Second Scries Nmiber 193

THE TIMETABLE for period beginning 12th May 1978

Friday 12 May Talk by Ibr» Piers Connor» The Development of Train Equip.Tient on London's Underground, 19OO to 193Be I9OO for I915 at Kammsrsmith Town Hallo

Saturday 20 May Morning visit to Neasden Depots Restricted numbers. Applications, with SAE to ilr.G.A.Finch, 16I Valetta Road, London W3 7TA.

Tuesday 6 June Library evening, l8,30o The Society's library open for inspection at 9A Durjr-obin Court, 339 Finchley Road, London mi3 6HE.

Talk by Mr,D.G,Jobling, Design and Construction Engineer (Civil Engineering) London Transport, on L.T. Railvray Bridges. I9OO for 1915 at Hammersmith Town Hall,

Night of Friday'- 9 June/Saturday 10 Juno Ail night visit to Permanent Way night vrork. Restricted mrmberso Applications, with SAE to Mr.G,A,Finch, I6I Valetta Road, London W3.

Wednesday 3 July Library evening, l8»30. Other details as for 6 June.

Morniiig visit to Parsons Green Works and Building depot. Restricted nvunbers. Applications, with EAS to ^MroG,A.Flnch, I61 Valetta Road, London ¥5 7TA,

Friday ik July Talk by MroP.Cassell, Vegetation Control on London Transport. I9OO for 1915 at Hammersmith Town Hall,

Friday 11 August Talk by MrcFcG,Rutty, Traction Engineer, London Transport. Train performance and testing on London Transpcrto I9OO for 1915 at Hammersmith Tovrn Hall,

Published 12 times a year by the Railway Society, Correspondence to Assistant Editor, 13 Castleton Road, Eastcote, Ruislip, Middlesex, HA'i 9QQ. Opinions expressed are those of contributors and not necessarily endorsed by the Society. Members requiring a reply to their correspondence are asked to include an SAE. The contents of this journal are copyright. ALMOST kO YEARS

On Friday I'lth April 1978, the last 1938 Tube stock ran in passenger service on the , this date being just short of kO years since the stock was first introduced on the line on 30th June 1958. The last train, running as train 121 comprised cars 10182-012275-12127-11182+10203-012205-11203 and worked:- 07.17 Depot to Edgrrare 08.4o Edgxv^are to Morden 09,54 Morden to Mill Hill East 11.00 Mill Hill East to Morden 14.34 Morden to Mill Kill East 15.40 Mill Hill East to Tooting Bdy. l6o47 Tooting Bdy, to Edgware 17.56 Edgware to Golders Green A3.1 journeys vrere via Banku It was also schoduled to work the 12,l4 Morden to Mill Rill East and the 13«>20 return, but this was cancelled due to no guard being available, On arrival at Edgware at 17.49 the train carried a display in the offside cab window 'the last red train on the Northern Line' and chalked on the side of iOl82 was 'silver trains out,' In the destination cabinet was displayed '1938-1978', On the last trip from Edgware, the leading car (11203) was filled with enthusiasts (standing room only) and included Mr,J,Greame Bruce (Chief Operating Manager) and Mr^G.Hafter (Rolling Stock Engineer), On arrival at Golders Green, all passengers and enthusiasts detrained and the Station Manager announced over the public address that they 'had tx'avelled on the last red train in service on the Northern Linso' The train then preceded to Golders Green depot. It is interesting to note that Driving Motor car III82 of the last train is to be preserved by London Transport in their collection at Covent Garden, after restoration at . Although 1938 tube stock has now finished normal passenger service on the Northern Line, all is not yet lost I On Sunday 4th June I978, London Transport proposes to run an enthusiasts farewell tour of 1938 tube stock on the Northern Line, It will include all of the Northern Line, and interesting points of travel V7ij.l be reversing in Morden depot, round the Kennington loop, reversing at Park Junction and running in normal passenger service between Finchley Central and Mill Hill East, (the CP stock tours of 1977 had a similai- arrangement on the single line between Chalfont and Chesham), The final part of the tour xvill be to Cockfosters via the Kings Cross loop. The tour will start from Goldors Green at about O9.5O and vrill finish at Finsbury Park at about 17.30, with a midday lunch br-eak at High Barnete


From Monday 3rd April 1978, revised car parking arrangements were introduced at Harrow-on the-Hill station. The car park, which is always full on Mondays to Saturdays, caused problems to regular car park users holding car park season tickets, if they arrived after aboiit 08,30. To assist them, the part adjacent to the substation has been set aside for regular car park season ticket holders and a manually operated rising arm barrier has been installed at the entrance. The holders of car park season tickets have been issued with a key to open the barrier, thus ensuring that a space is always available to them for parking. The cost of this facility is £37 per year plus 50p for the key. The rest of the car parking spaces at Harrow-on-the- Hill are used in the aormal way, on a first come, first parked basis, and pay their fee at the ticket office.


Details have been announced of alterations and improvements to the interchange at Kings Cross between the LT station and the City Widened Lines station located in Pentonville Road, and is due to be completed in 19&2. It will include a new deep level subvray to and from the Piccadilly and Victoria lines. The coitipletion of this work will coincide with the introduction of electric train services on the LJIR between Bedford and St, Pancras and Moorgate, work of which is now under way. The entire scheme will be signalled from a new power signal box at present under construction at Weat Harapstead, and will include the City VJidened Lines from Kentish Town to Moorgate, At present, this part of the C.W.L, is signalled by LT with a signal box at Kings Ci-oss and regulating room at Farringdon (which also controls Barbican and Moorgate), Track maintenance of this section- was transferred to British Rail LMR in January 1973. The existing Kings Cross C.W^.L„ station is served only by three trains in the morning peak in the up direction to set down only, and in the evening peak none of the three trains from Moorg?ite in the down direction now stop there, thus running non-stop from Farringdon, The cost of the scheme is i,k,km of which London Transport are to pay £1C4KJO In addition to the new subway already mentioned, Kings Cross C.VJaL, station is to be rebuilt and renamed Kings Cross Midland. Proposed services over the C.V7oL. section are to be at 20 irinute intervals in the off peak, and up to 12 trains an hour at peak hoturs.


