I Pap 13 ■ Pit* IS ilt WtatarayaitlraMif? in M, Itt CMftS Specialists analyze whether a book will Junior Sandy Ting tells the story of her expe- Senior tennis star a "prime example" of provide therapy for those seeking self-help. rience on MTV's "Fear." what a student-athlete should be.

TYfJi -watftK Untverstty

Scattered T-itonns Hifk:83 HEttBREEZE Low: ST Vol. 79, issue W //ui'-i/nt/. AimI IS. 2002 Bronze Madison e'VVtsCr-r-Ar to grace Graduation practice nixed Alumni induction kicks off Senior Week BY MICAH PAYTON nario for the students who BY JAMES TURNAOE contributing writer serve as faculty marshals to contributing writer Graduating seniors lead students, faculty and A week of events for sen- garden received e-mails last week platform parties into the sta- a^x n-16 iors to leave JMU with a BY KYRA PAPAFIL from university registrar dium would be a much bet- Monday WrdiUMlax bang kicks off Monday. news editor Sherry Hood notifying them ter effort," Rooney said. While graduation marks the Mr. Madison comes to his that the rehearsal for the According to Hood, fulfillment of hard work, it namesake university this fall. May graduation ceremony practice was cancelled pri- does not have to mark the Through a donation by a family was cancelled. marily for two reasons: end of the JMU experience of JMU alumni, a life-sized stat- Hood and Glenda Rooney, using the Web site, for graduates. ■ I IIIIIMI.IV ue of America's fourth president associate vice president of umrw.jmu .edu/commencemen t, Monday from 6 to 7 p.m. will rest in garden plaza across Parent and Constituent for better organization and a fun the Alumni Association from the Hoffman Hall bus stop. Relations, made the final deci- historically low turnout in • Induction Ceremony will be The solid bronze statue accu- sion to cancel graduation past graduation practices. held on the Quad. The cere- rately depicts America's shortest practices, according to In explaining the reasons mony will mark the first president standing 5 feet 2 and Rooney. However, a VVeb site for the cancellation. Hood event of JMU's Class of 2002 one-half inches tall. Madison is was developed detailing said that in past commence- Senior Week. posing in formal 18th-century graduation procedures for ments, "The main problem ■ Also on Monday night is attire as an orator, holding an seniors to prevent confusion. has been keeping tnt- lines a dance party at Biltmore unmarked book. According to "We felt that developing [of the graduates) formed www.jmu.idii alumni scniiirwcck Grill, beginning at 9 p.m. a Web site and coming up Fred Hilton, director of universi- see MAY, page 5 graphic* try AMANDA HINt KhJvatt dirrclor see SENIOR, page 6 ty communications, Madison is with a better rehearsal sce- holding a book to denote his legacy as a scholar and educator. -« ...I was interested in having a statue at the university. JMU tracks JAC card use — Lois Forbes class of '60 UREC, Dining Services, 59 police, others can access student info through JAC Bruce and Lois Forbes, their son, Jeff Forbes ('90) and his BY DAVID CLEMENTSON AND KATE SNYDER wife, Stephanie Forbes {'92) news editor and staff writer contributed an undisclosed amount in order to fund the Most students may not know how many people have access to individual student ID making of the statue. Lois numbers and JAC card information. Forbes ('60), said, "One day a PeopleSoft. a business software provider, couple of years ago I was taking created a program that enables administrators a tour with the (James to type m students' names or ID numbers to Madison) Foundation Board look up various records. Such records include through the (Carrier) Library address information, class schedules, grade and realized that there was no point average records and even where and statue of James Madison." when a JAC card was last used. According to Hilton, sculp- tors from South Dakota, Lee Leuing and Sherri Treeby pro- —66 ; duced the statue of Madison. Different departments have Hilton said Leuing and Treeby also are sculpting statues of all access to this information 43 presidents to be displayed in the City of Presidents, a new depending on what they do. tourist attraction currently being — Becky Hinkle built in Rapid City, South Card Services, director Dakota. Rapid City is located near Mount Rushmore. It was fairly coincidental," According to Becky Hinkle, director of Lois Forbes said. "The sculptors Card Services, this program is used for the were on the Internet looking for best interest of the student. "Different other places where a statue of a departments have access to this information president would be wanted, and depending on what they do." she said. they contacted Fred Hilton, who According to Hinkle, Student knew I was interested in having Organization Services uses PeopleSoft to get a statue at the university." address information and schedules of those Trie statue was brought to the students who withdraw from the university. university in December, where According to Hinkle, Dining Services uses it the Forbes' and university offi- to find out when the student withdrawing cials viewed the statue. ate his or her last meal so they can know According to Lois Forbes, the how much to refund for a meal plan. sculptors were allowed to make Stephanie Hoshower, operations director of up to two replications of each Dining Services would not comment on fur- president they are making for the ther uses of JAC card records. City of Presidents. As of now, no According to Lorie Miller, UREC's coor- other statue of Madison will be dinator of member services, UREC is anoth- made, according to Lois Forbes. er part of campus that keeps track of student Hilton said plans for the gar- records through JAC cards. UREC has a new den plaza currently are being software system called Centrec that tracks finalized, and the statue will be visitor information through the JAC card. unveiled once the plaza is com- According to Eric Nickel, director of plete in Fall 2002, even though University Recreation. Centrec eventually the statue already is stored on will be able to identify the following infor- campus in an undisclosed loca- mation about students: year in school, tion, according to Hilton. Director of the James CINDY TINKER/wuor omii see JAC, page 4 Madison Center Phil Bigler said tee ALUMNI, page 5 All Together One honors JMU community members BY JOHN NGUYEN Catholic Campus Ministries by asking students, staff and contributing writer coordinator Rev. John Grace. faculty tor their opinion of The third annual "All Freshman Crystal who at JMU constantly are a Together One" ceremony Munsom, committee coordina- source of power and motiva- tor of the event said that the tion for many. -Jf :& Tuesday afternoon on the steps of Wilson Hall honored five event was not an awards cere- Munsom, who opened the members of JMU's community mony. "Triose who were hon- hour-long ceremony, said the who have had a profound ored today have been recog- concept behind "All Together impact on the lives of those nized, not awarded, for their One" was to help inspire others around them. contributions to the communi- by telling the stories of a few The 2002 honorees includ- ty here at JMU," she said, dedicated individuals at JMU. ed ISAT professor Tony Chen, adding that these individuals Each honoree was introduced Student Orientation Director often go out of their way to by a person reading their biog- help others in what appears to raphy. Then the recognized Courtesy of THE DAILY NEWS RECORD Debra Brawn, Karen Evans E K\Mj*enu>r phmoxwpher be natural motions. individual was given a scroll DAV Th» statiM of JM)N M«H«on from the Academic Advising JMU President Unwood ROM and his wife applaud the hon- wa* donated by Bruca and and Career Development According to Munsom, committees select the honorees ore** at the All Togatfwr On* carsmony. Lol» Forbes. office, senior Noah Marlier and ste FIVE, page 5 2 ITHK BREEZE ITHURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2(K)2

Thursday, April 18, 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR THURSDAY, APRIL 18 SATURDAY, APRIL 20 NEWS Environmental clean-up in local • Softball vs. Bridgcu alcr Colk-ge, 4 p.m. • UREC biathlon, starts at 9:30 a.m. in the UREC pool creek 3 Prospectives weekend 3 • Baptist Student Union large group praise and worship, 5:30 • March ol Dimes fund-raising event WalkAmerica, a fund- p.m.. Baplisi Student Center on the corner of Cantrell Avenue raising walk which raises mohey for birth defect prevention OPINION and South Main Street, contact Archie at 434-6822 research and programs. Students can become involved by signing up to participate or by donating money. Contact Complexities of language getting • Young Democratic Socialists general meeting, 8 p.m., Kristina Gunn at 438-3459 or gunnkl Taylor 309, lor more information, visit lost in shuffle 7 www.iimt.t'Ju/orgs/yoimxdcmsoc/or contact Aaron or Adam Darts & Pals 7 at 433-6411 TO SUBMIT A DUKE DAY EVENT: E-mail Khalil of The Brrtzt at garriokp with the information Honors program changes protested 7 (event, date, location, contact info, etc.) Spotlight: What will be the next con- struction project at JMU? 9

Letters to the editor 8 POLICE LOG Underage Possession of Alcohol BY KiMDtRn MIKIN/II • Anne B Valeant, 19. of Elmira, NY. was Student explains importance of police log reporter charged with underage possession of alcohol off solidarity 9 campus April 12 at 11:23 p.m. A bomb threat was reported in Theatre II April • Shara T. Cooper, 19, of , DC. was LIFESTYLES 13 at 12:22 a.m. An unidentified caller alleged- charged with underage possession of alcohol off ly reported a bomb threat. The area was evac- campus April 13 at 12:50 a.m. WEATHER Comics 11 uated and the building was searched with • Non-student Matthew S. Coieman, 19. of Today Crosswords 12 negative results. Woodbridge was charged with underage posses- sion of alcohol on Port Republic Road April 13 at Thunder Storms Horoscopes 12 In other matters, campus police report the fol- 5:56 a.m. High 83 Low 59 lowing: • Andrew S. Armentrout, 18, of Hamsonburg, FOCUS Robert T. Barford. 18. of Lynchburg and Adam High Low Grand Larceny Propst, 19, of Hamsonburg were charged with Self-help books 13 • Four books were stolen in Burruss Hall April 15 underage possession ot alcohol April 13 in Rain 85 51 at 2:44 p.m. Ikenberry Hall at 10 38 p.m. STYLE Scattered Showers 76 42 Petty Larceny Suspicious Person Real story Real fear 15 Mostly Cloudy 64 41 • An unknown person allegedly removed a com- • A JMU student reported that while walking Road Rule'-ers explain puter mouse and a computer keyboard from a Irom the basement ol Carrier Library to the first Americanism 16 Showers 62 37 computer lab in Harrison Hall between April 12 at floor, they were approached by a male asking for 5 p.m. and April 13 at 3 53 p.m. money The subject was described as a white Carrier library interesting, MARKET WATCH intelligent, adventurous 16 • An unknown person allegedly removed a fund male between 5 feet 11 inches and 6 feet tall, Wednmfty.Afil 17.2002 raiser donation box which contained candy bars with curly short hair wearing glasses with tape on Student dance company preview 17 and cash from Miller Hall between April 11 at 5 the frame The incident reportedly occurred April DOW JONES JL AMEX p.m. and April 12 at 8 a.m. 15 at 9:30 p.m. "The Sweetest Thing* movie 14.35 T 4.44 review 17 • An unknown subject removed a JAC card from close: 2.996.95 dose: 918.35 a wallet that was left in a tent dunng Relay for Number of drunk-in-public charges since Shopping. . rough and real 18 Life Apnl 13 between 12:30 and 8:30 p m. Aug 25: 115 NASDAQ SAP 500 6.13 t 2.30 SPORTS close: 1.810.67 dose: 1.125.88 INFORMATION Andrew Lux 19 ADVERTISING STAFF CLASSIFIEDS The Breeze is published Monday and Thursday mornings and distributed Men's tennis 19 throughout and the local Hamsonburg community. Assistant Ads Designer Lead How to place a classified Come to 77ie Breeze Comments and complaints should be addressed to Jeanine GajewskJ, editor. Women's golf 19 Manager Carty Medosch office weekdays between 8 am and 5 p m Mailing address: Lauren Kinotski Advertising The Breeze Cost: $3 00 for the first 10 words, $2 for each Sports beat G1 Anthony-Seeger Hall Secbon phone numbers Advertising Designers: 21 Style J*3151 MSC 6805 Executives. LeehMcCombe additional 10 words: boxed classified, $10 James Madison University Newt 1*6699 Club sports 21 Hamsonburg. Virginia 22807 xM041 Mark Cole Beverty KRcnens per column inch Phone. (540) 568-6127 Fax: (540) 568-6736 OpnorVFoOA: xS-3846 Ashley Gibbs James Metarese Deadlines: noon Friday for Monday issue, noon E-Mail address: the_ broezeQjmu edu Sports X&-6709 MicheseMeri Knsty N«*cri Tuesday for Thursday issue Breeze Net: hftpy/www thebreeze org Photo/Grapfra XM749 Brian Korsch Jerrtlervsea Classifieds must be paid in advance in The Bookkeeper Receptionist Business/Technology Brandon Pagekw Breeze office Coordinator Neil Sims Buajn MM -'■-.. '.'fflhorta Donna Dunn

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IPOMOMD IT NO MORE HASSLES! For moie information col: «rMI,evii (540) 5684462 www |mu edu/dillorikomps THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002 I THE BREEZE 13

