Turkic holiday. It means … A) an old day B) a new day C) an independence day D) a traditional day E) a warm day

67. In winter the days are … than in autumn. A) short B) shortest C) sore D) shorter E) more short

68. Choose the right question for the next answer: They are talking about Literature. A) Do they talk or sing? B) What are they talking about? C) Did they talk about literature yesterday? D) Will they talk about literature? E) What were they talking about?

69. Choose the right variant: “2639” A) two thousands six hundred and thirty nine B) two thousand six hundreds and thirty nine C) two thousands six hundreds thirty nine D) two thousand six hundred and thirty nine E) two thousands six hundred’s thirty nine

70. She usually … English books in the evening. A) is reading B) has read C) reads D) will read E) had read


71. Kazakhstan is the land of … civilization. A) modern B) foreign C) new D) European E) ancient

72. If I were you, I … that coat. It’s much too expensive. A) don’t buy B) am not going to buy C) won’t buy D) wouldn’t buy E) will buy

73. Choose synonym of the underlined word: They will return from England next year. A) go out B) get up C) come back D) arrive in E) appear

74. Does it hurt _____? A) somewhere B) anywhere C) nothing D) somebody E) anything

75. Find the mistake: A) friends B) pills C) cities D) mans E) oxen


76. Please, give me __to read. A) anybody B) something C) any D) some E) anything

77. She came here ______business. A) on B) at C) from D) over E) to

78. I can’t help … at funny puppies. A) laugh B) laughing C) by laughing D) on laughing E) to laugh

79. _____that she couldn’t do it alone, she asked me to help her. A) understood B) to understand C) understand D) will understand E) understanding

80. Some stamps …. by him are very curious. A) collecting B) to collect C) collected D) collects E) collect


81. … you go to the cinema yesterday? A) Did B) To do C) Does D) Do E) Will

82. She made me… repeat my words several times. A) - B) will repeat C) been D) to E) be

83. Will you ______to help Mary? A) must B) be able C) may D) can E) should

84. Who … America? A) did discover B) discover C) does discover D) discovered E) is discovering

85. Tastes … A) different B) differentiate C) differ D) different E) difficult


86. It is raining hard .What … pity! We can’t go out. A) the B) an C) a D) - E) on

87. I like strong coffee. … does my mother. A) too B) neither C) either D) so E) such

88. There are … states in the USA. A) 48 B) 51 C) 50 D) 49 E) 53

89. I hope to … the examination in History well. A) pass B) make C) get D) study E) fail

90. London is divided into … parts. A) 5 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 6


91. We sometimes go for a work ______the evening A) by B) to C) on D) in E) at

92. France is … its cheese. A) famous of B) famous of C) famous with D) famous for E) famous

93. The symbol of Great Britain is … A) tulip B) rose C) shamrock D) forget-me-not E) thistle

94. I am afraid that … of your answers are right. A) any of B) nothing C) none D) any E) no

95. I … Mike since 1998. A) have known B) know C) have been knowing D) has known E) knew


96. Which variant is close to “He teaches French and Italian.” ? A) Italy is nice country. B) Frenchmen like their own language. C) He is very interested in languages. D) Many languages are not easy to speak. E) He doesn’t like foreign languages.

97. She was considered … a talented actress A) be B) being C) was D) to be E) to have been

98. The child is asleep. Don’t …. A) woke him B) woke up him C) wakes him D) wake him up E) wake up him

99. Tables are usually ___ of wood. A) make B) do C) made D) have done E) done

100. She thought she … the train. A) would catch B) would caught C) shall catch D) will catch E) had catch


101. I must ______early. A) have got B) got up C) get up D) getting up E) gets up

102. The City is ……of London. A) the central square of London B) the poorest part of London C) the largest museum in London D) the business part of London E) the administrative part of London

103. Choose the right translation for “Посмотри! Кто-то открывает дверь.” A) Look! Nobody opens the door. B) Look! Somebody is opening the door. C) Don’t look! Somebody has opened the door. D) Look! Does anybody open the door? E) Look! Anybody is opening the door.

104. Actions speak … than words. A) louder B) the loudest C) more louder D) loudest E) the most loudest

105. He will go shopping when he _____free time. A) had B) have C) has D) will have E) have had


106. Does this car use … petrol? A) much B) many C) few D) some E) anything

107. A pessimist is a person who always expects bad things …. A) happened B) happen C) to happen D) happening E) is happen

108. Great Britain proper … England, Wales and Scotland. A) enjoys B) totals C) averages D) comprises E) runs

109. The flowers … in a warm sunny place. A) should kept B) should be kept C) be kept D) shall keep E) should be kept

110. Choose the right variant: A) I like coffee in the morning B) Morning in the coffee I like C) In the morning coffee I like D) In coffee the morning I like E) The coffee I like in the morning.


111. How many fish … ? A) did you caught B) have you caught C) would you catch D) has you caught E) have you catch

112. The first President of the USA was... A) John Adams B) Theodore Roosevelt C) Ernest Bush D) Abrakham Lincoln E)George Washington

113. Find the odd word: A) wrist B) knee C) head D) lunch E) foot

114. The “Path of Abai” was written by A) Kanysh Satbaev B) Mukhtar Auezov C) Tchokan Valikhanov D) Zhambyl Zhabaev E) Abai Kunanbaev

115. They will go to the country if the weather … for the better. A) change B) has changing C) will change D) changes E) will have change


116. I didn’t look at the present until she… gone. A) has B) did C) does D) is E) had

117. Which variant can be used with “Each”? A) other B) telephones C) almost D) ready E) sometimes

118.The musician…the piano for a whole hour when we came in. A) had played B) was playing C) played D) had been playing E) has been playing

119. Traditionally London is divided into … and … . A) West End, Brooklin B) East End, West End C) South End, Westminster D) East End, North End E) Brooklin, East End

120.In our office there are a lot of people____ speak English well. A) that B) whom C) who D) whosе E) which


121. She … to play the piano. A) am going B) was going C) is going D) to be going E) has played

122. Why … go to the police station yesterday? A) did she have to B) must C) has she to D) she had to E) mustn’t she

123. Astana is the seat of … of Kazakhstan. A) education B) government C) economy D) science E) culture

124. Yesterday I met … old friend, whom I recognized at once. A) – B) an C) any D) a E) the

125. What ____ Alice do at lunchtime? A) has B) have got C) does D) is doing E) do


126. London stands on the river … A) Niagara B) Severn C) Avon D) Shannon E) Thames

127. People spend a lot of … buying presents. A) times and money B) time and money C) times and moneys D) a time and money E) time and moneys

128. I agree. I get terribly… when people talk about politics. A) be depressed B) depressing C) depression D) depressed E) be depressing

129. He will not forget the city _____he lived in his childhood. A) what B) when C) which D) where E) why

130. We shall discuss this question tomorrow. A) This question is discussed tomorrow. B) This question is being discussed tomorrow. C) This question will be discussed tomorrow. D) This question will discuss tomorrow. E) This question will have discussed tomorrow.


