‘Virtual’ MeetingsCould Extend Well Into 2021Even asNeighboring Localities Loosen Up singing group theThree Degrees: When 40 percent. month andyear-over-year salesupnearly sales priceshittinganall-timehighfor the continued inSeptember, withmedian time real-estate rebound across theregion somewhat obvious reasons, thesummer Arlington Board to Continue ‘ New Data Show Market Is Not Losing Momentum, orPrices Either inSales Regional Housing JuggernautStillRolling INSIDE: ArlingtondriversrankedsafestinVirginia•SeePage4 ONLINE ARLINGTON’S SOURCE FORHOMETOWN NEWSSINCE1935 In the immortal lyrics of the1970s In theimmortallyrics of Having stalledover thespringfor Sun Gazette PAID ECRWSS PRSRT STD PRSRT PERMIT NO. 605 PERMIT NO. Frederick, MD Frederick, U.S. POSTAGE U.S. SCOTT McCAFFREY Sta Writer https://sungazette.news l Local Postal Customer - in comingmonths?You mightwant to for anArlington CountyBoard meeting precious moments? will Iseeyou again? When willwe share closing lastmonth–up37.3percent from ling orexceeding 2019’s sales gures. crackpot ideaafew monthsago –equal thing that would have beenseenasa sales mightcloseout2020doingsome Put anotherway: Planningonlooking A total of 5,455properties went to A totalof And asaresult, themetro area’s home On Facebook: On sungazettenews l MARKETPLACE REAL-ESTATE GUIDE TOTHE OUR AUTUMN INSIDE: FIND 703.538.6030 |brockrealty.com - - pears Arlington leadersremain skittish in-person governmental meetings, itap area springbacktolifewith check underthebed. Fairfax counties and the cities of Alexan Fairfax countiesandthecitiesof Columbia;Arlington and the Districtof MLS, onOct.12. based onlistingactivity from Bright ported by MarketStats by ShowingTime, a year before –according to gures re Duck-and-Cover’ Even asotherjurisdictionsacross the (Figures represent market activity in On On Twitter: @sungazettenews @sungazettespts FOR SUCCESS LOOKING LACROSSE WAKEFIELD 12 44 44 Years and success service exceptional A traditionof VOLUME 85NO.44OCTOBER 15-21,2020 Bret Brock•703.538.6030brockrealty.com - - - ing decades. See fullcoverageing decades. See onPage 7. ing, probably albeit atslower a pace,in com the student population willcontinue grow ous campuses, andunveiled that aprojection week heldaforum ontheneedsofvari at O cials Virginia’s largest university last ofhisnamesakemain campus university. A statue ofJames standsonthe Madison CHANGING WORLD A FACILITY NEEDSIN MASON MULLSITS www.BuckRealtors.com 703.528.2288 the samespaceat thesametime. about having themelvesand thepublic in summer continuedin the intothefall counties inMaryland.) ia; andMontgomeryPrinceGeorge’s dria, Fairfax andFalls Church inVirgin “The board willcontinue its current “The signi cantmomentumfrom the Beyond forover25years Approach? Serving Arlington & Arlington& Serving GEORGE MASONGEORGE UNIVERSITY Continued onPage 15 Continued onPage 15 703.528.2288703.528.2288

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Co. Board to Revisit Proposal That Could Revamp A ordable-Housing Income Threshold on Pike SCOTT McCAFFREY ty Board members in June. nounced themselves “mysti ed” to up to 100 percent of median mission members, staff said it Sta Writer Staff say the proposal would why the measure was being ag- income would “better align with “does not anticipate” changing increase opportunities for those gressively pushed by staff in the the overall cost of home-own- the rules would lead to a rush of Four months after kicking who wish to purchase housing midst of a pandemic, without ership within the county, and condominium conversion. the can down the road due to along the Pike corridor. suf cient community input. expand the pool of eligible, The question of who should community opposition, Arling- If approved, it would icnrease (Staff has done additional quali ed buyers seeking to pur- get top priority for limited hous- ton County Board members on the maximum threshold, from outreach since the June meet- chase an affordable home in the ing-assistance funds in Arlington Oct. 17 will again address wheth- the current 60 percent of area ing, including a presentation to county,” government staff said is one that has festered for years. er to change the parameters for median income to up to as much the Housing Commission in July in June. The Arlington Green Party is those seeking to own subsidized as 100 percent, for individuals to and an online community “webi- The proposal is speci c to one that long has pushed county affordable-housing units in the qualify for assistance in buying nar” in September.) projects built under provisions leaders to provide more funding Columbia Pike corridor. properties. The policy change as recom- of the Columbia Pike Form- to support housing for those at Faced with criticism on mul- Critics, however, say the pro- mended by housing staff appears Based Code, which promises a the lower end of the economic tiple fronts, board members in posal will direct county-govern- designed to align with the coun- streamlined approval process for spectrum, calling the current June essentially threw a staff ment priorities away from the ty government’s recent efforts projects that meet certain bench- government housing policy proposal under the bus. “There’s most vulnerable residents to to retain what is being called marks. “clueless.” just a need for a lot more conver- subsidize households earning “the missing middle” – county Developers are allowed, but Other critics of the govern- sation,” acknowledged County $100,000 or more. residents who earn too much for not required, to use the Form- ment’s housing policy contend Board member Katie Cristol, At the June County Board housing subsidies but earn too Based Code process for projects that “missing middle” policies who voted with her colleagues to meeting, a number of critics little to afford most housing in in the Pike corridor. have little to do with retaining the defer consideration of the pro- pounced on the initial proposal. the increasingly off-the-charts The staff proposal has not inceasingly limited stock of mid- posal. “It is designed to bene t up- Arlington homes market. recommended changing the ex- priced housing in the county, but The proposal has now re- per-middle-class people . . . the Under current rules, house- isting ceiling of 60 percent of are more about adding density so turned to the County Board’s opposite of what was intended” holds eligible to purchase afford- area median income for those the county government can reap agenda, although (as of press when affordable-housing plans able units are limited to incomes who can receive rental assistance, tax windfalls, and does not take time) there had been no staff re- for Columbia Pike were put in of $51,000 to $78,660, depending but expanding subsidies to more into consideration the ancillary port issued. place, said Juliet Hiznay in a on household size. At 80 percent homeowners holds the prospect and sometimes unexpected costs However, the matter was con- message to County Board mem- of median income, that would of apartment units’ being con- to government (and thus taxpay- sidered by the Planning Commis- bers. rise to $70,560 to $108,880, while verted to condominiums that ers) associated with more hous- sion on Oct. 5, and the proposal A coalition of presidents of at 100 percent, it would grow to would be marketed to a more af- ing in an increasingly urbanized presented by staff was relatively civic associations in the Colum- $88,200 to $136,100. uent cohort. environment. in line with that offered to Coun- bia Pike corridor in June pro- The change in income levels In a report to Planning Com- • • •

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2 October 15, 2020 sungazette.news A Robust Century of Living, Maintained by Faith Friends, Family, Parishioners Turn Out to Celebrate Trudy Ensign’s 100th Friends, family and fellow pa- home to teach fourth grade. But ton Heights Women’s Club and rishioners at Clarendon United war clouds were building in the Clarendon United Method- Methodist Church turned out early 1940s, and eventually she ist Church, a congregation she Oct. 4 for a celebration – with accepted a recruiting offer to joined 70 years ago this Septem- some social-distancing involved come to the local area, where she ber. – of the 100th anniversary of worked at Arlington Hall for the William Brown died in 1977, the birth of Gertrude “Trudy” Army Security Agency. Her of- and several years later, Trudy Ensign. ce handled messages from eld married Allen Ensign, himself a Mrs. Ensign watched the pro- of ces and stations all over the member of (and head usher at) ceedings in front of her home, world, including intercepts from Clarendon United Methodist. with well-wishers driving past to enemy agents. She went on to hold a number offer their greetings. Ever since the War Depart- of leadership positions at the It was in October 1920 that ment paid her train fare from church, with her favorite per- Gertrude Carley was born to Iowa, she has been an Arlington haps being membership secre- Arthur and Lottie Dye Carley resident, starting in a rooming tary, where she kept track of ba- into an Iowa farming family that house with several other female bies born and baptized, couples loved its baseball (as a youngster, Arlington Hall employees within wed and new members joining she reported scores and game walking distance of the facility. the congregation. Though she highlights to her brothers when In 1946, she married William retired from that position sev- they came in from the elds for Brown, a police of cer in the eral years ago, she continues to lunch, and even today is a great District of Columbia who later be active caring for the church fan, rooting for the Washington provided security at the U.S. membership. Nationals). Senate. “Her love for the church mem- The farm was primarily a They moved into an apart- bers is so inclusive that she wants corn-producer, but there also ment in North Arlington and did to be there for them in both good was a eld of wheat and, for the their part adding to the growing Trudy Ensign is surrounded by family members during the celebration of times and in times when they her centennial, held Oct. 4. PHOTO BY LAURA WATSON animals (including beef cattle), Baby Boom generation when need an advocate,” the church’s there were grasslands. they became parents of daughter the Army Security Agency, with Phyllis and son-in-law Neil Co- stewardship committee noted Growing up in a family of Phyllis. A second daughter, Jane, her mother-in-law coming to live vert live in Florida. Grandson when honoring her as a Faithful eight children, Trudy trained to arrived after the couple pur- with the family to help look after Jon lives in Los Angeles and his Servant in 2015. “She knows the be an elementary-school teacher, chased the home in which Trudy the growing family. brother Chris in Florida.) Lord hears her prayers and that graduating from Simpson College continues to reside. (Today, daughter Jane Brown In her non-work hours, she she intended to keep going in His in Indianola, Iowa, and returned Trudy continued to work with lives in Alaska, while daughter became involved in the Ash- service.”

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sungazette.news October 15, 2020 3 Arlington’s 10th District Combatants Serve Up Driver Safety Di erent Visions in ‘Virtual’ Face-O Rated Tops Incumbent Wexton Trying to Hold Onto Seat She Won Two Years Ago A new analysis of driving data by BRIAN TROMPETER Insurify nds Arlington to be the safest Sta Writer community in Virginia. When applying for auto insurance, car It may not be an Arlington-centric owners list any prior moving violations, race, but could be the most interesting including speeding, at-fault accidents, one across Northern DUIs, reckless driving and running red Virginia this fall sea- lights. Insurify’s data science team re- son. ferred to its database of over 2.5 million U.S. Rep. Jennifer policy applications to determine the com- Wexton (D-10th) and munities with the safest roadways. Republican challenger One community in each state home to ELECTION Aliscia Andrews found the lowest proportion of drivers with one plenty of common or more of these violations on their re- 2020 ground, during an Oct. cord was selected as the safest driving city 5 virtual debate, but in that state. (Maine and Vermont were laid out different philosophies regarding excluded from the analysis due to insuf- voting by mail and how best to help the cient data.) economy recover post-COVID-19. The top communities for each state The debate, hosted by the League of Wexton Andrews ranged from small hamlets to large cities. Women Voters of the Fairfax Area, was The average American drives over moderated by journalist Michael Lee Citizen United decision in 2010, which The contenders had different takes 13,000 miles each year, according to the Pope. prohibited the government from limiting on climate change. Andrews favored in- Federal Highway Administration, and Wexton, who defeated incumbent Re- spending on election communications by dividual environmental consciousness there are 6.7 million traf c accidents ev- publican Barbara Comstock in 2018, is corporations (including non-pro ts) and amongst the public, but said all sides ery year, according to the Insurance In- a former prosecutor and Virginia state unions, both candidates agreed there was needed to come together when crafting formation Institute. senator. Wexton cited the unprecedented too much money in politics. environmental legislation. “Traf c fatalities per miles traveled in challenges of her tenure, including the Andrews said the conversation should Wexton favored ending subsidies for the U.S. have been trending downwards lengthy federal-government shutdown shift toward how to take care of the the oil and gas industries and “incentiv- over the last decade,” Insurify noted. “This and ongoing pandemic, and said she had American people. Wexton said the deci- ize the use of clean, green energy.” hopeful statistic is the result of efforts by passed ve bipartisan pieces of legisla- sion did a “great disservice to American Asked if the federal government communities and drivers alike to promote tion, including the Retirement Protection democracy” by leaving the door wide spends too much money on weapons, safe behavior on the roads, through driv- Act that was part of the recent CARES open for shadowy super-PACs (political- Andrews answered with a at “No.” ing education and traf c-safety initiatives Act. action committees) to “spend absolutely “I think it’s our fundamental duty adopted by jurisdictions across the coun- Andrews, who served in the U.S. Ma- unlimited, undisclosed sums to inuence that when we send our men and women try. Not only does safe driving affect an rine Corps and is the mother of three whatever their agenda is.” to ght all over the world that we can entire community, but it’s also the prod- children, described herself as a strategy The candidates had differing takes on give them the most capable assets that we uct of a community effort.” and policy subject-matter expert who how to help the economy recover after have,” she said. “Anything less is crimi- Nationally, the safest community in solves complex problems for a living. the pandemic. nal.” each state was: “I believe our district is worth ght- Wexton said Republicans wanted to Lapses in military spending lead to Alaska: Anchorage; Alabama: Mobile; ing for,” she said. “It is time that we had reopen the economy without any work- obsolete equipment being sent into battle Arkansas: Jacksonville; Arizona: King- someone who puts our families, our secu- place-safety precautions. Workers need zones and higher equipment-replacement man; California: Bell Gardens; Colorado: rity and our equities at the forefront. Our adequate safety and payroll protections, costs later, she added. Pueblo Connecticut: New Britain; Dela- small businesses and our schools need to but the key is to get the pandemic under Wexton favored having strong nation- ware: Wilmington; Florida: Opa-Locka; be opened safely. Strangling regulations control, she said. al security, but said there had not been Georgia: Toccoa; Hawaii: Honolulu; and higher taxes aren’t the way to go.” Andrews said it was unfair that many a clean audit of the Pentagon’s accounts Idaho: Twin Falls; Iowa: Council Asked what strategies they would small businesses had had to close while in a long while. She supported cracking Bluffs; Illinois: Chicago; Indiana: Ham- use to ensure both parties in Congress major entities such as Walmart remained down on waste, fraud and abuse, but also mond; Kansas: Topeka; Kentucky: Lon- worked together for the common good, open. investing in diplomacy and foreign aid. don; Louisiana: Slidell; Massachusetts: Wexton said she had passed 40 bipartisan “We need to make sure that when we Andrews and Wexton will square off Cambridge; Maryland: Dundalk; Michi- bills as a state senator and participates in have someone going to [Capitol] Hill, again Oct. 15 at another virtual debate, gan: Taylor; Minnesota: Saint Paul; Mis- a monthly luncheon with other Virginia they’re ghting to make sure these regu- this one hosted by the Loudoun Cham- souri: Poplar Bluff. members of Congress. lations aren’t stopping small businesses ber. Mississippi: Jackson; Montana: Bill- “I think there are ample opportunities from being successful,” she said. ings; North Carolina: Cary; North Da- for working across the aisle,” she said, Both candidates supported early kota: Fargo; Nebraska: Omaha; New but added, “I’m not going to lie: Parti- childhood education, affordable health Hampshire: Manchester; New Jersey: sanship is real.” care, protections for immigrants and that Camden; New Mexico: Albuquerque; Ne- Andrews said that in the Marines, the federal government should not play vada: North Las Vegas; New York: New people from all walks of life worked to- a role in local public safety, but they dis- York City; Ohio: Youngstown; Oklaho- gether to accomplish missions. Wexton agreed on early voting by mail. ma: Muskogee. ranks in the lowest quarter of Congress “Mail-in voting is absolutely safe, Oregon: Eugene; Pennsylvania: Phila- for bipartisanship, she added. it’s secure and it’s fraud-proof,” Wexton delphia; Rhode Island: Providence; South “Why can’t we just work together?” said. Carolina: Lake City; South Dakota: Andrews asked. “Why to we have to have Andrews said dif culties experienced Rapid City; Tennessee: Kingsport; Texas: Republicans and Democrats at each oth- across the nation show it is a “downright Laredo; Utah: Magna; Virginia: Arling- er’s throat all the time? We have people lie” to say there is no fraud with voting ton; Washington: Bellevue; Wisconsin: that are starving in our district and they by mail. the are begging for people on the right and Community Newspaper Milwaukee; West Virginia: Huntington; “What we need to do is ensure that since 1935 Wyoming: Casper. the left to ght for them.” we’re not making people feel that their We’ve got you covered, in the mail weekly and online always! – A Staff Report Regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s vote does not matter,” she said.

