INSIDE: Arlington drivers ranked safest in Virginia • See Page 4 Serving Arlington & Beyond for over 25 years INSIDE: FIND A tradition of OUR AUTUMN 12 exceptional GUIDE TO THE WAKEFIELD service REAL-ESTATE LACROSSE and success 703.538.6030 | brockrealty.comLOOKING MARKETPLACE FOR SUCCESS Bret Brock • 703.538.6030 • brockrealty.com Sun Gazette ARLINGTON’S SOURCE FOR HOMETOWN NEWS SINCE 1935 VOLUME 85 NO. 44 OCTOBER 15-21, 2020 Regional Housing Juggernaut Still Rolling New Data Show Market Is Not Losing Momentum, Either in Sales or Prices Having stalled over the spring for And as a result, the metro area’s home a year before – according to gures re- dria, Fairfax and Falls Church in Virgin- somewhat obvious reasons, the summer- sales might close out 2020 doing some- ported by MarketStats by ShowingTime, ia; and Montgomery and Prince George’s time real-estate rebound across the region thing that would have been seen as a based on listing activity from Bright counties in Maryland.) continued in September, with median crackpot idea a few months ago – equal- MLS, on Oct. 12. “The signicant momentum from the sales prices hitting an all-time high for the ling or exceeding 2019’s sales gures. (Figures represent market activity in summer continued into the fall in the month and year-over-year sales up nearly A total of 5,455 properties went to the District of Columbia; Arlington and 40 percent. closing last month – up 37.3 percent from Fairfax counties and the cities of Alexan- Continued on Page 15 MASON MULLS ITS FACILITY NEEDS IN A CHANGING WORLD A statue of James Madison stands on the main campus of his namesake university. Ocials at Virginia’s largest university last week held a forum on the needs of the vari- ous campuses, and unveiled a projection that the student population will continue grow- ing, albeit probably at a slower pace, in com- ing decades. See full coverage on Page 7. GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY Arlington Board to Continue ‘Duck-and-Cover’ Approach? ‘Virtual’ Meetings Could Extend Well Into 2021 Even as Neighboring Localities Loosen Up SCOTT McCAFFREY will I see you again? When will we share check under the bed. about having themelves and the public in Sta Writer precious moments? Even as other jurisdictions across the the same space at the same time. Put another way: Planning on looking Washington area spring back to life with “The board will continue its current In the immortal lyrics of the 1970s for an Arlington County Board meeting in-person governmental meetings, it ap- singing group the Three Degrees: When in coming months? You might want to pears Arlington leaders remain skittish Continued on Page 15 ONLINE https://sungazette.news l On Facebook: sungazettenews l On Twitter: @sungazettenews @sungazettespts Local Postal Customer Postal Local Years PERMIT NO. 605 605 NO. PERMIT 44 703.528.2288 Frederick, MD Frederick, 44 PAID U.S. POSTAGE U.S. www.BuckRealtors.com ECRWSS PRSRT STD PRSRT 703.528.2288 www.BuckRealtors.com 703.528.2288 www.BuckRealtors.com Co. Board to Revisit Proposal That Could Revamp Aordable-Housing Income Threshold on Pike SCOTT McCAFFREY ty Board members in June. nounced themselves “mystied” to up to 100 percent of median mission members, staff said it Sta Writer Staff say the proposal would why the measure was being ag- income would “better align with “does not anticipate” changing increase opportunities for those gressively pushed by staff in the the overall cost of home-own- the rules would lead to a rush of Four months after kicking who wish to purchase housing midst of a pandemic, without ership within the county, and condominium conversion. the can down the road due to along the Pike corridor. sufcient community input. expand the pool of eligible, The question of who should community opposition, Arling- If approved, it would icnrease (Staff has done additional qualied buyers seeking to pur- get top priority for limited hous- ton County Board members on the maximum threshold, from outreach since the June meet- chase an affordable home in the ing-assistance funds in Arlington Oct. 17 will again address wheth- the current 60 percent of area ing, including a presentation to county,” government staff said is one that has festered for years. er to change the parameters for median income to up to as much the Housing Commission in July in June. The Arlington Green Party is those seeking to own subsidized as 100 percent, for individuals to and an online community “webi- The proposal is specic to one that long has pushed county affordable-housing units in the qualify for assistance in buying nar” in September.) projects built under provisions leaders to provide more funding Columbia Pike corridor. properties. The policy change as