"By the time we finished, the I Prospectives Weekend stream looked so much better." High school seniors spend the weekend at JMU. COLLEEN GORMAN sophomore Ht btlow Weekend brings diverse prospects SMO offers prospective minority students sneak peak at JMU BY JAMES TURNAGE contributing writer housed with current JMU stu- Saturday mock classes, a Americans to have their own er school I went to I was going provides a welcoming and dents. This is the most impor- high school step show in culture and a thriving com- to succeed academically and inclusive environment to all stu- Prospective minorily stu- tant aspect of the weekend, Wilson Hall from 2 to 4 p.m. munity on a predominately socially, but I just fell in love dents and the faculty and staff dents from the Tidewater, according to Arthur Dean II, and a go-go party in the PC white campus. with the campus and the peo- are readily accessible. Northern Virginia, Richmond assistant director of admissions, Ballroom featuring the Hucka- "Because I personally ple during prospective stu- "I would hope ... that and Lynchburg/Roanoke because "the current students... Bucks from 10 pm. to 2 a.m. had such a great experience dents' weekend." (prospective students' week- areas will take part in this convey their own personal will take place. A church service here at the institution, 1 end) will be an excellent year's 18th annual Prospective experiences of JMU and their will be held Sunday at 10 a.m. want to ensure that other -66- opportunity for students to Students Weekend positive and negative feelings in Taylor 202. African-Americans and find out early what resources The event is co-sponsored about the institution." "We want to communicate to minorities in general have a I just fell in love with are available on our campus by the Office of Admissions Sophomore Tiffany Jackson prospective students that they similar experience here. and to find out how to get and Students for Minority said, "The weekend is designed should not be intimidated when "Prospective students' the campus and the involved in the community." Outreach. SMO was organized to give prospective students a placed in an environment that weekend is vital to the universi- Dean said he hopes to in 1985 and recognized in 1989 taste of all of the events that will the majority of the people do ty in that 75 percent of the stu- people... expand the program to include as a "huge recruitment tool for be going on throughout the year not look like them, but that they dents attending tin- weekend — Kristin Brown Hispanic and latino students. the university," according to and to show students how they should find the opportunities attend JMU in the fall, and that Last year SMO was recog- soph more Zephia Bryant, senior assistant can get involved at JMU." available in that environment is very significant in the recruit- nized by Student Organizational director of the Center for Tomorrow's events include and succeed," said senior Rcnita ment of African-American stu- Services as the Outstanding Multicultural and International an organizational fair with a Moore, president of SMO. dents," Dean said. Non- Front -End -Budgeted Students Services. step show from 4 to 6 p.m. on Dean said, "We want Sophomore Kristin Brown -9? Student Organization. Throughout the weekend, the commons and a talent show prospective students to know agreed, saying, "It sealed my It has been nominated prospective students will be at 6 p.m. in Wilson Hall. that it is possible for African- decision. I knew that whichev- Bryant said. "I feel thai JMU again this year.

Just hovering 'round

JMU's first hovercraft, the Fenlx, was launched yesterday at 4 p.m. on the turf behind UREC. The Fenix was built ovef the past two years by ISAT students and profes- sors. Adorned with the Duke Dog, It rose approximately one foot off the ground and flew for 30 seconds. Students to clean up littered local creek Blacks Run getting much needed face-lift in recognition of national Earth Day BY BRANDON HUGHART Sophomore Colleen Gorman, contributing writer consist of a series of public one of about 10 other JMU stu- walking and biking paths con- After becoming polluted dents who also participated List necting small public park areas. with trash and chemical contam- year, said, "I liked the fact that I "It would offer some purely inants, Blacks Run, .1 six-mile could see the difference I was aesthetic types of benefits, long stream that passes directly making. By the time we finished, some opportunity for water through I larrisonburg, is getting the stream looked so much better quality improvement and some some much-needed help from than it had before." recreational amenities," said students and other 1 larrisonburg This year's participants will Stacy Turner, director of residents this weekend. meet in the small field across Community Development and I Saturday — two days before from the Marrisonburg Daily BRGP member. national Earth Day — marks News-Record building on Liberty Todd Hedinger, also a BR( IP t&e fifth annual Blacks Run Street at 830 a.m. Saturday for member, said the proposed Cleanup Day. registration. May said. greenway would offer many ■ "This is everyone's commu- Garbage bags and gloves will environmental benefits. nity," said Patricia May, presi- be distributed, and the groups According to Hedinger, a d*nt of the Harrisonburg- will go out to clean their desig- "riparian buffer zone" is essen- Rockingham Chamber of nated areas. Around II a.m., tially an area around a stream Commerce. "We all need to when the groups are done, lunch with many plants and shrubs work to help keep it clean. will be served and there will be that prevent erosion and filter " With the help of an estimat- live music, according to May. out pollutants from water run ed 250 volunteers, approxi- The I larrisonburg trolley, ning into the stream. mately five miles of the stream known as the "Water Bus" for "The way things are now will be cleaned Saturday, the day, will give an information- along most of Blacks Run is according to May. al tour of Blacks Run for elected horrible," Hedinger said. "The * Trash and debris will be officials, educators and other greenway would be the most removed from the stream, its interested persons. May said. cost-effective way for the city to Ithutagrapher banks and the surrounding One group giving an infor- deal with environmental quali- A creek In Blacks Run, behind Spanky's restaurant downtown, will be one of many sections sheets, which are a major source mational presentation on the ty issues that will be coming undergoing a cleanup Saturday,, In conjunction with Earth Day, Monday. of runoff pollution. May said. tour will be the Blacks Run down the road." She said a number of trees will (Iraenway Partnership, a The group horn*. to get much Jost said his collection of area, which Jost estimated to be and people love them," he said, bte planted at five sites to com- I larrisonburg group involved of the fundi. 13 hr the project photographs captures the vari- about 150 people. adding that there is a possible bat stream-bank erosion in their own effort to revitalize from private sources and public ous laoN of the stream, pre- The group has been eliciting bt*>st to downtown revitaliza- • May said this event, which Blacks Run. grants, according to Hedinger. sented with comments from public opinion through informal tion efforts. "Often times little slje helped create, has "really The BRGP is a team of They already have received a local residents about the surveys, public meetings and businesses tend to pop up along dpne quite a bit in the commu- I larrisonburg public officials grant of $11,500 from the Virginia stream's history, degradation various presentations, in the the greenway route," he said. nity to raise awareness. and private citizens that are Department of Forestry and and possible renewal. community. "|A greenwayl is a focus of I Kai Degner, a JMU gradu- pushing for the construction of expect to receive another this "I found that a lot of differ- "Wfe'rc really trying bo hear community pride, a place where al student who plan-- to parti. a "greenway" along much of year, I ledinger said. ent people care about the what people have to say about people can meet each other and i[5ote in this year's cleanup, the Marrisonburg section of Scott Jost an art professor at stream, but they care about it in having a greenway and accom- also I way to improve the health s4id, "I had a really great time Blacks Run, according to Todd Eastern Mennonite University, different ways," Jost said modate their opinions as much of the stream," Jost said tfl last year's event It Ml really Medinger, a BRGP member. has completed a photo documen- Before any plans are finalized, as possible," Jost said. Anyone interested in the gfrod to get out of the JMU bub- This "linear park," as tary JIHI interview project about the BRGP plans to speak indi Overall, Jost said the public project can find more informa- ble and give something back to Hedinger describes it, would Blacks Run entitled "Blacks Run: vidually with every property response has been very posttvc tion at the group's Web site, the community." run adjacent to Blacks Run and An American Stream." Owner in the park's immediate "Greenways improve the town MPUL blacker u t igreeni vaif.org.

—*.vy,-. 4ITHK BREEZE ITHURSDAY, APRIL IS. 2002 NEWS 1 in 4 U. Pitt, marches Junior Mike Goodman flips the number board every two min- against rape, assault utes, symbolizing the number of victims of BY CHRISTIAN SCHOENING were participating. rape and sexual The Pill News CWO member Adey assault. 1 In 4, an Woldeamanuel said she doesn't In America, one wom.in is organization of men l Ihmk this event will make a dra- dedicated to decreas- raped every 'i> NC« onilv in.iiu difference immediately; ing the Incidence of Althclni\,T.it\ d Pittsburgh, she thinks that it is more symbol- rape and sexual line in fcnir wctmen will be raped ic and is, "in hopes of a change." assault, slept out on or sv'xiulls MMlltad during their When a band finished, Mayes the commons Tuesday fcxir years (here. U'lashi Mayes took the stage and called for Take to raise awareness. 1 said during Friday's Take Back the Back the Night to begin. in 4's vice president of \ight event. She explained that they marketing Brad "t can't accept that. Slaves wctv marching to bring the Palmer, a senior, said, Mid "\\f want to turn that rav Community together and be "We were trying to iistn into zero out ot foul " heard as they declare in uni- raise awareness of Friday night, Campus son that sevual violence will sexual assault, rape WimnVsOpini/.itim sjxnistia'd not be tolerated. and the pain that they Us Hick £■ Night. In 1978, a cause. We received " We are stmnger when we say gnnip of Umilun women found- it together. We will not be afraid, excellent support and ed the event to demand their right response from every- we will not be silent, we will take to be safe from sexual assault. back the night," they said. one who came by, Women and men mingled •specially the men." Organizers with bullhorns on the William I'itt Union lawn and chatted about wftv thtl XV MARCHERS, page 6 JAC card tracking helps research student trends, interests JAC, from page 1 up sheets on paper, to register participation records for According to Whet/el, track reason for needing such informa- that fact that administrators can whether they live on or off cam- participants for classes, pro- prospective employers. ing JAC cards for investigative tion." Hinkie saki. "If they abuse it, get my information so easily," pus, gender and their entrance namsand activities and be able Nickel added that once the purposes is "accessible by the they face disciplinary' action." junior Mkhele Hargravesaid, 'It and exit times from the facility. to keep track of their records to system's technicalities an* tixtxl. it police department," but moni- According to Nickel, seems like they should have to "We bought the new C entree inform the students of new will be marketed. tored by Vending Services. Personal Wellness professors ask individual students for spe- software List year, but right HOW activities at UREC. The Campus Police and Hinkle said the police UK) will be able to track students cific information " we're unsure about when it will Miller Bald she hopes the sys- Security department also have can get numbers from pi through their JAC cards as the Others think of the program be used," Nickel Mid tem will be En place by Fall 2002. accecs to this information, accord- sors to track attendance in dan .Ian requires students spend a as juat another administrative According to Miller, "With According to Miller, only the ing to Hmkle. JMU Police I t it ,i student is missing or is m certain amount of hours at tool It doesn't really bother me the new Centrvc system that we UREC directors and software CXuiny Whet/el said police investi- trouble. According to Hinkle, IK I ( nch semester that the) can check up on my have, we hope to actually HC support staff have access to JAC gators can track when and where a the police need search warrants Usage will be based on JAC information," junior Mike Walsh what participants are participat- card records. She said student student last used a JAC card, for all other Information. cards being swiped as students s.ud Ihey need to have access to ing in when they come in" for employees will "absolutely no) "Card readers give a tracking She Slid prOMMOn BbO are enter and exit the facilities. Miller some of those files." marketing purposes. be able to access the UREC visi- of who comes in and when they allowed access to PeoplcSoit said. 'We will nn a report at the It was only within the last Pot example, Miller said, the tors' nvonls just the person's come into residence halls." itudenl Identification numbers. end of the semester" she Mill few years that JMU switched Centrec software can track visi- name and their ID number and Whetzel said. This information is Some use this information to "And then we provide that infor- from using Social Security tors' activities "from checking their student status. most often used to find lost cards, look up JAC card pictures MI mation to the professors" Numbers to Peoplesoft num- out equipment," to "see who's Nickel said that once the Whetzel said, but also can be they can refresh their memories Some students believe that bers, according to Hinkle, since playing basketball." Miller said I RFC staff works out the kinks used to track stalkers. Whetzel before meeting with students. the PeopleSoft program, except students had voiced concerns that in the future, UREC will in the system, students will added, "It's very seldom that that "Professors have to go through in emergencies, is a violation of about the openness of their swipe | A( 'cards instead of sign- have the option to include their type of thing b needed." diavtufs^aca^andKiveavaUl privacy I don't know if I like Social Security numbers.

