Sails Of Glory Battle for the Seas A Sails of Glory Campaign

Time Sometime during the 1803-1805.

Info about the Campaign After had won many great victories on land in Europe, and crushed every country in battle. was the dominating power in Europe on land and the English were masters of the sea. Behind their wooden wall of , they were relatively safe from any invasion force. Napoleon wanted to change this and invade . In March 1802 a peace treaty was signed between France and England in Amiens, France. But both countries were irritated and angry with each other’s actions in the aftermath of the peace treaty, and it was an uneasy peace. And after some diplomatic quarrels England declared war on France again in May 1803.

After war broke out again, Napoleon started preparation for invasion of England – but to have success, he needed to take out the English fleet that protected the . From 1803 to 1805 a new of 150 000-200,000 men, known as the Armée des côtes de l'Océan (Army of the Ocean Coasts) or the Armée d'Angleterre (Army of England), was gathered and trained at camps at Boulogne, Bruges and Montreuil. A large "National Flotilla" of invasion barges was built in Channel ports along the coasts of France and the Netherlands. A fleet of nearly 2000 craft. At the same time he made plans with the Spanish to assemble a large fleet, which was strong enough to challenge the English , and make it possible for Napoleon to invade England. British strategy rested on the defensive, waiting for the to make the first move. Late in 1804, however, joined the war as an ally of France, giving Napoleon the ships he needed to challenge Britain.

This campaign follows the struggle between The French Navy and The English Navy, in the lead up to the . The last scenario you participate in will be The Battle of Trafalgar. The players have the chance to alter history by achieving naval victories, which can change the course of history as we know it. Maybe the French will win decisive battles before the Battle at Trafalgar, and weaken the English so much that an Invasion is made possible. Or The English will make sure that the Battle of Trafalgar only is one of many humiliating defeats, and that France will suffer. And break their morale even before the great battle of Trafalgar occurs. You will fight through 12 different scenarios that are relevant for the specified time frame and general history. For every scenario you will be given/gain points for success or failure. Your loss of ships in points will be given to your enemy. Those points will follow you throughout the campaign so every battle counts – and in the end the winner with the highest score will win the campaign.

You will need to purchase some French and English ships to play this campaign .In some scenarios you may use other ships with the same values if you don’t have the names. For playability some ship names will appear again in same scenarios. And it may feel wrong if you have sunk that ship in a previous scenario. But the ship names may be altered and is only used to identify witch ship type that is fighting in the scenario, rather than one specific ship. Players may decide to use one or two play mats. If they choose two play mats, the scenarios it may take longer to play, but the ships gets a larger play area and will be more fun when you have the large battles. Some of the scenarios may be a little bit more challenging for one part, if two maps are used, but it will add more fun to the game.

The Best will prevail throughout the different battles and make sure his objective doesn’t come at a too high cost.

1 Scenario Nr.1 ( The French Raider )

Info History A French has been raiding English trade ships and struck fear into the crews and captains. Like a ghost ship it appears and disappears before any English warship can come to aid. The English Navy has been searching for the ship for many months, before it is spotted not far from an English harbor. The English Navy scrambles what ships they have and send them after it in hope to sink or capture her.

Ships Involved The French Navy ( Total 102 Points ) 64 Gun The Artesian ( 102 Points )

The English Navy ( Total 136 Points ) 32 Gun HMS Cleopatra ( 68 Points ) 32 Gun HMS Castor ( 68 Points )

Game Setup The Artesian is placed in the middle of the map. And the two English ships in the south edge of the map.

The Weather The weather is clouded with some rain showers occasionally. When it rains, visibility is halved and long range combat not allowed. The chance of rain is 20 % every turn. Roll a dice to see if it is raining. When it rains, it will rain for 2-6 rounds before it stops. When it rains chance of fire is also halved.

The direction and strength of wind is drawn randomly at the first turn, and then every 6 turns after that.

Ending terms The Scenario ends if all players’ ships have been lost or escaped by sailing their ship out of the game map.

There are following special rules before a ship may escape from battle: For the French player, he must sink or capture one of the two ships that are hunting him. For the English player he must have lost one ship before he may flee with the last.

If the French player wins this scenario (English player flees or loses his ships) he receives 75 points bonus. If the English manage to sink or capture the French ship, they get the same bonus.