131. This exercise-book is … . A) me B) him C) my D) mine E) you

132. … you like a cup of tea? A) can B) could C) if D) should E) would

133. The USA is … in coal, iron and oil. A) supposed B) full C) rich D) represented E) shown

134. He … in a bank before he came to our office. A) worked B) had worked C) has worked D) will have worked E) has been working

135. The capital of Northern Ireland is … . A) Dublin B) London C) Belfast D) Glasgow E) Edinburgh


136. John lives in flat … . A) forth B) fortieth C) fourty D) the fortieth E) forty

137. People advised us not to go out alone. A) People are advising us not to go out alone B) We were advised not to go out alone C) We are advised not to go out alone D) We were not advised not to go out alone E) We advised not to go out alone

138. Mike is … young … John. A) neither … nor B) as…that C) as…so D) so…as E) as …as

139. The British Prime Minister lives at … A) 12 Whitehall B) Westminster Abbey C) Russel Street, 7 D) Downing Street, 10 E) 15 Oxford Street

140. Look! My dictation … by the teacher now. A) was checked up B) is being checked up C) is checking up D) is checked E) will have checked


141. When he finishes school he ____the University. A) will enter B) would enter C) entered D) has entered E) enters

142. We’ve been to France, …… we? A) don’t B) haven’t C) aren’t D) didn’t E) hasn’t

143.This is serious; you … at it. A) haven’t to laugh B) don’t have to laugh C) aughing D) shouldn’t laugh E) must not have laughed

144. The capital of the USA Washington is in … . A) the State of California B) the State of New York C) the State of Georgia D) the District of Columbia E) the State of Montana

145. They moved … through the hall. A) the quietest B) the quiet C) quietest D) quieter E) quietly


146 The symbol of Astana is … . A) Oceanarium B) the Bayterek Tower C) Palace of State Receptions D) President’s Museum E) Bridge over the Ishim river - Naiza

147. He asks if we (to sign) the contract next Monday. A) is signing B) would sign C) sign D) shall sign E) have signed

148. Before you … , don’t forget to shut the windows. A) leave B) had left C) will leave D) leaving E) left

149.Miss Blake said: “The president is speaking on the phone now ”. A) Miss Blake said that the president is speaking on the phone now. B) Miss Blake said that the president would speaking on the phone now. C) Miss Blake said that the president was speaking on the phone now. D) Miss Blake said that the president spoke on the phone now. E) Miss Blake said that the president was speaking on the phone then

150. The goods … in June. A) will deliver B) shall deliver


C) will be delivered D) shall delivered E) delivered

151. If I (to be) responsible for the matter, I (make) final arrangements. A) were / would make B) to be / would make C) am / would have made D) was/ would making E) is / making

152. The librarian told us… so much noise. A) don’t make B) not make C) not to make D) doesn’t make E) not making

153. Who is the head of the state in Britain? A) Prime Minister B) Speaker C) Senator D) Queen E) Mayor

154. They _____ basketball at 5 p.m. yesterday . A) are playing B) played C) will play D) plays E) were playing

155. Hadn’t you better … in with that cold? A) staying B) stayed 168

C) stay D) to be stayed E) to stay

156. The man asked ” Will it rain soon ?” A) The man asked it was raining soon B) The man asked if it would rain soon C) The man asked if will it rain soon D) The man asked if it was rain soon E) The man asked it would rain soon

157. Write a passive sentence: Somebody is using the computer at the moment. A) The computer is using at the moment B) The computer was being used C) Somebody uses the computer D) The computer was used E) The computer is being used at the moment

158. The vase … into pieces was carefully wrapped in paper. A) is breaking B) breaking C) breaks D) broken E) break

159. The children aren’t here … the moment, but they’ll be back … a few minutes. A) at / for B) at / in C) on / in D) in / in E) in / at

160. They go to work ______foot. A) by B) to 169

C) on D) with E) for

161. He always ______the truth. A) talks B) says C) speaks D) tells E) lies

162. He guided the guests ______he were the owner of the house. A) although B) while C) as if D) therefore E) since

163. Choose the right pronoun: I translated this text ______. A) myself B) they C) my D) you E) he

164. Change the following sentence in the plural: That is a box, isn’t it? A) that are boxes, aren’t they? B) these are boxes, aren’t they? C) these are boxes, are they? D) those are boxes, are they? E) those are boxes, aren’t they?

165. __Europe and __ America are separated by the Atlantic ocean. A) the / a B) the / the 170

C) a / the D) a / a E) - / -

166. My friend works ______a chemist’s ___the town centre. A) for, by B) over, in C) under, for D) in, in E) at, in

167. During the talks we discussed some business ... : A) matters B)goods C) moments D)machines E) equipment

168. All our customers find our price ... : A)quality B) relations C) market D) reasonabl E) comfortable

169. The USA won its Independence in … A) 1991 B) 1680 C) 1776 D) 1886 E) 1582

170. If you give us a 5% ... we shall buy 50 units: A) purchase B) develop C)discount


D)terms E) manufacture

171. The plant has been producing this equipment ... : A) for a year B) now C) a year ago D) lately E) in May

172. When was the new Constitution of Kazakhstan adopted? A) 1997 B) 1999 C) 1994 D) 1995 E) 1991

173. What time … you … your work yesterday? A) did \ finish B) have \ finished C) do \ finish D) will \ finish E) did \ finished

174. His novels ______into eight languages. A) was translated B) has been translated C) to be translated D) have been translated E) have translated

175. Would you like ... coffee?: A) some B) any C) something D) anything E) nobody 172

176. They started ... a new model: A)produced B) producing C)produce D) having produced E) are producing

177. We enjoy ... English films: A) watching B) have watched C) being watched D) having watched E) watched

178. The symbol of the American Nation is .. A) B) Uncle John C) United Nations D)Uncle Jack E)Uncle Sam

179. Yesterday Dauren said :"I’ll do it tomorrow". He said he would do it … A) the following day B) the previous day C) tomorrow D) yesterday E) the day before yesterday

180.On the state flag of Kazakhstan the Eagle is the symbol of … under the sun. A) peace B) agreement C) friendship D) freedom E) unity


181. She … to the university yesterday when I saw her. A) go B) is going C) went D) goes E) was going

182. In the West and North, Kazakhstan _____ with the Russian Federation. A) borders B) stretches C) surrounds D) occupies E)lies

183. When we_____ home last night, we found that somebody ___ into the flat. A) Would get / have broken B) Will get / had broken C) Got / broke D) Got / had broken E) Get / has broken

184. Education in England is ______from the age of five or sixteen. A) independent B) widespread C) private D) compulsory E) optional

185. "Hamlet" was written by _____. A) Shakespeare B) Jack London C) Robert Burns D) Robert Frost E) Georges Byron 174

186. USA Congress consists of two parts _____ and _____. A) House of Lords, the Senate B) the Senate, House of Common C) the Senate , the House of Representatives D) the House of Representatives, House of Common E) House of Common, House of Lords

187. … is the nearest continental neighbour to Great Britain. A) Greece B) Denmark C) Norway D) Portugal E) France

188. I miss you. I wish you (stay) with us. A) staying B) will stay C) to stay D) stayed E) stay

189. He was the first man … me about it. A) was told B) to tell C) telling D) had told E) is telling

190. Find the right antonym : always A) let B) never C) abroad D) again E) also


191. There are a lot of … in the farm. A) sheep B) sheeps C) sheeppes D) sheepies E) sheepes

192. Close the window, please… A) I have cold B) I cold C) it has cold D) it will cold E) I’m cold

193. The oldest royal residence of the U.K. is _____ . A) Buckingham Palace B) Westminster Abbey C) British Museum D)The tower of London E) House of Parliament

194. The United Kingdom is a constitutional … A) position B) capital C) monarchy D) principality E) ocean 195. The capital of Canada is … A) Montreal B) Canberra C) Wellington D) Ottawa E) Glasgow


