
Plata (layers bread) $2.50 Mandalay Plata $5.50 Layers bread with creamy potato and bean sauce Edamame (Steamed soybean) $4.50 Seaweed $5.95 Steamed shrimp dumpling $7.50


Spicy chicken (ၾကာဇံဟင္းခါး) $7.95 Hot and tangy chicken soup with bean noodles, lily flowers, wood-ears and bean-curd.

Coconut chicken noodle soup (အုန္းနိုု႔ေခါက္ဆဲႊ) $7.95 Creamy coconut chicken soup in wheat noodle, garnish with scallion and onion. Lentil soup (ပဲစင္းငံုဟင္းခ်ဴိ ) $5.50 lentils, tomato, potato

**Hot n’ sour soup (Burmese style hot n’ sour vegetable soup) $5.50

Coconut chicken soup $5.50 Sides

Dried shrimp BalaChong (ပုုဇြန္ေၿခာက္ဘာလေခ်ာင္) $5.50

Mixtures of , shallot, garlic, and chili BalaChong (အသက္သက္လႊတ္ဘာလေခ်ာင္) $5.50

Mixtures of crispy beans, shallot, garlic, and chili

Steamed jasmine rice $3.50

Coconut Rice $5.50

Boston Rainbow Salad $9.50 Bean noodle, wheat noodle, papaya, lettuce, cucumber, potato, , crispy wonton, onion, garlic, dried shrimp, tamarind sauce

Tea Salad $9.50 (လဘက္သုုပ္) Burmese pickled tea, sesame seeds, peanut, crispy peas & garlic, tomato, Lettuce

Ginger Salad $8.95 (ဂ်င္းသုုပ္) Sweet and sour ginger, peanut, onion, lettuce, sesame seeds, beans

Burmese Tofu Salad $7.50 (တိုဟူးသုုပ္) Home made tofu, lettuce, onion, peanut, tamarind sauce, cilantro

Tomato Salad $7.50 (ခရမ္းခ်င္သီးသုုပ္) Tomato, lettuce, onion, crush peanut, fried garlic, cilantro

Mango Salad $7.50 (သရက္သီးသုုပ္) Fresh mango, lettuce, onion, crush peanut, fried garlic, cilantro.

Chicken Mango Salad $8.50 (သရက္သီးၾကက္သားသုပ္) Roasted chicken, fresh mango, crushed peanut, onion, cilantro Rice n’ Spices $7.95 (ထမင္းသုုပ္) Steamed rice, bean noodles, potato, onion, cucumber, peanut, spices, scallion, cilantro

Rice Delighted $8.95 (ထမင္:သုပ္+ၾကက္သား) Steamed rice, roasted chicken, bean noodles, potato, onion, cucumber, peanut, spices, scallion, cilantro

Rice Most of rice dishes used home-made tomato curry sauce, except the coconut dish


Tofu curry with potato $8.95 Okra tofu potato (spicy) $9.50 Eggplant peanut tofu $9.50 Tamarind eggplant peanut tofu (spicy) $9.95 Happy Tofu (tofu, pumpkin, potato) $9.95 *Pumpkin Tofu $9.50 *Bamboo tofu potato $9.50 *Squash Tofu $9.50 Coconut Tofu Pumpkin $9.95


Chicken potato $9.25 Chicken bamboo $9.25 Chicken squash $9.95 Okra chicken $9.95 Pumpkin chicken $9.95 Chicken lentils $9.95 Eggplant peanut chicken $10.25 Chicken Tofu $10.25 Happy chicken (chicken, pumpkin, tofu, potato) $10.25

Shrimp Pumpkin shrimp $10.50 Shrimp Okra $10.50 Shrimp Squash $10.50 Shrimp tofu curry $11.50 Coconut shrimp pumpkin $10.75 Shrimp eggplant peanut $11.95 Happy shrimp (Shrimp, bamboo, potato) $11.50 Noodle

Garlic Chicken Noodle (ၾကက္သားဆီခ်က္) $9.25 Wonton wheat noodle with garlic sauce, sweet , roasted chicken, scallion, garlic, and black pepper

Shan Noodle (ရွမ္းေခါက္ဆႊဲ) $9.25 Steam rice noodle, chicken tomato puree’, crush peanut, garlic, scallion and cilantro

Golden Noodle (ေ၇ႊေတာင္ေခါက္ဆႊဲ) $8.95 Steam wheat noodle, coconut chicken sauce, onion, garlic, scallion and cilantro

Royal Noodle (နန္းၾကီးသုုပ္) $9.25 Steam Udon rice noodle, coconut chicken sauce, onion, garlic, cilantro, and scallion Simple Noodle (ေခါက္ဆဲႊသုုပ္)$8.25 Steam wheat noodle,cucumber, potato, onion, tofu, peanut, garlic, cilantro, scallion and tamarind sauce.

**Simple Chicken Noodle $9.25 Steam wheat noodle, roasted chicken, cucumber, potato, onion, tofu, peanut, garlic, cilantro, scallion and tamarind sauce.

*Assorted Noodles (အစံုုသုပ္) $9.25 Three types of steamed noodles, cucumber, onion, potato, tofu, peanut, garlic, cilantro, scallion, and tamarind sauce.

**Rainbow 23 $10.75 Combination of four types of steamed noodles, roasted chicken, mango,cucumber, onion, potato, tofu, peanut, garlic, cilantro, scallion, and tamarind sauce. Vegetarian Noodles

Garlic Tofu Noodle (ဆီခ်က္) $9.25 Wonton wheat noodle with garlic sauce, sweet soy sauce, garlic tofu, scallion, garlic, and black pepper

Shan Tofu Noodle (ရွမ္းေခါက္ဆႊဲ) $9.25 Steam rice noodle, tofu in tomato curry sauce, crush peanut, garlic, scallion and cilantro

Golden Tofu Noodle (ေ၇ႊေတာင္ေခါက္ဆႊဲ) $8.95 Steam wheat noodle, tofu in creamy coconut sauce, onion, garlic, scallion and cilantro

Royal Tofu Noodle (နန္းၾကီးသုုပ္) $9.25 Steam Udon rice noodle, tofu in creamy coconut sauce, onion, garlic, cilantro, and scallion

Simple Noodle (ေခါက္ဆဲႊသုုပ္)$8.25 Steam wheat noodle, cucumber, potato, onion, tofu, peanut, garlic, cilantro, scallion and tamarind sauce.

Simple Udon Noodle (နန္းၾကီးေခါက္ဆဲႊသုုပ္)$8.25 Steam Udon noodle, cucumber, potato, onion, tofu, peanut, garlic, cilantro, scallion and tamarind sauce. Spicy Mandalay Noodle $9.25 Steamed Udon noodle with spicy Mandalay Bean sauce, potato, onion, scallion, spices

Assorted Noodles (အစံုုသုပ္) $9.25 Three types of steamed noodles, cucumber, onion, potato, tofu, peanut, garlic, cilantro, scallion, and tamarind sauce.

Tofu Noodle $8.75 Steam wheat noodle, Burmese chickpea tofu, onion, peanut, garlic, cilantro, scallion and tamarind sauce.

Tofu Udon Noodle $8.75

Steam Udon noodle, Burmese chickpea tofu, onion, peanut, garlic, cilantro, scallion and tamarind sauce.

** are medium spices, we can adjust spices upon your request. Vegan? Please ask server for separate vegetarian menu, Gluten Free? All our salads and Rice entrée are free of gluten; we can alter for noodles items if included.

~X~ Food Advisory: Consuming raw or undercooked meat, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of food borne illness.

Price may be change without notice