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Act, 164, 168, 171, 174-7, 179nn 11, 14, audience 180nn 20, 27, 181n31 horizon of expectations and, 213, ethical, 97-8, 159, 164, 166, 168, 179n17 237-40, 244, 246-7 feminine, 97, 99, 167, 174 mixed gender and, 16, 35, 47, 49 Lacanian/Zizekian, 167, 168 monastic, 116, 130, 132n10 suicidal, 99, 164, 167 royal, 116, 121, 130, 132n10 Adam, 7, 10, 31, 137-55 passim sympathy of, 50, 73, 226 Adelaide, princess ofBurgundy, 6, 123-5, Augustine, 141, 142, 154 128, 129, 130 Aupais, 163, 174-5 Aeneas, 31, 32, 120, 124, 127, 130, 135n57 Austin,J L, 256-7, 269n7 Aeneid, 2, 31, 116, 120, 121, 124, 127, authority, 18, 23, 71, 127, 191, 256, 260 128, 130 female, 123, 198, 263, 267 AfYenta de Corpes, 97, 99, 111-2n47 masculine, 183, 185, 197, 199, 200, 202 Africa, 17 authorship, 18, 44, 55, 62n13, 134n45 Albert of (Aix), 42, 45, 46, 61n9 Azadeh, 79, 80, 81 Alexander the Great, 15-36 passim, 67, 68, 77, 86-7n13 Bahram Chubineh, 82, 83, 89n26 Alexiad, 13n13 Bahram Gur, 78-82, 88n21, 89n26 amazons, 15, 16, 22, 35, 42, 48-9, 60, 75, banquets, sec feasts 86-7n13 Beowulf; 66n62, 139, 149, 223, 233n46, Amon, 23, 24, 28, 33 237, 238, 250n15 Angantyr, 187, 188, 194-9, 202 Bergthora, 214-17,221, 229n19, 230n23 Antigone, 167,168,174,176,177 Berthe, 4, 7, 160-3, 165, 168-77, 180nn antiquity, 42, 48-9, 54-5, 60, 65n50 18,27, 181n33 Arab conquest ofPersia, 67, 78, 85, 88n18 betrayal, 70, 102, 128, 150, 215, 225 Arezu, 81 monstrous, 244, 245, 247, Aristotle, 35, 36, 133n32 248-49 (App) armor, women in, 22,48-9,74,188,193, Bizhan, 69, 72, 73, 82 194,198,201,203,243,244,249,255 blood-brotherhood, 243, 245 Arthur, King, 22, 43 bloodkin, 245, 246, 249 (App). Arthurian court, 259 sec also kinship Arthurian themes, 43, 54 Bolli, 212, 218-20, 226, 227, 228n11, Asia, 17, 68, 69, 70, 72, 85, 88nn 18, 21, 230nn 25, 28, 231n38 90n35 Borghild, 223, 224, 227, 232nn 41, 42 Atli, 9, 212, 221-7, 231n38, 232nn 41, 42, Brunhild, 9, 10, 235, 239-44, 247, 248, 244, 245, 249 (App), 252nn 34, 43 250n15, 253,254,255,258,259, see also Etzel 261-4, 266 294 INDEX

Brynhild, 9, 208n37, 210-13,221-3, Costanp, Intmta of Navarre, 100-2 231n37, 233n48, 235, 243, 244, 247, cross-dressing, 3, 8, 185-6, 195 248, 248 (App), 250n10 see also gender transfonnation Burgundians, 236, 242, 249 (App), 252nn Crusade, First, 41, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 56, 34, 43,253,254,259,261,262,263, 58, 60,62-3n24 264, 265, 267 Crusade, Second, 45, 62-3n24 Butler, Judith, 122, 130, 133n42, 167, 168, Crusade, Third, 44, 47 174, 177, 180n20 Crusade, Fourth, 44, 47 ruriositas, 139, 151, 155 whallero, 94, 108n19 Calabre, 42, 53-9, 65-6n58 Darius ofPersia, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29 