196. The Tower of London is _____ . A) a museum of arms and armor B) a museum of wax figures C) a prison D) a library E) a Queen's residence

197. The British Parliament consist of the House of Commons and _____ . A) Duma B) Senate C) The House of Lords D) Representatives E)

198. Symphony "Abai" was created by _____ . A) Zhubanov B) Tlendiev C) Auezov D) Kurmangazy E) Makatayev

199. Hyde Park is famous for its _____ . A) flowers B) swans C) swimming Pool D) speaker's Corner E) zoo

200. The clock tower is famous for its big hour bell, known as … A) “Small Ben” B) “Big Ben” C) “Long Ben” D) “Nice Ben” E) “Large Ben”



1. a 48. b 152. c 2. e 49. c 153. d 3. a 50. b 154. e 4. c 51. b 155. c 5. b 107. c 156. b 6. a 108. d 157. e 7. a 109. e 158. d 8. d 110. a 159. b 9. a 111. b 160. c 10. a 112. e 161. d 11. b 113. d 162. c 12. d 114. b 163. a 13. a 115. d 164. e 14. e 116. e 165. e 15. d 117. d 166. e 16. c 118. d 167. a 17. b 119. b 168. d 18. b 120. c 169. c 19. a 121. c 170. c 20. b 122. a 171. a 21. d 123. b 172. d 22. c 124. b 173. a 23. d 125. c 174. d 24. d 126. e 175. a 25. a 127. b 176. b 26. c 128. d 177. a 27. b 129. d 178. e 28. c 130. c 179. a 29. b 131. d 180. c 30. c 132. e 181. e 31. e 133. c 182. a 32. d 134. b 183. d


33. c 135. c 184. d 34. b 136. c 185. a 35. c 137. b 186. c 36. e 138. e 187. e 37. a 139. d 188. d 38. d 140. b 189. b 39. a 141. a 190. b 40. b 142. b 191. a 41. b 143. d 192. e 42. c 144. d 193. a 43. d 145. e 194. c 44. c 146. b 195. d 45. a 147. d 196. a 46. c 148. a 197. c 47. a 149. e 198. a 150. c 199. d 151. a 200. b


Supplementary Reading

December 16 – Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Independence Day is a public holiday in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan was the last of the former Soviet Republics to declare its independence from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on December 16, 1991. Even though the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR accepted the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR on October 25, 1990. It wasn’t until December 16, 1991 that Kazakhstan adopted the constitutional law on the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Besides, it is a day of memory of victims of December events of 1986. Various festive events dedicated to the Independence Day are held in all cities and villages of Kazakhstan.

December 1, election day of the first

The holiday was proposed by a group of senators who suggested that December 1, election day of the first president of Kazakhstan, should be made a national holiday. Nursultan Nazarbayev was the first elected president of the republic of Kazakhstan, at that moment the Kazakh Social Soviet Republic which was part of the USSR 20 years ago on April 24, 1990. Since then Nursultan Nazarbayev has been elected president of the independent Kazakhstan a few times through direct elections - in 1991, 1999, 2005. In 1995 his term as the president of the republic of Kazakhstan was extended by the national referendum. Nazarbayev collected 95.55% of votes during snap presidential elections in April 2011. In 2007 the parliament amended the law to allow Nursultan Nazarbayev to run for president an unlimited number of times.


Aiteke Bi

Aiteke Bi ( the true name is Aityk ) Baibek uly (1689- 1766) the famous Kazakh Bi (a jugde and a speaker). Before Abilay khan , he had governed the junior (Northern and Western Kazakhstan ). Aiteke Bi was younger than Tole bi and Kazybek bi other famous judges. However he ruled the country very wisely and never made concessions to anyone not worshipped any glory or treasure. His wise sayings have been alive among the people up to now. In the reign of Tauke khan Aiteke Bi as one of the outstanding Kazakh judges took part in the creation of the first Code of laws named “Zhety Zhargy” ( seven Decrees ). Aiteke Bi struggled actively for the unification of the Kazakhs, for independent Kazakh, for fair society.

Tole Bi

Tole Bi Aibekuly (1663-1756) the public leader well-known speaker, judge leading bi (a judge of senior Zhuz (South Kazakhstan) Tole Bi liked to study from the very childhood. He was fond of reading a number of historical books in Arabic and Persian languages. He was interested in the history of eastern legends, studied wise saying of eloquent judges and khans. Broadening his outlook, he would become one of the authors of the legendary Code “Zhety Zhargy” the first Kazakh Code of laws. Together with the supreme judge of the middle Zhuz (Central and Eastern Kazakhstan) Kazybek Keldibekuly and the supreme judge of the Junior Zhuz (Northern and Western Kazakhstan) Aiteke Baibekuly, Tole bi was the leading counselor of Tauke Khan. Having organized together with the batyrs (fighters, commanders) Kabanbay, Bogenbay, Zhanibek, he united peoples and became a leader of liberation struggle against the Jungars (very aggressive and cruel nation from Northern China). Being the leader not only in a war but in a culture as well Tole Bi actively participated in creation of unique architectural structure in Tashkent, Turkestan, Shymkent. 181

Kazybek Bi

Kazybek Bi (1667-1763) Kaldybekuly – the famous Kazybek Bi (a judge) lived in the period of the end of XVII century – the beginning of XVIII century. He governed Middle Zhuz (central and Eastern Kazakhstan). Thanks to the family tradition of education Kazybek already in childhood showed eloquence and sharp mind, becoming a renowned bi of years. Kazybek bi actively participated in the affairs of government at the time of the Khans Tauke, Sameke, Abulmambet, Abylair, and contributed to the effectiveness of internal and external policies of the Kazakh khans. He became one of the organizers of the nationwide struggle against Jungar occupiers. Kazybek Bi was one of the leaders of the nation, he participated in creation of the first Kazakh code of laws- “The laws of Tauke Khan” (Zhety Zhargy) supporting the friendly connection with Russia he opposed the close connection with the Tsin Empire. Among the people Kazibek Bi was known as a man with good voice Kazy in Kazakh languages means “ goose “ recounting voice. He was considered as a man whose voice had been heard in the most distant steppes as a voice of motherland.

Abai Kunanbayev (1845-1904)

Abai Kunanbayev (1845-1904) was a Kazakh poet, composer, philosopher, a founder of Kazakh literature. Abai was born in the city Karaul, in Abai district, East Kazakhstan Province. His father’s economic status enabled the boy to attend a Russian school in his youth, but only after he had already spent some years studying at a medrese under Mullah Ahmet Ryza. At his school in Semei Abai encountered the writing of M. Lermontov, A. Pushkin. Abai’s main contribution to Kazakh culture and folklore lies in his poetry, which expresses great nationalism and grew out of Kazakh folk culture. Today, Kazakhs revere Abai as one of the first folk heroes to enter into the national consciousness of his people. Abai also translated into Kazakh the works of Russian and European authors, mostly for 182

the first time. Translations made by him included poems of M. Lermontov, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Lord Byron, Ivan Krylov’s fables and A. Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin. Abai’s major work is “Words of Education”, a philosophic trearise and collection of poems where he criticizes Russian colonial policies and encourages his fellow Kazakhs to embrace education and literacy to escape from colonial oppression.