4 October 15, 2020 sungazette.news Courthouse Hotel Likely FREE Document Shred Event FREE Document Shred Event Will Be Converted Into Saturday, Oct 24, 2020 Saturday, Oct 24, 2020 180-Unit Condominium 9am – Noon 9am – Noon SCOTT McCAFFREY approved the initial redevelopment plan. Sta Writer But those 13 months have proved a life- Long & Foster Realtors Long & Foster Realtors time – perhaps several lifetimes – for de- 1355 Beverly Rd. 1355 Beverly Rd. Arlington County Board members on velopers, especially developers of hotel McLean, VA 22101 McLean, VA 22101 Sept. 17 are expected to ratify a staff rec- properties. (in the parking lot) (in the parking lot) ommendation that As originally envisioned, the project, COUNTY will allow conversion to be built in two towers of 25 and 38 of the Clarion Col- stories connected by a smaller structure, NOTES lection Hotel Arling- called for: ton Court Suites into a residential prop- • A 375-room hotel. erty. • 502 residential units. Under the proposal, the 187-unit ho- • A 37,000-square-foot conference cen- tel would be transformed into a 180-unit ter. condominium on the 2.6-acre parcel. The • A 14,000-square-foot restaurant. building would remain at eight stories The revision, which has the support BRING YOUR DOCUMENTS BRING YOUR DOCUMENTS (zoning for the parcel would allow up to of county staff, would delete 49 hotel 12), and density would not increase. The rooms and add 21 residential units, while number of parking spaces would decline maintaining the overall FAR [oor-area � � slightly, from 153 to 150. ratio] of the project at 9.94 – meaning the The site, at 1200 North Courthouse project’s overall square footage is just un- �� �� Road, is within walking distance of the der 10 times the total lot size. (That gure ffi ffi Court House Metro station. The switch is in the mid-range of Arlington urban- to residential use will bring the building corridor projects; as a means of visual back to its origins, having started life in comparison, the FAR of the Empire State For more informa�on call For more informa�on call the 1960s as an apartment. Building is 25.0.) 703‐790‐1990 703‐790‐1990 Because there is no increase in den- The developer now plans to build the sity being sought, the parcel will not fall residential tower rst, waiting until it is under requirements that the developer completed to move forward with the ho- provide affordable units or contributions tel space in hopes that, then, the COVID to the government’s Affordable Housing pandemic will be in the rear-view mirror Investment Fund. and both tourism and business travel will (Which is not to say the county gov- have rebounded. ernment didn’t have its hands out in other For the county government, the change ways; as part of the agreement, the de- likely will result in a small decline in tax Kitchens Designed with Your Lifestyle in Mind. veloper will have to bankroll a public-art revenue, as hotels generally bring in more project valued at no less than $75,000 and than residential properties. provide support for several transporta- Arlington Retains Lead in Domestic- tion-management improvements.) Tourism Spending: Arlington in 2019 re- On Oct. 3, the Planning Commission tained its top position statewide in terms voted 12-0 in support of the proposal. of spending by domestic tourists and The Transportation Commission also business travelers, slightly widening the voted to support it. gap with No. 2 Fairfax County. The proposal to convert the building Domestic-tourism receipts of $3.55 from hotel to residential use predates billion last year in Arlington represented the COVID crisis, having been led with an increase of 4.4 percent from 2018, ac- county of cials in October 2019. Under cording to new gures from the Virginia the proposal now headed to the County Tourism Corp., based on an annual analy- Board, the developer will have until Oc- sis by the U.S. Travel Association. tober 2023 to obtain a nal building per- Arlington accounted for 13.3 percent mit. of all domestic-tourism spending state- For the county government, the change wide in 2019. Across Virginia, the total of likely will result in a small decline in tax $26.7 billion was up 3.4 percent. revenue, as hotels generally bring in more According to the 2019 gures, domes- than residential properties. The county tic-side tourism in Arlington resulted in government anticipates an addition of $133.6 million in state-tax revenue (up 5.3 Additions | Kitchens | Master Suites | Bathrooms | Whole Home Remodels nine public-school students emanating percent) and $97.8 million in tax revenue from the new condos. at the local level (up 4.3 percent). Schedule a FREE Consultation. Call Today! Development Plan for Rosslyn Holi- “Domestic tourism” is de ned as any (703) 651-1767 or online at Foster Remodeling.com day Inn Site Tweaked: Arlington County trip taken by Americans more than 40 Remodeling is easy when you work with Foster. Our Board members on Sept. 17 will be asked miles from their home. experienced team designs and builds stunning spaces to ratify relatively minor changes to the Statewide, there was no change in the that function beautifully for families. We incorporate approved-in-2019 redevelopment of the positions of the ve top tourism-generat- your unique style into each room that we build for a Rosslyn Holiday Inn site. ing communities from 2018 to 2019. After lasting investment in your future. Practical solutions for The request, if approved, would add Arlington: tricky spaces and a process that makes it perfect mean residential units and delete hotel units • Fairfax saw tourism revenues rise 3.9 you can dream big with Foster Remodeling Solutions. from the project, while keeping the overall percent to $3.43 billion. Call 703-651-1767 or FosterRemodeling.com density of the project unchanged. • Loudoun County saw tourism rev- The request from Dittmar Co. comes Foster Remodeling Solutions, Inc. | 7211-H Telegraph Square Drive | Lorton, VA 22079 13 months after County Board members Continued on Page 15 (703) 651-1767 | FosterRemodeling.com

sungazette.news October 15, 2020 5 SunGazette Find more letters and ON THE WEB: an archive of editorials at https://sungazette.news www.insidenova.com/ www.insidenova.com/news/arlington news/arlington ON FACEBOOK: (Click on “Opinion”) www.facebook.com/sungazettenews www.facebook.com/insidenova Opinion ON TWITTER: @sungazettenews @sungazettespts

Newsroom SCOTT McCAFFREY Our View: Parsing the Congressional Races Editor Let’s not waste time deceiving ourselves: e Demo- Gerry Connolly, is hardly even campaigning against Re- (703) 738-2532 cratic incumbents in inner Northern Virginia’s three con- publican Manga Anantatmula – but then, what would a [email protected] gressional districts (the 8th, 10th and 11th) are going to campaign in the 11th be without a touch of Connolly ar- DAVE FACINOLI win re-election bids without breaking a sweat. rogance? (We, who have known him since the days he was Sports editor (703) 738-2533 But that doesn’t mean voters need to necessarily be a lowly Fairfax district supervisor, admit to being some- [email protected] enamored with the personalities and enchanted with the what charmed by the fact that Connolly seems to not care BRIAN TROMPETER performance of their elected House members over the past one whit how he is perceived by his constituents. ere is Senior staff writer two years, as it’s been a decidedly mixed bag: something refreshingly un-phony about it.) (703) 738-2534 • In the 10th District, and as we predicted two years Barring a major rejiggering of the district’s boundaries [email protected] ago when Democrat Jennifer Wexton bumped o incum- sometime in the future, Connolly will continue to age in bent Republican Barbara Comstock, Wexton has proved a place, occupying this seat as long as he wants. Advertising Democratic party-liner, reliably voting as she was directed, • Circling back to the 8th District, incumbent Demo- VICKY MASHAW oering few if any fresh ideas of her own and seldom being crat Don Beyer has been interacting with his Republican Sales manager much of a visible presence in her district. opponent, Je Jordan, and the distinctions are striking. (571) 333-6272 [email protected] e only open question as Wexton’s rst term evolved Jordan tacks far right, having won the GOP nomination SHARON KASH was whether she’d gravitate toward the Nancy Pelosi wing aer knocking o a more centrist, but equally unelectable, Sales of the party or the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wing. But candidate. His positions certainly are out of touch with the (571) 239-8014 now that those once-polar-opposite positions have merged majority in the 8th District (the most liberal among the [email protected] into a muddled jumble, it has become a moot point. three districts in the region), but it has been good to hear Classified sales On the plus side, in a way, Wexton has delivered on ex- a candidate who oers a clear ideological distinction from (703) 771-8831 pectations she raised when running in 2018 – a reexive, his opponent, rather than running as a Democrat-lite like [email protected] reliable Democratic vote on every issue. If you like that, too many apostate Republicans these days. she’s your type of elected leader. at said, Beyer merits the easy re-election he will re- Business Republican challenger Aliscia Andrews is impressive, ceive. at’s good news for constituents; while we don’t al- SYLVIA GORDON Business office but in a presidential-election year, the 10th is going to stick ways agree with his politics, we do think Beyer represents (571) 333-6277 with the Democrat. a seasoned, sincere, serious-minded civic leader in a frac- [email protected] • In the 11th District, the Democratic incumbent, tured political environment that needs more of them. Arlington Board Should Pass Plastic-Bag Tax BUSINESS & MAILING ADDRESS: 131 E. Broad St., Suite 202, Falls Church, Va. 22046 P.O. Box 591, Leesburg, Va. 20178 Editor: Plastic pollution is responsible for We have a great opportunity to pass MAIN TELEPHONE: FAX: This year has seen many Arlingtonians many issues affecting people, but a plas- this tax that would have repercussions (703) 738-2520 (703) 738-2530 taking action around national causes that tic bag tax would be able to reduce their beyond Arlington. We would be the rst © 2020 HPR-Hemlock LLC they are passionate about. However, we impact. Plastic particles can contaminate Virginia community to implement this All advertising and editorial matter is fully should not forget local initiatives. our air and water, threatening human policy. We can start a trend that other protected and cannot be reproduced in any One such important effort is the poten- health. communities will hopefully follow, and manner without permission from the publisher. tial plastic-bag tax supported by EcoAc- Fortunately, taxes are effective at limit- perhaps even cause the state government The publisher reserves the right to reject advertising for any reason. tion Arlington. ing this harmful waste. In the District of to act on this issue. If implemented by the Arlington Columbia, the implementation of a tax Let’s make history and pass this ordi- County Board, this tax would discourage on all kinds of disposable bags resulted nance. plastic-bag use, creating a better commu- in 80 percent of residents using fewer dis- Stephen D’Alessio nity for us all. posable plastic bags. Arlington PUBLISHER’S NOTICE We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s policy for achieving equal housing opportunity Constitutional Amendment Deserves Thumbs Down throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which Editor: Personally, I do see the need for some I say let’s vote “no” in November and there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of Reading your recent article on the re- kind of amendment. I want one that lets demand that our elected of cials give us race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap. action of local legislators to the proposed a truly independent party draw our maps, truly fair districts in 2021, as well as cre- All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s redistricting constitutional amendment not a partly legislator-controlled commis- ating a truly anti-gerrymandering amend- fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise [Aug. 20], I was struck by the headline’s sion as proposed. I want one that bans ment to protect Virginia in the decades to “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderli- implication that opponents of the amend- political gerrymandering, as this amend- come. ness, familial status or handicap or intention to make ment see no “need” for such a thing. ment does not. Rachel Gatwood, Reston any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertis- ing for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings YOUR COMMENTARY SUBMISSIONS ARE INVITED! advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal The Sun Gazette welcomes your submission of letters to the editor on topics of local interest. We’re happy to have opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing them, and print as many as we have room for! Letters can be sent via regular mail, e-mail or our online-response Office at (804) 367-9753. Email: fairhousing@dpor. virginia.gov. Web site: www.fairhousing.vipnet.org system at https://sungazette.news.

