Zhanat Kundakbayeva the HISTORY of KAZAKHSTAN FROM

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Zhanat Kundakbayeva the HISTORY of KAZAKHSTAN FROM MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN THE AL-FARABI KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Zhanat Kundakbayeva THE HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN FROM EARLIEST PERIOD TO PRESENT TIME VOLUME I FROM EARLIEST PERIOD TO 1991 Almaty "Кazakh University" 2016 ББК 63.2 (3) К 88 Recommended for publication by Academic Council of the al-Faraby Kazakh National University’s History, Ethnology and Archeology Faculty and the decision of the Editorial-Publishing Council R e v i e w e r s: doctor of historical sciences, professor G.Habizhanova, doctor of historical sciences, B. Zhanguttin, doctor of historical sciences, professor K. Alimgazinov Kundakbayeva Zh. K 88 The History of Kazakhstan from the Earliest Period to Present time. Volume I: from Earliest period to 1991. Textbook. – Almaty: "Кazakh University", 2016. - &&&& p. ISBN 978-601-247-347-6 In first volume of the History of Kazakhstan for the students of non-historical specialties has been provided extensive materials on the history of present-day territory of Kazakhstan from the earliest period to 1991. Here found their reflection both recent developments on Kazakhstan history studies, primary sources evidences, teaching materials, control questions that help students understand better the course. Many of the disputable issues of the times are given in the historiographical view. The textbook is designed for students, teachers, undergraduates, and all, who are interested in the history of the Kazakhstan. ББК 63.3(5Каз)я72 ISBN 978-601-247-347-6 © Kundakbayeva Zhanat, 2016 © al-Faraby KazNU, 2016 INTRODUCTION Данное учебное пособие is intended to be a generally understandable and clearly organized outline of historical processes taken place on the present day territory of Kazakhstan since pre-historic time. Учебное пособие состоит из двух частей. В первой части в хронологической последовательности рассказывается об исторических процессах с древнейших времен до обретения независимости в 1991 г. Во второй части основное внимание уделено contemporary history of Kazakhstan. The existing works on Kazakhstan’s history usually stress the evolution of the statehood on the territory of Kazakhstan. A number of important general histories emphasize that Kazakh people have a millennia-long history. Although some other works do not contain a harsh critique of the Soviet regime nonetheless leaving aside certain positive outcomes such as industrialization, educational progress and national delimitation. Most of already published books offer idea of Kazakh people struggle for their independence for centuries. В то же время в работах западных и российских авторов проводится идея, что ancient population of the Kazakhstan might have either no very little connection with the modern Kazakh ethnic group. Другое принципиальное отличие данного учебного пособия состоит в том, что оно избегает to get the evidence and points, to give comprehensive explanation. Напротив, оно побуждает самих студентов to ask and to answer the questions. Control questions required students to interpret, to imagine and to rationalize the possible answers because the answers could not be found in the textbook. В основе учебного пособия лежит идея, что историческое прошлое Казахстана was a complex mix of continuity and change. На основе outside forces that caused dramatic changes выделены patterns of the past. The first pattern is the genesis of nomadism. In early iron age the entire population of the Eurasian steppes перешли to the nomadic mode of reproduction as a main occupation. Это было обсуловлено climatic change in early iron epoch. В то же время кочевничество определила базовые элементы казахской этнической культуры - a way of thinking about the world around oneself, about circles of life, которые дошли вплоть до сегодняшнего дня. The second pattern is Turkic epoch. The rise and decline of Turkic empires in Eurasian steppes повлияли на изменение антропологического облика насельников евразийских степей, определили карту расселения племен, а также лингвистическую карту в регионе. В эту эпоху сформировались базовые элементы духовной культуры тюрков – тенгрианство и культ предков, существующие по сей день. Следующее крупное изменение произошло в монгольскую эпоху. Монгольское завоевание вызвало крупные миграции населения, что в конечном счете ускорило процессы этнической консолидации, а формирование этнополитических структур на территории Казахстана, завершилось созданием первого Казахского государства – Казахского ханства. The fourth pattern может быть выделен с приходом Российской империи. Это был период, когда были трансформированы традиционные институты власти, социальная структура, началась модернизация. Наиболее крупные перемены произошли в