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EPIC of Survivat': = .... lo'• -­ EPIC OF SURVIVAt': .. ' .' . Twenty-Fi¥,E:,:, . Centuries df' Anti -SemitisrIl~!i \ ,', )' c,"._ , ',: Samuel Glassman Bloch Publishing Company • New York I • ,_.,"""... _,...;,..1.< ...."''''>•• , {ntensijication of Jew-Hatred in Russia: I 281 ,,: < dishonest methods. Joly introduced the spirits .. .' philosophers engaged in calm discussion. One was the very ··2··············~···4·· Italian, Niccolo Machiavelli, who died in 1527. His writi~, became a guide for all the world's dictators, deal with the"pro how a ruler can maintain his power. William.I;.Qsnstein in Great Political Thinkers wrote: Jntensification of A ruler must try to make himself beloved of his SUbjects. necessary in order to keep his power. But if a ruler. is faced choice of being "good" and well-liked or offrightening and. .... Jew ..Hatred in Russia: his people, then the latter is a much better course of action, becal,l.Se is more effective. I .. ,. "",,'~J::- . "'I ',> ~ The Protocols According to Machiavelli, the greatest sin a.' ruler com~it;~i~I1qt I in being inhuman but in losing his power. Machiavelli's feUq:w .. , discussant is another famous philosopher. the French encyclop~di~J,<)/,~;! of the Elders of Zion Montesquieu, who died in 1755. Also a student of the pro~!e~s.:'ij associated with power, he believed that "power corrupts .... ~ul:fS:~·: , must not be given too much power. Of course, in order to goy,~rIl~!~:;:):1 As a result of the defeat inflicted upon Russia by Japan, and the I ruler does need a certain amount of power. bunhis po.wer fi\lJ~tl?t:b),.i?, upsurge ofrevolutionary unrest in the country, the Black Hundreds , controlled by law. The people, said. Montesquieu. eleqt:'" '" intensified their anti-Semitic agitation. In order to persuade the I representatives to a parliament, which createsJhe laws, andt~<; " • •• 0' -' ..... frightened czar to approve the use of extreme terror. the Russian must govern in accordance with those laws. .' .. ..,;;';i' Secret Service in 1905 published a second edition of the Protocols oj I In the "Dialogue," Machiavelli has the mostto say about . lX the Elders oj Zion which supposedly contain irrefutable proof that a ruler should govern. Montesquieu offexs.co,mmellts· ~~t1t~~ the Jews were to blame for the crisis in Russia. questions the morality and legality of means used,to attain ~';~~4 The Protocols had been printed in the winter of 1902-1903 by Machiavelli replies that he is not afraid of the' people for'che, II Sergey Nilus, a fanatical mystic, under the title of The Antichrist as 1 control all the news services and the press and confuse them~"i.l an Imminent Political Possibility: Protocols ojthe Meetings ojthe I false issues, and deceive them. "But won't the .people Zionist Sages. The 1905 edition, printed in Tsarskoe Selo, the czar's Montesquieu insists. Machiavelli replies that he,wou residence, was entitled The Great in the Small: Antichrist as an 1, people and put several oftheir leaders in prison. Imminent Political Possibility. The Protocols were not invented by the rest will tremble for their lives.2 , Nilus; he'merely translated them from the French. Their history is ·t J oly's book was printed in Belgium anonymously. complex and has several origins which are not connected with each of copies had been sold. t~e police caught onto thecon~en other. We shall present them seriatim. text and it was not difficult for them to find the author. In was arrested, fined, and sentenced to fifteen.molltl1~ ig , ., " ,JtI;~", ..• Origin 1. "A Dialogue in Hell" ("Dialogue aux EnJers"). In 1864, t ~ ~. .~';), :~ Maurice Joly, a liberal French lawyer, wrote a little book called "A Origin 2. Hermann Goedsche, a German anti-Semite" Dialogue in Hen between Montesquieu and Machiavelli," in which tJ his position in the postal service over some forgedsign:atur~s';'U1'""'t";'"'i he satirized Napoleon lIi of France, who was a cynical opportunist several short stories under the pseudonym of Sir:Jo~n ~et~Hf~~!l:P:l:!>":' and a swindler and who tried to buttress his power by a variety of specialty was the sensational story. into which he often wove; I, ': :·"·s;,;,~> . ,- . .., ',Intensification of Jew-Hatred in Russia: I 283 Epic ofsurvival I 282 about Jews. When he came upon Joly's "Dialogue," he wrote a tale official in St. Petersburg, Pyotr Rachkovski, went to Paris tolo about a" midnight meeting of twelve rabbis in the Old Prague for a connection between the Jewish Kahal and the Cemetery. Each rabbi came from a different Christian country and Israelite. He brought back a document· in . French,~w.hich they reported on their progress in gaining more power in the evidently a copy of the original Protocols,4 . Christian countries. In the tumultuous year of 1905, when ,tlleP;'otoco/s.,' ~e_ Goedsche's story was translated and published in Russia in 1872 reprinted, they also appeared in the czarist '~ewsp~per 7;";'., under the title, "The Jewish Cemetery in Prague: A Meeting of the whose editor was then P. A. Krushevan. organizer of, Representatives of the Twelve Tribes of Israel." The most important pogrom in Kishinev /' passages in the story were copied straight from Joly's "Dialogue." In In the 1905 edition Nilus included the speech q.