Kazakhstan, Turkey Discuss Regional, International Cooperation
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+20° / +14°C WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2015 No 8 (74) www.astanatimes.com Kazakhstan, Turkey Discuss Regional, Floods in Karaganda International Cooperation Draw Unprecedented Public Support, Civil Activism after having twice refused evacua- By Aiman Turebekova tion services in writing. Affected areas can also be found ASTANA – Man is often power- in the Akmola, North Kazakhstan less in combating natural disasters. and Pavlodar Oblasts. These events often occur without Commenting on relief efforts, warning, which sometimes means Kazakh President Nursultan Naz- major losses, endangered lives and arbayev said he had instructed all property destruction. government agencies and local ex- Last week’s floods in the Kara- ecutive authorities to take all steps ganda and Akmola regions were necessary to help the affected pop- triggered by abundant rainfall and ulation and minimise the damage melting snow. They affected high- done to public and private property. ways of national significance and “The Karaganda region has been wide areas of central and northern allocated 1 billion tenge (US$5.38 Kazakhstan. The weather has de- million) [in relief money]. The stroyed bridges and left a number water is subsiding. I think we will of villages without electricity. In solve this problem, everything is addition to the government re- under control, do not worry; help sponse, civil society’s sympa- is on the scene and all possible ef- thetic reaction to the disaster has forts are being made,” he said on been unprecedented and provided April 16. encouragement to many who have `“We will support everybody. looked for the emergence of a The main thing is assuring that more active civil society. there are no further victims. All President Nursultan Nazarbayev (l) with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (c) and other officials visited a business forum on April 16. On April 14, the Committee for [property-related] issues will Emergency Situations of the Minis- be resolved soon. Temporary By malika orazgaliyeva try of Internal Affairs reported that dams are being created in the “Turkey has made great progress to the Kazakh President for his High-Level Strategic Cooperation nearly 10,000 residents were evac- over the past 12 years under your visit last year to Turkey and for Council. area. Roads and electricity in ASTANA – President Nursul- uated, more than 1,700 houses in some flooded villages are being tan Nazarbayev met with Turkish leadership. It ranks 16th in the world participating in his inauguration During the roundtable, the parties 35 villages were flooded and more in terms of economic indicators, ceremony. discussed issues of strengthening restored,” Akim (Governor) of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan than 300 head of cattle had died. Karaganda Oblast Nurmukham- which is the result of the work of all Erdoğan noted that despite the cooperation in various fields, as well at the Akorda presidential resi- A state of emergency was de- bet Abdibekov said as he prom- the people of Turkey and your per- difficult global economic situa- as the joint economic programme, dence on April 16. clared in nine districts and two cit- ised those left homeless that they sonal efforts. You arrived in Kazakh- tion, Kazakhstan is developing the New Synergy. The programme, The two presidents discussed ies of the Karaganda region. “The would have the option to allow stan with a large delegation that will dynamically and achieving sig- strengthening cooperation in trade, developed under the patronage of stream was so strong that it [eas- authorities to help them build new take part in a bilateral business forum. nificant success. In addition, he the economy, investments, indus- the presidents of Kazakhstan and ily] knocked people down,” wit- homes. I am sure that your visit will contrib- wished Nazarbayev victory in the try, transit and transport, culture Turkey, is a fundamentally new nesses commented with horror. Rebuilding housing and acquir- ute to improving our relations,” Naz- upcoming presidential election on and humanitarian affairs, as well concept regarding trade and eco- Unfortunately, an elderly cou- ing things such as clothing, food as international issues. Nazarbayev arbayev said in welcoming Erdoğan April 26. nomic cooperation and is aimed at ple, Yuri (78) and Vasilina (76) products and toiletries, cannot be noted that relations between the two for his first state visit to Kazakhstan After the bilateral meeting, increasing mutual trade turnover to Vakulko, were found dead on April done quickly. countries are characterised by their as the Turkish head of state. the presidents attended a meet- $10 billion by 2015. 