On Sunday 9th April 1978, London Transpoi^t converted points at Putney Bridge to the 'chairlock' type, requiring a suspension of the District Line service between Parsons Green and East Putney, From the start of traffic until about 12,30, District Line trains reversed west to east at Parsons Green via the sidings. LT provided a replacement bua service between Parsons Green and East Putney, calling intermcdlatelT- nt Putney Bi^idges Between B;a3t Putney and Wimbledon, the Southern Region of British Rail provided two trains to run at 20 minute intervals substituting for the LT service and stopping at Southfields and Wimbledon Park, Southern Region trains run en.pty between East Putney and Wimbledon on weekdays, bat rarely in passenger service. The stock used on this replacement service comprised one k-CEP unit 7198 and one 4-VEP unit 7733, both types having through corridors and first class accommodation I No first class bookings exist between East Putney and Wimbledon, The S.Ro trains reversed at East Putney east to west (or, in BR terms, up line to down line) in the normally unused up SR platform. As there is no 'wrong road' starting signal for trains to proceed back to Wimbledon, a handsignaltnan was provided to 'flag' the trains back onto the down line. ^iTnen the normal LT ser^'ice was resumed at about 12.30, the two SR trains returned to the depot at Wimbledon,


The responce to the questionnaire which came xvith Underground News No,1885 can only be described as rather disaapointing, I would like to thank the SEl'^N people who did reply as their activities and suggestions w^ere very interesting and helpful, I can only conclude that spany modellers do exist somewhere, but are either too busy modelling or are unable to afford a stamp duo to the high cost of materials and/or beer, I v/ould still like to hear from anybody who has not replied yet. Everybody w^ho,replied was interested in modelling working rolling stock and the subjects x'aried from battery locomotives to live steam models of L90 and Met.4-4-03, A member living in America seems to be particularly active and. has built a complete train of R stock in HO gauge? perhaps a trip across the Atlantic may be the key to encouraging prospective modellers ? Suggestions on what the modelling secretary should try to do included co-ordinating between modellers and encouraging manufactiurers to produce models of LoT, stock. If anyone is, or knows of anyone who intends to produce any kits or models for sale, I would be plesised to hear from them. One raenr-ber, vrtio is also a Model Railway Club Committee member, suggested that we should exhibit at their Exhibition in 1979. Anyone interested in this should contact me and I will put you in touch with the meiaber concerned.

438 Finally, I had an enquiry from a member wishing to buy completed models. Again, I can forward any enquiries to him. The Society would however be grateful for any donations of models no longer wanted. Any enquiry should be addressed to: The L.U.R.S, Modelling Secretary, Garden Flat, 47 Buckland Crescent, London 1:<\'J3» and NOT the address given previously. IJR


Sir, May I comment briefly on Mr. Taylor's letter (Underground News No.191, page 4l7.) ? It is not easy for a merr:ber of the public to appreciate the stresses affecting trainmen? one iTOuld think thoy depend more on hours actually operating trains than aiiything else. The physical capacity of a railway terminus to accomwodato a frequent service, • as at Heatlu-ow Central is however a raatt^sr of statistical fact, discussed as long ago as I928 in the classic 'Handling London's Underground Traffic' (Thomas), From this it appears that Heathrow Central is being operated at nothing like capacity; delay must therefore in some way be associated with train crews, I am extremely disturbed by Mr, Taylor':3 suggestion that the Editor should be inflivanced by the threat of retaliatory action by London Transport in expressing his vievrs (or presumably in publishing those of contributors ?),, A?..iy such action by London Transport would be ij^prop-iro As a member ox two public transport users' bodies, my own ercperiftiiOG is in any cajc that it is exceptional for London Transport to i^oact to criticissa in any v;-ay whatsoever. Your."? sincerely, E oDoCaamherB 13th Marrb 1978,, Edgt';-arc, i-Iiddlessx,

Sir, I feel that the article on th'i Measured Incentive Scheme (Uiiderground ivews N00IG6, page 338) was not an accurate picture of a scbsme that has generally iniproved productivity in vrorkshcps and depots, Tbo surplvis men on id.le tiire in the canteen are employed after a while due to natural waoteage - resignations, transfers, retii-eraents etc., and this enables the systea to be started without making anyone rr;dundant, or requiring anyone to lose finar-^cialiy, It io a * 03iCe~a;ad-f or-all' 'i/aste' of manpower ifhich alloyfs a srAooth transfer to the now systenu I feel it would be a pity if the record WBi-iS left as it is, and that a more expert opinion than mine should be sought to give a more accurate inspi-ession, 459 The editorials In V}^ l08 and TJN 189 referring to the opening of Heathrow Central se-^m to imply that special cleaning of both the trails and staticn was unnecessary. It was, I foel, entirely justified and essential in the clrcuinstanoKo, As far as the trains were concerned, they had both been in open storage for nearly a year before arrival at Norchfield.3, and in such circumstances, the aluminiijun skin weathers to a dullish grey, which is removed to a good effect with 'acid' cleaning. Watei' tends to seep through the sensitive edges and removes patches of varnish from the otherwise unaffected floor. Apart from a general clean, these were the two main items which required attention for this notable event. Despite the report in UN 189, the spare train was not given the same treatment and was a normal service train that had been internally and externally cleaned only. With regard to the cleaning of the station ard tunnels, this is necessary to minimize the clouds of cement dust that are likely when trains start running. It appeared to me that the exercise was very successful compared with the work carried out at Hatton Cross and on the Victoria Line, v/hen they opened. The provision of two vrorkir.g escalators was a major achievement seeing that the Otis men only went back to work on 12th December. It is riyroui'od that up to 42 L.T.E. and Otis staff xvorked on those 2 escalators in the four dixys available to achieve their goal. To clear up one small point, the Royal Train ('165) may have beers intended to foriu train 275, the first scheduled passenger train to Keathrovr, but t!ia information tJiat got to the train was that it should .roi~m train 271 (the last non-passenger train frcra Katton Cross westbound), and this it did. Finally, concerning tl>y rolling stock query in UNI89 - when talking to a member of staff inyolved in renovating ex-Cheshem shuttle car 519 (ex Msto Fly, No.400), he said that there had been scrr*^ green paint in amongst the many layers, B^"- the time I vras a^'o."s of thi-^, all trace of exterior paint vras long gene, and so th^:re is unfortunatcly now uo way of verifying this tantalizing piece of information.