Tactics The French have a much stronger ship than the English. And he must try to engage one ship at the time if possible. The French ship is slower and harder to navigate, The English ships may use this as an advantage to navigate into a good firing position and keep out of the broadside of the French ship. Combined the English ships have better firepower than the French ship, but they are weak and fragile ships. If the French ship gets a full broadside on one of them, he can put them out of action.

2 Scenario Nr.2 ( An Important Mission )

Info History The French Ship Bertin is on its way back to France with vital cargo from an important transport mission. She is an old East Indian trading ship, but has been refitted with extra guns due to the importance of her mission. Just outside the west coast of Africa, she is spotted by two English . They set course to intercept her and win another glorious victory for the English crown. The captain knows he can’t outrun the English and fears that his mission will fail. Just when everything seems hopeless he spots another ship in the horizon. A closer look brings hope to the crew of the Bertin when it is flying French colors. If they may only survive until help arrives.

Ships Involved The French Navy ( Total 232 Points ) 64 Gun Bertin ( 89 Points ) 74 Gun Fougueux ( 143 Points )

The English Navy ( Total 222 Points ) 50 Gun HMS Leopard (96 points ) 64 Gun HMS Africa ( 126 points )

Game Setup The Bertin starts from South of the map. The English warships start in the middle of the East side of the Map. The French ship Fougueux starts in the middle of the North of the map.

The French ship Bertin must survive for the French to win the scenario. If only the Fougueux remains, the scenario is a draw. There is no time limit, since the Bertin can’t outrun the English warships – it has to survive until the English are destroyed or run away.

The Weather The wind is coming from south west and the weather is clear. The sea is calm and normal so it is a perfect time for a sea battle.

Ending terms If one of the players loses all ships due to combat, or has fled the gaming area. Following extra rules must be fulfilled before any player flees the battleground: - The French player can only flee with Fougueux. If he does so, he leaves Bertin to fight for itself. - The English may not flee before they have lost one ship.

Ships that flee are not considered as loss when counting points at the end of the Scenario.

3 Tactics The ships are about same values, with the French having a slightly higher point value. But the English have an advantageous position, and they may divide and split up the lone ships to combine their fire power.

The French must use all their sailing skills to join forces if they want to survive, or they will be taken out one by one by the British.

Scenario Nr.3 ( English Blockade )

Info History On 27 March 1802, France, under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, and Britain ended their hostilities with the . The peace was short-lived, however, as the British and French declared war again on 16 May 1803. Napoleon prepared for the invasion of Britain, but the controlled the English Channel. Napoleon sought to weaken Britain with the "Continental System," a measure that closed all European ports to British merchant vessels. British anti-invasion preparations of 1803–05 were the military and civilian responses in the United Kingdom to Napoleon's planned invasion of the United Kingdom. They included mobilization of the population on a scale not previously attempted in Britain, with a combined military force of over 615,000 in December 1803. Much of the southern English coast was fortified to repel a French landing. In 1803 The English blockaded all French and Spanish harbors to cripple their economies and keep the English merchant fleet safe. And also to make sure Napoleon could not launch an Invasion of England. In the early morning in one of those ports, English ships are seen in the horizon. The French Navy sounds the alarm and prepares to stop the English Navy to establish a blockade.

Ships Involved The French Navy ( Total 475 Points ) 74 Gun Commerce de Bordeux ( 143 Points ) 74 Gun Genereux ( 143 Points ) 64 Gun Eveille ( 102 Points ) 38 Gun Proserpine ( 72 Points )

The English Navy ( Total 493 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Defense ( 135 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Bellona ( 135 Points ) 64 Gun HMS Agamemnon ( 126 Points ) 52 Gun HMS Leander ( 97 Points )

4 Game Setup Lay play map out and add land to the whole east side edge. The French ships start in the middle on edge of the east side. Just outside land area. The English fleet is coming from the middle of the north of the map.

The Weather The weather is clear and sunny. Randomly draw the direction of the wind and strength. The weather stays like this for the remainder of the scenario.

Ending terms When the opposing fleet is destroyed or captured, or has escaped by sailing their ships across the game board. Escaping is only allowed for both sides after you lose two of your ships.

If the French win, they receive a bonus of 100 points for successfully stopping the planned English Blockade. The English gets a bonus of 50 points for winning the scenario, but also a penalty of -25 points for every French ship that escapes. ( The penalty only occurs if the French have lost and successfully escapes with one or two ships.

It is not possible for the French to escape to the harbor, as they would be captured by the English, since the port doesn’t have any defensive forts to protect them.