советскую эпоху – насильственно сломан многовековой уклад жизни населения – кочевничество, внедрена марксистко-ленинская идеология, трансформировавшая сознание людей. В то же время советская эпоха стала временем ускоренной модернизации, собиранием казахских земель в рамках советской республики, юридическом закреплении границ, что стало впоследствии основой современной территории Республики Казахстан. В учебном пособии рассматривается следующий круг проблем: Генезис номадизма в евразийских степях, Основные черты тюркской эпохи, впоследствии ставшие базовыми компонентами культуры этноса вплоть до сегодняшнего дня. Этнические процессы на территории Казахстана, завершившиеся образованием казахского этноса. Конфигурация политической инфраструктуры на территории Казахстана до прихода Российской империи. Трактовки политики Российской империи в отношении Казахстана с XIX века до сегодняшнего дня. Плюралистский взгляд на советскую эпоху, характер советского государства. Целью учебного пособия является to develop of historical thinking skills while leaning historical content: The ability to identify, compare and evaluate multiple perspectives on a given historical event in order to draw conclusions about that event. The ability to connect historical events and processes to specific circumstances of time and place as well as broader regional, national or global processes. The ability to recognize, analyze and evaluate the dynamics of historical continuity and change over periods of time of varying length as well as the ability to relate these patterns to larger historical processes. The ability to identify, analyze and evaluate the relationships among historical causes and effects, distinguishing between those that are long term and proximate. Таким образом, в учебном пособии реализуется идея, что изучение прошлого is far more engaging than memorizing dates. Textbook was designed to engage students in their own learning of history, to assist them in developing historical thinking competencies, а не просто понимание хронологической последовательности событий на территории Казахстана или взгляда на прошлое an uncritical, history-as-true-fact, spoon-fed-hero-worshipping of and the unquestioned glorification of some person in the past. В реализации данной цели помогут не только тексты разделов, но и богатый дидактический материал. После каждой части предложены вопросы для самоконтроля. These questions required students to interpret, to imagine and to rationalise the possible answers because the answers could not be found in the textbook. В конечном счете, такие навыки помогут студентам to understand the historical facts in relation to today’s and future’s events. When students have acquired the ability to think historically, they able to understand the meaning of the past actions and events, and able to relate, explain and predict the present and future activities emphasized on understanding the chronology of the historical events. І Part KAZAKHSTAN LANDS INHABITANTS IN EARLIEST PERIOD 1.1 The Stone Age archeological sites on the territory of Kazakhstan The beginning of human history has been reconstructed entirely through archaeological material– artefacts of daily use, tools and weapons, pots and pans, toys and playthings, dress and ornaments, furniture and fabrications of all sorts, objects of and for worship as well as many other items that constitute human culture or cultures. So, archeological sources are very important for reconstructing the periods when the written sources did not emerge Archeologists use their own periodization. The names for archaeological periods in the list of archaeological periods vary enormously from region to region. Dating also varies considerably across wide areas. The three-age system has been used in many areas, referring to the prehistorical periods identified by tool manufacture and use, of the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Since these ages are distinguished by the development of technology, it is natural that the dates, to which these refer, vary in different parts of the world. So, according to this periodization system the Stone Age is divided into the Paleolithic era, the Mesolithic era and the Neolithic Era. As Jeremy Tredinnick mentioned, Kazakhstan’s role in the history of mankind is significant, if to look at the history of settling the earth by first humans. Jeremy Tredinnick emphasizes that although there are many theories about when, in what way and where the first humans moved out of Africa, there is solid archaeological evidence that the ancestors (Homo habilis, Homo Erectus, Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo Sapiens) migrated from the Middle East to Central Asia and stayed here. According to Jeremy Tredinnick: "Modern-day genome Controling has subsequently shown that the colonization by humans of both northern Europe and Siberia-
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