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GmJaL^fj} College Park-Ashby Crossing ^lf^ 1191 Devon lane 432-1001 W&K2Z I A GMH COMPANY NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002 |THE BREEZE | 5 Five JMU community members honored Alumni FIVE, from pane 1 Brawn said she was com- them about personal problems more then I have ever wanted pin as a token of the university's donate tied with a purple ribbon. pletely overwhelmed with the when needed. Carter said that and has made these past four appreciation for embodying the According to junior Jessica high honor bestowed upon these are just a few of the many years awesome." lOMli that bring JMU together lish, who read the first recipi- her. "I'm flattered that I was reasons that the JMU communi- Of those honored, the fifth as a community, according to Madison ent's biography, Chen primarily chosen," Brawn said. "But I ty chose Evans for this award. and final honoree was Grace. Munsom. Additionally, teaches energy classes, is a car- also think there are many oth- Sophomore Kris Gillen intro- Freshman Dana Cox, who intro- Munsom said the names of each ing and supportive educator at ers out their w ho deserve this duced the third honoree, Evans. duced him, said that regardless honoree will be chiseled onto a JMU who possesses an innate honor as well." Gillen said Evans is a "living of religion, many come to the polished stone block to be dis- statue passion for education that he poem." Evans, according to CCM House in order to hear played alongside the previous shares with many of his stu- Gillen, is a great inspiration to Grace's sermons, which speak years' honorees in a yet-to-be- ALUMNI, from page I dents. Though he said he was -6 6 many students and works close- well to the students on JMU. dtkfntfntd location. the statue will support the uni- reluctant to even come to the ly with those in the Honors "Father John's homili.-s m Evans said the honor versity's mission of tying the ceremony, fearing he would These people ...are Program, or those who are re- so awesome because they speak bestowed upon the individuals school closer to Madison and leave his students without guid- entering the university after an to the level of the student," is something that should be his legacy. ance, Chen attended the cere- only a sampling of the illness or suspension. freshman Nicholas Gregware given to many others. "I think Madison's life has a mony smiling and accepted the Marlier, president of 1 in 4, a said. "He addresses the con- According to the event's pro- lot of good ideas for young honor and recognition. diverse individuals who sexual assault awareness stu- cerns of college life while help- gram, the celebration serves to people to live by and am excit- Following Chen, Suzi Carter help JMU become such dent group, was recognized ing us leam about the teachings identify the spirit which makes ed that this addition to the uni- introduced Br.HMi fourth for his contributions to of God in a more direct way" JMU a community worth versity is coming as a reminder According to Carter, Brawn a strong entity. the JMU community. According Cox said, "Father Grace belonging to and celebrating. to everyone about Madison's is an enthusiastic individual to sophomore Amanda describes our flaws as simple I■•.MMitially anyone who ideals," Biglersaid. who always makes the transi- — Ian Sullivan Logsdon whether it be his fre- imperfections, but instead of takes their own initiative to help tion into college a smooth one. sophomore quent strolls in the commons, dwelling on them, he views others at JMU should be hon- Carter described JMU's stu- greeting everyone he sees or them as room to work." ored," said sophomore Ian _6 6 dents as birds taking a great 99- counseling his peers, Marlier Whether it be in Honduras or Sullivan, one of the attendees of migration that ends when they has become more than just a Mexico or Harrisonburg, Cox the ceremony "These people graduate. Carter said that after smiling face but also a friend said Grace is as a beacon on honored today are only a sam- their journey, many students Carter said Brawn establish- and confidant to many. hope in times where many have pling of the diverse individuals will look back and wonder how es life-long relationships that "He has left a lasting none. According to Cox, like who help JMU become such a ... having the statue they made it, and like the intu- stem from her kindness and her impression on James Madison Picasso's painting, "C.uernii.i," strong entity." life-size rather than ition that guides the birds in constant love. "Whether it is her University," Logsdon said, which depicts carnage and man- JMU President Linwood flight. Brawn serves as that advising or teaching, she shares "and we have no doubt that gled bodies, Grace serves as the Rose said that although he finds something huge gives same type of intuition. her heart and soul for her stu- his legacy will continue to tiny flower in the lower right the honor very important, Carter said Brawn inspires dents," Carter said of Brawn. burn brightly long after his section of the painting, illustrat- "what I find more impressing faculty and students many of her colleagues and the According to Carter, Brawn is graduation." ing hope in our lives which have about the ceremony is the way it something that they students with which she comes known to contact students Marlier said, "I'm so hon- often times become loo hectic. is done, and how the JMU com- into contact. while they are ill or even talk to ored. JMU's given me so much The honorees also received a munity recognizes its own." can relate to. — Lois Forbes May graduation practice cancelled class of '60 99__ opinions about the change. celled because of how busy said all seniors will receive e- a.m. May 4 at Bridgeforth MAY. from page 1 "It's just a hassle not know- graduation is, plus last-minute mails upon the Web site's com- Stadium. According to the Web down through Ihe aisle, this ing what is going on," senior celebrations and finals." pletion Assistant band director site, seniors will graduatr i- i year, ropes will be secured to Jennifer Smith said. "It (the On the Web site, seniors can Brantley Douglas is in charge of group at the main ceremony keep the lines in order." find information about the main the animation, which will be and then will be recognized Lois Forbes said, "You change) should have been could tell that the sculptors According to Rooney, there explained more clearly — the e- ceremony, the satellite cere- done in Quicklime or Realtime individually at the satellite cere- never has been a significant monies for each specific college format, Wilson said. monies at 11:30 a.m. This year's put a lot of time and research mail sent is very generic." into what James Madison turnout at past practices. However, some of the grad- and a map of the seating "The animated site will commencement speakers are "We decided to cancel (grad- arrangements, as well as direc- show the processional from Virginia Cov. Mark Warner and looked like. uating seniors said the decision "Somehow having the stat- uation practices) because we tions and parking information. line-up area through the two senior Kate Mercke. to eliminate graduation prac- ue that's life-size rather than simply were not getting the tices has no effect on them. Rooney said an animated gates and into the seating area," Rooney says he is optimistic numbers of students to turnout Web site that will show how Rooney said. about tins war's graduation and something huge gives faculty "I think practice would and students something that for rehearsal to make it a worth- commencement will take place Wilson said he thinks this is looks forward to graduation day. have been beneficial, but it they can relate to," she said. while endeavor," Rooney said. wouldn't really have been currently is being developed. the most effective way to pre- "We've got some great plan- Because the Web site was According to Rooney and Bill pare for graduation ceremonies. ning th.il has taken place and Sophomore Courtney attended." senior April While Sullivan said, "I think it will established to address any con- said. Senior Steve Wellington Wilson, director of the Madison "The e-mail and Web site are we're very excited that Gov. fusions related to the day of Institute, the animated site was the way to go. They [will give Warner is' speaking," Rooney make a nice visual representa- agreed, saying, "I wouldn't tion, and it will show respect graduation. Hood and Rooney have gone anyway." started last weekend and students) more information said. agreed that the practices should be done by Monday or then ever before," Wilson said. tmlltllll urn* editor Khahl for the man for which the insti- Senior Jennifer Jones said, "1 tution was named." weren't necessary. think it is better for it to be can- Tuesday of next week. Wilson Commencement begins at 9 Garrioll contributed to this story Some seniors have differing

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No opportunity for students to come together and break the Tuesday is a party at that is ideally education should some cases four or five years ward to giving back to the more date rape. Two, four, six, HighUiwn Pavilion at 8 p.m., , be a life-long pursuit old, and that is only the begin- university." eight. Real men don't rape. Two, silence so often associated with sponsored by Red Bull. "The Alumni Association ning, and I hope that they will Other seniors were not as four, six, eight Stop the violence. sexual assault and violation. "Final Hump Night" at will allow seniors to continue continue their involvement after optimistic about the ceremony. Stop the hate." In the light of flickering Buffalo Wild Wings Wednesday educating llu'inst'lves and oth- their graduation." "The only reason for the Inspired by the marcher's votive candles and a sky illu- from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. gives ers through events and other There are many opportunities [Alumni] Association is to calls to action, bystanders joined minated by the faraway fire- seniors the opportunity to take functions," Thompson said. through their geographic alumni raise capital to better JMU.," in as the line crossed Schenley works of the Pirates game, advantage of discounted food "The induction ceremony sym- chapters throughout the nation. senior Ryan Jenkins said. Quad and snaked into the students stood up and broke and drink specials. bolically marks the transition." The Richmond, Metro- "Unfortunately, I believe many Towers lobby. their silence. They told sto- Thursday is the Senior Class Assistant Director of Alumni Washington and Philadelphia seniors will not take part in it." As marchers passed an rits of experiences, offered Challenge Celebration at Relations Wendell Fsbonshade chapters are all hosting welcom- Although opinions about Oakland Avenue party, a man words of support and called Biltmore Grill. From 6 to 8 p.m., said, " We are hopeful that it ing events for new graduates of the Alumni Association vary, held up his beer bottle and said, each other to take action only Senior Class Challenge (Senior Week) will be ana last IMU shortly after graduation. according to a poll conducted "I'm down, more power to you." against their violators. donors will be admitted. Only time for seniors to gather with When asked how they felt by Chandler Hall residential The march concluded back Mi-ill i Blakeslee stood up JMU seniors may attend from 8 their friends as students |the about the Alumni Association, advisors, 99 percent of on the porch of the Union and and yelled powerfully into the to 10 p.m. induction ceremony! is signifi- seniors had varying responses. seniors were extremely excit- participants flocked with hoarse microphone that she is angry Monday night's Alumni cant because it marks the transi- "It feels great to among ed about graduation. voices and parched throats to and that's OK She told people Association program will tion between being a student those who have gone before According to Esbenshade. the water coolers and soda cans to be angry and to speak out include singing by senior and an alumnus. me and to be a part of such a the JMU Alumni Association awaiting them. against rape. Wendy Fox, speeches by Mr. "We are trying to look at this prestigious organization," and the Office of Alumni When the marchers found "Something needs to hap- Madison Noah Marlier, Mrs. as the marquise event for Senior senior Kim Cartwright said. Relations would like to give its a comfortable spot on the pen. People in Pittsburgh are Madison Kristin Lazenby, and Week," he s.iid Senior Jenn Rainville said, "1 congratulations to seniors and lawn, CWO President Andrea being raped tonight," she said. Vice President of Student Affairs Many seniors are excited have wanted to be an alumnus welcome them to the JMU DeChellis took a bullhorn When the testimony ended, Mark Warner and a candle light- with graduation around the cor- of James Madison University Alumni association. and said, "So you have effec- the participants gathered for a ing ceremony. ner. "Graduation markes the end since high school, and it is a More information about the tively taken back the night, group hug. DeChellis summed Director of Alumni Relations of four years-worth of hard work great feeling to know that very ceremony and Senior Week can how do you feel?'' up the evening by saying, "It's Justin Thompson said, "It is and the realization of many of soon I will realize that dream I be found at www.jmuedu/ DeChellis explained that about individual people finding important for seniors to know our goals and dreams," senior have had a great time here, and alumni/seniorwa they would now hold what she solace and safety in others."

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KATE HIGBEE -n4e Rrps^Nfo MMPuiv.TycF rvfe r^jsusu vec»eu/s>y BREEZE READER'S VIEW Honors Program

rt*e/'> IT'S t+4»to 9Eue• second sound bytes. The clared freshman. printed media were forced used, they die. The danger alized thought similarly is once basked. simply could not get 50 points. I

The Breeze |e mine Gajewski Darts Editor Darts A Pals are submitted anonymously TM vis CUnRen peel Managf- ami primed on a space available basis. Ads MHaafU Gail Ctupolini Submissions are based upon one person s News editor David Clement son opinion of a given situation, person or even! k w.i Papafil and do not necessarily reflect the truth. Pats News editor A^t new* editor k luh I Car not I E-mail darts and pats to brcc/cdpWholrnail com Opinion editor ICSSHJ Hanebury Style editor Brenna Wallon Asst. style editor Alison Fargo Pat- Dart... Focus editor Lisa Nfarietla Drew Wilson A "youwin-snuggler-of-the-year" pal to A "you-being-off-schedule-affecls-us-more- Sports editor my boyfriend for staying home with me on Asst. sporh editor Dan Bowman than-you-know" dart to Ihe bus drivers who are Lucia Lodalo Saturday night just to cuddle. either early, late or non-existent recently. Copy editor Sen! in by a sophomore girl who is so glad to I Jinvn York Sent in by a stranded sophomore who hopes that Copy editor hair such a great guy. you will at least Ivan time during finals week. I'hoto editor Audrey Williams Photo editor Laura Dean Art Director Amanda Hintker Pat... Graphics Editor Richard Tharp Dart... Webmaster Theresa Sullivan An "au-revoir.-merci-and-good-luck" pat to A 'lhanks-for urinahngin my bed-and- Online editor Kevin Marinak [Mil's graduating A-fashion nado. You brought not-leaving-until-three-in-lhe-afternoon" Online editor Steve Cembrinski many vigorous laughs to this middle-aged dart In Ihe townie that had a sleepover at woman. Tliank you and the very best to you in ■u. ten Flip De I ii. > Alan Neckowitz my place this weekend. your future pursuits. Soil M by a junior who's looking for leve in Sent in by a JMU employee, a descendent of 70s "To the MOT alone, clvaueiedas if is »""' <*"«*. "*<«'''''» all the wrong places. bell bottoms, hip huggers and (gasp!) Ditto jeans. mfcka! for all the triumphs which /««• been gained by mm mi humanity «w e,m md W"""" — fames Madison Dart... EDITORIAL POLICY Pat... An "il'se.isy -to be condescending ami . 11. A "you-madeour-walk-home-so-much- missive-when-the-rats-aren't-in-your-backyard" TV mm. cd .1 *t*B *.«>**< .., A. « I M .a M,,.k and " « more-fun" pat to the two guys who stopped daft to Ihe members of Ihe school administration .,MI.-..| Ifl *** !"■! •"""»•'"'« "•*<»««■ and joined our "red light, green light" game who have been less than helpful with Ihe Editorial Board: on Ihe walk back from a party. Newman Lake problem. I , r. • f Travi* Clinwnpccl Jc«ica tlanrburv Sent in by tuo sophomore girls who are so SCTII in by some of us living by the lake who think '""z!,r iSSSC <*—■ proud you knete all the rules. dangerous or not. the rats are >fill pOU ml some- I ma k.« - .1 * » « ",""'' " '"'.'t^r' thing needs tobedoneahiut them. „..„.,l,.nKW ..«!..■ and■ r.«h«.llr«|..H,.l.-.■ ■ „,,,...■., v.„l Tt» mm b. drl.«Kd <•> Vn B«» Hv r.■ a TmJm,«5 p... Turn, , „.„.,>,,1i,.-.i*..-.-J..i".'i..'.' •"' T.,.,,p „.„, .I,--- ...i '"""S"*?! ■ rib ,„„.,..,,, r.lr*lorT.o. law M -tar, 1 'nivmiiy. 8 l THE BREEZE I THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002