Tactics The English fleet is stronger and has more guns. The French fleet must use good tactics to outsmart the English player. Only good seamanship and tactical skills may save the French from an English blockade. If the battle goes bad for the French, they need to save at least two ships by escaping.

Scenario Nr.4 ( The English Invasion )

Info History In cover of darkness, The English Navy has in secret landed a large infantry force on the opposite shores of the one of France Colonial Islands. It is part of an operation to capture the Island, and strike a hard blow in The French economy and control. The Island is a vital base for French operations in the area, and for French commerce and trading. The city is protected by a strong fort, so the infantry force needs naval support to capture and take the fort. The English soldiers are therefore waiting for their navy to destroy the French fort.

As the English warships arrive in the horizon, the French understand the full scale of this operation. The warships can’t be allowed to destroy the fort, or the English soldiers will take the city.

5 Ships Involved The English Navy ( Total 674 Points): 100 Gun HMS Ville De Paris ( 197 Points ) 100 Gun HMS Victory 1783 ( 206 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Superb ( 136 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Defence ( 135 Points )

The French Navy ( Total 706 points ) 80 Gun Neptune ( 171 Points ) 74 gun Aquilon ( 144 Points ) 74 Gun Duguay-Trouin ( 144 Points ) 36 Gun Dryade ( 87 Points )

French fort 5031A ( 160 Points ) - The fort may fire in any direction as long as not land tiles block line of sight.

Game Setup The French deploy inside the blue deployment zone of the map. The English may deploy inside the red deployment zone of the map.

The Weather The weather is partly clouded. The first turn; draw wind direction and strength randomly. The Weather stays like this for the reminder of the battle.

6 Ending terms The battle ends when one opponent loses all his ships or the French fortress is destroyed. Fleeing is not allowed by any part. And ships sailed out of the game board are considered lost, and their point’s worth is given to the opponent. If the English destroy the fort, they win the scenario and are given a bonus of 250 points. The French only give opponent value of own sunk/captured ships if the game ends when the fort is destroyed. French ships still in the game are removed and considered successfully escaped. The Fort doesn’t count towards losses, since there is already a bonus for destroying it. If the French win the scenario, they receive a bonus of 100 points.

Tactics The French must protect their fort, or the Island will fall into the hands of the English soldiers waiting to storm the city. The English have the strongest naval fleet, but have to deal with the French fort having an advantageous position. The English can’t escape the battle, and have to destroy the fortress to end the scenario, or lose all their ships.

Scenario Nr.5 ( Blockade Runner )

Info History A French harbor has been blockaded by the English for a long time and the people are starving. The French Navy doesn’t have ships available to oppose the English Fleet and break it, but they want to try aiding the colony with a transport of food and supplies. They send a convoy of two armed transports and a powerful to protect the convoy. They hope this convoy may push through the blockade and deliver the supplies.

The English fleet can’t allow this convoy to pass through, or all the months of blockading this city, and the resources invested, have been wasted.

Ships Involved The French Navy ( Total 358 Points ) 42 Gun Duc de Duras ( 89 Points ) 42 Gun Bertin ( 89 Points ) 74 Gun Aquilon ( 144 Points

French fort 5032A ( 36 Points )

The English Navy ( Total 334 Points ) 64 Gun HMS Vigilant ( 119 Points ) 64 Gun HMS America ( 118 Points ) 52 Gun HMS Leander ( 97 Points )

7 Game Setup

The French fleet comes from the west edge of the map, and may deploy in the blue border area. The English may place their ships anywhere within the red border of the map.

When placing the ships, the English player places one of his ships first, then the French. Continue till all ships are placed.

The Weather The weather is clouded and the wind blows from the east at normal strength.

Ending terms The game ends when the French fleet has moved all its ships inside the harbor ( Green border area ) , or if one side loses all its ships. The French fleet gets 200 bonus points for each merchant ship ( Only Duc de Duras and Bertin ) that docks inside the harbor. The English get 50 points bonus for each merchant ship it sinks and an extra bonus of 100 points for each captured. Fleeing the battlefield is not allowed for any of the players. The English may not enter the harbor or shoot at any ships anchored there.

Tactics The French must try to push through the blockade without losing any ships. It is hard since they have the wind in disfavor. The English are stronger and have the wind in their advantage. They must do what they can to prevent the French ships from entering the port.