Candace, 4, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29-35, 38n14 Dido, 31, 32, 33, 124-5, 128, 132n11 cannibalism, 43, 50, 52 Diego Rodriguez, 96, 111n38 canonesses, 115, 116, 120, 132n9 Dietrich epics, 238 definition of, 117-18 l>idrcks sa,ga, 23 7, 238, 239 Car111cn de Cesta Ottonis I111peratoris, 6, d~honor, 104-5,210,211,219,221,222 115-16, 118-19, 120-1, 123, 125, divorce, 62-3n24, 217, 227, 231n30 127, 128, 129, 130, 132n10 threat of, 220 Carruthers, Mary, 138-9, 155n4 dragon, 26-8, 52, 58-9, 239, Carthage, 31, 124 243, 244 rha11sons de gcstc, 2, 17, 42-3, 46, 52, 93, dragon-slayer, 237, 238, 247 103, 159, 160 dragonish hosts, 242, 243, 244-5, 246, Charlemagne, 18, 43, 44, 116, 120, 270n21 252nn 34, 38, and 43 Charles Martel, 160-3, 172, 174, 175, 176, dreams, 26, 57, 171-2, 176 181n31 drenJir, 189, 205n17 childbirth, 25--{), 28, 70, 104-5, 117, 187, 195 drenJiskap (manly courage), 189, 202 China, 83, 89n31 drink (drinking), 72, 212, 213, 222, 224, 225 Chretien de Troyes, 18 doctored (poisoned) drink, 171, 172, Christ, 129, 147, 151-3, 154 223,224,251-2n33 as Word, 143, 154 drink of death, 232nn 42, 43 relationship to Eve, 147, 151-3 serving drink (ritual cup-passing), 211, Christ and Satan, in Junius 11 ms., 137-55 223,224,227,232n42 passim skulls as drinking vessels, 225, 232nn 42, Christine de Pizan, 35, 38n16 45 Cid, El, see Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar Clemence of Barking, 177n2 Eirikr, 192, 193,201,202 clothing, 185, 186, 195, 205n6, 207n28 Eleanor of Aquitaine, 45, 62-3n24, Clover, Carol, 188, 189, 190, 204n3, 181-2n33 205n15 Elissent, 160, 162, 163, 175, 181n33 community, 119, 125, 176, 179n12 Elvira (daughter ofRodrigo Diaz), 96-99, as constructed by epic, 1-3, 5, 11n7, 111n38 168, 210 emotion, 255, 268n3, 270n14 female, 128, 130, 132n12 affective response and, 255, 258-9, 267 monastic, 119, 128, 137, 155 as political statement, 256 religious, 125 as somatic response, 255, 256, 267 textual, 120 lack of, 159, 176 consent in marriage, female, 210, 212, 213, epic 220,226,246 Anglo-Norman, 17, 18 Constantinople, 191 archaic, 1 Corbaran ofMosul, 43, 45, 49, 50, 52, as masculinist genre, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 35, 53-9, 65-6n58 36n2,94,96, 106,116,120,122-3 INDEX 295

as nostalgic, 139, 147, 150 j(,rnafdarsa,Qa, 183, 187, 190, 191, 197, 201, audience of, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 35, 36 202 Bakhtin and, 3, 119, 125 founding of monasteries, 117, 126, 127-9, definition of, 1-3, 11n1, 43-4,45,48, 176-7 56, 60,67-8,118-20,139-40 France, 43, 53, 87n14, 104-5, 106, 160, elegy and, 21 161,174 feminine, 121, 122, 123, 125, 130 Fulcher of Chartres, 45, 46 founding, 118, 120, 125, 130, 139 French, 