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[email protected]( $);13!34;0;;;) '$++ )30193 + 35 6347 ! 484 = ! "$% !& ) !0 ) !78 !.3 7 . even civilian protesters, Sthree terrorists and an Army Q jawan were killed, besides scores of youngsters wounded, in the counter-terrorist opera- ! "" # tion by security forces in a vil- $ % lage in South Kashmir’s &'() Pulwama district on Saturday * morning. ;0);+'3 ""+ "+ The killings evoked wide- spread condemnation from gainst the backdrop of , " "" " both separatist and mainstream ACongress and petitioners " " political leadership in Kashmir of the Rafale case in the issue and accused the -"" while authorities snapped Supreme Court crying foul, the Government of misleading the + . mobile internet services in sev- Centre on Saturday moved the apex court on CAG report. " " * eral areas of the Valley, includ- apex court seeking correction While Congress leader " " ing Srinagar. The separatists in the Rafale judgment where Mallikarjun Kharge, who chairs * , have called for three-day shut- a reference has been made the PAC, had said no such / &'() down against the killings. about the Comptroller and report had come to him, peti- . $ Eyewitnesses said young- Auditor General (CAG) report tioners Yashwant Sinha, Arun " " sters were killed after security and Parliament’s Public Shourie and Prashant Bhushan Q " forces opened fire on the civil- Accounts Committee (PAC), too flagged the alleged wrong- ,/ * " ! ians who were protesting ! " saying “misinterpretation” of its doings of the BJP led Modi " against the anti-terrorist oper- note has “resulted in a contro- Government in the matter.