8 Scenario Nr.6 ( Patrolling the Seas )

Info History French warships are patrolling the sea outside the Portuguese shore line. They are hunting for English merchant ships to plunder. After some successful raids, the English are aware of this, and send out a naval force to find and destroy the French ships. Early one morning ,the French fleet is spotted by the English. And the English Naval force sets sail to engage. The French fleet feels confident and moves to intercept the English fleet. And soon the battle erupts in blazing guns and smoke.

Ships Involved The French Navy ( Total 445 Points ) 74 Gun Commerce de Bordeux ( 143 Points ) 74 Gun Genereux ( 143 Points ) 38 Gun Proserpine ( 87 Points ) 32 Gun Hermione ( 72 Points )

The English Navy ( Total 440 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Goliath ( 135 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Zealous ( 135 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Vanguard ( 135 Points ) 32 Gun HMS Meleager ( 35 Points )

Game Setup Place the French ships in the south edge of the map and the English in the north edge of the map.

The Weather The weather is sunny and warm. Randomly draw the wind direction and wind strength every 3rd turn.

Ending terms The game ends when one player has lost all his ships, or has fled the battle by sailing his ships out of the game mat. Any player may flee the game after losing two ships. Ships that have fled the game are not considered lost, and do not count in points for the opponent.

The player who wins is the player who still has ships on the game mat when ending terms are met. This player is rewarded with a bonus of 100 points.

Tactics Both nations are about equal and must show their quality seamanship to win this scenario.

9 Scenario Nr.7 ( Quality vs Experience )

Info History At a shipyard at the coast of France, a new powerful ship is launched. It is made very powerful so it can destroy the English ship that for a long time has blockaded the harbor. But the French Navy command has a serious crew and captain problem, since there are no or captains with good experience available. They finally draft some artillerymen from their army to use as gunners, and some soldiers along with the few sailors they could find as crew. The captain is not very experienced, but it is what they can get at this time. The French rely on the new ship more than the crew and captain, and think it would be so superior that it won’t matter so much to have a crew lacking training and experience. After some training at the port, they decide they know enough to crush the English ship outside the harbor. The French ship sets sail to great cheers from the crowd at the docks. The time has come for the French Navy to show its power

Ships Involved The English Navy ( Total 171 Points ) 100 Gun Robuste ( 171 Points )

The Ship has following setbacks: - The crew is lacking gunnery skill at sea and therefore they use 2 rounds to load the guns. - Sailors are also of poor quality and therefore the ship uses much longer time to act on the captain’s orders. This quality is represented with the ship has to use 3 maneuver cards instead of two. So it takes 3 rounds before a maneuver that is planned may be executed.

The English Navy ( Total 119 Points ) 112 Gun HMS Vigilant ( 119 Points )

Game Setup

The French deploy inside the blue deployment zone of the map. The English may deploy inside the red deployment zone of the map.

Look Map below.


The Weather The weather is clear and sunny. The wind comes from the south and is low at the start of first round. Every 6 rounds after the first round draw new wind strength and direction at random.

Ending terms When one side loses its ship. Fleeing the battlefield is not allowed.

Winner receives a bonus of 100 points.

Tactics The French must try to use the great strength of this ship to deliver so much damage, that the English ship sinks or gives up, thereby lifting the blockade of the port. But the French ship is slow and difficult to maneuver and here the English ship may prevail. At the same time it has a very slow firing rate, and it has to make every broadside count, or the English ship will shoot it to pieces.

11 Scenario Nr.8 ( The Hunt)

Info History After a large naval battle where the French were victorious, one of the French ships became damaged and had to seek emergency repairs in nearby small French harbor. The French are doing what they can to repair the large first rate, which they consider as one of the prides of the French Navy, as fast as they can. In the meantime The English Naval Command are informed by their spies, that one of the large French ships that participated in the naval battle, is undergoing repairs alone in a small French harbor. The English Naval Command is angered and wants to revenge the loss by sinking and destroying the first rate.

They send one of their best ships available to try to sink her in the harbor.

Ships Involved The French Navy ( Total 912 Points ) 118 Gun Montagne ( 203 Points )

The Ship has following setbacks: - The Montagne is damaged and has its first 2 hull and 2crew boxes full, as well as having sustained one rudder damage. This is considered to be valued to a penalty of points of: Damage to ship = 36 ( 3x6=18 X2) Damage to crew= 4 ( 2x2 ) One rudder damage = 10 ( May not be fixed with a crew repair action) Lose one Veer rating

This gives a total value of 203 Points -40 Points = 163 Points. This is the real value of ship if lost/captured.

