LETTERS Dorothea Stephany, Address for correspondence: Paul H. Consigny, isolated from R. sanguineus ticks in Pierre Buffet, Jean-Marc Rolain, Centre Médical, Institut Pasteur, 28, rue du southern France (3), and fragments Didier Raoult, Docteur Roux, 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France; of ompB, atpA, dnaA, dnaK, and recA and Paul H. Consigny email:
[email protected] genes were 100% identical to the R. Author affi liations: Institut Pasteur, Paris, massiliae strain Bar29 (AF123710, France (D. Stephany, P. Buffet, P.H. Con- AY124739, DQ821798, DQ821828, signy); and Université de la Méditerranée, and AY124750, respectively), previ- Marseille, France (J.M. Rolain, D. Raoult). ously isolated from R. sanguineus ticks in Catalonia, Spain (4) (Table). DOI: 10.3201/eid1511.090521 R. massiliae was fi rst isolated in References Rickettsia 1992 from R. sanguineus ticks col- massiliae in the lected near Marseille, France (5). 1. Kelly PJ, Beati L, Matthewman LA, Canary Islands Since then, the pathogen has been Mason PR, Dasch GA, Raoult D. A new identifi ed in different Rhipicephalus pathogenic spotted fever group rick- ettsia from Africa. J Trop Med Hyg. To the Editor: Rickettsia massil- species in France, Greece, Portugal, 1994;97:129–37. iae was recently recognized as a hu- Switzerland, Spain, North and Cen- 2. Raoult D, Fournier PE, Fenollar F, Jense- man tick-borne spotted fever group tral Africa, Argentina, and the United nius M, Prioe T, de Pina JJ, et al. Rick- States (6,7). R. massiliae has been ettsia africae, a tick-borne pathogen in rickettsia (1). We report the fi nding of travelers to sub-Saharan Africa.