(the , this version, the chief rabbi makes a speech in which he recommends the meeting in the Prague Cemetery (invented by., GO"'Ul),,"u that the Jews seize power and terrorize the goyim, Each represen­ rabbi says: tativereports on what the Jews are doing in his country in the effort to dominate the Christians more rapidly and completely. One It is already 1800 years that we Jews ... have, been reports that the Jews in his country have concentrated all the against the Cross .... They persecuted us, degraded us, ", . suffer horrible deaths. but our .people have survived and are •. national'wealth in their own hands. A second reports that the Jews 'throughout the world ... because the whole world belongs to ui accept as ,surety only forests and fields, with the intent oftaking over we shall inherit it.6 . ,'31/ the whole country. A third reports that the Jews in his country are gradually gaining control of the railroads, the mines, the dwellings, In 1907 the Protocols were published in a new edition) the cities. Another reports that the Jews are beginning to take over interesting that in the forewords to the various editions;f' leading government posts, the better to control the Christians sources are listed as origins of the Protocols.In the 1905',~p?ul~Il politically} Still another rabbi boasts that the Jews in his country Nilus relates that he received them from a woman. who stp,It;J,tfr.9.rl have already taken over the press and all the news media and can a leading Freemason in France. The foreword'ofthe' I now report only what they wish thegoyim to know. A rabbi from an says that the Protocols were stolen from an importantZi~UlI>,I:.;.l!"4!-l~ industrial country boasts that the Jews there have become masters of in France. This foreword is different from ,the,' commerce and industry. Another reports that the Jews in his significant way. It says: country are the leading attorneys and legislators; and another states that the Jews are preparing to disrupt the Christian religion and take The statement made in a previous edition that the name away the Church's right to educate Christian children. Yet another Zion" should not be confused with the Zionists is not r.nrrf'!l"t~ rabbi claims that the Jews in his country are manufacturing neW Protocols are actually Zionist documents. Zionism'was deadly weapons with which the goyim can kill each other off in the the Jewish prince, Dr. Herzl, in 1896and is widespread among wars the Jews are planning. All the reports thus had the style and intellectuals.... The truth is that the Jews maintain Zionism content of Machiavelli's program. In 1891, when the czarist pretext. In actuality the Zionist institutions are. a rev()lutioI).~ry;:' government was fanning the anti-Semitic flames in Russia, G. V. organization which is secr~tly led by the Jewish Labor Butmi, a Black Hundreds leader, reprinted Goedsche's horror story. Origin 3. Around 1860 '! converted Jew, Jacob Brafman, reported In a new edition in 1911, NiIus declares that the,docu~cm.~~~v\ea to the police that the organization of the Jewish community was the Jewish program for dealing wit~ thegoyil?'l ~:ThePrOle~qlf~il working against the government. The document remained in the falsely asserts, are the speeches WhICh Theodore. Herzl mad~t files of the St. Petersburg police. Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897. In 1918 the White Guard general Denikin pu1?lished the~Prot{]I"rl' Origin 4. Somewhere around the middle of the 1890s a police in Novocherkask, the site of his headquarters"and spread' .. ., \ Epic 0/Survival / 284 Intensijicaiton 0/ Jew-Hatred in Russia: / 285 among his troops and the civilian population. Afterward, the Congress adopted in 1921 to limit Jewish immigration was,aside Protocols were published in Rostov-on-Don by the White Guard from the fear of bolshevism, also influenced by these forgeries .. general Wrangel, whose officers distributed the books among the people in all the surrounding cities and villages. When these officers The Protocols Exposed later scattered throughout the world, they "favored" the peoples of Western Europe and America with copies of the poisonous docu­ In 1920 the European correspondent for the New York Times, ments. Herman Bernstein, made a study of Goedsche's sensational story In France several anti-Semitic groups were active at that time, about the rabbis at the Prague Cemetery and recognized the motif9f most of them led by the Catholic Church, which was resentful the Protocols.
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