Handbook of Canadian Excursion Tours Via Grand Trunk
. yM^ ^m< HAND-BOOK —OF— Canadian Excursion Tours —VIA— Grand Trunk —AND- Canadian Navigation Co. RATES OF FARE FOR SEASON OF 1878. Tickets and Information may be obtained at No. 280 Washington Street. W. 0. TALLMAN, New Eng. Pass. Agt, N. J. GRACE, Trav. Agent. D. E. W. STONE, Adv. Agt. J. HICKSON, Gen. Manager, G. T. Ry., - - Montreal. t L. J. SEARGEANT, Traffic Manager, G. T. By., - Montreal. Cjj. Fc' ALEX. MILLOY, Sec. and Agent, Canadian Nav. Co. Montreal, fe |^ W. WAINWRIGHT, Gen. Pass. Agt., G.T.Ry., Montreal. E^^^ &@$& " 4085 RAND, AVERY & CO., PRINTERS, 117 FRANKLIN STREET, BOSTON. 10m. 2Sl^ 11 1, 1878. FROM BOSTON. Tourists' Tickets -VIA- New York, Lake George, Philadelphia, Saratoga, Hudson River, White Mountains, Niagara Falls, Frofile House, Toronto, Crawford House, Lake Ontario, Glen House. River St, Lawrence Summit Mt.Wash- • WITH ITS EATIDS AND TEOUSAHD ISLANDS, ington, Montreal, Lake Winnipiseo'e, Quebec, Lake Umbagog, River Saguenay, and the Lake Champlain. Rangeley Lakes. -ALSO- TO CHICAGO AND DETROIT AND RETURN. THIS GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY —IS THE— GREAT THROUGH ROUTE Between the EAST and WEST. Fares from BOSTOX or PORTLAND to CHICAGO and all points West Cheaper than by any other Route. 4®" Full Information Cheerfully GrivEN.-^a XjZST OIF1 EXCURSION ROUTES AND RATES OF FARE FOR Tourists' Tickets for the Season of 1878. TICKETS GOOD UNTIL NOVEMBER 1st. PARTIES holding our Through Excursion Tickets, have choice of routes from Niagara Falls, viz. : via New York Central Railway to Lewiston, and Steamer to Toronto, or Great Western Railway via Ham- ilton to Toronto, connecting there with Grand Trunk Railway, or Royal Mail Line of Steamers passing through " Lake Ontario,'* the " Thousand Islands," and u Rapids of the River St.
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