Yours sinceroly, R, J . Gr o nsiwa y 12th Murch, 2973= Heme! Hempstead.


QA25 Q) Why do the 'sot' numbers for B^kcrloo Line trains in the working tinietabie start at 111 and not 1013 and why are '8' and '9' digits net ;iscd ? A) The carvent set r.ruriherii?.3 syst^iiri for trains on the Metropolitan (Main) arid consyquentiol Bairerloo nut;bering, was introduced from 26th Jaruax-y i970Q It wan done be.cauae of the introduction of Fro^iram-iTz Machine train describoi s at Baker Street (Met), which needs tho elimination of '8' and '9' digits, A new series of train 440 'set' nnpsbors tlierefojre had to be devised,, As services on the Metropolitan Line were ba.<=;ically self-contained, the set nujnbers •would normally determine on which service that train operated. The numbers allocated weres- Fast Amcrsham and through Chesha-iti: 1-7, 10 and 11. All Watfords and slow AaershaRjs; 12-17, 20-27 and 30-34 Uxbridges: 36, 37 (ri<:i:T 35-37), 40-47 and 50-57. Chesham Shuttle: 6o Uxbridge uncoupled units: 71-77 (now 75-77) Watford uncoupled units: 61-67 (now 62-65) Aniersham uncoupled units: IOI-IO7 (now 71 and 72). So as to avoid duplication of set numbers of trains in the same area with the Araersham uncoupled units, Bakerloo numbering thus commenced with 111, (although 101-107 have since been discontinued on the Metropolitan Main, 111 is still the starting point for Bakerloo Line set numbers,) Circle Line trains were renumbered into their present series on 16th October I967, being 201-207 (outer rail), 211-217 (inner rail) artd also the East London Line (I7I-I75), The Ilairx^cisKiith & City set nusbers were altered at the sarr^e time as the Metropolitan Main and were (and still are) 221-227, 230-237 and 240-2^2, The four Diatrict Line trains that run on the Circle Line on Sundays are numbered li4, 115 (inner rail) and 123, 125 (outer rail), 123 and 125 were chosen rather than 103 and 105, to avoid again duplication of set nuicbers, this time in the Baker Street area (Amersham uncoupled units were ntm;bered IOI-IO7 at this time). Since the latest system of numbering began in 1970, the numbering has regained fairl^' conctant (vrith only a few exceptions), so that it could be recognised by its set nuirtber as to which section or branch a particula'f* train xrorked. However, from 12th December 1977, when the latest timetable was introduced, numbers are used indescriralnently (except the uncoupled units which still adhere to the systera) examples being of Amersham and V7atford numbers being used on the Uxbridge branch and vice versa,


From the start of traffic on 19th March 1978, the special signals installed in February 1970 in connection with a BR derailment detector at Royal Oak on the eastbound Metropolitan HasiKTaersmith & City Line were renumbered to normal automatic signals, and the associated detector equipment taken out of use. Three automatic signals were specially numbered; X125 (Royal Oak eastbound home), X127 (Royal Oak eastbourd station starter) and X129 (Paddington eastbound home). If a derailment in the adjacent Western Region goods yard on the track next to the eastbound LT line was to occur, the three signals would remain at danger and trains were not allox/ed to pass them without the authority of the Royal Oak station supervisor (assuming

441 of course that the derailment was not fouling the LT track). As the goods line next to the eastbound LT line has since been removed the three special signals were renumbered A125, A127 and A129 respectively, and are nov;^ treated as ordinary automatic signals.


From Monday 17th April 1978, uncoupling has been resumed on the Metropolitan Line Watford/Uxbridge/Araersham services, when four-car trains of A stock run during the midday off peak period. When the new Saturday timetable was introduced from 17th December 1977, provision was made for all Watford/Uxbridge/Arnershara trains on Saturdays to be four cars all day. Because of winter weather precautions, eight car trains continued to run, and will still do so from 22nd April until further notice. On Sundays from 25rd April, four car trains are being worked with normal coupling taking place in the early evening, so that all A stock trains (except the Cheshara shuttle) stable as eight-car trains. Uncoupling and coupling takes place at Uxbridge and Watford for those respective branch services, but the Amersham trains do so at Rickmansworth (Monday to Friday) and at Amershaw (Sundays).


