ril 20 Ap 21 73 七十三期

Together Every Step of the Way

新渡輪˙新里程 Embarking on a New Journey with Sun

《同渡每一天》現推出全新面貌的網上版取代 印刷品,讓乘客隨時隨地緊貼新渡輪資訊的同時 亦可攜手支持環保。 A revamped digital edition of “Together Every Step of the Way” will be launched to replace the printed version, enabling passengers to keep abreast of the latest information of anytime, anywhere while being more eco-friendly.

今期焦點 Features of This Issue:

離島及港內航線渡輪服務新營運牌照生效 New Ferry Services Licences for Operating Outlying Island and Inner Harbour Ferry Routes In Effect

離島航線渡輪服務新安排 New Arrangements for Outlying Island Ferry Services

配合政府推動環保海上交通發展 Promoting Greener Maritime Transportation in Support of the Government’s Initiatives

版權所有 不得轉載 All Rights Reserved 渡輪掌舵 WHEELHOUSE

新渡輪˙新里程 Embarking on a New Journey with Sun Ferry

為標誌公司發展邁進新里程,新渡輪於今年一月正式改 名為「新渡輪服務有限公司」,並換上全新設計的商標以 嶄新的企業形象營運,為本港的渡輪服務帶來新景象。 去年底,新渡輪正式成為珠江船務企業(集團)有限公司 及珠江船務企業(股份)有限公司(香港股份代號:560) 的全資擁有公司,母公司將為新渡輪的長遠發展注入更 大動力,也將為員工提供更大的發展空間,並銳意推陳 出新,為市民提供更優質、安全和可靠的渡輪服務。 Marking a new milestone for the company and driving a new landscape in the ferry industry in , First Ferry is renamed as “Sun Ferry Services Company Limited (Sun Ferry)” in January this year with a newly designed logo and corporate image. Sun Ferry has been officially wholly owned by Chu Kong Shipping Enterprises (Holdings) Company Limited and Chu Kong Shipping Enterprises (Group) Company Limited (Hong Kong Stock Code: 560) since the end of last year. With the aim of offering better, safer and more reliable ferry services backed by new initiatives, the parent companies will make every effort to drive the long-term growth of Sun Ferry and to support the further development of its employees. 渡輪掌舵 WHEELHOUSE

離島及港內航線渡輪服務 新營運牌照生效 New Ferry Services Licences for Operating Outlying Island and Inner Harbour Ferry Routes In Effect 新渡輪早前獲運輸署分別批出的離島航線渡輪服務 (即中環往來長洲、中環往來梅窩及橫水渡(穿梭 坪洲、梅窩、芝蔴灣及長洲))營運牌照,以及港內航線 渡輪服務(即北角往來紅磡、北角往來九龍城,及北角 往來大廟灣特別航線)的營運牌照,已同步於2021年 4月1日起生效。新牌照下計有渡輪服務的優化,碼頭 設施的美化及新票價的安排。 航班時間表和收費可參閱新渡輪網頁、手機應用程式或 碼頭告示板。乘客亦可向碼頭職員查詢或致電新渡輪顧 客服務熱線 (852) 2131 8181。 Sun Ferry was awarded the licences earlier by the Transport Department for operating outlying island ferry services which include Central-, Central- and Inter Islands, alongside inner harbour ferry services which include -, North Point- City and a special ferry route, North Point-. During the new licence period starting from 1 April 2021, Sun Ferry will enhance service levels, improve passenger facilities with new fare arrangement. For ferry schedules and fares, please refer to Sun Ferry's website, mobile app or notice boards at the piers. Passengers can also check with our staff at the piers or call the Sun Ferry Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2131 8181. 渡輪掌舵 WHEELHOUSE

離島航線渡輪服務新安排 New Arrangements for Outlying Island Ferry Services

• 強化渡輪服務提升載客量 • Strengthening ferry services with enhanced passenger carrying capacity

「中環-梅窩」航線(星期一至六 (公眾假期除外)) (新增高速船及調整船隻調配和班次) “Central - Mui Wo” Ferry Route (from Mondays to Saturdays (except Public Holidays)) (Additional Fast Ferry Sailings Deployment, Adjustments of Vessel Deployment and Sailing Frequency)

