Ilkka Mäkinen P.U.F. Sad el i n ja kirjastot Mäkinen, Ilkka, P. U. F. Sadelin ja kirjastot [P. U. F. Sadelin and libraries]. Kirjastotiede ja informatiikka, 13 (3): 76-91, 1994. P. U. F. Sadelin (1788-1858) was a Finnish clergyman, who took active part in the debates of his times. He was a prolific writer in the Finnish newspapers. He also followed keenly the literature abroad, Sweden and Germany. First a teacher in his home town Vaasa and then a clergyman on the Aland island, he was conservative by nature but nevertheless worked during his whole life for many philanthropic and enlightening causes. The article describes his activities in the field of libraries. During his early adulthood he was librarian for the reading society in Vaasa, est. 1794. He took part in the establishment of the first Finnish reading society for the clergy (1837) and personally established one of the first parish libraries in the country in his own parish, Hammarland and Eckerö (1841). The article is based on literature and archival sources and offers new information on the spreading of library innovations from Sweden and Germany into Finland. Address: University of Tampere, Department of Information Studies, P. O. Box 607, SF-33101 Tampere, Finland. E-mail
[email protected] Johdanto Konservatiivisen perusasenteen ja nuoruudessa omaksuttujen valistuksen arvojen välinen jännite on yksi Sadelinin elämän ulottuvuuksista. Toinen Pastori Pehr Ulrik Ferdinand Sadelin (1788- ulottuvuus on suomalaisen, sensuurin painaman 1858), jonka nimi pulpahtelee muutamaan ottee (epä)julkisuuden ja Ruotsin laajan sananvapauden seen esiin kirjastohistoriallisessa kirjallisuudessa, välinen jännite. Sadelin kasvoi ruotsalaisessa Suo esim.