Good Friday On all lines, services started and finished at Sunday times and on all lines except the Central Line, the Sunday timetable operated, A special timetable operated on the Central Line at the following service intervals: On each branch 15 mins (.2k mins until O9.OO and then 20 mins until 11,00, Central Area 7|- mins (12 mins until 09,00 and then 10 mins until 11,OO), The Hainault/Woodford service ran at 50 minute intervals (48 mins before 09,00 and then 4o mins until 11,00), No service operated on the Epping/Onger shuttle. On the Metropolitan Line (main), the normal Sunday servico (of 8-car trains) was supplemented by an hotu'ly LMR diesel service between Marylebone and Aylesbury, leaving Marylebone at '10' past each hour and Aylesbury at '40'. On all lines, the stations closed were as on a Sunday, vrith the addition of Bond Street, Borough, Mansion House, North Ealing, North Weald, Ongar, South Ealing, West Ham, West Harrow and West Finchley, Bank Holiday Mondays (New Year, Easter, May Day, Spring and Late Summer) On all lines, services start at Svinday times and finish at weekday times, operating at Sunday service intervals. On the Metropolitan Line (main), the same arrangements for the Marylebone to Aylesbury service is as on Good Friday, On the Circle Line service, the four kk2 District Line trains normally provided on a Sunday timetable are replaced by C stock on all workings. Slightly different arrangements will operate on the from the May Day Bank Holiday Monday with the westbound service from Kings Cross to Heathro\\ Central starting at about 05.45. All other sections of the Piccadilly Line will start at Sunday times and finish as on weekdays. This additional special service runs at about 15 minute intervals until the rest of the line starts operating which is abotit 07.15. Stations closed are as on a normal Sunday, plus Bond Street, Borough, North Ealing, South Ealing and VJest Finchley. ShadwelJ- station, normally closed on Sundays, is open from the start of traffic until about 22.00


A new vrorking timetable for the Bakerloo Line Monday to Friday service (No,77) is due to be introduced from 8th May 1978, Because of additional speed restrictions introduced recently, slightly longer running times between certain stations is being allowed. This is between St, Johns Wood and Baker Street (+1^ minutes southbound), Wembley Park to Kingsbury both lines (an extra ^ minute in each direction) and Canons Park to Stanmore (+2" minute northbound). Because of this, an extra train is scheduled to run in both peaks made up as follows;- Neasden depot 10, Stanmore sidings 10 (formerly 9), London Road 6, Elephant & Castle sidings and platform 5, Croxloy Green depot 4 and Queens Park depot 7. The trains in service at various pai-ts of the day will be:- in each peak 4o (formerly 39) » midday off i^eak 26 and the evening off peak 22 (formerly 21). The additional train in service in the evening off peak runs on the Stanmore branch, and although running times have been increased, better lajj-overs are scheduled at Stanmore, In the morning peak, the four southbound trains from VJatford Junction are slightly retimed to depart at O7.3O, 07,43, O8.O3 and 08,15 (formerly 07.32, O7.47, 08,02 and 08,17) in consequence of the alterations to the LMR Euston/Watford timetable. In the evening peak, the four northbound Watford Junction trains vrlll depart Elephant and Castle earlier at 17.05, 17.21, 17.37 and 17^49 (formerly 17.17, 17.33» 17,49 and 18,04), this being due to passengers requests. In this tiDietable, Stonebridge Park depot will not be used for stabling trains, but provision has been made in the timetable for trains to run empty to and from Neasden depot and Stonebridge Park depot, reversing in London Road depot in the midday off peak, on an 'as required' basis. The service intervals remain unchanged at:- Stanmore to Wembley Park 12 (4 peak, 15 evening), Wembley Park and Queens Park to Baker Street (each branch) 6 (h- peaks, 7^ evening). Baker Street to Elephant & Castle 3 (2 peaks, 32'-4 evening). All intervals stated are in minutes.


'LONDON TRANSPORT RAILWAY TRACK MAP' Drawn by John Yonge and assisted by Trevor Haynes Printed by The Quail Maps Co„, Ide, Exeter. Price 63p Size 23f" X l6|^" folding to pocket size. This map showing all LT Underground lines, points, crossovers and sidings is clearly set out with insets showing depot layouts. Also included on the map are signal cabins, interlocking machine rooms, both with their associated code letter, substations and distances between each station. An interesting inclusion is the track diagram of the Post Office Underground line. There are however a few errors, but this should not deter anyone interested in the Underground from buying this well produced pocket size map at the reasonable price of 65p Copies can be obtained from the Assistant Sales Manager, 21 Chestnut Grove, London W5 4JT. BRJH


NF 1969 A note appeared in UN 190 (page 401) on A stock destination blind boxes, noticing the two different types, and that the di,-iding point did not come between the two types of stock; i,e„ A60 and A62, A further detail difference has been noted on trailer cars concerning the ventilators (or lack of them) above the communicating door on the outside and grilles for the same on the inside. Up to trailer 6l35 none are fitted, but from 6136 onwards ventilators are fitted, as are all driving motor cars.

NF 1970 With reference to NF 1964, the roof of TRC 912 is painted white and on each car side reads 'TRACK RECORDING UNIT'

N? 1971 With reference to NF 1954, only tw^o further 1938 tube stock seven car trains are likely to be E.H.O'd, being units 10106 (already at Acton), 10250 (4-cars), IOI68 (5-cars), and 10299 (at present 4-cars, but to be reduced to 3-cars by the removal of NDM 12043 which is itself going to be converted to a Personnel Carrier with NDM 12427. Unit 10299 was transferred from White City to Neasden on Monday 10th April and was replaced by IO280 unit. The units were piloted by Bakerloo E.H.O. unit 10220,

444 NF 1972 By 5th April 1978, five new driving motor cars for the Greater Glasgow P.T.E. modernised Underground had been delivered from Metro-Cammell to the new Broomloan Underground depot at Govan, for testing, together with two Clayton Battery locomotives. L.T. type wedgelock automatic couplers are fitted to the new cars and numbering of the cars starts at 101.