Magzhan Jumabaev (1893—1938)

Magzhan Jumabayev was a poet, a translator, a writer, an educator, a journalist and a publicist. He was born in Bulaevsk district of North-Kazakhstani region. He studied in medresse (religious school) in Ufa (Central Russia). In 1913 Jumabayev entered the teachers' seminary (college). In 1923-1927 he studied at Moscow Literary Institute. Jumabayev translated some works of Lenin, Gorky, Ivanov, Mamin-Sibyriak and of other authors into Kazakh. From 1927 he devoted himself to the pedagogical activities. Jumabayev is a great Kazakh poet. People call him "Kazakh Pushkin". His well-known poems are "Korkyt", "Batyr Bayan", collected poems “Sholpan".

Tchokan Valikhanov (1835-1865)

Tchokan (his full name is Mokhammed Khanafiya) was born in Kushmuryn fortress (Kokshetau region) in the family of the Kazakh sultan Chinghis, Colonel of Russian Tsar Army, great- grandson of Ablay. He learned to read and write and studied painting, studied Literature and Arabic language in private Kazakh school. He graduated from the Omsk Military college in 1853. He communicated with such famous persons as G. P. Potanin, N. F. Annenskiy, -P. P. Semenov-Tianshanskiy, F. M. Dostovevskiy and others.


Valikhanov served in the West-Siberian Governorship, took an active part in the work of Academy of Sciences and Russian Geographic Society. Travelling around Middle Asia, Kazakhstan, East Turkestan he got and recorded the information about history and culture of Turkic people living in those regions. Being a great historian, publicist, linguist, geographer, musician, archeologist, ethnographer, traveler Tchokan Valikhanov did a lot for his people, he made research and recorded national peculiarities of the people‘s life, traditions, cus- toms, religion and language. The most significant of his works are “Notes on the Kyrghyz people”, “ Traces of Shamanism in the Kyrghyz”, “Kyrghyz pedigree”, “Essays of Djungaria”. The memorial complex was built in honor of Valikhanov’s 150th anniversary not far from Kogen-Togan , in place of Altyn-Emel where "the man of his time" Tchokan Valikhanov was buried.

Kazakhstan National Dress

The country's nomadic past is reflected in traditional clothing. Outerwear was historically made from leather, felt and fur. For indoor wear, beautiful satin gowns and trousers were richly decorated with embroidery that often included beads and precious stones. The wedding headdresses of Kazakh brides were especially striking, tall caps with intricate filigree work and a diadem set with semi-precious stones, as well as pendants hanging from the temple and chin adornments. As the population became more urbanized and more and more people began purchasing clothing, even the traditional costumes sewn at home were simpler and made of less opulent materials. Nowadays, the Kazakh national dress varies according to region.


Musical arts and musical instruments

Nowadays there are about more than 50 varieties of Kazakh musical instruments. Each of them produces specific sounds and requires particular manner of playing it. To manufacture musical instruments they use such materials as wood, reed, cane leather, bane, horn, horse`s hair. All musical instruments may well be subdivided into several groups: string ones: -A dombra –an instrument most widespread among the people, manufactured of one piece of wood, commonly a two-string one. There actually exist two ways of playing a dombra: by striking the strings with the fingers and by “nibbing» them separately. - a kobyz-an ancient Kazakh bow string musical instrument - a zhetigen-a musical instrument with a stretched rectangular wooden body with seven strings made of horse`s hair. Nowadays it is mostly used as a sole and accompanying instrument in folk orchestras and ensembles. Wind instruments: A sybyzgy-a musical instrument frequently used in every-day life. It is usually made of reed or wood, rarely of metal in the form of two small wooden flutes put together with hollow sides inside and fastened with a thread. An adyrna-an ancient Kazakh wind musical instrument producing loud sounds. In all times it was used in campaigns and in the days of hunting as a decay for birds and animals initiating their cries.


Kurmangazy Sagyrbavev was born in Djangalinsk district of West-Kazakhstan region. Life of the great musician was rich in many events. The whole epoch, life and traditions of that time are reflected in his kuys.


Considering himself a younger brother of Isataj Taimanov, who headed together with Machambet Utemisov the revolt of the Kazakh people ot Bukeev Horde against khan Djangeer’s tyranny (1836-1837), Kurmangazy devoted one of his kuys “Kishkentai” (Younger ) to this event. In other famous kuys, such as "Nazym" and "Kairan Sheshem" ("Dear Mother") he created a gallery, of women images, reflected the best features of Kazakh woman — kindness, wits, beauty, mildness, nobleness, justice and moral cleanness...... In the kuy "Saryarka" ("Wild Steppe") the composer expressed his love to the impetuous ride of a horseman about the endless and reflected light and happy pacification with which a nomad lives in nature’s lap. N.Savichev,a poet and a journalist, an admirer of creative genius of Kurmangazy, said “...Sagyrbayev is a rare musical soul, and if he had had European education, he would have become the brightest star in the musical world...". He died in 1879 in Shaitam Bataga place in Astrahan region.

Kazakhstan Applied and Decorative Art

Carpet weaving and decoration in Kazakhstan is unique. Besides the traditional loomed rugs, Kazakh artisans are also known for their remarkable felt work. Several different techniques are used for various types of carpeting, such as the beautiful and complex applique work of tuskiiz, used on walls, or the intricate mosaic carpets made from fabric patches for guests to sit on. During the middle ages, Kazakhstan was a center for the manufacture of enameled ceramics. Wood and leather were mostly used for vessels, and these are still made today. Steppe zergers – jewelers, favor white silver and ornate Kazakh bracelets are irresistible. Everywhere you look, you will see a love of beauty, as even the most commonplace articles are lavishly decorated. Women's


headdresses, articles of clothing, even saddle-clothes are exquisitely embroidered. Leather articles, such as harnesses, water flasks, and belts, as well as wooden cups, large bowls and ladles are all beautifully decorated with traditional designs.

Culture of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan has a well-articulated culture based on the nomadic pastoral economy of the inhabitants. Islam was introduced to Kazakhstan in the 7th to 12 th centuries. Besides lamb, many other traditional foods retain symbolic value in Kazakh culture. Kazakh culture is largely influenced by the Turkic nomadic lifestyle. Because animal husbandry was central to the Kazakhs’ traditional lifestyle, most of their nomadic practices and customs relate in some way to livestock. Traditional curses and blessings invoked disease of fecundity among animals, and good manners required that a person ask first about the health of a man’s livestock when greeting him and only afterward inquire about the human aspects of his life. The traditional Kazakh dwelling is the yurt, a tent consisting of a flexible framework of willow wood covered with varying thicknesses of felt. The open top permits smoke from the central heart to escape; temperature and draft can be controlled by a flap that increases or decreases the size of the opening. A properly constructed yurt can be cooled in summer and warmed in winter, and it can be disassembled or set up in less than an hour. The interior of the yurt has ritual significance; the right side is generally reserved for men and the left for women. Yurts are also frequently used as a decorative motif in restaurants and other public buildings.


Kazakhstan Music

Ancient cave paintings found in Kazakhstan show people dancing and making music. From these roots, the musical and poetic tradition has continued to the present day. However, those cave paintings may be the last recorded image of Kazakhstan's music. Created and sung by nomadic tribes for thousands of years, these songs have been preserved only through oral tradition for most of their history. It wasn't until the early part of the 20th century that Kazakh music was recorded. Visitors to Kazakhstan will be captivated by incredible solo vocal and instrumental music reflecting the spirit of the landscapes and natural world. Kazakhs have a great love of the spoken word. The akyns, i.e. poets, are an important part of society, improvising at public competitions to the musical accompaniment of the stringed dombra or kobyz.