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idents unjustly view all JMU stu- JMU studente should understand standing and learning about "destruction by fire," so the Community relations dents negatively. Before con- that the '1 shop at Valley Mall so Holocaust event the horrible events that flame would seem an demning Harrisonburg for not this town's mine" attitude is a poor promotions not occurred during World War II. appropriate symbol for fault of both sides doing more for JMU students, way to encourage harmonious Hillel's objective in organizing associated events. To the Editor: though, perhaps students should relations with the local citizenry. meant to insult the events for Holocaust However, symbols carry I would like to respond to the consider the role they have played Treating llanisonburg natives as To the Editor: Awareness Week was to open different meanings for dif- April 11 editorial regarding the in alienating people who have "townies" and ''rednecks'' who Six million people killed. people's eyes to the horrors of ferent people, and we sin- Harrisonburg City Council elec- caBed the area home for generations should gmufktt to their great bene- Six million lives extin- the past in order to make bet- cerely apologize for any tions. I have seen the issue of stu- rather than for 36 months. Many factors (as though Harrisonburg guished. Does that offend ter the future. offense taken as a result of dent /community relations from students treat Harnsonburg as would cease to exist without them) is you? It should. Do you want The flames on the com- these promotions. both sides, as a JMU student and a community that exists solely for abo unlikely to endear students to to think about it? Maybe not. mons certainly were not as someone with ties to the com- their benefit because they shop. local citizens. But the fact remains that it intended to be offensive. They Evan Schwartz munity It is true that JMU stu- This imperialist attitude is not happened. Last week was simply were intended to grab sophomore, IDLS dents do much for Harrisonburg. new. but unfortunately it seems to James Gillispie C91) Holocaust Awareness Week, attention, which they did. Amelia Cohen It also is true that many local res- have grown over the past decade. alumni and it was a time for under- The word Holocaust means freshman, physics

MELANIE STEIN BREEZE READER'S VIEW Does your boss Student explains importance of solidarity constantly Powerful words were entrances rummaging through an olympic-type event held and take my chances. It was I attended the rally with a steal your spread across banner after bags of the rally-goers and every four years in Israel, on one of the best experiences of teammate of mine from the banner on the lawn of the cap- officers with bomb-sniffing the open swim team. With all my life, and I never will forget games who attends UVa. We iced tea? ital building Monday in dogs. Fear of terrorist acts of the violence going on there it. Not only did 1 show my showed our solidarity to Washington, DC. Words of were in the back of many peo- this summer, the decision to go solidarity, but also made Israel once again. hatred toward Yasser Arafat, ple's minds, but after watch- was one I never would want to friends while I was there that This fighting must stop. comparisons of Arafat and ing interviews on the news, have to make again. My fami- will last a lifetime. I also The Arabs and Jews have been Osama Bin Laden, as well as many were not concerned. ly, excluding one or two mem- achieved my lifelong goal of in over five wars, and it has quotes from President Oddly enough this thought bers, adamantly did not want returning to Israel for the accomplished, nothing but George W. Bush were among never crossed my mind until I me to go. games as the final swim meet fatalities and annihilation. WRITE the various writings on the saw the snipers on top of the of my career. Among some of those who posters and banners. The Capitol building. The rally- The fear of the worst was spoke of hope and support of peace rally for the Jewish goers were concerned only initially there with my deci- the holy land at the rally were ABOUT rn state of Israel w.is the largest with the fact that the Jewish sion, but once I decided to go, House Democratic leader Dick gathering of American Jews I people of this country could We showed our I had to have the mentality Gephardt, past Israeli prime ever had seen. come together like they did on that if something were to minister Benjamin Netanyahu, This particular rally was Monday and support the holy happen to me while I was in former New York Mayor put together in less than one land of Israel. solidarity to Isreal Israel then it was going to Rudolph Giuliani and many week and the turnout was There were people from all happen. I would have no con- other governmental officials. unbelievable. An expected over the country as well as trol of it. While in Israel, 1 To watch this massive gather- 20,000 turned into an estimat- various parts of Canada. Many once again. only had to live with the fear ing of Jews and non-Jews all in ed 250.000 actually in atten- religious groups, such as of attack in the back of my support for the same thing dance. Police and other gov- Millel, also were in attendance mind for three weeks, but the was an unbelievable feeling. e-mail your columns ernmental officials were from various universities Israeli people live with this Cheers and chants spread caught off-guard with the around the nation. Jews were day in and day out. Sept. 11 through the crowds, and as the to Jess at hanebujm masses of people. Security was not the only ones there in sup- gave this country a taste of Israeli National Anthem minimal. There were no metal port but non-Jews as well. In my mind, however, the fear and attack that the played, we felt united. detectors or X-ray machines, This past summer I attend- decision was made. I decided Israelis endure every day of Melanie Stein is a junior merely officers guarding two ed the 16th Maccabiah Games, to show my solidarity to Israel their lives. health sciences major.

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>The tint two days of distribution are for students who reserved their copy ofThe Blucstone by paying $1 All other students will be able to receive their boob beginning on April 24. >The books arc FREE to all undergraduate students with presentation of their JAC Card. However there arc a limited number of books. OSSk Qyeationj? Plcaw call Allison at 568-6541 or e-mail The Blu'tfone a( 121 THE BREEZE I THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002 UfPTYLB HOROSCOPES CROSSWORD

Today's Birthday (April 18). Don't throw your money around this year. You'll be ! 3 4 5 7 B II •1 12 13 tempted, but you're much better off investing in real estate, or fixing up your home. ACROSS ' Those are better ways to increase your fortunes and your security. 1 Garbage '4 6 Coagulate " 10 Man alone 17 14 Allstate alternative " " Dally rating: 10 la the easiest day, 0 the ■x 21 moat challenging. 15 Nimbus 1 16 Statuesque ■ 1 Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22) 17 Man of La » ' 27 n 29 4jg- Today is a 6 - You may be just ■ Today is a 7 - Pull in the reins. Mancha 30 3' fl^_i aboul wom out Mental activity X I X Keep a lower profile, 18 Afghanistan's 32 33 34 35 "x~ 3/ 111 ^^W can be exhausting, too. Don i feel viy Somebody important, and neighbor guilty about resting. potentially critical, is looking 19 "Clan of the Cave 38 40 41 your way. Look busy. No giggling! Bear" protagonist Taurus (April 20-May 20) 20 Late president? 42 '. ' 44 ^- . Today is a 7 - Continue to gather Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov. 21) 22 Some roof ends JjA^up the loot. Tin- action is still Today is a 7 - You're ready to advance to 24 Purplish red 46 46 48 oPy loo hot and heavy for you to the next level, to step outside 26 Surfeits " I.. 50 I53 count it now. Just keep wheeling the box. Old limitations look 27 Trip in the bush and dealing. flimsy, so push them aside. » 30 Fall bloomer 54 56 .' 58 59 You're getting stronger. 32 Orange part Gemini (May 21-June 21) 33 Cheap cigar 60 6? ^. ty Today is a 7 - You're determined Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) s ■ 36 Came across fl£^Y to succeed, but you'll need more Today is a 6 - Is there something you 64 \ need in order to make your job 39 O.J.'s judge ■ fj^y than |ust enthusiasm. Add care- 40 Presage " ful research and budgeting, and ^A^ easier? Something you can't ',■ . you'll have it made. '■flL, seem to find? Ask your partner 41 " Maria" ' or the sales rep to get it for you. 42 Also Cancer (June 22-July 22) 43 "Peer Gynt" SOLUTIONS TO LAST ISSUES PUZZLE: Today is a 7 * Your plans should Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) dancer . be coming together by now. Today is an 8 - Love is in the air. If you 44 Inkling 5 Valerie or Tess P H O P A N E O C T A V 1 A There are still a few last-minute join forces with somebody you 45 Practice recycling 6 Red pepper R E V F R 1 F D O 0 M N G things to be done. No more pro- ^r care about, a difficult job 47 Skin creams 7 Old World song- 0 V E R I C E D u R A N c E crastination. Take action. ^^^ becomes fun. Don't waste 49 Greek cheeses birds p t P U 1. F L E N T 1 L *0 money on romance. Instead, 51 Shortage 8 Pay attachment? R A S 1 c D A T E Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) spend your time freely. 54 Paris palace 9 Chinese secret E ■ R fc _ -^. Today is a 7 - You have a great 56 Like a confused society s E IN E|DB|T c M IP A G E S ^^ list of possibilities. Now sort Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) president? 10 Well-grounded s S E E|M E R 1 T A ■ D S ^^yj through them, carefully and on Today is a 7 - You'll really be in trouble 60 at windmills 11 Fit for a president? FlU R c R E S your own. Mull things over until ^^ if you don't get down to busi- 61 Texas city's epi- 12 Backstreet 5 P SB E|M|A N A 1 EBIM A Y inspiration strikes. That should happen f^Bl ness - something other than thet 13 See-through late Sunday. P A T E RJ ■ T A '■°|s A G E IsA monkey business, that is. For 63 "Christ Stopped at material A R A L C|E L E ■ A R ! A ■* *■ heaven's sake, wipe that grin 21 Prayers Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept 22) off your face! C A B A 1 A R E F i T S 64 Logical begin- 23 Played a part * au^ Today is a 7 - Fame is nice, for- ning? E P I T 0 M E R A T A T A T T^Wl tunes can fade, but friendship is 25 More than willing Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) 65 Pain R E L E V E R N 1 T R A T E ^AM forever. Forget an old misunder- Today is a 7 - There are a lot of things 27 Rotisserie need 5 T E R E O S S N A 1 L E D ^^^- standing. Let the good times roll you wish you had said, but don't 66 Hardship 28 Suggestive begin- j£^ worry about that now. Your 67 Actress Laura ning? ^^y actions speak louder than words. 68 Trawlers' needs 29 President who fin- 44 Live in 58 North Carolina Show the one who matters most 69 Laurel and Musial ishes bathrooms? 46 Singer Sheena college how you feel. 31 Old Blue Eyes 48 Different ones 59 Letter openers DOWN 34 Attempted 49 Reeking 62 Bar rocks 1 Soviet news agcy. 35 Ex-Giant Mel 50 Slur over 2 Film spool 37 At any time 52 "_ Days a Week" 3 Periodic table info. 38 Pekoe and oolong 53 Bogota setting 4 Cover for a high 40 Suspend tem- 55 Abba of Israel peak porarily 57 Hindu discipline —Tribune Media Services

Reflect(onson WgM cMr.^iUis relation 20C PUB & BILL IARDS

William Evans Hall Faculty Award

Bijan Saadatmand Hall Faculty Award ^%<0> Michael Goodman Carrier Award

Andrew Lux Taylor Award Gabby Revilla Graduation Celebration! Carrier Award

Danny Steeper Bluestone Award for Outstanding Advising with DJ Gee Q, DJ Smooth and DJ Rate Katie Taylor Student Community Service Award may 3, 5 p.m.-3 a.m.!