The English Navy ( Total 126 Points ) 64 Gun HMS Agamemnon( 126 Points )

Commanded by an experienced captain and crew the ship has following bonuses: Captain skills: Skillful Tactician (During planning Phase when choosing maneuver card for next turn, he can replace the card for current turn. Twice per game.) Charismatic Captain (When only one crew marker left, use this card to ignore the next 2 damage to crew for one round.)

Crew: Good Aim (If a broadside shows one or more 0 damage. Draw one more damage. May be used 2 times.) Skillful (Increase your ship veer rating by one. May be used 2 times. ) Hold Fast (When only one crew marker left, use this card to ignore the next 3 damage to crew for one round. 1 use only.)

12 Game Setup The English ship starts at the edge of the west side of the map. Add land to the whole east side of the map. The French player starts in the middle of the map, just outside the land area.

The French are not aware of the danger heading their way, and because of the weather condition on this scenario, they can’t spot the English ship before it is very close. Therefore use following rule: The French player may not move his ship before the English ship is within long range of combat ruler. The English ship is then spotted and The French may act on the turn the English player drives his ship into this range.

The Weather This ambush is done in the cover of night. And the weather is therefore considered dark with following rules: Any damage from long range shooting is halved. Any special damage at this range has a 50% chance of be canceled. Roll a die or draw to determine if special damage is ignored or valid. Musket fire damage is also halved. The Weather is clear but partial clouded. The wind is medium and coming from south west. The Weather stays like this for the remainder of this scenario.

Ending terms The game ends when one side loses his ship. Players are not allowed to flee.

A Bonus of 100 Points is awarded to English player if he sinks the French 1st rate.

Tactics The French are caught surprised in a daring raid by the English Navy. With his ship damaged and difficult to maneuver, the French captain must try to use its strong hull and firepower against the lighter and smaller English ship. The English captain must use the element of surprise and his well-trained crew to outsmart the 1st rate. At the same time, try to avoid the French ships’ lethal broadside.

Scenario Nr.9 ( The French Offensive )

Info History The French Navy has lost too many colonies to the aggressive English Navy, and the time has come to make and end of this and start to conquer the territories back. The French Naval Command has in secret gathered a large force of ships and infantry to start an offensive.

The first island to conquer is one of the most important ones, with a large harbor and a strong fort to protect it. It may be used as a base for further campaigns in the region, and is therefore vital both for the French and the English. But The French Navy fears a frontal assault against the fortress, as they think the losses will be too high. So they decide to land

13 enough troops on shore and then use the troops to take the fort. This is because the fort is strong against sea attacks, but not from land.

A few nautical miles from the English Island, the French invasion fleet is spotted by a scout sloop patrolling the area. He hurries to send the message back to the Island in time for the English Navy to react. The English Navy is shocked and not prepared for a French offensive, and does not have time to reinforce the vital port with ships or infantry. If the French land their troops, they will overpower the English garrison and the city will be lost.

The English are outgunned both at sea and land, but maybe the old English seamanship will prevail, and they will be able to sink enough troop ships so the invasion will fail. If so it will be worth the loss of a few warships. They quickly sound the alarm and send what warships they can to stop the invasion.

Ships Involved The French Navy ( Total 616 Points ) 118 Gun Republique Francaise ( 206 Points ) 80 Gun Neptune ( 171 Points ) 74 Gun Genereux ( 143 Points ) 32 Gun East Indiamen trade ship ( 75 Points ) Use Alternative ship log that may be downloaded from Ares. 32 Gun East Indiamen trade ship ( 75 Points ) Use Alternative ship log that may be downloaded from Ares. 32 Gun East Indiamen trade ship ( 75 Points ) Use Alternative ship log that may be downloaded from Ares.

*You may use Duc de duras or Bertin ship as the transports. ( Or other ), but must use value from alternative log.

The English Navy ( Total 541 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Superb ( 136 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Bellerophon ( 135 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Vanguard ( 135 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Goliath ( 135 Points )

Game Setup This battle is fought on open sea. The French player may deploy its ships in southern edge of the game board. The English player may deploy his ship at the northern edge of the game board.

The Weather The weather is clear and sunny. Wind comes from the west and is medium strength.