Kazakhstan Bazaars

Every town and city has a bazaar in Central Asia. It’s the center of life and business. The Zelyony Bazaar (Green Market) in Almaty has hundreds of stalls offering everything imaginable, including the wonderful Alma-Ata apples that are local to the region and fantastic fresh spices. Here you can find handicrafts, clothes, and toys, and experience the sights and sounds of a traditional bustling bazaar. Near the bazaar, on the side streets, local residents from all walks of life bring items they may have for sale for a makeshift flea market. Here you may find some real bargains, including memorabilia from the Soviet era.


Kazak Khanate

Kazak Khanate was a Turkic Kazakh state, the successor of that existed in 1456–1847, located roughly on the territory of present-day Republic of Kazakhstan. At its height the khanate ruled from eastern Cumania (modern-day West Kazakhstan) to most of Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan and the river with military confrontation as far as Astrakhan and Khorasan Province, which is now in Iran. Slaves were also captured by frequent Kazakh raids on territory belonging to Russia, Central Asia, and Western Siberia (Bashkortostan) during the . The Khanate was later weakened by a series of Oirat and Dzungar invasions, devastating raids and warfare. Resulting in decline and further disintegration into three Jüzes, which gradually lost their sovereignty and were incorporated to the expanding . The establishment of Kazakh Khanate in 1465 marks the beginning of the Kazakh Statehood. 2015 marks the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh statehood. From the sixteenth through the early nineteenth century, the most powerful nomadic people were the Kazakhs and the Oirats. The Kazakh Khanate was founded in 1456-1465 by Janybek Khan and Kerey Khan, on the banks of Jetsu ("seven rivers") in the southeastern part of the present-day Republic of Kazakhstan. The founding of the Kazakh Khanate is considered the ethnogenesis of the Kazakh nation. The formation of the independent Kazakh Khanate began when several tribes under the rule of sultans Janybek and Kerey departed from the Khanate of Abu'l-Khayr Khan. The sultans led their people toward Mogolistan, eventually settling and founding an independent state. The new Khanate soon became a buffer state between the Mongolians and the Khanate of Abu'l-Khayr. From the


sixteenth through the early nineteenth century, the most powerful nomadic people were the Kazakhs and the Oirats.

Kazakhstan - The Land of Wonders

Kazakhstan is a unique region in the world, because of its history, geographical position and size. Being the world’s 9th largest country and located in the centre of Eurasia, it is also the largest landlocked country in the world. These resulted in a specific climate and a peculiar natural system of the country, which seems to absorb the brightest examples of landscape of both continents. In addition, complicated history of Kazakh people and constant interaction of nomadic lifestyle with settled people in South Kazakhstani ancient cities, have lead to a unique and authentic . These peculiarities have created an opportunity to develop various and diverse offers in Kazakhstan travel and tourism industry, which include authentic cultural tourism, nature-based activities, including ecotourism, birdwatching, etc. in national parks and protected areas, skiing or trekking in mountains, water sports, sunbathing and swimming in lakes and rivers of Kazakhstan, and many others.

Nature-based tourism

Diversity of natural areas has contributed to rich flora and fauna of Kazakhstan. The country is a habitat for about 122 mammal species, 500 species of birds and 107 species of fish; and over six thousand species of plants grow in the region. In order to preserve such a rich world of plants and wildlife, a network of national parks and nature reserves were established in the country. Recently, these protected areas have become accessible to visitors. The most famous of them among tourists include Aksu Zhabagly Nature Reserve, which is a habitat of snow leopard and other rare animals, and is also known as a Kingdom of Tulips, where 190

tulips are believed to originate, long before they were introduced in Holland; Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve is famous for its pink flamingos and other rare species of wildlife, and popular among bird- watchers; Altyn Emel National Park is interesting for its mystery of Singing Dune; Katon-Karagay National Park is a habitat of marals (red deers), unossified antlers of which are used as a precious medicine.

Culture: ethno-tourism

Unique culture of Kazakhstan is a reason to travel to Kazakhstan for many tourists. Almost in every corner of the republic, a visitor, interested in real life of Kazakh people - their traditions, rituals, art and culture, will find many things of interest. These include museum complexes, ethno villages, depicting traditional lifestyle of Kazakh people, historical sites of medieval cities and many others. For example, tourists are offered to experience traditional lifestyle of Kazakhs, to try national dishes and to interact with the local people in Shabanbay Bi Village, situated in Kyzylaray Mountains, Central Kazakhstan. Zhambyl Zhabayev museum complex in Almaty region includes a house with a garden, where the poet lived in XIX-XX centuries and a mausoleum. This is a visual representation of not only Zhambyl’s life, but also of a whole era in which the poet lived and worked. South Kazakhstan is famous for ancient cities located at the routes of the Great Silk Road with historical monuments and other sites. Ethno-memorial complex Map of Kazakhstan - Atameken, located in Astana, is the largest ethnographic park in Kazakhstan and a unique outdoor museum. Cities and landscapes of the country, as well as mini copies of main attractions and historical sites can be found on the map.



Many of the world's most accomplished mountaineers are from Kazakhstan, no surprise in view of the superb training-grounds, in particular the Tien Shan and Altai, on their doorstep. There are several base-camps, and expeditions to Khan-, at 6995 meters the highest point in Kazakhstan and one of the highest of the Tien Shan, are frequent. Other popular peaks include Talgar (4973 meters), Sovetov (4317 meters), Ozernyi (4110 meters), Tourist (3954 meters), Kumbel (3200 meters), and Tuyuk-Su (4200 meters). Popular climbs in the western Tien Shan include Kyzyl-bash (4200 meters), Druzhba (4100 meters) and Sairamskii (4238meters). The Jungar Alatau is the least visited of the Republic's mountainous areas. Located on the border with China, it is distinguished by its numerous glaciers, from which arise a number of spectacular peaks including Semyonov-Tienshanskii (4662 meters), Abai (4490 meters), Shumskii (4442 meters) and Panfilov, also known as Ormekshy (4359 meters). The best-known mountain in the Altai is the mysteriously twin-peaked Belukha (4506 meters). Because ascent is relatively easy - category 5B - Belukha attracts not only mountaineers but trekkers as well.

Mukagali Makataev

Makataev Mukagali Kazakh Soviet poet, writer and translator. He was born on February 9, 1931, the village Karasaz, Narynkol district, Almaty region. He graduated from the Literary Institute. Then he worked as a secretary an employee of Komsomol, the literary staff of the local newspaper. In 1954-1962 he worked as an announcer on Kazakh radio, a teacher, in the years 1962-1972 - head of department of newspapers "Sotsialistіk Kazakhstan", "Kazakh adebietі", magazines "Madeniet zhane turmys", "Zhuldyz", in the years 1972-1973 - the literature consultant of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan. Author of "Life is a legend," "Life is a river", "Mozart's 192

Requiem", "Favorites." Song of his poem "Sarzhaylyau" became popular. He translated into Kazakh Russian classics, foreign literature, including Walt Whitman, "The Divine Comedy" by Dante. He was Laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan.

Nauryz - Kazakh new year

Nauryz is a very important holiday for Kazakhs, which marks the beginning of a new year. It is celebrated several days starting from 21st of March, the day of the spring equinox. Nauryz means 'new day', it is celebrated in the Great Steppes from ancient times. Nauryz simbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendship day, since this holiday is common for many nations. During Nauryz celebrations, past offences are forgiven and forgotten and everybody makes a wish to leave all badness behind and bring renewal in the New Year.