Bridgewater House Project, Habitat for Humanity Outstanding Fundraising/Service Project FREE PIZZR HRD WII.GS with $10 couer

JMU Athlete Social, Student Athlete Advisory Council President's Award- Organizational Event ALL YOU Cf.ll EOT $3.99 One in Four, The Men's Program all day, eueryday, with J.H.C. card Burruss Award Ralph Nader, University Program Board Wednesday: DJ Gee Q Friday: DJ Gee Q Outstanding Educational Program 18 & up, 9:30 p.m. 18 & up, 9:30 p m. Relay for Life, Student Ambassadors President's Award- Campus Wide Event United We Stand, Student Duke Club Thursday: Alpine Recess Saturday; DJ Smooth Outstanding New Program 18 & up, 9:30 p.m. • 18 & up, 9:30 p m. Psychology Peer Advising Outstanding non-FEB Organization Student Government Association Outstanding FEB Organization 433-0606 141 S. Carlton St. (next to Rugged UJearhouse 6 Big Lots) THURSDAY APRIL 18, 2002 PAGE 13 Focus

Pop-psychology sweeps bestseller lists as people seek therapy from books

Story by senior writer Jennifer Surface • Art by staff artist Jody Worthington • Sidebar by art director Amanda Hincker

// ow to Make Anyone Fall in Love wilh You," "Talking they do and offer procedures to bring about favorable results. als. "It takes some demand for professionals out if people have with Confidence for the Painfully Shv," "How to be While some books target a specific trait, others claim to tackle a another cheaper option," he said H_.a People Magnet," "Speed Dating," — the options broad spectrum of conditions. For example. Ten Days to Self- Others contend that the many claims of quick fixes for are endless in the sell-help aisle. Esteem" by David D. Bums, Ph.D, touts, "In 10 exciting steps you personal inadequacies are a way to avert professional A growing form of popular psychology, self-help books claim to will learn to defeat depression, develop self-esteem and discover consultation for more serious problems. For many, there assist a society that is cabbie of bandaging its own wounds. Self- the secrets of joy in daily living." is a certain stigma attached to seeking assistance and acknowl- help literature claims to provide readers with solutions and advice Attached to this packaged solution is a sense of simplicity, edging what may be embarrassing or unfavorable personal for a plethora of ailments, character flaws and topics such as main- control and confidence that some don't buy into. "I don't believe flaws and afflictions. taining healthy relationships, battling anxiety and parenting skills a person's life can be improved bv reading a book," senior '1 think people go to books because they don't want to go to a With the current selection, no topic is too trivial to merit a manual. It Megan McDermott said. "It's a temporary solution unless you person," Kim said. "Self-help books could serve at least as a starting wouldn't be shocking to come across a self-help book aiming to ease make positive life changes." point for people to discover if they've got a problem and then go its readers' reliance on ... self-help books. McDermott has read a tew self-help selections, including an from there," she said. "Many self-help books are this generation's snake oil products," inspirational, spiritual guide to increasing satisfaction with life. I .'nnis Echterling, professor and coordinator of the counseling psy- "It was really helpful and reaffirming as I read it, but applying it 64 chology program said. Their cure-all, life-altering appeal is based to everyday life is almost impossible," she said. "I only read it only at times on legitimate research, according to Echterling. when I am down about a situation and need to be uplifted — that ... When a pop-psychology book's promise Sales figures for adult books indicate that 63,834,000 psycholo- everything will be alright. But I don't use it as a tool for my life." sounds too good to be true, then be cautious. gy/recovery books were sold in 1998, accounting for 63 percent of The concept of helping oneself through such an extensive, acces- total adult book sales, according to a report by the American sible resource is encouraging to many. But, others are skeptical of the — Lennis Kchterling Booksellers Association at umnv-bookuvbtirg. viability of a genre targeting the vulnerability of its audience. professor and coordinator of the counseling psychology program So, whaf s the appeal? Why do millions of people buy into this "I think the entire genre is a little silly and hyped up," junior Julie pop psych trend? Marsh said. "Some [self-help books] might help people, but for the "People are generally curious to find out about themselves — most part they tend to make people overanalyze their own problems everyone's got problems," senior Susan Kim said. The sense of self- and issues." 95 reliance and self-diagnosis that such books allude to, makes them a Manuals soliciting improved, enhanced mental functioning tool of personal empowerment for many. aren't always grounded in scientific studies. "If people are going to I suggested that an optimal route for dealing with serious "Examining yourself always has benefits, regardless of the use a self-help book, they should do some research on the author to afflictions, like depression, would include consulting professional mode," senior Judy Bruen said, 'he itemed chapten. of Alice see if they have credentials, experience in the profession and that help augmented with credible books. "A lot of practitioners would Potter's "Tne Positive Thinker's 10 Commandments," urged Bruen their research is based in solid theory or researcK" Briggs said. suggest books to compliment their work with clients — they can to evaluate herself in different scenarios and consider more positive "Some authors do publish credible material which is grounded in work together." angles to seemingly negative situations, she said. solid research, in the form of self-help books." Proceed with caution is often the advice from psychological pro- When readers aren't discriminating enough about the si mil i ulii There are some very helpful books out there that address —66 origin of works they read, it's easy enough to be drawn specific problems and situations," Echterling said. "When I was in Some [self-help books] might help people, but into the an eye-catching cover, snazzy packaging or pri. a te practice, 1 would regularly recommend a book for a client to titles found on best-seller lists. read as part of the treatment process.* for the most part they tend to make people Little to no collaboration is involved in independently tackling "Many of my clients benefited from reading and discussing one's problems. Psychological consultation fees are spared, along books that offered useful and practical information," he said. "But, overanalyze their own problems and issues. with tne interpersonal communication and personalized feedback when a pop-psychology book's promises sound too good to be true, that accompany more social or professional means of therapy. then be cautious." — Julie Marsh "Nothing substitutes for a onc-on-one relationship, if someone is junior struggling with a serious issue," Briggs said. Echterling agreed that the interactive aspect is lacking in self-ther- apy. Without application to everyday life, he said, "If s kind of like learning to play tennis from a book." Junior Jason Robey agreed. "Just the fact that you're evaluating Books like "Never Good Enough: How to use perfectionism to yourself is a positive thing." The appeal of several self-help books, your advantage without letting it ruin your life" by Monica Ranirez According to Robey. is their approachabdity. 'They put things in Basco, Ph.D. display cover claims like, "The book worked like a year terms people can actually understand Robey said. of shrink sessions," (Cathi Hanauer. Mademoiarlk\ suggesting that Many self-help books fill the pages with layman's terms to appeal digesting the book is a bypass for formal therapy. to a more general audience rather than using medical or psycholog- Robey said, "So many professionals (doctors, therapists, psy- ical jargon. Senior Mike Krieger found a relationship book to be an chologists) are over-priced ... and in some cases over-rated." enjoyable read. "It was very helpful and down to earth," he said. "It Lines of self-help books may act aa a check for health profession- definitely made me more confident. It was divided up well and answered every question I had." Michele Kielty Briggs. assistant professor of counseling psychol- ogy, said, "Sometimes, academic and scientific people tend to write in a dense fashion. The appeal of [self-help books) is that they're user friendly — people can make sense of the information in them." Self- help books can be most helpful when the information is based on credible research and translated into understandable terms, she said. Manuals enable readers to take an active role in changing atti- tude or behavior. They provide explanations of why people act as

Senior Jsnntfsr Surface leisurely racllnM to read ■ serf-help selection from her pile of books.

ROBERT N ATT/ioito, f**j«nv»,r 141 THK BREEZE I THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002 Focus



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Students for Minority Outreach, University Program Board, 88.7 WXJM and Sigma Alpha Iota present: One of D.C.'s f( 6~| ~] KTGo-Go Bands

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* Hosts for Prospective Student Weekend and SMO members get a discount For more information, contact Terika Grooms at [email protected] or call WXJM at x8-6878. Listen to the Mid-Week Mix Wednesdays 8:30-10:00 p.m. on 88.7 WXJM. Doors open at 9:00 p.m. Be there early! THURSDAY, APRIL 18. 2(H)21 THE BREEZE 115

"...I know I was not imagining the footsteps that first tiptoed, then walked, i- Road stops at JMU then raced past me, around mc..." Former "Road Rule"-ers speak to student body on SANDY TING Amerieanism. junior Pag* 16 St story below Iteal Story.. .Heal Fear Sandy Ting: Dared to be scared BY SANDY TING everything around us. A room or scared, nothing comes to to hug us and talk She eyed us become great friends in the time contributing writer attached to the room we were in mind that particularly scares me carefully and told me that water together and enjoyed a laughter- "Looking for the nation's opened and the camera technician or makes me uncomfortable for seemed to have "found its way to filled dinner. All of a sudden, Jose toughest people" read a flier as 1 came in. He showed us his any reason For this reason, I me." I was confused but she told stopped laughing and flushed scanned through CD's at a record "room" which was the size of a know 1 was not imagining the me that a small child's spirit bright red. He said he felt scared, shop in downtown Minneapolis. small closet and said that we were footsteps that first tiptoed, then seemed to be on my hands and sick and began sobbing uncontrol- Little did I know, I was about to not permitted to communicate walked, then raced past me, asked me if I had touched any- lably. Carla said she noticed a begin the long and arduous with him in any way except if we around me and throughout the thing or been near water. No one, spirit clinging to his neck when he process of being a cast member on hiid camera troubles. Otherwise, room. The presence in the room not even Natasha, had known continually claimed he felt that MTV's "Fear." he said, we would be disqualified 1 was in, the heaviness and that. Carla proceeded to hold her there was a presence following I travel extremely often and too immediately. We watched a tape thickness of not being alone was hands above mine, not touching him since he had performed his first dare. This strange frequently make spontaneous of the history of the mine we were enough to make me more than me, and "pulled" the spirit off of decisions'! lack planning and in and began our missions. Here uncomfortable. 1 went on this me. As she was doing so, my happening set a heavy mood at structure to my actions and enjoy is where MTV edited more than a trip thinking it was rigged, that I hands flushed bright red and I felt the table as well as in my heart. spur of the moment events. fair share of footage. would receive a script and was a firey sensation shoot up my Jose expressed his intense regret "Fear" seemed to be built for looking forward to it. arms as the spirit was removed and deepest apologies for doing me and I loved the ambiguity Sounds of hammering began from me and then from Natasha's what he had done in the church for the sake of a dare. Jose stated and well, sketchiness, of the 46- all around me, so loud I barely knees. However, I had no time to whole experience However, the could hear the radio instructions be shocked; ... Jose had just quit that the sensation he felt of the night before I left, I had the ... my hands flushed in my earpiece. 1 stood in the room and arrived. Natasha, Jose, Carla Lord standing before him and for strangest feeling inside my stom- for nearly two hours, though the and myself had giving him was greater than any- thing he had felt before and ach. I couldn't touch on it and bright red and I felt a show only shows a few minutes, wasn't sure how to express my firey sensation shoot up and thought about the history of stronger than anything he anxiety in words. The next this mine. So many people were id felt in the mine morning, I hopped Delta Air and killed in' what was once the I thought, was my amis... the whole purpose was on my way. most prosperous mine in the After a cab ride during which -Sandy Ting world, simply for the sake my trip the driver was instructed not to junior of money and greed. speak to me and nearly 24 hours 1 wholeheartedly in a hotel that made the one in rr admit that I was scared. I 'The Shining" look appealing, the respect that some may b> AMANDA HINCKERAiff d,rr, lor show's producers came for me scoff that the MTV crew phft) and graphic* by and I was blindfolded and hooded The first dare shows Jose had set up the entire NATE TH\RY>xraptu<% rJitor while inside my room and led knocking over a cross and com- event, but 1 trust my down the same flight of stairs I pleting his dare. This was not the instinct and respect the came up the day before. 1 was case. MTV failed to show his real energy I fell in that room. guided into a van and was told dare. After lose knocked over the Leaving was difficult; I am strictly to not speak. I felt the vehi- cross, Natasha, who was his navi- an all-or-nothing person cle drive around the hotel and the gator, read him the rest of the who never has quit any- doors opened as more individuals instructions. The instructions thing before and had to climbed in and were given the read for Jose to reach into his back- bid farewell to my team- same instructions. We were driv- pack and remove the two planks mates. I was blindfold- en with blindfolds and hoods for of wood along with a hammer and ed by the camera techni- another half hour or so in silence some nails and construct a new cian in the next ro^m and and led out of the van. Finally, we cross. The new cross was then lead outside to wait for a " were asked to take off our hoods nailed above the attar in the aban- MTV car to pick Natasha and blindfolds and meet one doned church, upside down. and I up and take us to another for the first time on cam- Jose was then instructed to pull another hotel, where the rest era. The shock of (he daylight out a sheet of paper in his back- of the staff was staying. We made me jump and some of us pack and kneel before the upside- asked for I aria, the clairvoy- nearly fell over from dizziness and down cross that he had just nailed ant, to come and comfort us as partial carsickness from riding off- above the altar and read from the we were a bit shook up. road blindfolded. At this point, 1 paper. The paper had the Lord's Natasha and I comforted met my cast members: Victoria, Prayer on it, backward. Some one another in the room Zach, Dave, Natasha and Jose. We Satanic rituals claim that reciting until ('aria showed met with a native of the woods the Lord's Prayer in reverse is a up, sleepy eyed individually and were asked to way of oilling up demons. This but ready leave a material belonging as a was the first dare that we complet- form of insurance for the spirits in ed successfully. the woods. I left all I had to give The second dare called for an earnng. Natasha and myself to leave We were driven blindfolded together The footage fails to show and hooded (to prevent us from that our directions were faulty and returning and recognizing our that we were lost for nearly an surroundings) for the final time. hour in the mine. We were led to a room and asked As Natasha struggled to find to count to 100 before taking off her site, I waited quietly. I never our covers. We got to about 20, have been a paranoid person. I took off our covers and absorbed am not known to get nervous

THE. LE.3E.UD OF HlUA bo* M\U± b

©A tongue thai was to be used in a E$rC£i_L-A£ EsrcJ dare wrapped in plastic and a In 1903, European settlers invaded sandwich bag in a latched box was Tlalpujahua The settlers soon learned the dropped during the mission When it surrounding mountains held a fortune in was lound, the box was unlatched and gold Local villagers warned against any i Oven Room the longue was unwrapped, and no excavation plans. They believed that the Smokestacks one had been there since. mountain's gold was guarded by a Carpentry Nahaul, an ancient Mexican sorcerer Room controlled by El Diablo, the devil The ©MTV railed to show thai in the Nahaul is one of the most feared creatures closed room of the safe house, a gust in all of Mexican folklore Nahaul was of wind at one point nearly knocked ■ believed to have the ability to change from Hospital Zach off his feet where he was human form to animal forms standing.

The settlers paid no attention to the © Dave's freshly charged light battery . locals' superstitions and constructed a huge died in minutes in the mine Then a mining mill, digging 10 miles of tunnels into bottle flew across the room and the mountains and pillaging the gold they smashed against the wall were warned not to touch.