14 Ending terms The game ends if one side loses all its ships, or if the English destroy all 3 French Indiamen trade ships carrying soldiers. Bonus is given extra for following results:

French lose one Indiamen trade ship The English receive no bonus. The French successfully invade the Island and receive 300 bonus points. The French lose two Indiamen trade ship The English manage to halt the invasion and get 100 bonus points. The French invasion fails, and retreat with the remainder of the French fleet. No bonus points. The French lose all Indiamen trade ship The English receive a bonus of 400 Points. The French invasion fails miserably and they lose all their infantry. No bonus is received.

The French are allowed to flee after losing 2 Indiamen trade ships. The English may flee whenever they want to. But if the English flee battle before they have lost a ship, the French get 100 points extra bonus due to good reputation.

Tactics The French Navy must protect its infantry ships at all cost. The French fleet is stronger, but slower. So the French must use their firepower to keep the English ships away.

The English need sink the troop ships, nothing else matters. Their fleet is fast and strong, but the French still have a vast superiority in firepower. But since the troop ships can’t be allowed to survive, they have to put their ships in harm’s way to achieve victory.

Scenario Nr.10 ( Lifting the Blockade)

Info History

After a long English blockade of a vital French port, the French Navy decides to attack the English ships that are blockading, and drive them away. The French Navy wants to send a strong message to the English at the same time, so they scramble a small but strong fleet to the task. To head the attack are two new 80 Gun Bucentaure class Ships of the Line. The English are completely taken by surprise, but overconfident and ready to do their duty, they turn their ships towards the enemy.

Ships Involved The French Navy ( Total 492 Points ) 80 Gun Neptune ( 171 Points ) 80 Gun Bucentaure ( 171 Points ) 74 Gun Redoutable ( 150 Points )

15 The English Navy ( Total 507 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Bellerophon ( 135 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Vanguard ( 135 Points) 64 Gun HMS Vigilant ( 119 Points ) 64 Gun HMS Polyphermus ( 118 Points )

Game Setup The French deploy inside the blue deployment zone of the map. The English may deploy inside the red deployment zone of the map.

The Weather It’s clouded and raining lightly. The wind is constantly changing so Draw randomly for wind strength and direction every 2 turns.

Ending terms The winner is the one who has ship(s) left on the game board. If it is the English, they receive a bonus of 200 points. If it is the French. They break the English blockade and receive 400 points

The players may try to escape after they have lost one ship. Ships that escape by sailing out of the game board are not considered lost and do not count in losses.

Tactics The French have the most to gain by destroying or drive away the English. They will then have freed the harbor from blockade and will receive a huge bonus. The French have powerful ships , but still the English have a stronger fleet. The French have to show some good seamanship and gunnery to make the English abandon the blockade.

16 The English must use their stronger fleet and better maneuverability to sink/capture the French ships, ending any hope of The French to end the Blockade.

Scenario Nr.11 ( The Interception)

Info History

The French prepare to gather the fleet together with the Spanish for the upcoming battle against the English, Later called “Battle of Trafalgar”. In a daring move the French try to move 3 first rates from a French fort to a Spanish port during a stormy night. The French use the storm and element of surprise to break out of a blockade and sail as fast as they can south to rendezvous with the rest of the fleet waiting in the Spanish port. The English caught by surprise, quickly react and send their warships after the French fleet. After some time their faster ships finally intercept the French fleet, sailing slowly south by the coast.

Ships Involved The French Navy ( Total 619 Points ) 118 Gun Montagne ( 203 Points ) 118 Gun Imperial ( 209 Points ) 120 Gun Orient ( 207 Points )

The English Navy ( Total 657 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Goliath ( 135 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Defiance ( 135 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Vanguard ( 135 Points ) 64 Gun HMS Agamemnon ( 126 Points ) 64 Gun HMS Africa ( 126 Points )

Game Setup The Players meet each other in open sea. The French fleet starts in the middle of the map. The English start in the north of the map.

The Weather The battle is fought in a dark stormy night. The weather is raining and windy. And the high waves roll the ships one side to another. The Darkness of the night makes it more difficult to see. Draw randomly to see what direction the wind blows every 3rd round. The wind strength is at strong and extremely strong. This is measured by randomly drawing 2 of the wind gauge every 3rd round. ( Use only medium and high chit ) When medium wind is drawn it is considered strong.

17 When high wind is drawn it is considered as extremely strong. Following happens if players have: Backing sails Move ship as it has battle sails Battle sails Move ships as it has full sails. Also for every round there is a 50 % chance of gaining a sail damage. Full sails Ship is moving as full sails for the round then it loses one as it breaks. Also 50 % chance of sail damage every round.