Economy of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is one of the richest countries of the world as concerning its natural and manpower resources. After gaining independence Kazakhstani economy is oriented to the creation of free market in democratic society. Privatization of the state property has been going on since 1992. The private sector of Kazakhstan is experiencing an unbelievable growth making the basis for the future economic stability of the state. Kazakhstan is open for the foreign investments into its economy. In spite of hardships of the transition period, President's program "Kazakhstan 2030" guarantees the formation of democratic society with the developed economic system that will make our country one of the most prosperous states in the world . Kazakhstan holds about 4 billion tons of proven recoverable oil reserves and 2,000 cubic kilometers (480 cu mi) of gas. According to industry analysts, expansion of oil production and the development of new fields will enable the country to produce as 193

much as 3 million barrels (477,000 m³) per day by 2015, and Kazakhstan would be among the top 10 oil-producing nations in the world. Kazakhstan's oil exports in 2009 were valued at more than $7 billion, representing 65% of overall exports and 24% of the GDP(Gross Domestic Product). Major oil and gas fields and recoverable oil reserves are Tengiz with 7 billion barrels (1.1 km³); Karachaganak with 8 billion barrels (1.3 km³) and 1,350 km³ of natural gas; and Kashagan with 7 to 9 billion barrels (1.1 to 1.4 km³). Kazakhstan has the second largest uranium, chromium, lead, and zinc reserves, the third largest manganese reserves, the fifth largest copper reserves, and ranks in the top ten for coal, iron, and gold. It is also an exporter of diamonds. Perhaps most significant for economic development, Kazakhstan also currently has the 11th largest proven reserves of both oil and natural gas.

Foreign relations of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan has stable relationships with all of its neighbors. Kazakhstan is also a member of the United Nations Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). It is an active participant in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Partnership for Peace program. On April 11, 2010, Presidents Nazarbayev and Obama met at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., and discussed the strategic partnership between the United States and Kazakhstan. They pledged to intensify bilateral cooperation to promote nuclear safety and non-proliferation, regional stability in Central Asia, economic prosperity, and universal values. Kazakhstan is also a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Economic Cooperation Organization and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The nations of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan established the Eurasian Economic Community in 2000 to re-energize earlier efforts at


harmonizing trade tariffs and the creation of a free trade zone under a customs union. On December 1, 2007, it was revealed that Kazakhstan had been chosen to chair OSCE for the year 2010. Since independence in 1991, Kazakhstan has pursued the "multivector foreign policy", seeking equally good relations with Russia, China, the United States and the West. The policy has yielded results in the oil and gas sector, where companies from the U.S., Russia, China, and Europe are present at all major fields, and in the multidimensional directions of oil export pipelines out of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan also enjoys strong, and rapidly developing, political and economic ties with Turkey. Kazakhstan formed a customs union with Russia and Belarus which will be transformed into a common economic space soon.


Speech patterns: Сөйлеу үлгілері: Речевые образцы : I wish you a speedy Тезірек айығуыңды Желаю тебе recovery тілеймін скорейшего выздоровления No complaints Еш өкпем жоқ Не жалуюсь Nothing to boast of Мақтанарлық түгі Хвастаться ничем жоқ How are you getting Қалың қалай? Как поживаешь? on? I was delayed by the Көлік сенімсіз Меня подвел traffic болды транспорт What a pleasant Қандай керемет Какой приятный surprise! тосынсый! сюрприз! Birthday Туылған күн День рождения What’ s the matter? Не жағдай? В чем дело? Never expected to Сені бұл жерден Никогда не ожидал meet you here кездестіремін деп встретить тебя здесь ешқашан ойлаған емеспін That’s what I am going Мен дәл осыны Именно это я и to... жасайын деп едім собирался сделать An enjoyable evening Тамаша кеш Прекрасный вечер Let’s hope for the best Жақсы болар деп Будем надеяться на үміттенеміз лучшее Appointment Іскерлік кездесу Деловое свидание To part Ажырасу Расставаться Have a comfortable Жолдарыңыз Счастливого пути! journey! болсын! Bye for now Кездескенше! Пока! Keep well! Сау бол, ауырма! Не болей, будь здоров! Have a good time Уақытты жақсы Желаю хорошо өткізуіңді тілеймін провести время Take care Сақ бол! Б удь осторожен! Merry Christmas Рождество құтты Поздравляю с болсын! рождеством!


Let's go for a walk Қыдырып қайтайық Д авайте пойдем погулять Let's have a break for Түскі асқа үзіліс Давайте сделаем lunch жасайық перерыв на обед Let's have a snack Жүрек жалғап Давайте перекусим алайық Let's play a game of Теннис ойнайық Д авайте сыграем в tennis теннис Let's speak English Ағылшынша Давайте говорить по- сөйлесейік английский Don’t forget to invite Болатты кешке Не забудь пригласить Bolat to the party шақыруды ұмытпа на вечер Булат Don’t forget to call up Розаға қоңырау Не забудьте Roza шалуды ұмытпа позвонить Розе Don’t forget to take Қолшатырды алуды Не забудьте взять your umbrella ұмытпа зонтик You haven’ t changed Сіз тіпті өзгермепсіз В ы совсем не at all изменились A housewarming party Қоныс той Н овоселье -What’s wrong with -Ұланға не болып -Что случилось с Ulan? қалды? Уланом? -He has a splitting -Оның басы ауырып -У него болит голова headachе жатыр He denies taking the Ол ақшаны алғанын Он отрицает то,что money жоққа шығарып взял деньги отыр To make an Дәрігер Записаться на прием appointment with a қабылдауына к врачу doctor жазылу A sore throat Тамағы ауыру Б оль в горле Cough Жөтел Кашель To run a temperature Қызуы көтерілу Т емпературить To recover Сауығу Выздороветь А round trip ticket «Бару, келу» билеті Б илет «туда и обратно»


Nonsmoker Темекі Вагон для некурящих шекпейтіндерге арналған вагон Compartment Купе Купе Stuffy Ауасы тар Душный Sorry to have failed to Кешіріңіз,сіздің Простите, что не fulfill your request тапсырмаңызды удалось выполнить орындауға вашу просьбу мүмкіндік болмады Sorry to have declined Сіздің Простите, что your шақыртуыңыздан отказался от invitation бас тартқаным үшін вашего приглашения кешірім өтінемін Sorry to have failed to Іскерлік кездесуге Простите, что я не keep the appointment келмегенім үшін пришел на деловое кешірім сұраймын свидание Sorry to have woken Сізді оятқаным Извините, что вас you up үшін кешіріңіз разбудил Excuse my being late Кешіккенім үшін Извините за кешіріңіз опоздание Excuse my disturbing Мазалағаныма Извините за you кешіріңіз беспокойство Excuse my Сөзіңізді бөлгенім Извините, что interrupting you үшін кешіріңіз перебиваю Вас It’s a long time since I Мен сізді көптен Я давно вас не видел saw you last бері көрмедім You haven’t changed Сіз мүлдем Вы совсем не at all өзгермегенсіз изменились I have just translated Мен жаңа ғана осы Я только что перевел this article мақаланы аудардым эту статью He has been busy all Оның қолы Все время он занят this time әрдайым бос емес I am sorry to hear it Мен мұны естігенде Я очень огорчился, қатты қапа болдым услышав это I am glad to know you Сізбен танысқаныма Я рад с вами қуаныштымын познакомиться