往中環 To Central

新增 add 上午7:20 am 高速船Fast Ferry

上午9:30 am 上午9:40 am 高速船Fast Ferry 更改為 普通渡輪 change to (收取普通渡輪普通位費用 Ordinary Ferry Fare of ordinary class of ordinary ferry is applicable)

往梅窩 To Mui Wo

上午9:10 am 更改為 上午9:00 am 高速船Fast Ferry change to 高速船Fast Ferry

下午5:10 pm 更改為 下午5:20 pm 高速船Fast Ferry change to 高速船Fast Ferry

晚上8:30 pm 晚上8:35 pm 高速船Fast Ferry 更改為 普通渡輪 change to (收取普通渡輪普通位費用 Ordinary Ferry Fare of ordinary class of ordinary ferry is applicable)

「中環-長洲」航線(星期一至五 (公眾假期除外) 繁忙時間) (新增高速船班次) “Central – Cheung Chau” Ferry Route (during Peak Periods from Mondays to Fridays (except Public Holidays)) (Additional Fast-Ferry Sailings Deployment)

往中環 To Central

新增 add 下午4:30 pm 高速船Fast Ferry

往長洲 To Cheung Chau

新增 add 晚上6:30 pm 高速船Fast Ferry 渡輪掌舵 WHEELHOUSE

「橫 水 渡 」航 線 (新增班次) “Inter-Islands” Ferry Route (Additional Sailings Deployment)

由芝麻灣開出 From 下午3:00 pm 往梅窩及坪洲 to Mui Wo and 新增 add 晚上11:05 pm 往梅窩及坪洲 to Mui Wo and Peng Chau

由梅窩開出 From Mui Wo

新增 add 下午5:25 pm 往長洲 to Cheung Chau (不會途經芝麻灣,只限星期一至五, 公眾假期除外) (not via Chi Ma Wan, only available from Mondays to Fridays except Public Holidays)

• 推新票種選擇靈活多元 學生月票 「中 環- 長 洲」及「中 環-梅 窩」航 線 首 設「新 渡 輪 學生月票」,減輕莘莘學子的交通負擔 多程票 「中 環- 長 洲」和「中 環-梅 窩」航 線 分 別 各 設「12 程 票」和「2 0 程 票」,乘 客 可 按 需 要 購 買 所 需 程 數, 更具彈性

• New ticket options with greater flexibility Student Monthly Ticket With the newly launched Sun Ferry Student Monthly Ticket for Central-Cheung Chau and Central-Mui Wo ferry routes, students can enjoy concessionary fares and have their financial burdens eased. Multi-ride Ticket Catering to the different needs of passengers, Multi-ride Tickets are now available for both Central-Cheung Chau and Central-Mui Wo ferry routes to offer greater flexibility with two options of 12 trips or 20 trips to choose from. 渡輪掌舵 WHEELHOUSE

美化碼頭添色彩 Beautification Works to Enhance the Piers’ Environment

新 營 運 牌 照 下,新 渡 輪 於 營 運 之中 環 五 號、中 環 六 號、 長洲和梅窩碼頭進行了美化工程,一幅幅充滿長洲和 梅窩風土人情色彩的壁畫為碼頭注入活力。壁畫上的 包山塔、張保仔洞、天壇大佛等,展現離島獨有的風光 景緻;四時美景及花卉植物則予人舒適放鬆的感覺; 此外,一些趣味十足的立體壁畫,更是拍照打卡不能錯 過 的 熱 點! Under the new licences, beautification works were conducted at Central Pier No.5, Central Pier No.6, Cheung Chau Pier and Mui Wo Pier by Sun Ferry with signature pictures of Cheung Chau and Mui Wo bringing the piers to life. Reflecting their unique traditions and culture, mural paintings of Cheung Chau bun towers, Cheung Po Tsai Cave and the Big Buddha showcase the exceptional scenery of outlying islands, while those of beauty of four seasons as well as flowers and plants convey a sense of relaxation and tranquillity. Some of the mural paintings are three-dimensional, making them even more interesting and Instagram-worthy. It’s time to snap the best photos with these new paintings as the backdrop! 渡輪掌舵 WHEELHOUSE

配合政府推動 環保海上交通發展 Promoting Greener Maritime Transportation in Support of the Government’s Initiatives

