Fichetechnique REM Mesures D'attenuation ANGLAIS

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Fichetechnique REM Mesures D'attenuation ANGLAIS REM MITIGATION MEASURES Mascouche/Terrebonne areas REPENTIGENNTTIT GNYG Y MASCOUCHEUCCHHEHE MASCOUCHE REPENTIGNY STATION STATION 2020 640 TERREBONNEE ON 30 0 B TERREBONNE 14 TERREBONNE U S STATION VARENNESNES TERMINAL S H U T T 15 L E MONTRÉALMMOONTRRÉAL- ESST 25 LAVAL 30 30 640 440 BUS SHUTTLE E 140 IN L E BOUCHERBOUCHB CHERVILLEVIV E H C 40 SAUVÉ U 20 Bus terminal O STATION C MONMOONNTRÉALNTTRÉA S A RADISSON Train station M STATION Metro station AHUNTSIC LOLONGUEUILN U STATION Reserved lane PREFERRED ROUTE RUSH HOURS (WEEKDAYS) 1 Line 30 from the Terrebonne terminal to the Radisson station (±30 min) → or line 140 from Lachenaie to the Radisson station (±60 min) → or bus shuttle from the Terrebonne station to the Radisson station (±35 min) → or bus shuttle from the Mascouche station to the Radisson station (±45 min) 2 Metro from the Radisson station to the Bonaventure station (±30 min) ALTERNATIVE ROUTES 1 Train line exo 5 Mascouche from the Mascouche station to the Sauvé station (±45 min) 2 Walk to the Sauvé1 metro station ±1 h 05* 3 Metro from the Sauvé station to the Bonaventure station (±20 min) 1 → or train line exo 5 Mascouche from the Mascouche station to the Central Station (see reverse side for map) • 3 departures during the morning and evening rush hours • Commissioning in 2020 ±1 h 25 * The travel time does not include transfers between different transportation modes. 1- The orange line is very busy between the Montmorency and Berri-UQAM stations. Users are encouraged to choose another route. REM MITIGATION MEASURES Mascouche/Terrebonne areas LAVAAVAVAAL 15 19 40 25 440 2020 SAUVÉ STATION OUCHE MONMOMLINEOONNTRÉALN RRÉÉÉAAALL SC MONTMORENCY MA STATION AHUNTSIC 13 STATION LONGUEUILONNGGGUU UIL CENTRALE CÔTE-VERTU STATION STATION 520 134 Train station 10 15 20 Metro station 132 20 Mount Royal bypass (reverse side) REM MITIGATION MEASURES Repentigny/L’Assomption areas L,ASSOMPTIONT ON 40 2020 25 400 30 300 100 REPENTIGNYN MAM SCCOUCHEO HEE REPENTIGNY STATION TERREBONNEE 640 40 VARENNESNEES 15 0 25 40 LAVAL 300 30 MASCOUCHE LINE Train station 440 BUS SHUTTLE 100 Metro station RADISSON BOUCHERBOUCCH VILLEV L 20 19 MONTRÉALMONTRÉANT STATION ITINÉRAIRES PRIVILÉGIÉS RUSH HOURS (WEEKDAYS) 1 Line 100 from L’Assomption (Saint-Gérard-Majella) to the Radisson station (±1 h 10 min) → or line 300 from Repentigny to the Radisson station (±30 min) → or line 400 from L’Assomption station to the Radisson station (±30 min) → or bus shuttle from Repentigny to the Radisson station (±35 min) 2 Metro from the Radisson station to the Bonaventure station (±30 min) ALTERNATIVE ROUTES 1 Train line exo 5 Mascouche from the Repentigny station to the Sauvé station (±35 min) 2 Walk to the Sauvé1 metro station ±55 min* 3 Metro from the Sauvé station to the Bonaventure station (±20 min) 1 → or train line exo 5 Mascouche from the Repentigny station to the Central Station (see reverse side for map) • 3 departures during the morning and evening rush hours • Commissioning in 2020 ±1 h 10 * The travel time does not include transfers between different transportation modes. 