6 October 15, 2020 sungazette.news Mason Mulls Facilities in Uncertain Environment University’s Rate of Growth Is Projected to Slow in the Coming Decades SCOTT McCAFFREY for facilities that kicked off at Sta Writer the start of 2020 and is expected to run through late 2021. A slowing rate of population Janks cautioned any particu- growth and ongoing evolution lar projection for any speci c in occupational requirements in point in time represents little the workforce could have a ma- more than an informed guessti- jor impact on George Mason mate. University’s plans for expanding “The only thing you know its physical footprint across its about any speci c model is, it campuses in Northern Virginia. will be wrong . . . it’s just the na- How do those changes im- ture of the beast,” he chuckled, pact projected enrollment at the saying the goal is to “try to un- commonwealth’s largest public derstand the trends.” university? (“Treat it like a weather fore- “It’s going to grow – that’s cast,” Cai said of long-term pro- Graphic shows county or city of origin of students attending George Mason University. The darker the shade, the good news – but it’s going to slow jections. “Nobody really knows more students from a given locality. down signi cantly,” said Qian what the future will hold.”) Cai, director of the Demograph- George Mason is heavily de- cation for Virginia, with some, “This is really moving for- a participant in the forum, who ic Research Group at the Weldon pendent on a catchment area of particularly in far southwest Vir- ward – we’re very excited about wanted to know “what role will Cooper Center for Public Service 18 Virginia counties and cities ginia, having none. where we’re headed,” said Carol Mason play in using virtual edu- at the University of Virginia, in the northern part of the com- But the challenge for univer- Kissal, senior vice president for cation to expand access” and which on Oct. 8 detailed Mason monwealth, which provide more sity of cials could be that, out- nance and administration at “how do these considerations enrollment projections covering than half its incoming freshmen side Northern Virginia, much of the university. factor into analysis, planning the next two decades. and about 96 percent of students the commonwealth is seeing de- Next up will be taking the and projections for growth?” Those projections estimate transferring from community clining population, which could data and the feedback and be- That is a question for which that Mason’s student body of just colleges. About 75 percent of send the university scurrying for ginning to knead them into the an answer may not be readily over 38,000 in 2020 would grow Mason graduates in recent years out-of-state and international framework of a plan. available. to slightly more than 40,000 in have been from Northern Vir- students. The goal, Janks said, is “to “It’s very hard to know what’s 2025 and then just under 43,000 ginia, a gure that has declined Beyond raw numbers, work- identify not the answer . . . but going to happen ve minutes by 2040, a decided cooling of the slightly but “is pretty stable over force requirements are impacting rather the range of reasonable from now, let alone ve years university’s rapid growth rate time,” Cai said. institutions of higher learning na- possibilities,” then spend the from now,” Janks said, but sug- over the past decade. That heavy concentration tionwide. Human services, health coming year looking at all those gested Mason’s ongoing goal The projection is just one of of Northern Virginians gives sciences, information technology options in detail. was to “make good decisions, be several the university is using the university opportunities to and business management will It’s a moving target, he said, a good neighbor.” to guide decision-making, and expand its reach outside the lo- be growth areas in coming years, given not just ever-changing “I’m very con dent that the while there are some variations, cal area and into other parts of Cai said. demographic trends but previ- [Weldon Cooper] model is as all suggest that growth rates will commonwealth, where Mason The Oct. 8 forum, conducted ously unforeseen cultural meteor good as it can be – there are no tamp down over the long term. matriculants would still get the “virtually” due to the public- strikes, like the COVID crisis. ‘wishes and dreams’ baked in,” “No one’s suggesting there break of in-state tuition. Many health pandemic, was the third “We know now, more than he said. is no growth – that would be a downstate counties have just a and nal of its kind held since ever before, that it is possible • • • mistake,” said Gregory Janks, a handful of students currently at- June, marking the end of the for many folks to be ‘in class’ or For information on the plan- consultant engaged by Mason to tending Mason, according to the rst phase of the infrastructure- ‘at work’ from nearly anywhere ning process, see the Website at lead a master-planning process State Council of Higher Edu- analysis effort. in the world,” said Ben Auger, shorturl.at/djnW1.

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sungazette.news October 15, 2020 7 Arlington Notes GET THE SUN GAZETTE ONLINE: Sign tive, EcoAction Arlington is offering free DON’T JUST KINDA TV. DIRECTV. up for our free weekly noti cation that redbud seedlings to be distributed at sev- the electronic version of the paper is avail- eral farmers markets between Oct. 25 and able. Nov. 1. Go to https://sungazette.news or e-mail They will be available at: us at [email protected] to be placed • Westover Farmers’ Market on Sun- on the list. day, Oct. 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The market is located at 1644 North McKin- LION’S CLUB SWITCHES UP ITS FUND- ley Road. RAISING EFFORTS: Known for years for • Ballston Farmers’ Market, Thursday, DIRECTV CHOICE TM PACKAGE its annual sale of holiday citrus, the Ar- Oct. 29 from 3 to 7 p.m. The market is lo- 99 $ mo lington Host Lions Club is taking a dif- cated at 901 North Taylor St. For 12 mos.Plus taxes andRegional Sports Fee. ferent tack for 2020. • Courthouse Farmers’ Market, Satur- w59/ 24-mo. agmt & other qualifyingAT&T svc (min. $39.99/mo + taxes &fees). Autopay &Paperless bill The club will be hosting an online sale day, Oct. 31 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The req’d. Prices higher in 2ndyear. RegionalSports Fee up to $9.99/mo.is extra& applies.* of See’s candies and related products, a market is located at 1401 North Court- switch made, in part, on account of the house Road. Get the 2020 NFL SUNDAY TICKET season included at no extra cost. COVID-19 pandemic that is limiting per- • Fairlington Farmers’ Market, Sunday,

*$19.95 ACTIVATION, EARLY TERMINATION FEE OF $20/MO. FOR EACH MONTH REMAINING ON AGMT., EQUIPMENT NON-RETURN & ADD’L FEES APPLY. Price incl. CHOICE All Included Pkg., monthly service and equip. fees for 1 HD DVR & is after $5/ son-to-person contact. Nov. 1 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The market is mo. autopay & paperless bill and $10/mo. bundle discounts for up to 12 mos each. Pay $74.99/mo. + taxes until discount starts w/in 3 bills. New approved residential customers only (equipment lease req’d). Credit card req’d (except MA & PA). Restr’s apply. Club president Bob Bushkoff said the located at 3308 South Stafford St. ONLY ON DIRECTV NFL SUNDAY TICKET APP RED ZONE CHANNEL® DIRECTV FANTASY ZONE® GAME MIX CHANNEL Only DIRECTV lets you Stream NFL SUNDAY Brings you the nal yards Watch your favorite fantasy Watch up to 8 live NFL club wanted to continue its efforts sup- Distribution is rst-come, rst-served, watch every Sunday TICKET live—from of every scoring drive players live from game-to- games on one screen, NFL game live, from anywhere—on your around league on one game with real-time analysis. complete with scores porting the community, and this fund- with a limit of one per household. Online start to nish—no favorite connected LIVE channel. With NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX. and game clock. matter where you live. devices. With NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX. Only available in HD. Only available in HD. Out-of-market games only. Only available in HD. raiser was a good way to do it. reservations are required, and can be ob- “We still have many community mem- tained at www.ecoactionarlington.org. Don’t settle for cable. Call now! bers in need of assistance, and through Each seedling is approximately 12

Iv Support Holdings LLC this fund-raiser we can continue to help,” inches long and will be bare root and he said. “The candy is sweet, and your wrapped in plastic. 1-855-239-7180 support is sweeter.” CHOICE 1-YR ALL INCLUDED PACKAGE W/ OTHER ELIG. SVC: Ends 11/7/20. Available only in the U.S. (excludes Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I.). Pricing: $59.99/mo for rst 12 mos. only. After 12 mos. or loss of eligibility, then prevailing rate applies (currently (To see the products available for sale ‘TURKEY TROT’ GOES VIRTUAL FOR $115/mo for CHOICE All Included), unless cancelled or changed prior to end of the promo period. Pricing subject to change. $5/mo. autopay/paperless bill discount: Must enroll in autopay & paperless bill within 30 days of TV activation to receive bill credit starting in 1-3 bill cycles. First time credit will include all credits earned since meeting oer requirements. Must maintain autopay/paperless bill and valid email address to continue credits. No credits in 2nd year for autopay/paperless bill. $10/mo. bundle discount: Internet: Reqs new (min. $39.99/mo plus taxes and $10/mo. equip. fee) or existing svc. Excludes DSL. Equipment Non-Return fees apply. Wireless: Consumers only. Sold separately. Reqs new (min. $50/mo after discounts) or existing AT&T postpaid and to make purchases, see the Website at 2020: Registration is open for the 2020 svc on elig. plan (excl. Lifeline) on a smartphone, phone or AT&T Wireless Internet device (excl. voice-only AT&T Wireless Internet). Both svcs: Eligible svc must be installed/activated w/in 30 days of TV activation and svc addresses must match to receive bill credit starting in 1-3 bill cycles. First time credit will include all credits earned since meeting oer requirements. Must maintain both qualifying svcs to continue credits. No credits in 2nd year for bundled services. Includes: CHOICE All Included TV Pkg, monthly service & https://bit.ly/3jCDrz6.) Arlington Turkey Trot, which will run in equipment fees for one Genie HD DVR, and standard pro installation. Additional Fees & Taxes: Price excludes Regional Sports Fee of up to $9.99/mo. (which is extra & applies to CHOICE and/or MÁS ULTRA and higher Pkgs.), applicable use tax expense surcharge on retail value of installation, custom installation, equipment upgrades/add-ons (min. $99 one-time & $7/mo. monthly fees for each extra receiver/DIRECTV Ready TV/Device), and certain other add’l fees & charges. See att.com/directvfees for additional details. In ordinary times, the Arlington Host a “virtual” format this year. Dierent oers may apply for eligible multi-dwelling unit and telco customers. DIRECTV SVC TERMS: Subject to Equipment Lease & Customer Agreements. Must maintain a min. base TV pkg of $29.99/mo. Some oers may not be available through all channels and in select areas. Visit directv.com/legal or call for details. GENERAL WIRELESS: Subj. to Wireless Customer Agmt (att.com/wca). Credit approval req’d. Deposit/Down Payment: may apply. Additional monthly fees & taxes: Apply per line & include Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee (Up to $1.50), Administrative Fee ($1.99) & other fees which are not government-required surcharges as well as taxes. Additional one-time Fees may apply. See www.att.com/mobilityfees for more details. Usage, speed, coverage & other restr’s Lions Club meets twice a month at Wash- Participants will be able to run any- apply. International and domestic o-net data may be at 2G speeds. AT&T service is subject to AT&T network management policies, see att.com/broadbandinfo for details. 2020 NFL SUNDAY TICKET OFFER: Subject to change. Package consists of all live out-of-market NFL games (based on customer’s service address) broadcast on FOX and CBS. However, games broadcast by your local FOX or CBS aliate. will not be available in NFL SUNDAY TICKET. Games available via remote viewing based on device location. ington Golf & Country Club, but Bush- time over the course of a seven-day pe- Other conditions apply. 2020 NFL SUNDAY TICKET regular full-season retail price is $293.94. 2020 NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX regular full-season retail price is $395.94. Customers activating CHOICE Package or above or MÁS ULTRA Package or above will be eligible to receive the 2020 season of NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX at no additional cost. NFL SUNDAY TICKET subscription will not automatically renew. Only one game may be accessed remotely at any given time. Compatible device/operating system required for online/mobile access. Additional data charges may apply. Visit directv.com/n for a list of compatible devices/system requirements For full Mix Channel and interactive functionality, HD equipment model H/HR 21 or later is required. NFL, the NFL Shield design and the NFL SUNDAY koff said that members have been meeting riod between Nov. 25 and Dec. 1 during TICKET name and logo are registered trademarks of the NFL and its aliates. NFL team names and uniform designs are registered trademarks of the teams indicated. ©2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, Globe logo, DIRECTV, and all other DIRECTV marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T aliated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. “virtually” since the pandemic began in the event, now in its 15th year. order to maintain ties while also main- Over the course of its history, the event taining safety. has raised nearly $900,000 to support so- The Arlington club is one of about cial-safety-net organizations in the com- 46,000 Lions International clubs, with 1.4 munity. Last year, more than 4,000 partic- million members in 200 countries around ipants helped raise more than $100,000. the world. Since 1968, the parent organi- “Our bene ciaries have been working zation, its local clubs and its foundation tirelessly, with limited resources, to serve have provided more than $700 million the needs of many Arlingtonians, and they in support of philanthropic initiatives need us to rally around them,” said Mark worldwide. Riley, organizer of the annual event. Bene ciaries for 2020 include Arling- HOMELESS-PREVENTION GROUPS ton Food Assistance Center, Arlington TEAM UP FOR 5K: A coalition of three Street People’s Assistance Network, homeless-outreach organizations – Com- Arlington Thrive, Bridges to Indepen- munity Lodgings, Bridges to Indepen- dence, Offender Aid and Restoration, Local Community Reporting, dence and Homestretch – will be hosting and Young Life. The organizing entity is Political Accountability, their third annual 5K “Home Run for the Christ Church of Arlington. Local Business Support, Homeless” in a different format this year. For information and registration, see Rather than running as a group on the the Website at https://arlingtonturkeytrot. Sports, Education, & Real Estate Washington & Old Dominion Regional org. Trail this year, participants will be able to run where they choose anytime from Oct. SYNETIC TO HOST VAMPIRE BALL 10 (which is designated World Homeless ‘VIRTUALLY’ IN 2020: Synetic Theater Day) to Oct. 31. will hold its annual “Vampire Ball” in a “It’s easy to assume that homelessness “virtual” setting this year, with partici- In Print • Online • Mobile doesn’t exist in these wealthy communi- pants enjoying the festivities “from the Subscribe Today by texting ties, but it does,” said Lynn Thomas, ex- comfort of your own crypt.” SunGazette to 22828 ecutive director of Community Lodgings. The event will be held on Friday, Oct. and support the trusted, “By partnering with other local non-pro t 30 from 8 to 10 p.m., and will feature in-depth, locally focused organizations that want to end homeless- clips from Synetic’s creepiest productions, reporting and businesses ness, we expand our reach – there’s power a costume contest, Halloween trivia, a that only your community in numbers.” “Thriller” dance tutorial and dance par- newspaper can provide. For information and to register for ty. the event, see the Website at https://bit. The event is in a pay-what-you-will ly/2Fqytp0. format. For information, see the Website at www.synetictheater.org. Print & Online Local News REDBUD SEEDLINGS OFFERED FOR PLANTING: Thanks to support from Do- Looking for “Arlington Notes II”? Find www.sungazette.news minion Energy’s “Project Plant It” initia- it on Page 9.