新渡輪與運輸署於1月14日簽訂「船隻資助計劃」協議, 協助政府在新渡輪營運的三條離島航線,即「中環-長 洲」、「中環-梅窩」及「橫水渡」航線中引進環保船舶。 新渡輪將積極配合政府計劃,在未來十年內分階段為離 島航線引入使用環保能源和物料的渡輪,更新船隊,為 乘客帶來更舒適的旅程之餘,也為本港的綠色船運發展 作 出 貢 獻。 On 14 January, Sun Ferry signed with the Transport Department the Vessel Subsidy Scheme agreement, in support of the Government’s initiatives to introduce eco-friendly vessels to three outlying island ferry routes operating by Sun Ferry, namely Central-Cheung Chau, Central-Mui Wo and Inter-is- lands. Sun Ferry will work in tandem with the Government to introduce vessels using greener energy and materials to outlying island ferry routes within ten years in phases and to replace the current fleet, bringing more comfortable rides for passengers and playing a part to promote the development of eco-friendly maritime transportation in Hong Kong. 瞭望塔 WATCHTOWER

連續十九年榮膺 「商界展關懷」標誌 Granted for the 19 Consecutive Year of the Caring Company Logo

新渡輪致力履行企業社會 責任,連續第19年獲香港社 會服務聯會頒發「商界展 關懷」殊榮,充份展現公司多年來持續回饋社會,在關懷 社 群、關 心員 工 及 愛 護 環 境 方 面 表 現 卓 越。 Being granted the Caring Company Logo for the 19th consecutive year by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Sun Ferry is committed to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility and to reciprocating to the community over the years, showing its care for the community, employees and the environment.

三度奪取「社會資本動力標誌獎」 Awarded the Social Capital Builder Logo Award for the Third Time

新渡輪連續三屆獲 頒「社會資本動力 標 誌 獎 」, 表 揚 公 司對香港社會的資本發展作出的貢獻。兩年一度的「社 會資本動力獎」嘉許計劃由勞工及福利局轄下的社區投 資共享基金舉辦,旨在嘉許企業機構實踐社會責任。 In recognition of its untiring efforts in the development of social capital in Hong Kong, Sun Ferry is granted the Social Capital Builder Logo Award for the third consecutive year. Organised by the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund under the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the biennial Social Capital Builder Awards acknowledges the contribution of corporations practising social responsibility. 瞭望塔 WATCHTOWER

榮獲「賽馬會齡活城市 『全城.長者友善』計劃2020」標誌 Honoured to Receive the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme 2020 Sticker

新渡輪參與了由香港賽馬會慈善信託基 金 主 辦 的「 賽 馬 會 齡 活 城 市 -『全 城‧ 長者友善』計劃2020」,並獲嘉許為「賽 馬會齡活城市夥伴」,表彰公司在日常營 運中落實多元化 的長 者友善 措 施。 Joining the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme 2020 launched by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Sun Ferry was recognised as a Jockey Club Age-friendly City partner for its variety of age-friendly measures taken in its daily operations.

獲頒維他奶 「乾淨紙包回收計劃」嘉許狀 Acknowledged with Certificates of Appreciation by Vitasoy’s Clean Carton Recycling Programme 新渡輪積極推動社區環保,於去年一月起夥拍 維他奶國際集團有限公司(維他奶)於長洲碼頭、 梅窩碼頭和北角碼頭設置飲品紙包盒回收 點,鼓勵乘客回收減廢。維他奶特別向新渡 輪頒贈嘉許狀,以感謝公司對計劃的支持。 Sun Ferry has set up the beverage carton recycling points from January last year in partnership with Vitasoy International Holdings Limited (Vitasoy) at Cheung Chau Pier, Mui Wo Pier and North Point Pier to promote waste reduction and recycling among passengers. The company was granted certificates of appreciation by Vitasoy for its support. 至「LIKE」專頁 APPLAUSE

至「LIKE」員工 Passenger’s Appreciation

新渡輪早前接獲乘客的來電讚賞,感謝員工協助乘客 尋回失物。管理層已向職員頒發「卓越服務證書」,以 示嘉 許。 Sun Ferry is delighted to receive a call of compliment from a passenger to acknowledge a crew member for his efforts in finding lost property. He was presented with the “Certificate for Outstanding Service” by the management team in recognition of his merits.