17 Galen, 184 imperial, 2 Gandersheim, 115,116,117-18,119,121, Latin, 17, 18, 118 125-6, 127, 128-9, 130, 132n9 Lukacs and, 2-3, 11n7, 119 gender, construction of, 3, 8, 10, 12n11, 28, Persian, 67 55, 95-6, 103, 106, 120, 122, 133n42, representation and, 15, 22, 36 166,183-91,193,195,196-9,200, reconfiguring of, 120, 125, 163, 168, 205n6, 207n34, 263, 264, 267, 179n9 271n23 religious, 2, 120 and body, 8, 143, 145, 146, 184, 186, romance and, 17, 168 187 women authors of, 3, 115 and genre, 4, 5, 6, 9, 122, 128, 130, 210, epic past, 7, 92, 119, 139, 147 226-7 Esf1ndyar, 68, 69, 78, 86n3 and sex, 81, 122, 184, 185, 186, 188, ethics, 18-21, 33, 34, 103, 120, 163-4, 165, 189, 193, 204n4 179n10 and transformation, 134n45, 183, 184, Etzel, 238, 241, 244, 246, 249 (App), 188, 192, 195, 203, 233n46 252n34, 254, 259,264-7,270n14 Genesis, Anglo-Saxon, 4, 7, 137-55 passim sec also Atli genre, 16, 17, 22, 36, 49, 60, 116, 118-19, Eve, 7, 10, 23, 31, 137-55 passim 120, 123, 133n32, 139, 143, 160, epic present and, 152-5 179n9, 209,210,213,226-7 eyewitness accounts, 44, 45, 56, 60, see also gender and genre 191, 193 Gerberga, 118, 119 Gesta Danorum, 183, 187, 200 £1ther-figure (£1ther surrogate, foster father), Gesta Francoru111, 46, 47, 55-6, 57 78, 183, 185, 187, 192-202 Gesta Ottonis, see Carmen de Gesta Ottonis feast, 18, 19, 21, 24, 26, 59, 125,244,248, Imperatoris 252n43, 258, 259, 265, 269-70n13 gesture, perfonnative or emotional, 255, deadly banquet, 242, 244, 252n43 256,257,258,260,262,263,267, funeral feasts, 221, 223, 224, 225, 227 268n4, 269nn 6, 8 marriage (wedding) feast, 24, 215, 216, gifts, 16, 30, 33, 103, 113n63, 211, 213, 218,220,221,222,223 214,217,218,219,221,226,227, fenule ·warrior, see \Votnan \Varrior 229nn 15, 16, 230nn 23, 26, 231n34, femininity, strategic use of, 6, 116, 122-3, 259, 260, 261 166-7, 168, 185, 187, 198, 199, Girart de Roussillon, 159-63, 165, 168-9, 200-2 171, 172-5, 176, 180n18, 181n31 Ferdowsi, 5, 6 7-85 passim Girart de Roussillon, 2, 4, 7, 159-77 passim Fernau Gonzalez, Count of Castile, 100-2, Godfrey of Bouillon, 43, 44, 52, 53, 58 112-3n56 Gordaf1rid, 7 4, 7 5 Fernando I, King of Castile, 103-6, 11 On32 Gordyeh, 79, 82, 83, 89n26, 89-90n31 feud, 7, 32,159,160-1,174, 205n6, Gra,Qas, 185, 186, 205n14, 206n27, 207n28 206n27, 211,215,218,220,227, Graindor de Douai, 44, 48, 49, 50, 55, 229n19 62n13 escalation of, 216 Gran Conquista de Ultra111ar, 43, 53 296 INDEX