NF 1973 On Saturday l8th March, 1973 stock units 19^ and 227 worked a special train from Ealing Broadway (depart 13.30) to Arsenal, carrying Bristol City football supporters (who had arrived by 3.R, train from Bristol previously) and ran special to Arsenal, and thence to Arnos Grove. The last time that this arrangement operated was on 2lat August 1976 when a 7-car train of 1959 stock (I276-IO27) operated a similar schedule. f\

NF 1974 The Experimental Tube Train (E.T.T,) was transferred from Ruislip depot to Northfields depot on Friday 17th March coupled to a standard double-cab unit that made the trip to Ruislip earlier. The leading car (893) carried a red head• board in the offside cab window reading (in white lettering) 'Experimental Tube Train, Unit No.l.' The 1938 stock unit designated to be a pilot unit for the E.T.T, was transferred to Neasden on 12th March for reformation; II506 was replaced by 112^7 because of a defect on II306 and the reformed unit returned to Northfields on 2Sth March,

NF 1975 1962 tube stock 4-car unit 17^0 has emerged from overhaul (3/78) with its roof untreated, i,e. still black. 1959 stock unit 1112 (overhauled 3/78) retained its bitumen based grey roof on cars 2112 and 1113» but a smooth light grey on cars 1112 and 9113.

NF 1976 C69 stock trailer 6585 (bomb damaged) has now been repaired at Acton Works and is now stored awaiting delivery of replacement C77 driving motor car 5585. Its roof is now unpainted except for the domes which are silver painted, to match other C77 stock cars,

NF 1977 With reference to NFo 1893 and 19^4, the ex, E.D.O. 3-car 1959 stock unit 1022-2022-1023 has emerged from Acton converted to air-door operation and o^^:irhauled (3/73). Trailer 2022 has had its roof painted light grey, but the two motor cars have been left untreated,

NF 1978 1973 stock units IO8, 166, 207 and 222 have been fitted with ceiling mounted fans, although having been iii service for some time.

kk3 NF 1979 On 23rd March an A62 stock unit passing through the automatic train Tv^ashing machine at Neasden depot failed to detect a surface stock train, and the brushes lowered to the t-abe stock position causing slight damage to the roof of motor car 5190,. The vmit was transferred to Acton Works on 11th April for repair.

NF I9S0 1973 stock trailers 632, 6kk and 65O have been noted in service with the letter 'D* applied under the car numbers' indicating de-icing equipment fitted,

NF 1981 The first train of C stock entered service on the District Line on Monday 17th April 1978, in the working of train 62, It was foimed of units 55^7, 5395 and 5586 and is scheduled to work train 62 until further notice, which is as follows:- Wimbledon to Edgware Road: 06,35, 07.44, O8.56, l6,05, 17.16, 18.27, 19.38, Putney Bridge to Edgware Road:- 10,00, 11,00, 12,00, 13.00, 14,00, 15.00 nigh Street to Wimbledon:- 06,12. Edgw^are Road to Wimbledon:- O7.O7, O8.18, 15.29, 16,38, 17,50, 19.04. Edgware Road to Pixtney Bridge:- 09,30, 10.29, 11.29, 12,29, 13,29, 14.29, 20,17 By the time this NF appears, the car numbers would have changed; the stock is scheduled to be changed over each Sunday morning. There are no Saturday and Sunday workings in passenger service for the time being.

NF 1982 Tvro further 1938 stock units in service with the four-car unit at the north end are 10164-11279 (13/4/78) and 10284 - 11143 (14/4/78).

NF 1983 The Tunnel Cleaning Train returned to Ealing Common depot fro:n Ruislip depot on Sunday l6th April 1978.

NF 1984 On 11th and 12th April 1978, train 267 which stables after the morning peak at Uxbridge sidings, ran to Ruislip depot via Ruislip siding for gauging purposes. It returned in the afternoon to Uxbridge sidings for its evening peak hour xvorking, and was composed of 1973 tube stock,

NF 1985 A62 stock trailer (overhaul date 2/78) was seen in service on 2oth April I978 without 'No Smoking' labels. Normally both d;'i\ing motor cars and the even numbered trailer in each leur-car unit are so fitted.

NF 1986 1973 tube stock driving motor car 89I which had its car number on one corner incorrectly numbered as 98I (IW I907 refers), has now been correctly nvunbered. 446 NF 1987 Because of extreme shortage of staff on the Metropolitan Line in recent weeks, some A stock workings have been worked with C69 stock. They have been:- 3A/78 5547-5526-5586 ) 20.50 Baker Street to Watford 7/4/78 5568-5548-5533 ) 21.46 Watford to Baker Street ) 22.35 Baker Street to Watford ) 23o34 Watford to Wembley Park 5/4/78 5541-5563-5554 * 20.50 Baker Street to Harrow 22,05 Harrow to Baker Street 22.35 Baker Street to Watford 23,34 Watford to Wembley Park 8/4/78 5510-5522-5538 22,33 Baker Street to Amersham 23.38 Amersham to Harrow

NF 1988 On Wednesday 5th April 1978 at 20,54 hours, a burnt out transformer caused signal track circuits to fail at Harrow North Junction which affected the northbound local service to Watford and the southbound main service to Baker Street (the southbound or up diesel service was unaffected.) The 20.54 to Watford was diverted to Uxbridge, the 21,09 (w^hich was the 20,50 from Baker Street of C69 stock) was revei'sed north to south via the siding (see * in NF I987) and subsequent northbound Watford trains were routed on the fast line from Wembley Park, non-stop to Harrow No.l platform and thence fast line to Moor Park and Rickmansworth (reverse) thence round to Watford via the north curve to pick up its own working on the southbound local, until about 23.00 when normal working was resumed. The 20.55 from Amersham (20.58 at Harrow) was brought into No,2 platform and preceded to work an additional trip to Rickmansworth and back to form its 21,49 northbound working back at Harrow,

NF 1989 Some cars of 1938 tube stock which have recently been scrapped had seats of red/grey/black moquette. The cars are:- 10108 12073 11108 (scrapped September 1977) 10212 012298 11212 (scrapped November 1977) 12019 (scrapped October 1977) and 012218 (scrapped November 1977) both out of 10132 unit, 11288 (scrapped November 1977).


