History of the United States Capitol
HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL “We have built no national temples but the Capitol; we consult no common oracle but the Constitution.” Representative Rufus Choate, 1833 CHAPTER ONE GRANDEUR ON THE POTOMAC rom a two-hundred-year perspective, Long before the first stone was set, the story it is not easy to grasp the difficulties of the Capitol was intertwined with the effort to F surrounding the location, design, and establish the seat of federal government. The Rev- construction of the United States Capitol. When olution that won the right of self- government for work began in the 1790s, the enterprise had more thirteen independent states started a controversy enemies than friends. Citizens of New York, over the location of the new nation’s capital, a fight Philadelphia, and Baltimore did not want the some historians consider the last battle of the war.1 nation’s capital sited on the Potomac River. The At the close of military hostilities with Great Britain Capitol’s beginnings were stymied by its size, scale, in 1781, the United States was a nation loosely and lack of precedent. In the beginning Congress bound under the Articles of Confederation, a weak did not provide funds to build it. Regional jealousy, form of government with no executive, no judici- political intrigue, and a general lack of architec- ary, and a virtually powerless Congress. Although tural sophistication retarded the work. The the subject of the country’s permanent capital was resources of the remote neighborhood were not discussed during this period, legislators could not particularly favorable, offering little in the way of agree on an issue so taut with regional tension.
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