8 October 15, 2020 sungazette.news Arlington Notes II SUN GAZETTE LAUNCHES WEEKEND but did announce its planned of cers and EDITION: The Sun Gazette last week in- board members. augurated an online “weekend edition,” Cathy Bonneville Hix will continue providing fresh local news and bonus fea- as president, with Gerald Haines as vice tures online. president, John Tuohy as treasurer and The edition can be found at https:// Sean Denniston as secretary. sungazette.news each Friday beginning Board members will include George around noon. Axiotis, Annette Benbow, Tom Dickin- In addition to updated, all-new news son, Patrick Hope, Tracy Hopkins, Jes- and sports from the local area, there also sica Kaplan, Annette Marrero-Oliveras, will be a focus on home, real estate, health Laura McCauley, David Pearson and and family living, with bonus features Karl Van Newkirk. throughout. The organization’s two properties – the Access to the weekend editions, as with Arlington Historical Museum and Ball- the regular papers, is free, and those with Sellers House – remain closed to the pub- interest can sign up for a “reminder” e- lic, and programming has been moved to mail when they are posted online. an online format. For information, see the Website at PILOT PROJECT BRINGS URBAN GAR- Volunteers work on the new urban garden at Virginia Highlands Park. See item at left. www.arlingtonhistoricalsociety.org. DEN TO VIRGINIA HIGHLANDS PARK: A collaborative effort is resulting in creation Urban Agriculture board member and executive director of National Landing GALLERY OFFERS TOURS OF NEW EX- of a new green space at Virginia High- project manager for the effort. Business Improvement District. HIBITION: The Fred Schnider Gallery lands Park. The small-scale garden will demon- It is a pilot project, designed to serve as of Art is presenting “Flattening Time,” The new Highlands Urban Garden, or strate modern, sustainable agricultural a model for future community-driven ini- an exhibit of works by David Carlson, HUG, is an effort of Arlington Friends of practices and incorporate “smart” tech- tiatives across the county’s urban areas. through Dec. 14 at the gallery, 888 North Urban Agriculture, the National Landing nology to collect agriculture metrics. A Quincy St. Business Improvement District, Livabil- team of neighborhood volunteers will HISTORICAL SOCIETY PREPS FOR Tours are available by appointment ity22202 and the Arlington government’s help install, maintain and manage the DELAYED ANNUAL MEETING: The Ar- (no more than six visitors at a time) Department of Parks and Recreation. garden. lington Historical Society will formally Thursdays through Sundays from noon Volunteers broke ground on the effort on The new garden sits on what had been ratify its leadership team for 2020-21 at to 7 p.m., and private tours with the artist Sept. 27. underutilized space near the tennis courts the organization’s annual meeting, to be will be available Saturday, Oct. 24 from 4 The initiative provides an “opportunity at the park, located at 1600 South Hayes held “virtually” on Nov. 12due to public- to 8 p.m. to showcase how community-driven agri- St. One goal is to “invoke curiosity and health conditions. For information, call (703) 405-1642 culture can transform and enhance urban joy in passersby, residents and park visi- The organization was unable to hold or see the Website at www.fredschnider- spaces,” said David Sachs, a Friends of tors alike,” said Tracy Sayegh Gabriel, its annual meeting as planned in May, galleryofart.com. Caregiving in the Time of COVID: How to Cope with Stress and Anxiety Presented by Suzanne Andress-Udall, LMSW, Social Worker for The Medical Team Hospice. She has worked with seniors and caregivers to assist in addressing needs and safety. She grew up in the area and moved back four years ago to care for her parents, so she understands the stress connected with caregiving.

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sungazette.news October 15, 2020 9 Schools & Military n Sarah Leach of Arlington earned Pierce’s complete list of plants from the a master of business administration de- site can be viewed on iNaturalist, an on- gree and Hannah Fritchman of Arling- line database and community of scientists ton earned a bachelor of science degree and naturalists who record and share their in nursing during recent commencement projects and observations and a project of exercises at Ohio University. the National Geographic Society. While some species still need to be n Bryan Maldonado of Arlington identied, so far there have been some earned a degree in history during recent signicant ndings related to rare species commencement exercises at Coastal Car- collected and the potential submission of olina University. a county record. Roundabout Meadows is located at n Efthalia Alpos and Amber Mead Gilberts Corner, where PEC has helped of Arlington have been named to the protect more than 325 acres of land in president’s list for the summer semester at an important transition zone between the University historic, rural landscapes of western Lou- Volunteers help to create a wheelchair-accessible circulation path at the Thomas Je erson doun County and the newer suburban Middle School community garden. See item at left. n Jay McCormick of Arlington has neighborhoods to the east. At 141 acres, been named to the dean’s list for the win- ter in the garden. an associate professor and director of Roundabout Meadows is a highly visible ter/spring term at Centre College. This initiative will expand the volun- Mason’s Ted R. Bradley Herbarium, is showcase for ecologically responsible ag- teer program at the community garden, part of a long-term oristic study that is ricultural practices and their effects on n Albert Castro of Arlington has been and the upgraded surface will be compli- sponsored by a grant from the Virginia habitat quality for native plants and ani- named to the dean’s list for the spring se- ant with standards set forth in the Ameri- Native Plant Society and conducted in mals. mester at The Citadel, and received a Gold cans with Disabilities Act. partnership with the Piedmont Environ- Because Gilberts Corners lies within Star award for academic performance. Additionally, the new path will allow mental Council and the herbarium. the 386-square-mile Goose Creek water- students with mobility impairments to ac- “The mission of George Mason Uni- shed that drains to the Potomac River, n Annemarie Dougherty, Sarah Snel- cess the garden during class time so they versity’s herbarium is to advance our un- PEC’s work focuses on improving water lings, David Misra and Richard Oldham can participate in a wider range of out- derstanding of Virginia’s ora and to pro- quality and restoring wetland and upland of Arlington have been named to the door activities. vide hands-on educational opportunities habitat. dean’s list for the summer semester at Troop 647 is sponsored by Church of for our students – and the Gilberts Cor- “We expect the effects of our restora- . the Covenant in Arlington. ner study is designed to fulll both goals,” tion work to be substantial, but we lack Weeks said. baseline data about the current plant bio- n An Eagle Scout initiative by Nathan n Eight George Mason University The group’s work follows that of re- diversity at Roundabout Meadows,” said Eberhart of Boy Scout Troop 647 recent- plant-ecology students will be at Round- cent Mason graduate Cameron Pierce, PEC habitat specialist Celia Vuocolo. ly created a wheelchair-accessible circula- about Meadows in the Gilberts Corner who received funding through the Garden “The students’ plant survey will estab- tion path at the Middle area of Loudoun County this month, Club of America’s Joan K. and Rachel lish that baseline for us, creating a check- School community garden. collecting and identifying plant species M. Hunt Summer Scholarship in Field list of plant species within the meadow Led by Eberhart, 37 volunteers worked as part of a formal survey of vegetation Botany to begin the survey this past sum- today that will allow us to track and mea- 160 hours over three days so mobility-im- in the seven-acre wetlands-preserve area mer. He recorded around 140 species, in- sure the effects of restoration activities in paired individuals can now assist with the of the Piedmont Environmental Council- cluding some rarities and one that may place over time,” Vuocolo said. growing of vegetables for both the school owned property. not have been previously documented in and the Arlington Food Assistance Cen- Their work, led by Dr. Andrea Weeks, Loudoun County. Your submissions are welcomed! Police Beat ASSAULT-AND-BATTERY n On Oct. 4 at 11:20 a.m., two suspects The suspects are described as a black n On Oct. 8 at 10:10 a.m., an individual ON LAW ENFORCEMENT: entered a business in the 4500 block of male, 6 feet tall, and a black male, 5’7” was inside her home in the 1200 block of n On Oct. 4 at 2:50 a.m. during a traf- Lee Highway, approached the counter, to 5’9”, along with two to three Hispanic North Meade Street when she observed a c stop on Route 110 at Memorial Drive, and one of the suspects pointed a knife males. The vehicle is described as a black man walking back and forth outside her ofcers determined that neither the driver at the clerk and told him to open the cash Honda Accord, driven by a white sub- window multiple times, touching himself nor passengers were licensed, and called register. ject. inappropriately. a tow truck. The second suspect then brandished a According to police, the suspect then When ofcers requested the passenger knife and took money from the register. stopped in front of the window, pulled exit from the vehicle for it to be towed, she As the suspects ed the store, they stole INDECENT EXPOSURE: down his pants to expose his genitals, and became irate and then ed on foot, police boxes of merchandise from behind the n On Oct. 7 at 7:25 a.m., an individual continued to touch himself, before eeing said. counter. in her home in the 1000 block of South prior to police arrival. She was located walking in the south- The suspects are described as a black Quebec Street reported a man outside the The suspect is described as a black bound lanes of Route 110 and refused to male, 5’9” to 6 feet tall, with a medium residence was touching himself inappro- male, 6 feet tall, less than 200 pounds, stop, police said, then “began acting dis- build, and a black male. priately. with a medium to dark complexion. orderly and yelled incoherent statements The suspect ed on foot prior to police at ofcers.” MALICIOUS WOUNDING: arrival. ATTEMPTED BURGLARY: While police attempted to restrain her, n On Oct. 2 at 2:30 a.m., individuals n On Oct. 7 at 3:04 p.m., when police n On Oct. 4 at 9:30 p.m., residents of a the suspect kicked one ofcer and grabbed had existed a business at North Highland were in the 500 block of North Pollard home in the 900 block of North Monroe the wrist of another, police said, and pro- Street and Clarendon Boulevard when Street on another call, an individual re- Street heard noise coming from the door vided a false name to police. they were approached by a group of indi- ported that a man had been touching of their home, and observed a suspect at- Timberlyn Richardson, 26, of no xed viduals who attempted to engage them in himself inappropriately with his pants tempting to open the door handle. address, was arrested and charged with conversation, police said. down while observing two women from The victim locked the deadbolt and at- assault-and-battery on police, possession A verbal dispute ensued, with the sus- behind a fence. tempted to communicate with the suspect, of a Schedule I/II substance, obstruction pects threatening the victims before the The reporting party alerted the women. who ed prior to police arrival. of justice, failure to ID and pedestrian on situation de-escalated. Shortly after, how- The suspect ed prior to police arrival. a highway. She was held without bond. ever, the suspects approached two of the The suspect is described as an older Items are compiled from reports issued victims again, assaulting one of them. black male, average height and weight, by the Arlington County Police Department ROBBERY: The suspects then ed in a vehicle. with no or little hair. and other public-safety agencies.

10 October 15, 2020 sungazette.news SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17TH 9:00am—12:00pm

SATURDAY,LONG AND OCTOBER FOSTER VIENNA/OAKTON 17TH 9:00am OFFICE—12:00pm SATURDAY,309 MAPLE OCTOBER AVENUE 17TH WEST, 9:00amVIENNA, —VA12:00pm 22180 LONG AND FOSTER703-938 VIENNA/OAKTON-4200 OFFICE LONG309 AND MAPLE FOSTER AVENUE VIENNA/OAKTON WEST, VIENNA, OFFICE VA 22180 309 MAPLESe cAVENUEure do WEST,c703um-938e VIENNA,nt-4200shre VAdd 22180ing! Drive up, pop your trunk and we will do the heavy lifting! 404 Surrey Ln SECarmen Perry 703-938-4200 Vienna, VA REALTOR® MasksSeacruereredqoucirumedenftosrhtrheisddeinveg!nt. Offered at $1,575,000Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. Drive up, pSoepcuyroeudrotcrumnken atnsdhwereddwilling! do the heavy lifting! cell: 703-447-2481 SATURDAY,Drive up, pop yOCTOBERoMaur stksrunakr aenrde 17THqweuirwilled f do o9:00am—12:00pmr thheisheeveavyntlif. ting! Beautiful Crafstman,email: 4 lvls, [email protected] of de- Masks are required for this event. tailed luxury. 6BR,www.Longandfoster.com/carmenperry 5.5 BA. Gourmet kitchen. Backyard made for enter- Junk123 LONGwill h aANDul FOSTER VIENNA/OAKTONAccept inOFFICEg donations of taining with mounted TV, outdoor away your 309sma MAPLEll AVENUE WEST, VIENNA,non VApe 22180rishable food for kitchen, separate patio, w/firepit. Junk123 will haul Household items. 703-938-4200 Accepting donations of Junak1wa23y willyour hasumlall Accepntoinoungrpdceorisnmahtmaiobunlens itofofyofdofoodr Firaswat cyoymouer, small Household itemSesc. ure document snhorenpdedrioisnughr!acbolembfmoaoundnkfit.oyr food HoDusreivheoldupit, epmosp. your trunk and we will do the heavy lifting! 1912 Prelude Tana Keeffe,1709 Realtor Besley Rd FirstFirsesrtvecodm. e, our communitbyafnoko.d Vienna, VA #1 Agent Vienna/Oakton Office 2019 First come, Masks are required for this event. Vienna, VA First served. bank. Lifetime Multi-Million Dollar Top Producer First served. 703-585-2161 Beautiful colonial, 4BR, 3.5 BA. In $1,499,000 www.tanakeeffe.com Junk123 will hSATURDAY,aul OCTOBER 17TH 9:00amA—c12:00pmcepting donations of Tiburon. Hardwood on main lvl, gas away your small LONG AND FOSTER VIENNA/OAKTON OFFICEnonperishable food for fireplace in Family rm, expanded sun/ Household items. bonus living room off kitchen. Many 309 MAPLE AVENUE WEST, VIENNA, VA 22180our community food First come, bank. updates throughout 703-938-4200 Carmen Perry Under Contract!Beautiful, ALMOST NEW in the Spring Lake Subdivision! First served. 5 bedrooms 4.5 bath, over 6,000 SF, Sekas formal model Secure document shredding! REALTOR® Drive up, pop your trunk and we will do the heavy lifting! loaded with options. Turn Key condition. Unbeatable price, Masks are required for thisLongeve &nt Foster. Real Estate, Inc. condition and location! Close to Tyson’s and the Silver line cell: 703-447-2481