13 in their home in the Karaganda brotherly and friendly nature. Erdoğan expressed his gratitude ing of the Kazakhstan-Turkey continued on Page A3 oblast’s Gabiden Mustafin village continued on Page B2 New Research Finds most Kazakhs Think Country Is improving, Ready for Election segments of respondents reported being maximally satisfied. On the courts and justice system and prices, the majority reported being satis- fied, but were less glowing. The vast majority of respond- ents, 93 percent, said they were “certain to vote”, “very likely to vote” and “quite likely to vote” in the upcoming election. Voter turn- outs in Kazakhstan are generally higher than the averages in coun- tries of the Organisation for Eco- nomic Cooperation and Develop- ment (OECD), and turnout for the three presidential elections since independence has averaged 84 By michelle Witte country’s ethnic assembly, the As- percent, according to the Interna- sembly of the People of Kazakh- tional Institute for Democracy and ASTANA – New research con- stan (APK). Electoral Assistance, an intergov- ducted by U.K. market research Ipsos MORI has done similar ernmental organisation with the agency Ipsos MORI with Kazakh surveys in Kazakhstan with simi- mission of supporting democracy adults shows that a large majority lar samples in 2013 and 2014. and proving comparative knowl- of citizens of the country believe When thinking about their coun- edge on democratic processes. the country is moving in the right try in general, this survey found The data was collected during direction and that most also agree that 93 percent of Kazakh adults in-home, face-to-face interviews. that the country is ready to hold the feel “fairly positive” or “very posi- Three candidates are standing presidential election scheduled for tive,” an increase of 3 and 7 percent- in the April 26 election: Turgun April 26. age points on the similar polls from Syzdykov of the Communist Peo- The research, made public April 2014 and 2013. Seventy-eight per- ple’s Party of Kazakhstan, who is 20 by Ipsos MORI and the Eura- cent felt “fairly” or “very” positive running on a platform of combat- sian Council on Foreign Affairs about the country’s economy, and ing “decadent Western values”; (ECFA) that commissioned it, was 85 percent said they thought life had self-nominated Abelgazy Kus- conducted with a nationally repre- gotten better over the past 10 years. sainov, who is using his campaign sentative sample of 1,000 adults Respondents were asked to con- to draw attention to environmental aged 18 and over from March 16 sider specific aspects of life from issues; and incumbent President to April 3. 10 years ago and today, including Nursultan Nazarbayev. It found that nearly nine in ten infrastructure, prices of everyday The Eurasian Council on For- (89 percent) of adults interviewed goods, education, policing, corrup- eign Affairs is a recently estab- thought that life in general and on tion, the courts and justice system lished think tank with the stated balance was moving in the right and other issues. On infrastructure, mission of providing a platform direction in the country, while 79 education, overall quality of life, for engagement between Central percent thought the country was healthcare, their own standards of Asia and the European Union. The ready for the election, which was living, eliminating corruption, find- Brussels-based council publishes originally scheduled for 2016 but ing opportunities to advance in soci- papers and provides research on a was moved up after calls from ety and job opportunities, the larger variety of issues in Central Asia. INSIDE natioN EcoNomy & BUSiNESS EdiToRiAlS oPiNioNS natioN & cAPital Three Presidential Candidates Continue Cultural, Economic Cooperation with UNESCO, Development Assistance Key to Eliminating ALDABERGENOV: Eurasian Economic KazGeo Expedition Succeeds in Reaching Campaigns across Kazakhstan A2 OECD Discussed During Top Level Visit to Support for Extremists A6 Union Minister Discusses Competition, North Pole on Skis B1 Paris A4 UN Development Programme Allows APK’s 20th Anniversary is as Much About the Antitrust Regulatons A7 Bike Away the Atomic Bomb Calls for Oralmans Teach Fellow Oralmans A2 Samruk Kazyna Plans to Open Subsidiary in Past, as it is About the Future A6 TUIMEBAYEV: Kazakhstan-Turkey Strategic Progress at NPT Review Conference B1 Silicon Valley A5 Partnership Can be an Example A7 US$ 1 = 185.80 KZT 1 Euro = 199.62 KZT 1 Rouble = 3.60 KZT A2 NATION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2015 degrees Celsius, in Japan 16 C, in the U.S. 15 C, in Singapore 27 C and in NATioNAl NEWS iN BRiEF Malaysia 28 C, whereas the average President Explains Kazakhstan’s Specific annual temperature in the most im- portant cities of Kazakhstan, such as All necessary measures are be- Astana in the Akmola region and cit- ing taken in Kazakhstan to develop ies like Pavlodar and others in north- the languages of various ethnic Economic challenges at youth Forum ern Kazakhstan, is 2.5 C. groups living in the nation, said “We have an energy-intensive Deputy Prime Minister Berdibek By malika orazgaliyeva economy, because of the energy- Saparbayev at a recent national intensive nature around us. Our seminar on language as the basis ASTANA – Kazakh President entire industry, all of our cities, of consent.