Visibility is bad and the players may only fire at short range. All damage is halved, rounded up, because of the difficult sea and weather. Any fire is considered to have a 50 % chance of not happening. Draw one more time to confirm a fire.

Ending terms The battle ends when the English or French have lost all their ships, or the English have fled the battle. The French fleet is slower than the English and cannot escape. The English fleet may escape after they lose two ships.

Tactics The English must try to use their numbers to pick one 1st rate at the time. Like a pack of wolves hunting down one prey after another. The French cannot escape this and must try to keep together and protect each other. The weather makes it difficult for both players and only and experienced captain may the waves.

Scenario Nr.12 ( The Battle of Trafalgar)

Info History

Napoleons’ naval plan in 1805 was for the French and Spanish fleets in the Mediterranean and Cádiz to break through the blockade, and join forces in the . They would then return, assist the fleet in Brest to emerge from the blockade, and together clear the English Channel of Royal Navy ships, ensuring a safe passage for the invasion barges. But The English Fleet intercepted the French/Spanish fleet and a large sea battle that would lead to a catastrophic loss for the French and Spanish fleet. 27 British ships of the line led by Lord Nelson aboard HMS Victory defeated 33 French and Spanish ships of the line under the French Admiral Villeneuve in the off the southwest coast of Spain, just west of Cape Trafalgar, near the town of Los Caños de Meca. The Franco-Spanish fleet lost twenty-two ships, without a single British vessel being lost. It was the most decisive naval battle of the war.

18 Ships Involved The French Navy ( Total 1073 Points ) 118 Gun Republique Francaise ( 206 Points ) 120 Gun Orient ( 207 Points ) 120 Gun Montagne ( 203 Points ) 80 Gun Neptune ( 171 Points ) 74 Gun Genereux ( 143 Points ) 74 Gun Fougueux ( 143 Points )

The English Navy ( Total 1022+102 (upgrade cards Points) = 1124 Points ) 110 Gun HMS Hibernia ( 212 Points ) 102 Gun HMS Victory 1805 ( 200 Points ) 100 Gun HMS Royal Soveriegn ( 192 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Impetueux ( 148 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Defense ( 135 Points ) 74 Gun HMS Bellerophon ( 135 Points )

The English player receives following upgrade cards to all ships:

Skillful Captain ( 5x6=36 Points ) (During planning Phase when choosing maneuver card for next turn ,he can replace the card for current turn. Twice per game.) Intuitive Captain ( 4x6=24 Points ) (Look opponent next movement card. Must be in distance. May be used 2 times.) Good Aim ( 6x6=36 Points ) (If a broadside show one or more 0 damage. Draw one more damage. May be used 2 times ) Skillful Quartermaster ( 1x6= 6 Points ) (Increase your ship veer rating by one. May be used 2 times. ) To a total worth of points: 102 Points

Game Setup The battle of Trafalgar is too big to play with all ships in this campaign. For the sake of this game you control of only a few of the ships in this large battle, and help to decide the outcome. The English have broken the line formation of the French/Spanish fleet and isolated some ships from the rest of the fleet. A large battle is going on all around you. You will have to fight for your life. There is no escaping.

Each side will control 6 ships each, some of which participated in the Battle of Trafalgar. To simulate the battle in a small area the setup is like this: The French put their fleet in the East side of the map in a line inside French blue deployment zone. Facing their ships to the North.

The English deploy their ships in the red English deploy zone A or B. Both zones need to have ships, but the English player may decide how many in each box. The ships must face East, towards the French line. Original fleet position in the Battle

Look setup Map for this battle next page.


The Weather The real weather from the logbook of HMS Victory 21st October 1805 is: “Light winds and squally with rain. At 2 taken aback…at 8light breezes and cloudy”

So this means the battle will be fought in clouded weather with occasional showers of rain. The wind is light from North West. The weather stays like this during this battle.

Ending Terms The battle ends when one side has lost all of its ships, or has escaped by sailing out of the map.

Escaping is not allowed before players have lost half of their ships. If a player drives a ship out of the map before that time, it will be considered lost and the opponent gets the point to his score total.