I am eager to help Оларға қатты Очень хочу им them көмектескім келеді помочь I wish you good luck Сіздерге сәттілік Желаю вам удачи тілеймін Have you done the Жұмысты Вы сделали работу? job? орындадыңыз ба? – Еще нет – Not yet - Әлі жоқ Have you cooked Кешкі асты Вы приготовили supper? әзірледіңіз бе? ужин? – Yes, I have -Иә, әзірледім – Да, приготовил We shall have a party Жақында бізде кеш На днях у нас будет one of these days болады вечеринка We will call you up Біз сізге жақында Мы вам позвоним на one of these days қоңырау шаламыз днях To get acquainted with Танысуға..... Познакомиться с ….. To introduce Таныстыру Представить What is your trade? Сіз немен Чем вы занимаетесь? айналысып жатырсыз? Well educated Жақсы білімді Х орошо образованный To have good manners Жақсы мінезді болу И меть хорошие манеры We have gone through Біз шекаралық Мы прошли the Customs бақылаудан өттік таможенный досмотр I am tired of the trip Мен жол жүруден Я устал от поездки шаршадым Our journey is coming Біздің сапарымыз Наше путешествие to an end соңына жақындады подходит к концу I agree with you Мен сізбен Я с вами согласен келісемін Frankly speaking Ашығын айтқанда О ткровенно говоря I am looking forward Фильмді С нетерпением жду to the film тағатсыздана фильм күтудемін To be impressed Үлкен әсер алу П олучить большое впечатление 199

Excuse my curiosity Әуестігім үшін Извините за кешіріңіз любопытство Round the corner Бұрышта За углом In the opposite Қарама-қарсы В противополож-ном direction бағытта направлении

Straight ahead Түзу Прямо Crowd Тобыр Толпа To follow smb’s Біреудің кеңесіне Последовать ч-л. advice жүгіну совету I am leaving tomorrow Ертең мен кетемін З а втра я уезжаю You will have to stay Сізге кешкі 6-ға Вам придется здесь here till 6 p.m. дейін қалуға тура остаться до 6 часов келеді вечера Make sure that the Аударманың Проверьте, чтоб translation is done in уақытылы перевод был сделан time орындалғанын вовремя тексеріңіз Any message? Бір нәрсе айту керек Что-нибудь передать? пе? I’ll have to tell you Мен сізге барлығын Я вынужден буду все everything айтуға мәжбүрмін вам сказать She will have to do Оған жұмысты Ей придется this job орындауға тура выполнить работу келеді A double room Екі адамға арналған Комната на двоих бөлме A single room Бір адамға арналған Комната на одного бөлме A suite Люкс Люкс An outside room Терезесі көшеге Комната с окнами, қараған бөлме выходящими на улицу To put down the name Есімін жазу Записать имя To include Қосу Включать Maid Үй тазалаушы Горничная Waiter Даяшы О фициант 200

To keep in mind Ойында жүру Иметь в виду For about a week Шамамен бір апта Примерно неделю Who are you waiting Сіз кімді күтіп Кого вы ждете? for? тұрсыз? Wait a minute 1 минут кідіре Подождите минуту тұрыңыз Tell him to call me up Маған хабарлассын Скажите чтобы он деп айтыңыз мне позвонил When shall we meet? Қашан кездесеміз? К огда встретимся ? See you later Кешірек көрісеміз Увидимся позднее Me too Мен де Я тоже It’s very nice of you Сіз жақтан өте Очень любезно с жақсы болды вашей стороны It goes without saying Әлбетте Само собой разумеется No objections on my Мен жақтан С моей стороны нет part қарсылық жоқ возражении You are the only Сіз мені түсінететін Вы единственный person who could жалғыз адамсыз человек который understand me может меня понять Mind your own Өз істеріңмен Занимайтесь своими business айналысыңдар дел ами to lose one’s way Адасу Заблудиться even-numbered Жұп Четные odd-numbered Тақ Нечетные to suggest Ұ сыну Предлагать the suit fits you Сізге костюм жақсы Костюм отлично на perfectly жарасып тұр вас сидит the blouse doesn’t fit Жейде сіздің Рубашка не совсем you well өлшеміңізге вашего размера келмейді the shade is becoming Бұл түс сізге Этот оттенок вам to you жарасымды идет the style isn’t Бұл үлгі оған Этот фасон ей не идет becoming to her жараспайды What a coincidence! Қандай сәйкестік! Какое совпадение! for the time being Осы уақытта В настоящее время 201

to be on friendly terms Достық қарым- Быть в дружеских қатынаста болу отношениях What a pity! Қандай өкініш! К акая жалость! You’d better stay at Сізге үйде қалып Вам бы лучше home and have a rest демалған дұрыс остаться дома и отдохнуть To have many things Көп жұмыс атқару И меть много дел to do I hate cooking meals Тамақ пісіргенді Ненавижу готовить ұнатпаймын пищу It seems to me he is Меніңше оныкі Мне кажется он прав right дұрыс I wish you would Сіздің маған Жаль что вы мне не believe me сенбегеніңіз поверите өкінішті A housewarming party Қоныс той Новоселье You ought to do your Сізге қолдан Вам надо сделать все best келгенше бәрін возможное жасау керек On board the plane Ұшақ бортында На борту самолета To reach the place Межелеген орынға Добраться до места жету Favourable Қолайлы Благоприятный Good for you! Жарайсың! Молодец! To get rid of Құтылу Избавиться от Habit Әдет Привычка To give up smoking Темекі шегуді Бросить курить тастау Don’t pay attention to Оның сөздеріне мән Не обращай внимание his words берме на его слова If I met him tonight, I Егер мен оны кешке Если бы я встретила would tell him кездестірсем, оған его сегодня вечером, everything бәрін айтар едім я бы ему все рассказала Nothing special Ештеңе емес Ничего особенного To show smb. round Қаланы көрсету Показать город кому-либо 202

To be famous for Танымал болу Быть знаменитым Fashionable Сәнді Модный That’s settled Келістік Договорились To get upset Көңілі түсу Расстраиваться To be in smb’s shoes Біреудің орнында Быть на ч-л. месте болу To apologize Кешірім сұрау Извиняться Aizhan doesn’t have to Айжан бұл жерде Айжан не должна stay here till late at түнге қалмауы здесь находиться night керек допоздна Within ten minutes’ Он минуттай жаяу В пределах десяти walk жүру минут ходьбы To fill in a form Бланкты толтыру Заполнить бланк To deliver a telegram Телеграмманы Доставить жеткізу телеграмму A registered letter Тапсырыстық хат Заказное письмо To expect Күту Ожидать To take a bus Автобусқа отыру Сесть на автобус To keep smb. waiting Біреулерді күттіру Заставлять к-л. ждать It’s up to you Бұның шешімін сіз Это вам решать табыңыз Care to see it? Көргіңіз келе ме? Хотите это посмотреть? Both boys and girls… Ұлдар да, қыздар да Как мальчики, так и девочки… We shall go either to Біз не киноға Мы пойдем либо в the cinema or to the барамыз, не театрға кино, либо в театр theatre барамыз To try Тырысу Пытаться I appreciate your taste Сіздің Ценю ваш вкус талғамыңызды бағалаймын Gifted Дарынды Талантливый To stage Сахнаға қою Поставить на сцене Would you go to the Ауа-райы жаман Вы бы поехали за country if the weather болса, сіз қалаға город, если бы была 203