1- The orange line is very busy between the Montmorency and Berri-UQAM stations. Users are encouraged to choose another route. REM MITIGATION MEASURES Repentigny/L’Assomption areas LAVAAVAVAAL 15 19 40 25 440 2020 SAUVÉ STATION OUCHE MONMOMLINEOONNTRÉALN RRÉÉÉAAALL SC MONTMORENCY MA STATION AHUNTSIC 13 STATION LONGUEUILONNGGGUU UIL CENTRALE CÔTE-VERTU STATION STATION 520 134 Train station 10 15 20 Metro station 132 20 Mount Royal bypass (reverse side) REM MITIGATION MEASURES Montreal's east end RIVIÈRE- DES-PRAIRIES SHERBROOKE/GOUIN 2020 STATION TERMINAL 25 VAVARENNESRENNN ANJOU 640 STATION 9 44 POINTE- 30 LAVAL 0 AUX-TREMBLES 486 43 STATION 440 OUCHE LINE 432 SC 40 SAINT-LÉONARD/ 0 MA 41 MONTRÉAL-NORD STATION 15 43 9 HONORÉ-BEAUGRAND 19 25 STATION 44 9 RADISSON BOUCHERE VILLEVI SAINT-MICHEL/ 43 STATION 2 Bus terminal MONTRÉAL-NORD 13 STATION 9 43 20 Train station 9 CADILLAC STATION MONTRÉAMOMO ÉÉAALAL Metro station 30 AHUNTSIC towardVerseerrs lele PIE-IX Reserved lane STATION STATION CENTRE-CCEENENTRTRREE 430 0 VILLVILLLLE 41 LOLONGUEUILNGUE L OPTIONS DE DÉPLACEMENT RUSH HOURS (WEEKDAYS) POINTEAUXTREMBLES STATION - Line 410 – Express Notre-Dame to downtown - Line 430 – Express Pointe-aux-Trembles to downtown - Line 486 – Express Sherbrooke to the Honoré-Beaugrand station RIVIÈREDESPRAIRIES STATION - Line 449 – Express Rivière-des-Prairies to the Radisson station SAINTLÉONARD/MONTRÉALNORD STATION - Line 432 – Express Lacordaire to the Cadillac station SAINTMICHEL/MONTRÉALNORD STATION - Line 139 – Pie-IX and Line 439 Express Pie-IX to the Pie-IX station* AHUNTSIC STATION - Line 31 – Saint-Denis southbound to the Rosemont station (option for mobility-impaired users) - Line 121 – Sauvé to the Côte-Vertu station – Addition of 9 departures during the morning rush hours and 7 during the evening rush hours * Please note that major detours are planned northbound on lines 139 and 439 due to work related with the Pie-IX BRT (except from January to March as work will be suspended during winter) 1- The orange line is very busy between the Montmorency and Berri-UQAM stations. Users are encouraged to choose another route. FARE MEASURES Deux-Montagnes, Terrebonne and Mascouche areas 2020 MASCOUCHE 9 LINE MIRABELMIRMIRABM RRAAABBBEL Up to 30% discount 59 LAVALLLAAVVAAL DEUX-MONTAGNES9 5959 0 400440 LINE8 MONTRÉALMMOONNTTTRRÉAL FreeFree sshuttlehuttle 8 DEUX-MONTAGNES 400 STATION BOIS-FRANC STATION LONGUEUILLLOONGUEEUUIILL 964 CÔTE-VERTU STATION Free shuttle 964 DEUXMONTAGNES LINE MASCOUCHE LINE Free Up to 30% discount → Rail shuttle Deux-Montagnes/Bois-Franc → on the monthly pass fare → Shuttle 964 Bois-Franc/Côte-Vertu Minimum fare: $86.50 Current users 4 months free - as of January 2020 → With the annual subscription to the public transit service of the island of Montreal Monthly pass fare: $86.50 .
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