Tactics The French fleet is a little bit stronger than the English, as it was in the real battle. But the English fleet has a better quality of men and captains and that’s one of the reasons why they won this battle. The English are therefore compensated with upgrade cards to simulate this. And their total points are much higher than the French. The English captain must use those upgrade cards and he will have an advantage maneuvering and shooting at the French ships. The French player must use all his experience to play this battle tactical and surprise the English player. If he does so, he may still change the course of history.

20 Points Possibility & Scenario overview

French Fleet French bonus English Fleet English bonus # Scenario Name Points Possiblity Points Possiblity 1 The French Raider 102 136 75 2 An Important Mission 232 222 3 English Blockade 475 100 493 50 4 The English Invasion 706 100 674 250 5 Blockade Runner 358 400 334 300 6 Patrolling the sea 445 100 440 100 7 Quality vs Experience 171 100 119 100 8 The Hunt 163 126 100 9 The French Offensive 616 300 541 400 10 Lifting the Blockade 492 400 507 200 11 The Interception 619 657 12 The Battle of Trafalgar 1073 1124

Total 5452 1500 5373 1575

Maximum Points Available 6952 6948 French English

Result of this campaign

1500+ points more than opponent If The French Player Wins: Your battles leading up to the great Battle of Trafalgar have weakened the English significantly. Because of this, they can’t muster such a great fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar, resulting in a crushing defeat against the huge French and Spanish Fleet. The French Army can finally start boarding their ships for an Invasion over the English Channel. The English prepare to face hordes of French soldiers on English soil. You are recorded in history as the most famous Admiral to ever have lived, with the power to change the outcome of entire wars.

If The English Player Wins: Your great naval campaign against the French fleet has been such a success, that the Spanish abandon the plans of participating in any naval battle with the French. The small French fleet that is left, is crushed with ease in a few, quick naval battles. This ends any hope for the French to stand against the English Fleet for the next decade. As Lord Nelson sails into English ports, he is cheered as one of many great that have lead the English Navy to such greatness. You are recorded in history as the most famous Admiral to ever have lived, with the power to change the outcome of entire wars.

21 1200-1499 points more than opponent If The French Player Wins: You battles leading up to the great Battle of Trafalgar has weakened the English Navy. This makes the English less capable to muster so many ships at the Battle of Trafalgar. Though the Battle still occurs, the results are inconclusive. The English have halted the invasion for now, but the rising French fleet is still a fearful opponent and England is still not safe from an invasion in the time ahead. You are recorded in history as one of the greatest Admirals to ever have lived. If The English Player Wins: Your great naval campaign against The French Fleet has weakened the French naval capacity to such a degree, that its losses at The Battle of Trafalgar are heavier than recorded history. The French therefore abandon any fleet increase of the navy ahead, thus leaving the English navy unopposed for the remainder of the war. You are recorded in history as one of the greatest Admirals to ever have lived.

900-1199 points more than opponent If The French Player Wins: After series of great Naval Battles where the French are victorious, the balance of naval power and control is shifting slowly towards the French. England is therefore desperate for a great victory that can turn this around. Desperate they throw everything they have into The Battle of Trafalgar. The French losses are great as the English wins the battle, but there are losses on both sides. The French still aren’t beaten and are already starting a massive building program to build more warships. You named one of the leading Admirals in history. If The English Player Wins: The English are the masters of sea and dominates the seas. Opposing try to avoid battle in fear of loss of their ships. As the Battle of Trafalgar is finished, this fear is increased. There are no fleets big enough anymore to pose any threat to England. You named one of the leading Admirals in history. 600-899 points more than opponent If The French Player Wins: You have won several battles and England sees your Navy as a threat to their domination of the seas. After the Battle of Trafalgar, the French have lost many ships and are severely reduced. Still the English fear that the French will build more ships and become a threat again. Your name is mentioned in history books as an important Admiral. If The English Player Wins: Your campaign prior to the Battle of Trafalgar has been successful, and has weakened the French Navy and economic power in Europe. After crushing the French fleet at The Battle of Trafalgar you have ensured the English Navy as the dominating power at sea for the reminder of the war. Your name is mention in history books as an important Admiral. 300-599 points more than opponent If The French Player Wins: You have won some battles but still it means nothing against the might of the English Navy. The history follows its normal course. Your name is mentioned in some of the battles. If The English Player Wins: You win a few more battles than recorded in the history books. Increasing other nations’ admire and the English pride of the British Navy. Your name is mentioned in some of the battles.

Less than 300 Points more than opponent The battle went as history recorded and your name fades from the history books as an unimportant person.