yet, secluded and private. Junk123 will haul Acemail:ceptin [email protected] donations of Anne and Sarah Harrington COMING SOON IN MANTUAOpen House $975,000 10/13/19 1:00-4:00 away your small nonperishable food for FetnehFetnehFetnehHo Schachtuseh oSchachtld items. www.Longandfoster.com/carmenperry 8912 Lynnhurst Dr, Fairfax, VA 22031 Brian BrianD. Baird,Brian D.o uEsq.D.Baird,r cBaird,omm Esq.u Esq.nity food Christopher SiegelChristopherChristopher Siegel Siegel Vienna/Oakton Office ViceFir sPresidentt come, bank ViceVice President President . Mortgage Consultant,MortgageMortgage Consultant, Consultant, First served. Attorney,Attorney, RGSAttorney, Title RGS RGS Title Title Top Producers ManagingManagingManaging Broker, CRB Broker,CRB CRB NMLSR ID#239986NMLSRNMLSR ID#239986 ID#239986 • Stately colonial with 4,000 fin sq ft 703.642.6100703.642.6100703.642.6100 LicensedLicensedFetneh Licensedin VA,MD,DCVA,MD,DC Schacht in VA,MD,DC Prosperity HomeProsperityProsperity Mort- Home Home Mort- Mort- • 2 car garage, + 1 carport space [email protected]@RGStitle.com D. Baird, Esq. gage, LLCChristophergage, LLC Siegel 703Vice-938 President-7034200-938-4200 [email protected] Mortgagegage, Consultant, LLC READY • Quiet cul de sac location 703-938-4200 Attorney, RGS Title (571) 424-3563 [email protected] Broker, CRB NMLSR(571) ID#239986 424-3563 • Elevator & whole house generator [email protected] 703.642.6100 (571) 424-3563 [email protected] in VA,MD,DC Prosperity Home Mort- [email protected] gage, LLC • Minutes to beltway, Mosaic 703-938-4200 FOR YOUR (571) 424-3563 • Vienna Metro & Fairfax Hospital close by [email protected] 1709 Besley Rd • 5 bdrms, 3.5 baths. 0.39 acres • Mantua, Frost and Woodson HS NEXT MOVE? Fetneh Schacht Vienna, VA Brian D. Baird, Esq. Christopher Siegel Vice President Attorney, RGS Title Mortgage Consultant, Managing Broker, CRB NMLSR ID#239986 703.642.6100 My buyers are moving intoLicensed their in VA,MD,DC dream home! Prosperity Home Mort- $1,499,000 [email protected] gage, LLC CALL 703-938-4200 (571) 424-3563 JUST LISTED IN FAIRFAX/PINE RIDGE $989,000 [email protected] In this competitive market, it takes STRATEGYMy buyers are moving to intomake their dream it 3534 Morningside Dr, Fairfax, VA 22031 home! ROBYN! In this competitive market, happen. Let me help you, callit takes me STRATEGY to make it happen. • Nestled on a wooded street Let me help you, call me Robyn Nobert, • 3 acre lot with tennis/sports court Sarita Sethi, Realtor Beautiful, ALMOST NEW in the Spring Lake Subdivision! Sarita Sethi, Realtor'setting a new paradigm in service' • Colonial with 3,200 finished square feet Licensed in DC. MD. & VA ‘setting a new paradigm in service’NVAR, Top Producer. 5 bedrooms 4.5 bath, over 6,000 SF, Sekas formal model VA and MD licensed Realtor Long and Foster, Member Founder's Club Sarah Harrington Anne Harrington • Private refuge, yet so close to beltway 703-965-2685 Cell • Vienna metro, Fairfax Hospital close by Licensed in DC. MD. & VA. [email protected] loaded with options. Turn Key condition. Unbeatable price, 703Cell:-623 703-408-5524-7010 703- • 585Email:-8595 [email protected] www.saritarealtor.com [email protected] [email protected] • Mosaic shopping center NVAR, Top Producer. Long and Foster, Member Founder’s Club condition and location! Close to Tyson’s and the Silver line SELLERS: Allow me to advise you on how to JUST SOLD Make the Right Move-Call us Today • 4 bdrms, 2.5 baths prepare your home for sale. • Mantua, Frost and Woodson HS 703-965-2685 Cell in Hannahyet, secluded Hills of and private. Oakton, VA. BUYERS: Purchasing in the fall & winter can give [email protected] • www.saritarealtor.com Open House 10/13/19 1:00-4:00 you an advantage. 11684 FoxMaral Glen Achikian Dr just listed this 2BR/2BA home DOROTA DYMAN Oakton,In VA McLean, VA for $2,295/mo Monica Hugie $849,000703 -967-8873 Long and Foster RealtorsREADY REALTOR® Under [email protected] in just 4 days! Multiple offers and above list price! Gorgeous Contemporary on 1 Acre “DiamondLong & Foster Top Producer”Real Estate, for Inc. 2019FOR in NorthernYOUR Vir- FLAT Lot! Well Maintained and Updated, Boasting 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths. Sited on a Long & Foster Top Producer Quiet Street in Oakton High School Pyramid. ginia Association of Realtors Top Producers Club, 11684 Fox Glen Dr Bright and Light-Filled. Tranquility and priva- NVAR Multi-Million Dollar SalesNEXT Club MOVE? Oakton, VA cy await you, just Move-in and Enjoy! with 21 years of real estate experience in helping cell: 703-625-1870 $849,000 myemail: clients [email protected] Sell/Buy/Rent in Virginia, Washington Under contract in just 4 days! Multiple offers and above CALL list price! Gorgeous Contemporary on 1 Acre 11684 Fox Glen Dr. • Oakton, VA •FLAT $849,000 Lot! Well Maintained and Updated, www.monicahugie.com Boasting 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths. Sited on a DC, and Maryland. Under contract in just 4 days! Multiple offers and aboveQuiet list Street price! in OaktonGorgeous High Con-School Pyramid. VIENNA Bright MCLEANand Light-Filled. Tranquility – andCOMING priva- SOON ROBYN! cy await you, just Move-in and Enjoy! “I enjoy giving my clients temporaryLong on 1& Acre Foster FLAT Real Lot! Estat Welle, Maintained Inc. and Updated, Boasting 4 BRs, 3.5 9814DOROTA Fosbak DYMAN Dr 2159BAs. Sited onBonaventure a Quiet Street in Oakton High Dr, School NW Pyramid. Bright and1826 Light-Filled. KIRBY ROAD my absolute best service, for 309 Maple Ave. W | Vienna, VA 22180 Long and Foster Realtors Tranquility and privacy await you, just Move-in and Enjoy! Robyn Nobert,Vienna, VA StatelyLong &and Foster sprawling Top Producer 5 bedroom New Construction by Jefferson Homes! hassle-free transactions in the “Diamond Top Producer” for 2019 in Northern Virginia colonialNVAR is Topwalkable Producer to town! Vacation MonicaElegant, Hugie, Realtor® transitional design offers stunning VA and MDquickest licensed time and Realtor at the best FetnehVienna, Schacht VA Association of Realtors$829,000 Top Producers Club, with 21 years of real Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. at homeNVAR inMulti your-Million stunning Dollar Sales salt Club water views of your private ONE ACRE lot. Bring Dee Murphy Cell: 703-408-5524price.estate • experienceEmail: “You cannot [email protected] in helping go my wrong clients Sell/B uy/Rent in Virginia,Vice President,9902 Palace Certi ed Green Real WayEstate Broker 309 Maple Ave. W | Vienna, VA 22180 pool and spa. Over 5,000 square feet. the outside in with walls of glass, covered REALTOR® Sparkling from top to bottom!withWashington Dorota!” Don’t DC, andmiss Maryland. out on this great Licensed$1,439,000 in VA, MD, DC Long & Foster Top Producer SELLERS: Allow me to advise you on how to NewEmail: hardwoods, [email protected] carpet and paint porch with stone replace and a master Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. nd nestled at the end enoof a giingquiet cul-de-sac cients abso utestreet best sericein or hasseree NVAR Top Producer 703-938-4200 [email protected] prepare your home for sale. ~ Exquisitely Appointed ~ Web: www.monicahugie.comthrough-out. NVAR Multi-Millionsuite Dollar Salesbalcony. Club Three car garage. cell: 202-669-5115 sought-after Clarks CrossingDirect:transactions neighborhood 703-926-1217 in the uicest tieand an Wolftrap/ at the best price. “You cannot go wrong with Dorota!” Gourmet Open Kitchen, ELEVATOR and Call Dee at (202) 669-5115 Text or Call:Call703.625.1870 Dee at (202) 669-5115 for oor- email: [email protected] Kilmer/MarshallBUYERS: Pyramid.PurchasingEmail: Featuring in the [email protected] fall 4& Bedroomswinter can giveand 3.5 Contact me to learn how to maximize your Email: [email protected] separate Independent Living Suite. Thoughtful, for details. plans and info. Delivers March 2020! Baths. Beautifullyyouwww.longandfoster/DorotaDyman updated anDirect: advantage. &703 MOVE-IN-926-1217 ready! Email: [email protected] details business throughout. potential! Private luxury www.DorotaDyman.com community near Nottoway Park, Metro, OHS.

