Digital TV Partnership

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Digital TV Partnership Digital TV partnership NRK, TV 2 Gruppen AS and Telenor Broadcast have entered into a partnership agreement to consider applying for a licence for a digital terrestrial network in Norway. If the partners agree to apply, such application will be submitted by Norges televisjon (NTV), in which the three partners will hold equal ownership shares. In June 2005, the Ministry of Transport and Communication and the Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs announced that a licence for a digital terrestrial network for TV in Norway would be issued. The digital terrestrial network will replace the current analogue network, which today secures TV reception via regular antennas. Should NTV decide to apply for, and be awarded such licence, all Norwegian viewers will be offered easy access to a wide selection of TV channels with sound and images of the highest quality. The parties have agreed to commit to open technical solutions that will ensure an easy transition to the digital terrestrial network. The new network will also accommodate a number of pay TV providers. NRK, TV 2 Gruppen AS and Telenor have all considered different solutions and partnerships. "Together, the three of us have agreed that this partnership will secure the easiest and best transition from the current analogue system to the digital world of the future," said Kåre Valebrokk, Head of TV 2 and Board Chairman of NTV. The establishment of the digital terrestrial network involves a major national effort, as well as a considerable amount of risk. The partnership between NRK, TV 2 Gruppen AS and Telenor Broadcast will ensure top technical and editorial expertise, as well as the financial strength to complete the rollout of the network. "I am pleased that the three of us have agreed upon a good and sensible agreement. Our disappointments of this spring, relating to the objections presented by Telenor, which caused a certain delay to the project, are now behind us. The key issue for NRK is to ensure that our licence payers are offered easy access to all our services," said Director of Broadcasting John G. Bernander. NTV was established in 2002, with the aim of securing a license to establish and operate Norway's future broadcasting network for digital TV. Today, NTV is jointly owned by TV 2 Gruppen AS and NRK, each holding a 50 per cent ownership share. As part of the new partnership agreement, Telenor Broadcast will assume ownership of a share of NTV. The three companies will own a third each, making them equal partners, and neither party will have control of the company. Depending on the outcome of deliberations, NTV will apply for a licence and assume responsibility for all relevant liabilities and rights. The parties have also agreed to establish a new company ("NTV II"), which will offer pay TV services over the digital terrestrial network. NTV II will operate under the same ownership structure, i.e. NRK, TV2 Gruppen AS and Telenor Broadcast will each hold one third of the company. Telenor Group is one of the world's major mobile operators. We keep our customers connected in our markets across Scandinavia and Asia. Our more than 30,000 employees are committed to responsible business conduct and being our customers' favourite partner in digital life. Connecting the world has been Telenor's domain for more than 160 years, and we are driven by a singular vision: to empower societies. "The combination of our extensive experience from digital TV, and NRK's and TV 2's editorial strength, will secure the expertise required to succeed with such an extensive project," said Executive Vice President of Telenor Broadcast, Stig Eide Sivertsen. The deadline for applications for the digital terrestrial network for TV in Norway is 30 September. For more information, please contact: Kåre Valebrokk, Head of TV 2 and Board Chairman of NTV Mobile: +47 971 97 172 John G. Bernander, Director of Broadcasting Mobile: +47 915 31 900 Stig Eide Sivertsen, Executive Vice President Telenor Broadcast. Mobile: +47 909 55 767 Telenor Group is one of the world's major mobile operators. We keep our customers connected in our markets across Scandinavia and Asia. Our more than 30,000 employees are committed to responsible business conduct and being our customers' favourite partner in digital life. Connecting the world has been Telenor's domain for more than 160 years, and we are driven by a singular vision: to empower societies. Powered by TCPDF (
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