This is a new item in Undcrgroimd News, and lists all stock alterations for 1977 (i.e. new stock, stock withdrawn, conversions and livery alterations.) New Stock 1975 Tube stock from Metro-Cammell delivered to Ruislip: Units: 250 2'^.1 856 858 860 862 864 866 872 87^ 876 878 830 882 884 886 888 890 892 from Bicester delivered to Ruislip: Units: 232 233 244 245 246 247 248 249 868 870 from Metro-CaiKmeil RE-DELIVERED to Ruislip: Units: 110 150 I51 170 from Bicester RE-DELIVERED to Ruislip Unit: 124 Entered service Piccadilly Line: Units: 1C4 110 115 116 117 123 124 125 128 129 130 131 104 150 151 170 172 173 180 186 194 198 199 200 202 203 207 209 211 212 213 215 217 219 221 225 227 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 854 856 858 860 862 864 866 872 874 876 878 880

C77 stock from Metro-Cammell delivered to Ruislip: Units: 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 5716 5717 Entered service Metropolitan Hammersmith & City and Circle Line: Units: 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 Stock Scrapped

1933 Tube Stock (cars) 10014 10015 10016 10017 10020 10041 10045 10048 10053 10055 10056 10058 10060 10063 10067 10068 10069 10070 10077 10078 10083 10084 10096 10097 10098 10099 10100 10102 10108 10110 10114 10118 10119 10120 10129 10132 10138 10144 10152 10160 10173 10176 10191 10201 10206 10209 10212 10218 10230 10232 10238 10239 10243 10246 10260 10265 10265 10268 10269 10273 10276 10281 10282 10288 10292 10293 10298 10303 10311 10312 10315 10322 10330 10333 10234 11014 11015 11016 11017 11020 11036 11045 11048 11055 11056 11058 11060 11063 11066 11068 11069 11070 11077 11078 11083 11084 11089 11097 11098 11099 11100 11102 11108 11110 11114 11118 11119 11120 11129 11132 11138 11144 11152 11160 11173 448 11176 11191 11201 11206 11209 11212 11218 11230 11232 11234 11238 11239 11243 11246 11257 11260 11263 11265 11268 11269 11273 11276 11281 11282 11288 11292 11293 11298 11303 11311 11312 11315 11322 11330 11333 12000 12004 12005 12007 12021 12023 12024 12037 12053 12060 12068 12069 12070 12073 12074 12080 12082 12083 12086 12089 12090 12095 12096 12097 12100 12103 12114 12117 12121 12126 12134 12l4o 12143 12145 12149 12152 12155 12156 12422 12423 12424 12432 12435 012158 012164 012168 012170 012172 012177 012178 012183 012189 012190 012194 012198 012199 012205 012207 012208 012209 012213 012215 012217 012218 012221 012222 012231 012233 012236 012237 012238 012243 012245 012254 012260 012277 012283 012286 012291 012298 012299 012304 012311 012316 012324 012326 012332 012333 012336 012359 012341 012544 012351 012356 012357 012358 012360 012368 012370 012373 012375 012377 012385 012388 012389 012390 012394 012398 012401 012403 012412 012415 012420 012471 012474 1935 Tvh3 rtock (car) 012489 1949 Tube Stock (cars) 012504 012506 012511 012515 1959 Tnhe Stock (car) 1309 1960 Tube Stock (ex, Pre-1938 cars) 4906 4907 CO/CP Stock (cars) 53025 53047 53199 53200 53203 53206 53207 53252 54013 5i025 54031 54o4i 54200 54203 54207 54219 014093 014259 R Stock (cars) 21129 23350 23429 Conversions Converted Ballast Motor Cars: Ll48 (10022), Ll49 (11104). 1960 Stock Trailers (ex, 1938 Tube Stock): 4927 (012229). Tun.t?9l Cleaning Train: TCCi-5 (motor cars ex. I938 Tube Stock 10226 and 10087). 1959 Tub; Stock 'A' to 'D': 1309B. (ex, IO7O), 1938 Tubs Stock E»K.O„: IIO36 (ex. 11055), I2098.