Greece, 27-8, 75, 76, 87n15, 89n25 Historia de prcliis Alexandri Alaj!,ni, 18, 37n7 Gudrun (Guilrun) Gjukad6ttir, 9, 208n37, Hi:igni, 243, 245, 246, 248-9 (App) 211-2,221-7, 231nn37, 38, 232nn Honny, 77, 84, 86n12, 90n31 41, 42, and 45, 233n46, 235, 243-6, Homer, 54, 68 248, 248-9 (App), 251-2n33, 252n43 hono~ 9, 15, 16, 23,2~ 30, 98, 99,188, Gudrun Osvifsd6ttir, 210-13,215,217-20, 189, 194, 207n28, 209-13, 215, 216, 226, 227, 230nn 26, 28, 231nn 31, 38 217, 219-27,231n37, 232n44, 235, guest, 24, 34, 117,211-17,219,220,223, 245, 246, 247, 248 224, 225, 227, 229nn 15, 16, 242, hospitality, 212, 221, 223, 224, 225, 245, 246, 248-9 (App), 252nn 34, 38 232n45, 241, 248 guest-host relationship, 213-14, 218, 219, sec also guest-host relationship 221, 225, 226, 233n46, 242, 246, host, 211-14,216,218-21,223,224,225, 251-52n33 227, 229nn 15, 16, 231n31 guest-host relationship (xenia), rules of, avenging or monstrous, 3, 8, 167, 177, 214, 229n16 224, 233n46 Guibert ofNogent, 42, 48 Hrefna, 218, 219 Gunnar Gjukason, 212, 221, 222, 223, Hr6lfr Gautreksson, 193, 201-3 228n11, 243,245,246,248-9 (App) Hr6lfs sa,ga Gautrckssonar, 184, 190, 192, see also Gunther 19~ 195,196,201,202 Gunnar ofHlidarendi, 213-17,220,227 Hrotsvit, 2, 4, 6, 13, 115-31 passim Gunther, 240, 241, 242, 246, 248-9 (App), adaptation of the epic, 115, 116, 118, 250n15,252n38,253,254,258-64 121, 122, 123, 125, 130-1 see also Gunnar Gjukason background, 115-16 manuscripts and corpus, 118, sec Carmen Hagen, 239, 240, 241, 242, 246, 247, Gesta and Primordia 248-9 (App),254,259,260,263 use of tropes, 120-3 hagiography, 159, 160, 163, 168, 174-5, Virgil and, 119-21 181n32 humiliation, 188, 194, 210, 215, 221, 262, Hallgerd Hoskuldsd6ttir, 211,213-17,220, 271n23 221,226,227, 229nn 19, 20, 230n24 Huns, 236, 244, 249 (App), 254 Hathumoda, 118, 128, 129, 134-5n56 Hauksb6k, 187, 197, 201 Iceland, 185, 186, 189, 190, 191 Havamal, 213, 227, 229n15 Iliad, 1, 13n13 hero, 4, 16, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38n14, 163, India, 17, 31, 32, 34, 69, 70, 88n21 165-6,191,198, 202,250n15 Infanta of Savoy, 96, 103, 104-6 Christian, 44, 120, 128 infimtc, 93, 107-8n10 definition of, 69, 119 In£1ntes de Carrion, 97-9 paternity and maternity and, 23, 28, in£1nticide, 165, 168-70, 222, 223, 225, 38n12, 68, 70 226, 227, 232n45 representations of, and women, 15, 16, in{anz611, 94, 108n19 29, 35 inheritance (birthright), 117-18, 127-30, heroic-mythical saga, sec Jrrnaldarsa,Qa 188,197,198 heroine, 8, 75, 77, 83, 89-90n31, 102, 115, insult, 104, 188, 193, 194, 209, 210, 125, 130, 159-60, 176, 177, 206n21 211, 21~ 216, 217, 218, 221, 22~ Hcruararkuicla, 194, 197, 198 229n19, 230n23, 256, 257, 261, Hm,arar sa,ga, 184, 187, 190, 194, 196, 197, 263, 270n21 198, 204-5n5 invmtio, 7, 138, 143, 148, 153, 155 Hervi:ir (Hervarilr), 8, 184, 185, 187, 191, Irigaray, Luce, 122, 134n45 194-202 Isenstein, 240, 254, 258, 259, high-seat (dais), 214-16, 218, 219, 221, 260, 263 229n18 fslendin,Qa sa;1,a, 190, 191, 206nn 21, 23 INDEX 297

