CONDITIONALITY AND COMPLIANCE: THE SHAKY DIMENSIONS OF NATO INFLUENCE (THE GEORGIAN CASE) Shalva Dzebisashvili The QUARTERLY JOURNAL The QUARTERLY The QUARTERLY JOURNAL The QUARTERLY Connections Connections Solving the Syrian Knot: Dynamics within the UN Security Council and Challenges to its Effectiveness Esmira Jafarova The Waning Grand Strategy of Democratization: Why a Pivot to the Asia-Pacifi c Places the United States at Greater Risk of Terrorist Attack David Tier Defense Policy and Reforms in Bulgaria since the End of the Cold War: A Critical Analysis Georgi Tzvetkov Spring Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes The PfP Consortium Editorial Board Sean S. Costigan Executive Editor Jean Callaghan Managing Editor Aida Alymbaeva Institute for Analysis and Initiatives Development, Bishkek Ernst Felberbauer National Defence Academy, Vienna Peter Foot United Kingdom Piotr Gawliczek National Defence University, Warsaw Hans-Joachim Giessmann Berghof Foundation, Berlin Graeme Herd Plymouth University, United Kingdom Elena Kovalova National Defense University, Washington, D.C. David Mussington Insitute for Defense Analyses, Washington, D.C. Chris Pallaris Director and Principal Consultant of i-intelligence, Zurich Tamara Pataraia Caucasian Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development John Reppert United States Philippe Sommaire France Todor Tagarev Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia The PfP Consortium Publication Manager Enrico Müller Partnership for Peace Consortium Operations Staff The articles appearing in all Connections publications do not necessarily represent the views of the authors’ institutions, their governments, or the PfP Consortium itself. The Consortium’s family of publications is available at no cost at If you would like to order printed copies for your library, or if you have questions regarding the Consortium’s publications, please contact the PfPC Operations Staff at
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