449 Livery Alterations From Train Red to Bus Red (1938 Tube Stock) Units: 10012 10143 10155 10164 10172 10174 10179 1018c 10181 10189 10193 10195 10291 10321 Cars: IIO36 (ex. 11055) I2098 From Train Red to Bus Red (CO/CP Stock) Units: 53005 53017 53030 53034 53042 53212 53216 53227 53230 53246 53266 53267 53269 Line Transfers 193u Tubo Stcck (Units) Nortbsrn to Eakerloo: 10277 10288 Northern to K.bite City: IO271 10299 Northern to Bakerloo and returned: IOI68 10264 10285 10322 East London to Eakerloo: IOO56 IOIO6 IOI62 East London to C.McE.: IOI36 Bakerloo to C.M.E.: 10277 1956 Tube Stock (Units) Piccadilly to Northern: 1000 1004 1006 1959 Tube Stock (Units) Piccadilly to Northern: 1014 1016 1026 1028 1030 1034 1044 1046 1048 1052 1054 1058 1060 1062 1064 1066 1072 1074 1078 1080 1082 1086 1088 1096 1100 1102 1104 1116 1120 1122 1146 1150 1172 1182 1192 1200 1202 1206 1222 1224 1226 1228 1230 1232 1236 1238 1244 1250 1258 1260 1262 1274 1276 1278 1280 1288 1294 1296 1300 1306 1308 ar) 1070 (Conv' n 'A* to 'D» ). 1972 Mk.II Tube Stock (Units) Northern to Bakerloo: 3233 3236 3237 3244 3245 3248 3249 3251 3252 3253 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3261 3262 3532 3533 3536 3537 3538 3539 3544 3546 3547 3549 3550 3552 3553 3557 3559 3562 3563 CO/CP Stork (Unit) District to Acton Works (Stores train): 53218 A60 Stock (Units) Metropolitan to District (Barking for E.L.L. crew training) and returned: 5016 5022 Metropolitan to East London: 506O (Permanent allocationj all other A stock on the East London Line is interchangeable).

450 Reformations From To Date Note 1559/62 Tube Stock 1586 24o3 9409 l409 2408 9409 l409 3/77 ikoQ (a) 1070 2586 9587 1587 1586 2586 9587 1587 4/77 I4l2 2412 9413 (Spaie) l4l2 2412 9413 l4l3 5/77 (b) 1434 2434 9435 1435 1434 2434 9583 1583 8/77 (c) 1582 2582 9583 1583 1532 2532 9533 1533 1532 2532 1533 9/77 (d) 1308 2303 9309 (Spare) 1308 2308 9309 1309R 9/77 (e) 1434 2434 9583 1583 1582 2582 9583 1583 10/77 (f) l642 £64-3 jCk3 1643 1434 2642 9643 1643 10/77 1938 Ti^Hr. riock 10096 012207 12097 11066 10097 012207 12097 11066 5/77 10097 012471 11097 (g) R stock 21125 23212 23207 23325 23410 21125 23212 23235 23344 23444 (h) 2ll4i 23231 23235 23344 23444 21141 23231 23207 23325 23410

Footnote?: (a) l403 ex. Acton, IO7O to Acton. (b) I4l3 ex, Acton. (c) l435 spare, 9435 to Acton (derailment), I582 2582 to Acton (Collision) (d) 9533 to Acton (later), derailment, (e) 1309R ex. Acton (formerly IO7O). (f) 1582 2582 ex Acton, l642 to Acton (flooded), 2434 l435 spare, (g) 10096 012471 11097 for scrap. (h) reformed 2/77, reverted to original formations 7/77. ROLLING STOCK ALTERATIONS Starting in this issue of Underground News it is hoped to publish rolling stock alterations on a monthly basis, and from this me>rbor3 will be able to keep Brian Hardy's book 'London Underground Rolliiig Stock' up to date. This will save on separate amendment lists and will also cut down on the ntimber of Newsflashes dealing with rolling stock, JANUARY 1978 1938 Tube Stock FroiT! G.'elders Green to Neasden lOlf.3- 012255-11163 + 10290-012354-12154-11290 20th FroK? Moasden to Ruislip (Condemed) 1027"^ ?A272 10289 012418 12049 II289 l6th ICiO? 012159 11107 10302 012359 11302 22nd 10265 012381 11285 10159 012244 11278 23rd 10076 012201 12085 11076 012355 12137 30th From Ruislip to Birds (Long Marston) for scrap 10153 10215 11153 11215 012242 012297 012323 5th 4902 4903 10270 11270 012327 012340 12439 12440 12th 10272 10289 11272 11289 012418 12049 18th 10107 10159 10302 11107 11285 11302 012159 012244 012359 31st 1959 Tube Stock Fron Korthfields to Golders Green 1060-2068-9069-1069+1110-2110-1111 6th 1076-2076-9077-1077+1194-2194-1195 27th 1973 Tube Stock From Ruislip to Northfields 868-668-869+44l-64l-24l " 27th Entered service Piccadilly Line 170-570-370+331-531-131 5th CO/CP Stock From Ruislip to Kings (Newmarket) for scrap 53031 5304o 54028 54037 013072 Ol4o62 25th Mipcf>llosf?ous Movements L150~9533-L131 Hainault to Acton (derailment) 12th Ll48-9:r99~1^9-Ll49 Ruislip to Acton (flooding) 13th L130-159l-_25.9g-L 131 Ruislip to Acton (flooding) l8th Ll48-5-^10-3911-Ll49 Acton to White City 26th

452 Units to Acton for Overhaul Victoria 3060-4060-4160-3160 4th District 22638-23541 5th District 53194-013099-54213 9th Central 1738-2738-9739-1739 9th Central I4l6-24i6-94l7-l4l7 12th Bakerloo 10225-012308-11225 17th District 21122-23315-23414 17th Central l420-2420-942l-l42l 17th Piccadilly- 1112-2112-9113-1113 19th Metropolitan 5196-6196-6197-5197 24th Central 1716-2716-9717-1717 25th Piccadilly 1098-2098-1099 27th Units ex. Acton from Overhaul Victoria 3033-4033-4133-3133 4th District 22605-23525 5th Central 1714-2714-9715-1715 9th Bakerloo 10219-012303-11219 17th Central 1696-2696-9697-1697 17th Piccadilly 1076-2076-9077-1077 19th Central 1656-2656-9657-1657 20th District 21107-23311-23407 24th Metropolitan 5194-6194-6195-5195 24th Central 1664-2664-9665-1665 25th Piccadilly 1138-2138-1139 27th