1020 Aponi Rd SE 3001 Weber Place Monica Hugie Patti Bostwick Peter Menne REALTOR® REALTOR® Vienna, VA Realtor ® licensed in virginia Oakton, Va Gini Wood Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. $1,395,000 sales – purchases – rentals $1,675,000 REALTOR®, Long & Foster cell: 703-244-1824 Reema Raju This custom craftsman is tucked Long & TopFoster Producer Top Producer $100K in upgrades on prof. 703-944-7316 email: [email protected] away in a quiet neighborhoodCell just 703-863-8900 [email protected] NVAR Multi-Million Dollar Sales Club Member, LNF Master’s Club landscaped corner lot that backs up [email protected] over a mile from the downtown vienna/oakton officeto horse pasture with private back www.longandfoster.com/giniwoodcell: 703-625-1870 Member, NVAR Top Producer center of Vienna, and a block from yard ( buyer can add swimming email: [email protected] [email protected] W&OD bike trail. Tons of detail USAF VETERAN pool if desire). Pristine condition www.monicahugie.com Peter Menne Vienna, VA 2869 Sutton Oaks Ln 571-437-3843 throughout! throughout all 3 levels. Realtor ® licensed in virginia VIENNA MCLEAN9902 Palace Green– COMING Way SOONVienna, VA Vienna, VA www.longandfoster/reemaraju $1,439,000 9902 Palace Green Way 9814 Fosbak Dr 106 Harmony Dr SE 2159 Bonaventure Dr, NW 2081826 McHenry KIRBY ROADSt SE $1,439,000 $650,000 sales – purchases® – rentals Work with a REALTOR you can Trust ~ Exquisitely Appointed ~ Vienna, VA All brick end unit within walking distance of the Vienna Metro. Cell 703to -manage863-8900 every transaction [email protected], Detail VA Stately and sprawling 5 bedroom GourmetNew Open Construction Vienna,Kitchen, ELEVATOR by Jefferson VA and ~ ExquisitelyHomes! Tana Appointed Keeffe ~ Peter Menneseparate Independent Living Suite.Gourmet Thoughtful, Open Kitchen, ELEVATOR and New roof 2016, top of the line Anderson windows and doors in ® colonial is walkable to town! Vacation Elegant, transitional design offers stunningRealtor Long and Foster Fetneh Schacht vienna/oaktonPeter Gorog, REALTORoffice$899,900 ® elegant details throughout.$1,995,000separate Private luxury Independent Living Suite. Thoughtful, $829,000 2016. Everything has been done. Updated kitchen with 42 inch Long & Foster Real Estate Vienna/Oakton Realtor licensed incommunity virginia near Nottoway Park, Metro, OHS. Reema Raju New Build! Over 5000 square feet at home in your stunning salt water viewsCustom of your Home private is one elegantONE of ACRE a detailskind! lot. Bring throughout. Multi-MillionDee Private Murphy Dollar luxury Vice President, Certi ed Real Estate Broker cabinets, granite, stainless appliances and recessed lighting. 309 Maple Avenue W sales – purchases – rentals community near Nottoway Park, Metro, OHS. Vienna, VA 22180 pool and spa. Over 5,000 square feet. the outside in with walls of glass, covered Top ProducerREALTOR® Sparkling from top to bottom! Don’t miss out on this great Licensed in VA, MD, DC Deck off kitchen,Member, great forLNF grilling. Master 3 bedrooms’s Club with 2 full baths USAF VETERANof detailed, refreshing design. Luxury at every turn in this high end Mobile: 703-608-5126 Cell 703-863-8900 [email protected], VA Member, NVAR Top Producer New hardwoods, carpet and paint porch with stone replace and a master Long 703-585-2161& Foster Real Estate, Inc. nd nestled at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac street in up. Room in basement can be used as ofce or 4th bedroom. Office: 703-938-42003 finished levels, main level bed- 9902 Palacehome. Green Way Main level boasts oor to Gini Wood 703-938-4200 [email protected] vienna/oakton office$1,439,000 REALTOR®,[email protected] Long & Foster [email protected] [email protected] room or office, 6 Ttl bdrms, through-out. ceilingsuite balcony.windows Three with car french garage. cell: 202-669-5115 sought-afterGini Clarks Wood Crossing neighborhood and Wolftrap/ Under Contract in 3 days! Top Producer REALTOR®, Long & Foster Licensed in DC, MD & VA ~ Exquisitely Appointed ~ www.earmanfamilyrealtors.com 571-437-3843 5 full baths, gourmet kitchen, Call Dee at (202) 669-5115Gourmet Open Kitchen,Call ELEVATOR Deedoors andat between(202) 669-5115 rooms for oor- 703-944-7316email: [email protected] Kilmer/MarshallTop Producer Pyramid. Featuring 4 Bedrooms and 3.5 Contact me to learn how to maximize your Let me show you how! 30 years experience. USAF VETERANseparate Independent Living Suite. Thoughtful, [email protected] www.longandfoster/reemaraju LONGANDFOSTER.COM/PETERGOROG mud room. elegant details throughout.creating Private an luxury open ow and airy feel. Baths.703-944-7316 Beautifully updated & MOVE-IN ready! When ethics and professionalism matter. for details. community near Nottowayplans Park, Metro,and OHS. info. Delivers March www.longandfoster.com/giniwood2020! [email protected] business potential! www.longandfoster.com/giniwood Gini Wood REALTOR®, Long & Foster Top Producer 1020 Aponi Rd SE 3001 Weber Place 703-944-7316 Patti Bostwick [email protected] www.longandfoster.com/giniwood sungazette.news REALTOR® October 15, Vienna,2020 11 VA Oakton, Va Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. $1,395,000 $1,675,000 cell: 703-244-1824 This custom craftsman is tucked $100K in upgrades on prof. email: [email protected] away in a quiet neighborhood just landscaped corner lot that backs up over a mile from the downtown to horse pasture with private back center of Vienna, and a block from yard ( buyer can add swimming the W&OD bike trail. Tons of detail pool if desire). Pristine condition 2869 Sutton Oaks Ln throughout! throughout all 3 levels. Vienna, VA $650,000 106 Harmony Dr SE 208 McHenry St SE All brick end unit within walking distance of the Vienna Metro. Vienna, VA Vienna, VA Tana Keeffe New roof 2016, top of the line Anderson windows and doors in $899,900 $1,995,000 Realtor Long and Foster 2016. Everything has been done. Updated kitchen with 42 inch Multi-Million Dollar cabinets, granite, stainless appliances and recessed lighting. New Build! Over 5000 square feet Custom Home is one of a kind! of detailed, refreshing design. Luxury at every turn in this high end Top Producer Deck off kitchen, great for grilling. 3 bedrooms with 2 full baths 703-585-2161 up. Room in basement can be used as ofce or 4th bedroom. 3 finished levels, main level bed- home. Main level boasts oor to [email protected] Under Contract in 3 days! room or office, 6 Ttl bdrms, ceiling windows with french www.earmanfamilyrealtors.com Let me show you how! 30 years experience. 5 full baths, gourmet kitchen, doors between rooms When ethics and professionalism matter. mud room. creating an open ow and airy feel. More on the Web nHigh-school roundup. nouth sports results. For more sports, visit: Sports www.insidenova.com/sports/Arlington Teeing Off Warriors A Few Local Pro Players Enjoying Recent Success Hope to The heart and soul of a local com- munity newspaper’s regular sports coverage is most often youth and high-school action, and that’s the case Improve with the Sun Gazette. Dave Facinoli Team Just Wants There are those occasions when such a paper does have the opportu- A Chance to Play nity to cover and write about some DAVE FACINOLI professional athletes from its coverage Sta Writer areas. That has been the case in recent weeks, as four professional athletes The start of the boys high-school la- have been making news on the highest crosse season is months away. Yet, the level of play. Wake eld Warriors and new head coach In NFL football, Yorktown High Antonio Francis School graduate M.J. Stewart of Ar- LACROSSE want all to know lington has seen considerable playing the squad is already eagerly preparing time as a defensive back for the Cleve- for that 2021 campaign, both mentally land Browns. The third-year pro made and as much as they are allowed, physi- three solo tackles when the Browns cally with some offseason workouts be- defeated the Washington Football ginning this month. Team during a recent game. The spring season – if it occurs – will In the WNBA, Oakton High School be unique for Francis and Wake eld graduate Jasmine Thomas was the because this past spring’s campaign third-leading scorer for the Connecti- was canceled because of the COVID-19 cut Sun during the basketball team’s pandemic. Francis was especially disap- playoff run to the league’s semi nals. pointed the Warriors couldn’t play, as Thomas is a veteran starting point he believed they were prepared to show guard for the women’s squad. She has much improvement compared to the provided a lot to write about since her program’s recent struggles. freshman season at Oakton. Wake eld did manage two spring In Major League baseball, tall scrimmage matches, which included a and hard-throwing right-handed re- victory and one-goal loss, before the lief pitchers Tommy Doyle and Josh Sborz, graduates of the Flint Hill plug was pulled on the 2020 season. The School and McLean High, respective- Wake eld High School rst-year boys lacrosse coach Antonio Francis leads his team onto the ly, worked a few innings each during Continued on Page 13 eld as it prepares to play a scrimmage match last spring. FROM WAKEFIELD the regular season. Doyle, who grew up in Vienna, pitches for the Colora- Yorktown Senior Commits to Play at Davidson do Rockies, Sborz throws for the Los Angeles Dodgers. DAVE FACINOLI weeks, Friend did catch the attention For Doyle, his three appearances Sta Writer of the Davidson College baseball team, were his big-league debut, and he en- where he recently committed to play at joyed mixed results. Sborz pitched in Like some others these days, word of the next level. his rst Major League game during Jacob Friend’s development as a vastly- “Davidson has been watching Jacob the 2019 campaign. improving high- and liked what they saw,” Skaggs said. Also in pro baseball, there are BASEBALL school athlete has Friend didn’t play at all at Yorktown multiple minor-leaguers from the Sun been limited in recent months because this past spring, when all high-school Gazette’s areas enjoying success. of the COVID-19 pandemic. sports were canceled because of the It’s fun to follow all athletes, no With few sports being played because pandemic. He would have been the Pa- matter what age. But it’s more special, of various shutdowns, the Yorktown triots’ starting catcher. naturally, to pay more attention if High School senior catcher hasn’t had As a sophomore, Friend played a they make the highest pro ranks. many opportunities to perform, certain- limited amount for Yorktown’s Liberty ly not in front of many people when he District Tournament runner-up team, has taken the eld. but had some big hits when he did get “It’s been weird. Jacob has really on the eld. improved and is a talent, but few know The left-handed batting and right- Find daily updates on the Web at or have seen that,” Yorktown baseball Jacob Friend started some games as a sopho- handed throwing Friend started behind www.insidenova.com. Stay in touch more for Yorktown. PHOTO BY DAVE FACINOLI coach John Skaggs said. through Twitter (@sungazettespts) and Mainly through play with his late summer and fall travel team in recent Continued on Page 13 www.facebook.com/sungazettenews.

12 October 15, 2020 sungazette.news Coach Now in Charge of all Three Yorktown Programs DAVE FACINOLI has been postponed until the spring be- He ran the opening 1,200-meter leg. Sta Writer cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Overall, he ran both cross country and coaches are optimistic both cross coun- was a middle-distance participant on It was just a couple of years ago that try squads will be strong – if the season the indoor and outdoor track and eld Jacob Dumford was a standout col- eventually is held. teams. lege runner at the University of Notre “This is hard not to be working with In high school at Westerville North Dame. the runners,” Dumford said. “We can in central Ohio, Dumford was an indoor Now, Dumford has taken over as send them weekly workouts, but it’s not state champion in the 1,600 and was a head coach of the girls and boys cross the same as seeing them on a daily ba- state runner-up in cross country. country and track and eld programs at sis.” After college, he moved to the D.C. Yorktown High School, and he wants to The Yorktown girls have a couple area to join the professional District help those runners achieve, as well. of top returning runners in Piper Dean Track Club, where he remains a mem- Dumford previously had been an as- and Anna Macon Corcoran. Dumford ber and competes as a runner in vari- sistant in the programs, but now is fully said the boys team will include multiple ous year-round competitions. Brumlik in charge along with Kevin Robertson. junior runners, who have improved con- coaches the team and persuaded Dum- Tom Brumlik was Yorktown’s cross siderably over the past two years. ford to help him coach at Yorktown in country coach last fall, but now holds Jacob Dumford is now the head coach of three At Notre Dame, Dumford was a the two sports. that same position at private-school sports at Yorktown. FROM YORKTOWN two-time All-American and was a mem- “I love the sports of cross country Episcopal in Alexandria. can’t work with their fall cross country ber of an indoor distance-medley relay and track and eld, so it made sense to Currently, the Yorktown coaches teams because the fall sports season team that nished second in the NCAA. coach,” Dumford said. High-School Rounduup O’CONNELL BOYS BASKETBALL: Since during the 2020-21 school year, var- for a head swimming and diving coach crosse coach. Contact Nate Hailey at 2005, the Bishop O’Connell High School sity teams in Arlington are still holding and a girls head tennis coach. [email protected]. boys basketball team has played in nu- meet-the-coaches-nights. They will be The swimming and diving season is merous tournaments during its seasons, held “virtually.” during the winter, scheduled to begin in CONDITIONING WORKOUTS: High- most out of the area. For information on those times and December. The tennis season is during school athletes interested in participat- In that time, the Knights have defeat- dates, visit the high-schools’ athletic the spring. ing in whatever type of team workouts ed 35 teams from 17 different states. Web sites and Twitter sites. In track and eld, Wake eld has are held, should contact the head coach- openings for assistant coaches for es of those speci c teams at Wake eld, MEET THE COACHES: Whether or not WAKEFIELD COACHING OPENINGS: sprints, jumps and hurdles. The school Washington-Liberty, Yorktown and any public-school sports are played Wake eld High School has an opening also needs a varsity assistant girls la- Bishop O’Connell High Schools. didn’t have that season to get better and develop skills. That was especially tough Warriors because our players need all the expo- Continued from Page 12 sure to the game as they can get.” Francis, 27, wants his players to learn win was a 6-3 triumph over Gar-Field. that in order to keep improving they Francis received a text during halftime need to be involved in the sport more of that contest informing him the sea- than just during the high-school season. son would be canceled after the conclu- He suggests they play travel lacrosse in sion of that scrimmage. one of the various leagues in Northern “I waited to tell the players until after Virginia, or for the Arlington Youth La- the game, and that was tough,” Francis crosse Club. said. “There were a lot of hung heads, “The big thing we want to do at because our hopes and mindsets were Wake eld during the season and off- high for the season. We want to change season is to bring awareness about the the lacrosse scene in South Arlington.” sport to players in South Arlington and Francis was hired in September of let players know about the different op- 2019. With a lofty number of 52 players portunities to play,” Francis said. “The in the program, Francis was con dent players at Wake eld want to get better he had the team well prepared physi- by continuing the positive push of la- cally and mentally with a fresh outlook crosse. We are trying to keep the mo- and attitude for a new and successful mentum up.” beginning. Francis played high-school lacrosse Then the season was canceled. in Arlington for four years for the York- Wake eld High School lacrosse players and coaches are already thinking about the upcoming 2021 spring season and hope they get to play. The 2020 season was canceled. “We had a new attitude and iden- town Patriots under current head coach FROM WAKEFIELD tity, new uniforms, we were just getting Greg Beer. As a member of Wake eld’s faculty, He also played football for Yorktown started and thought we had something “Greg and I stay in touch and he has Francis also is an assistant football during high school, then did the same new and improved,” Francis said. “They given me tips about how to start and run coach at the school, coaching the defen- for one year when he attended Ferrum were so ready to go. Then nothing. We a lacrosse program,” Francis said. sive line. College. paign. with him.” Right-hander Ketz Murray and During the regular season, Friend Friend will be Yorktown’s starting lefty James Tallon will be two other top Yorktown had an important two-run double catcher in 2021, if the season is played. Yorktown pitchers throwing to Friend. Continued from Page 12 against Bishop O’Connell in a non-dis- “We could have a very good team,” Murray and Tallon were top hurlers trict contest. Skaggs said. on the 2019 Arlington Senior Babe the plate and belted a key two-run hom- “Jacob’s swing is so nice,” Skaggs Friend will be a key player along with Ruth 15-under all-star squad that won er to right eld in Yorktown’s 4-2 vic- said. “Defensively, as a catcher, he has a hard-throwing starting right-handed state and region titles and played in the tory over Osbourn Park in a rst-round strong arm and can throw out and pick pitcher Nathan Knowles, who has com- World Series. 6D North Region Tournament game. off runners. He also can play the out- mitted to play at the College of William “We just want the chance to play,” That was his second homer of the cam- eld. I think Davidson is getting a steal and Mary. Skaggs said.

sungazette.news October 15, 2020 13 College Roundup VIRGINIA SOCCER: Arlington residents this fall at Virginia Tech. and county high-school graduates Lac- The team has not yet started its 2020 ey McCormack and Cayla White have fall season. Kickbush played in one helped the women’s soccer team at the game for Tech last season. University of Virginia get off to a strong He was an all-region goal for York- 4-1-1 start this fall. town. Yorktown High graduate McCor- mack is a sophomore mid elder, who MAX GRECZYN: Bishop O’Connell High has played in every game, with one goal, School graduate Max Greczyn has run which was a game winner against the in one cross country race for the men’s University of Miami. She has taken six team so far at Virginia Tech this fall. shots. The sophomore placed 39th in the McCormack played in nine games Virginia Tech Invitational, nishing the for Virginia as a freshman, with one as- six-mile event in 27:11. Greczyn, a state sist during that action. At Yorktown, and conference cross country champion she was one of the Patriots’ top scorers, at O’Connell, ran on Tech’s indoor and helping the team win two state champi- outdoor track and eld teams as a fresh- onships, the second in her senior sea- man. son. Lacey McCormack Cayla White Washington-Lee (now Washington- BEN KOOMEY: Yorktown High School Liberty) High graduate White is a red- Dickens attended Yorktown High volleyball teams this fall. graduate Ben Koomey had made one shirt freshman goalie. She has played in School, then transferred to The Heights Green plays for Bradley University appearance, pitching 12/3 innings, dur- two games and is 2-0 with one shutout. private school, where he was a standout and Sheire for Brown University. ing the early spring for the Rensselaer White made six saves in a 1-0 over- in boys soccer, helping the team win a The duo helped W-L win district Polytechnic Institute college baseball time victory over Virginia Tech. She has conference title. and region-tournament championships team before the season was canceled. six saves overall. In 2018, Dickens helped an Arling- last fall, advance to the Virginia High The freshman right-hander struck White was a rst-team all-district ton boys travel soccer team win a na- School League’s Class 6 state tourney out two batters and walked one. He did and region player for W-L. tional youth championship. semi nals, and enjoy the team’s most not allow a run. success in program history. Koomey played in the local month- JORGE DICKENS: Arlington resident COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL: Washington- long collegiate baseball league in Vi- Jorge Dickens is a freshman mid elder Liberty High School graduates Jasmine HAYDEN KICKBUSH: Yorktown High enna this past summer during July, and on the men’s soccer team at Boston Col- Green and Katie Sheire are freshmen School graduate Hayden Kickbush is a enjoyed success on the mound and with lege. members of Division I women’s college junior goalie on the men’s soccer team the bat. Sports Briefs VIRTUAL 5K RACE: The Ethiopian Com- munity Development Council, Inc. will hold its National Run for Refugees, a vir- tual 5K race Oct. 22-25. Over three days, participants can run (or walk) a race, then submit time to the ranking. To register, sign up at https:// www.jbsports.com/ecdc-virtual-national- run-for-refugees.