During the mine's operation, many © What was believed to be a painted unexplainable accidents, deaths and wall in the safe house was only suicides occurred throughout the Mina Dos plywood It was removed by the Estrellas complex As the accidents camera technician when Victoria increased at the mine, local duthorities panicked, it exposed miles of mine He searched for rational explanations The proceeded to take a few steps into the workers had their own ideas They blamed mine and panicked, the "safe" house many of the accidents on the beastly had not been sale, they had been , Nahaul. inside the mine all along without our Compiled from MTV com 16ITHK BREEZE I THURSDAY. APRIL 18, 2002 STYIE 'Road Rule'-rs explain Americanism

BY LAUREN HOSPITAL to deal with different people. "If lion people," Baggy read rs speak to many schools; contributing writer you can learn people skills ... lie encouraged people to around the country. Two former Riud Rulers you're going to be better off take their opportunities to heart Some of the topics usually brought humor and inspiration than with a 4.0." and be good citizens. "Go some- include issues that relate to to PC Ballroom Monday night. Setzler said that when he where else, anywhere else, and the "Road Rules" show, such- Tim Beggy, trom "Road travels, he seeks out people W In • see how much we take for as Interpersonal communica-- Rules Two," and Dan Setzler, are different from him. He granted/" Beggy said. tion and conflicts, diversity from "Road Rules Five." ran explained that once he met to Most of the night did not and traveling. AmericanisnC into the room with huge I.ooney many different people from dif- have such a serious tone. was this event's topic because. Toon characters and a roll of ferent backgrounds and cul- A contest to see who could "it was of the times and' paper. Their mission this lime tures, he went home with a very draw the best United State*, important," Beggy said. wag to do nothing other than different perspective on life. with all the states included, According to the junior and chat with JMU students about "In order to learn more was held. The winners sophomore class councils, who Americanism, seemingly much about yourself, you have to find received the stuffed Tweety were sponsors, this event was simpler than their pKviOUl out how other people do it too," and Taz. Beggy spouted off held for pure entertainment tasks on the "Road Rules" show. Setzler said. reasons why America is great, value. I.yndsey Walther- They started off the evening They also commented on some being: good ketchup, Thomas, junior class council with the national anthem. issues such as the problem^ t< >r good-looking bank tellers, president said that no one had "Americanism is under- eigners have had to face in this I K is. March Madness and any idea what they were going standing what Amenta is ... it's country since Sept. II and being deodorant. I le also added that to talk about, but she was happy being able to find out what it is a better citizen by voting. America has the coolest flag that it was such a success. that all the states make up," Beggy listed statistics to and Captain America. "I think it was really great Setztaf said. bring certain issues to light. "If Setzler explained, "This is It seemed like everyone had a Both Setzler and Beggy the world shrunk down to 100 what we love to do, we love to really good time and they emphasized traveling the states people .. if you have monev in goof off. That's the best way to were really interactive and as much as one can. the bank, money in your wallet get our message across got the crowd involved," "If you've only seen two and some change at home, you because that's why people Walt her-Thomas said. BtBtSS, you haven't seen any- an- among the top eight percent watch us ... These are things Freshman Holland Erisman of the wealthiest people in the we really feel strongly about. enjoyed seeing the "Road KARI N M PI 1 I \\ uaffrtkUfgrapher thing," Setzler said. Setzler also said that one of world. If you have attended It's all about getting the mes- Rule"-rs She said. "I thought it Tim Beggy and Dan Setzler from previous "Road Rules" series the beneficial aspects of "Rtvid church without harassment, sage across and ha\ ing fun." was really entertaining. It was speak out to the JMU student body Monday night. Rulflt" WM that ho WM forced you are better off than three nil The former "Road Rule'- *Y EX-ROAD RULES, page 18 Carrier Library: Interesting, intelligent, adventurous

Few and far between as they any odyssey choreographed to ogy that needed to be read B1 on the Quad, that people don't the establishment's lobby but entering Grender's lair. For the are, there are some surprisingly the quaint romance of Bach's time for tomorrow's quiz — fall in love and don't get away thankful that it was a lobby space ot a tew childish seconds, uplifting moments in the dark, "Air lorG String." All at once 1 my journey to the library was with murder like they do in nonetheless and eenlv quiet as I was consumed by the idea that atmospheric 1995 film, "Seven forgot about the film's bloated solely for entertainment ... a movies, so why would my rein- well. I look my time walking up there might be something in the One of these moments is when corpses, clinging shadows and cheap, desparate attempt at terpretatton of Morgan the stairs, listening to the dense etat ks l didn't want to see, likea Detective William Somerset frighteningly sensical antago- reliving a movie. Freeman's visit to the library echo i»l my footfalls, the fre- murderer disposing of a victim (surnamed after the famous nist; I forgot about the festering quent squeak of my rain* in gnu-some, INx> like fashion or author, played by Morgan pizza box on the floor and the sleeked sneakers Lnhattnj r.gedy old man who went Freeman) makes | late-night presentation I had to prepare for rich (and overpowering) library searching for a book in 1983 and journey to the metropolitan the following morning. I was Ail Things Sir. I wamed to nestle myself in never came out and now hid in library on the hunt for clues swept away by the warmness," the stacks, those hidden n'altns the shadows, a mess of long fin- relating to a string of serial the intellectual atmosphere of that appeal to be a subset of the gernails and jittery madness. killings. Inside, the library is this imaginary library and the Literary lihrarv. hidden from view like a To drown out these empty — save for some card- mythological quest for informa- malignant growth or an thoughts, I snapped on my playing security guards, rows of tion that so few people nowa- unwanted child. Walkman, dSSSJcsJ music flood- broad, wood desks highlighted days appreciate. For that evening, I chose ing my mind as I plunged head- in the glow from antique read- So what did I do about it, StSM k level five, accessing the long into the hidden heart of ing lights, with Detective you ask? by senior writer hidden staircase In way of the Carrier Library. I didn't know Somerset dominated by the The following evening, Zak Salih second floor [he atmosphere what I was looking for — every lobby's grand, cinematnallv while a light drizzle fell over was en ptfCr as expected Way in lime 1 saw a shelf bloated with aesthetic arcr 'tccture In short, the darkened campus grounds, Hasn't life taught us, work? The thought was strong the back of my mind, where we books I paused and let my eyes it looks like the library of an 1 donned my trusty windbreak- though, that no matter how enoufjl to make me turn SlOre those childish thoughts of mm mage through the spines. I intellectual's dreams big, cjuiet er, saddled my umbrella, hard we try, cinematic events around and simply suffer the boogeyman and that nasty found some books on Sudanese and full of books. grabbed my weather-beaten belong on the screen and not in through the latest ungodly hour elementary school bully, l sud- culture and politics, leaning Thus begins the character's Walkman and took a walk to real hie? It's impossible to apply of "Survivor." denly didn't want to go into the against the opposite shelf and search for books — a veritable Carrier Library. I had no group the fantasy of a movie to the But I didn't turn back; i laustrophobic maze of packed Flipping through the pages. 1 bibliography of the macabre meeting, no last-minute brutal reality of our lives. This instead, I Strolled through the shelves. 1 felt like Dante must climbed the narrow staircase including "Paradise l-ost" and research paper to punch out, no was the fear in my mind as I doors of Carrier I ibrary, winc- have felt More entering the that runs like a backbone along the Divine Cometh the liter thousand-page literary anthol- sloshed thniugh the viggv grass ing at the lack of romanticism in Dark Wood or Beowulf before s«v KIUJSG. page 18

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After thai. The Brrcie goes on summer ucalion (id lhe attention of 17,000 students before they hit the beach Call now to reserve your ad space' SmE THURSDAY. APRIL 18, 20021THE BREEZE| 17

, ; Females take victory in 'Sex Wars' BY BECKY PORTER continue this event next males that they were going to both teams immediately lost contributing writer year," Laputka said have some stiff competition. their footing and landed in the Maybe it's because they Marlier said, "As with any Both teams proved that puddles of "forbidden fruit'' make up 62 percent of JMU's event, it can only gel bigger they weren't afraid to get water all over the floor. undergraduate population and better by word-ot-mouth." down and dirty in the first While the teams changed into \*k Perhaps they simply had On behalf of their entire competition, bobbing for "for- their costumes for the final con- more spirit or it could just be a gender, four males and four bidden fruit." Sinking their test, dance karaoke, the audience matter of better genes. All females from each class bat- entire heads into water-filled was treated to a performance by explanations aside, the tled for the title of "Superior recycling bins, the girls tried to New and Improv'd. The audi- t-iSk* i females came out victorious at Sex." They competed for extract apples and bananas ence also voted on which songs Sunday evening's "Sex Wars." points in "forbidden fruit" while the boys pulled out the teams would dance to: "If s 1 Trie event,sponsored by the bobbing, limbo, trivia, tug-of- apples and kiwis. Raining Men" for the boys and BECKY CABKWlJtmffpliolograplirr Sophomore Class Council was war and dance karaoke. The guys won this first "Baby Got Back" for the girls. Dance students perform "I AM ... Mellow Yellow" at the held in PC Ballroom. Proceeds Ultimately, the contest competition by several kiwis Both genders performed Student Dance Concert, which will run this week In the from the $2 admission fee went winner was decided by the The limbo contest followed, equally well in this competition, Godwin Studio Theatre at 8 p.m. to the Boys and Girls Club of approval of a small, but with Campbell and Marlier so "Sex Wars" finally was decid- Harrisonburg. enthusiastic audience. going head-to-head at the ed by audience vote in the "best On arrival, audience mem- The males started off the end. Campbell affirmed that pickup line" tiebreaker. With Concert showcases talent bers were given either pink competition by making their females are more flexible females comprising about two- or blue slips of paper, accord- entrance to the theme music after Marlier fell backward thirds of the audience, the girls BY LUCIA LODATO just a real prime example of ing to their gender. The from "Rocky.* Donned in gray under the rope. easily got the win. senior writer the abilities of the students to papers were collected later hooded sweatshirts, freshman The genders then tested "If we could have had absen- Highlighting the creative organize a concert full of and added respectively to Brent Harlow, sophomore their brainpower in the trivia tee voting, I think the guys talent of JMU's dance stu- unique choreography and each teams' point total. Michael Davis, junior Dave contest. They were asked would have won," Mills said. dents, an entirely student- work together to produce Emceeing "Sex Wars" Urso and senior Noah Marlier question! from the categories "It was close like we run dance concert will take such an important event," along with organizers sopho- showed off their boxing moves of sex, boys and girls and use- knew it would be," Lumsden place tonight through Fanning said. more Stacey Henning and to theaudiencr less knowledge. said. "We got jipped," Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Junior Holly Pantano has freshman Adrianne Laputka, Not to be outdone, the If a team member could not Davis said. "But all in all, it Godwin Studio Theater. The danced in the Student Dance SGA president Dave Mills females came out in fluores- answer a question correctly, he was a good night." Student Dance Concert will Concert every semester since began by announcing that cent pink "Girls Rule" T- shirts or she received a whipped Junior Connie Maxwell said, feature 11 student-choreo- her freshman year and always the contest would determine and matching cowboy hats. n pie in the face from the "It was a good time," audience graphed pieces. looks forward to the perfor- "which sex is stronger, better, Freshman Andrea Troncoso, opposite sex. After two member junior Connie Maxwell "Everything in this con- mance. "We are all good faster, cooler." sophomore Jessica Lumsden, rounds, the girls came out said. "I'm glad to see the girls cert is new, so (the choreog- friends, and we really enjoy "I think everyone had a junior Lyndsey Walther- ahead by one question. come out on top." raphy] has never been seen dancing together, I know that good time. I hope another Thomas and senior Catie The tug-of-war competition Both teams were awarded gift before," director Jessica it shows throughout our per- class council will want to Campbell made it clear to the effectivi'lv WM eliminated when baskets with assorted prizes. Fanning, a junior, said. formance," she said. The concert includes four Lehman said that this year, REVIKW solos and four group pieces, 'The solos display the many which were chosen by a panel of sides to modem dance. Also, the five judges in an open audition. choreographers of all the group The Associate Dance Ensemble, pieces found their own individ- Not exactly 'The Sweetest Thing' an all-freshman dance group, ual style preferences bringing also will be featured in three together the widest variety of BY EMILY SKTZER Diaz in just an hour and a half. to stalk the only male to ed actresses manage to pull additional group pieces. works we have seen." contributing writer To forget about her tmubles, resist her charm from the the script along, even though According to junior Molly Fanning has found that the Cameron Diaz gets down Christina and Courtney take night before, Peter (Thomas you may wonder what pos- Lehman, assistant director, works created by her fellow and dirty in the not-so-sug- heartbroken )anc out clubbing, Jane). With little information sessed them to choose these "[The Student Dance Concert! dancers for this particular con- ary, not-so-romantic comedy, searching for "Mr. Right Now" of his whereabouts, they roles in the first place. is a chance for student choreo- cert are influenced by their "The-Sweetest Thing." As the instead of "Mr. Right." blunder through one crude If someone can manage to graphers to showcase their entire history of dance training. girls of the moment, scene to another in search of turn a five-minute plot into a this Mr. Right. r'c.iturv-lcngth film, while also work in addition to being the "Everyone took both from their Christina (Diaz, "Vanilla "THE SWEETEST THING" main performance for the (previous dance] background Sky"), Courtney (Christina luckily, this Farrelly broth- tr> ing to counteract the stereo- STARRING: type of innocently sweet Associate Dance Ensemble." and what they have learned Applegate. "Married with ers' style film, along with Diaz's Fanning said, "It's great here. It's unique because it Children"), and Jane (Selma CAMERON DIAZ, typical fun-loving character and women as sex figures, then it's because it involves under as encompasses what they've Blair, "Legally Blonde") are CHRISTINA APPLEGATE a diamond-inthe-rough cameo one magic trick worth seeing. off to find men in this by Parker Posey ("The well as upperclassmen." learned through all of their AND SELMA BLAIR C MtvU nvi—r kty The Student Dance dance training," Fanning said. female-run sex comedy. Anniversary Party"), manage to While possibly inspired by RATED: K make this ride somewhat enjoy- Concert is presented once Pantano said, "It's a good '*• &'- £- £- &• Qo dttactty lo W thaatar each semester and every variety of pieces and each reflects the sexually assertive girls of RUNNING TIME: able .. that is if bathroom and »m» lha> niaa' wpana humor dtvsn't bother you — aspect is run by students. the choreographer's personality." "Sex and the City," director 97 MINUTES ■»'"a*.tf.£S CHMimtnM Worth ir*a The students choreograph Tickets for the Student Dance Roger Kumble ("Cruel think Clintonesque dresses and crazy ttcaal pnca and select the pieces to be Concert are $6 for the general Intentions") misses the target as musing on bodily parts in pub- lic riNtriM'ms performed. They also direct, public and $3 with a JAC card. he wraps up a raunchy road- manage, publicize and light They will go on sale one hour trip filled with drinking, oral sex The writing, by Nancy the production, as well as before the show. The Godwin and bodily fluid jokes and more After passing an abun- Pimental, is overdone on sex jokes and underdone on create costumes and work Studio Theater is located on the perversion than one would dance of swooning men, Who approvao lha backstage. "This concert is third floor of Godwin Hall. expect out of typically ador,iblc Christina and friends decide quality. However, the talent- maaWQ of aaa Want