were bad? шығар ма едіңіз? плохая погода? It’s a pity you haven’t Шешім Жаль, что вы не made your mind қабылдамағаныңыз приняли решение өкінішті It’s a pity they can’t Олардың келе Жаль, что они не come алмайтыны өкінішті могут прийти No wonder Таң қаларлық Нет ничего ештеңе емес удивительного It is worth seeing Бұны көруге тура Это стоит посмотреть келеді I must be going Маған кету керек Мне надо идти You have made good Сіз үлкен табысқа Вы сделали большие progress жеттіңіз успехи The article says Мақалада екі жақты В статье говорится, bilateral relations are қарым-қатынас что двусторонние very important маңызды дейді отношения очень важны Who is responsible for Кім неге жауап Кто за что отвечает? it? береді? Talking politics Саясат жайлы Разговор о политике әңгіме On the one hand Бір жағынан С одной стороны On the other hand Екінші жағынан С другой стороны It will be great fun Өте көңілді болады Будет очень весело Aisha shares a room Айша Инабатпен Айша живет в одной with Inabat бірге бір бөлмеде комнате с Инабат тұрады He got his full share Ол өзінің үлесін Он получил всю свою алды долю There is little money in Әмиянда ақша аз В кошельке мало the purse денег This is a small world Жер дөңгелек Мир тесен By the way... Айтпақшы Кстати Seat Орын Место The stalls Партер Партер Row Қатар Ряд Box Ложа Ложа 204

Performance Қойылым Представление Stage Сахна Сцена To put it in a nutshell Қысқасын айтқанда Короче говоря Curtain Перде Занавес The ballerina has been Бұл балерина үнемі Эта балерина всегда a great success үлкен жетістікке пользуется большим жетеді успехом This is the most Бұл мен аударған Это самая трудная difficult article I have аудармалардың статья из всех, ever translated ішіндегі ең қиыны которые я когда-либо переводил He looks modest Ол өте қарапайым Он выглядит көрінеді скромным Avoid such people Ондай адамдардан Избегайте таких аулақ жүріңіз людей I am sick and tired of Мен оның Я очень устал от его his words сөздерінен слов шаршадым It was clear she didn’t Оның бізге Было ясно, что она believe us сенбейтіні белгілі нам не верит болды Glad to see you up and Сіздің Рад, что вы about again сауыққаныңызға поправились қуаныштымын Conditions Шарт Условия She is not very keen on Ол джазды онша Она не очень любит jazz ұната бермейді джаз To see the old year out Ескі жылды Провожать старый шығарып салу год To see the new year in Жаңа жылды қарсы Встречать новый год алу To mark Белгілеу Отмечать To have a chat Әңгімелесу Беседовать Diary Жазу кітапшасы Записная книжка To be engaged Қолы бос болмау Быть занятым What is the occasion? Қай себепке По какому поводу? байланысты? 205

The occasion calls for Бұны атап өту керек Это надо отметить celebration My congratulations! Құттықтаймын! Мои поздравления! To do a favour Өтініш жасау Сделать одолжение To name after Біреудің құрметіне Назвать в честь атау The author of the book Автор Автор описывает depicts the life of жасөспірімдер жизнь подростков teenagers өмірін баяндады I consider the book to Мен кітапты құнды Я cчитаю книгу be a masterpiece деп есептеймін шедевром Tastes differ Дәмі сөз О вкусах не спорят таластыруды қажет етпейді To produce a great Үлкен әсер ету Произвести больщое impression on… впечатление на… Business before Алдымен жұмыс, Сначало дело, потом pleasure сосын көңіл көтеру развлечения You needn’t worry Уайымдаудың еш Вам незачем about it керегі жоқ волноваться You needn’t have Сізге бұл ескертуді Вам не надо было made that remark жасамау керек еді делать это замечание She turned out to be Ол өте сөзшең Она оказалась очень very talkative болып шықты разговорчивой Turn on the light, Өтінемін, жарықты Пожалуйста, включи please! қосшы! свет! Turn off the radio, Өтінемін, радионы Пожалуйста, please! сөндірші! выключи радио! The food here is Мұнда пайдалы Здесь здоровая пища wholesome тағамдар The morning exercise Таңғы жаттығу Утренняя зарядка is wholesome денсаулыққа благотворно влияет пайдалы на здоровье Honey is wholesome Бал пайдалы Мед полезен My watch is a little Менің сағатым Мои часы немного fast. Your watch is алдыда, сіздердікі спешат. Ваши 206

slow артта отстают Madi feels guilty Мади өзін кінәлі Мади чувствует себя сезінді виноватым Who has taken my Менің қаламымды Кто взял мою ручку? pen? кім алды? Call me up as soon as Үйге келісімен Позвони мне, как you come home маған қоңырау шал только придешь домой The child is helpless Бұл бала көмекке Этот ребенок зәру беспомощный The woman is Бұл үйсіз әйел Эта женщина homeless бездомная You’ve guessed right Сіз таптыңыз Вы угадали What room do you Қай бөлмені Какую комнату вы want to engage? алғыңыз келеді? хотите снять? I got used to getting up Мен ерте тұруға Я привык вставать early дағдыландым. рано I wish you a speedy Тезірек сауығып Желаю тебе recovery кетуіңді тілеймін скорейшего выздоровления I wish them happy Оларға демалыс Желаю им хорошо weekend күнді жақсы провести выходные өткізулерін тілеймін дни No complaints Шағымданбаймын Не жалуюсь Nothing to boast of Мақтануға Хвастаться ничем тұрарлық емес How are you getting Қалай тұрып Как поживаешь? on? жатсың? What a pleasant Қандай жағымды Какой приятный surprise! тосын сый! сюрприз! What’ s the matter? Не болып қалды? В чем дело? Never expected to Сені бұл жерден Никогда не ожидал meet you here кездестіремін деп встретить тебя здесь күтпедім


Contents/ Мазмұны/Содержание:

Алғы сөз/Предисловие...... 3 Family life Unit 1...... 4-10 Customs and traditions Unit 2...... 11-20 Housing problem Unit 3...... 21-27 Going Places Unit 4...... 28-36 Shopping Unit 5...... 37-44 Education and occupation Unit 6...... 45-54 Problems of the youth and unemployment Unit 7...... 55-61 Healthy lifestyle Unit 8...... 62-68 Kazakh national dishes Unit 9...... 69-74 Sport in our life Unit 10...... 75-83 Environmental protection Unit 11...... 84-94 Art and Culture Unit 12...... 95-102 Mass media Unit 13...... 103-112 Inventions and discoveries Unit 14...... 113-124 New technologies Unit 15...... 125-137 TEST...... 138-177 KEYS...... 178-179 Supplementary Reading...... 180-195 Speech patterns/ Сөйлеу үлгілері/ Речевые образцы...... 196-207


Р.М.Байзолдаева, Г.Қ.Манапова Г.С.Нұрбекова

Applied foreign language Қолданбалы шетел тілі Прикладной иностранный язык

Жоғарғы білім беретін оқу орындарына арналған оқулық


Редакторы: А.Д.Жусанбаев Компьютерлік қалыптаушы: С.Е.Смағұлова Көркемдеуші: А.Қалибекұлы

Басуға 05.01.2016 ж. қол қойылды. Пішімі 60 х 84/16. Офсеттік қағаз. Компьютерлік терілім. Әріп түрі «Times/New Roman» Riso басылымы. Шартты баспа табағы 13,1 Таралымы 100 дана. Тапсырыс № 154

«Қыздар университеті» баспасы . 050000, Алматы, Гоголь көшесі 116 үй