SOCCER CAMPS: The Northern Virgin- ia Soccer Club is offering various camps. For information, visit www.novasc.org.

HALL OF FAME CEREMONY POST- PONED: The Arlington Sports Hall of Fame’s induction dinner, which was scheduled for Sept. 9, has been post- Arlington Babe Ruth players are seeing action this fall and many teams play until the end of October. FROM ARINGTON BABE RUTH poned to a date to be determined. The hall has decided to suspend accepting prepares players for the challenges of Dan Potosky, Mike Cowell, Paul Dan- FOOTBALL OFFICIALS NEEDED: The nominations for the rest of this year. baseball. For more information, visit gel, Scott Nathanson, Jeremy Seipp and Fairfax County Football Of ciat- www.arlingtontravelbaseball.org. Phil Juliano. The season runs through ing Association needs more of cials ARLINGTON TRAVEL BASEBALL: In- the rst weekend of November, with to cover all of its games. Candidates formation about tryouts for Arling- LEARN TO PLAY SOCCER: Arlington many games at Barcroft Park. must be at least 16 years old and have ton Travel Baseball for 10-to 12-under County offers adult soccer classes this For information on the organization, reliable transportation. Training is teams can be found at www.arlington- fall. For more information or to regis- visit www.arlingtonsenators.com. provided. Contact the FCFOA at fc- travelbaseball.org, call (703) 801-6297 ter, visit: https://parks.arlingtonva.us/ [email protected]. or email [email protected]. sports-soccer-adult-clinics/ or contact, SOFTBALL UMPIRES NEEDED: The n Information on development for Marta Cahill at (703) 228-1818 or mca- Northern Virginia Softball Umpires As- GAME OFFICIALS NEEDED: Northern Arlington Travel Baseball players ages [email protected]. sociation is seeking individuals interested Virginia Baseball Umpires is in need of 9-under can be found by calling (703) in becoming certi ed umpires for high- of cials for baseball, softball and vol- 801-6297, visiting www.arlingtontrav- ARLINGTON SENATORS: The fall base- school and recreational fastpitch softball leyball. Of cials are needed in all com- elbaseball.org or emailing atbarsenal@ ball season is on going for the Arlington in the local area. Complete training is pro- munities across the metropolitan area gmail.com. Senators at the 13-under and 14-under vided. For more information, email uic@ for youth recreational leagues, men’s n Arlington Travel Baseball’s 8-un- age groups. nvsua.org or visit www.nvsua.org. Com- leagues, high schools and colleges. Visit der academy provides youth players an The teams are being coached by John plete training provided. Flexible sched- www.umpires.org or call John Porter at opportunity to improve their skills and Harris, Graeme Fineman, Steven Head, ules are available. (703) 978-3601 for more information.

14 October 15, 2020 sungazette.news • The median sales price of attached ed exactly 100 percent of original listing posted an increase of 43 percent. homes rose from $531,900 in September price, the rst time that has happened in a Where is the market headed? Things Homes 2019 to $649,700 in September 2020. September since the boom that preceded still look solid, as the number of new Continued from Page 1 • The median sales price of townhous- the 2008-09 recession. pending sales were in positive territory in es rose from $426,000 to $491,300. The housing juggernaut also moved most jurisdictions, while the total number D.C.-metro market,” said Chris Finnegan, • The median sales price of condomin- quickly, with the median number of days of pending sales (7,390) was well above chief marketing and communications Of- iums rose from $317,100 to $359,100. on the market between listing and rati ed the 6,625 last September. cer at Bright MLS. “Homes also contin- The $512,000 gure compares to a me- sales contract standing at a brisk-as-iced- With three-quarters of the year now ued to sell at their fastest pace ever, as the dian sales price of $338,000 in September tea seven, down from 16 day a year before in the history books, the regional market number of listings coming off the market 2011, marking a 51-percent jump over the (and compared to 43 days back in Sep- still has a little bit of work to do in order in 10 days or less more than doubled.” ensuing decade. tember 2011, when the market was still to match 2019’s sales gures. The Janu- Transactions were up in every jurisdic- In the early summer, as the region was wriggling out of recession). ary-to-September mark of 41,032 home tion in the reporting area, with all but the beginning to wrap its head around the fu- The seeming non-stop spiral in home sales is down 2.8 percent, with declines city of Fairfax seeing double-digit growth ture after being batted around by COVID prices has been encouraging property reported in each jurisdiction. and ve areas (the District of Columbia, all spring, owners of high-priced homes owners to test the market; the number of But the September market helped cut Alexandria, Arlington and Montgomery in particular seemed skittish about listing new listings during September across the into what, for the rst eight months of County) posting increases of 40 percent their properties, while prospective buyers region stood at 7,398, up 9.4 percent. Ar- 2019, had been a 6.9-percent dip in sales. or more. in those upper echelons of the market also lington saw a year-over-year increase of For more, see the Website at www. The regionwide median sales price were somewhat on the reluctant side. more than 50 percent, while Falls Church brightmlshomes.com. of $512,000 was up 18.8 percent from But that has dissipated: The 626 mil- $431,000 a year before – a record year- lion-dollar-and-up sales represent an in- Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most over-year increase of $81,000 – with crease of 90 percent from the 330 such AUTOS WANTED advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a prices rising in all jurisdictions and by sales in September 2019. Sales in the CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Makes/Models 2002- FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 2019! Any Condition. Running or Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-402-0373 double digits in all but Alexandria and $800,000-to-$999,999 segment rose an Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-985-1806 Falls Church. even more whopping 122 percent. Cross country Moving, Long distance Moving Company, Prices rose in all three segments of the And buyers weren’t haggling – for the HEALTH & FITNESS out of state move $799 Long Distance Movers. Get Free market: month, the median sales price represent- GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS! 100 Pills $99.00 FREE quote on your Long distance move. 1-844-452-1706 Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888- Arlington has lagged Fairfax in a num- 889-5515 Call Empire Today® to schedule a FREE in-home esti- ber of areas (Fairfax libraries reopened in mate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-855-404- Meetings July, as one example; Arlington’s are still Recently Diagnosed w/Lung Cancer or Mesothelioma? 2366 Continued from Page 1 closed). Exposed to Asbestos Pre-1980 at Work or Navy? You May Be Entitled to a Significant Cash Award! Smoking DIRECTV - Switch and Save! $39.99/month. Select All- And Arlington’s go-slow approach to History Okay! Call 1-855-591-0517 Included Package. 155 Channels. 1000s of Shows/Mov- approach of ‘virtual’ meetings until we resuming a semblance of normalcy has ies On Demand. FREE Genie HD DVR Upgrade. Premium know that there is no longer community- not necessarily won it plaudits; the gov- SERIOUSLY INJURED in an AUTO ACCIDENT? Let us fight movie channels, FREE for 3 mos! Call 1-855-781-1565 wide transmission of the coronavirus,” ernment’s efforts to restart advisory-panel for you! Our network has recovered millions for clients! Arlington government spokesman Mary meetings in an online format over the Call today for a FREE consultation! 1-888-409-1261 Need IRS Relief $10K - $125K+ Get Fresh Start or For- Curtius said after checking with County summer were met with disdain by mem- giveness Call 1-877-378-1182 Monday through Friday 7AM-5PM PST Board Chairman Libby Garvey. bers and chairs of those organizations, MISCELLANEOUS Two great new offers from AT&T Wireless! Ask how to “No one knows, at this point, when not because they were only resurrected Thinking about installing a new shower? American Stan- get the Next Generation Samsung Galaxy S10e FREE. that might be, but she believes that the online but because the rollout effort was dard makes it easy. FREE design consultation. Enjoy your FREE iPhone with AT&T’s Buy one, Give One. While sup- board may continue to follow its current deemed poorly conceived and executed. shower again! Call 1-855-337-8855 today to see how plies last! CALL 1-866-565-8452 or www.freephones- you can save $1,000 on installation, or visit www.news- practice for at least another six months,” On the plus side for Garvey, her oppo- now.com//cadnet Curtius said. nent in the Nov. 3 election – independent howerdeal.com/cadnet That would put Arlington well behind Audrey Clement – said she was in agree- !!OLD GUITARS WANTED!! GIBSON, FENDER, MARTIN, DISH Network $59.99 For 190 Channels! Add High Etc. 1930’s to 1980’s. TOP DOLLAR PAID. CALL TOLL the curve of many other local jurisdic- ment that meetings should remain “vir- Speed Internet for ONLY $19.95/month. Call Today for FREE 1-866-433-8277 tions, including Fairfax County, where the tual” until the health condition stabilized $100 Gift Card! Best Value & Technology. FREE Instal- Board of Supervisors has resumed meet- – whenever, or if, that occurs. lation. Call 1-855-837-9146 (some restrictions apply) Stay in your home longer with an American Standard ing in person (with appropriate health Republicans have not elded a candi- Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a precautions). date in the County Board race. WANTED TO BUY free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and instal- Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas inter- lation! Call us at 1-855-481-3969 or visit www.walkin- ests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 from 2018. tubquote.com/national (Rounding out the top 10 jurisdictions Tourism were Norfolk, Alexandria, Richmond, Reader Advisory: e Continued from Page 5 Prince William County and Williams- National Trade Associa- tion we belong to has Dental Insurance burg.) purchased the above Get dental insurance from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company to help enues rise 4.9 percent to $1.91 billion. The 2019 gures, though newly re- classieds. 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Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certifi cate of this type. Contact us for complete details spending in the commonwealth for the September, when the 2020 gures are re- help their clients estab- about this insurance solicitation. This specifi c offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-888-799-4433 or respond for similar offer. Certifi cate lish mail order selling C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN). year, a percentage effectively unchanged ported. and other businesses 6154-0120 at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money Satellite Internet That is Unlimited in advance or give the 2 client your checking, With No Hard Data Limits! license ID, or credit Your Submissions are Invited card numbers. 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sungazette.news October 15, 2020 15 ART Bus Fiscal-Year Passengers Totals Down, Not Out The Arlington Transit (ART) bus network saw less of the recently concluded scal year with the high point of a fall-off in ridership during the initial phase of the CO- ART ridership in scal 2017, the average daily count was VID crisis than some other public-transit systems across down 27.7 percent. the region, according to new data. Figures were reported to the Northern Virginia Trans- For the scal year ending June 30, the ART system portation Commission earlier in the month. – funded by the Arlington government but operated by a The ART system bene ted from a strong rst half private contractor – reported an average daily bus board- of the scal year (July through December 2019), when ing total of 8,224, down 12.8 percent from the 9,434 re- passenger counts were up 6.7 percent from a year before ported for the previous scal year. – more a game of catch-up from previous higher levels A decline of that magnitude may seem like not much than of setting any new records. to celebrate, but keep in mind it includes a three-month At the end of 2019, the county government parted period from April to June that saw the local area in the ways with the longtime operator of the bus service, shift- depths of the COVID pandemic and lockdown, which ing the contract to First Transit, which runs several hun- cut ridership to nearly nothing before beginning a very dred bus systems across the nation, including OmniRide gradual, and far from complete, rebound. in Prince William County. That decline in year-over-year average daily board- third from scal 2016. At the time, of cials said the switch was made to at- ings for ART compares to a drop of 18.6 percent for the (Those gures include ridership on the Metro and Vir- tempt to address issues related to on-time reliability. Fairfax Connector system; a decline of 16.1 percent for ginia Railway Express rail systems; Metrobus in North- The ART system was created in the 1990s to lower the Alexandria’s DASH system; and a drop of 23.6 percent ern Virginia; and both intra-locality and interjurisdic- county government’s costs of providing transit service. for Metrobus ridership across Northern Virginia. tional bus service across the region.) Its routes often replaced similar service provided by the Across Northern Virginia as a whole, transit ridership While Arlington of cials may be pleased that the ART Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s Me- for the scal year ending June 30 totaled 62.1 million, gures weren’t worse, the bus network had posted year- trobus network. down 23.8 percent from a year before and off nearly a over-year declines in scal 2018 and 2019. If comparing – Scott McCaffrey Election O cials: Enough Pollworkers Have Signed Up SCOTT McCAFFREY be far fewer at the polls on Nov. 3 than had been the case said at a recent forum. Sta Writer in recent presidential elections. But the turnout on Elec- “A long line doesn’t necessarily mean a long wait,” tion Day is still expected to be signi cant. Reinemeyer said. “We haven’t seen a longer wait than Whatever national political kookiness may transpire John Vihstadt, a former County Board member who 30 minutes . . . but that line will look pretty long when between now and Nov. 3, at least the Arlington elections participated in the Bar Foundation forum, said local people are spaced out 6 feet.” of ce is not having to stress out over a election of cials and the community bene ted from con- Arlington, like the rest of the commonwealth, opened lack of those willing and able to work ducting two elections – a June U.S. Senate primary and early in-person voting on Sept. 18, using leased space at the polls. July County Board special election – earlier in the CO- 2200 Clarendon Blvd., near from the county-government “We were fully staffed by Sept. 1, VID crisis. headquarters. which is unheard of,” county director “It worked great,” Vihstadt said of the precautions Starting Oct. 17, limited early-voting opportuni- ELECTION of elections Gretchen Reinemeyer said that were put in place. ties will be available at four satellite locations: Aurora during an online forum sponsored by And while there always can be improvements, Vih- Hills Community Center, Langston-Brown Community 2020 the Arlington County Bar Founda- stadt – who has been casting ballots in Arlington since Center, Madison Community Center and Walter Reed tion. 1981 – said the county deserves the high regard it gets for Community Center. (A complete schedule is available at “We’ve been very fortunate. We’ve never had that conducting elections. https://vote.arlingtonva.us.) many workers express an interest that early in the pro- “Times change, people change, [but] voting in Arling- Early voting will continue through Oct. 31 at the vari- cess,” Reinemeyer said. “We are turning away people.” ton has always been speedy, it’s been simple, it’s been safe ous locations, then be shut down in anticipation of the (Although there likely will be the need to plug an occa- and it’s been secure,” he said. Nov. 3 regular polling day. That day, polls will be open sional hole. “In my experience, there’s always people that Election of cers receive $175 for what usually ends up from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. at all precincts. drop out at the last minute,” said Reinemeyer, who served being a 15-hour day at the polls. Each precinct is led by a Reinemeyer told the Sun Gazette that her of ce has as deputy to county elections chief Linda Lindberg and, chief pollworker, who earns $230, and an assistant, who been working with local health of cials since the onset after Lindberg’s retirement last year, was tapped to suc- pockets $200. of the pandemic in the spring, and were not aware of any ceed her.) Election Of cials: Even If Lines are Long, They Will instance in which a voter or staff member picked up the Reinemeyer said Arlington’s experience is not unique Move Quickly: Arlington election of cials are advising COVID virus by being at the polls. in terms of having a wealth of pollworkers early in the the public not to be dissuaded if lines for voting, either in To keep things safe, Arlington election of cials are process. “That’s true of all of Northern Virginia – we’ve advance of Nov. 3 or on Election Day itself, seem long. asking voters to wear facial coverings while in line and seen record numbers,” she said. “You can expect to see a pretty long line, but that’s voting, if at all possible. But, under a decision handed With many in the electorate this year opting to cast because of the spacing we’re trying to put between vot- down at the state level, “you will not be turned away to ballots early, either by mail or in person, there likely will ers,” county director of elections Gretchen Reinemeyer vote if you do not wear a facemask,” Reinemeyer said. New Fairfax Prosecutor on Prowl for More O ce Funds BRIAN TROMPETER our ethical obligations,” Descano said. “What we have is have gotten this way . . . We wouldn’t be having this Sta Writer results [under which], quite frankly, potentially innocent ‘shock moment’ with such a big number.” people could be wrongly convicted or dangerous people But Rohrer, formerly the county’s police chief, de- The Board of Supervisors sympathized Sept. 22 with can be left out on the street, making our community fended Horan’s and Morrogh’s actions. Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Desca- more vulnerable.” “I only observed the highest integrity and ethics by no’s multi-million-dollar request for more staff, but hesi- The press for extensive new funding (anything above them and their staffs,” said Rohrer. tated to endorse his proposal. 15 staff that had been anticipated) left supervisors reel- Lawyer Andrew Kersey, a former prosecutor under Descano advanced scenarios asking for between 15 ing. Horan, said Descano’s chief of staff was a non-attorney and 137 more employees, described an “unsettling” lack “We’re all kind of in a little bit of a state of shock making nearly $135,000 per year. of resources in his of ce. He projected charts showing here,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeff McKay “I have little hope that the Board of Supervisors will how commonwealth’s attorney of ces in other jurisdic- (D) said of the proposed costs. put a full stop to Mr. Descano’s blatant attempt to hide tions had more staff per capita and lower ratios of police Descano, elected last November, hinted that his two his own shortcomings and inef ciencies by blaming his of cers to attorneys. predecessors, Robert Horan and Ray Morrogh, had not predecessors as he tries to get more money from an al- “When prosecutors don’t have the ability and the boosted staff size suf ciently over time. ready cash-strapped county,” Kersey wrote in a Sept. 21 resources to do their work, it makes it dif cult to meet “It’s a real shame,” Descano said. “It never should e-mail to McKay.