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Alpha Kappa Lambda and UPB Present Lpaintsa JJadu \jattoo ant LOMBARD! GRASzooz tcxctnc cStudlLO BoAu t ilu- JIHII performances by the actors happy world in the middle of my foray into Carrier Library ever hit Thoatrr II ence being right in the middle keep it from being distract- chaos and drugs and disor- Goya, wondering as 1 turned was adventuresome, intellectu- Prom the moment one of the conflict, involved up to ing Each scene is individual- der. He effectively is con- each page when the last time walks in, the experience is their neck in the scams and ly climactic, and just when trasted by junior Tim was that someone opened this al, disturbing and at times humorous. There's a wealth of already something very differ- schemes and screams It is you think that your emotions Bambara's portrayal of Gary, or that book. The music in my information to satiate the hun- I'nt. With minimalist design unsettling but in a good way. will collapse, another charac- the money-is-every thing, ears changed from romantic to griest of curiosities and all of it's carried out to the fullest, the "Shopping and Puddng" ba ter self-destructs. power-grubbing bad guy baroque and back to romantic audience is seated on the floor representation of the loneliness Sophomore Bryce Gerlach who cries openly one as I paced and prowled and free. It's a deal you're likely to never find again in the center of the room, sur- of desperate relationships, doing gives a particularly strong moment and then threatens paraded along the empty rows rounded by black curtains nothing when it means every- performance as the lead, to beat up Robbie for not get- and levels, feeling like the most So wander through the library sometime when it's The curtains open at thing and doing everything in Mark. Gerlach's character's ting him a clean handker- powerful, intellectual man in dark and drizzly outside, when three different locations dur- the hope that it means absolute- struggle to exist as a fully chief in the next. the world. All of a sudden I you have nothing else to do, ing the show. To the front is ly nothing It is a rough glimpse realized homosexual in a "Shopping and Fucking" is a didn't blame the old hermit when you're craving a journey, a makeshift apartment with into a loveless lite, and it is m-t world of empty, graphic sex devastating, exhausting pro- who lost himself in the sticks, be it a spiritual, intellectual, a couch, a television and meant to be viewed by the taint is p.ir.ilyzing. duction to watch, and the ener- why would you want to leave entertaining or even a lime- various magazines strewn hearted or the weak-stomached His repeated plea, gy of the cast is to be commend- where there's so much knowl- killing one. And if you're feel- about. To the right is a table On a kill-or be killed planet, "Someone has to sort me ed. It is not a beautiful show, but edge and so much silence to ing kind enough, you might and two plastic chairs and to these characters refuse to die out," applies not only to his it is rough and it is real, and it enjoy it in? It's almost worth want to bake some brownies the left is a stuffed mustard any time soon. They go desire for someone to inter- will leave you pained, panting the nasty fingernails and the for the lost and lonely hermit. colored recliner through murder threats, first act with him on a personal and squirming. nastier madness. He can usually be found The audience pivots from kisses, drug use, phone sex and level* but also creates a One thing is for sure. There My field trip/fantasy, how- shuffling between the fourth point to point at red-light-spe- verbalized and actualized fan- metaphor for shopping — we isn't a whole lot of shopping. ever, came to a close after almost an hour of frantic. and fifth stack levels. cial cues to witness various tasy It is intense and vok.inu. shop for partners like we "Shopping and Fucking" scenes happening in the three continuously erupting into shop for jeans, looking for runs from April 17 to 20 at 8 areas.While this is an interest- fights and fists and screaming the perfect fit that we never p.m. with a midnight show mi: idea, rotating every 10 The script is propelling. may find. April 19. Ex-'Road Rules' cast mem- bers bring inspration, humor

EX--ROAD RVIJiS.' from page 16 more serious stuff people were like we should be in a bis circle like, 'ok, I'll think about that.' sharing stories." That's all you can really ask is for Beggy thought the event was someone to think about it and a success as well. "I didn't know maybe apply it to their li\*m" how well the participation Even with the semi- would go, because I've done par- celebrity status that they have ticipation things before at other garnered through their time schools and they've gone ruirrif- on "Road Rules," it has not ic," Beggy said. "I couldn't inflated their heads and the believe how cordial and intelli- guys think that they still can gent everyone was. They all make a difference. "If there is seemed to care and were con- a small percentage of some- cerned with the topic." thing we can do to give back Setzler agreed "1 thought it or give some type of message went great." Setzler said. "I think across, that's pretty impor- when we did talk about a little tant to us," Beggy said. Doing anything stylish this summer? We want it in next semester's first issue!

DAVE KlKVvnior phrtoitrnphfr (Lett to rieht) Freshman Kevin Murphy, freshman Arianne Warner, sophomore Ryan McWilliams and sophomore Bryce Gerlach Contact us at X8-3151 or are performing in "Shopping and Fucking," which will run in Theatre II at 8 p.m. through April 20. There wMI be an additional performance at midnight April 19. Tickets may be purchased when the doors open at 6 p.m. breezestyle(3>hotmail.com

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-Vkl We re Through!" Dam rm«1y. THDRSDAY where art yoix QOIVU? al die Blltmore Grill. 9 pan- - doae. Senior Class Challenge tame oul lo the Bltannre ifler the Alumni Asorauin unriuTMfN Celebration. Induction Ceremony for (hb fun- JATWYA. al the Bilunore Grill. Hied dance p»rty featuring Doug ^3ll]Wf •6-8pjn..SentorCla» th lilark and the Ika Nttl Bring (hallenge Donors Only, your Senior Week cup for drink Amaang drink & bufld 1 Gel ahead or catch up by specials Queiluiru' Contact specials r*H*M lenn Mi al uvtsqj&jrtiu niu THE • 8- lOp.m.JM. Seniors enrolling in MU Summer CMUUCtr- only, drink specials and lood' Sessions, and still have tim« • 10-Clow. open lo those 21 4 over for summer fun! Think about: TUESDAY Bring your Senior Week cup for pitcher specials! Red Bull Sponsored Part), al QueUtons' Contact Brooke Itoss at Hightail Pavilion. 8 p.m. - Cloac. rossbp&jmu edu or S6«-JKK • Completing prerequisites or core requirements Come oul for dancing, and a DJ' Finl ISO people lo arrive Rfl a FRFI • Doing an internship can of Red Bull Bruin your .Senior ALL WEEK 122 261 Week cup for drink specials' Slock up oo JM1 apparel al the bookstore' Redeem • Focusing on a specific course yurWions' Contact Jesska Leigh vour 20% off coupon (found in your Senior *irk al LeigbfessSQaol com • Taking advantage of smaller classes packet) lor great savings on JMl apparel

www.marymount.edu/summer Sponsored by: admissions®marymounl edu Senior Cltiss Challenge 703 284-1500 +*V .AMES Student A mhussudnrs 800-548-7638 MADISON MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY. Sr Class Council 2807 N. Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22207-M299 Alumni Association Jr. Class Council a comprehensive, coeducational Calhohc university THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 20021 THE BREEZE 119

"They came here expecting to sweep us 7-0 ... We kept doubles close and L Dukes Invitational had a respectful outing." The women's golf team placed second in its home ANDREW LUX event over the weekend. senior, tennis player LHi lxL"S SM story below I set story below

MEN'S TENNIS JMU falls to ODU Student- at home

BY BRAD RICHARDS contributing writer The men's tennis ham lost to its final opponent of athlete the regular season Tuesday at the Convocation Center courts in its last match before this weekend's con- ference championships. JMU fell 6-2 to Old Dominion University, who de'Lux'e came into Tuesday's match ranked 60th in the nation. The Monarch's were expecting its Senior tennis player visit to Harrisonburg Tui'sdjy to be an easy ODU star ony off courts tune-up for the Colonial d BY MATT BROWNLEE tions just as smoothly as he Athletic staff writer JMU strokes a forehand winner. The Association 2 Interviewing Andrew Lux volley takes time, goes back Tournament. is a lot like facing him on the and forth for a while, until JMU felt dif- court. He strolls in casually finally the Andrew Lux story ferently and battled each late (you come to find out unfolds itself. point with a purpose. that promptness is not one of As a five year old growing Senior captain Andrew his strengths), plops his bag up in Germany, Lux first was Lux said, "They came here on the floor, warmly intro- exposed to tennis when his expecting to sweep us 7-0. duces himself and even parents used to drag him The guys fought hard and we offers to buy you a drink to along to their daily matches. did a lot of good things today. make up for his tardiness. Once Lux put down the soccer They are seeded 60th in the "Nice guy," you think to ball, his first love, and began nation. We kept doubles close yourself. Very relaxed, at six hitting balls against the wall, a and had a respectful outing." feet not an imposing figure, career began. The Dukes lost overall in well mannered, seems easy singles competition 5-2, with going. You begin to think only the top seeded Lux and you're the one in control This -46 second seeded junior Mike must surely be how his oppo- Hendricksen winning their nents feel right before match- He lets nothing and no matches The doubles match- es. But then he becomes one go unnoticed. He es also were exciting but focused. And just like he con- somewhat disappointing in sumes everything during a talks a little too much that JMU lost 2-1. match — the opponent, the Coach Steve Secord said, crowd, the coaches — he to everybody, but that "We should've won the dou- immediately takes in the scene bles. It was close and the guys that surrounds him now. The is just Andrew. fought hard, so we have interviewer's notebook, the something to build on." UREC employees, the climb- — Mike Hendricksen junior, tennis player The final score card ing wall, the cute girls walking showed the doubles team of around — especially the girls. -9 9 ■Lux and sophomore Colin "He lets nothing and no Malcolm beating the one go unnoticed," teammate Monarchs No. 1 doubles junior Mike Hendricksen By age six he was dominat- team 8-5. JMU lost its other said. "He talks a little too ing summer camps. By eight he two doubles matches 9-7 much to everybody, but that was taking his first private les- and 8-1. is just Andrew." sons. Nearly a decade later, Tuesday's match marked So now the verbal volley coach Steve Secord met lux the end of an era in JMU ten- begins. On the court Lux is pre- while at a friends' wedding nis. Lux played and won his DAVE KlMlirmor phologruphfr cise, calculating and quick to and convinced the young star final match on his home react Nothing is different here. Senior tennis player Andrew Lux hits a shot against a Flame opponent In JMU's match He rattles off responses to ques- see LUX. page 21 against Liberty University April 10. Lux is nationally ranked In both singles and doubles. set OLD DOMISON, i*ge 21

