Metals, Culture and Capitalism: an Essay on the Origins of the Modern World Jack Goody Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02962-0 - Metals, Culture and Capitalism: An Essay on the Origins of the Modern World Jack Goody Index More information Index abacus, 69 Alexandria, 63, 83, 116, 126, 190, 192, Abbasids, 66, 140, 158–60, 163, 188, 191–92, 194, 232 195 Al-Jazari, 206 Abrahamistic religions, 184–85 alloys of copper, 9 control of literacy and learning, 187–88 al-Mina, 38 spread of, 60 Almohad rulers, Spain, 192 accounting alphabet, 36 development of, 147–48 creation in Phoenicia, 36 Venetian innovations, 203–4 spread of the Greek alphabet, 67 Achaemenians, 153–54, 158 Alpine lode (copper), 17 Acre, 195 Alpine region, 40 Aegean mining, 38 early metallurgy, 10–11 al-Rammah, Hasan, 257–58 Afghanistan, 6, 20–21, 25, 27, 35, 57, 155 Altai, 10 Africa, 26 Al-Tartushi, 131 gold trade, 72 Altyn-depe, 41 gold trade with the Near East, 142–43 Al-Ubaid, 22 iron production, 87–88 Amalfi, 190 search for gold, 77 amber trade, 35, 38, 131 Agatharchides, 237 American Civil War, 274, 276 Agde, 73, 111 American colonies, 265 Agricola furnace, 264 iron production, 274 Agricola, G., xvii, 46, 64, 87, 140, 191, 200, iron working, 223 229–30, 232–35, 237–39, 244–45 American Revolution, 276 agriculture Amorites, 67 earliest settlements, 4 Amratians, 7 early farming cultures, 6 Anatolia, 9–11, 14–15, 22, 25, 27, 31, sheep farming, 39 37, 106 Ai Bunar, Bulgaria, 31 Anatolian trade network Aitchison, L., xvii, 79, 120, 231 Bronze Age, 15–17 Akhenaten, 76, 184 Andronovo culture, 167 Akkad, 16, 20–21, 36, 67, 71 Anglo-Saxons, 116, 128, 130 Akkadian
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