1938 Tube Stock From Golders Green 10150-012235-12066-11150 s 7th to EalxTig Common •^10306-012498-11306 7th to Acton Works 10250-012257-12016-11250+10168-012258-11168 9 th to Neasden 10224-012312-12411-11224+10247-012328-11247 23rd to Neasden From Morden 10300-012348-12438-11300^ 15th to Ealing Common 10171-012261-11171 15th to Neasden 10166-012252-12020-11166 19th to Ealing Common 10165-012264-11165 19th to Neasden From Acton to Northfields 10306-012498-11306 20th (E.T.T. Pilot Unit) From Neasden to Ruislip (Condemed) 10264 10290 11264 11290 012354 12154 6th 10137 10307 11137 11307 012399 012475 13th 10163 10185 11163 11185 012255 012267 27th From Ruislip to Birds (Long Marston) for scrap 10076 10285 11076 11278 012201 012355 012381 12085 12137 9th 10137 10264 10290 11264 11290 11307 012354 012399 12154 16th 1959 Tube Stock Golders Green to Northfields 1146-2146-114? 7th Northfields to Golders Green 1196-2196-9197-1197+1138-2139-1139 3rd 1108-2108-9109-1109+1l46-2l46-ll47 17th 1094-2094-1095+1210-2210-1211 24th 1967 Tube Stock Hainault to Northumberland Park 3070-4070-4170-3170 5th Northumberland Park to Hainault 3067-4067-4167-3167 5th 1973 Tube Stock Entered service Piccadilly Line 868-668-869+441-641-241 8th CO/CP stock Ealing Common to Ruislip (Condemed) 53037 53044 54051 54230 15th C77 stock From Metro-Cammell to Ruislip 5718-6718+6719-5719 20th 5720-6720+6721-5721+5722-6722+6723-5723 27th Hammersmith to Ruislip (for further work) 5702-6702+6703-5703+6704-5704 7th Ruislip to Hammersmith 5710-6710+6711-5711+6713-5713 22nd Miscellaneous Movements L54 Acton to Ealing Common (ex. collision) 1st L32 L57 Lillie Bridge to Acton (collision) 8th 5533-6533 Acton to Hammersmith (ex, collision) 9th LI3O-IOI4-LI31 Acton to Golders Green (ex, repair) 10th LI30 3209-LI31 Golders Green to Acton (repair) l4th L130-3^12-L131 Acton to Cockfosters (ex, repair) 21st L44 Acton to Lillie Bridge (ex. collision) 15th Units to Acton for Overhaul Bakerloo 10208-012315-12025-11208 1st District 22641-23548 2nd Metropolitan 5200-6200-6201-5201 6th Northern lo4o-204o-904l-lo4i 7th District 22654-23552 lOth Central 1740-2740-9741-1741 l4th District 22658-23566 16th Victoria 3034-4034-4i43-3i34 19th Northern 1090-2090-1091 20th District 53046-013121-54246 22nd Central i4o6-24o6-9407-l4o7+l410-2410-9411-1411 22nd Units ex, Acton from Overhaul Bakerloo 10156-012248-12119-11156 1st Metropolitan 5190-6190-6191-5191 6th District 21143-23242-23234-23343-23438 10th Piccadilly- 1108-2108-9109-1109 l4th Central 1738-2738-9739-1739 l4th District 22636-23545 16th Victoria 3039-4039-4139-3139 19th Central I4l6-24l6-94i7-l4l7 22nd District 53241-013160-54247 24th Piccadilly 1162-2162-1163 27th District 22638-23541 27th Central 1420-2420-9421-1421 27th

The Rolling Stock Alterations for March will be included in the next issue of Underground News (UN 194)


C77 stock Allocated to Hammersmith (Units) 5701 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5713 5714 5715 5716 5724 5725 5726 Ruislip Depot (additional work) 5702 5703 5704 Ruislip Depot (in preparation) 5717 5718 (with 5712 which is already commissioned) Ruislip Depot (stored) 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 5727 Outstanding 1973 Tube gtock Ruislip Depot (in preparation) 100 101 2kO 253 890 Ruislip Depot (stored) 882 884 886 888 Note; that units l48, l49 and 89^ (2nd E.T.T,) are still outstanding delivery.


For Overhaul (Units) Bakerloo District Metropolitan Northern Piccadilly Victoria 10186 21109 5202 1040 1020 3034 10205 22633 5204 1050 1022 3040 22654 1090 1098 3042 Central 5524 22657 1120 i4oo 22658 1406 53004 1712 53046 1746

Bakerloo Unit for E.H.O.: 10106 Collision Repairs (cars): L32 L53 L56 L57 5091 Flooded cars: I598 2598 9599 1599 1642 Derailment repairs (cars): 9533 111 511 (311 spare) Conversions (cars): 10l4l 10266 10327 lll4l 11266 11327 (Ballast Motors) TRC912 (Track lecording Unit trailer) 4921 4927 (1960 stock trailers) Bomb damage repair (car): 6585 Stores Trains: 10080-012202-12076-11064 53218-014260-54214 Miscellaneous cars, locomotives, wagons etc: 012193 Ventilation car LIO Lll LI3A L13B Acton Shunters LI28 LI29 Surface Stock Pilot Motor Cars B556 B558 F311 MW518

T.L.U.R.S. MEETINGS - HAMMERSMITH TOWN HALL The entrance to Hammersmith Town Hall is in Nigel Playfair Avenu.«, off King Street or the Great West Road, The nearest L.T, Station is RAVENSCOURT PARK and NOT Hammersmith,