New Literature
New Literature Denmark Contains the following articles: Jean-Claude Soulages: Le journal télévisé: une forme télévisuelle universelle?, Arnaa, Kristian; Randrup, Rolf; Beckmann, Suzanne Stig Hjarvard: L’entretien journalistique comme ren- C.; e.a.: Profiling media users: an operational instru- contre conviviale, Jean-Michel Utard: Une télévision ment for the measurement of cultural values in a wide transnationale est-elle possible?, Isabelle Durousseau: variety of cultures. København, Copenhagen Business Un journal télévisé transnational, TV5, le journal de School, 1998, 33 p., (Working paper; 1998:12), ISSN 18h30, Thierry Lancien: Réception télévisé et com- 0109-3401. (Handelshøjskolen i København, Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi). préhension interculturelle, Clara Tavares: La télévision et le développement des compétences plurilinguistiques Bruhn Jensen, Klaus (ed.): News of the world: world et pluriculturelles, Thomas Tufte: Television fiction, cultures look at television news. London, Routledge, national identity and democracy. 1998, 230 p., ISBN 0-415-16107-X, (Routledge research in cultural and media studies; 4). Hansen, Flemming: Testing communication effects. Kø- This is the first in-depth study of how television viewers benhavn, Copenhagen Business School, 1998, 89 p., around the world respond to the ever increasing mass of (Working paper; 1998:2), ISSN 0109-3401. (Handelshøjskolen i København, Institut for Afsæt- information available from news programmes. The study ningsøkonomi). is based on news analysis, individual interviews and household interviews in seven countries presented in Hjarvard, Stig (ed.); Tufte, Thomas (ed.): Special issue: the respective country chapters: Nadia V. Efimova: Audiovisual media in transition. Sekvens. Film- og Belarus, Klaus Bruhn Jensen: Denmark, K.P. Jayasankar Medievidenskabelig Årbog (1998), temanummer, 273 and Anjali Monteiro: India, Tamar Liebes: Israel, Paolo p., ISBN 87-89505-19-0, ISSN 0106-2484.
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