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18 October 15, 2020 sungazette.news THE 1970s “Awakenings” drug Arlington history 9. Boll weevil, e.g. © StatePoint Media Items taken from the archives of the 10. Saintly sign 11. Like never-losing Steven Northern Virginia Sun. Find out more on ACROSS 12. ind of nurse local history at the Web site www.arling- 1. uscular contraction 15. ot outside tonhistoricalsociety.org. 6. .C. mover and shaker 20. Egg-shaped 9. “That was close” October 22, 1936: 22. Cash dispenser 13. Blood circulation organ n Dairies across Northern Virginia, 24. Compensating 14. FEA provisions, e.g. which have been selling milk for 10 or euivalents 15. ot bob, to a boxer 11 cents a pint, have been ordered by the 25. “The ary Tyler oore 16. Like a whistle state government to increase that price to Show” spin-off 17. labor org. 13 cents. 26. Center of a church, pl. n 18. Speck in the ocean A Republican pep rally attracted 800 27. efendants excuse to the Washington-Lee auditorium. 19. Fallen South 29. Black tropical cuckoo n Prices for Virginia’s tobacco harvest Vietnamese capital 31. “ call first ” are higher this year than last fall. 21. ar movie and 32. ndergo a chemical n Washington-Lee and Handley played Oscar-winner reaction to a 0-0 tie in the rain. 23. Once around 33. Blood of the reek gods 24. Hippocrates promise 34. First Lady, familiarly October 22, 1956: 25. Ribonucleic acid 36. utch export n Arlington police say they will follow 28. Bakery unit 38. South American wood state law and arrest anyone who attempts 30. Foliage vein to integrate seating areas in any upcoming sorrels 35. n fine fettle candidate forums. 42. Talk like emosthenes 37. Scoop or skinny n It’s been 10 years since Alexandria’s 45. Paso , CA 39. ephews sister George Washington High School varsity 49. By means of 40. “etamorphoses” poet football squad has lost to a Virginia High 51. o back into business 41. ABBAs genre School League opponent, but the Wake- 54. Behind a stern 43. Thailand money eld gridders managed to do it over the 56. Pleasant odor 44. Temporarily ban weekend. 57. Serum, pl. 46. ay to fry 58. Cheryl Ladd on October 22, 1964: 47. amie Fraser of 64. Between Fla. and iss. DOWN “Charlies Angels” n The Sun has strongly endorsed Lyn- “Outlander” 66. Cold cream brand 1. Anatomical pouch 59. olfers dread don Johnson for president. 48. ”The ods 68. oes like some coffee 2. Plural of 6 Across 60. Fixed look n Gov. Harrison has bowed to a court Themselves” author makers 3. 51, evada 61. Flying biter order and will call a special session of the 50. Romanov ruler 69. Tasseled hat 4. “way to Heaven” 62. Blue pencil mark legislature to deal with redistricting. 52. ive it a go 70. ot snail mail 5. Feed beet 63. nternet pop-ups n Arlingtonian James Bregman has 53. t prevents objectivity 71. Back talk 6. Some have a high 65. “Enter the ragon” star won a bronze medal in judo in the Olym- 55. Brewed beverage 72. icklaus peg tolerance for it 67. “Rocky” stars nickname pic Games. 57. First .S. space station 73. Smartly dressed 7. 1973 crisis 60. r. efferson October 20-21, 1972: 8. Oliver Sacks 63. est for an eagle n Virginia has 400,000 more voters this year than during the 1968 presidential election. n The Washington Metropolitan Area 55+ News Transit Authority will begin operating the region’s four private bus lines by the end The Arlington County government’s GARDENING GROUP TO GATHER ON- BASICS, INTRICACIES OF MEDICARE of the year. ve 55+ Centers remain closed due to LINE: A gardening group led by hor- DISCUSSED: Understanding Medicare is n Arlington needs to embark on a the public-health pandemic, but “virtual” ticulturist Kirsten Conrad of Virginia the topic of an online brie ng on Wednes- “crash program” of parkland acquisition and outdoor programs are available free Cooperative Extension will meet online day, Oct. 21 at 11 a.m. (Activity #911503- if it hopes to beat developers to remaining of charge this month and are open to all on Monday, Oct. 19 at 1 p.m. (Activity 1) parcels, a task force says. residents 55 years of age and older. #911401-1) n The General Assembly is considering Residents must pre-register. Registra- FORESTER TO LOOK AT CHALLENGES whether to create a state panel to rate mo- tion is available at https://registration.ar- TECHNOLOGICAL AIDS TO HEARING FACED BY URBAN TREES: Vincent Ver- tion pictures. lingtonva.us or by calling (703) 228-4747, LOSS DISCUSSED: Using technology weij, the Arlington government’s urban ext. 3. to combat hearing loss is the topic of an forester, will present an online tour of October 22, 1984: online discussion led by Bonnie O’Leary trees in National Landing, and also dis- n Democratic challenger Edythe Har- WORKSHOP LOOKS AT MAKING MOST of the Northern Virginia Resource Center cuss the challenges faced by trees in an rison says U.S. Sen. John Warner is an OF MEDICARE: Making the most of on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 1:30 p.m. (Activity urban environment, on Wednesday, Oct. “ideological twin” of Jesse Helms. Medicare during the upcoming open-en- #911500-5) 21 at 3 p.m. (Activity #911400-12) rollment period, presented by Virginia In- surance Counseling and Assistance Pro- CLASSIC-ROCK FANS GATHER FOR HISTORY-ROUNDTABLERS TO GATHER CROSSWORD SOLUTION gram, will be offered online on Thursday, RETROSPECTIVE: A discussion of ONLINE: A weekly history-discussion Oct. 15 at 12:30 p.m. (Activity #911503- Creedence Clearwater Revival and the group led by Dwight Rogers of Encore 2) Byrds will be the topic of discussion in a Learning will be held online on Thursday, forum of American rock-music legends Oct. 22 at 1 p.m. For the weekly topic, DRAWING CLASS TO FOCUS ON PEN- led by musician Carl Gold on Tuesday, e-mail [email protected]. (Activity CIL WORK: A basic-drawing class fea- Oct. 20 at 2 p.m. (Activity #911802-6) #911401-11) turing how to use graphite and colored pencils effectively will be presented on OPPORTUNITIES FOR VOLUNTEER PAINTING PROGRAM AVAILABLE FOR Friday, Oct. 16 at 1 p.m. featuring com- SERVICE DETAILED: Volunteer opportu- ALL AGES: Plein-air painting on easels, munity-arts programmer Jennifer Drobly- nities that make a difference will be part a program for all ages, will be offered on en. A supply list and more details will be of an online discussion led by Volunteer Thursday, Oct. 22 at 10 a.m. at Fairling- provided with registration con rmation. Arlington on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 2 p.m. ton Center Park, 3307 South Stafford St. (Activity #911301-6) (Activity #911400-17) (Activity #911700-9)

sungazette.news October 15, 2020 19 Weichert Realtors Color Key Specifications

Weichert Black Weichert Yellow Print: Print: C-94,M-77,Y-53,K-94 C-0,M-0,Y-92,K-0 Digital: Digital: Hex# Hex

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Donald Metcalf, Senior Mortgage Advisor 571.594.6178Mortgage Access Corp. NMLS #2731 – Licensed Mortgage [email protected] Lender: VA, MD and DC. ©2018 Weichert, Realtors®. Weichert® NMLS# is a federally 294779registered trademark owned by Weichert Co. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. REALTOR® is a federally registered collectiveembership m mark which identifies a real © ® ® ® Mortgage Access Corp. NMLS#2731 - Licensed Mortgage Lender: VA, MD and DC. 2020 Weichert, Realtorsestate. Weichert professional is a whofederally is a Member registered of the trademark NATIONAL owned ASSOCIATION by Weichert OF REALTORS® Co. All other and subscribestrademarks to areits strict the property Code of Ethics.of their respective owners. REALTOR is a federally registered collective membership mark which identifi es a real estate professional who is a Member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics. SAVE THE DATE to visit with us virtually! List Your Home NOW! 2020 Live-in Arlington Info-Fair (LAIF) • serious buyers continue to look (safely)…very often competing with other offers • with limited inventory, there’s less competition for your home. As restrictions Saturday, October, 31st from 10-3 have eased, we’ve seen more listings come on to the market (and And attend our virtual “Buying Your First Condo” class @ 2 p.m. expect more to follow) Watch for more info and links!!! • your Weichert associate offers virtual services enabling you to sell your home now...keeping your and our community’s well-being our top priority. Call your Weichert associate today!

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Great Market; Great Support Virtual classes For more information contact available. Denyse “Nia” Bagley 703-525-0812 [email protected] Arlington Census Palooza 3/7 Enroll today! Help Arlington County ‘ Get out the Count ’ and expand its outreach –just days Equal Opportunity Employer. We will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, a disability or familial status. before the 2020 Census invitations to arrive in mailboxes. ® THIS Saturday, March 7 9 - noon EVERYONE Weichert Arlington Ellen M. Bozman Government Center (Courthouse Plaza) 2100 Clarendon Blvd COUNTS! + https://topics.arlingtonva.us/events/arlington-census-palooza/ WWW.MY2020CENSUS.GOV 4701 Old Dominion Drive • 703-527-3300 Weichert Arlington is a proud 2020 Census Partner The U.S. Census counts every resident in the United States. Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution mandates that this occur every 10 years. The information the census collects helps determine how more than $675 billion of federal funding is distributed to states and communities each year. Weichert Arlington is a proud 2020 Census Partner 20 October 15, 2020 sungazette.news