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I Pap 13 ■ Pit* IS ilt WtatarayaitlraMif? in M, Itt CMftS Specialists analyze whether a book will Junior Sandy Ting tells the story of her expe- Senior tennis star a "prime example" of provide therapy for those seeking self-help. rience on MTV's "Fear." what a student-athlete should be. TYfJi -watftK James Madison Untverstty Scattered T-itonns Hifk:83 HEttBREEZE Low: ST Vol. 79, issue W //ui'-i/nt/. AimI IS. 2002 Bronze Madison e'VVtsCr-r-Ar to grace Graduation practice nixed Alumni induction kicks off Senior Week BY MICAH PAYTON nario for the students who BY JAMES TURNAOE contributing writer serve as faculty marshals to contributing writer Graduating seniors lead students, faculty and A week of events for sen- garden received e-mails last week platform parties into the sta- a^x n-16 iors to leave JMU with a BY KYRA PAPAFIL from university registrar dium would be a much bet- Monday WrdiUMlax bang kicks off Monday. news editor Sherry Hood notifying them ter effort," Rooney said. While graduation marks the Mr. Madison comes to his that the rehearsal for the According to Hood, fulfillment of hard work, it namesake university this fall. May graduation ceremony practice was cancelled pri- does not have to mark the Through a donation by a family was cancelled. marily for two reasons: end of the JMU experience of JMU alumni, a life-sized stat- Hood and Glenda Rooney, using the Web site, for graduates. ■ I IIIIIMI.IV ue of America's fourth president associate vice president of umrw.jmu .edu/commencemen t, Monday from 6 to 7 p.m. will rest in garden plaza across Parent and Constituent for better organization and a fun the Alumni Association from the Hoffman Hall bus stop. Relations, made the final deci- historically low turnout in • Induction Ceremony will be The solid bronze statue accu- sion to cancel graduation past graduation practices. held on the Quad. The cere- rately depicts America's shortest practices, according to In explaining the reasons mony will mark the first president standing 5 feet 2 and Rooney. However, a VVeb site for the cancellation. Hood event of JMU's Class of 2002 one-half inches tall. Madison is was developed detailing said that in past commence- Senior Week. posing in formal 18th-century graduation procedures for ments, "The main problem ■ Also on Monday night is attire as an orator, holding an seniors to prevent confusion. has been keeping tnt- lines a dance party at Biltmore unmarked book. According to "We felt that developing [of the graduates) formed www.jmu.idii alumni scniiirwcck Grill, beginning at 9 p.m. a Web site and coming up Fred Hilton, director of universi- see MAY, page 5 graphic* try AMANDA HINt KhJvatt dirrclor see SENIOR, page 6 ty communications, Madison is with a better rehearsal sce- holding a book to denote his legacy as a scholar and educator. -« ...I was interested in having a statue at the university. JMU tracks JAC card use — Lois Forbes class of '60 UREC, Dining Services, 59 police, others can access student info through JAC Bruce and Lois Forbes, their son, Jeff Forbes ('90) and his BY DAVID CLEMENTSON AND KATE SNYDER wife, Stephanie Forbes {'92) news editor and staff writer contributed an undisclosed amount in order to fund the Most students may not know how many people have access to individual student ID making of the statue. Lois numbers and JAC card information. Forbes ('60), said, "One day a PeopleSoft. a business software provider, couple of years ago I was taking created a program that enables administrators a tour with the (James to type m students' names or ID numbers to Madison) Foundation Board look up various records. Such records include through the (Carrier) Library address information, class schedules, grade and realized that there was no point average records and even where and statue of James Madison." when a JAC card was last used. According to Hilton, sculp- tors from South Dakota, Lee Leuing and Sherri Treeby pro- —66 ; duced the statue of Madison. Different departments have Hilton said Leuing and Treeby also are sculpting statues of all access to this information 43 presidents to be displayed in the City of Presidents, a new depending on what they do. tourist attraction currently being — Becky Hinkle built in Rapid City, South Card Services, director Dakota. Rapid City is located near Mount Rushmore. It was fairly coincidental," According to Becky Hinkle, director of Lois Forbes said. "The sculptors Card Services, this program is used for the were on the Internet looking for best interest of the student. "Different other places where a statue of a departments have access to this information president would be wanted, and depending on what they do." she said. they contacted