Jager, Eric, 142, 145, 149, 154, 157n31 marriage, 16, 24-5, 29, 38n14, 50, 52-3, Jar! Bjannar, 187, 194, 195, 201 59, 69-70, 81, 86n7, 91, 93, 96, 103, Jirnena D:iaz, see Xirnena D:iaz 106, 110n32, 129, 163, 174-5, Jochens,Jenny, 186, 191, 204n3, 206nn 21, 180n18,209,211-18,220-3,226, 23, 207nn 34, 208n35 227, 230n25, 231n38, 232n41, 243, Junius 11 ms., 7, 137-55 passim 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 248 (App), dating of, 144 254,259,261 exegesis of, 140 martyrs, 97-9, 116, 163-4, 167, 168, 177 illustrations in, 150, 157n31 (sacrifical) martyrdom, 175, 177n2 Kabul, 70, 71 masculinity, 1, 4, 52-3, 96, 184-6, 188-90, Kavus, 76, 77, 86n3 194,200-2 Kay Khosrow, 68, 89n28 epic culture of, 8, 15, 18 Ketill, 193, 194, 201, 202, 207n28 heroic, 159, 177 Khosrow Parviz, 82, 83, 84, 90n31 strategic use of, 197, 198, 203 Kierkegaard, Smen, 165-6, 179n17, 182n35 see also gender, and n1ale persona kinship, 97, 139, 167, 168, 169, 174, 177, Mehrab, 70, 71 199,211,221-2,225,227,244-7, mcntoria/memory, 7, 138-40, 142, 143, 147, 252n43 148, 149, 152, 153, 155, 155n4 Kjartan, 212, 218, 219, 220, 228n11, 230nn Menendez Piehl, Ramon, 92, 93, 94, 25, 26, and 28 107n10 kl!unhii:i,Q (emasculating blow), 194, 206n27 Meulengraht S0rensen, Preben, 188, 189, Kriemhild, 9, 10, 235, 240-5, 247, 248, 194,207n28 248-9 (App), 252n43, 253, 254, miracles, 128, 134-5n56, 168, 180n26 258-61, 264-7 Aloccdades de Rodri;1,o, 2, 6, 91-107 passi111 Kyn;1, Alisaundcr, 4, 15-36 passim monsters, 35, 167, 177, 243, 250n15 monstrous, 43, 53 Lacan,Jacques, 97, 98, 112n49, 163, 164, see also betrayal and revenge 165, 167, 178n6, 179nn 11, 17 laughter as perfonnative, 260, 264, 265 narrative law, legal codes, 87n16, 117, 185, 186, 188, constants, 239-40, 244, 245 194, 205n15, 206n21, 207n28 foundation and, 102, 116, 118, 125 symbolic, 164, 166-8, 179nn 10, 12, and variant detail and, 239, 245, 252n34 17, 180-1n27 Neptanabus, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 Laxda·la saga, 9, 186, 210-12, 214, 215, Nezami, 83, 84 217, 221, 226, 231nn 35, 37, and 38 Nibelungen/Niflungen tradition, 235, 237, lectio divina, 7, 138, 139, 143, 147, 148, 153, 238, 239, 248 154, 155 Ni/Jelun,genlicd, 2, 9, 233n46, 235-41, 244, Liudolf, 116,119,125,128,129 246, 247, 252n34, 253-67 passim lordship, 139, 255-6, 259, 260-1, 264-6, manuscripts, 268n1 268n2 manuscript variants of, 10, 264-7 loss, 170, 175, 211, 213, 217, 221, 223-7, Njal, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 220 266, 267 Njal's sa,ga C\Jjals sa,ga), 9, 205nn 6, 15, 210-15, 217, 221, 226, 231nn 37, 38 Macedonia, 17, 23, 29, 31, 35 rnagic, see sorcery oaths, 9-10, 129, 243-7, 248-9 (App) Maiden King motif, 192 obligations male persona, 183, 185, 187, 188, 192, 193, contractual, 235, 245, 246, 248 195, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202 feudal, 57, 167, 168, 169, 175, 246 Manizheh, 69, 72, 73, 76, 81, 82, 90n31 social, 29, 197, 199, 248 Manuchehr, 70, 71 Oda, 116, 119, 125-8, 129 298 INDEX

