EPIC of Survivat':
= .... lo'• - EPIC OF SURVIVAt': .. ' .' . Twenty-Fi¥,E:,:, . Centuries df' Anti -SemitisrIl~!i \ ,', )' c,"._ , ',: Samuel Glassman Bloch Publishing Company • New York I • ,_.,"""... _,...;,..1.< ...."''''>•• , {ntensijication of Jew-Hatred in Russia: I 281 ,,: < dishonest methods. Joly introduced the spirits .. .' philosophers engaged in calm discussion. One was the very ··2··············~···4·· Italian, Niccolo Machiavelli, who died in 1527. His writi~, became a guide for all the world's dictators, deal with the"pro how a ruler can maintain his power. William.I;.Qsnstein in Great Political Thinkers wrote: Jntensification of A ruler must try to make himself beloved of his SUbjects. necessary in order to keep his power. But if a ruler. is faced choice of being "good" and well-liked or offrightening and. .... Jew ..Hatred in Russia: his people, then the latter is a much better course of action, becal,l.Se is more effective. I .. ,. "",,'~J::- . "'I ',> ~ The Protocols According to Machiavelli, the greatest sin a.' ruler com~it;~i~I1qt I in being inhuman but in losing his power. Machiavelli's feUq:w .. , discussant is another famous philosopher. the French encyclop~di~J,<)/,~;! of the Elders of Zion Montesquieu, who died in 1755. Also a student of the pro~!e~s.:'ij associated with power, he believed that "power corrupts .... ~ul:fS:~·: , must not be given too much power. Of course, in order to goy,~rIl~!~:;:):1 As a result of the defeat inflicted upon Russia by Japan, and the I ruler does need a certain amount of power. bunhis po.wer fi\lJ~tl?t:b),.i?, upsurge ofrevolutionary unrest in the country, the Black Hundreds , controlled by law.
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