PHASE I ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY FOR PROPOSED By: Dona R. Daugherty IMPROVEMENTS AND Ann Shouse Wilkinson BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Submitted by: ALONG BR 549 OVER CDM Smith 1648 McGrathiana Pkwy PLEASANT RUN, LOGAN Suite 340 Lexington, Kentucky 40511 COUNTY, KENTUCKY Prepared for: (KYTC ITEM # 3-1073.00) Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. 200 Mero Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40622 Kentucky Office of State Archaeology Project Number: FY15-8283 Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Improvements and Bridge Replacement along BR 549 over Pleasant Run, Logan County, Kentucky (KYTC Item # 3-1073.00) Authored by: Dona R. Daugherty Ann Shouse Wilkinson Submitted by: CDM Smith 1648 McGrathiana Pkwy, Suite 340 Lexington, Kentucky 40511 Prepared for Client: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 200 Mero Street Frankfort, Kentucky 40622 Phone: (502) 564-4890 ________________________________________ J. Howard Beverly, Jr., MA, RPA, GISP Principal Investigator: CDM Smith Contact: (859) 254-5759 Ext. 106 or
[email protected] Lead Federal Agency: Federal Highways Administration Kentucky Office of State Archaeology Archaeological Project Number: FY15-8283 Archaeology Report January 2015 PRINTED ON ACID-FREE PAPER Abstract At the request of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC), archaeologists from CDM Smith conducted a Phase I archaeological survey for the proposed improvements and bridge replacement along over Pleasant Run, mile points 3.00 – 3.60, in Logan County, Kentucky (KYTC Item Number 3-1073.00). The area of potential effect (APE) consisted of 0.27 acres (0.109 ha). The APE was visitedBR 549 by a CDM Smith archaeology crew on the 25th of November, 2014. The archaeological survey involved systematic shovel probe excavation, bucket auguring, and visual inspection within the project’s entire APE.