Odin, 243, 244 Richard the Pilgrim, 44, 55 Odyssey, 1 riro hombre, 93, 107-8n10 Olaf the Peacock, 218, 219, 230n25 Robert de Clari, 47 Old French Crusade Cycle, 5, 18, 41, 42 Robert the Monk, 55-6 Olympias (Olympias), 4, 15, 16, 22-6, 28, Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (El Cid), 91-2, 29, 35, 38n13 95-9, 102, 103-6, 110n32 oral vs. written culture, 142, 149, 190 Rolandslied, 270n21 orality, 1, 11n2, 142,150 sec also Son,Q of Orderic Vitalis, 51, 55 romance, English, 4, 16, 17, 18, 35 Otto I, Otto the Great, Holy Roman French, 16, 18, 159, 168, 177n1 Emperor, 115-19, 121, 123, 124, 125, Persian, 75, 86n12 127, 128, 130, 132n10 Rostam, 68, 69, 71, 73-6, 82, 86n3 Rudabeh, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 81, 82, 83, Parthians, 68, 75 86nn 4, 8, 90n31 patriarchy, 6, 11, 69, 71, 74, 97,102,103, Riidiger (Riiedeger), 246, 254, 259, 264 107, 121, 127, 130-1, 167 performance, 166, 176, 257, 258 saga, 2, 9, 187, 189, 190-1, 270n20 perfonnative, 10, 255, 256-7, of ancient times, scef(nnaldarsaga 258,259,260,262,263,267, 269n8 of Icelanders, see fslendin,ga saJ!Jl Persia, 17, 21, 22, 28, 55, 67-85 passim Saladin, 44, 52, 59 P£1ffe Konrad, 270n21 Sam, 70, 71, 74, 75 Philip II of France, 47 Sancha, Intmta ofNavarre, 101-2 Philip of Macedon, 23, 24, 25, 26, sanctity, 130, 160, 163, 168, 170, 172-4, 27, 28 176, 177, 178n5 piety, female, 7, 120, 124, 125, 168 Saracen wotnen Poema de Alio Cid, 2, 6, 91-107 passi111 mother, theme of, 53-9, 60 Poetir Edda, 202, 206n20, 211, 237, 238, princess, theme of, 51-3, 58, 60, 103 247 Sasanians, 78, 84, 85, 87n16, 88n18, 89n25 Primordia Cocnohii Candcshemensis, 2, 6, Satan, 140, 144, 146, 147, 154, 155, 115-16, 118-19, 120, 125-30, 132nn 157n27 10, 28 Satanas (Satan), 171-3 private/public distinction, 74, 81, 83, Saxo Gran1n1aticus, sec Cesta Danorum 89n25, 91, 95, 96, 107, 258 seating arrangements, 211,213-16,219, pronoun shift (she/he), 183, 185, 188, 229nn 18, 19, 231n37 191-6, 199, 201, 202 sex, see gender and sex prostitution, 46-8 Seyavash, 68, 70, 76, 77, 84, 86n3 psychoanalysis, 163-7, 178n6, 179nn 10, 12 Shaghad, 82, 86n3 Shahnameh, 2, 5, 67-85 passim quarrel of the queens, 222,223, 231n37, 254 shanle,23, 46, 80,188,189, 19~ 215, 21~ Quejas de Ximena, 96, 102-3, 105, 110nn 258 32, 33, 113n63 shield-nuiden, sec \Votnan ·warrior Shirin, 83, 84, 90n32 rape, 46, 50, 52, 70, 76, 173 Siegfried, 239, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, Rapunzel, 70 247, 248-9 (App), 250n15, 252n38, revenge, 59, 161, 172, 177-8n4, 220,221, 253, 254, 258-64 232n42 sec also Sigurd female, for injury, 25, 101, 110n32, 212, Siggeir, 221, 222, 223, 226, 231n34 222, 254, 265-6 Sigmund, 211,221,222,223,225, 231n34 monstrous, 242, 244, 245, 247, 248-9 Signy, 211, 221, 222, 226 (App) Sigurd (Siguror), 208n37, 211,212,213, Richard the Lionheart of England, 4 7 221, 222, 223, 224, 228n11, 232n41, INDEX 299