名河船長 — 梁錦泉 Coxswain of Ming River — Leung Kam Chuen

乘 客 讚 賞: 「我想表揚你地同事 (船長梁錦泉)⋯⋯好積極, 個日我由坪洲去梅窩唔見眼鏡,你地同事幫我搵 佐(左)幾次⋯⋯好感恩,(佢)不停跟進,好開心。 佢跟進個種精神,好難得,真係幫到我。」

Compliment from passenger: “I would like to compliment your staff (Coxswain Leung Kam Chuen) for offering assistance so proactively. I lost my pair of glasses on the way from Peng Chau to Mui Wo and he helped me find it a few times. His performance is hard to come by and I was very thankful for his help.” 至「LIKE」專頁 APPLAUSE

霧季須知 Foggy weather notice

霧季期間,航班會不時因濃霧籠罩影響能見 度,須 減 速 慢 駛 保 障 乘 客 安 全。在 這 天 氣 情 況下,航班難免出現延遲開出及抵達,而航 行時間亦會有所延長,敬請乘客留意碼頭廣 播 及 通告。 During the fog season, sailings will be affected by low visibility due to heavy fog and will be required to slow down to ensure safety of the passengers. Under such situation, departure and arrival time will be delayed with longer journey time. Passengers please pay attention to the announcements and notices at the piers. 新渡輪服務有限公司(「新渡輪」) 在香港經營港內及離島共五條主要渡輪航線,分別為北角往來 紅磡和北角往來九龍城,以及中環往來長洲、中環往來梅窩和橫水渡(穿梭坪洲、梅窩、芝蔴灣 及長洲),以及一條特別渡輪航線(北角往來西貢大廟灣,只在天后誕提供服務)。 新渡輪由珠江船務企業(集團)有限公司及珠江船務企業(股份)有限公司(香港股份代號:560) (「珠江船務」)全資擁有。珠江船務所培育的“CKS”品牌在粵港澳跨境高速客運和港口物流市 場享有高知名度和影響力,珠江船務經營管理著世界最大的高速客船隊和粵港澳水上客運網絡, 以香港為基地,覆蓋珠江三角洲和澳門超過10個城市,包括廣州、深圳、順德、中山、珠海、東莞、 江門和澳門等。珠江船務亦是珠江三角洲最大的內河口岸碼頭和物流營運商之一,以香港為營運 中心,網絡覆蓋珠江三角洲超過20個城市,包括肇慶、清遠、佛山、廣州、江門等,提供包括內河 碼頭營運、綜合物流、國際貨運及供應鏈解決方案等業務。 出版:新渡輪服務有限公司企業傳訊部 地址:香港九龍荔枝角興華街西71號 Sun Ferry Services Company Limited (“Sun Ferry”) mainly operates five inner harbour and outlying island ferry routes in Hong Kong, including North Point-Hung Hom and North Point-, as well as Central-Cheung Chau, Central-Mui Wo and Inter Islands (between Peng Chau, Mui Wo, Chi Ma Wan and Cheung Chau), together with one special ferry route (plying between North Point and Joss House Bay, Sai Kung during Tin Hau Festival only). Sun Ferry is wholly owned by Chu Kong Shipping Enterprises (Holdings) Company Limited and Chu Kong Shipping Enterprises (Group) Company Limited (Hong Kong Stock Code: 560) (“CKS Group”). The brand “CKS” nurtured by CKS Group has high popularity and influence on the cross border markets of high-speed passenger transport and terminal logistics among Guangdong, Hong Kong and . CKSG operates and manages the largest high-speed passenger fleet and network of waterway passenger transport in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau which is based in Hong Kong and covered the (“PRD”) and Macau including more than 10 cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shunde, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Jiangmen, Macau and so on. CKSG is also one of the largest operators of inland terminal and logistics service in the PRD. Based in Hong Kong, CKSG builds up a network covering more than 20 cities in the PRD, including Zhaoqing, Qingyuan, Foshan, Guangzhou and Jiangmen etc., providing the operation of inland cargo terminals, integrated logistics, international forwarding and solutions to logistic supply chain and so on. Published by: Corporate Communications Department, Sun Ferry Services Company Limited Address: 71 Hing Wah Street West, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong (852) 2131 8181 (852) 2131 8877 [email protected]