Fred Hilton, who According to Hinkle, Student knew I was interested in having Organization Services uses PeopleSoft to get a statue at the university." address information and schedules of those Trie statue was brought to the students who withdraw from the university. university in December, where According to Hinkle, Dining Services uses it the Forbes' and university offi- to find out when the student withdrawing cials viewed the statue. ate his or her last meal so they can know According to Lois Forbes, the how much to refund for a meal plan. sculptors were allowed to make Stephanie Hoshower, operations director of up to two replications of each Dining Services would not comment on fur- president they are making for the ther uses of JAC card records. City of Presidents. As of now, no According to Lorie Miller, UREC's coor- other statue of Madison will be dinator of member services, UREC is anoth- made, according to Lois Forbes. er part of campus that keeps track of student Hilton said plans for the gar- records through JAC cards. UREC has a new den plaza currently are being software system called Centrec that tracks finalized, and the statue will be visitor information through the JAC card. unveiled once the plaza is com- According to Eric Nickel, director of plete in Fall 2002, even though University Recreation. Centrec eventually the statue already is stored on will be able to identify the following infor- campus in an undisclosed loca- mation about students: year in school, tion, according to Hilton. Director of the James CINDY TINKER/wuor omii see JAC, page 4 Madison Center Phil Bigler said tee ALUMNI, page 5 All Together One honors JMU community members BY JOHN NGUYEN Catholic Campus Ministries by asking students, staff and contributing writer coordinator Rev. John Grace. faculty tor their opinion of The third annual "All Freshman Crystal who at JMU constantly are a Together One" ceremony Munsom, committee coordina- source of power and motiva- tor of the event said that the tion for many. -Jf :& Tuesday afternoon on the steps of Wilson Hall honored five event was not an awards cere- Munsom, who opened the members of JMU's community mony. "Triose who were hon- hour-long ceremony, said the who have had a profound ored today have been recog- concept behind "All Together impact on the lives of those nized, not awarded, for their One" was to help inspire others around them. contributions to the communi- by telling the stories of a few The 2002 honorees includ- ty here at JMU," she said, dedicated individuals at JMU. ed ISAT professor Tony Chen, adding that these individuals Each honoree was introduced Student Orientation Director often go out of their way to by a person reading their biog- help others in what appears to raphy. Then the recognized Courtesy of THE DAILY NEWS RECORD Debra Brawn, Karen Evans E K\Mj*enu>r phmoxwpher be natural motions. individual was given a scroll DAV Th» statiM of JM)N M«H«on from the Academic Advising JMU President Unwood ROM and his wife applaud the hon- wa* donated by Bruca and and Career Development According to Munsom, committees select the honorees ore** at the All Togatfwr On* carsmony. Lol» Forbes. office, senior Noah Marlier and ste FIVE, page 5 2 ITHK BREEZE ITHURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2(K)2 Thursday, April 18, 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR THURSDAY, APRIL 18 SATURDAY, APRIL 20 NEWS Environmental clean-up in local • Softball vs. Bridgcu alcr Colk-ge, 4 p.m. • UREC biathlon, starts at 9:30 a.m. in the UREC pool creek 3 Prospectives weekend 3 • Baptist Student Union large group praise and worship, 5:30 • March ol Dimes fund-raising event WalkAmerica, a fund- p.m.. Baplisi Student Center on the corner of Cantrell Avenue raising walk which raises mohey for birth defect prevention OPINION and South Main Street, contact Archie at 434-6822 research and programs. Students can become involved by signing up to participate or by donating money. Contact Complexities of language getting • Young Democratic Socialists general meeting, 8 p.m., Kristina Gunn at 438-3459 or gunnkl Taylor 309, lor more information, visit lost in shuffle 7 www.iimt.t'Ju/orgs/yoimxdcmsoc/or contact Aaron or Adam Darts & Pals 7 at 433-6411 TO SUBMIT A DUKE DAY EVENT: E-mail Khalil of The Brrtzt at garriokp with the information Honors program changes protested 7 (event, date, location, contact info, etc.) Spotlight: What will be the next con- struction project at JMU? 9 Letters to the editor 8 POLICE LOG Underage Possession of Alcohol BY KiMDtRn MIKIN/II • Anne B Valeant, 19. of Elmira, NY. was Student explains importance of police log reporter charged with underage possession of alcohol off solidarity 9 campus April 12 at 11:23 p.m.