WOMEN'S GOLF JMU takes second place in Dukes Invitational Dukes' Gooden finishes second individually, Lewis and Langford tie for fourth place in home event BY JEFFREY CRETZ Lions of Penn State first place honors after her Lewis shot a two under mer. Gooden wants his players qualified for the NCAA's as a stuff writer University in the two-day two 74 stroke performances. par in her Saturday round, to take the summer and work team, but I think next year we The women's golf team event. Penn State's two-day Sophomore transfer Kansas the best of any JMU golfer on things to get better. He is have a real good shot. Next year placed second in the Dukes combined score was 611 and Gooden finished two stokes for the weekend. excited about next year. may be the best team ever seen Invitational that took place the Dukes were 17 strokes behind Futcher. "Kansas played amazing," He said, "JMU has never in JMU golf history." over the weekend at JMU's behind with a 628. Four other JMU golfers Lewis said. "She was playing home golf course, Lakeview. Princeton University, Yale finished in the top third of her home course and came in Dukes Invitational Of the 17 schools from as University and the University the 91 participants. Junior co- second which was very good for far away as Michigan that of Maryland rounded out the captain Jessica Lewis and her. I know she has been work April U-14,2002 participated, the Dukes only top five. * sophomore Jayme Langford ing on a lot of stuff mentally and Individual Champion finished behind the Nittany Katie Futcher of PSU took tied for fourth with a 152. physically and to see her finish Kate Futcher, Penn State, 74-74-148 strong is great for going into next year." JMU Individual. Kansas Gooden 77-73-150.- Meg Davies 75 Senior co-captain Corrie (lied 2nd) (tied 27th) Tayman was very satisfied Jessica Lewis 82-70--! 52 Erika Zwetkow with her team's performance. (tied 4th) (tied 47th) "There is a lot of pressure playing in your home touma Jayme Langford 78-74-152 Carol Green 91 ment and 1 think as a team we (tied 4th) (tied 77th) did pretty well," Tayman said. Corrie Tsyraan 81-82-163 Liz Caffrey "We really had some people step (lied 25th) (83rd) up to the plate and turn in some Results: good rounds." 1. Penn State 305-306-611 Tayman added that 2. James Madison University 316-312-428 nerves played a large part in 3. Princeton 318-314-628 the team's early struggles, 4. Yile 322-314-636 ^^ but once the team settled 5. Maryland 316-323-639 ^W down, scores lowered. 6. William 4 Mary 320-328-648 Lewis said, "One of our 7. (tie) Appalachian State 334-319-'^ freshmen, Liz Caffrey, for her Brown 318-335-653 first tournament ever as a col- 9. Methodist 335-322-657 lege kid played fantastic. Only good things can come from this young lady. She is just learning the game and getting so much better at it so quick." Coach Paul Gooden thought the team played 10. (tie) Longwood 334-332-666 very well. "We would have St. Francis 339-327-666 liked to win on our home 12. Rutgers 336-339-675 course," Gooden said. "But 13. Bucknell 338-348-686 sometimes players try too 14. UMBC 342-346-688 hard at home." 15. Boston College 358-337-695 BRIAN WMJMIJp)uu

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Come and visit us! 1941 Sunchase DP. (off Neff Ave.) f | «u * '-ISbt OWTl/NiTY or at www.sunchase.net 442-4800 SPORTS THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 20021 THE BREEZE 121 Lux, a leader in all aspects of life I.VX. from page \9 ty is what makes this athlete Business. He is the to give JMU a Iry. Lux admits truly gifted. Outstanding JMU Marketing that it was a bit naive to essen- The three-year captain has Student for 2002, has been on tially hop on a plane and such a flawless leadership and every President's Honoree come to college in the United academic record, it would List this century and was Wallace qualifies for States, but one can't argue make former Duke University awarded the Scholarship Key IOJA's with the results. basketball standout Shane Award by both Alpha Kappa As a sophomore he was Battier blush. Psi and Delta Sigma Pi. Senior sprinter Anthony named team captain and played Lux is the chairman and "Andrew has set a prime Wallace qualified for the as the No. 2 seed all year founder of the JMU Student- example of what any person Intercollegiate Association Lux continued to work Athlete Advisory Council, an should be like, athlete or of Amateur Athletes of and improve his game before especially tense job considering not," teammate sophomore finally taking over the No. 1 last years' budget cuts. Matthew Chenault said. America in both the spot during his junior year. He is the Vice-President of "He is the epitome of schol- men's 100-meters and the Still a captain. Lux won 32 Beta Gamma Sigma Honor ar-athlete." long jump. singles and doubles matches Society and served as JMU More than a few organiza- Wallace was timed in the during his junior campaign, representative at both the tions have agreed with 100 at 10.80 seconds and relying heavily on his consis- NCAA Foundation Chenault's eloquent assess- leaped 24 feet, 8 3/4 inches tent play and intelligence to Leadership Conference as ment of Lux's talents. in the long jump, good wear down opponents. well as the Beta Gamma "Americans like to give MATT CAR ASELLA/jfcflf ptkiofruphrr "Me doesn't have an over- Sigma National Leadership awards," Lux said, and he of Sophomore Colin Malcolm dive* Into a forehand shot as doubles enough to place fifth. partner, senior Andrew Lux, watches. JMU lost to ODU, 6-2. whelming weapon, but he's Conference. The list goes on, all people would know. Lux Junior Char Lewis fin- got no glaring weaknesses," but Lux's application of is a Verizon Academic All- ished fourth in the triple- Secord said. "He just wears these leadership skills is American, a two-time CAA Old Dominion tops Dukes jump at the Virginia you down and makes you what stands out in the minds Scholar-Athlete and most Invitational with a jump of OLD DOMINION .from page 19 earn every point." of his teammates. importantly, a two-time good showing against one of the 39 feet, 1/2 inch, qualifying Lux said, "My tennis is recipient of the JMU Scholar- court, beating Old Dominion's top programs in the nation." her for the women's triple- messed up. I'm a lefty, and Athlete of the Year Award. Zoltan Csanadi 6-2,6-3 in a very Malcolm lost to Monarchs jump at the Eastern College everyone hates playing left- 4fc Lux is most proud of this intense and emotional match. junior Patrik Binkowski 6-2, ies. I think I beat a lot of last award, because it honors "It was my last time playing 6-2. Junior Bryan Knehr and Athletic Conference meet. guys who walk off the court Andrew is a prime both athleticism and here at home. I had a lot of emo- sophomore Clint Morse also saying, 'how did 1 lose to achievement in the class- tion and that carried over into fell in each of their respec- that guy?'" example of what any room. Although Lux enjoys a my win," Lux said. tive matches Tuesday. Lux's success has carried person should be like, great social life, his scholas- Secord said, "This was a over to his senior year in full tic record has come at some- -46 good warm-up for us. We force. He won 30 matches athlete or not. what of a price. have Wilmington (University already this year, with the "Andrew gave up a lot in I had a lot of emotion of North Carolina- conference championships He is the epitome of a his earlier years (to achieve a Wilmington) on Friday. They coming this weekend. He 4.0]," Hendricksen said. and that carried over (ODU) thought that they lenins was a 2001 selection to the scholar-athlete. "There were times when we into my win. would take it to us, and we All-CAA Singles First Team would joke with him about battled back. We just need to Club tennis competed and earned All-CAA Second — Matthew Chenault how much he studied and gel geared, ready and sophomore (ennis player —Andrew Lux against North Carolina Team honors for doubles. the things he would miss senior tennis player focused for the CAAs." In the fall Lux and his part- 99 — when he wasn't around, but The CAA Championships State University and the ner, Troy Stone (01), were I began to understand why 95 begin Friday in Richmond. University of North Carolina- ranked 44th nationally in ITA he did it. JMU will face UNC- Chapel Hill over the week- Wilmington in the quarterfi- doubles, while Lux himself "He was so focused not end. The girls team defeated was ranked 137th. This "Andrew is a true leader," for one year or two years, but Other results included nals. This will be the first achievement marked the first teammate sophomore Colin for his entire career here at Hendricksen's 2-6,6-2.10-4 win time the two teams play this NC State 54. time in Secord's coaching Malcolm said. "He is a guy JMU. This hard work has and sophomore t r.im season because their regular Anderson's strong tight against season match was cancelled tenor that a player was who picks you up when you paid off for Andrew, not only Softball ranked nationally in both sin- are down. He is very orga- in the classroom but also in ODU's Calin Milos in a disap- due to inclement weather. gles and doubles at the same nized, focused on his tasks and practice. He is always there pointing 6-2,6-4 loss. Lux said, "Friday will be time. Game. has the true spirit of a champi- trying his hardest no matter Anderson said, "It was rough a dog fight. They are ranked Club Softball swept a dou- And still he sits across on." Game, Set. what. That is admirable." to play in this type of heat, but fourth in the conference and bleheader against George- we're not making excuses. We from you, still concentrating, Lux is smiling more now, Always getting the last we are fifth. It should be town University Sunday. taking in the entire scene. because he knows he's got word in, the loquacious Lux played them tough and had a very exciting." He's loosened you up with you. The southpaw serve and smiles and insists that his friendly conversation now, topspin forehands have worn social life quickly is catch- just like he breaks in oppo- you down. His athletic record ing up to all the work he's Coming back early next fall? Write for nents with those slicing is terrific, leadership skills put in over the years, and backhands. Three or four beyond reproach. that a European vacation is people have stopped by the This May, Andrew Lux in the making. After all he sports. Contact Drew or Dan table just to say hello and will graduate at the top of his has done, no one deserves it wish him well, and you are class with a 4.0 cumulative more than he does. starting to see that personali- GPA in the College of Game, Set Match. at x8-6709.

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APARTMENTS Furnished 2 BR. 2 fln»r board. Askjng $350. 5744692 571-4325483 or email properties this summer. 5683068 Tua Sat. 10 a.m. ■ 6 p.m. Call nabiu4»eo>com HOUSES Bath Condo - or duffeme)smu.edu. 540-442«188 438-8800, Anytime! Attention Sumeior Camp A fev. houses remaining . Madison Manor. 8550. '90 Honda Aoserd IX - 2 doc. 5 2002 - 2003 91 Actara Megra • Vach. 5 speed. Counselors • ACAC is seeking ADVERTISE IN a block from Court Square! Water Included. 2 door hatchback, good conditon. spd., ail power, sun/moonroof. committed Summer Camp AM/FW stereo, new VA nspaction. 1 1 BRApl. $3507mo. Feakhetner A Assecialri Asking $3,300 or better offer. Call Counselors for June 10 - August .THE BREEZE Hunter's Rldfe Townhouse - csvner. great conchtion. 227K maes. 23 Counselors can earn from $6 • Proewrls Management, lac. Christina. 43ft2646 well maintained, all records, must $8.50 per hour, depending on CLASSIFIED ADSI 2 BR Apl. S400/mo.or InfbfgtFunkhouserM anagemeni con Available August 1 $215/person. 4 bedroom. JMtlwa.AaMD ?duoraxw. see $2,200/0 bo 703742944.? experience if you are creative, $200'pcrson. Ethernet 434-5150 5 speed, great condition, loaded. (Chantilly) exciting and energized, men ACAC S3 00 for the first 10 words 2 living rooms. W/D. has an opportunity for you. Full- available Asking $6,500. Call 679-2706. S2 00 for each add I in words 1214 Forest Hill Road - 3 BR. 1 D/W. A/C. 2 baths DJ Equipment and Lighting • time with benefltsl Fo- more 3 BRApf. SSIO/mo. or 1/2 baths, washet/dryer. Across 1990 Jee* Wrangler for Sate - red everything from speakers to strobe information please call Adam or Block ads areSIGV inch from Shenandoah Grill. S840. 4 Bedroom House - and black with grey interior. 3.5* lights to disco ba«s to fog machine Enc. 434-9783800. S170'person Hess & Miller. 434-7383. Roosevelt Street. lift with bag tires, all borta exhaust. virtually brand new and in great yow accepting condition. Price is negotiable. Now Harlngl All Northern Virginia Furnished. 8275/person. 20K on new en©ne ($5,000. o a o ) crtdit cards!! Large 1 Bedroom Apartment - Call 574-4468. ask tor Dave. PVease contact Matt. 437-6584 or areas: Supervisors/Lifeguards/ One of the closest good location. $360 433-1569. W/D. D/W. A/C. 914830-5125. Pool Operators Apply on-fine or call (Classified advertising only) 1877 7337665. $7.25/hr maamum. Available August 1. Plants. Pots, Path) Decor - Gift A Visa or Master Card complexes to JMU! 2001 Silver Toyota Collca • www premie'enferpnses'ic com Spaaclal Grve-A-Way - 4 bedroom, Thrift. 227 N. Main. 11.000 miles, loaded, spoiler, CM i. >.A. i 2 bath townhouse includes Kline Realty Kline Realty Prop*rl> Mgml. Pttytrtatto* 2 • system, games, sunroof, key-less entry, automate ■UIIMII seised E35 • for full Ethernet, cable. TV. and local phone. lo place your ail Property Management accessories for sale. E-mail transmission. Gold Emblem lima summer employment. The good apartment* go firu. All for only $222/mo. while they jmuGameGuy#yarioo com for package, excellent condition, possibly leading to fan and fun S68-6127 wtomebvwtJ last University Realty, 434-4444. 438-8800 information. extended warranty Call 432-1394. time. 4331234. 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. Only 2 more issues remaining. Call today to place your ad. 568-6127 KIM'S NAILS & TANNING 434-5382 fcrdauQi'm Gpe&iQU! ♦Full Set *Manicure & Pedicure Combo 'Includes Free Tan or French Manicure Fill Manicure Pedicure Eyebrow Wax

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