recom- of the Columbia Pike Form- to support housing for those at Faced with criticism on mul- Critics, however, say the pro- mended by housing staff appears Based Code, which promises a the lower end of the economic tiple fronts, board members in posal will direct county-govern- designed to align with the coun- streamlined approval process for spectrum, calling the current June essentially threw a staff ment priorities away from the ty government’s recent efforts projects that meet certain bench- government housing policy proposal under the bus. “There’s most vulnerable residents to to retain what is being called marks. “clueless.” just a need for a lot more conver- subsidize households earning “the missing middle” – county Developers are allowed, but Other critics of the govern- sation,” acknowledged County $100,000 or more. residents who earn too much for not required, to use the Form- ment’s housing policy contend Board member Katie Cristol, At the June County Board housing subsidies but earn too Based Code process for projects that “missing middle” policies who voted with her colleagues to meeting, a number of critics little to afford most housing in in the Pike corridor. have little to do with retaining the defer consideration of the pro- pounced on the initial proposal. the increasingly off-the-charts The staff proposal has not inceasingly limited stock of mid- posal. “It is designed to benet up- Arlington homes market. recommended changing the ex- priced housing in the county, but The proposal has now re- per-middle-class people . the Under current rules, house- isting ceiling of 60 percent of are more about adding density so turned to the County Board’s opposite of what was intended” holds eligible to purchase afford- area median income for those the county government can reap agenda, although (as of press when affordable-housing plans able units are limited to incomes who can receive rental assistance, tax windfalls, and does not take time) there had been no staff re- for Columbia Pike were put in of $51,000 to $78,660, depending but expanding subsidies to more into consideration the ancillary port issued. place, said Juliet Hiznay in a on household size. At 80 percent homeowners holds the prospect and sometimes unexpected costs However, the matter was con- message to County Board mem- of median income, that would of apartment units’ being con- to government (and thus taxpay- sidered by the Planning Commis- bers. rise to $70,560 to $108,880, while verted to condominiums that ers) associated with more hous- sion on Oct. 5, and the proposal A coalition of presidents of at 100 percent, it would grow to would be marketed to a more af- ing in an increasingly urbanized presented by staff was relatively civic associations in the Colum- $88,200 to $136,100. uent cohort. environment. in line with that offered to Coun- bia Pike corridor in June pro- The change in income levels In a report to Planning Com- • • • There’s comfort in being part of a strong community like Ashby Ponds and Greenspring, the area’s most popular senior living communities. We’re managed by Erickson Living,® a leader in senior living and health care. 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But ton Heights Women’s Club and rishioners at Clarendon United war clouds were building in the Clarendon United Method- Methodist Church turned out early 1940s, and eventually she ist Church, a congregation she Oct. 4 for a celebration – with accepted a recruiting offer to joined 70 years ago this Septem- some social-distancing involved come to the local area, where she ber. – of the 100th anniversary of worked at Arlington Hall for the William Brown died in 1977, the birth of Gertrude “Trudy” Army Security Agency. Her of- and several years later, Trudy Ensign. ce handled messages from eld married Allen Ensign, himself a Mrs. Ensign watched the pro- ofces and stations all over the member of (and head usher at) ceedings in front of her home, world, including intercepts from Clarendon United Methodist. with well-wishers driving past to enemy agents. She went on to hold a number offer their greetings. Ever since the War Depart- of leadership positions at the It was in October 1920 that ment paid her train fare from church, with her favorite per- Gertrude Carley was born to Iowa, she has been an Arlington haps being membership secre- Arthur and Lottie Dye Carley resident, starting in a rooming tary, where she kept track of ba- into an Iowa farming family that house with several other female bies born and baptized, couples loved its baseball (as a youngster, Arlington Hall employees within wed and new members joining she reported scores and game walking distance of the facility.
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