233n48, 238,239,243,244,246,247, Vezelay, 161, 170-2, 178n4, 180n18 248-9 (App), 250n10 vikings, 187,191,195,196,197, see also Siegfried 199, 201 Sindokht, 70, 71, 73, 74, 90n31 Virgil, 2, 65n50, 68, 115, 120, 124, 127, Sinfjotli, 222-4, 232nn 41, 42 130, 131, 132n11 smile (smielen), 254, 255, 256, 259, 260, Viilsun,ga saga, 7, 9, 206n20, 208n37, 261, 262, 270nn 20, 21 210-12,221,222,223,224,226,227, as assertion oflordship, 255, 256, 231nn 35, 37, 232n44, 233n46, 260,261,262,265,266,267, 235-8,240,242,243,244,246,247 270nn 20, 21 conventional, 258, 262, 270n17 warrior n1aiden, sec won1an warrior Snorri Sturluson, 238 \Varrior vvo1nan, see vvo1nan \Varrior Sohrab, 68, 70, 74, 75, 86n3 Wars ofAlcxandcr, 4, 15-36 passim Sol, daughter ofRodrigo Diaz, 96-9, 111n38 weaving, spinning, 201, 208n37 Song of Roland, 5, 42, 51 whetting, 188, 190, 228n8 sorcery, 23, 26, 52, 53, 54-6, 84, 253 woman warrior, 3, 42, 74-5, 86n12, 87n14, speech-acts, 141, 256, 257, 269n7 89n26, 132n11, 183, 184, 185, 187, stepmother in love/lust with stepson 190,198,199,202,203,243,244, Phaedra, 76 245,247 Potiphar's wife, 76 wo1nen Sudabeh, 76, 77, 84, 86n3, 87n15 aristocratic, 46,115,116,117,120,131, suicide, 84, 90n32, 97-9, 164, 167, 222, 132n13 243, 248 (App) as authors, 1, 6, 13n13, 115 displaced, 169 as characters, 1, 3, 5-6, 8, 12n9 symbolic, 176 as epic audience, 15, 16, 35, 36, 113, Sweden, 192, 193, 203 130, 132n10 as Other, 6, 11, 168, 180n20 Tahmineh, 73, 74, 86n7, 90n31 monstrous, 5, 167, 177 tempter, 140, 142, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, rulership and, 16, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 77, 156n10, 156-7n12 84, 123-4, 132n11 Trotula (women's medicine), 54 Saracen women, 5, 51-60, 103 Troy, 18, 31 stereotypes of, 15, 16, 23, 25, 28, 31, Turan, 72, 73, 74, 76 32, 122 Tyrfing, magical sword, 195, 196-8, 199, women's history, 3, 5, 181-2n33 200, 201 Worms, 242, 253, 254, 259, 260, 264 l>idreks saga, see Dietrich epics Ximena Diaz, wife of Rodrigo Diaz, 95-7, Pornbjorg (D6rbergr), 8, 184, 185, 188, 102-3, 105-6, 109n24, 110n32, 191-4, 200-3 113n63 vdlandi11ne, 233n46, 241 Zal, 70, 71, 73, 74, 82, 86nn 4, 8 valkyrie, 243, 244 Zizek, Slavoj, 8, 99, 163, 164, 165, 166-8, vengeance, 9, 210-12,219,221,222-5, 171, 172, 175-7, 179n12, 180nn20, 227, 241, 244, 245, 248 21, and 27